
947 lines
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(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Fabrice Le Fessant, INRIA Saclay *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
open Asttypes;;
open Format;;
open Lexing;;
open Location;;
open Typedtree;;
let fmt_position f l =
if l.pos_lnum = -1
then fprintf f "%s[%d]" l.pos_fname l.pos_cnum
else fprintf f "%s[%d,%d+%d]" l.pos_fname l.pos_lnum l.pos_bol
(l.pos_cnum - l.pos_bol)
let fmt_location f loc =
if not !Clflags.locations then ()
else begin
fprintf f "(%a..%a)" fmt_position loc.loc_start fmt_position loc.loc_end;
if loc.loc_ghost then fprintf f " ghost";
let rec fmt_longident_aux f x =
match x with
| Longident.Lident (s) -> fprintf f "%s" s;
| Longident.Ldot (y, s) -> fprintf f "%a.%s" fmt_longident_aux y s;
| Longident.Lapply (y, z) ->
fprintf f "%a(%a)" fmt_longident_aux y fmt_longident_aux z;
let fmt_longident f x = fprintf f "\"%a\"" fmt_longident_aux x.txt;;
let fmt_ident = Ident.print
let fmt_modname f = function
| None -> fprintf f "_";
| Some id -> Ident.print f id
let rec fmt_path_aux f x =
match x with
| Path.Pident (s) -> fprintf f "%a" fmt_ident s;
2018-02-08 09:51:47 -08:00
| Path.Pdot (y, s) -> fprintf f "%a.%s" fmt_path_aux y s;
| Path.Papply (y, z) ->
fprintf f "%a(%a)" fmt_path_aux y fmt_path_aux z;
let fmt_path f x = fprintf f "\"%a\"" fmt_path_aux x;;
let fmt_constant f x =
match x with
| Const_int (i) -> fprintf f "Const_int %d" i;
| Const_char (c) -> fprintf f "Const_char %02x" (Char.code c);
| Const_string (s, strloc, None) ->
fprintf f "Const_string(%S,%a,None)" s fmt_location strloc;
| Const_string (s, strloc, Some delim) ->
fprintf f "Const_string (%S,%a,Some %S)" s fmt_location strloc delim;
| Const_float (s) -> fprintf f "Const_float %s" s;
| Const_int32 (i) -> fprintf f "Const_int32 %ld" i;
| Const_int64 (i) -> fprintf f "Const_int64 %Ld" i;
| Const_nativeint (i) -> fprintf f "Const_nativeint %nd" i;
let fmt_mutable_flag f x =
match x with
| Immutable -> fprintf f "Immutable";
| Mutable -> fprintf f "Mutable";
let fmt_virtual_flag f x =
match x with
| Virtual -> fprintf f "Virtual";
| Concrete -> fprintf f "Concrete";
let fmt_override_flag f x =
match x with
| Override -> fprintf f "Override";
| Fresh -> fprintf f "Fresh";
let fmt_closed_flag f x =
match x with
| Closed -> fprintf f "Closed"
| Open -> fprintf f "Open"
let fmt_rec_flag f x =
match x with
| Nonrecursive -> fprintf f "Nonrec";
| Recursive -> fprintf f "Rec";
let fmt_direction_flag f x =
match x with
| Upto -> fprintf f "Up";
| Downto -> fprintf f "Down";
let fmt_private_flag f x =
match x with
| Public -> fprintf f "Public";
| Private -> fprintf f "Private";
let line i f s (*...*) =
fprintf f "%s" (String.make (2*i) ' ');
fprintf f s (*...*)
let list i f ppf l =
match l with
| [] -> line i ppf "[]\n";
| _ :: _ ->
line i ppf "[\n";
List.iter (f (i+1) ppf) l;
line i ppf "]\n";
let array i f ppf a =
if Array.length a = 0 then
line i ppf "[]\n"
else begin
line i ppf "[\n";
Array.iter (f (i+1) ppf) a;
line i ppf "]\n"
let option i f ppf x =
match x with
| None -> line i ppf "None\n";
| Some x ->
line i ppf "Some\n";
f (i+1) ppf x;
let longident i ppf li = line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_longident li;;
let string i ppf s = line i ppf "\"%s\"\n" s;;
let arg_label i ppf = function
| Nolabel -> line i ppf "Nolabel\n"
| Optional s -> line i ppf "Optional \"%s\"\n" s
| Labelled s -> line i ppf "Labelled \"%s\"\n" s
