1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
(* Translation from typed abstract syntax to lambda terms,
for the core language *)
open Misc
open Asttypes
open Path
open Typedtree
open Lambda
type error =
| Illegal_letrec_expr
exception Error of Location.t * error
(* The translation environment maps identifiers bound by patterns
to lambda-terms, e.g. access paths.
Identifiers unbound in the environment List.map to themselves. *)
(* Compute the access paths to identifiers bound in patterns. *)
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
let identity_env e = e
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
let rec bind_pattern env pat arg mut =
match pat.pat_desc with
Tpat_var id ->
begin match mut with
Mutable -> (env, fun e -> Llet(id, arg, e))
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
| Immutable -> (add_env id arg env, identity_env)
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
| Tpat_alias(pat, id) ->
let (ext_env, bind) = bind_pattern env pat arg mut in
begin match mut with
Mutable -> (ext_env, fun e -> Llet(id, arg, bind e))
| Immutable -> (add_env id arg ext_env, bind)
| Tpat_tuple patl ->
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
begin match arg with
Lprim(Pmakeblock _, argl) -> bind_patterns env patl argl
| _ -> bind_pattern_list env patl arg mut 0
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
| Tpat_construct(cstr, patl) ->
1995-06-18 07:44:56 -07:00
begin match cstr.cstr_tag with
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
Cstr_constant _ -> (env, identity_env)
1995-06-18 07:44:56 -07:00
| Cstr_block _ -> bind_pattern_list env patl arg mut 0
| Cstr_exception _ -> bind_pattern_list env patl arg mut 1
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
| Tpat_record lbl_pat_list ->
bind_label_pattern env lbl_pat_list arg mut
| _ ->
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
(env, identity_env)
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
and bind_pattern_list env patl arg mut pos =
match patl with
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
[] -> (env, identity_env)
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
| pat :: rem ->
let (env1, bind1) =
bind_pattern env pat (Lprim(Pfield pos, [arg])) mut in
let (env2, bind2) =
bind_pattern_list env1 rem arg mut (pos+1) in
(env2, fun e -> bind1(bind2 e))
and bind_label_pattern env patl arg mut =
match patl with
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
[] -> (env, identity_env)
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
| (lbl, pat) :: rem ->
let mut1 =
match lbl.lbl_mut with Mutable -> Mutable | Immutable -> mut in
let (env1, bind1) =
bind_pattern env pat (Lprim(Pfield lbl.lbl_pos, [arg])) mut1 in
let (env2, bind2) =
bind_label_pattern env1 rem arg mut in
(env2, fun e -> bind1(bind2 e))
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
and bind_patterns env patl argl =
match (patl, argl) with
([], []) -> (env, identity_env)
| (pat1::patl, arg1::argl) ->
let (env1, bind1) = bind_pattern env pat1 arg1 Immutable in
let (env2, bind2) = bind_patterns env1 patl argl in
(env2, fun e -> bind1(bind2 e))
| (_, _) ->
fatal_error "Translcore.bind_patterns"
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
(* Translation of primitives *)
let comparisons_table = create_hashtable 11 [
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
(Pccall("equal", 2, true),
Pintcomp Ceq,
Pfloatcomp Ceq,
Pccall("string_equal", 2, false));
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
(Pccall("notequal", 2, true),
Pintcomp Cneq,
Pfloatcomp Cneq,
Pccall("string_notequal", 2, false));
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
(Pccall("lessthan", 2, true),
Pintcomp Clt,
Pfloatcomp Clt,
Pccall("lessthan", 2, true));
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
(Pccall("greaterthan", 2, true),
Pintcomp Cgt,
Pfloatcomp Cgt,
Pccall("greaterthan", 2, true));
