2001-10-12 08:35:41 -07:00
Camlp4 Version 3.04
2001-12-06 19:44:07 -08:00
- [07 Dec 01] Added Pcaml.parse_interf and Pcaml.parse_implem, hooks to
specify the parsers tof use, i.e. now can use other parsing technics
than the Camlp4 grammar system.
2001-11-27 10:07:10 -08:00
- [27 Nov 01] Fixed functions Token.eval_char and Token.eval_string which
returned bad values, resulting lexing of backslash sequences incompatible
with OCaml (e.g. "\1" returned "\001" (one character) but OCaml returns
the string of the two characters \ and 1).
2001-11-15 02:37:36 -08:00
- [15 Nov 01] In revised syntax, in let binding in sequences, the "in"
can be replaced by a semicolon; the revised syntax printer pr_r.cmo
now rather prints a semicolon there.
2001-11-07 04:42:25 -08:00
- [07 Nov 01] Added the ability to use $ as token: was impossible so far,
because of AST quotation uses it for its antiquotation. The fix is just
a little (invisible) change in Plexer.
2001-11-05 05:38:23 -08:00
- [05 Nov 01] Added option -tc (types comment) when using pr_o or pr_r
try to print comments inside sum and record types like they are in
the source (not by default, because may work incorrectly).
- [05 Nov 01] Added option -ca (comment after) when using pr_o or pr_r:
print ocamldoc comments after the declarations, when they are before.
2001-11-04 12:02:14 -08:00
- [04 Nov 01] Added locations for variants and labels declarations in AST
(file MLast.mli).
2001-11-03 05:09:26 -08:00
- [03 Nov 01] In pretty printers pr_o and pr_r, skip to next begin of line
when displaying the sources between phrase, to prevent e.g. the displaying
of the possible last comment of a sum type declaration (the other comment
being not displayed anyway).
2001-10-24 06:35:22 -07:00
- [24 Oct 01] Fixed incorrect locations in sequences.
- [24 Oct 01] Was erroneously compiled by the OCaml boot compiler instead
of the generated ocamlc. Fixed.
2001-10-20 20:01:00 -07:00
- [15 Oct 01] Fixed some parsing differences between pa_o and ocamlyacc:
2001-10-15 04:33:42 -07:00
in parsers, in labels.
2001-10-12 08:35:41 -07:00
- [12 Oct 01] Added missing bigarray syntax a.{b} (and Cie) in standard
syntax (pa_o).
2001-09-07 12:02:14 -07:00
Camlp4 Version 3.03
2001-09-06 23:56:09 -07:00
2001-10-09 10:57:09 -07:00
- [09 Oct 01] Fixed bug: the token !$ did not work. Fixed and completed
some syntaxes of labels patterns. Added missing case in exception
declaration (exception rebinding).
2001-10-05 03:31:29 -07:00
- [05 Oct 01] Fixed bug in normal syntax: when defining a constructor
named "True" of "False" (capitalized, i.e. not like the booleans), it
did not work.
- [04 Oct 01] Fixed some revised and quotation syntaxes in objects classes
2001-10-09 10:57:09 -07:00
and types (cleaner). Cleaned up also several parts of the parsers.
2001-10-02 03:46:03 -07:00
- [02 Oct 01] In revised syntax, the warning for using old syntax for
sequences is now by default. To remove it, the option -no-warn-seq
of camlp4r has been added. Option -warn-seq has been removed.
2001-09-07 12:02:14 -07:00
- [07 Sep 01] Included Camlp4 in OCaml distribution.
2001-09-06 23:56:09 -07:00
- [06 Sep 01] Added missing pattern construction #t
- [05 Sep 01] Fixed bug in pa_o: {A.B.c = d} was refused.
- [26 Aug 01] Fixed bug: in normal and revised syntaxes, refused -1.0
(minus float) as pattern.
- [24 Aug 01] Fixed bug: (a : b :> c) and ((a : b) :> c) were parsed
- [20 Aug 01] Fixed configure script for Windows configuration.