let record_representation i ppf = let open Types in function
| Record_regular -> line i ppf "Record_regular\n"
| Record_float -> line i ppf "Record_float\n"
| Record_unboxed b -> line i ppf "Record_unboxed %b\n" b
| Record_inlined i -> line i ppf "Record_inlined %d\n" i
2018-02-08 09:51:47 -08:00
| Record_extension p -> line i ppf "Record_extension %a\n" fmt_path p
let attribute i ppf k a =
line i ppf "%s \"%s\"\n" k a.Parsetree.attr_name.txt;
Printast.payload i ppf a.Parsetree.attr_payload
let attributes i ppf l =
let i = i + 1 in
List.iter (fun a ->
line i ppf "attribute \"%s\"\n" a.Parsetree.attr_name.txt;
Printast.payload (i + 1) ppf a.Parsetree.attr_payload
) l
let rec core_type i ppf x =
line i ppf "core_type %a\n" fmt_location x.ctyp_loc;
attributes i ppf x.ctyp_attributes;
let i = i+1 in
match x.ctyp_desc with
| Ttyp_any -> line i ppf "Ttyp_any\n";
| Ttyp_var (s) -> line i ppf "Ttyp_var %s\n" s;
| Ttyp_arrow (l, ct1, ct2) ->
line i ppf "Ttyp_arrow\n";
arg_label i ppf l;
core_type i ppf ct1;
core_type i ppf ct2;
| Ttyp_tuple l ->
line i ppf "Ttyp_tuple\n";
list i core_type ppf l;
| Ttyp_constr (li, _, l) ->
line i ppf "Ttyp_constr %a\n" fmt_path li;
list i core_type ppf l;
| Ttyp_variant (l, closed, low) ->
line i ppf "Ttyp_variant closed=%a\n" fmt_closed_flag closed;
list i label_x_bool_x_core_type_list ppf l;
option i (fun i -> list i string) ppf low
| Ttyp_object (l, c) ->
line i ppf "Ttyp_object %a\n" fmt_closed_flag c;
let i = i + 1 in
List.iter (fun {of_desc; of_attributes; _} ->
match of_desc with
| OTtag (s, t) ->
line i ppf "method %s\n" s.txt;
attributes i ppf of_attributes;
core_type (i + 1) ppf t
| OTinherit ct ->
line i ppf "OTinherit\n";
core_type (i + 1) ppf ct
) l
| Ttyp_class (li, _, l) ->
line i ppf "Ttyp_class %a\n" fmt_path li;
list i core_type ppf l;
| Ttyp_alias (ct, s) ->
line i ppf "Ttyp_alias \"%s\"\n" s;
core_type i ppf ct;
| Ttyp_poly (sl, ct) ->
line i ppf "Ttyp_poly%a\n"
(fun ppf -> List.iter (fun x -> fprintf ppf " '%s" x)) sl;
core_type i ppf ct;
| Ttyp_package { pack_path = s; pack_fields = l } ->
line i ppf "Ttyp_package %a\n" fmt_path s;
list i package_with ppf l;
and package_with i ppf (s, t) =
line i ppf "with type %a\n" fmt_longident s;
core_type i ppf t
and pattern : type k . _ -> _ -> k general_pattern -> unit = fun i ppf x ->
line i ppf "pattern %a\n" fmt_location x.pat_loc;
attributes i ppf x.pat_attributes;
let i = i+1 in
match x.pat_extra with
| extra :: rem ->
pattern_extra i ppf extra;
pattern i ppf { x with pat_extra = rem }
| [] ->
match x.pat_desc with
| Tpat_any -> line i ppf "Tpat_any\n";
| Tpat_var (s,_) -> line i ppf "Tpat_var \"%a\"\n" fmt_ident s;
| Tpat_alias (p, s,_) ->
line i ppf "Tpat_alias \"%a\"\n" fmt_ident s;
pattern i ppf p;
| Tpat_constant (c) -> line i ppf "Tpat_constant %a\n" fmt_constant c;
| Tpat_tuple (l) ->
line i ppf "Tpat_tuple\n";
list i pattern ppf l;
| Tpat_construct (li, _, po) ->
line i ppf "Tpat_construct %a\n" fmt_longident li;
list i pattern ppf po;
| Tpat_variant (l, po, _) ->
line i ppf "Tpat_variant \"%s\"\n" l;
option i pattern ppf po;
| Tpat_record (l, _c) ->
line i ppf "Tpat_record\n";
list i longident_x_pattern ppf l;
| Tpat_array (l) ->
line i ppf "Tpat_array\n";
list i pattern ppf l;
| Tpat_lazy p ->
line i ppf "Tpat_lazy\n";
pattern i ppf p;
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| Tpat_exception p ->
line i ppf "Tpat_exception\n";
pattern i ppf p;
| Tpat_value p ->
