1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* Objective Caml port by John Malecki and Xavier Leroy *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(************************ Simple pattern matching **********************)
open Debugger_config
(*open Primitives*)
open Misc
(*open Const*)
(*open Globals*)
(*open Builtins*)
open Typedtree
(*open Modules*)
(*open Symtable*)
(*open Value*)
open Parser_aux
let rec find_constr tag = function
[] ->
fatal_error "find_constr: unknown constructor for this type"
| constr::rest ->
match constr.info.cs_tag with
ConstrRegular(t, _) ->
if t == tag then constr else find_constr tag rest
| ConstrExtensible _ ->
fatal_error "find_constr: extensible"
let find_exception tag =
let (qualid, stamp) = get_exn_of_num tag in
let rec select_exn = function
[] ->
raise Not_found
| constr :: rest ->
match constr.info.cs_tag with
ConstrExtensible(_,st) ->
if st == stamp then constr else select_exn rest
| ConstrRegular(_,_) ->
fatal_error "find_exception: regular" in
select_exn(hashtbl__find_all (find_module qualid.qual).mod_constrs qualid.id)
let error_matching () =
prerr_endline "Pattern matching failed";
raise Toplevel
let same_name {qualid = name1} =
GRname name2 ->
(name2 = "") or (name1.id = name2)
| GRmodname name2 ->
name1 = name2
let check_same_constr constr constr2 =
if not (same_name constr constr2) then
error_matching ()
Desc_not_found ->
prerr_endline "Undefined constructor.";
raise Toplevel
let rec pattern_matching pattern obj ty =
match pattern with
P_dummy ->
| P_variable var ->
[var, obj, ty]
| _ ->
match (Ctype.repr ty).desc with
Tvar | Tarrow _ ->
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error_matching ()
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
| Ttuple(ty_list) ->
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(match pattern with
P_tuple pattern_list ->
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
pattern_matching_list pattern_list obj ty_list
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| P_nth (n, patt) ->
if n >= List.length ty_list then
(prerr_endline "Out of range."; raise Toplevel);
pattern_matching patt (Debugcom.get_field obj n) (List.nth ty_list n)
| _ ->
error_matching ())
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| Tconstr(cstr, [ty_arg],_) when same_type_constr cstr constr_type_list ->
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(match pattern with
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
P_list pattern_list ->
let (last, list) =
(fun (current, list) pattern ->
if value_tag current = 0 then error_matching ();
(Debugcom.get_field current 1,
(pattern, Debugcom.get_field current 0)::list))
(obj, [])
if value_tag last <> 0 then error_matching ();
(function (x, y) -> pattern_matching x y ty_arg)
(rev list)
| P_nth (n, patt) ->
let rec find k current =
if value_tag current = 0 then
(prerr_endline "Out of range."; raise Toplevel);
if k = 0 then
pattern_matching patt (Debugcom.get_field current 0) ty_arg
find (k - 1) (Debugcom.get_field current 1)
find n obj
| P_concat (pattern1, pattern2) ->
if value_tag obj == 0 then error_matching ();
(pattern_matching pattern1 (Debugcom.get_field obj 0) ty_arg)
@ (pattern_matching pattern2 (Debugcom.get_field obj 1) ty)
| _ ->
error_matching ())
| Tconstr(cstr, [ty_arg]) when same_type_constr cstr constr_type_vect ->
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(match pattern with
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
P_nth (n, patt) ->
if n >= value_size obj then
(prerr_endline "Out of range."; raise Toplevel);
pattern_matching patt (Debugcom.get_field obj n) ty_arg
| _ ->
error_matching ())
| Tconstr(cstr, ty_list) ->
(match cstr.info.ty_abbr with
Tabbrev(params, body) ->
pattern_matching pattern obj (expand_abbrev params body ty_list)
| _ ->
match_concrete_type pattern obj cstr ty ty_list)
and match_concrete_type pattern obj cstr ty ty_list =
let typ_descr =
type_descr_of_type_constr cstr in
match typ_descr.info.ty_desc with
Abstract_type ->
error_matching ()
| Variant_type constr_list ->
let tag = value_tag obj in
let constr =
if same_type_constr cstr constr_type_exn then
find_exception tag
find_constr tag constr_list
let (ty_res, ty_arg) =
type_pair_instance (constr.info.cs_res, constr.info.cs_arg)
filter (ty_res, ty);
match constr.info.cs_kind with
Constr_constant ->
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error_matching ()
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
| Constr_regular ->
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(match pattern with
P_constr (constr2, patt) ->
check_same_constr constr constr2;
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
pattern_matching patt (Debugcom.get_field obj 0) ty_arg
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| _ ->
error_matching ())
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
| Constr_superfluous n ->
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(match pattern with
P_constr (constr2, patt) ->
check_same_constr constr constr2;
(match patt with
P_tuple pattern_list ->
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
(filter_product n ty_arg)
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| P_nth (n2, patt) ->
let ty_list = filter_product n ty_arg in
if n2 >= n then
(prerr_endline "Out of range.";
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
raise Toplevel);
1997-05-19 08:42:21 -07:00
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
(Debugcom.get_field obj n2)
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(List.nth ty_list n2)
| P_variable var ->
{typ_desc = Tproduct (filter_product n ty_arg);
typ_level = generic}]
| P_dummy ->
| _ ->
error_matching ())
| _ ->
error_matching ())
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
Not_found ->
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error_matching ()
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
| Unify ->
fatal_error "pattern_matching: types should match")
| Record_type label_list ->
let match_field (label, patt) =
let lbl =
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(function l -> same_name l label)
with Not_found ->
prerr_endline "Label not found.";
raise Toplevel
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
let (ty_res, ty_arg) =
type_pair_instance (lbl.info.lbl_res, lbl.info.lbl_arg)
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1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
filter (ty_res, ty)
with Unify ->
fatal_error "pattern_matching: types should match");
pattern_matching patt (Debugcom.get_field obj lbl.info.lbl_pos) ty_arg
(match pattern with
1997-05-19 08:42:21 -07:00
P_record pattern_label_list ->
flat_map match_field pattern_label_list
| _ ->
error_matching ())
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
| Abbrev_type(_,_) ->
fatal_error "pattern_matching: abbrev type"
and pattern_matching_list pattern_list obj ty_list =
let val_list =
pair__combine (pattern_list, ty_list)
Invalid_argument _ -> error_matching ()
(function (x, y, z) -> pattern_matching x y z)
1997-05-19 08:42:21 -07:00
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
(fun (num, list) (pattern, typ) ->
(num + 1, (pattern, Debugcom.get_field obj num, typ)::list))
(0, [])