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(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* "Package" a set of .cmo files into one .cmo file having the
original compilation units as sub-modules. *)
open Misc
open Instruct
open Cmo_format
2018-07-23 05:19:41 -07:00
module String = Misc.Stdlib.String
PR#6270: remove need for -I directives to ocamldebug in common case (patch by Josh Watzman) Add absolute directory names to bytecode format for ocamldebug to use The need for a long list of -I directives makes interactively using ocamldebug a pain in the butt. Many folks have solved this with various `find` invocations or even Python wrappers, but those lead to other problems when it might include files you weren't expecting (or miss things you were). But all of this is really annoying since the tooling should be able to figure out itself, even heuristically, where your source files are -- gdb gets this right, why can't we? This patch implements one of the more important heuristics from gdb: you typically debug on the same machine you built on, so looking for the source files and built artifacts in the absolute paths where they were during compilation is a good first try. We write out absolute paths into a new structure at the beginning of the debug section and then automatically append those directories into the load path. This means mean that if you happen to be debugging on a machine where the original source and build artifacts are *not* available in their original absolute locations, things will work as before, using the standard load path mechanism. You can also explicitly use -I to prepend directories to the load path and override the defaults located by this new mechanism. I personally find this makes using ocamldebug much more pleasant :) git-svn-id: http://caml.inria.fr/svn/ocaml/trunk@14533 f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
2014-04-06 08:06:22 -07:00
type error =
Forward_reference of string * Ident.t
| Multiple_definition of string * Ident.t
| Not_an_object_file of string
| Illegal_renaming of string * string * string
| File_not_found of string
exception Error of error
(* References accumulating information on the .cmo files *)
let relocs = ref ([] : (reloc_info * int) list)
let events = ref ([] : debug_event list)
2018-07-23 05:19:41 -07:00
let debug_dirs = ref String.Set.empty
let primitives = ref ([] : string list)
let force_link = ref false
(* Record a relocation. Update its offset, and rename GETGLOBAL and
SETGLOBAL relocations that correspond to one of the units being
consolidated. *)
let rename_relocation packagename objfile mapping defined base (rel, ofs) =
let rel' =
match rel with
Reloc_getglobal id ->
begin try
let id' = List.assoc id mapping in
if List.mem id defined
then Reloc_getglobal id'
else raise(Error(Forward_reference(objfile, id)))
with Not_found ->
(* PR#5276: unique-ize dotted global names, which appear
if one of the units being consolidated is itself a packed
module. *)
let name = Ident.name id in
if String.contains name '.' then
Reloc_getglobal (Ident.create_persistent (packagename ^ "." ^ name))
| Reloc_setglobal id ->
begin try
let id' = List.assoc id mapping in
if List.mem id defined
then raise(Error(Multiple_definition(objfile, id)))
else Reloc_setglobal id'
with Not_found ->
(* PR#5276, as above *)
let name = Ident.name id in
if String.contains name '.' then
Reloc_setglobal (Ident.create_persistent (packagename ^ "." ^ name))
| _ ->
rel in
relocs := (rel', base + ofs) :: !relocs
(* Record and relocate a debugging event *)
let relocate_debug base prefix subst ev =
let ev' = { ev with ev_pos = base + ev.ev_pos;
ev_module = prefix ^ "." ^ ev.ev_module;
ev_typsubst = Subst.compose ev.ev_typsubst subst } in
events := ev' :: !events
(* Read the unit information from a .cmo file. *)
type pack_member_kind = PM_intf | PM_impl of compilation_unit
type pack_member =
{ pm_file: string;
pm_name: string;
pm_kind: pack_member_kind }
let read_member_info file = (
let name =
String.capitalize_ascii(Filename.basename(chop_extensions file)) in
let kind =
(* PR#7479: make sure it is either a .cmi or a .cmo *)
if Filename.check_suffix file ".cmi" then
else begin
let ic = open_in_bin file in
let buffer =
really_input_string ic (String.length Config.cmo_magic_number)
if buffer <> Config.cmo_magic_number then
raise(Error(Not_an_object_file file));
let compunit_pos = input_binary_int ic in
seek_in ic compunit_pos;
let compunit = (input_value ic : compilation_unit) in
if compunit.cu_name <> name
then raise(Error(Illegal_renaming(name, file, compunit.cu_name)));
close_in ic;
PM_impl compunit
with x ->
close_in ic;
raise x
end in
{ pm_file = file; pm_name = name; pm_kind = kind }
(* Read the bytecode from a .cmo file.