line i ppf "Tpat_value\n";
pattern i ppf (p :> pattern);
| Tpat_or (p1, p2, _) ->
line i ppf "Tpat_or\n";
pattern i ppf p1;
pattern i ppf p2;
and pattern_extra i ppf (extra_pat, _, attrs) =
match extra_pat with
| Tpat_unpack ->
line i ppf "Tpat_extra_unpack\n";
attributes i ppf attrs;
| Tpat_constraint cty ->
line i ppf "Tpat_extra_constraint\n";
attributes i ppf attrs;
core_type i ppf cty;
| Tpat_type (id, _) ->
line i ppf "Tpat_extra_type %a\n" fmt_path id;
attributes i ppf attrs;
| Tpat_open (id,_,_) ->
line i ppf "Tpat_extra_open \"%a\"\n" fmt_path id;
attributes i ppf attrs;
and expression_extra i ppf x attrs =
match x with
| Texp_constraint ct ->
line i ppf "Texp_constraint\n";
attributes i ppf attrs;
core_type i ppf ct;
| Texp_coerce (cto1, cto2) ->
line i ppf "Texp_coerce\n";
attributes i ppf attrs;
option i core_type ppf cto1;
core_type i ppf cto2;
| Texp_poly cto ->
line i ppf "Texp_poly\n";
attributes i ppf attrs;
option i core_type ppf cto;
| Texp_newtype s ->
line i ppf "Texp_newtype \"%s\"\n" s;
attributes i ppf attrs;
and expression i ppf x =
line i ppf "expression %a\n" fmt_location x.exp_loc;
attributes i ppf x.exp_attributes;
let i =
List.fold_left (fun i (extra,_,attrs) ->
expression_extra i ppf extra attrs; i+1)
(i+1) x.exp_extra
match x.exp_desc with
| Texp_ident (li,_,_) -> line i ppf "Texp_ident %a\n" fmt_path li;
| Texp_instvar (_, li,_) -> line i ppf "Texp_instvar %a\n" fmt_path li;
| Texp_constant (c) -> line i ppf "Texp_constant %a\n" fmt_constant c;
| Texp_let (rf, l, e) ->
line i ppf "Texp_let %a\n" fmt_rec_flag rf;
list i value_binding ppf l;
expression i ppf e;
| Texp_function { arg_label = p; param = _; cases; partial = _; } ->
line i ppf "Texp_function\n";
arg_label i ppf p;
list i case ppf cases;
| Texp_apply (e, l) ->
line i ppf "Texp_apply\n";
expression i ppf e;
list i label_x_expression ppf l;
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| Texp_match (e, l, _partial) ->
line i ppf "Texp_match\n";
expression i ppf e;
2018-01-15 03:11:06 -08:00
list i case ppf l;
| Texp_try (e, l) ->
line i ppf "Texp_try\n";
expression i ppf e;
list i case ppf l;
| Texp_tuple (l) ->
line i ppf "Texp_tuple\n";
list i expression ppf l;
| Texp_construct (li, _, eo) ->
line i ppf "Texp_construct %a\n" fmt_longident li;
list i expression ppf eo;
| Texp_variant (l, eo) ->
line i ppf "Texp_variant \"%s\"\n" l;
option i expression ppf eo;
| Texp_record { fields; representation; extended_expression } ->
line i ppf "Texp_record\n";
let i = i+1 in
line i ppf "fields =\n";
array (i+1) record_field ppf fields;
line i ppf "representation =\n";
record_representation (i+1) ppf representation;
line i ppf "extended_expression =\n";
option (i+1) expression ppf extended_expression;
| Texp_field (e, li, _) ->
line i ppf "Texp_field\n";
expression i ppf e;
longident i ppf li;
| Texp_setfield (e1, li, _, e2) ->
line i ppf "Texp_setfield\n";
expression i ppf e1;
longident i ppf li;
expression i ppf e2;
| Texp_array (l) ->
line i ppf "Texp_array\n";
list i expression ppf l;
| Texp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, eo) ->
line i ppf "Texp_ifthenelse\n";
expression i ppf e1;
expression i ppf e2;
option i expression ppf eo;
| Texp_sequence (e1, e2) ->
line i ppf "Texp_sequence\n";
expression i ppf e1;
expression i ppf e2;
| Texp_while (e1, e2) ->
line i ppf "Texp_while\n";
expression i ppf e1;
expression i ppf e2;
| Texp_for (s, _, e1, e2, df, e3) ->