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
(Pccall("lessequal", 2, true),
Pintcomp Cle,
Pfloatcomp Cle,
Pccall("lessequal", 2, true));
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
(Pccall("greaterequal", 2, true),
Pintcomp Cge,
Pfloatcomp Cge,
Pccall("greaterequal", 2, true))
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
let primitives_table = create_hashtable 31 [
"%identity", Pidentity;
"%field0", Pfield 0;
"%field1", Pfield 1;
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
"%setfield0", Psetfield(0, true);
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
"%makeblock", Pmakeblock 0;
"%raise", Praise;
"%sequand", Psequand;
"%sequor", Psequor;
"%boolnot", Pnot;
"%negint", Pnegint;
"%succint", Poffsetint 1;
"%predint", Poffsetint(-1);
"%addint", Paddint;
"%subint", Psubint;
"%mulint", Pmulint;
"%divint", Pdivint;
"%modint", Pmodint;
"%andint", Pandint;
"%orint", Porint;
"%xorint", Pxorint;
"%lslint", Plslint;
"%lsrint", Plsrint;
"%asrint", Pasrint;
1995-06-18 07:44:56 -07:00
"%eq", Pintcomp Ceq;
"%noteq", Pintcomp Cneq;
"%ltint", Pintcomp Clt;
"%leint", Pintcomp Cle;
"%gtint", Pintcomp Cgt;
"%geint", Pintcomp Cge;
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
"%incr", Poffsetref(1);
"%decr", Poffsetref(-1);
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
"%negfloat", Pnegfloat;
1995-06-18 07:44:56 -07:00
"%addfloat", Paddfloat;
"%subfloat", Psubfloat;
"%mulfloat", Pmulfloat;
"%divfloat", Pdivfloat;
"%eqfloat", Pfloatcomp Ceq;
"%noteqfloat", Pfloatcomp Cneq;
"%ltfloat", Pfloatcomp Clt;
"%lefloat", Pfloatcomp Cle;
"%gtfloat", Pfloatcomp Cgt;
"%gefloat", Pfloatcomp Cge;
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
"%string_length", Pstringlength;
"%string_safe_get", Psafegetstringchar;
"%string_safe_set", Psafesetstringchar;
1995-06-15 01:09:12 -07:00
"%string_unsafe_get", Pgetstringchar;
"%string_unsafe_set", Psetstringchar;
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
"%array_length", Pvectlength;
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
"%array_safe_get", Psafegetvectitem;
"%array_safe_set", Psafesetvectitem true;
1995-06-15 01:09:12 -07:00
"%array_unsafe_get", Pgetvectitem;
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
"%array_unsafe_set", Psetvectitem true
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
let same_base_type ty1 ty2 =
match (Ctype.repr ty1, Ctype.repr ty2) with
(Tconstr(p1, []), Tconstr(p2, [])) -> Path.same p1 p2
| (_, _) -> false
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
let maybe_pointer arg =
if same_base_type arg.exp_type Predef.type_int
or same_base_type arg.exp_type Predef.type_char
then false
else true
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
let transl_prim prim arity args =
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
let (gencomp, intcomp, floatcomp, stringcomp) =
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
Hashtbl.find comparisons_table prim in
match args with
[arg1; arg2] when same_base_type arg1.exp_type Predef.type_int
or same_base_type arg1.exp_type Predef.type_char ->
| [arg1; arg2] when same_base_type arg1.exp_type Predef.type_float ->
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
| [arg1; arg2] when same_base_type arg1.exp_type Predef.type_string ->
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
| _ ->
with Not_found ->
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
let p = Hashtbl.find primitives_table prim in
begin match (p, args) with
(Psetfield(n, _), [arg1; arg2]) ->
Psetfield(n, maybe_pointer arg2)
| (Psafesetvectitem _, [arg1; arg2; arg3]) ->
Psafesetvectitem(maybe_pointer arg3)
| (Psetvectitem _, [arg1; arg2; arg3]) ->
Psetvectitem(maybe_pointer arg3)
| _ -> p
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
with Not_found ->
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
Pccall(prim, arity, true)
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