- [10 Aug 01] Fixed bug: <:expr< 'a' >> did not work because of a typing
- [10 Aug 01] Fixed bug in compilation process under Windows: the use of
the extension .exe was missing in several parts in Makefiles and shell
- [09 Aug 01] Changed message error in grammar: in the case when the rule
is: ....; tok1; tok2; .. tokn; ... (n terminal tokens following each other),
where the grammar is locally LL(n), it displays now:
tok1 tok2 .. tokn expected
instead of just
tok1 expected
because "tok1" can be correct in the input, and in this case, the message
underscored the tok1 and said "tok1 expected".
- [07 Aug 01] When camlp4r.cma is loaded in the toplevel, the results are
now displayed in revised syntax.
- [04 Aug 01] Added syntax "declare..end" in quotations class_str_item and
class_sig_item to be able to generate several items from one only item
(like in str_item and sig_item).
Camlp4 Version 3.02
- [21 Jul 01] Fixed bug: <:expr< { l = x } >> was badly built and resulted
in a typing error.
- [13 Jul 01] Fixed bug: did not accept floats in patterns.
- [11 Jul 01] Added function Pcaml.top_printer to be able to use the
printers Pcaml.pr_expr, Pcaml.pr_patt, and so on for the #install_printer
of OCaml toplevel. Ex:
let f = Pcaml.top_printer Pcaml.pr_expr;;
#install_printer f;;
#load "pr_o.cmo";;
- [24 Jun 01] In grammars, added symbol ANY, returning the current token,
whichever it is.
- [24 Jun 01] In grammars, a rule list of the form [ s1 | s2 | .. | sn ]
is interpreted as [ x = s1 -> x | x = s2 -> x | .. x = sn -> x ]
instead of [ _ = s1 -> () | _ = s2 -> () .. ]
- [24 Jun 01] Moved the functions [Plexer.char_of_char_token] and
[Plexer.string_of_string_token] into module [Token] with names
[Token.eval_char] and [Token.eval_string].
- [22 Jun 01] Added warning when using old syntax for sequences, while
and do (do..return, do..done) in predefined quotation expr.
- [22 Jun 01] Changed message for unbound quotations (more clear).
Camlp4 Version 3.01.6:
- [22 Jun 01] Changed the module Pretty into Spretty.
- [21 Jun 01] Camlp4 can now be compiled even if OCaml is not installed:
in the directory "config", the file "configure_batch" is a possibility
to configure the compilation (alternative of "configure" of the top
directory) and has a parameter "-ocaml-top" to specify the OCaml top
directory (relative to the camlp4/config directory).
- [21 Jun 01] The interactive "configure" now tests if the native-code
compilers ocamlc.opt and ocamlopt.opt are accessible and tell the
Makefile to preferably use them if they are.
- [16 Jun 01] The syntax tree for strings and characters now represent their
exact input representation (the node for characters is now of type string,
no more char). For example, the string "a\098c" remains "a\098c" and is
*not* converted into (the equivalent) "abc" in the syntax tree. The
convertion takes place when converting into OCaml tree representation.
This has the advantage that the pretty print now display them as they
are in the input file. To convert from input to real representation
(if needed), two functions have been added: Plexer.string_of_string_token
and Plexer.char_of_char_token.
- [10 Jun 01] In revised syntax, added ability to write {foo x = y} as short
form for {foo = fun x -> y}.
- [08 Jun 01] Completed missing cases in pa_extfun.cmo for variants.
- [06 Jun 01] Completed missing cases in abstract syntax tree and in normal
syntax parser pa_o.ml (about classes).
- [06 Jun 01] Fixed bug in pa_o.cmo (parser of normal syntax): (~~) did not
work, and actually all prefix operators between parentheses.
Camlp4 Version 3.01.5:
- [04 Jun 01] Fixed bug: when using "include" in a structure item the rest
of the structure was lost.
- [31 May 01] Added ability to user #load and #directory inside ml or mli
files to specify a cmo file to be loaded (for syntax extension) or the
directory path (like option -I). Same semantics than in toplevel.
- [29 May 01] The name of the location variable used in grammars (action
parts of the rules) and in the predefined quotations for OCaml syntax
trees is now configurable in Stdpp.loc_name (string reference). Added also
option -loc to set this variable. Default: loc.
