
530 lines
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(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Link a set of .cmo files and produce a bytecode executable. *)
open Sys
open Misc
open Config
open Instruct
open Emitcode
type error =
File_not_found of string
| Not_an_object_file of string
| Symbol_error of string * Symtable.error
| Inconsistent_import of string * string * string
| Custom_runtime
| File_exists of string
exception Error of error
type link_action =
Link_object of string * compilation_unit
(* Name of .cmo file and descriptor of the unit *)
| Link_archive of string * compilation_unit list
(* Name of .cma file and descriptors of the units to be linked. *)
(* First pass: determine which units are needed *)
module IdentSet =
type t = Ident.t
let compare = compare
let missing_globals = ref IdentSet.empty
let is_required (rel, pos) =
match rel with
Reloc_setglobal id ->
IdentSet.mem id !missing_globals
| _ -> false
let add_required (rel, pos) =
match rel with
Reloc_getglobal id ->
missing_globals := IdentSet.add id !missing_globals
| _ -> ()
let remove_required (rel, pos) =
match rel with
Reloc_setglobal id ->
missing_globals := IdentSet.remove id !missing_globals
| _ -> ()
let scan_file obj_name tolink =
let file_name =
find_in_path !load_path obj_name
with Not_found ->
raise(Error(File_not_found obj_name)) in
let ic = open_in_bin file_name in
let buffer = String.create (String.length cmo_magic_number) in
really_input ic buffer 0 (String.length cmo_magic_number);
if buffer = cmo_magic_number then begin
(* This is a .cmo file. It must be linked in any case.
Read the relocation information to see which modules it
requires. *)
let compunit_pos = input_binary_int ic in (* Go to descriptor *)
seek_in ic compunit_pos;
let compunit = (input_value ic : compilation_unit) in
close_in ic;
List.iter add_required compunit.cu_reloc;
Link_object(file_name, compunit) :: tolink
else if buffer = cma_magic_number then begin
(* This is an archive file. Each unit contained in it will be linked
in only if needed. *)
let pos_toc = input_binary_int ic in (* Go to table of contents *)
seek_in ic pos_toc;
let toc = (input_value ic : compilation_unit list) in
close_in ic;
let required =
(fun compunit reqd ->
if compunit.cu_force_link
or !Clflags.link_everything
or List.exists is_required compunit.cu_reloc
then begin
List.iter remove_required compunit.cu_reloc;
List.iter add_required compunit.cu_reloc;
compunit :: reqd
end else
toc [] in
Link_archive(file_name, required) :: tolink
else raise(Error(Not_an_object_file file_name))
End_of_file -> close_in ic; raise(Error(Not_an_object_file file_name))
| x -> close_in ic; raise x
(* Second pass: link in the required units *)
(* Consistency check between interfaces *)
let crc_interfaces =
(Hashtbl.create 17 : (string, string * Digest.t) Hashtbl.t)
let check_consistency file_name cu =
(fun (name, crc) ->
if name = cu.cu_name then begin
Hashtbl.add crc_interfaces name (file_name, crc)
end else begin
let (auth_name, auth_crc) = Hashtbl.find crc_interfaces name in
if crc <> auth_crc then
raise(Error(Inconsistent_import(name, file_name, auth_name)))
with Not_found ->
(* Can only happen for unit for which only a .cmi file was used,
but no .cmo is provided *)
Hashtbl.add crc_interfaces name (file_name, crc)
(* Record compilation events *)
let debug_info = ref ([] : (int * string) list)
(* Link in a compilation unit *)
let link_compunit output_fun currpos_fun inchan file_name compunit =