Write bytecode to channel [oc].
Rename globals as indicated by [mapping] in reloc info.
Accumulate relocs, debug info, etc.
Return size of bytecode. *)
let rename_append_bytecode packagename oc mapping defined ofs prefix subst
objfile compunit =
let ic = open_in_bin objfile in
Bytelink.check_consistency objfile compunit;
(rename_relocation packagename objfile mapping defined ofs)
primitives := compunit.cu_primitives @ !primitives;
if compunit.cu_force_link then force_link := true;
seek_in ic compunit.cu_pos;
Misc.copy_file_chunk ic oc compunit.cu_codesize;
if !Clflags.debug && compunit.cu_debug > 0 then begin
seek_in ic compunit.cu_debug;
List.iter (relocate_debug ofs prefix subst) (input_value ic);
PR#6270: remove need for -I directives to ocamldebug in common case (patch by Josh Watzman) Add absolute directory names to bytecode format for ocamldebug to use The need for a long list of -I directives makes interactively using ocamldebug a pain in the butt. Many folks have solved this with various `find` invocations or even Python wrappers, but those lead to other problems when it might include files you weren't expecting (or miss things you were). But all of this is really annoying since the tooling should be able to figure out itself, even heuristically, where your source files are -- gdb gets this right, why can't we? This patch implements one of the more important heuristics from gdb: you typically debug on the same machine you built on, so looking for the source files and built artifacts in the absolute paths where they were during compilation is a good first try. We write out absolute paths into a new structure at the beginning of the debug section and then automatically append those directories into the load path. This means mean that if you happen to be debugging on a machine where the original source and build artifacts are *not* available in their original absolute locations, things will work as before, using the standard load path mechanism. You can also explicitly use -I to prepend directories to the load path and override the defaults located by this new mechanism. I personally find this makes using ocamldebug much more pleasant :) git-svn-id: http://caml.inria.fr/svn/ocaml/trunk@14533 f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
2014-04-06 08:06:22 -07:00
debug_dirs := List.fold_left
2018-07-23 05:19:41 -07:00
(fun s e -> String.Set.add e s)
PR#6270: remove need for -I directives to ocamldebug in common case (patch by Josh Watzman) Add absolute directory names to bytecode format for ocamldebug to use The need for a long list of -I directives makes interactively using ocamldebug a pain in the butt. Many folks have solved this with various `find` invocations or even Python wrappers, but those lead to other problems when it might include files you weren't expecting (or miss things you were). But all of this is really annoying since the tooling should be able to figure out itself, even heuristically, where your source files are -- gdb gets this right, why can't we? This patch implements one of the more important heuristics from gdb: you typically debug on the same machine you built on, so looking for the source files and built artifacts in the absolute paths where they were during compilation is a good first try. We write out absolute paths into a new structure at the beginning of the debug section and then automatically append those directories into the load path. This means mean that if you happen to be debugging on a machine where the original source and build artifacts are *not* available in their original absolute locations, things will work as before, using the standard load path mechanism. You can also explicitly use -I to prepend directories to the load path and override the defaults located by this new mechanism. I personally find this makes using ocamldebug much more pleasant :) git-svn-id: http://caml.inria.fr/svn/ocaml/trunk@14533 f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
2014-04-06 08:06:22 -07:00
(input_value ic);
close_in ic;
with x ->
close_in ic;
raise x
(* Same, for a list of .cmo and .cmi files.
