
570 lines
16 KiB
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(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
(* Disassembler for executable and .cmo object files *)
open Asttypes
open Config
open Instruct
open Lambda
open Location
open Opcodes
open Opnames
open Cmo_format
open Printf
let print_locations = ref true
(* Read signed and unsigned integers *)
let inputu ic =
let b1 = input_byte ic in
let b2 = input_byte ic in
let b3 = input_byte ic in
let b4 = input_byte ic in
(b4 lsl 24) + (b3 lsl 16) + (b2 lsl 8) + b1
let inputs ic =
let b1 = input_byte ic in
let b2 = input_byte ic in
let b3 = input_byte ic in
let b4 = input_byte ic in
let b4' = if b4 >= 128 then b4-256 else b4 in
(b4' lsl 24) + (b3 lsl 16) + (b2 lsl 8) + b1
(* Global variables *)
type global_table_entry =
| Global of Ident.t
| Constant of Obj.t
let start = ref 0 (* Position of beg. of code *)
let reloc = ref ([] : (reloc_info * int) list) (* Relocation table *)
let globals = ref ([||] : global_table_entry array) (* Global map *)
let primitives = ref ([||] : string array) (* Table of primitives *)
let objfile = ref false (* true if dumping a .cmo *)
(* Events (indexed by PC) *)
let event_table = (Hashtbl.create 253 : (int, debug_event) Hashtbl.t)
let relocate_event orig ev =
ev.ev_pos <- orig + ev.ev_pos;
match ev.ev_repr with
Event_parent repr -> repr := ev.ev_pos
| _ -> ()
let record_events orig evl =
(fun ev ->
relocate_event orig ev;
Hashtbl.add event_table ev.ev_pos ev)
(* Print a structured constant *)
let print_float f =
if String.contains f '.'
then printf "%s" f
else printf "%s." f
let rec print_struct_const = function
Const_base(Const_int i) -> printf "%d" i
| Const_base(Const_float f) -> print_float f
| Const_base(Const_string (s, _)) -> printf "%S" s
| Const_immstring s -> printf "%S" s
| Const_base(Const_char c) -> printf "%C" c
| Const_base(Const_int32 i) -> printf "%ldl" i
| Const_base(Const_nativeint i) -> printf "%ndn" i
| Const_base(Const_int64 i) -> printf "%LdL" i
| Const_pointer n -> printf "%da" n
| Const_block(tag, args) ->
printf "<%d>" tag;
begin match args with
[] -> ()
| [a1] ->
printf "("; print_struct_const a1; printf ")"
| a1::al ->
printf "("; print_struct_const a1;
List.iter (fun a -> printf ", "; print_struct_const a) al;
printf ")"
| Const_float_array a ->
printf "[|";
List.iter (fun f -> print_float f; printf "; ") a;
printf "|]"
(* Print an obj *)
let same_custom x y =
Obj.field x 0 = Obj.field (Obj.repr y) 0
let rec print_obj x =
if Obj.is_block x then begin
let tag = Obj.tag x in
if tag = Obj.string_tag then
printf "%S" (Obj.magic x : string)
else if tag = Obj.double_tag then
printf "%.12g" (Obj.magic x : float)
else if tag = Obj.double_array_tag then begin
let a = (Obj.magic x : float array) in
printf "[|";
for i = 0 to Array.length a - 1 do
if i > 0 then printf ", ";
printf "%.12g" a.(i)
printf "|]"
end else if tag = Obj.custom_tag && same_custom x 0l then
printf "%ldl" (Obj.magic x : int32)
else if tag = Obj.custom_tag && same_custom x 0n then
printf "%ndn" (Obj.magic x : nativeint)
else if tag = Obj.custom_tag && same_custom x 0L then
printf "%LdL" (Obj.magic x : int64)
else if tag < Obj.no_scan_tag then begin
printf "<%d>" (Obj.tag x);
match Obj.size x with
0 -> ()
| 1 ->
printf "("; print_obj (Obj.field x 0); printf ")"
| n ->
printf "("; print_obj (Obj.field x 0);
for i = 1 to n - 1 do
printf ", "; print_obj (Obj.field x i)
printf ")"
end else
printf "<tag %d>" tag
end else
printf "%d" (Obj.magic x : int)
(* Current position in input file *)
let currpos ic =
pos_in ic - !start
(* Access in the relocation table *)
let rec rassoc key = function
[] -> raise Not_found
| (a,b) :: l -> if b = key then a else rassoc key l
let find_reloc ic =
rassoc (pos_in ic - !start) !reloc
(* Symbolic printing of global names, etc *)
let print_getglobal_name ic =
if !objfile then begin
begin try
match find_reloc ic with
Reloc_getglobal id -> print_string (Ident.name id)
| Reloc_literal sc -> print_struct_const sc
| _ -> print_string "<wrong reloc>"
with Not_found ->
print_string "<no reloc>"
ignore (inputu ic);
else begin
let n = inputu ic in
if n >= Array.length !globals || n < 0
then print_string "<global table overflow>"
else match !globals.(n) with
Global id -> print_string(Ident.name id)
| Constant obj -> print_obj obj
| _ -> print_string "???"