check_consistency file_name compunit;
seek_in inchan compunit.cu_pos;
let code_block = String.create compunit.cu_codesize in
really_input inchan code_block 0 compunit.cu_codesize;
Symtable.patch_object code_block compunit.cu_reloc;
if !Clflags.debug && compunit.cu_debug > 0 then begin
seek_in inchan compunit.cu_debug;
let buffer = String.create compunit.cu_debugsize in
really_input inchan buffer 0 compunit.cu_debugsize;
debug_info := (currpos_fun(), buffer) :: !debug_info
output_fun code_block;
if !Clflags.link_everything then
List.iter Symtable.require_primitive compunit.cu_primitives
(* Link in a .cmo file *)
let link_object output_fun currpos_fun file_name compunit =
let inchan = open_in_bin file_name in
link_compunit output_fun currpos_fun inchan file_name compunit;
close_in inchan
Symtable.Error msg ->
close_in inchan; raise(Error(Symbol_error(file_name, msg)))
| x ->
close_in inchan; raise x
(* Link in a .cma file *)
let link_archive output_fun currpos_fun file_name units_required =
let inchan = open_in_bin file_name in
(fun cu ->
let name = file_name ^ "(" ^ cu.cu_name ^ ")" in
link_compunit output_fun currpos_fun inchan name cu
with Symtable.Error msg ->
raise(Error(Symbol_error(name, msg))))
close_in inchan
with x -> close_in inchan; raise x
(* Link in a .cmo or .cma file *)
let link_file output_fun currpos_fun = function
Link_object(file_name, unit) ->
link_object output_fun currpos_fun file_name unit
| Link_archive(file_name, units) ->
link_archive output_fun currpos_fun file_name units
(* Output the debugging information *)
(* Format is:
<int32> number of event lists
<int32> offset of first event list
<output_value> first event list
<int32> offset of last event list
<output_value> last event list *)
let output_debug_info oc =
output_binary_int oc (List.length !debug_info);
(fun (ofs, evl) -> output_binary_int oc ofs; output_string oc evl)
debug_info := []
(* Transform a file name into an absolute file name *)
let make_absolute file =
if Filename.is_relative file
then Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd()) file
else file
(* Create a bytecode executable file *)
let link_bytecode objfiles exec_name copy_header =
let tolink = List.fold_right scan_file objfiles [] in
if Sys.os_type = "MacOS" then begin
(* Create it as a text file for bytecode scripts *)
let c = open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_creat] 0o777 exec_name in
close_out c
let outchan = open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_trunc; Open_creat; Open_binary]
0o777 exec_name in
(* Copy the header *)
if copy_header then begin
let header =
if String.length !Clflags.use_runtime > 0
then "camlheader_ur" else "camlheader" in
let inchan = open_in_bin (find_in_path !load_path header) in
copy_file inchan outchan;
close_in inchan
with Not_found | Sys_error _ -> ()
Bytesections.init_record outchan;
(* The path to the bytecode interpreter (in use_runtime mode) *)
if String.length !Clflags.use_runtime > 0 then begin
output_string outchan (make_absolute !Clflags.use_runtime);
output_char outchan '\n';
Bytesections.record outchan "RNTM"
(* The bytecode *)
let start_code = pos_out outchan in
Hashtbl.clear crc_interfaces;
let output_fun = output_string outchan
and currpos_fun () = pos_out outchan - start_code in
List.iter (link_file output_fun currpos_fun) tolink;
(* The final STOP instruction *)
output_byte outchan Opcodes.opSTOP;
output_byte outchan 0; output_byte outchan 0; output_byte outchan 0;
Bytesections.record outchan "CODE";
