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(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
(* Second intermediate language (machine independent) *)
type machtype_component =
| Int
| Float
type machtype = machtype_component array
val typ_void: machtype
val typ_addr: machtype
val typ_int: machtype
val typ_float: machtype
val size_component: machtype_component -> int
val size_machtype: machtype -> int
type comparison =
| Cne
| Clt
| Cle
| Cgt
| Cge
val negate_comparison: comparison -> comparison
val swap_comparison: comparison -> comparison
type memory_chunk =
| Byte_signed
| Sixteen_unsigned
| Sixteen_signed
| Thirtytwo_unsigned
| Thirtytwo_signed
| Word
| Single
| Double (* 64-bit-aligned 64-bit float *)
| Double_u (* word-aligned 64-bit float *)
type operation =
Capply of machtype * Debuginfo.t
| Cextcall of string * machtype * bool * Debuginfo.t
| Cload of memory_chunk
| Calloc
| Cstore of memory_chunk
| Caddi | Csubi | Cmuli | Cmulhi | Cdivi | Cmodi
| Cand | Cor | Cxor | Clsl | Clsr | Casr
| Ccmpi of comparison
| Cadda | Csuba
| Ccmpa of comparison
| Cnegf | Cabsf
| Caddf | Csubf | Cmulf | Cdivf
| Cfloatofint | Cintoffloat
| Ccmpf of comparison
| Craise of Lambda.raise_kind * Debuginfo.t
| Ccheckbound of Debuginfo.t
type expression =
Cconst_int of int
| Cconst_natint of nativeint
| Cconst_float of string
| Cconst_symbol of string
| Cconst_pointer of int
| Cconst_natpointer of nativeint
| Cvar of Ident.t
| Clet of Ident.t * expression * expression
| Cassign of Ident.t * expression
| Ctuple of expression list
| Cop of operation * expression list
| Csequence of expression * expression
| Cifthenelse of expression * expression * expression
| Cswitch of expression * int array * expression array
| Cloop of expression
| Ccatch of int * Ident.t list * expression * expression
| Cexit of int * expression list
| Ctrywith of expression * Ident.t * expression
type fundecl =
{ fun_name: string;
fun_args: (Ident.t * machtype) list;
fun_body: expression;
fun_fast: bool;
fun_dbg : Debuginfo.t; }
type data_item =
Cdefine_symbol of string
| Cdefine_label of int
| Cglobal_symbol of string
| Cint8 of int
| Cint16 of int
| Cint32 of nativeint
| Cint of nativeint
| Csingle of string
| Cdouble of string
| Csymbol_address of string
| Clabel_address of int
| Cstring of string
| Cskip of int
| Calign of int
type phrase =
Cfunction of fundecl
| Cdata of data_item list