Return total size of bytecode. *)
let rec rename_append_bytecode_list packagename oc mapping defined ofs
prefix subst =
[] ->
| m :: rem ->
match m.pm_kind with
| PM_intf ->
rename_append_bytecode_list packagename oc mapping defined ofs
prefix subst rem
| PM_impl compunit ->
let size =
rename_append_bytecode packagename oc mapping defined ofs
prefix subst m.pm_file compunit in
let id = Ident.create_persistent m.pm_name in
let root = Path.Pident (Ident.create_persistent prefix) in
rename_append_bytecode_list packagename oc mapping (id :: defined)
(ofs + size) prefix
2018-02-08 09:51:47 -08:00
(Subst.add_module id (Path.Pdot (root, Ident.name id))
(* Generate the code that builds the tuple representing the package module *)
let build_global_target ~ppf_dump oc target_name members mapping pos coercion =
let components =
(fun m (_id1, id2) ->
match m.pm_kind with
| PM_intf -> None
| PM_impl _ -> Some id2)
members mapping in
let lam =
components (Ident.create_persistent target_name) coercion in
let lam = Simplif.simplify_lambda lam in
if !Clflags.dump_lambda then
Format.fprintf ppf_dump "%a@." Printlambda.lambda lam;
let instrs =
Bytegen.compile_implementation target_name lam in
let rel =
Emitcode.to_packed_file oc instrs in
relocs := List.map (fun (r, ofs) -> (r, pos + ofs)) rel @ !relocs
(* Build the .cmo file obtained by packaging the given .cmo files. *)
let package_object_files ~ppf_dump files targetfile targetname coercion =
let members =
map_left_right read_member_info files in
let required_globals =
List.fold_right (fun compunit required_globals -> match compunit with
| { pm_kind = PM_intf } ->
| { pm_kind = PM_impl { cu_required_globals; cu_reloc } } ->
let remove_required (rel, _pos) required_globals =
match rel with
Reloc_setglobal id ->
Ident.Set.remove id required_globals
| _ ->
let required_globals =
List.fold_right remove_required cu_reloc required_globals
List.fold_right Ident.Set.add cu_required_globals required_globals)
members Ident.Set.empty
let unit_names =
List.map (fun m -> m.pm_name) members in
let mapping =
(fun name ->
(Ident.create_persistent name,
Ident.create_persistent(targetname ^ "." ^ name)))
unit_names in
let oc = open_out_bin targetfile in
output_string oc Config.cmo_magic_number;
let pos_depl = pos_out oc in
output_binary_int oc 0;
let pos_code = pos_out oc in
let ofs = rename_append_bytecode_list targetname oc mapping [] 0
targetname Subst.identity members in
build_global_target ~ppf_dump oc targetname members mapping ofs coercion;
let pos_debug = pos_out oc in
if !Clflags.debug && !events <> [] then begin
output_value oc (List.rev !events);
2018-07-23 05:19:41 -07:00
output_value oc (String.Set.elements !debug_dirs);
let pos_final = pos_out oc in
let imports =
(fun (name, _crc) -> not (List.mem name unit_names))
(Bytelink.extract_crc_interfaces()) in
let compunit =
{ cu_name = targetname;
cu_pos = pos_code;
cu_codesize = pos_debug - pos_code;
cu_reloc = List.rev !relocs;
cu_imports =
(targetname, Some (Env.crc_of_unit targetname)) :: imports;
cu_primitives = !primitives;
cu_required_globals = Ident.Set.elements required_globals;
cu_force_link = !force_link;
cu_debug = if pos_final > pos_debug then pos_debug else 0;
cu_debugsize = pos_final - pos_debug } in
~filename:targetfile ~kind:"bytecode unit"
oc compunit;
seek_out oc pos_depl;
output_binary_int oc pos_final;
close_out oc
with x ->
close_out oc;
raise x
(* The entry point *)
let package_files ~ppf_dump initial_env files targetfile =
let files =
(fun f ->
try Load_path.find f
with Not_found -> raise(Error(File_not_found f)))
files in
let prefix = chop_extensions targetfile in
let targetcmi = prefix ^ ".cmi" in
let targetname = String.capitalize_ascii(Filename.basename prefix) in
Misc.try_finally (fun () ->
let coercion =
Typemod.package_units initial_env files targetcmi targetname in
package_object_files ~ppf_dump files targetfile targetname coercion
~exceptionally:(fun () -> remove_file targetfile)
(* Error report *)
open Format
let report_error ppf = function
Forward_reference(file, ident) ->
fprintf ppf "Forward reference to %s in file %a" (Ident.name ident)
Location.print_filename file
| Multiple_definition(file, ident) ->
fprintf ppf "File %a redefines %s"
Location.print_filename file
(Ident.name ident)
| Not_an_object_file file ->
fprintf ppf "%a is not a bytecode object file"
Location.print_filename file
| Illegal_renaming(name, file, id) ->
fprintf ppf "Wrong file naming: %a@ contains the code for\
@ %s when %s was expected"
Location.print_filename file name id
| File_not_found file ->
fprintf ppf "File %s not found" file
let () =
| Error err -> Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error err)
| _ -> None
let reset () =
relocs := [];
events := [];
primitives := [];
force_link := false