- [26 May 01] Added functional streams: a library module Fstream and a syntax
kit: pa_fstream.cmo. Syntax:
streams: fstream [: ... :]
parsers: fparser [ [: ... :] -> ... | ... ]
- [25 May 01] Added function Token.lexer_func_of a little bit more general
than Token.lexer_func_of_parser.
Camlp4 Version 3.01.4:
- [20 May 01] Fixed bug: pr_rp and pr_op could generate bound variables
resulting incorrect program:
(e.g. fun s -> parser [: `_; x :] -> s x was printed:
fun s -> parser [: `_; s :] -> s s)
- [19 May 01] Small improvement in pretty.ml resulting a faster print (no
more stacked HOVboxes which printers pr_r and pr_o usually generate in
expr, patt, ctyp, etc.)
- [18 May 01] Added [lexer_func_of_parser] and [lexer_func_of_ocamllex]
in module [Token] to create lexers functions from char stream parsers
or from [ocamllex] lexers.
- [16 May 01] Pretty printing with pr_r.cmo (revised syntax) now keep
comments inside phrases.
- [15 May 01] Changed pretty printing system, using now new extensible
functions of Camlp4.
- [15 May 01] Added library module Extfun for extensible functions,
syntax pa_extfun, and a printer pr_extfun.
- [12 May 01] Fixed bug: missing cases in pr_o and pr_r for in cases of
"for", "while", and some other expressions, when between parentheses.
Camlp4 Version 3.01.3:
- [04 May 01] Put back the syntax "do ... return ..." in predefined
quotation "expr", to be able to compile previous programs. Work
only if the quotation is in position of expression, not in pattern.
- [04 May 01] Added lisp syntax pa_lisp.cmo (not terminated).
- [01 May 01] Fixed bug: in toplevel, in case of syntax error in #use,
the display was incorrect: it displayed the input, instead of the
file location.
Camlp4 Version 3.01.2:
- [27 Apr 01] Added variable Grammar.error_verbose and option -verbose of
command camlp4 to display more information in case of parsing error.
- [27 Apr 01] Fixed bug: the locations in sequences was not what expected
by OCaml, resulting on bad locations displaying in case of typing error.
- [27 Apr 01] Fixed bug: in normal syntax, the sequence was parsed
of left associative instead of right associative, resulting bad pretty
Camlp4 Version 3.01.1:
- [19 Apr 01] Added missing new feature "include" (structure item).
- [17 Apr 01] Changed revised syntax of sequences. Now:
do { expr1; expr2 ..... ; exprn }
for patt = expr to/downto expr do { expr1; expr2 ..... ; exprn }
while expr do { expr1; expr2 ..... ; exprn }
* If holding a "let ... in", the scope applies up to the end of the sequence.
* The old syntax "do .... return ..." is still accepted.
* In expr quotation, it is *not* accepted. To ensure backward
compatibility, use ifdef NEWSEQ, which answers True from this version.
* The printer pr_r.cmo by default prints with this new syntax.
* To print with old syntax, use option -old_seq.
* To get a warning when using old syntax, use option -warn_seq.
Camlp4 Version 3.01:
- [5 Mar 01] In pa_o.ml fixed problem, did not parse:
class ['a, 'b] cl a b : ['a, 'b] classtype
- [9 Oct 00] Raise now Stream.Error when parsing with an empty entry (meaning
that the user probably forgot to initialize it).
- [21 Jul 00] Fixed (pr_o.cmo) pb of bad printing of
let (f : unit -> int) = fun () -> 1
- [10 Jun, 21 Jul 00] Added Pcaml.sync to synchronize after syntax error in
- [24 May 00] Changed the "make opt", returning to what was done in the
previous releases, i.e. just the compilation of the library (6 files).
The native code compilation of "camlp4o" and "camlp4r" are not absolutely
necessary and can create problems in some systems because of too long code.
The drawbacks are more important than the advantages.
- [19 May 00] Changed option -split_gext (when pa_extend.cmo is loaded) into
-split_ext: it applies now also for non functorial grammars (extended by
EXTEND instead of GEXTEND).
