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(* Animation of sorting algorithms. *)
open Graphics
(* Information on a given sorting process *)
type graphic_context =
{ array: int array; (* Data to sort *)
x0: int; (* X coordinate, lower left corner *)
y0: int; (* Y coordinate, lower left corner *)
width: int; (* Width in pixels *)
height: int; (* Height in pixels *)
nelts: int; (* Number of elements in the array *)
maxval: int; (* Max val in the array + 1 *)
rad: int (* Dimension of the rectangles *)
(* Array assignment and exchange with screen update *)
let screen_mutex = Mutex.create()
let draw gc i v =
fill_rect (gc.x0 + (gc.width * i) / gc.nelts)
(gc.y0 + (gc.height * v) / gc.maxval)
gc.rad gc.rad
let assign gc i v =
Mutex.lock screen_mutex;
set_color background; draw gc i gc.array.(i);
set_color foreground; draw gc i v;
gc.array.(i) <- v;
Mutex.unlock screen_mutex
let exchange gc i j =
let val_i = gc.array.(i) in
assign gc i gc.array.(j);
assign gc j val_i
(* Construction of a graphic context *)
let initialize name array maxval x y w h =
let (_, label_height) = text_size name in
let rad = (w - 2) / (Array.length array) - 1 in
let gc =
{ array = Array.copy array;
x0 = x + 1; (* Leave one pixel left for Y axis *)
y0 = y + 1; (* Leave one pixel below for X axis *)
width = w - 2; (* 1 pixel left, 1 pixel right *)
height = h - 1 - label_height - rad;
nelts = Array.length array;
maxval = maxval;
rad = rad } in
moveto (gc.x0 - 1) (gc.y0 + gc.height);
lineto (gc.x0 - 1) (gc.y0 - 1);
lineto (gc.x0 + gc.width) (gc.y0 - 1);
moveto (gc.x0 - 1) (gc.y0 + gc.height);
draw_string name;
for i = 0 to Array.length array - 1 do
draw gc i array.(i)
(* Main animation function *)
let display functs nelts maxval =
let a = Array.create nelts 0 in
for i = 0 to nelts - 1 do
a.(i) <- Random.int maxval
let num_finished = ref 0 in
let lock_finished = Mutex.create() in
let cond_finished = Condition.create() in
for i = 0 to Array.length functs - 1 do
let (name, funct, x, y, w, h) = functs.(i) in
let gc = initialize name a maxval x y w h in
(fun () ->
funct gc;
Mutex.lock lock_finished;
incr num_finished;
Mutex.unlock lock_finished;
Condition.signal cond_finished)
Mutex.lock lock_finished;
while !num_finished < Array.length functs do
Condition.wait cond_finished lock_finished
Mutex.unlock lock_finished;
let delay = ref 0 in
while true do
let gc = Queue.take q in
begin match gc.action with
Finished -> ()
| Pause f ->
gc.action <- f ();
for i = 0 to !delay do () done;
Queue.add gc q
if key_pressed() then begin
match read_key() with
'q'|'Q' ->
raise Exit
| '0'..'9' as c ->
delay := (Char.code c - 48) * 500
| _ ->
with Exit -> ()
| Queue.Empty -> read_key(); ()
(* The sorting functions. *)
(* Bubble sort *)
let bubble_sort gc =
let ordered = ref false in
while not !ordered do
ordered := true;
for i = 0 to Array.length gc.array - 2 do
if gc.array.(i+1) < gc.array.(i) then begin
exchange gc i (i+1);
ordered := false
(* Insertion sort *)
let insertion_sort gc =
for i = 1 to Array.length gc.array - 1 do
let val_i = gc.array.(i) in
let j = ref (i - 1) in
while !j >= 0 & val_i < gc.array.(!j) do
assign gc (!j + 1) gc.array.(!j);
decr j
assign gc (!j + 1) val_i
(* Selection sort *)
let selection_sort gc =
for i = 0 to Array.length gc.array - 1 do
let min = ref i in
for j = i+1 to Array.length gc.array - 1 do
if gc.array.(j) < gc.array.(!min) then min := j
exchange gc i !min
(* Quick sort *)
let quick_sort gc =
let rec quick lo hi =
if lo < hi then begin
let i = ref lo in
let j = ref hi in
let pivot = gc.array.(hi) in
while !i < !j do
while !i < hi & gc.array.(!i) <= pivot do incr i done;
while !j > lo & gc.array.(!j) >= pivot do decr j done;
if !i < !j then exchange gc !i !j
exchange gc !i hi;
quick lo (!i-1);
quick (!i+1) hi
in quick 0 (Array.length gc.array - 1)
(* Merge sort *)
let merge_sort gc =
let rec merge i l1 l2 =
match (l1, l2) with
([], []) ->
| ([], v2::r2) ->
assign gc i v2; merge (i+1) l1 r2
| (v1::r1, []) ->
assign gc i v1; merge (i+1) r1 l2
| (v1::r1, v2::r2) ->
if v1 < v2
then begin assign gc i v1; merge (i+1) r1 l2 end
else begin assign gc i v2; merge (i+1) l1 r2 end in
let rec msort start len =
if len < 2 then () else begin
let m = len / 2 in
msort start m;
msort (start+m) (len-m);
merge start
(Array.to_list (Array.sub gc.array start m))
(Array.to_list (Array.sub gc.array (start+m) (len-m)))
end in
msort 0 (Array.length gc.array)
(* Main program *)
let animate() =
open_graph "";
moveto 0 0; draw_string "Press a key to start...";
let seed = ref 0 in
while not (key_pressed()) do incr seed done;
Random.init !seed;
let prompt = "0: fastest ... 9: slowest, press 'q' to quit" in
moveto 0 0; draw_string prompt;
let (_, h) = text_size prompt in
let sx = size_x() / 2 and sy = (size_y() - h) / 3 in
display [| "Bubble", bubble_sort, 0, h, sx, sy;
"Insertion", insertion_sort, 0, h+sy, sx, sy;
"Selection", selection_sort, 0, h+2*sy, sx, sy;
"Quicksort", quick_sort, sx, h, sx, sy;
(** "Heapsort", heap_sort, sx, h+sy, sx, sy; **)
"Mergesort", merge_sort, sx, h+2*sy, sx, sy |]
100 1000;
let _ = if !Sys.interactive then () else begin animate(); exit 0 end