
262 lines
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(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Toplevel directives *)
open Format
open Misc
open Longident
open Path
open Types
open Emitcode
open Trace
open Toploop
(* The standard output formatter *)
let std_out = std_formatter
(* To quit *)
let dir_quit () = exit 0
let _ = Hashtbl.add directive_table "quit" (Directive_none dir_quit)
(* To add a directory to the load path *)
let dir_directory s =
Config.load_path := s :: !Config.load_path;
let _ = Hashtbl.add directive_table "directory" (Directive_string dir_directory)
(* To change the current directory *)
let dir_cd s = Sys.chdir s
let _ = Hashtbl.add directive_table "cd" (Directive_string dir_cd)
(* Load in-core a .cmo file *)
exception Load_failed
let check_consistency ppf filename compunit =
Bytelink.check_consistency filename compunit;
(* Check consistency of unit against its .cmi, if it can be found *)
let crc_intf = Env.crc_of_unit compunit.cu_name in
let crc_impl =
try List.assoc compunit.cu_name compunit.cu_imports
with Not_found -> assert false in
if crc_intf <> crc_impl then begin
fprintf ppf "@[<hv 0>File %s is not up-to-date with respect to@ \
interface %s@]@."
filename compunit.cu_name;
raise Load_failed
with Not_found ->
(* Couldn't find .cmi, ignore it (or should we print a warning?) *)
let load_compunit ic filename ppf compunit =
check_consistency ppf filename compunit;
seek_in ic compunit.cu_pos;
let code_size = compunit.cu_codesize + 8 in
let code = Meta.static_alloc code_size in
unsafe_really_input ic code 0 compunit.cu_codesize;
String.unsafe_set code compunit.cu_codesize (Char.chr Opcodes.opRETURN);
String.unsafe_blit "\000\000\000\001\000\000\000" 0
code (compunit.cu_codesize + 1) 7;
let initial_symtable = Symtable.current_state() in
Symtable.patch_object code compunit.cu_reloc;
begin try
ignore((Meta.reify_bytecode code code_size) ())
with exn ->
Symtable.restore_state initial_symtable;
print_exception_outcome ppf exn;
raise Load_failed
let dir_load ppf name =
let filename = find_in_path !Config.load_path name in
let ic = open_in_bin filename in
let buffer = String.create (String.length Config.cmo_magic_number) in
really_input ic buffer 0 (String.length Config.cmo_magic_number);
begin try
if buffer = Config.cmo_magic_number then begin
let compunit_pos = input_binary_int ic in (* Go to descriptor *)
seek_in ic compunit_pos;
load_compunit ic filename ppf (input_value ic : compilation_unit)
end else
if buffer = Config.cma_magic_number then begin
let toc_pos = input_binary_int ic in (* Go to table of contents *)
seek_in ic toc_pos;
List.iter (load_compunit ic filename ppf)
(input_value ic : library).lib_units
end else fprintf ppf "File %s is not a bytecode object file.@." name
with Load_failed -> ()
close_in ic
with Not_found -> fprintf ppf "Cannot find file %s.@." name
let _ = Hashtbl.add directive_table "load" (Directive_string (dir_load std_out))
(* Load commands from a file *)
let dir_use ppf name = ignore(Toploop.use_file ppf name)
let _ = Hashtbl.add directive_table "use" (Directive_string (dir_use std_out))
(* Install, remove a printer *)
let find_printer_type ppf lid =
let (path, desc) = Env.lookup_value lid !toplevel_env in
let ty_arg = Ctype.newvar() in
Ctype.unify !toplevel_env
(Ctype.newty (Tarrow("", ty_arg, Ctype.instance Predef.type_unit)))
(Ctype.instance desc.val_type);
Ctype.generalize ty_arg;
(ty_arg, path)
| Not_found ->
fprintf ppf "Unbound value %a.@." Printtyp.longident lid;
raise Exit
| Ctype.Unify _ ->
fprintf ppf "%a has a wrong type for a printing function.@."