let print_setglobal_name ic =
if !objfile then begin
begin try
match find_reloc ic with
Reloc_setglobal id -> print_string (Ident.name id)
| _ -> print_string "<wrong reloc>"
with Not_found ->
print_string "<no reloc>"
ignore (inputu ic);
else begin
let n = inputu ic in
if n >= Array.length !globals || n < 0
then print_string "<global table overflow>"
else match !globals.(n) with
Global id -> print_string(Ident.name id)
| _ -> print_string "???"
let print_primitive ic =
if !objfile then begin
begin try
match find_reloc ic with
Reloc_primitive s -> print_string s
| _ -> print_string "<wrong reloc>"
with Not_found ->
print_string "<no reloc>"
ignore (inputu ic);
else begin
let n = inputu ic in
if n >= Array.length !primitives || n < 0
then print_int n
else print_string !primitives.(n)
(* Disassemble one instruction *)
let currpc ic =
currpos ic / 4
type shape =
| Nothing
| Uint
| Sint
| Uint_Uint
| Disp
| Uint_Disp
| Sint_Disp
| Getglobal
| Getglobal_Uint
| Setglobal
| Primitive
| Uint_Primitive
| Switch
| Closurerec
| Pubmet
let op_shapes = [
opACC0, Nothing;
opACC1, Nothing;
opACC2, Nothing;
opACC3, Nothing;
opACC4, Nothing;
opACC5, Nothing;
opACC6, Nothing;
opACC7, Nothing;
opACC, Uint;
opPUSH, Nothing;
opPUSHACC0, Nothing;
opPUSHACC1, Nothing;
opPUSHACC2, Nothing;
opPUSHACC3, Nothing;
opPUSHACC4, Nothing;
opPUSHACC5, Nothing;
opPUSHACC6, Nothing;
opPUSHACC7, Nothing;
opPUSHACC, Uint;
opPOP, Uint;
opASSIGN, Uint;
opENVACC1, Nothing;
opENVACC2, Nothing;
opENVACC3, Nothing;
opENVACC4, Nothing;
opENVACC, Uint;
opPUSHENVACC1, Nothing;
opPUSHENVACC2, Nothing;
opPUSHENVACC3, Nothing;
opPUSHENVACC4, Nothing;
opAPPLY, Uint;
opAPPLY1, Nothing;
opAPPLY2, Nothing;
opAPPLY3, Nothing;
opAPPTERM, Uint_Uint;
opAPPTERM1, Uint;
opAPPTERM2, Uint;
opAPPTERM3, Uint;
opRETURN, Uint;
opRESTART, Nothing;
opGRAB, Uint;
opCLOSURE, Uint_Disp;
opCLOSUREREC, Closurerec;
opOFFSETCLOSURE, Sint; (* was Uint *)
opPUSHOFFSETCLOSURE, Sint; (* was Nothing *)
opGETGLOBAL, Getglobal;
opGETGLOBALFIELD, Getglobal_Uint;
opSETGLOBAL, Setglobal;
opATOM0, Nothing;
opATOM, Uint;
opPUSHATOM0, Nothing;
opMAKEBLOCK, Uint_Uint;
opGETFIELD0, Nothing;
opGETFIELD1, Nothing;
opGETFIELD2, Nothing;
opGETFIELD3, Nothing;
opSETFIELD0, Nothing;
opSETFIELD1, Nothing;
opSETFIELD2, Nothing;
opSETFIELD3, Nothing;
opVECTLENGTH, Nothing;
opBRANCH, Disp;
opSWITCH, Switch;
opBOOLNOT, Nothing;
opPOPTRAP, Nothing;
opRAISE, Nothing;
opC_CALL1, Primitive;
opC_CALL2, Primitive;
opC_CALL3, Primitive;
opC_CALL4, Primitive;
opC_CALL5, Primitive;
opC_CALLN, Uint_Primitive;
opCONST0, Nothing;
opCONST1, Nothing;
opCONST2, Nothing;
opCONST3, Nothing;
opPUSHCONST0, Nothing;
opPUSHCONST1, Nothing;
opPUSHCONST2, Nothing;
opPUSHCONST3, Nothing;
opNEGINT, Nothing;
opADDINT, Nothing;
opSUBINT, Nothing;
opMULINT, Nothing;
opDIVINT, Nothing;
opMODINT, Nothing;
opANDINT, Nothing;
opORINT, Nothing;
opXORINT, Nothing;
opLSLINT, Nothing;
opLSRINT, Nothing;
opASRINT, Nothing;
opEQ, Nothing;
opNEQ, Nothing;
opLTINT, Nothing;
opLEINT, Nothing;
opGTINT, Nothing;
opGEINT, Nothing;
opISINT, Nothing;
opGETMETHOD, Nothing;
opGETDYNMET, Nothing;
opGETPUBMET, Pubmet;
opBEQ, Sint_Disp;
opBNEQ, Sint_Disp;
opBLTINT, Sint_Disp;
opBLEINT, Sint_Disp;
opBGTINT, Sint_Disp;
opBGEINT, Sint_Disp;
opULTINT, Nothing;
opUGEINT, Nothing;
opBULTINT, Uint_Disp;
opBUGEINT, Uint_Disp;
opSTOP, Nothing;
opEVENT, Nothing;
opBREAK, Nothing;
let print_event ev =
if !print_locations then
let ls = ev.ev_loc.loc_start in
let le = ev.ev_loc.loc_end in
printf "File \"%s\", line %d, characters %d-%d:\n" ls.Lexing.pos_fname
ls.Lexing.pos_lnum (ls.Lexing.pos_cnum - ls.Lexing.pos_bol)
(le.Lexing.pos_cnum - ls.Lexing.pos_bol)
let print_instr ic =
let pos = currpos ic in
List.iter print_event (Hashtbl.find_all event_table pos);
printf "%8d " (pos / 4);
let op = inputu ic in
if op >= Array.length names_of_instructions || op < 0
