
321 lines
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(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* Inclusion checks for the core language *)
open Asttypes
open Path
open Types
open Typedtree
(* Inclusion between value descriptions *)
exception Dont_match
let value_descriptions env vd1 vd2 =
if Ctype.moregeneral env true vd1.val_type vd2.val_type then begin
match (vd1.val_kind, vd2.val_kind) with
(Val_prim p1, Val_prim p2) ->
if p1 = p2 then Tcoerce_none else raise Dont_match
| (Val_prim p, _) ->
2016-01-14 06:29:41 -08:00
let pc = {pc_desc = p; pc_type = vd2.Types.val_type;
pc_env = env; pc_loc = vd1.Types.val_loc; } in
Tcoerce_primitive pc
| (_, Val_prim p) -> raise Dont_match
| (_, _) -> Tcoerce_none
end else
raise Dont_match
(* Inclusion between "private" annotations *)
let private_flags decl1 decl2 =
match decl1.type_private, decl2.type_private with
| Private, Public ->
decl2.type_kind = Type_abstract &&
(decl2.type_manifest = None || decl1.type_kind <> Type_abstract)
| _, _ -> true
(* Inclusion between manifest types (particularly for private row types) *)
let is_absrow env ty =
match ty.desc with
Tconstr(Pident id, _, _) ->
begin match Ctype.expand_head env ty with
{desc=Tobject _|Tvariant _} -> true
| _ -> false
| _ -> false
let type_manifest env ty1 params1 ty2 params2 priv2 =
let ty1' = Ctype.expand_head env ty1 and ty2' = Ctype.expand_head env ty2 in
match ty1'.desc, ty2'.desc with
Tvariant row1, Tvariant row2 when is_absrow env (Btype.row_more row2) ->
let row1 = Btype.row_repr row1 and row2 = Btype.row_repr row2 in
Ctype.equal env true (ty1::params1) (row2.row_more::params2) &&
begin match row1.row_more with
{desc=Tvar _|Tconstr _|Tnil} -> true
| _ -> false
end &&
let r1, r2, pairs =
Ctype.merge_row_fields row1.row_fields row2.row_fields in
(not row2.row_closed ||
row1.row_closed && Ctype.filter_row_fields false r1 = []) &&
(fun (_,f) -> match Btype.row_field_repr f with
Rabsent | Reither _ -> true | Rpresent _ -> false)
r2 &&
let to_equal = ref (List.combine params1 params2) in
(fun (_, f1, f2) ->
match Btype.row_field_repr f1, Btype.row_field_repr f2 with
Rpresent(Some t1),
(Rpresent(Some t2) | Reither(false, [t2], _, _)) ->
to_equal := (t1,t2) :: !to_equal; true
| Rpresent None, (Rpresent None | Reither(true, [], _, _)) -> true
| Reither(c1,tl1,_,_), Reither(c2,tl2,_,_)
when List.length tl1 = List.length tl2 && c1 = c2 ->
to_equal := List.combine tl1 tl2 @ !to_equal; true
| Rabsent, (Reither _ | Rabsent) -> true
| _ -> false)
pairs &&
let tl1, tl2 = List.split !to_equal in
Ctype.equal env true tl1 tl2
| Tobject (fi1, _), Tobject (fi2, _)
when is_absrow env (snd(Ctype.flatten_fields fi2)) ->
let (fields2,rest2) = Ctype.flatten_fields fi2 in
Ctype.equal env true (ty1::params1) (rest2::params2) &&
let (fields1,rest1) = Ctype.flatten_fields fi1 in
(match rest1 with {desc=Tnil|Tvar _|Tconstr _} -> true | _ -> false) &&
let pairs, miss1, miss2 = Ctype.associate_fields fields1 fields2 in
miss2 = [] &&
let tl1, tl2 =
List.split (List.map (fun (_,_,t1,_,t2) -> t1, t2) pairs) in
Ctype.equal env true (params1 @ tl1) (params2 @ tl2)
| _ ->
let rec check_super ty1 =
Ctype.equal env true (ty1 :: params1) (ty2 :: params2) ||
priv2 = Private &&
try check_super
(Ctype.try_expand_once_opt env (Ctype.expand_head env ty1))
with Ctype.Cannot_expand -> false
in check_super ty1
(* Inclusion between type declarations *)