Printtyp.longident lid;
raise Exit
let dir_install_printer ppf lid =
let (ty_arg, path) = find_printer_type ppf lid in
let v = (Obj.obj (eval_path path) : 'a -> unit) in
install_printer path ty_arg (fun repr -> v (Obj.obj repr))
with Exit -> ()
let dir_remove_printer ppf lid =
let (ty_arg, path) = find_printer_type ppf lid in
begin try
remove_printer path
with Not_found ->
fprintf ppf "No printer named %a.@." Printtyp.longident lid
with Exit -> ()
let _ = Hashtbl.add directive_table "install_printer"
(Directive_ident (dir_install_printer std_out))
let _ = Hashtbl.add directive_table "remove_printer"
(Directive_ident (dir_remove_printer std_out))
(* The trace *)
external current_environment: unit -> Obj.t = "get_current_environment"
let tracing_function_ptr =
(Obj.repr (fun arg -> Trace.print_trace (current_environment()) arg))
let dir_trace ppf lid =
let (path, desc) = Env.lookup_value lid !toplevel_env in
(* Check if this is a primitive *)
match desc.val_kind with
| Val_prim p ->
fprintf ppf "%a is an external function and cannot be traced.@."
Printtyp.longident lid
| _ ->
let clos = eval_path path in
(* Nothing to do if it's not a closure *)
if Obj.is_block clos &&
(Obj.tag clos = 250 || Obj.tag clos = 249) then begin
match is_traced clos with
| Some opath ->
fprintf ppf "%a is already traced (under the name %a).@."
Printtyp.path path
Printtyp.path opath
| None ->
(* Instrument the old closure *)
traced_functions :=
{ path = path;
closure = clos;
actual_code = get_code_pointer clos;
instrumented_fun =
instrument_closure !toplevel_env lid ppf desc.val_type }
:: !traced_functions;
(* Redirect the code field of the closure to point
to the instrumentation function *)
set_code_pointer clos tracing_function_ptr;
fprintf ppf "%a is now traced.@." Printtyp.longident lid
end else fprintf ppf "%a is not a function.@." Printtyp.longident lid
| Not_found -> fprintf ppf "Unbound value %a.@." Printtyp.longident lid
let dir_untrace ppf lid =
let (path, desc) = Env.lookup_value lid !toplevel_env in
let rec remove = function
| [] ->
fprintf ppf "%a was not traced.@." Printtyp.longident lid;
| f :: rem ->
if Path.same f.path path then begin
set_code_pointer (eval_path path) f.actual_code;
fprintf ppf "%a is no longer traced.@." Printtyp.longident lid;
end else f :: remove rem in
traced_functions := remove !traced_functions
| Not_found -> fprintf ppf "Unbound value %a.@." Printtyp.longident lid
let dir_untrace_all ppf () =
(fun f ->
set_code_pointer (eval_path f.path) f.actual_code;
fprintf ppf "%a is no longer traced.@." Printtyp.path f.path)
traced_functions := []
let parse_warnings ppf iserr s =
try Warnings.parse_options iserr s
with Arg.Bad err -> fprintf ppf "%s.@." err
let _ =
Hashtbl.add directive_table "trace" (Directive_ident (dir_trace std_out));
Hashtbl.add directive_table "untrace" (Directive_ident (dir_untrace std_out));
Hashtbl.add directive_table
"untrace_all" (Directive_none (dir_untrace_all std_out));
(* Control the printing of values *)
Hashtbl.add directive_table "print_depth"
(Directive_int(fun n -> max_printer_depth := n));
Hashtbl.add directive_table "print_length"
(Directive_int(fun n -> max_printer_steps := n));
(* Set various compiler flags *)
Hashtbl.add directive_table "labels"
(Directive_bool(fun b -> Clflags.classic := not b));
Hashtbl.add directive_table "warnings"
(Directive_string (parse_warnings std_out false));
Hashtbl.add directive_table "warn_error"
(Directive_string (parse_warnings std_out true));