- [12 May 00] Fixed problem in pr_rp.cmo and pr_op.cmo: the pretty printing
of the construction "match x with parser" did not work (because of the
type constraint "Stream.t _" added some versions ago).
Camlp4 Version 3.00:
- [Apr 19, 00] Added "pa_olabl" for labels with old Olabl syntax.
- [Apr 18, 00] Make opt now builds camlp4o.opt and camlp4r.opt
- [Apr 17, 00] Added support for labels and variants.
- [Mar 28, 00] Improved the grammars: now the rules starting with n
terminals are locally LL(n), i.e. if any of the terminal fails, it is
not Error but just Failure. Allows to write the Ocaml syntax case:
( operator )
( expr )
with the problem of "( - )" as:
"("; "-"; ")"
"("; operator; ")"
"("; expr; ")"
after factorization of the "(", the rule "-"; ")" is locally LL(2): it
works for this reason. In the previous implementation, a hack had to be
added for this case.
To allow this, the interface of "Token" changed. The field "tparse" is
now of type "pattern -> option (Stream.t t -> string)" instead of
"pattern -> Stream.t t -> string". Set it to "None" for standard pattern
parsing (or if you don't know).
Camlp4 Version 2.04:
- [Nov 23, 99] Changed the module name Config into Oconfig, because of
conflict problem when applications want to link with the module Config of
Camlp4 Version 2.03:
* pr_depend:
- [Jun 25, 99] Added missing case in "pr_depend.cmo": pattern A.B.C.
- [Jun 5, 99] Fixed in "pr_depend.ml" case expression "Foo.Bar" displaying a
bad dependency with file "bar.ml" if existed. And changed "pa_r.ml"
(revised syntax parsing) to generate a more logical ast for case
- [Apr 29, 99] Added missing cases in "pr_o.cmo" and in "pr_depend.cmo".
- [Mar 11, 99] Added missing cases in "pr_depend.cmo".
- [Mar 9, 99] Added missing case in pr_depend.ml.
* Other:
- [Sep 10, 99] Updated from current Ocaml new interfaces.
- [Jul 9, 99] Added stream type constraint in pa_oop.ml to reflect the same
change in Ocaml.
- [Jun 24, 99] Added missing "constraint" construction in types
- [Jun 15, 99] Added option -I for command "mkcamlp4".
- [May 14, 99] Added man pages (links) for camlp4o, camlp4r, mkcamlp4, ocpp
- [May 10, 99] Added shell script "configure_batch" in directory "config".
- [May 10, 99] Changed LICENSE to BSD.
- [Apr 29, 99] Added "ifdef" for mli files.
- [Apr 11, 99] Changed option "-no_cp" into "-sep" in pr_r.cmo and pr_o.cmo.
- [Apr 11, 99] Fixed (old) bug: too long strings where bad pretty printed.
- [Mar 24, 99] Added missing stream type constraint for parsers.
- [Mar 17, 99] Changed template Makefile to use ocamlc.opt and ocamlopt.opt
by default, instead of ocamlc and ocamlopt.
- [Mar 9, 99] Added ifndef in pa_ifdef.ml.
- [Mar 7, 99] Completed and fixed some cases in pr_extend.ml.
Camlp4 Version 2.02:
* Parsing:
- [Feb 27, 99] Fixed 2 bugs, resulting of incorrect Ocaml parsing of the
program example: "type t = F(B).t"
- [Jan 30, 99] Fixed bug "pa_op.ml", could not parse "parser | [<>] -> ()".
- [Jan 16, 99] Added "define" and "undef" in "pa_ifdef.cmo".
- [Dec 22, 98] Fixed precedence of "!=" in Ocaml syntax
* Printing:
- [Mar 4, 99] Added pr_depend.cmo for printing file dependencies.
- [Dec 28, 98] Fixed pretty printing of long strings starting with spaces;
used to display "\\n<spaces>..." instead of "<spaces>\\n...".
* Camlp4:
- [Feb 19, 99] Sort command line argument list in reverse order to
avoid argument names conflicts when adding arguments.