then (print_string "*** unknown opcode : "; print_int op)
else print_string names_of_instructions.(op);
print_string " ";
begin try match List.assoc op op_shapes with
| Uint -> print_int (inputu ic)
| Sint -> print_int (inputs ic)
| Uint_Uint
-> print_int (inputu ic); print_string ", "; print_int (inputu ic)
| Disp -> let p = currpc ic in print_int (p + inputs ic)
| Uint_Disp
-> print_int (inputu ic); print_string ", ";
let p = currpc ic in print_int (p + inputs ic)
| Sint_Disp
-> print_int (inputs ic); print_string ", ";
let p = currpc ic in print_int (p + inputs ic)
| Getglobal -> print_getglobal_name ic
| Getglobal_Uint
-> print_getglobal_name ic; print_string ", "; print_int (inputu ic)
| Setglobal -> print_setglobal_name ic
| Primitive -> print_primitive ic
| Uint_Primitive
-> print_int(inputu ic); print_string ", "; print_primitive ic
| Switch
-> let n = inputu ic in
let orig = currpc ic in
for i = 0 to (n land 0xFFFF) - 1 do
print_string "\n int "; print_int i; print_string " -> ";
print_int(orig + inputs ic);
for i = 0 to (n lsr 16) - 1 do
print_string "\n tag "; print_int i; print_string " -> ";
print_int(orig + inputs ic);
| Closurerec
-> let nfuncs = inputu ic in
let nvars = inputu ic in
let orig = currpc ic in
print_int nvars;
for _i = 0 to nfuncs - 1 do
print_string ", ";
print_int (orig + inputs ic);
| Pubmet
-> let tag = inputs ic in
let _cache = inputu ic in
print_int tag
| Nothing -> ()
with Not_found -> print_string "(unknown arguments)"
print_string "\n";
(* Disassemble a block of code *)
let print_code ic len =
start := pos_in ic;
let stop = !start + len in
while pos_in ic < stop do print_instr ic done
(* Dump relocation info *)
let print_reloc (info, pos) =
printf " %d (%d) " pos (pos/4);
match info with
Reloc_literal sc -> print_struct_const sc; printf "\n"
| Reloc_getglobal id -> printf "require %s\n" (Ident.name id)
| Reloc_setglobal id -> printf "provide %s\n" (Ident.name id)
| Reloc_primitive s -> printf "prim %s\n" s
(* Print a .cmo file *)
let dump_obj filename ic =
let buffer = Misc.input_bytes ic (String.length cmo_magic_number) in
if buffer <> cmo_magic_number then begin
prerr_endline "Not an object file"; exit 2
let cu_pos = input_binary_int ic in
seek_in ic cu_pos;
let cu = (input_value ic : compilation_unit) in
reloc := cu.cu_reloc;
if cu.cu_debug > 0 then begin
seek_in ic cu.cu_debug;
let evl = (input_value ic : debug_event list) in
PR#6270: remove need for -I directives to ocamldebug in common case (patch by Josh Watzman) Add absolute directory names to bytecode format for ocamldebug to use The need for a long list of -I directives makes interactively using ocamldebug a pain in the butt. Many folks have solved this with various `find` invocations or even Python wrappers, but those lead to other problems when it might include files you weren't expecting (or miss things you were). But all of this is really annoying since the tooling should be able to figure out itself, even heuristically, where your source files are -- gdb gets this right, why can't we? This patch implements one of the more important heuristics from gdb: you typically debug on the same machine you built on, so looking for the source files and built artifacts in the absolute paths where they were during compilation is a good first try. We write out absolute paths into a new structure at the beginning of the debug section and then automatically append those directories into the load path. This means mean that if you happen to be debugging on a machine where the original source and build artifacts are *not* available in their original absolute locations, things will work as before, using the standard load path mechanism. You can also explicitly use -I to prepend directories to the load path and override the defaults located by this new mechanism. I personally find this makes using ocamldebug much more pleasant :) git-svn-id: http://caml.inria.fr/svn/ocaml/trunk@14533 f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
