2014-04-26 03:40:22 -07:00
(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2014 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
(* Common subexpression elimination by value numbering over extended
basic blocks. *)
open Mach
type valnum = int
(* We maintain sets of equations of the form
valnums = operation(valnums)
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plus a mapping from registers to valnums (value numbers). *)
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type rhs = operation * valnum array
module Equations =
Map.Make(struct type t = rhs let compare = Pervasives.compare end)
type numbering =
{ num_next: int; (* next fresh value number *)
num_eqs: valnum array Equations.t; (* mapping rhs -> valnums *)
num_reg: valnum Reg.Map.t } (* mapping register -> valnum *)
let empty_numbering =
{ num_next = 0; num_eqs = Equations.empty; num_reg = Reg.Map.empty }
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(** Generate a fresh value number [v] and associate it to register [r].
Returns a pair [(n',v)] with the updated value numbering [n']. *)
let fresh_valnum_reg n r =
let v = n.num_next in
({n with num_next = v + 1; num_reg = Reg.Map.add r v n.num_reg}, v)
(* Same, for a set of registers [rs]. *)
let array_fold_transf (f: numbering -> 'a -> numbering * 'b) n (a: 'a array)
: numbering * 'b array =
match Array.length a with
| 0 -> (n, [||])
| 1 -> let (n', b) = f n a.(0) in (n', [|b|])
| l -> let b = Array.make l 0 and n = ref n in
for i = 0 to l - 1 do
let (n', x) = f !n a.(i) in
b.(i) <- x; n := n'
(!n, b)
let fresh_valnum_regs n rs =
array_fold_transf fresh_valnum_reg n rs
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(** [valnum_reg n r] returns the value number for the contents of
register [r]. If none exists, a fresh value number is returned
and associated with register [r]. The possibly updated numbering
is also returned. [valnum_regs] is similar, but for an array of
registers. *)
let valnum_reg n r =
(n, Reg.Map.find r n.num_reg)
with Not_found ->
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fresh_valnum_reg n r
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let valnum_regs n rs =
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array_fold_transf valnum_reg n rs
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(* Look up the set of equations for an equation with the given rhs.
Return [Some res] if there is one, where [res] is the lhs. *)
let find_equation n rhs =
Some(Equations.find rhs n.num_eqs)
with Not_found ->
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(* Find a register containing the given value number. *)
let find_reg_containing n v =
Reg.Map.fold (fun r v' res -> if v' = v then Some r else res)
n.num_reg None
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(* Find a set of registers containing the given value numbers. *)
let find_regs_containing n vs =
match Array.length vs with
| 0 -> Some [||]
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| 1 -> begin match find_reg_containing n vs.(0) with
| None -> None
| Some r -> Some [|r|]
| l -> let rs = Array.make l Reg.dummy in
begin try
for i = 0 to l - 1 do
match find_reg_containing n vs.(i) with
| None -> raise Exit
| Some r -> rs.(i) <- r
Some rs
with Exit ->
(* Associate the given value number to the given result register,
without adding new equations. *)
let set_known_reg n r v =
{ n with num_reg = Reg.Map.add r v n.num_reg }
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(* Associate the given value numbers to the given result registers,
without adding new equations. *)
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let array_fold2 f n a1 a2 =
let l = Array.length a1 in
assert (l = Array.length a2);
let n = ref n in
for i = 0 to l - 1 do n := f !n a1.(i) a2.(i) done;
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let set_known_regs n rs vs =
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array_fold2 set_known_reg n rs vs
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(* Record the effect of a move: no new equations, but the result reg
maps to the same value number as the argument reg. *)
let set_move n src dst =
let (n1, v) = valnum_reg n src in
{ n1 with num_reg = Reg.Map.add dst v n1.num_reg }
(* Record the equation [fresh valnums = rhs] and associate the given
result registers [rs] to [fresh valnums]. *)
let set_fresh_regs n rs rhs =
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let (n1, vs) = fresh_valnum_regs n rs in
{ n1 with num_eqs = Equations.add rhs vs n.num_eqs }
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(* Forget everything we know about the given result registers,
which are receiving unpredictable values at run-time. *)
let set_unknown_regs n rs =
{ n with num_reg = Array.fold_right Reg.Map.remove rs n.num_reg }
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(* Forget everything we know about hardware registers and stack locations.
