2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
2012-08-01 07:47:00 -07:00
(* *)
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
(* ocamlbuild *)
(* *)
(* Nicolas Pouillard, Berke Durak, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
2009-03-03 08:54:58 -08:00
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
(* Original author: Nicolas Pouillard *)
open My_std
open Format
open Log
open Pathname.Operators
open Tools
open Command
open Rule
open Tags.Operators
open Ocaml_utils
open Rule.Common_commands
open Outcome
let forpack_flags arg tags =
if Tags.mem "pack" tags then
Ocaml_arch.forpack_flags_of_pathname arg
else N
let ocamlc_c tags arg out =
let tags = tags++"ocaml"++"byte" in
Cmd (S [!Options.ocamlc; A"-c"; T(tags++"compile");
2010-01-22 06:36:57 -08:00
ocaml_ppflags tags; ocaml_include_flags arg; A"-o"; Px out; P arg])
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let ocamlc_link flag tags deps out =
Cmd (S [!Options.ocamlc; flag; T tags;
2010-01-22 06:36:57 -08:00
atomize_paths deps; A"-o"; Px out])
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let ocamlc_link_lib = ocamlc_link (A"-a")
let ocamlc_link_prog = ocamlc_link N
let ocamlmklib tags deps out =
Cmd (S [!Options.ocamlmklib; T tags;
2010-01-22 06:36:57 -08:00
atomize_paths deps; A"-o"; Px (Pathname.remove_extensions out)])
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
2007-02-12 02:26:08 -08:00
let ocamlmktop tags deps out =
2010-01-22 06:36:57 -08:00
Cmd( S [!Options.ocamlmktop; T (tags++"mktop");
atomize_paths deps; A"-o"; Px out])
2007-02-12 02:26:08 -08:00
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let byte_lib_linker tags =
if Tags.mem "ocamlmklib" tags then
ocamlmklib tags
ocamlc_link_lib tags
let byte_lib_linker_tags tags = tags++"ocaml"++"link"++"byte"++"library"
let ocamlc_p tags deps out =
Cmd (S [!Options.ocamlc; A"-pack"; T tags;
2010-01-22 06:36:57 -08:00
atomize_paths deps; A"-o"; Px out])
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let ocamlopt_c tags arg out =
let tags = tags++"ocaml"++"native" in
Cmd (S [!Options.ocamlopt; A"-c"; Ocaml_arch.forpack_flags_of_pathname arg;
2010-01-22 06:36:57 -08:00
T(tags++"compile"); ocaml_ppflags tags; ocaml_include_flags arg;
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
A"-o"; Px out (* FIXME ocamlopt bug -o cannot be after the input file *); P arg])
let ocamlopt_link flag tags deps out =
Cmd (S [!Options.ocamlopt; flag; forpack_flags out tags; T tags;
2010-01-22 06:36:57 -08:00
atomize_paths deps; A"-o"; Px out])
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let ocamlopt_link_lib = ocamlopt_link (A"-a")
2010-04-17 09:15:42 -07:00
let ocamlopt_link_shared_lib = ocamlopt_link (A"-shared")
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let ocamlopt_link_prog = ocamlopt_link N
let ocamlopt_p tags deps out =
2007-02-12 07:34:30 -08:00
let dirnames = List.union [] (List.map Pathname.dirname deps) in
let include_flags = List.fold_right ocaml_add_include_flag dirnames [] in
2007-10-08 07:19:34 -07:00
let mli = Pathname.update_extensions "mli" out in
let cmd =
S [!Options.ocamlopt; A"-pack"; forpack_flags out tags; T tags;
2010-01-22 06:36:57 -08:00
S include_flags; atomize_paths deps;
2007-10-08 07:19:34 -07:00
A"-o"; Px out] in
if (*FIXME true ||*) Pathname.exists mli then Cmd cmd
let rm = S[A"rm"; A"-f"; P mli] in
Cmd(S[A"touch"; P mli; Sh" ; if "; cmd; Sh" ; then "; rm; Sh" ; else ";
rm; Sh" ; exit 1; fi"])
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let native_lib_linker tags =
if Tags.mem "ocamlmklib" tags then
ocamlmklib tags
ocamlopt_link_lib tags
2010-04-17 09:15:42 -07:00
let native_shared_lib_linker tags =
(* ocamlmklib seems to not support -shared, is this OK?