type type_mismatch =
| Privacy
| Kind
| Constraint
| Manifest
| Variance
| Field_type of Ident.t
| Field_mutable of Ident.t
| Field_arity of Ident.t
| Field_names of int * Ident.t * Ident.t
| Field_missing of bool * Ident.t
| Record_representation of bool
2015-05-27 07:30:33 -07:00
| Immediate
let report_type_mismatch0 first second decl ppf err =
let pr fmt = Format.fprintf ppf fmt in
match err with
Arity -> pr "They have different arities"
| Privacy -> pr "A private type would be revealed"
| Kind -> pr "Their kinds differ"
| Constraint -> pr "Their constraints differ"
| Manifest -> ()
| Variance -> pr "Their variances do not agree"
| Field_type s ->
pr "The types for field %s are not equal" (Ident.name s)
| Field_mutable s ->
pr "The mutability of field %s is different" (Ident.name s)
| Field_arity s ->
pr "The arities for field %s differ" (Ident.name s)
| Field_names (n, name1, name2) ->
pr "Fields number %i have different names, %s and %s"
n (Ident.name name1) (Ident.name name2)
| Field_missing (b, s) ->
pr "The field %s is only present in %s %s"
(Ident.name s) (if b then second else first) decl
| Record_representation b ->
pr "Their internal representations differ:@ %s %s %s"
(if b then second else first) decl
"uses unboxed float representation"
2015-05-27 07:30:33 -07:00
| Immediate -> pr "%s is not an immediate type" first
let report_type_mismatch first second decl ppf =
(fun err ->
if err = Manifest then () else
Format.fprintf ppf "@ %a." (report_type_mismatch0 first second decl) err)
let rec compare_constructor_arguments env cstr params1 params2 arg1 arg2 =
match arg1, arg2 with
| Types.Cstr_tuple arg1, Types.Cstr_tuple arg2 ->
if List.length arg1 <> List.length arg2 then [Field_arity cstr]
else if Misc.for_all2
(fun ty1 ty2 -> Ctype.equal env true (ty1::params1) (ty2::params2))
(arg1) (arg2)
then [] else [Field_type cstr]
| Types.Cstr_record l1, Types.Cstr_record l2 ->
compare_records env params1 params2 0 l1 l2
| _ -> [Field_type cstr]
and compare_variants env params1 params2 n cstrs1 cstrs2 =
match cstrs1, cstrs2 with
[], [] -> []
| [], c::_ -> [Field_missing (true, c.Types.cd_id)]
| c::_, [] -> [Field_missing (false, c.Types.cd_id)]
| {Types.cd_id=cstr1; cd_args=arg1; cd_res=ret1}::rem1,
{Types.cd_id=cstr2; cd_args=arg2; cd_res=ret2}::rem2 ->
if Ident.name cstr1 <> Ident.name cstr2 then
[Field_names (n, cstr1, cstr2)]
else match ret1, ret2 with
| Some r1, Some r2 when not (Ctype.equal env true [r1] [r2]) ->
[Field_type cstr1]
| Some _, None | None, Some _ ->
[Field_type cstr1]
| _ ->
let r =
compare_constructor_arguments env cstr1
params1 params2 arg1 arg2
if r <> [] then r
else compare_variants env params1 params2 (n+1) rem1 rem2
and compare_records env params1 params2 n labels1 labels2 =
match labels1, labels2 with
[], [] -> []
2016-01-14 06:29:41 -08:00
| [], l::_ -> [Field_missing (true, l.Types.ld_id)]
| l::_, [] -> [Field_missing (false, l.Types.ld_id)]
| {Types.ld_id=lab1; ld_mutable=mut1; ld_type=arg1}::rem1,
{Types.ld_id=lab2; ld_mutable=mut2; ld_type=arg2}::rem2 ->
if Ident.name lab1 <> Ident.name lab2
then [Field_names (n, lab1, lab2)]
else if mut1 <> mut2 then [Field_mutable lab1] else
if Ctype.equal env true (arg1::params1)
then compare_records env params1 params2 (n+1) rem1 rem2
else [Field_type lab1]
let type_declarations ?(equality = false) env name decl1 id decl2 =
if decl1.type_arity <> decl2.type_arity then [Arity] else
