
359 lines
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Raw Normal View History

(* *)
(* Caml Special Light *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1995 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Operations on core types *)
open Misc
open Typedtree
exception Unify
let current_level = ref 0
let generic_level = (-1)
let begin_def () = incr current_level
and end_def () = decr current_level
let newvar () =
Tvar { tvar_level = !current_level; tvar_link = None }
let rec repr = function
Tvar({tvar_link = Some ty} as v) ->
let r = repr ty in
if r != ty then v.tvar_link <- Some r;
| t -> t
let rec generalize ty =
match repr ty with
Tvar v ->
if v.tvar_level > !current_level then v.tvar_level <- generic_level
| Tarrow(t1, t2) ->
generalize t1; generalize t2
| Ttuple tl ->
List.iter generalize tl
| Tconstr(p, []) ->
| Tconstr(p, tl) ->
List.iter generalize tl
let rec make_nongen ty =
match repr ty with
Tvar v ->
if v.tvar_level > !current_level then v.tvar_level <- !current_level
| Tarrow(t1, t2) ->
make_nongen t1; make_nongen t2
| Ttuple tl ->
List.iter make_nongen tl
| Tconstr(p, []) ->
| Tconstr(p, tl) ->
List.iter make_nongen tl
let inst_subst = ref ([] : (type_expr * type_expr) list)
let rec copy ty =
match repr ty with
Tvar v as t ->
if v.tvar_level = generic_level then begin
List.assq t !inst_subst
with Not_found ->
let t' = newvar() in
inst_subst := (t, t') :: !inst_subst;
end else t
| Tarrow(t1, t2) ->
Tarrow(copy t1, copy t2)
| Ttuple tl ->
Ttuple(List.map copy tl)
| Tconstr(p, []) as t ->
| Tconstr(p, tl) ->
Tconstr(p, List.map copy tl)
let instance sch =
inst_subst := [];
let ty = copy sch in
inst_subst := [];
let instance_constructor cstr =
inst_subst := [];
let ty_res = copy cstr.cstr_res in
let ty_args = List.map copy cstr.cstr_args in
inst_subst := [];
(ty_args, ty_res)
let instance_label lbl =
inst_subst := [];
let ty_res = copy lbl.lbl_res in
let ty_arg = copy lbl.lbl_arg in
inst_subst := [];
(ty_arg, ty_res)
let substitute params args body =
inst_subst := List.combine params args;
let ty = copy body in
inst_subst := [];
exception Cannot_expand
let expand_abbrev env path args =
let decl = Env.find_type path env in
match decl.type_manifest with
Some body -> substitute decl.type_params args body
| None -> raise Cannot_expand
let rec occur tvar ty =
match repr ty with
Tvar v ->
if v == tvar then raise Unify;
if v.tvar_level > tvar.tvar_level then v.tvar_level <- tvar.tvar_level
| Tarrow(t1, t2) ->
occur tvar t1; occur tvar t2
| Ttuple tl ->
List.iter (occur tvar) tl
| Tconstr(p, []) ->
| Tconstr(p, tl) ->
List.iter (occur tvar) tl
let rec unify env t1 t2 =
if t1 == t2 then () else begin
let t1 = repr t1 in
let t2 = repr t2 in
if t1 == t2 then () else begin
match (t1, t2) with
(Tvar v, _) ->
occur v t2; v.tvar_link <- Some t2
| (_, Tvar v) ->
occur v t1; v.tvar_link <- Some t1
| (Tarrow(t1, u1), Tarrow(t2, u2)) ->
unify env t1 t2; unify env u1 u2
| (Ttuple tl1, Ttuple tl2) ->
unify_list env tl1 tl2
| (Tconstr(p1, tl1), Tconstr(p2, tl2)) ->
if Path.same p1 p2 then
unify_list env tl1 tl2
else begin
unify env (expand_abbrev env p1 tl1) t2
with Cannot_expand ->
unify env t1 (expand_abbrev env p2 tl2)
with Cannot_expand ->
raise Unify
| (Tconstr(p1, tl1), _) ->
begin try
unify env (expand_abbrev env p1 tl1) t2
with Cannot_expand ->
raise Unify
| (_, Tconstr(p2, tl2)) ->
begin try
unify env t1 (expand_abbrev env p2 tl2)
with Cannot_expand ->
raise Unify
| (_, _) ->
raise Unify
and unify_list env tl1 tl2 =
match (tl1, tl2) with
([], []) -> ()
| (t1::r1, t2::r2) -> unify env t1 t2; unify_list env r1 r2
| (_, _) -> raise Unify
let rec filter_arrow env t =