* Olabl:
- [Feb 26, 99] Started extensions for Olabl: directory "lablp4" and some
changes in MLast. Olabl programs can be preprocessed by:
camlp4 pa_labl.cma pr_ldump.cmo
* Internal:
- Use of pr_depend.cmo instead of ocamldep for dependencies.
Camlp4 Version 2.01:
Token interface
* Big change: the type for tokens and tokens patterns is now (string * string)
the first string being the constructor name and the second its possible
parameters. No change in EXTEND statements using Plexer. But lexers
- a supplementary parameter "tparse" to specify how to parse token
from token patterns.
- fields "using" and "removing" replacing "add_keyword" and
See the file README-2.01 for how to update your programs and the interface
of Token.
Grammar interface
* The function "keywords" have been replaced by "tokens". The equivalent
of the old statement:
Grammar.keywords g
is now:
Grammar.tokens g ""
Missing features added
* Added "lazy" statement (pa_r.cmo, pa_o.cmo, pr_r.cmo, pr_o.cmo)
* Added print "assert" statement (pr_o.cmo, pr_r.cmo)
* Added parsing of infix operators like in Ocaml (e.g. |||) in pa_o.cmo
* Added "make scratch"
* Changed Makefile. No more "make T=../", working bad in some systems.
* Some changes to make compilation in Windows 95/98 working better (thanks
to Patricia Peratto).
Classes and objects
* Added quotations for classes and objects (q_MLast.ml)
* Added accessible entries in module Pcaml (class_type, class_expr, etc.)
* Changed classes and objects types in definition (module MLast)
* Some adds in pa_sml.cmo. Thanks to Franklin Chen.
* Added option "-no_cp" when "pr_o.cmo" or "pr_r.cmo" is loaded: do
not print comments between phrases.
* Added option "-split_gext" when "pa_extend.cmo" is loaded: split GEXTEND
by functions to turn around a PowerPC problem.
Bug fixes
* Fixed pa_r.cmo, pa_o.cmo to parse, and pr_r.cmo, pr_o.cmo to print "(x:#M.c)"
* Fixed printing pr_o.cmo of "(a.b <- 1)::1"
* Extended options with parameters worked only when the parameter was sticked.
camlp4o pr_o.cmo -l120 foo.ml
worked, but not:
camlp4o pr_o.cmo -l 120 foo.ml
Camlp4 Version 2.00:
* Designation "righteous" has been renamed "revised".
* Added class and objects in Ocaml printing (pr_o.cmo), revised parsing
(pa_r.cmo) and printing (pr_r.cmo).
* Fixed bug in Ocaml syntax: let _, x = 1, 2;; was refused.
Camlp4 Version 2.00--1:
* Added classes and objects in Ocaml syntax (pa_o.cmo)
* Fixed pr_r.cmo et pr_r.cmo which wrote on stdout, even when option -o
Camlp4 Version 2.00--:
* Adapted for Ocaml 2.00.
* No objects and classes in this version.
* Added "let module" parsing and printing.
* Added arrays patterns parsing and printing.
* Added records with "with" "{... with ...}" parsing and printing
* Added # num "string" in plexer (was missing).
* Fixed bug in pr_o.cmo: module A = B (C);; was printed module A = B C;;
* Added "pa_sml.cmo", SML syntax + "lib.sml"
* Fixed bug in pa_r.ml and pa_o.ml: forgot to clear let_binding
* Changed Plexer: unknown keywords do not raise error but return Tterm
* q_MLast.cmo: suppressed <:expr< [$list:el$] >> (cannot work)
* Added option "-no_ss" (no ;;) when "pr_o.cmo" loaded
* Many changes and bug fixing in pretty printing pr_o.cmo and pr_r.cmo
* Command ocpp works now without having to explicitely load
"/usr/local/lib/ocaml/stdlib.cma" and
* Fixed problem of pretty print "&" and "or" in normal and righteous syntaxes
* Added missing statement "include" in signature item in normal and righteous
* Changed precedence of ":=" and "<-" in normal syntax (pa_o et pr_o):
now before "or", like in Ocaml compiler.