if not (private_flags decl1 decl2) then [Privacy] else
let err = match (decl1.type_manifest, decl2.type_manifest) with
(_, None) ->
if Ctype.equal env true decl1.type_params decl2.type_params
then [] else [Constraint]
| (Some ty1, Some ty2) ->
if type_manifest env ty1 decl1.type_params ty2 decl2.type_params
then [] else [Manifest]
| (None, Some ty2) ->
let ty1 =
Btype.newgenty (Tconstr(Pident id, decl2.type_params, ref Mnil))
if Ctype.equal env true decl1.type_params decl2.type_params then
if Ctype.equal env false [ty1] [ty2] then []
else [Manifest]
else [Constraint]
if err <> [] then err else
let err = match (decl1.type_kind, decl2.type_kind) with
(_, Type_abstract) -> []
| (Type_variant cstrs1, Type_variant cstrs2) ->
let mark cstrs usage name decl =
(fun c ->
Env.mark_constructor_used usage env name decl
(Ident.name c.Types.cd_id))
let usage =
if decl1.type_private = Private || decl2.type_private = Public
then Env.Positive else Env.Privatize
mark cstrs1 usage name decl1;
if equality then mark cstrs2 Env.Positive (Ident.name id) decl2;
compare_variants env decl1.type_params decl2.type_params 1 cstrs1 cstrs2
| (Type_record(labels1,rep1), Type_record(labels2,rep2)) ->
let err = compare_records env decl1.type_params decl2.type_params
1 labels1 labels2 in
if err <> [] || rep1 = rep2 then err else
[Record_representation (rep2 = Record_float)]
| (Type_open, Type_open) -> []
| (_, _) -> [Kind]
if err <> [] then err else
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let abstr = decl2.type_kind = Type_abstract && decl2.type_manifest = None in
(* If attempt to assign a non-immediate type (e.g. string) to a type that
* must be immediate, then we error *)
let err =
if abstr &&
not decl1.type_immediate &&
decl2.type_immediate then
else []
if err <> [] then err else
let abstr = abstr || decl2.type_private = Private in
let opn = decl2.type_kind = Type_open && decl2.type_manifest = None in
let constrained ty = not (Btype.(is_Tvar (repr ty))) in
if List.for_all2
(fun ty (v1,v2) ->
let open Variance in
let imp a b = not a || b in
let (co1,cn1) = get_upper v1 and (co2,cn2) = get_upper v2 in
(if abstr then (imp co1 co2 && imp cn1 cn2)
else if opn || constrained ty then (co1 = co2 && cn1 = cn2)
else true) &&
let (p1,n1,i1,j1) = get_lower v1 and (p2,n2,i2,j2) = get_lower v2 in
imp abstr (imp p2 p1 && imp n2 n1 && imp i2 i1 && imp j2 j1))
decl2.type_params (List.combine decl1.type_variance decl2.type_variance)
then [] else [Variance]
(* Inclusion between extension constructors *)
let extension_constructors env id ext1 ext2 =
let usage =
if ext1.ext_private = Private || ext2.ext_private = Public
then Env.Positive else Env.Privatize
Env.mark_extension_used usage env ext1 (Ident.name id);
let ty1 =
Btype.newgenty (Tconstr(ext1.ext_type_path, ext1.ext_type_params, ref Mnil))
let ty2 =
Btype.newgenty (Tconstr(ext2.ext_type_path, ext2.ext_type_params, ref Mnil))
if Ctype.equal env true
(ty1 :: ext1.ext_type_params)
(ty2 :: ext2.ext_type_params)
if compare_constructor_arguments env (Ident.create "")
ext1.ext_type_params ext2.ext_type_params
ext1.ext_args ext2.ext_args = [] then
if match ext1.ext_ret_type, ext2.ext_ret_type with
Some r1, Some r2 when not (Ctype.equal env true [r1] [r2]) -> false
| Some _, None | None, Some _ -> false
| _ -> true
match ext1.ext_private, ext2.ext_private with
Private, Public -> false
| _, _ -> true
else false
else false
else false