if Tags.mem "ocamlmklib" tags then
ocamlmklib tags
ocamlopt_link_shared_lib tags
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let native_lib_linker_tags tags = tags++"ocaml"++"link"++"native"++"library"
2010-04-17 09:15:42 -07:00
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let prepare_compile build ml =
let dir = Pathname.dirname ml in
let include_dirs = Pathname.include_dirs_of dir in
2007-11-21 10:32:32 -08:00
let modules = path_dependencies_of ml in
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let results =
2007-02-08 08:53:39 -08:00
build (List.map (fun (_, x) -> expand_module include_dirs x ["cmi"]) modules) in
List.iter2 begin fun (mandatory, name) res ->
match mandatory, res with
| _, Good _ -> ()
| `mandatory, Bad exn ->
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
if !Options.ignore_auto then
dprintf 3 "Warning: Failed to build the module \
%s requested by ocamldep" name
else raise exn
2007-02-08 08:53:39 -08:00
| `just_try, Bad _ -> ()
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
end modules results
let byte_compile_ocaml_interf mli cmi env build =
let mli = env mli and cmi = env cmi in
prepare_compile build mli;
ocamlc_c (tags_of_pathname mli++"interf") mli cmi
2013-06-16 12:07:45 -07:00
(* given that .cmi can be built from either ocamlc and ocamlopt, this
"agnostic" rule chooses either compilers depending on whether the
"native" tag is present. This was requested during PR#4613 as way
to enable using ocamlbuild in environments where only ocamlopt is
available, not ocamlc. *)
let compile_ocaml_interf mli cmi env build =
let mli = env mli and cmi = env cmi in
prepare_compile build mli;
let tags = tags_of_pathname mli++"interf" in
let comp_c = if Tags.mem "native" tags then ocamlopt_c else ocamlc_c in
comp_c tags mli cmi
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let byte_compile_ocaml_implem ?tag ml cmo env build =
let ml = env ml and cmo = env cmo in
prepare_compile build ml;
2011-07-20 02:17:07 -07:00
ocamlc_c (Tags.union (tags_of_pathname ml) (tags_of_pathname cmo)++"implem"+++tag) ml cmo
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let cache_prepare_link = Hashtbl.create 107
let rec prepare_link tag cmx extensions build =
let key = (tag, cmx, extensions) in
let dir = Pathname.dirname cmx in
let include_dirs = Pathname.include_dirs_of dir in
2007-11-21 10:32:32 -08:00
let ml = Pathname.update_extensions "ml" cmx in
let mli = Pathname.update_extensions "mli" cmx in
let modules =
(if Pathname.exists (ml-.-"depends") then path_dependencies_of ml else [])
(if Pathname.exists (mli-.-"depends") then path_dependencies_of mli else [])
2012-12-21 17:34:21 -08:00
let modules =
if (modules = []) && (Pathname.exists (ml^"pack")) then
List.map (fun s -> (`mandatory, s)) (string_list_of_file (ml^"pack"))
2007-11-21 10:32:32 -08:00
if modules <> [] && not (Hashtbl.mem cache_prepare_link key) then
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let () = Hashtbl.add cache_prepare_link key true in
2007-02-08 08:53:39 -08:00
let modules' = List.map (fun (_, x) -> expand_module include_dirs x extensions) modules in
List.iter2 begin fun (mandatory, _) result ->
match mandatory, result with
| _, Good p -> prepare_link tag p extensions build
| `mandatory, Bad exn -> if not !Options.ignore_auto then raise exn
| `just_try, Bad _ -> ()
end modules (build modules')
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let native_compile_ocaml_implem ?tag ?(cmx_ext="cmx") ml env build =