(* The names of all primitives *)
Symtable.output_primitive_names outchan;
Bytesections.record outchan "PRIM";
(* The table of global data *)
output_value outchan (Symtable.initial_global_table());
Bytesections.record outchan "DATA";
(* The map of global identifiers *)
Symtable.output_global_map outchan;
Bytesections.record outchan "SYMB";
(* Debug info *)
if !Clflags.debug then begin
output_debug_info outchan;
Bytesections.record outchan "DBUG"
(* The table of contents and the trailer *)
Bytesections.write_toc_and_trailer outchan;
close_out outchan
with x ->
close_out outchan;
remove_file exec_name;
raise x
(* Output a string as a C array of unsigned ints *)
let output_code_string_counter = ref 0
let output_code_string outchan code =
let pos = ref 0 in
let len = String.length code in
while !pos < len do
let c1 = Char.code(code.[!pos]) in
let c2 = Char.code(code.[!pos + 1]) in
let c3 = Char.code(code.[!pos + 2]) in
let c4 = Char.code(code.[!pos + 3]) in
pos := !pos + 4;
Printf.fprintf outchan "0x%02x%02x%02x%02x, " c4 c3 c2 c1;
incr output_code_string_counter;
if !output_code_string_counter >= 6 then begin
output_char outchan '\n';
output_code_string_counter := 0
(* Output a string as a C string *)
let output_data_string outchan data =
let counter = ref 0 in
for i = 0 to String.length data - 1 do
Printf.fprintf outchan "%d, " (Char.code(data.[i]));
incr counter;
if !counter >= 12 then begin
output_string outchan "\n";
counter := 0
(* Output a bytecode executable as a C file *)
let link_bytecode_as_c objfiles outfile =
let tolink = List.fold_right scan_file objfiles [] in
let outchan = open_out outfile in
(* The bytecode *)
output_string outchan "static int caml_code[] = {\n";
Hashtbl.clear crc_interfaces;
let output_fun = output_code_string outchan
and currpos_fun () = 0 in
List.iter (link_file output_fun currpos_fun) tolink;
(* The final STOP instruction *)
Printf.fprintf outchan "\n0x%x};\n\n" Opcodes.opSTOP;
(* The table of global data *)
output_string outchan "static char caml_data[] = {\n";
output_data_string outchan
(Marshal.to_string (Symtable.initial_global_table()) []);
Printf.fprintf outchan "\n};\n\n";
(* The table of primitives *)
Symtable.output_primitive_table outchan;
(* The entry point *)
output_string outchan "\n
void caml_startup(argv)
char ** argv;
caml_startup_code(caml_code, sizeof(caml_code), caml_data, argv);
close_out outchan
with x ->
close_out outchan;
raise x
(* Build a custom runtime *)
let rec extract suffix l =
match l with
| [] -> []
| h::t when Filename.check_suffix h suffix -> h :: (extract suffix t)
| h::t -> extract suffix t
let build_custom_runtime prim_name exec_name =
let libname = "libcamlrun" ^ ext_lib in
let runtime_lib =
find_in_path !load_path libname
with Not_found ->
raise(Error(File_not_found libname)) in
match Sys.os_type with
"Unix" ->
"%s -o %s -I%s %s %s -L%s %s %s %s"
(String.concat " " (List.rev !Clflags.ccopts))
(String.concat " " (List.rev !Clflags.ccobjs))
| "Win32" ->
"%s /Fe%s -I%s %s %s %s %s %s"
(String.concat " " (List.rev !Clflags.ccopts))
(String.concat " " (List.map Ccomp.expand_libname
(List.rev !Clflags.ccobjs)))
| "MacOS" ->
let c68k = "sc"
and libs68k = "\"{libraries}IntEnv.far.o\" \
\"{libraries}MacRuntime.o\" \
\"{clibraries}StdCLib.far.o\" \
\"{libraries}MathLib.far.o\" \
\"{libraries}ToolLibs.o\" \
and link68k = "ilink -compact -state nouse -model far -msg nodup"
and cppc = "mrc"
and libsppc = "\"{sharedlibraries}MathLib\" \