(* To check the well-formedness of r.h.s. of "let rec" definitions *)
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
let check_recursive_lambda id lam =
let rec check_top = function
Lfunction(param, body) as funct -> true
| Lprim(Pmakeblock tag, args) -> List.for_all check args
| Llet(id, arg, body) -> check arg & check_top body
| _ -> false
1995-06-05 06:41:20 -07:00
and check = function
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
Lvar _ -> true
| Lconst cst -> true
| Lfunction(param, body) -> true
| Llet(_, arg, body) -> check arg & check body
| Lprim(Pmakeblock tag, args) -> List.for_all check args
| lam -> not(IdentSet.mem id (free_variables lam))
in check_top lam
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
(* To propagate structured constants *)
exception Not_constant
let extract_constant = function Lconst sc -> sc | _ -> raise Not_constant
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
(* To find reasonable names for let-bound and lambda-bound idents *)
let name_pattern default p =
match p.pat_desc with
Tpat_var id -> id
| Tpat_alias(p, id) -> id
| _ -> Ident.new default
let name_pattern_list default = function
[] -> Ident.new default
| (p, e) :: _ -> name_pattern default p
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
(* Translation of expressions *)
let rec transl_exp env e =
match e.exp_desc with
Texp_ident(path, desc) ->
begin match path with
Pident id -> transl_access env id
| _ -> transl_path path
| Texp_constant cst ->
Lconst(Const_base cst)
| Texp_let(rec_flag, pat_expr_list, body) ->
let (ext_env, add_let) = transl_let env rec_flag pat_expr_list in
add_let(transl_exp ext_env body)
| Texp_function pat_expr_list ->
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
let param = name_pattern_list "param" pat_expr_list in
Lfunction(param, Matching.for_function e.exp_loc (Lvar param)
(transl_cases env (Lvar param) pat_expr_list))
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
| Texp_apply({exp_desc = Texp_ident(path, {val_prim = Primitive(s, arity)})},
args) when List.length args = arity ->
Lprim(transl_prim s arity args, transl_list env args)
| Texp_apply(funct, args) ->
Lapply(transl_exp env funct, transl_list env args)
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
| Texp_match({exp_desc = Texp_tuple argl} as arg, pat_expr_list) ->
name_lambda_list (transl_list env argl) (fun paraml ->
let param = Lprim(Pmakeblock 0, paraml) in
Matching.for_function e.exp_loc param
(transl_cases env param pat_expr_list))
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
| Texp_match(arg, pat_expr_list) ->
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
name_lambda (transl_exp env arg) (fun id ->
Matching.for_function e.exp_loc (Lvar id)
(transl_cases env (Lvar id) pat_expr_list))
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
| Texp_try(body, pat_expr_list) ->
let id = Ident.new "exn" in
Ltrywith(transl_exp env body, id,
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
Matching.for_trywith id
(transl_cases env (Lvar id) pat_expr_list))
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
| Texp_tuple el ->
let ll = transl_list env el in
begin try
Lconst(Const_block(0, List.map extract_constant ll))
with Not_constant ->
Lprim(Pmakeblock 0, ll)
| Texp_construct(cstr, args) ->
let ll = transl_list env args in
begin match cstr.cstr_tag with
1995-06-18 07:44:56 -07:00
Cstr_constant n ->
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
Lconst(Const_pointer n)
1995-06-18 07:44:56 -07:00
| Cstr_block n ->
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
begin try
Lconst(Const_block(n, List.map extract_constant ll))
with Not_constant ->
Lprim(Pmakeblock n, ll)
| Cstr_exception path ->
Lprim(Pmakeblock 0, transl_path path :: ll)
| Texp_record lbl_expr_list ->
let lv = Array.new (List.length lbl_expr_list) Lstaticfail in
(fun (lbl, expr) -> lv.(lbl.lbl_pos) <- transl_exp env expr)
let ll = Array.to_list lv in