line i ppf "Texp_for \"%a\" %a\n" fmt_ident s fmt_direction_flag df;
expression i ppf e1;
expression i ppf e2;
expression i ppf e3;
| Texp_send (e, Tmeth_name s, eo) ->
line i ppf "Texp_send \"%s\"\n" s;
expression i ppf e;
option i expression ppf eo
| Texp_send (e, Tmeth_val s, eo) ->
line i ppf "Texp_send \"%a\"\n" fmt_ident s;
expression i ppf e;
option i expression ppf eo
| Texp_new (li, _, _) -> line i ppf "Texp_new %a\n" fmt_path li;
| Texp_setinstvar (_, s, _, e) ->
line i ppf "Texp_setinstvar \"%a\"\n" fmt_path s;
expression i ppf e;
| Texp_override (_, l) ->
line i ppf "Texp_override\n";
list i string_x_expression ppf l;
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| Texp_letmodule (s, _, _, me, e) ->
line i ppf "Texp_letmodule \"%a\"\n" fmt_modname s;
module_expr i ppf me;
expression i ppf e;
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| Texp_letexception (cd, e) ->
line i ppf "Texp_letexception\n";
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extension_constructor i ppf cd;
expression i ppf e;
| Texp_assert (e) ->
line i ppf "Texp_assert";
expression i ppf e;
| Texp_lazy (e) ->
line i ppf "Texp_lazy";
expression i ppf e;
| Texp_object (s, _) ->
line i ppf "Texp_object";
class_structure i ppf s
| Texp_pack me ->
line i ppf "Texp_pack";
module_expr i ppf me
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| Texp_letop {let_; ands; param = _; body; partial = _} ->
line i ppf "Texp_letop";
binding_op (i+1) ppf let_;
list (i+1) binding_op ppf ands;
case i ppf body
| Texp_unreachable ->
line i ppf "Texp_unreachable"
| Texp_extension_constructor (li, _) ->
line i ppf "Texp_extension_constructor %a" fmt_longident li
| Texp_open (o, e) ->
line i ppf "Texp_open %a\n"
fmt_override_flag o.open_override;
module_expr i ppf o.open_expr;
attributes i ppf o.open_attributes;
expression i ppf e;
and value_description i ppf x =
line i ppf "value_description %a %a\n" fmt_ident x.val_id fmt_location
attributes i ppf x.val_attributes;
core_type (i+1) ppf x.val_desc;
list (i+1) string ppf x.val_prim;
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and binding_op i ppf x =
line i ppf "binding_op %a %a\n" fmt_path x.bop_op_path
fmt_location x.bop_loc;
expression i ppf x.bop_exp
and type_parameter i ppf (x, _variance) = core_type i ppf x
and type_declaration i ppf x =
line i ppf "type_declaration %a %a\n" fmt_ident x.typ_id fmt_location
attributes i ppf x.typ_attributes;
let i = i+1 in
line i ppf "ptype_params =\n";
list (i+1) type_parameter ppf x.typ_params;
line i ppf "ptype_cstrs =\n";
list (i+1) core_type_x_core_type_x_location ppf x.typ_cstrs;
line i ppf "ptype_kind =\n";
type_kind (i+1) ppf x.typ_kind;
line i ppf "ptype_private = %a\n" fmt_private_flag x.typ_private;
line i ppf "ptype_manifest =\n";
option (i+1) core_type ppf x.typ_manifest;
and type_kind i ppf x =
match x with
| Ttype_abstract ->
line i ppf "Ttype_abstract\n"
| Ttype_variant l ->
line i ppf "Ttype_variant\n";
list (i+1) constructor_decl ppf l;
| Ttype_record l ->
line i ppf "Ttype_record\n";
list (i+1) label_decl ppf l;
| Ttype_open ->
line i ppf "Ttype_open\n"
and type_extension i ppf x =
line i ppf "type_extension\n";
attributes i ppf x.tyext_attributes;
let i = i+1 in
line i ppf "ptyext_path = %a\n" fmt_path x.tyext_path;
line i ppf "ptyext_params =\n";
list (i+1) type_parameter ppf x.tyext_params;
line i ppf "ptyext_constructors =\n";
list (i+1) extension_constructor ppf x.tyext_constructors;