* Same change in righteous syntax, by symmetry.
Camlp4 Version 1.07.2:
Errors and missings in normal and righteous syntaxes.
* Added forgotten syntax (righteous): type constraints in class type fields.
* Added missing syntax (normal): type foo = bar = {......}
* Added missing syntax (normal): did not accept separators before ending
constructions (many of them).
* Fixed bug: "assert false" is now of type 'a, like in Ocaml.
* Fixed to match Ocaml feature: "\^" is "\^" in Ocaml, but just "^" in Camlp4.
* Fixed bug in Windows NT/95: problem in backslash before newlines in strings
* Added functorial version for grammars (started in version 1.07.1,
completed in this version).
* Added statements GEXTEND and GDELETE_RULE in pa_extend.cmo for functorial
* EXTEND statement is added AFTER "top" instead of LEVEL "top" (because
of problems parsing "a; EXTEND...")
* Added ability to have expressions (in antiquotation form) of type string in
EXTEND after keywords "LIDENT", "UIDENT", "IDENT", "ANTIQUOT", "INT" as
in others constructions inside EXTEND.
* A grammar rule hidden by another is not deleted but just masked. DELETE_RULE
will restore the old version.
* DELETE_RULE now raises Not_found if no rule matched.
* Fixed bug: DELETE_RULE did not work when deleting a rule which is a prefix of
another rule.
* Some functions for "system use" in [Grammar] become "official":
[Entry.obj], [extend], [delete_rule].
Command line, man page
* Added option -o: output on file instead of standard output, necessary
to allow compilation in Windows NT/95 (in fact, this option exists since
1.07.1 but forgotten in its "changes" list).
* Command line option -help more complete.
* Updated man page: camlp4 options are better explained.
* Fixed bug: "camlp4 [other-options] foo.ml" worked but not
"camlp4 foo.ml [other-options]".
* Fixed bug: "camlp4 foo" did not display a understandable error message.
Camlp4's compilation
* Changes in compilation process in order to try to make it work better for
Windows NT under Cygnus.
* Added [Pcaml.add_option] for adding command line options.
Camlp4 Version 1.07.1:
* Added forgotten syntax in pr_o: type x = y = A | B
* Fixed bug negative floats parsing in pa_o => error while pretty printing
* Added assert statement and option -noassert.
* Environment variable CAMLP4LIB to change camlp4 library directory
* Grammar: empty rules have a correct location instead of (-1, -1)
* Compilation possible in Windows NT/95
* String constants no more shared while parsing Ocaml
* Fixed bug in antiquotations in q_MLast.cmo (bad errors locations)
* Fixed bug in antiquotations in q_MLast.cmo (EOI not checked)
* Fixed bug in Plexer: could not create keywords with iso 8859 characters
Camlp4 Version 1.07:
* Changed version number + configuration script
* Added iso 8859 uppercase characters for uidents in plexer.ml
* Fixed bug factorization IDENT in grammars
* Fixed bug pr_o.cmo was printing "declare"
* Fixed bug constructor arity in Ocaml syntax (pa_o.cmo).
* Changed "lazy" into "slazy".
* Completed pa_ifdef.cmo.
Camlp4 Version 1.06:
* Adapted to Ocaml 1.06.
* Changed version number to match Ocaml's => 1.06 too.
* Deleted module Gstream, using Ocaml's Stream.
* Generate different AST for C(x,y) and C x y (change done in Ocaml's compiler)
* No more message "Interrupted" in toplevel in case of syntax error.
* Added flag to suppress warnings while extending grammars.
* Completed some missing statements and declarations (objects)
* Modified odyl implementation; works better
* Added ability to extend command line specification
* Added "let_binding" as predefined (accessible) entry in Pcaml.
* Added construction FUNCTION in EXTEND statement to call another function.
* Added some ISO-8859-1 characters in lexer identifiers.