1995-06-18 07:44:56 -07:00
if List.for_all (fun (lbl, expr) -> lbl.lbl_mut = Immutable)
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
then begin
Lconst(Const_block(0, List.map extract_constant ll))
with Not_constant ->
Lprim(Pmakeblock 0, ll)
end else
Lprim(Pmakeblock 0, ll)
| Texp_field(arg, lbl) ->
Lprim(Pfield lbl.lbl_pos, [transl_exp env arg])
| Texp_setfield(arg, lbl, newval) ->
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
Lprim(Psetfield(lbl.lbl_pos, maybe_pointer newval),
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
[transl_exp env arg; transl_exp env newval])
| Texp_array expr_list ->
Lprim(Pmakeblock 0, transl_list env expr_list)
| Texp_ifthenelse(cond, ifso, Some ifnot) ->
Lifthenelse(transl_exp env cond, transl_exp env ifso,
transl_exp env ifnot)
| Texp_ifthenelse(cond, ifso, None) ->
Lifthenelse(transl_exp env cond, transl_exp env ifso, lambda_unit)
| Texp_sequence(expr1, expr2) ->
Lsequence(transl_exp env expr1, transl_exp env expr2)
| Texp_while(cond, body) ->
Lwhile(transl_exp env cond, transl_exp env body)
| Texp_for(param, low, high, dir, body) ->
Lfor(param, transl_exp env low, transl_exp env high, dir,
transl_exp env body)
| Texp_when(cond, body) ->
Lifthenelse(transl_exp env cond, transl_exp env body, Lstaticfail)
and transl_list env = function
[] -> []
| expr :: rem -> transl_exp env expr :: transl_list env rem
and transl_cases env param pat_expr_list =
let transl_case (pat, expr) =
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
let (ext_env, bind_fun) = bind_pattern env pat param Immutable in
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
(pat, bind_fun(transl_exp ext_env expr)) in
List.map transl_case pat_expr_list
and transl_let env rec_flag pat_expr_list =
match rec_flag with
Nonrecursive ->
let rec transl body_env = function
[] ->
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
(body_env, identity_env)
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
| (pat, expr) :: rem ->
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
let id = name_pattern "let" pat in
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
let (ext_env, bind_fun) =
bind_pattern body_env pat (Lvar id) Immutable in
let (final_env, add_let_fun) =
transl ext_env rem in
fun e -> Llet(id, transl_exp env expr,
Matching.for_let pat.pat_loc id pat
(bind_fun(add_let_fun e)))) in
transl env pat_expr_list
| Recursive ->
let transl_case (pat, expr) =
let id =
match pat.pat_desc with
Tpat_var id -> id
| _ -> raise(Error(pat.pat_loc, Illegal_letrec_pat)) in
let lam = transl_exp env expr in
1995-07-02 09:45:21 -07:00
if not (check_recursive_lambda id lam) then
raise(Error(expr.exp_loc, Illegal_letrec_expr));
(id, lam) in
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
let decls =
List.map transl_case pat_expr_list in
(env, fun e -> Lletrec(decls, e))
(* Compile a primitive definition *)
let transl_primitive = function
Not_prim -> fatal_error "Translcore.transl_primitive"
| Primitive(name, arity) ->
let prim =
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
let (gencomp, intcomp, floatcomp, stringcomp) =
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
Hashtbl.find comparisons_table name in
with Not_found ->
Hashtbl.find primitives_table name
with Not_found ->
1995-07-10 02:48:27 -07:00
Pccall(name, arity, true) in
1995-05-04 03:15:53 -07:00
let rec add_params n params =
if n >= arity
then Lprim(prim, List.rev params)
else begin
let id = Ident.new "prim" in
Lfunction(id, add_params (n+1) (Lvar id :: params))
end in
add_params 0 []
(* Compile an exception definition *)
let transl_exception id decl =
Lprim(Pmakeblock 0, [Lconst(Const_base(Const_string(Ident.name id)))])
(* Error report *)
open Format
let report_error = function
Illegal_letrec_pat ->
"Only variables are allowed as left-hand side of `let rec'"
| Illegal_letrec_expr ->
"This kind of expression is not allowed as right-hand side of `let rec'"