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(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Inclusion checks for the core language *)
open Misc
open Asttypes
open Path
open Types
open Typedtree
(* Inclusion between value descriptions *)
exception Dont_match
let value_descriptions env vd1 vd2 =
if Ctype.moregeneral env true vd1.val_type vd2.val_type then begin
match (vd1.val_kind, vd2.val_kind) with
(Val_prim p1, Val_prim p2) ->
if p1 = p2 then Tcoerce_none else raise Dont_match
| (Val_prim p, _) -> Tcoerce_primitive p
| (_, Val_prim p) -> raise Dont_match
| (_, _) -> Tcoerce_none
end else
raise Dont_match
(* Inclusion between "private" annotations *)
let private_flags priv1 decl2 =
match priv1, decl2.type_private with
| Private, Public ->
decl2.type_kind = Type_abstract && decl2.type_manifest = None
| _, _ -> true
(* Inclusion between manifest types (particularly for private row types) *)
let is_absrow env ty =
match ty.desc with
Tconstr(Pident id, _, _) ->
begin match Ctype.expand_head env ty with
{desc=Tobject _|Tvariant _} -> true
| _ -> false
| _ -> false
let type_manifest env ty1 params1 ty2 params2 =
let ty1' = Ctype.expand_head env ty1 and ty2' = Ctype.expand_head env ty2 in
match ty1'.desc, ty2'.desc with
Tvariant row1, Tvariant row2 when is_absrow env (Btype.row_more row2) ->
let row1 = Btype.row_repr row1 and row2 = Btype.row_repr row2 in
Ctype.equal env true (ty1::params1) (row2.row_more::params2) &&
(match row1.row_more with {desc=Tvar|Tconstr _} -> true | _ -> false) &&
let r1, r2, pairs =
Ctype.merge_row_fields row1.row_fields row2.row_fields in
(not row2.row_closed ||
row1.row_closed && Ctype.filter_row_fields false r1 = []) &&
(fun (_,f) -> match Btype.row_field_repr f with
Rabsent | Reither _ -> true | Rpresent _ -> false)
r2 &&
let to_equal = ref (List.combine params1 params2) in
(fun (_, f1, f2) ->
match Btype.row_field_repr f1, Btype.row_field_repr f2 with
Rpresent(Some t1),
(Rpresent(Some t2) | Reither(false, [t2], _, _)) ->
to_equal := (t1,t2) :: !to_equal; true
| Rpresent None, (Rpresent None | Reither(true, [], _, _)) -> true
| Reither(c1,tl1,_,_), Reither(c2,tl2,_,_)
when List.length tl1 = List.length tl2 && c1 = c2 ->
to_equal := List.combine tl1 tl2 @ !to_equal; true
| Rabsent, (Reither _ | Rabsent) -> true
| _ -> false)
pairs &&
let tl1, tl2 = List.split !to_equal in
Ctype.equal env true tl1 tl2
| Tobject (fi1, _), Tobject (fi2, _)
when is_absrow env (snd(Ctype.flatten_fields fi2)) ->
let (fields2,rest2) = Ctype.flatten_fields fi2 in
Ctype.equal env true (ty1::params1) (rest2::params2) &&
let (fields1,rest1) = Ctype.flatten_fields fi1 in
(match rest1 with {desc=Tnil|Tvar|Tconstr _} -> true | _ -> false) &&
let pairs, miss1, miss2 = Ctype.associate_fields fields1 fields2 in
miss2 = [] &&
let tl1, tl2 =
List.split (List.map (fun (_,_,t1,_,t2) -> t1, t2) pairs) in
Ctype.equal env true (params1 @ tl1) (params2 @ tl2)
| _ ->
Ctype.equal env true (ty1 :: params1) (ty2 :: params2)
(* Inclusion between type declarations *)
let type_declarations env id decl1 decl2 =
decl1.type_arity = decl2.type_arity &&
private_flags decl1.type_private decl2 &&
begin match (decl1.type_kind, decl2.type_kind) with
(_, Type_abstract) -> true
| (Type_variant cstrs1, Type_variant cstrs2) ->
(fun (cstr1, arg1) (cstr2, arg2) ->
cstr1 = cstr2 &&
(fun ty1 ty2 ->
Ctype.equal env true (ty1::decl1.type_params)
arg1 arg2)
cstrs1 cstrs2
| (Type_record(labels1,rep1), Type_record(labels2,rep2)) ->
rep1 = rep2 &&
(fun (lbl1, mut1, ty1) (lbl2, mut2, ty2) ->
lbl1 = lbl2 && mut1 = mut2 &&
Ctype.equal env true (ty1::decl1.type_params)
labels1 labels2
| (_, _) -> false
end &&
begin match (decl1.type_manifest, decl2.type_manifest) with
(_, None) ->
Ctype.equal env true decl1.type_params decl2.type_params
| (Some ty1, Some ty2) ->
type_manifest env ty1 decl1.type_params ty2 decl2.type_params
| (None, Some ty2) ->
let ty1 =
Btype.newgenty (Tconstr(Pident id, decl2.type_params, ref Mnil))
Ctype.equal env true decl1.type_params decl2.type_params &&
Ctype.equal env false [ty1] [ty2]
end &&
if match decl2.type_kind with
| Type_record (_,_) | Type_variant _ -> decl2.type_private = Private
| Type_abstract ->
match decl2.type_manifest with
| None -> true
| Some ty -> Btype.has_constr_row (Ctype.expand_head env ty)
(fun (co1,cn1,ct1) (co2,cn2,ct2) -> (not co1 || co2) && (not cn1 || cn2))
decl1.type_variance decl2.type_variance
else true
(* Inclusion between exception declarations *)
let exception_declarations env ed1 ed2 =
Misc.for_all2 (fun ty1 ty2 -> Ctype.equal env false [ty1] [ty2]) ed1 ed2
(* Inclusion between class types *)
let encode_val (mut, ty) rem =
begin match mut with
Asttypes.Mutable -> Predef.type_unit
| Asttypes.Immutable -> Btype.newgenty Tvar
let meths meths1 meths2 =
(fun nam t2 (ml1, ml2) ->
(begin try
Meths.find nam meths1 :: ml1
with Not_found ->
t2 :: ml2))
meths2 ([], [])
let vars vars1 vars2 =
(fun lab v2 (vl1, vl2) ->
(begin try
encode_val (Vars.find lab vars1) vl1
with Not_found ->
encode_val v2 vl2))
vars2 ([], [])