Used at function calls, since these can change registers arbitrarily. *)
let forget_hard_regs n =
{ n with num_reg =
Reg.Map.filter (fun r v -> r.Reg.loc = Reg.Unknown) n.num_reg }
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(* Keep only the equations satisfying the given predicate. *)
let filter_equations pred n =
{ n with num_eqs = Equations.filter (fun (op,_) res -> pred op) n.num_eqs }
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(* Prepend a set of moves before [i] to assign [srcs] to [dsts]. *)
let insert_single_move i src dst = instr_cons (Iop Imove) [|src|] [|dst|] i
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let insert_move srcs dsts i =
match Array.length srcs with
| 0 -> i
| 1 -> instr_cons (Iop Imove) srcs dsts i
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| l -> (* Parallel move: first copy srcs into tmps one by one,
then copy tmps into dsts one by one *)
let tmps = Reg.createv_like srcs in
array_fold2 insert_single_move
(array_fold2 insert_single_move i srcs tmps) tmps dsts
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(* Classification of operations *)
type op_class =
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| Op_pure (* pure arithmetic, produce one or several result *)
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| Op_checkbound (* checkbound-style: no result, can raise an exn *)
| Op_load (* memory load *)
| Op_store of bool (* memory store, false = init, true = assign *)
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| Op_other (* anything else that does not allocate nor store in memory *)
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class cse_generic = object (self)
(* Default classification of operations. Can be overriden in
processor-specific files to classify specific operations better. *)
method class_of_operation op =
match op with
| Imove | Ispill | Ireload -> assert false (* treated specially *)
| Iconst_int _ | Iconst_float _ | Iconst_symbol _
| Iconst_blockheader _ -> Op_pure
| Icall_ind | Icall_imm _ | Itailcall_ind | Itailcall_imm _
| Iextcall _ -> assert false (* treated specially *)
| Istackoffset _ -> Op_other
| Iload(_,_) -> Op_load
| Istore(_,_,asg) -> Op_store asg
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| Ialloc _ -> assert false (* treated specially *)
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| Iintop(Icheckbound) -> Op_checkbound
| Iintop _ -> Op_pure
| Iintop_imm(Icheckbound, _) -> Op_checkbound
| Iintop_imm(_, _) -> Op_pure
| Inegf | Iabsf | Iaddf | Isubf | Imulf | Idivf
| Ifloatofint | Iintoffloat -> Op_pure
| Ispecific _ -> Op_other
(* Operations that are so cheap that it isn't worth factoring them. *)
method is_cheap_operation op =
match op with
| Iconst_int _ | Iconst_blockheader _ -> true
| _ -> false
(* Forget all equations involving memory loads. Performed after a
non-initializing store *)
method private kill_loads n =
filter_equations (fun o -> self#class_of_operation o <> Op_load) n
(* Keep only equations involving checkbounds, and forget register values.
Performed across a call. *)
method private keep_checkbounds n =
filter_equations (fun o -> self#class_of_operation o = Op_checkbound)
{n with num_reg = Reg.Map.empty }
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(* Keep only equations involving checkbounds and loads.
Performed across an alloc. We cannot reuse results of arithmetic operations
after an alloc, because some of these results can be derived pointers
(into the heap, but not to the first field of an object) (PR#6484). *)
method private keep_checkbounds_and_loads n =
(fun o -> let c = self#class_of_operation o in c = Op_checkbound || c = Op_load)
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(* Perform CSE on the given instruction [i] and its successors.
[n] is the value numbering current at the beginning of [i]. *)
method private cse n i =
match i.desc with
| Iend | Ireturn | Iop(Itailcall_ind) | Iop(Itailcall_imm _)
| Iexit _ | Iraise _ ->
| Iop (Imove | Ispill | Ireload) ->
(* For moves, we associate the same value number to the result reg
as to the argument reg. *)
let n1 = set_move n i.arg.(0) i.res.(0) in
{i with next = self#cse n1 i.next}
| Iop (Icall_ind | Icall_imm _ | Iextcall _) ->
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(* For function calls, we should at least forget:
- equations involving memory loads, since the callee can
perform arbitrary memory stores;
- equations involving arithmetic operations that can
produce bad pointers into the heap (see below for Ialloc);
- mappings from hardware registers to value numbers,
since the callee may not preserve these registers.
