Interpreter finally able to compile ocamlc
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
open Asttypes
open Parsetree
let trace = true
let trace = false
let tracearg_from = 742740000
let tracecur = ref 0
let debug = true
let debug = false
module SMap = Map.Make(String)
module SSet = Set.Make(String)
@ -47,8 +47,13 @@ and env = {
env_modules : (bool * mdl) SMap.t ;
(* tag, description, is_exception *)
env_constructors : (bool * (int * constr_desc * bool)) SMap.t ;
(* field id, field ids of all fields in the record *)
env_fields : (bool * (int * int SMap.t)) SMap.t ;
(* is_static, field id, field ids of all fields in the record *)
(* static records do not include layout information, and are as such suitable for
marshalling and passing to primitives.
However, they can have bugs with type-based disambiguation if there are other fields with
the same name in other records
env_fields : (bool * (bool * int * int SMap.t)) SMap.t ;
and constr_desc =
@ -56,7 +61,7 @@ and constr_desc =
| CRecord of string list * int SMap.t
and mdl =
| Module of value SMap.t * mdl SMap.t * (int * constr_desc * bool) SMap.t * (int * int SMap.t) SMap.t
| Module of value SMap.t * mdl SMap.t * (int * constr_desc * bool) SMap.t * (bool * int * int SMap.t) SMap.t
| Functor of string * module_expr * env (* TODO: include arg restriction *)
exception InternalException of value
@ -98,8 +103,10 @@ let read_caml_int s =
Int64.mul sign !c
let value_of_constant = function
| Pconst_integer (s, (None | Some 'l')) -> Obj.repr (Int64.to_int (read_caml_int s))
| Pconst_integer (s, Some ('L' | 'n')) -> Obj.repr (read_caml_int s)
| Pconst_integer (s, None) -> Obj.repr (Int64.to_int (read_caml_int s))
| Pconst_integer (s, Some 'l') -> Obj.repr (Int64.to_int32 (read_caml_int s))
| Pconst_integer (s, Some 'L') -> Obj.repr (read_caml_int s)
| Pconst_integer (s, Some 'n') -> Obj.repr (Int64.to_nativeint (read_caml_int s))
| Pconst_integer (s, Some c) -> Format.eprintf "Unsupported suffix %c@." c; assert false
| Pconst_char c -> Obj.repr (int_of_char c)
| Pconst_float (f, _) -> Obj.repr (float_of_string f)
@ -281,7 +288,7 @@ let env_get_field env lident =
| Longident.Lident str ->
(try snd (SMap.find str env.env_fields)
with Not_found ->
if debug then Format.eprintf "Field not found in env: %s@." str; raise Not_found)
(* if debug then Format.eprintf "Field not found in env: %s@." str; raise Not_found *) (false, 0, SMap.empty))
| Longident.Ldot (ld, str) ->
let md = env_get_module env ld in
(match md with
@ -436,6 +443,7 @@ external seeded_hash_param : int -> int -> int -> 'a -> int = "caml_hash"
external open_descriptor_out : int -> out_channel = "caml_ml_open_descriptor_out"
external open_descriptor_in : int -> in_channel = "caml_ml_open_descriptor_in"
external open_desc : string -> open_flag list -> int -> int = "caml_sys_open"
external close_desc : int -> unit = "caml_sys_close"
external set_out_channel_name: out_channel -> string -> unit = "caml_ml_set_channel_name"
external out_channels_list : unit -> out_channel list = "caml_ml_out_channels_list"
external unsafe_output : out_channel -> bytes -> int -> int -> unit = "caml_ml_output_bytes"
@ -802,6 +810,7 @@ let prims = [
("%divfloat", mkprim ( /. ) 2);
("%floatofint", mkprim float_of_int 1);
("%intoffloat", mkprim int_of_float 1);
("caml_float_of_string", mkprim float_of_string 1);
("%lessthan", mkprim value_lt 2);
("%lessequal", mkprim value_le 2);
("%greaterthan", mkprim value_gt 2);
@ -817,6 +826,7 @@ let prims = [
("caml_ml_open_descriptor_out", mkprim open_descriptor_out 1);
("caml_ml_open_descriptor_in", mkprim open_descriptor_in 1);
("caml_sys_open", mkprim open_desc 3);
("caml_sys_close", mkprim close_desc 1);
("caml_ml_set_channel_name", mkprim caml_ml_set_channel_name 2);
("caml_ml_close_channel", mkprim caml_ml_close_channel 1);
("caml_ml_out_channels_list", mkprim out_channels_list 1);