* Fixed bug "value x = {val = 1};" (righteous syntax)
* Fixed bug "open A.B.C" was interpreted as "open B.A.C"
* Modified behavior of "DELETE_RULE": the complete rule must be provided
* Completed quotations MLast ("expr", "patt", etc) to accept whole language
* Renamed "LIKE" into "LEVEL" in grammar EXTEND
* Added "NEXT" as grammar symbol in grammar EXTEND
* Added command "mkcamlp4" to make camlp4 executables linked with C code
* Added "pr_extend.cmo" to reconstitute EXTEND instructions
Camlp4 Version 0.6:
--- Installing
* To compile camlp4, it is no more necessary to have the sources of the
Objective Caml compiler available. It can be compiled like any other
Objective Caml program.
--- Options of "camlp4"
* Added option -where: "camlp4 -where" prints the name of the standard
library directory of Camlp4 and exit. So, the ocaml toplevel and the
compiler can use the option:
-I `camlp4 -where`
* Added option -nolib to not search for objects files in the installed
library directory of Camlp4.
--- Interface of grammar library modules
* The function Grammar.keywords returns now a list of pairs. The pair is
composed of a keyword and the number of times it is used in entries.
* Changed interface of Token and Grammar for lexers, so user lexers have
to be changed.
--- New features in grammars
* New instruction "DELETE_RULE" provided by pa_extend.cmo to delete rules.
DELETE_RULE Pcaml.expr: "if" END;
deletes the "if" instruction of the language.
* Added the ability to parse some specific integer in grammars: a possible
parameter to INT, like the ones for LIDENT and UIDENT.
* In instruction EXTEND, ability to omit "-> action", default is "-> ()"
* Ability to add antiquotation (between $'s) as symbol rule, of type string,
interpreted as a keyword, in instruction EXTEND.
* Ability to put entries with qualified names (Foo.bar) in instruction EXTEND.
--- Quotations
* The module Ast has been renamed MLast. The quotation expander "q_ast.cmo"
has been renamed "q_MLast.cmo".
* Quotation expanders are now of two kinds:
- The "classical" type for expanders returning a string. These expanders
have now a supplementary parameter: a boolean value set to "True"
when the quotation is in a context of an expression an to "False"
when the quotation is in a context of a pattern. These expanders,
returning strings which are parsed afterwards, may work for some
language syntax and/or language extensions used (e.g. may work for
Righteous syntax and not for Ocaml syntax).
- A new type of expander returning directly syntax trees. A pair
of functions, for expressions and for patterns must be provided.
These expanders are independant from the language syntax and/or
extensions used.
* The predefined quotation expanders "ctyp_", "patt_" and "expr_" has
been deleted; one can use "ctyp", "patt", and "expr" in position of
pattern or expression.
--- Ocaml and Righteous syntaxes
* Fixed bug: "open Foo.Bar" was converted (pr_dump.cmo) into "open Bar.Foo"
* Corrected behavior different from Ocaml's: "^" and "@" were at the same
level than "=": now, like Ocaml, they have a separated right associative
--- Grammars behavior
* While extending entries: default position is now "extension of the
first level", instead of "adding a new level at the end".
* Another Change: in each precedence level, terminals are inserted before
other symbols (non terminals, lists, options, etc), LIDENT "foo" before
LIDENT (alone) and UIDENT "foo" before UIDENT (alone). New rules not
factorizable are now inserted before the other rules.
* Changed algorithm of entries parsing: each precedence level is tested
against the stream *before* its next precedences levels (instead of
EXTEND e: [[ LIDENT "a" -> "xxx" ] | [ i = LIDENT -> i ]]; END;
Now, parsing the entry e with the string "a" returns "xxx" instead of "a"
* Less keywords in instruction EXTEND (LEFTA, LIDENT, etc), which can be
used now as normal identifiers.
* When inserting a new rule, a warning appears if a rule with the
same production already existed (it is deleted).
* Parse error messages (Gstream.Error) are formatted => spaces trigger
Format.print_space and newlines trigger Format.force_newline.
Camlp4 Version 0.5:
* Possible creation of native code library (make opt)
* Ocaml and Righteous Syntax more complete
* Added pa_ru.cmo for compiling sequences of type unit (Righteous)
* Quotations AST
- No more quotation long_id
- Antiquotations for identifiers more simple
* Lot of small changes
Camlp4 Version 0.4:
* First distributed version