2014-04-06 08:06:22 -07:00
ignore (input_value ic); (* Skip the list of absolute directory names *)
record_events 0 evl
seek_in ic cu.cu_pos;
print_code ic cu.cu_codesize
(* Read the primitive table from an executable *)
let read_primitive_table ic len =
let p = Misc.input_bytes ic len in
let rec split beg cur =
if cur >= len then []
else if p.[cur] = '\000' then
String.sub p beg (cur - beg) :: split (cur + 1) (cur + 1)
split beg (cur + 1) in
Array.of_list(split 0 0)
(* Print an executable file *)
let dump_exe ic =
Bytesections.read_toc ic;
let prim_size = Bytesections.seek_section ic "PRIM" in
primitives := read_primitive_table ic prim_size;
ignore(Bytesections.seek_section ic "DATA");
let init_data = (input_value ic : Obj.t array) in
globals := Array.create (Array.length init_data) Empty;
for i = 0 to Array.length init_data - 1 do
!globals.(i) <- Constant (init_data.(i))
ignore(Bytesections.seek_section ic "SYMB");
let (_, sym_table) = (input_value ic : int * (Ident.t, int) Tbl.t) in
Tbl.iter (fun id pos -> !globals.(pos) <- Global id) sym_table;
begin try
ignore (Bytesections.seek_section ic "DBUG");
let num_eventlists = input_binary_int ic in
for _i = 1 to num_eventlists do
let orig = input_binary_int ic in
let evl = (input_value ic : debug_event list) in
PR#6270: remove need for -I directives to ocamldebug in common case (patch by Josh Watzman) Add absolute directory names to bytecode format for ocamldebug to use The need for a long list of -I directives makes interactively using ocamldebug a pain in the butt. Many folks have solved this with various `find` invocations or even Python wrappers, but those lead to other problems when it might include files you weren't expecting (or miss things you were). But all of this is really annoying since the tooling should be able to figure out itself, even heuristically, where your source files are -- gdb gets this right, why can't we? This patch implements one of the more important heuristics from gdb: you typically debug on the same machine you built on, so looking for the source files and built artifacts in the absolute paths where they were during compilation is a good first try. We write out absolute paths into a new structure at the beginning of the debug section and then automatically append those directories into the load path. This means mean that if you happen to be debugging on a machine where the original source and build artifacts are *not* available in their original absolute locations, things will work as before, using the standard load path mechanism. You can also explicitly use -I to prepend directories to the load path and override the defaults located by this new mechanism. I personally find this makes using ocamldebug much more pleasant :) git-svn-id: http://caml.inria.fr/svn/ocaml/trunk@14533 f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
2014-04-06 08:06:22 -07:00
ignore (input_value ic); (* Skip the list of absolute directory names *)
record_events orig evl
with Not_found -> ()
let code_size = Bytesections.seek_section ic "CODE" in
print_code ic code_size
let arg_list = [
"-noloc", Arg.Clear print_locations, " : don't print source information";
let arg_usage =
Printf.sprintf "%s [OPTIONS] FILES : dump content of bytecode files"
let first_file = ref true
let arg_fun filename =
let ic = open_in_bin filename in
if not !first_file then print_newline ();
first_file := false;
printf "## start of ocaml dump of %S\n%!" filename;
begin try
objfile := false; dump_exe ic
with Bytesections.Bad_magic_number ->
objfile := true; seek_in ic 0; dump_obj filename ic
close_in ic;
printf "## end of ocaml dump of %S\n%!" filename
let main() =
Arg.parse arg_list arg_fun arg_usage;
exit 0
let _ = main ()