@ -867,6 +877,7 @@ let prims = [
("caml_sys_getcwd", mkprim Sys.getcwd 1);
("caml_sys_rename", mkprim Sys.rename 2);
("caml_sys_remove", mkprim Sys.remove 1);
("caml_sys_system_command", mkprim (fun x -> Format.printf "%s@." x; Sys.command x) 1);
(* Bytes *)
("caml_create_bytes", mkprim Bytes.create 1);
@ -915,25 +926,25 @@ let prims = [
("caml_int64_of_string", mkprim Int64.of_string 1);
(* Int32 *)
("caml_int32_of_string", mkprim int_of_string 1);
("%int32_neg", mkprim ( ~- ) 1);
("caml_int32_of_string", mkprim Int32.of_string 1);
("%int32_neg", mkprim Int32.neg 1);
(* Nativeint *)
("%nativeint_neg", mkprim Int64.neg 1);
("%nativeint_add", mkprim Int64.add 2);
("%nativeint_sub", mkprim Int64.sub 2);
("%nativeint_mul", mkprim Int64.mul 2);
("%nativeint_div", mkprim Int64.div 2);
("%nativeint_mod", mkprim Int64.rem 2);
("%nativeint_and", mkprim Int64.logand 2);
("%nativeint_or", mkprim Int64.logor 2);
("%nativeint_xor", mkprim Int64.logxor 2);
("%nativeint_lsl", mkprim Int64.shift_left 2);
("%nativeint_lsr", mkprim Int64.shift_right_logical 2);
("%nativeint_asr", mkprim Int64.shift_right 2);
("%nativeint_of_int", mkprim Int64.of_int 1);
("%nativeint_to_int", mkprim Int64.to_int 1);
("caml_nativeint_of_string", mkprim Int64.of_string 1);
("%nativeint_neg", mkprim Nativeint.neg 1);
("%nativeint_add", mkprim Nativeint.add 2);
("%nativeint_sub", mkprim Nativeint.sub 2);
("%nativeint_mul", mkprim Nativeint.mul 2);
("%nativeint_div", mkprim Nativeint.div 2);
("%nativeint_mod", mkprim Nativeint.rem 2);
("%nativeint_and", mkprim Nativeint.logand 2);
("%nativeint_or", mkprim Nativeint.logor 2);
("%nativeint_xor", mkprim Nativeint.logxor 2);
("%nativeint_lsl", mkprim Nativeint.shift_left 2);
("%nativeint_lsr", mkprim Nativeint.shift_right_logical 2);
("%nativeint_asr", mkprim Nativeint.shift_right 2);
("%nativeint_of_int", mkprim Nativeint.of_int 1);
("%nativeint_to_int", mkprim Nativeint.to_int 1);
("caml_nativeint_of_string", mkprim Nativeint.of_string 1);
(* Array *)
("caml_make_vect", mkprim Array.make 2);
@ -970,10 +981,15 @@ let prims = [
("caml_obj_tag", mkprim Obj.tag 1);
("%obj_is_int", mkprim Obj.is_int 1);
("%obj_field", mkprim Obj.field 2);
("%obj_set_field", mkprim Obj.set_field 3);
let prims = List.fold_left (fun env (name, v) -> SMap.add name v env) SMap.empty prims
let hash_variant_name (name : string) = Hashtbl.hash name
let hash_variant_name (name : string) = (Hashtbl.hash name) land (1 lsl 30 - 1)
let static_records = [
"parse_tables"; "parser_env"; "lex_tables"; "lexbuf"; "position"; "ref"; "compilation_unit"; "library"
let rec expr_label_shape = function
@ -1015,6 +1031,11 @@ let rec obj_copy obj1 obj2 i j =
if i = j then ()
else (Obj.set_field obj2 i (Obj.field obj1 i); obj_copy obj1 obj2 (i + 1) j)
let rec find_field fnames idx name =
match fnames with
| [] -> assert false
| fname :: fnames -> if fname = name then idx else find_field fnames (idx + 1) name
let rec apply vf args =
let vf, extral, extram =
if Obj.tag vf = tag_Fun_with_extra_args then
@ -1284,7 +1305,7 @@ and eval_expr env expr =
| Pexp_record (r, e) ->
assert (e = None);
assert (List.length r = List.length fields);
|||| (fun x -> eval_expr env (snd (List.find (fun ({ txt = lident }, _) -> lident_name lident = x) r))) fields
|||| (fun x -> eval_expr env (snd (List.find (fun ({ txt = lident }, _) -> lident_name lident = x) r))) fields @ [Obj.repr fields]
| _ -> assert false
if is_exn then
@ -1299,31 +1320,50 @@ and eval_expr env expr =
| Some e -> let r = Obj.new_block 0 2 in Obj.set_field r 0 id; Obj.set_field r 1 (eval_expr env e); r
| Pexp_record (r, e) ->
let base = match e with
| None -> Obj.new_block 0 (List.length r)
let is_static, _, fds = env_get_field env (fst (List.hd r)).txt in
let base, fnames = match e with
| None ->
let r1 = Obj.new_block 0 ((List.length r) + if is_static then 0 else 1) in