line i ppf "ptyext_private = %a\n" fmt_private_flag x.tyext_private;
and type_exception i ppf x =
line i ppf "type_exception\n";
attributes i ppf x.tyexn_attributes;
let i = i+1 in
line i ppf "ptyext_constructor =\n";
let i = i+1 in
extension_constructor i ppf x.tyexn_constructor
and extension_constructor i ppf x =
line i ppf "extension_constructor %a\n" fmt_location x.ext_loc;
attributes i ppf x.ext_attributes;
let i = i + 1 in
line i ppf "pext_name = \"%a\"\n" fmt_ident x.ext_id;
line i ppf "pext_kind =\n";
extension_constructor_kind (i + 1) ppf x.ext_kind;
and extension_constructor_kind i ppf x =
match x with
Text_decl(a, r) ->
line i ppf "Text_decl\n";
constructor_arguments (i+1) ppf a;
option (i+1) core_type ppf r;
| Text_rebind(p, _) ->
line i ppf "Text_rebind\n";
line (i+1) ppf "%a\n" fmt_path p;
and class_type i ppf x =
line i ppf "class_type %a\n" fmt_location x.cltyp_loc;
attributes i ppf x.cltyp_attributes;
let i = i+1 in
match x.cltyp_desc with
| Tcty_constr (li, _, l) ->
line i ppf "Tcty_constr %a\n" fmt_path li;
list i core_type ppf l;
| Tcty_signature (cs) ->
line i ppf "Tcty_signature\n";
class_signature i ppf cs;
| Tcty_arrow (l, co, cl) ->
line i ppf "Tcty_arrow\n";
arg_label i ppf l;
core_type i ppf co;
class_type i ppf cl;
| Tcty_open (o, e) ->
line i ppf "Tcty_open %a %a\n"
fmt_override_flag o.open_override
fmt_path (fst o.open_expr);
class_type i ppf e
and class_signature i ppf { csig_self = ct; csig_fields = l } =
line i ppf "class_signature\n";
core_type (i+1) ppf ct;
list (i+1) class_type_field ppf l;
and class_type_field i ppf x =
line i ppf "class_type_field %a\n" fmt_location x.ctf_loc;
let i = i+1 in
attributes i ppf x.ctf_attributes;
match x.ctf_desc with
| Tctf_inherit (ct) ->
line i ppf "Tctf_inherit\n";
class_type i ppf ct;
| Tctf_val (s, mf, vf, ct) ->
line i ppf "Tctf_val \"%s\" %a %a\n" s fmt_mutable_flag mf
fmt_virtual_flag vf;
core_type (i+1) ppf ct;
| Tctf_method (s, pf, vf, ct) ->
line i ppf "Tctf_method \"%s\" %a %a\n" s fmt_private_flag pf
fmt_virtual_flag vf;
core_type (i+1) ppf ct;
| Tctf_constraint (ct1, ct2) ->
line i ppf "Tctf_constraint\n";
core_type (i+1) ppf ct1;
core_type (i+1) ppf ct2;
| Tctf_attribute a ->
attribute i ppf "Tctf_attribute" a
and class_description i ppf x =
line i ppf "class_description %a\n" fmt_location x.ci_loc;
attributes i ppf x.ci_attributes;
let i = i+1 in
line i ppf "pci_virt = %a\n" fmt_virtual_flag x.ci_virt;
line i ppf "pci_params =\n";
list (i+1) type_parameter ppf x.ci_params;
line i ppf "pci_name = \"%s\"\n" x.ci_id_name.txt;
line i ppf "pci_expr =\n";
class_type (i+1) ppf x.ci_expr;
and class_type_declaration i ppf x =
line i ppf "class_type_declaration %a\n" fmt_location x.ci_loc;
let i = i+1 in
line i ppf "pci_virt = %a\n" fmt_virtual_flag x.ci_virt;
line i ppf "pci_params =\n";
list (i+1) type_parameter ppf x.ci_params;
line i ppf "pci_name = \"%s\"\n" x.ci_id_name.txt;
line i ppf "pci_expr =\n";
class_type (i+1) ppf x.ci_expr;
and class_expr i ppf x =
line i ppf "class_expr %a\n" fmt_location x.cl_loc;
attributes i ppf x.cl_attributes;
let i = i+1 in
match x.cl_desc with
| Tcl_ident (li, _, l) ->
line i ppf "Tcl_ident %a\n" fmt_path li;
list i core_type ppf l;
| Tcl_structure (cs) ->
line i ppf "Tcl_structure\n";
class_structure i ppf cs;
| Tcl_fun (l, p, _, ce, _) ->
line i ppf "Tcl_fun\n";
arg_label i ppf l;
pattern i ppf p;
class_expr i ppf ce
| Tcl_apply (ce, l) ->
line i ppf "Tcl_apply\n";
class_expr i ppf ce;