let ml = env ml in
let cmi = Pathname.update_extensions "cmi" ml in
let cmx = Pathname.update_extensions cmx_ext ml in
prepare_link cmx cmi [cmx_ext; "cmi"] build;
2010-01-22 06:36:57 -08:00
ocamlopt_c (Tags.union (tags_of_pathname ml) (tags_of_pathname cmx)++"implem"+++tag) ml cmx
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let libs_of_use_lib tags =
Tags.fold begin fun tag acc ->
2007-02-26 08:27:45 -08:00
try let libpath, extern = Hashtbl.find info_libraries tag in
if extern then acc else libpath :: acc
with Not_found -> acc
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
end tags []
let prepare_libs cma_ext a_ext out build =
let out_no_ext = Pathname.remove_extension out in
let libs1 = List.union (libraries_of out_no_ext) (libs_of_use_lib (tags_of_pathname out)) in
let () = dprintf 10 "prepare_libs: %S -> %a" out pp_l libs1 in
let libs = List.map (fun x -> x-.-cma_ext) libs1 in
let libs2 = List.map (fun lib -> [lib-.-a_ext]) libs1 in
List.iter ignore_good (build libs2); libs
let library_index = Hashtbl.create 32
let package_index = Hashtbl.create 32
let hidden_packages = ref []
let hide_package_contents package = hidden_packages := package :: !hidden_packages
module Ocaml_dependencies_input = struct
let fold_dependencies = Resource.Cache.fold_dependencies
let fold_libraries f = Hashtbl.fold f library_index
let fold_packages f = Hashtbl.fold f package_index
module Ocaml_dependencies = Ocaml_dependencies.Make(Ocaml_dependencies_input)
let caml_transitive_closure = Ocaml_dependencies.caml_transitive_closure
2010-04-17 09:15:42 -07:00
let link_one_gen linker tagger cmX out env _build =
let cmX = env cmX and out = env out in
let tags = tagger (tags_of_pathname out) in
linker tags [cmX] out
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let link_gen cmX_ext cma_ext a_ext extensions linker tagger cmX out env build =
let cmX = env cmX and out = env out in
let tags = tagger (tags_of_pathname out) in
2007-10-08 07:19:34 -07:00
let dyndeps = Rule.build_deps_of_tags build (tags++"link_with") in
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let cmi = Pathname.update_extensions "cmi" cmX in
prepare_link cmX cmi extensions build;
let libs = prepare_libs cma_ext a_ext out build in
let hidden_packages = List.map (fun x -> x-.-cmX_ext) !hidden_packages in
let deps =
~caml_obj_ext:cmX_ext ~caml_lib_ext:cma_ext
~used_libraries:libs ~hidden_packages (cmX :: dyndeps) in
let deps = (List.filter (fun l -> not (List.mem l deps)) libs) @ deps in
2007-10-08 07:19:34 -07:00
(* Hack to avoid linking twice with the standard library. *)
let stdlib = "stdlib/stdlib"-.-cma_ext in
let is_not_stdlib x = x <> stdlib in
let deps = List.filter is_not_stdlib deps in
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
if deps = [] then failwith "Link list cannot be empty";
let () = dprintf 6 "link: %a -o %a" print_string_list deps Pathname.print out in
2007-10-08 07:19:34 -07:00
linker (tags++"dont_link_with") deps out
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let byte_link_gen = link_gen "cmo" "cma" "cma" ["cmo"; "cmi"]
let byte_link = byte_link_gen ocamlc_link_prog
(fun tags -> tags++"ocaml"++"link"++"byte"++"program")
2013-06-30 01:34:42 -07:00
let byte_output_obj = byte_link_gen ocamlc_link_prog
(fun tags -> tags++"ocaml"++"link"++"byte"++"output_obj")
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let byte_library_link = byte_link_gen byte_lib_linker byte_lib_linker_tags