match repr t with
Tvar v ->
let t1 = Tvar { tvar_level = v.tvar_level; tvar_link = None }
and t2 = Tvar { tvar_level = v.tvar_level; tvar_link = None } in
v.tvar_link <- Some(Tarrow(t1, t2));
(t1, t2)
| Tarrow(t1, t2) ->
(t1, t2)
| Tconstr(p, tl) ->
begin try
filter_arrow env (expand_abbrev env p tl)
with Cannot_expand ->
raise Unify
| _ ->
raise Unify
let rec filter env t1 t2 =
if t1 == t2 then () else begin
let t1 = repr t1 in
let t2 = repr t2 in
if t1 == t2 then () else begin
match (t1, t2) with
(Tvar v, _) ->
if v.tvar_level = generic_level then raise Unify;
occur v t2;
v.tvar_link <- Some t2
| (Tarrow(t1, u1), Tarrow(t2, u2)) ->
filter env t1 t2; filter env u1 u2
| (Ttuple tl1, Ttuple tl2) ->
filter_list env tl1 tl2
| (Tconstr(p1, tl1), Tconstr(p2, tl2)) ->
if Path.same p1 p2 then
filter_list env tl1 tl2
else begin
filter env (expand_abbrev env p1 tl1) t2
with Cannot_expand ->
filter env t1 (expand_abbrev env p2 tl2)
with Cannot_expand ->
raise Unify
| (Tconstr(p1, tl1), _) ->
begin try
filter env (expand_abbrev env p1 tl1) t2
with Cannot_expand ->
raise Unify
| (_, Tconstr(p2, tl2)) ->
begin try
filter env t1 (expand_abbrev env p2 tl2)
with Cannot_expand ->
raise Unify
| (_, _) ->
raise Unify
and filter_list env tl1 tl2 =
match (tl1, tl2) with
([], []) -> ()
| (t1::r1, t2::r2) -> filter env t1 t2; filter_list env r1 r2
| (_, _) -> raise Unify
let moregeneral env sch1 sch2 =
filter env (instance sch1) sch2; true
with Unify ->
let equal env params1 ty1 params2 ty2 =
let subst = List.combine params1 params2 in
let rec eqtype t1 t2 =
let t1 = repr t1 in
let t2 = repr t2 in
match (t1, t2) with
(Tvar _, Tvar _) ->
begin try
List.assq t1 subst == t2
with Not_found ->
fatal_error "Ctype.equal"
| (Tarrow(t1, u1), Tarrow(t2, u2)) ->
eqtype t1 t2 & eqtype u1 u2
| (Ttuple tl1, Ttuple tl2) ->
eqtype_list tl1 tl2
| (Tconstr(p1, tl1), Tconstr(p2, tl2)) ->
if Path.same p1 p2 then
eqtype_list tl1 tl2
else begin
eqtype (expand_abbrev env p1 tl1) t2
with Cannot_expand ->
eqtype t1 (expand_abbrev env p2 tl2)
with Cannot_expand ->
| (Tconstr(p1, tl1), _) ->
begin try
eqtype (expand_abbrev env p1 tl1) t2
with Cannot_expand ->
| (_, Tconstr(p2, tl2)) ->
begin try
eqtype t1 (expand_abbrev env p2 tl2)
with Cannot_expand ->
| (_, _) ->
and eqtype_list tl1 tl2 =
match (tl1, tl2) with
([], []) -> true
| (t1::r1, t2::r2) -> eqtype t1 t2 & eqtype_list r1 r2
| (_, _) -> false
eqtype ty1 ty2
let rec closed_schema ty =
match repr ty with
Tvar v -> v.tvar_level = generic_level
| Tarrow(t1, t2) -> closed_schema t1 & closed_schema t2
| Ttuple tl -> List.for_all closed_schema tl
| Tconstr(p, tl) -> List.for_all closed_schema tl
let rec nondep_type env id ty =
match repr ty with
Tvar v as tvar -> tvar
| Tarrow(t1, t2) ->
Tarrow(nondep_type env id t1, nondep_type env id t2)
| Ttuple tl ->
Ttuple(List.map (nondep_type env id) tl)
| Tconstr(p, tl) ->
if Path.isfree id p then begin
let ty' =
expand_abbrev env p tl
with Cannot_expand ->
raise Not_found in
nondep_type env id ty'
end else
Tconstr(p, List.map (nondep_type env id) tl)
let rec free_type_ident env id ty =
match repr ty with
Tvar _ -> false
| Tarrow(t1, t2) ->
free_type_ident env id t1 or free_type_ident env id t2
| Ttuple tl ->
List.exists (free_type_ident env id) tl
| Tconstr(p, tl) ->
if Path.isfree id p then true else begin
free_type_ident env id (expand_abbrev env p tl)
with Cannot_expand ->
List.exists (free_type_ident env id) tl
let is_generic ty =
match repr ty with
Tvar v -> v.tvar_level = generic_level
| _ -> fatal_error "Ctype.is_generic"
let rec arity ty =
match repr ty with
Tarrow(t1, t2) -> 1 + arity t2
| _ -> 0
let none = Ttuple [] (* Clearly ill-formed type *)