
276 lines
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(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Substitutions *)
open Misc
open Path
open Types
open Btype
type t =
{ types: (Ident.t, Path.t) Tbl.t;
modules: (Ident.t, Path.t) Tbl.t;
modtypes: (Ident.t, module_type) Tbl.t }
let identity =
{ types = Tbl.empty; modules = Tbl.empty; modtypes = Tbl.empty }
let add_type id p s =
{ types = Tbl.add id p s.types;
modules = s.modules;
modtypes = s.modtypes }
let add_module id p s =
{ types = s.types;
modules = Tbl.add id p s.modules;
modtypes = s.modtypes }
let add_modtype id ty s =
{ types = s.types;
modules = s.modules;
modtypes = Tbl.add id ty s.modtypes }
let remove_type id s =
{ types = Tbl.remove id s.types;
modules = s.modules;
modtypes = s.modtypes }
let remove_module id s =
{ types = s.types;
modules = Tbl.remove id s.modules;
modtypes = s.modtypes }
let remove_modtype id s =
{ types = s.types;
modules = s.modules;
modtypes = Tbl.remove id s.modtypes }
let rec module_path s = function
Pident id as p ->
begin try Tbl.find id s.modules with Not_found -> p end
| Pdot(p, n, pos) ->
Pdot(module_path s p, n, pos)
| Papply(p1, p2) ->
Papply(module_path s p1, module_path s p2)
let type_path s = function
Pident id as p ->
begin try Tbl.find id s.types with Not_found -> p end
| Pdot(p, n, pos) ->
Pdot(module_path s p, n, pos)
| Papply(p1, p2) ->
fatal_error "Subst.type_path"
(* Similar to [Ctype.nondep_type_rec]. *)
let rec typexp s ty =
let ty = repr ty in
match ty.desc with
Tvar ->
| Tsubst ty ->
| _ ->
let desc = ty.desc in
save_desc ty desc;
let ty' = newgenvar () in (* Stub *)
ty.desc <- Tsubst ty';
ty'.desc <-
begin match desc with
Tvar | Tlink _ ->
fatal_error "Subst.typexp"
| Tarrow(l, t1, t2) ->
Tarrow(l, typexp s t1, typexp s t2)
| Ttuple tl ->
Ttuple(List.map (typexp s) tl)
| Tconstr(p, tl, abbrev) ->
Tconstr(type_path s p, List.map (typexp s) tl, ref Mnil)
| Tobject (t1, name) ->
Tobject (typexp s t1,
ref (match !name with
None -> None
| Some (p, tl) ->
Some (type_path s p, List.map (typexp s) tl)))
| Tvariant row ->
let row = row_repr row in
let more = repr row.row_more in
(* We must substitute in a subtle way *)
begin match more.desc with
Tsubst ty2 ->
(* This variant type has been already copied *)
ty.desc <- Tsubst ty2; (* avoid Tlink in the new type *)
Tlink ty2
| _ ->
(* We create a new copy *)
let bound = ref [] in
let fields =
(fun (l,fi) -> l,
match row_field_repr fi with
Rpresent (Some ty) -> Rpresent(Some (typexp s ty))
| Reither(c, l, _) ->
let l = List.map (typexp s) l in
bound := l @ !bound;
Reither(c, l, ref None)
| fi -> fi)
and name =
may_map (fun (p,l) -> p, List.map (typexp s) l) row.row_name in
let var =
Tvariant { row_fields = fields; row_more = newgenvar();
row_bound = !bound;
row_closed = row.row_closed; row_name = name }
(* Remember it for other occurences *)
save_desc more more.desc;
more.desc <- ty.desc;
| Tfield(label, kind, t1, t2) ->
begin match field_kind_repr kind with
Fpresent ->
Tfield(label, Fpresent, typexp s t1, typexp s t2)
| Fabsent ->
Tlink (typexp s t2)
| Fvar _ (* {contents = None} *) as k ->
Tfield(label, k, typexp s t1, typexp s t2)
| Tnil ->
| Tsubst _ ->
assert false
Always make a copy of the type. If this is not done, type levels
might not be correct.
let type_expr s ty =
let ty' = typexp s ty in
cleanup_types ();
let type_declaration s decl =
let decl =
{ type_params = List.map (typexp s) decl.type_params;
type_arity = decl.type_arity;
type_kind =
begin match decl.type_kind with
Type_abstract -> Type_abstract
| Type_variant cstrs ->
List.map (fun (n, args) -> (n, List.map (typexp s) args))
| Type_record lbls ->
List.map (fun (n, mut, arg) -> (n, mut, typexp s arg))
type_manifest =
begin match decl.type_manifest with
None -> None
| Some ty -> Some(typexp s ty)
cleanup_types ();
let class_signature s sign =
{ cty_self = typexp s sign.cty_self;
cty_vars = Vars.map (function (m, t) -> (m, typexp s t)) sign.cty_vars;
cty_concr = sign.cty_concr }
let rec class_type s =
Tcty_constr (p, tyl, cty) ->
Tcty_constr (type_path s p, List.map (typexp s) tyl, class_type s cty)
| Tcty_signature sign ->
Tcty_signature (class_signature s sign)
| Tcty_fun (l, ty, cty) ->
Tcty_fun (l, typexp s ty, class_type s cty)
let class_declaration s decl =
let decl =
{ cty_params = List.map (typexp s) decl.cty_params;
cty_type = class_type s decl.cty_type;
cty_path = type_path s decl.cty_path;
cty_new =
begin match decl.cty_new with
None -> None
| Some ty -> Some (typexp s ty)
end }
cleanup_types ();
let cltype_declaration s decl =
let decl =
{ clty_params = List.map (typexp s) decl.clty_params;
clty_type = class_type s decl.clty_type;
clty_path = type_path s decl.clty_path }
cleanup_types ();
let class_type s cty =
let cty = class_type s cty in
cleanup_types ();
let value_description s descr =
{ val_type = type_expr s descr.val_type;
val_kind = descr.val_kind }
let exception_declaration s tyl =
List.map (type_expr s) tyl
let rec modtype s = function
Tmty_ident p as mty ->
begin match p with
Pident id ->
begin try Tbl.find id s.modtypes with Not_found -> mty end
| Pdot(p, n, pos) ->
Tmty_ident(Pdot(module_path s p, n, pos))
| Papply(p1, p2) ->
fatal_error "Subst.modtype"
| Tmty_signature sg ->
Tmty_signature(signature s sg)
| Tmty_functor(id, arg, res) ->
Tmty_functor(id, modtype s arg, modtype (remove_module id s) res)
and signature s = function
[] -> []
| Tsig_value(id, d) :: sg ->
Tsig_value(id, value_description s d) :: signature s sg
| Tsig_type(id, d) :: sg ->
Tsig_type(id, type_declaration s d) :: signature (remove_type id s) sg
| Tsig_exception(id, d) :: sg ->
Tsig_exception(id, exception_declaration s d) :: signature s sg
| Tsig_module(id, mty) :: sg ->
Tsig_module(id, modtype s mty) :: signature (remove_module id s) sg
| Tsig_modtype(id, d) :: sg ->
Tsig_modtype(id, modtype_declaration s d) ::
signature (remove_modtype id s) sg
| Tsig_class(id, d) :: sg ->
Tsig_class(id, class_declaration s d) :: signature s sg
| Tsig_cltype(id, d) :: sg ->
Tsig_cltype(id, cltype_declaration s d) :: signature s sg
and modtype_declaration s = function
Tmodtype_abstract -> Tmodtype_abstract
| Tmodtype_manifest mty -> Tmodtype_manifest(modtype s mty)