let byte_debug_link_gen =
link_gen "d.cmo" "d.cma" "d.cma" ["d.cmo"; "cmi"]
let byte_debug_link = byte_debug_link_gen ocamlc_link_prog
(fun tags -> tags++"ocaml"++"link"++"byte"++"debug"++"program")
let byte_debug_library_link = byte_debug_link_gen byte_lib_linker
(fun tags -> byte_lib_linker_tags tags++"debug")
let native_link_gen linker =
link_gen "cmx" "cmxa" !Options.ext_lib [!Options.ext_obj; "cmi"] linker
let native_link x = native_link_gen ocamlopt_link_prog
(fun tags -> tags++"ocaml"++"link"++"native"++"program") x
2013-06-30 01:34:42 -07:00
let native_output_obj x = native_link_gen ocamlopt_link_prog
(fun tags -> tags++"ocaml"++"link"++"native"++"output_obj") x
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let native_library_link x =
native_link_gen native_lib_linker native_lib_linker_tags x
let native_profile_link_gen linker =
link_gen "p.cmx" "p.cmxa" ("p" -.- !Options.ext_lib) ["p" -.- !Options.ext_obj; "cmi"] linker
let native_profile_link x = native_profile_link_gen ocamlopt_link_prog
(fun tags -> tags++"ocaml"++"link"++"native"++"profile"++"program") x
let native_profile_library_link x = native_profile_link_gen native_lib_linker
(fun tags -> native_lib_linker_tags tags++"profile") x
let link_units table extensions cmX_ext cma_ext a_ext linker tagger contents_list cmX env build =
let cmX = env cmX in
let tags = tagger (tags_of_pathname cmX) in
let _ = Rule.build_deps_of_tags build tags in
let dir =
let dir1 = Pathname.remove_extensions cmX in
2007-11-28 08:08:18 -08:00
if Resource.exists_in_source_dir dir1 then dir1
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
else Pathname.dirname cmX in
let include_dirs = Pathname.include_dirs_of dir in
let extension_keys = List.map fst extensions in
let libs = prepare_libs cma_ext a_ext cmX build in
let results =
build begin
List.map begin fun module_name ->
expand_module include_dirs module_name extension_keys
end contents_list
end in
let module_paths =
List.map begin function
| Good p ->
let extension_values = List.assoc (Pathname.get_extensions p) extensions in
List.iter begin fun ext ->
List.iter ignore_good (build [[Pathname.update_extensions ext p]])
end extension_values; p
| Bad exn -> raise exn
end results in
Hashtbl.replace table cmX module_paths;
let hidden_packages = List.map (fun x -> x-.-cmX_ext) !hidden_packages in
let deps =
~caml_obj_ext:cmX_ext ~caml_lib_ext:cma_ext
~hidden_packages ~pack_mode:true module_paths in
let full_contents = libs @ module_paths in
let deps = List.filter (fun x -> List.mem x full_contents) deps in
let deps = (List.filter (fun l -> not (List.mem l deps)) libs) @ deps in
2007-10-08 07:19:34 -07:00
(* Hack to avoid linking twice with the standard library. *)
let stdlib = "stdlib/stdlib"-.-cma_ext in
let is_not_stdlib x = x <> stdlib in
let deps = List.filter is_not_stdlib deps in
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
linker tags deps cmX
let link_modules = link_units library_index
let pack_modules = link_units package_index
let link_from_file link modules_file cmX env build =
let modules_file = env modules_file in
let contents_list = string_list_of_file modules_file in
link contents_list cmX env build
let byte_library_link_modules =
2007-11-22 10:50:29 -08:00
link_modules [("cmo",[])] "cmo" "cma" "cma" byte_lib_linker byte_lib_linker_tags
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let byte_library_link_mllib = link_from_file byte_library_link_modules