list i label_x_expression ppf l;
| Tcl_let (rf, l1, l2, ce) ->
line i ppf "Tcl_let %a\n" fmt_rec_flag rf;
list i value_binding ppf l1;
2018-06-07 07:11:09 -07:00
list i ident_x_expression_def ppf l2;
class_expr i ppf ce;
| Tcl_constraint (ce, Some ct, _, _, _) ->
line i ppf "Tcl_constraint\n";
class_expr i ppf ce;
class_type i ppf ct
| Tcl_constraint (ce, None, _, _, _) -> class_expr i ppf ce
| Tcl_open (o, e) ->
line i ppf "Tcl_open %a %a\n"
fmt_override_flag o.open_override
fmt_path (fst o.open_expr);
class_expr i ppf e
and class_structure i ppf { cstr_self = p; cstr_fields = l } =
line i ppf "class_structure\n";
pattern (i+1) ppf p;
list (i+1) class_field ppf l;
and class_field i ppf x =
line i ppf "class_field %a\n" fmt_location x.cf_loc;
let i = i + 1 in
attributes i ppf x.cf_attributes;
match x.cf_desc with
| Tcf_inherit (ovf, ce, so, _, _) ->
line i ppf "Tcf_inherit %a\n" fmt_override_flag ovf;
class_expr (i+1) ppf ce;
option (i+1) string ppf so;
| Tcf_val (s, mf, _, k, _) ->
line i ppf "Tcf_val \"%s\" %a\n" s.txt fmt_mutable_flag mf;
class_field_kind (i+1) ppf k
| Tcf_method (s, pf, k) ->
line i ppf "Tcf_method \"%s\" %a\n" s.txt fmt_private_flag pf;
class_field_kind (i+1) ppf k
| Tcf_constraint (ct1, ct2) ->
line i ppf "Tcf_constraint\n";
core_type (i+1) ppf ct1;
core_type (i+1) ppf ct2;
| Tcf_initializer (e) ->
line i ppf "Tcf_initializer\n";
expression (i+1) ppf e;
| Tcf_attribute a ->
attribute i ppf "Tcf_attribute" a
and class_field_kind i ppf = function
| Tcfk_concrete (o, e) ->
line i ppf "Concrete %a\n" fmt_override_flag o;
expression i ppf e
| Tcfk_virtual t ->
line i ppf "Virtual\n";
core_type i ppf t
and class_declaration i ppf x =
line i ppf "class_declaration %a\n" fmt_location x.ci_loc;
let i = i+1 in
line i ppf "pci_virt = %a\n" fmt_virtual_flag x.ci_virt;
line i ppf "pci_params =\n";
list (i+1) type_parameter ppf x.ci_params;
line i ppf "pci_name = \"%s\"\n" x.ci_id_name.txt;
line i ppf "pci_expr =\n";
class_expr (i+1) ppf x.ci_expr;
and module_type i ppf x =
line i ppf "module_type %a\n" fmt_location x.mty_loc;
attributes i ppf x.mty_attributes;
let i = i+1 in
match x.mty_desc with
| Tmty_ident (li,_) -> line i ppf "Tmty_ident %a\n" fmt_path li;
| Tmty_alias (li,_) -> line i ppf "Tmty_alias %a\n" fmt_path li;
| Tmty_signature (s) ->
line i ppf "Tmty_signature\n";
signature i ppf s;
| Tmty_functor (Unit, mt2) ->
line i ppf "Tmty_functor ()\n";
module_type i ppf mt2;
| Tmty_functor (Named (s, _, mt1), mt2) ->
line i ppf "Tmty_functor \"%a\"\n" fmt_modname s;
module_type i ppf mt1;
module_type i ppf mt2;
| Tmty_with (mt, l) ->
line i ppf "Tmty_with\n";
module_type i ppf mt;
list i longident_x_with_constraint ppf l;
| Tmty_typeof m ->
line i ppf "Tmty_typeof\n";
module_expr i ppf m;
and signature i ppf x = list i signature_item ppf x.sig_items
and signature_item i ppf x =
line i ppf "signature_item %a\n" fmt_location x.sig_loc;
let i = i+1 in
match x.sig_desc with
| Tsig_value vd ->
line i ppf "Tsig_value\n";
value_description i ppf vd;
| Tsig_type (rf, l) ->
line i ppf "Tsig_type %a\n" fmt_rec_flag rf;
list i type_declaration ppf l;
| Tsig_typesubst l ->
line i ppf "Tsig_typesubst\n";
list i type_declaration ppf l;
| Tsig_typext e ->
line i ppf "Tsig_typext\n";
type_extension i ppf e;
| Tsig_exception ext ->
line i ppf "Tsig_exception\n";
type_exception i ppf ext
| Tsig_module md ->
line i ppf "Tsig_module \"%a\"\n" fmt_modname md.md_id;
attributes i ppf md.md_attributes;