At any rate, we don't want to perform CSE of arithmetic
operations across function calls, because of increased
register pressure. So, we only remember:
- the checkbound instructions already performed, though,
since their reuse cannot increase register pressure
nor trouble the GC;
- mappings from unallocated pseudoregisters to value numbers. *)
let n1 = forget_hard_regs (self#keep_checkbounds n) in
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{i with next = self#cse n1 i.next}
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| Iop (Ialloc _) ->
(* For allocations, we must avoid extending the live range of a
pseudoregister across the allocation if this pseudoreg can
contain a value that looks like a pointer into the heap but
is not a pointer to the beginning of a Caml object. PR#6484
is an example of such as value (a derived pointer into a
block). So, conservatively, we forget all equations
involving arithmetic operations or memory loads, keeping only
checkbound equations. For registers, we do like for an
"Op_other" instruction. *)
let n1 = set_unknown_regs n (Proc.destroyed_at_oper i.desc) in
let n2 = self#keep_checkbounds n1 in
let n3 = set_unknown_regs n2 i.res in
{i with next = self#cse n3 i.next}
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| Iop op ->
begin match self#class_of_operation op with
| Op_pure | Op_checkbound | Op_load ->
let (n1, varg) = valnum_regs n i.arg in
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let n2 = set_unknown_regs n1 (Proc.destroyed_at_oper i.desc) in
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begin match find_equation n1 (op, varg) with
| Some vres ->
(* This operation was computed earlier. *)
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(* Are there registers that hold the results computed earlier? *)
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begin match find_regs_containing n1 vres with
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| Some res when (not (self#is_cheap_operation op))
&& (not (Proc.regs_are_volatile res)) ->
(* We can replace res <- op args with r <- move res,
provided res are stable (non-volatile) registers.
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If the operation is very cheap to compute, e.g.
an integer constant, don't bother. *)
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let n3 = set_known_regs n1 i.res vres in
(* This is n1 above and not n2 because the move
does not destroy any regs *)
insert_move res i.res (self#cse n3 i.next)
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| _ ->
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(* We already computed the operation but lost its
results. Associate the result registers to
the result valnums of the previous operation. *)
let n3 = set_known_regs n2 i.res vres in
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{i with next = self#cse n3 i.next}
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| None ->
(* This operation produces a result we haven't seen earlier. *)
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let n3 = set_fresh_regs n2 i.res (op, varg) in
{i with next = self#cse n3 i.next}
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| Op_store false | Op_other ->
(* An initializing store or an "other" operation do not invalidate
any equations, but we do not know anything about the results. *)
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let n1 = set_unknown_regs n (Proc.destroyed_at_oper i.desc) in
let n2 = set_unknown_regs n1 i.res in
{i with next = self#cse n2 i.next}
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| Op_store true ->
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(* A non-initializing store can invalidate
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anything we know about prior loads. *)
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let n1 = set_unknown_regs n (Proc.destroyed_at_oper i.desc) in
let n2 = set_unknown_regs n1 i.res in
let n3 = self#kill_loads n2 in
{i with next = self#cse n3 i.next}
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(* For control structures, we set the numbering to empty at every
join point, but propagate the current numbering across fork points. *)
| Iifthenelse(test, ifso, ifnot) ->
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let n1 = set_unknown_regs n (Proc.destroyed_at_oper i.desc) in
{i with desc = Iifthenelse(test, self#cse n1 ifso, self#cse n1 ifnot);
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next = self#cse empty_numbering i.next}
| Iswitch(index, cases) ->
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let n1 = set_unknown_regs n (Proc.destroyed_at_oper i.desc) in
{i with desc = Iswitch(index, Array.map (self#cse n1) cases);
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next = self#cse empty_numbering i.next}
| Iloop(body) ->
{i with desc = Iloop(self#cse empty_numbering body);
next = self#cse empty_numbering i.next}
| Icatch(nfail, body, handler) ->
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{i with desc = Icatch(nfail, self#cse n body,
self#cse empty_numbering handler);
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next = self#cse empty_numbering i.next}
| Itrywith(body, handler) ->
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{i with desc = Itrywith(self#cse n body,
self#cse empty_numbering handler);
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next = self#cse empty_numbering i.next}
method fundecl f =
{f with fun_body = self#cse empty_numbering f.fun_body}