2007-02-12 02:26:08 -08:00
let byte_toplevel_link_modules =
2007-11-22 10:50:29 -08:00
link_modules [("cmo",[])] "cmo" "cma" "cma" ocamlmktop
2007-02-12 02:26:08 -08:00
(fun tags -> tags++"ocaml"++"link"++"byte"++"toplevel")
let byte_toplevel_link_mltop = link_from_file byte_toplevel_link_modules
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let byte_debug_library_link_modules =
2007-11-22 10:50:29 -08:00
link_modules [("d.cmo",[])] "d.cmo" "d.cma" "d.cma" byte_lib_linker
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
(fun tags -> byte_lib_linker_tags tags++"debug")
let byte_debug_library_link_mllib = link_from_file byte_debug_library_link_modules
let byte_pack_modules =
pack_modules [("cmo",["cmi"]); ("cmi",[])] "cmo" "cma" "cma" ocamlc_p
(fun tags -> tags++"ocaml"++"pack"++"byte")
let byte_pack_mlpack = link_from_file byte_pack_modules
let byte_debug_pack_modules =
pack_modules [("d.cmo",["cmi"]); ("cmi",[])] "d.cmo" "d.cma" "d.cma" ocamlc_p
(fun tags -> tags++"ocaml"++"pack"++"byte"++"debug")
let byte_debug_pack_mlpack = link_from_file byte_debug_pack_modules
let native_pack_modules x =
pack_modules [("cmx",["cmi"; !Options.ext_obj]); ("cmi",[])] "cmx" "cmxa" !Options.ext_lib ocamlopt_p
(fun tags -> tags++"ocaml"++"pack"++"native") x
let native_pack_mlpack = link_from_file native_pack_modules
let native_profile_pack_modules x =
pack_modules [("p.cmx",["cmi"; "p" -.- !Options.ext_obj]); ("cmi",[])] "p.cmx" "p.cmxa"
("p" -.- !Options.ext_lib) ocamlopt_p
(fun tags -> tags++"ocaml"++"pack"++"native"++"profile") x
let native_profile_pack_mlpack = link_from_file native_profile_pack_modules
let native_library_link_modules x =
2007-11-22 10:50:29 -08:00
link_modules [("cmx",[!Options.ext_obj])] "cmx" "cmxa"
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
!Options.ext_lib native_lib_linker native_lib_linker_tags x
2010-04-17 09:15:42 -07:00
let native_shared_library_link_modules x =
link_modules [("cmx",[!Options.ext_obj])] "cmx" "cmxa"
!Options.ext_lib native_shared_lib_linker
(fun tags -> native_lib_linker_tags tags++"shared") x
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let native_library_link_mllib = link_from_file native_library_link_modules
2010-04-17 09:15:42 -07:00
let native_shared_library_link_mldylib = link_from_file native_shared_library_link_modules
let native_shared_library_tags tags basetags =
List.fold_left (++) (basetags++"ocaml"++"link"++"native"++"shared"++"library") tags
let native_shared_library_link ?(tags = []) x =
link_one_gen native_shared_lib_linker
(native_shared_library_tags tags) x
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let native_profile_library_link_modules x =
2007-11-22 10:50:29 -08:00
link_modules [("p.cmx",["p" -.- !Options.ext_obj])] "p.cmx" "p.cmxa"
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
("p" -.- !Options.ext_lib) native_lib_linker
(fun tags -> native_lib_linker_tags tags++"profile") x
2010-04-17 09:15:42 -07:00
let native_profile_shared_library_link_modules x =
link_modules [("p.cmx",["p" -.- !Options.ext_obj])] "p.cmx" "p.cmxa"
("p" -.- !Options.ext_lib) native_shared_lib_linker
(fun tags -> native_lib_linker_tags tags++"shared"++"profile") x
2007-02-07 00:59:16 -08:00
let native_profile_library_link_mllib = link_from_file native_profile_library_link_modules
2010-04-17 09:15:42 -07:00
let native_profile_shared_library_link_mldylib = link_from_file native_profile_shared_library_link_modules