let fnames = (fun ({ txt = lident }, _) -> lident_name lident) r in
if not is_static then Obj.set_field r1 (List.length r) (Obj.repr fnames);
r1, fnames
| Some e ->
let r = eval_expr env e in
let r1 = Obj.new_block 0 (Obj.size r) in
obj_copy r r1 0 (Obj.size r);
r1, if is_static then [] else Obj.magic (Obj.field r (Obj.size r - 1))
let _, fds = env_get_field env (fst (List.hd r)).txt in
let get_field lident =
match lident with
| Longident.Lident n -> SMap.find n fds
| _ -> fst (env_get_field env lident)
if is_static then
match lident with
| Longident.Lident n -> SMap.find n fds
| _ -> let (_, id, _) = env_get_field env lident in id
find_field fnames 0 (lident_name lident)
List.fold_left (fun rc ({ txt = lident }, ee) ->
(* if lident_name lident = "cd_args" then Format.printf "%d@." (get_field lident); *)
Obj.set_field rc (get_field lident) (eval_expr env ee); rc
) base r
| Pexp_field (e, { txt = lident }) ->
let fieldid, _ = env_get_field env lident in
Obj.field (eval_expr env e) fieldid
let is_static, fieldid, _ = env_get_field env lident in
let r = eval_expr env e in
let fieldid =
if is_static then fieldid else
let fnames = Obj.magic (Obj.field r (Obj.size r - 1)) in
find_field fnames 0 (lident_name lident)
Obj.field r fieldid
| Pexp_setfield (e1, { txt = lident }, e2) ->
let v1 = eval_expr env e1 in
let v2 = eval_expr env e2 in
Obj.set_field v1 (fst (env_get_field env lident)) v2;
let is_static, fieldid, _ = env_get_field env lident in
let fieldid =
if is_static then fieldid else
let fnames = Obj.magic (Obj.field v1 (Obj.size v1 - 1)) in
find_field fnames 0 (lident_name lident)
Obj.set_field v1 fieldid v2;
| Pexp_array l -> Obj.repr (Array.of_list ( (eval_expr env) l))
| Pexp_send _ -> assert false
@ -1449,7 +1489,7 @@ and pattern_bind env pat v =
| CRecord (fields, fieldids) ->
match p with
| None -> assert false
| Some p -> match p.ppat_desc with
| Some p -> (*match p.ppat_desc with
| Ppat_record (rp, _) ->
List.fold_left (fun env ({ txt = lident }, p) ->
pattern_bind env p (Obj.field v (SMap.find (lident_name lident) fieldids))
@ -1460,7 +1500,8 @@ and pattern_bind env pat v =
(i + 1, env_set_field f (i, fieldids) env)
) (0, env) fields
pattern_bind env p v
pattern_bind env p v *)
pattern_bind env p v
match v with
@ -1491,12 +1532,15 @@ and pattern_bind env pat v =
pattern_bind env p (Obj.field v 1)
| Ppat_record (rp, _) ->
let _, fds = env_get_field env (fst (List.hd rp)).txt in
let is_static, _, fds = env_get_field env (fst (List.hd rp)).txt in
let fnames = if is_static then [] else Obj.magic (Obj.field v (Obj.size v - 1)) in
let get_field lident =
Format.eprintf "getfield %s@." (String.concat "." (Longident.flatten lident));
match lident with
| Longident.Lident n -> SMap.find n fds
| _ -> fst (env_get_field env lident)
if is_static then
match lident with
| Longident.Lident n -> SMap.find n fds
| _ -> let (_, id, _) = env_get_field env lident in id
find_field fnames 0 (lident_name lident)
List.fold_left (fun env ({ txt = lident }, p) -> pattern_bind env p (Obj.field v (get_field lident))) env rp
| Ppat_array _ -> assert false
@ -1605,9 +1649,10 @@ and eval_structitem init_ignored env it =
| Ptype_record l ->
let fnames = (fun f -> f.pld_name.txt) l in
let is_static = List.mem t.ptype_name.txt static_records in
let (_, mp) = List.fold_left (fun (i, mp) f -> (i + 1, SMap.add f i mp)) (0, SMap.empty) fnames in
let (_, env) = List.fold_left (fun (i, env) f ->
(i + 1, env_set_field f (i, mp) env)
(i + 1, env_set_field f (is_static, i, mp) env)
) (0, env) fnames
@ -1791,7 +1836,7 @@ let compiler_modules = [
("Arg_helper", "utils/", z);
("Clflags", "utils/", z);
("Tbl", "utils/", z);
("Profile", "utils/", z);
("Profile", "utils/", z);
("Terminfo", "utils/", z);
("Ccomp", "utils/", z);
("Warnings", "utils/", z);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user