\"{ppclibraries}PPCCRuntime.o\" \
\"{ppclibraries}PPCToolLibs.o\" \
\"{sharedlibraries}StdCLib\" \
\"{ppclibraries}StdCRuntime.o\" \
and linkppc = "ppclink -d"
and objs68k = extract ".o" (List.rev !Clflags.ccobjs)
and objsppc = extract ".x" (List.rev !Clflags.ccobjs)
and q_prim_name = Filename.quote prim_name
and q_stdlib = Filename.quote Config.standard_library
and q_exec_name = Filename.quote exec_name
Ccomp.run_command (Printf.sprintf "%s -i %s %s %s -o %s.o"
(String.concat " " (List.rev_map Filename.quote !Clflags.ccopts))
Ccomp.run_command (Printf.sprintf "%s -i %s %s %s -o %s.x"
(String.concat " " (List.rev_map Filename.quote !Clflags.ccopts))
Ccomp.run_command ("delete -i " ^ q_exec_name);
Ccomp.run_command (Printf.sprintf
"%s -t MPST -c 'MPS ' -o %s %s.o %s %s %s"
(String.concat " " (List.map Filename.quote objs68k))
(Filename.concat Config.standard_library "libcamlrun.o"))
Ccomp.command (Printf.sprintf
"%s -t MPST -c 'MPS ' -o %s %s.x %s %s %s"
(String.concat " " (List.map Filename.quote objsppc))
(Filename.concat Config.standard_library "libcamlrun.x"))
| _ -> assert false
let append_bytecode_and_cleanup bytecode_name exec_name prim_name =
let oc = open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_append; Open_binary] 0 exec_name in
let ic = open_in_bin bytecode_name in
copy_file ic oc;
close_in ic;
close_out oc;
remove_file bytecode_name;
remove_file prim_name
(* Fix the name of the output file, if the C compiler changes it behind
our back. *)
let fix_exec_name name =
match Sys.os_type with
"Win32" ->
if String.contains name '.' then name else name ^ ".exe"
| _ -> name
(* Main entry point (build a custom runtime if needed) *)
let link objfiles =
let objfiles = if !Clflags.nopervasives then objfiles
else "stdlib.cma" :: (objfiles @ ["std_exit.cmo"]) in
if not !Clflags.custom_runtime then
link_bytecode objfiles !Clflags.exec_name true
else if not !Clflags.output_c_object then begin
let bytecode_name = Filename.temp_file "camlcode" "" in
let prim_name = Filename.temp_file "camlprim" ".c" in
link_bytecode objfiles bytecode_name false;
let poc = open_out prim_name in
Symtable.output_primitive_table poc;
close_out poc;
let exec_name = fix_exec_name !Clflags.exec_name in
if build_custom_runtime prim_name exec_name <> 0
then raise(Error Custom_runtime);
if !Clflags.make_runtime
then (remove_file bytecode_name; remove_file prim_name)
else append_bytecode_and_cleanup bytecode_name exec_name prim_name
with x ->
remove_file bytecode_name;
remove_file prim_name;
raise x
end else begin
let c_file =
Filename.chop_suffix !Clflags.object_name Config.ext_obj ^ ".c" in
if Sys.file_exists c_file then raise(Error(File_exists c_file));
link_bytecode_as_c objfiles c_file;
if Ccomp.compile_file c_file <> 0
then raise(Error Custom_runtime);
remove_file c_file
with x ->
remove_file c_file;
remove_file !Clflags.object_name;
raise x
(* Error report *)
open Format
let report_error ppf = function
| File_not_found name ->
fprintf ppf "Cannot find file %s" name
| Not_an_object_file name ->
fprintf ppf "The file %s is not a bytecode object file" name
| Symbol_error(name, err) ->
fprintf ppf "Error while linking %s:@ %a" name
Symtable.report_error err
| Inconsistent_import(intf, file1, file2) ->
fprintf ppf
"@[<hv 0>Files %s and %s@ \
make inconsistent assumptions over interface %s@]"
file1 file2 intf
| Custom_runtime ->
fprintf ppf "Error while building custom runtime system"
| File_exists file ->
fprintf ppf "Cannot overwrite existing file %s" file