module_type i ppf md.md_type
| Tsig_modsubst ms ->
line i ppf "Tsig_modsubst \"%a\" = %a\n"
fmt_ident ms.ms_id fmt_path ms.ms_manifest;
attributes i ppf ms.ms_attributes;
| Tsig_recmodule decls ->
line i ppf "Tsig_recmodule\n";
list i module_declaration ppf decls;
| Tsig_modtype x ->
line i ppf "Tsig_modtype \"%a\"\n" fmt_ident x.mtd_id;
attributes i ppf x.mtd_attributes;
modtype_declaration i ppf x.mtd_type
| Tsig_open od ->
line i ppf "Tsig_open %a %a\n"
fmt_override_flag od.open_override
fmt_path (fst od.open_expr);
attributes i ppf od.open_attributes
| Tsig_include incl ->
line i ppf "Tsig_include\n";
attributes i ppf incl.incl_attributes;
module_type i ppf incl.incl_mod
| Tsig_class (l) ->
line i ppf "Tsig_class\n";
list i class_description ppf l;
| Tsig_class_type (l) ->
line i ppf "Tsig_class_type\n";
list i class_type_declaration ppf l;
| Tsig_attribute a ->
attribute i ppf "Tsig_attribute" a
and module_declaration i ppf md =
line i ppf "%a" fmt_modname md.md_id;
attributes i ppf md.md_attributes;
module_type (i+1) ppf md.md_type;
and module_binding i ppf x =
line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_modname x.mb_id;
attributes i ppf x.mb_attributes;
module_expr (i+1) ppf x.mb_expr
and modtype_declaration i ppf = function
| None -> line i ppf "#abstract"
| Some mt -> module_type (i + 1) ppf mt
and with_constraint i ppf x =
match x with
| Twith_type (td) ->
line i ppf "Twith_type\n";
type_declaration (i+1) ppf td;
| Twith_typesubst (td) ->
line i ppf "Twith_typesubst\n";
type_declaration (i+1) ppf td;
| Twith_module (li,_) -> line i ppf "Twith_module %a\n" fmt_path li;
| Twith_modsubst (li,_) -> line i ppf "Twith_modsubst %a\n" fmt_path li;
and module_expr i ppf x =
line i ppf "module_expr %a\n" fmt_location x.mod_loc;
attributes i ppf x.mod_attributes;
let i = i+1 in
match x.mod_desc with
| Tmod_ident (li,_) -> line i ppf "Tmod_ident %a\n" fmt_path li;
| Tmod_structure (s) ->
line i ppf "Tmod_structure\n";
structure i ppf s;
| Tmod_functor (Unit, me) ->
line i ppf "Tmod_functor ()\n";
module_expr i ppf me;
| Tmod_functor (Named (s, _, mt), me) ->
line i ppf "Tmod_functor \"%a\"\n" fmt_modname s;
module_type i ppf mt;
module_expr i ppf me;
| Tmod_apply (me1, me2, _) ->
line i ppf "Tmod_apply\n";
module_expr i ppf me1;
module_expr i ppf me2;
| Tmod_constraint (me, _, Tmodtype_explicit mt, _) ->
line i ppf "Tmod_constraint\n";
module_expr i ppf me;
module_type i ppf mt;
| Tmod_constraint (me, _, Tmodtype_implicit, _) -> module_expr i ppf me
| Tmod_unpack (e, _) ->
line i ppf "Tmod_unpack\n";
expression i ppf e;
and structure i ppf x = list i structure_item ppf x.str_items
and structure_item i ppf x =
line i ppf "structure_item %a\n" fmt_location x.str_loc;
let i = i+1 in
match x.str_desc with
| Tstr_eval (e, attrs) ->
line i ppf "Tstr_eval\n";
attributes i ppf attrs;
expression i ppf e;
| Tstr_value (rf, l) ->
line i ppf "Tstr_value %a\n" fmt_rec_flag rf;
list i value_binding ppf l;
| Tstr_primitive vd ->
line i ppf "Tstr_primitive\n";
value_description i ppf vd;
| Tstr_type (rf, l) ->
line i ppf "Tstr_type %a\n" fmt_rec_flag rf;
list i type_declaration ppf l;
| Tstr_typext te ->
line i ppf "Tstr_typext\n";
type_extension i ppf te
| Tstr_exception ext ->
line i ppf "Tstr_exception\n";
type_exception i ppf ext;
| Tstr_module x ->
line i ppf "Tstr_module\n";
module_binding i ppf x
| Tstr_recmodule bindings ->
line i ppf "Tstr_recmodule\n";
list i module_binding ppf bindings
