
136 lines
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(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Daniel de Rauglaudre, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
open Asttypes
open Parsetree
open Longident
open Location
type stream_pattern_component =
Spat_term of pattern * expression option
| Spat_nterm of pattern * expression
| Spat_sterm of pattern
type stream_expr_component =
Sexp_term of expression
| Sexp_nterm of expression
(* Important: see parser.mly for the difference between "mk" and "gh". *)
let mktyp d = { ptyp_desc = d; ptyp_loc = symbol_rloc() }
let mkpat d = { ppat_desc = d; ppat_loc = symbol_rloc() }
let mkexp d = { pexp_desc = d; pexp_loc = symbol_rloc() }
let ghtyp d = { ptyp_desc = d; ptyp_loc = symbol_gloc() }
let ghpat d = { ppat_desc = d; ppat_loc = symbol_gloc() }
let ghexp d = { pexp_desc = d; pexp_loc = symbol_gloc() }
let spat = Ppat_var "%strm"
let sexp = Pexp_ident (Lident "%strm")
let econ c x = ghexp (Pexp_construct (Ldot (Lident "Stream", c), x, false))
let pcon c x = ghpat (Ppat_construct (Ldot (Lident "Stream", c), x, false))
let afun f x =
ghexp (Pexp_apply (ghexp (Pexp_ident (Ldot (Lident "Stream", f))),
List.map (fun a -> "", a) x))
let araise c x =
ghexp (Pexp_apply (ghexp (Pexp_ident (Lident "raise")), ["", econ c x]))
let esome x = ghexp (Pexp_construct (Lident "Some", Some x, false))
(* parsers *)
let stream_pattern_component skont =
Spat_term (p, None) ->
(afun "peek" [ghexp sexp],
p, ghexp (Pexp_sequence (afun "junk" [ghexp sexp], skont)))
| Spat_term (p, Some e) ->
(afun "peek" [ghexp sexp],
(e, ghexp(Pexp_sequence (afun "junk" [ghexp sexp], skont)))))
| Spat_nterm (p, e) ->
(esome (ghexp (Pexp_apply (e, ["", ghexp sexp]))),
[(pcon "Failure" None,
ghexp (Pexp_construct (Lident "None", None, false)))])),
p, skont)
| Spat_sterm p ->
(esome (ghexp sexp), p, skont)
(* error continuation for 2nd to last component of a stream pattern *)
let ekont1 = function
| Some _ as estr -> araise "Error" estr
| None -> araise "Error" (Some (ghexp (Pexp_constant (Const_string ""))))
let rec stream_pattern epo e ekont =
[] ->
begin match epo with
Some ep ->
let countexpr = afun "count" [ghexp sexp] in
ghexp (Pexp_match (countexpr, [(ep, e)]))
| _ -> e
| (spc, err) :: spcl ->
(* success continuation *)
let skont = stream_pattern epo e ekont1 spcl in
let (tst, p, e) = stream_pattern_component skont spc in
let ckont = ekont err in
[(ghpat (Ppat_construct (Lident "Some", Some p, false)), e);
(ghpat Ppat_any, ckont)]))
let rec parser_cases =
[] -> araise "Failure" None
| (spcl, epo, e)::cl -> stream_pattern epo e (fun _ -> parser_cases cl) spcl
let cparser (bpo, pc) =
let pc = parser_cases pc in
let e =
match bpo with
Some bp -> ghexp (Pexp_match (afun "count" [ghexp sexp], [(bp, pc)]))
| None -> pc
let p =
let t =
ghtyp (Ptyp_constr (Ldot (Lident "Stream", "t"), [ghtyp Ptyp_any]))
ghpat (Ppat_constraint (ghpat spat, t))
mkexp (Pexp_function ("", None, [p, e]))
(* streams *)
let clazy e = ghexp (Pexp_function ("", None, [ghpat Ppat_any, e]))
let rec cstream_aux =
| [] -> ghexp (Pexp_ident (Ldot (Lident "Stream", "sempty")))
| Sexp_term e :: secl -> afun "lcons" [clazy e; cstream_aux secl]
| Sexp_nterm e :: secl -> afun "lapp" [clazy e; cstream_aux secl]
let cstream l =
match cstream_aux l with
| {pexp_desc = d; pexp_loc = l}
-> {pexp_desc = d; pexp_loc = {l with loc_ghost = false}}