| Tstr_modtype x ->
line i ppf "Tstr_modtype \"%a\"\n" fmt_ident x.mtd_id;
attributes i ppf x.mtd_attributes;
modtype_declaration i ppf x.mtd_type
| Tstr_open od ->
line i ppf "Tstr_open %a\n"
fmt_override_flag od.open_override;
module_expr i ppf od.open_expr;
attributes i ppf od.open_attributes
| Tstr_class (l) ->
line i ppf "Tstr_class\n";
list i class_declaration ppf (List.map (fun (cl, _) -> cl) l);
| Tstr_class_type (l) ->
line i ppf "Tstr_class_type\n";
list i class_type_declaration ppf (List.map (fun (_, _, cl) -> cl) l);
| Tstr_include incl ->
line i ppf "Tstr_include";
attributes i ppf incl.incl_attributes;
module_expr i ppf incl.incl_mod;
| Tstr_attribute a ->
attribute i ppf "Tstr_attribute" a
and longident_x_with_constraint i ppf (li, _, wc) =
line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_path li;
with_constraint (i+1) ppf wc;
and core_type_x_core_type_x_location i ppf (ct1, ct2, l) =
line i ppf "<constraint> %a\n" fmt_location l;
core_type (i+1) ppf ct1;
core_type (i+1) ppf ct2;
and constructor_decl i ppf {cd_id; cd_name = _; cd_args; cd_res; cd_loc;
cd_attributes} =
line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_location cd_loc;
line (i+1) ppf "%a\n" fmt_ident cd_id;
attributes i ppf cd_attributes;
constructor_arguments (i+1) ppf cd_args;
option (i+1) core_type ppf cd_res
and constructor_arguments i ppf = function
| Cstr_tuple l -> list i core_type ppf l
| Cstr_record l -> list i label_decl ppf l
and label_decl i ppf {ld_id; ld_name = _; ld_mutable; ld_type; ld_loc;
ld_attributes} =
line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_location ld_loc;
attributes i ppf ld_attributes;
line (i+1) ppf "%a\n" fmt_mutable_flag ld_mutable;
line (i+1) ppf "%a" fmt_ident ld_id;
core_type (i+1) ppf ld_type
and longident_x_pattern i ppf (li, _, p) =
line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_longident li;
pattern (i+1) ppf p;
and case
: type k . _ -> _ -> k case -> unit
= fun i ppf {c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs} ->
line i ppf "<case>\n";
pattern (i+1) ppf c_lhs;
begin match c_guard with
| None -> ()
| Some g -> line (i+1) ppf "<when>\n"; expression (i + 2) ppf g
expression (i+1) ppf c_rhs;
and value_binding i ppf x =
line i ppf "<def>\n";
attributes (i+1) ppf x.vb_attributes;
pattern (i+1) ppf x.vb_pat;
expression (i+1) ppf x.vb_expr
and string_x_expression i ppf (s, _, e) =
line i ppf "<override> \"%a\"\n" fmt_path s;
expression (i+1) ppf e;
and record_field i ppf = function
| _, Overridden (li, e) ->
line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_longident li;
expression (i+1) ppf e;
| _, Kept _ ->
line i ppf "<kept>"
and label_x_expression i ppf (l, e) =
line i ppf "<arg>\n";
arg_label (i+1) ppf l;
(match e with None -> () | Some e -> expression (i+1) ppf e)
2018-06-07 07:11:09 -07:00
and ident_x_expression_def i ppf (l, e) =
line i ppf "<def> \"%a\"\n" fmt_ident l;
expression (i+1) ppf e;
and label_x_bool_x_core_type_list i ppf x =
match x.rf_desc with
| Ttag (l, b, ctl) ->
line i ppf "Ttag \"%s\" %s\n" l.txt (string_of_bool b);
attributes (i+1) ppf x.rf_attributes;
list (i+1) core_type ppf ctl
| Tinherit (ct) ->
line i ppf "Tinherit\n";
core_type (i+1) ppf ct
let interface ppf x = list 0 signature_item ppf x.sig_items;;
let implementation ppf x = list 0 structure_item ppf x.str_items;;
2020-11-06 00:20:10 -08:00
let implementation_with_coercion ppf Typedtree.{structure; _} =
implementation ppf structure