Merge pull request #15 from Ekdohibs/ocamllex

This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Scherer 2020-12-05 16:51:37 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit 0b197cb705
No known key found for this signature in database

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@ -74,30 +74,28 @@ let rec lex_string lexbuf =
let buff = get_next_buff lexbuf 200 in
let i = ref 0 in
let continue = ref true in
let str = ref [] in
let buf = Buffer.create (Bytes.length buff) in
while (!continue = true) && (!i < Bytes.length buff) do
begin match Bytes.get buff !i with
| '\\' -> begin match Bytes.get buff (!i+1) with
| '\\' -> str := '\\' :: !str
| '\'' -> str := '\'' :: !str
| '"' -> str := '"' :: !str
| 'n' -> str := '\010' :: !str
| 't' -> str := '\009' :: !str
| 'b' -> str := '\008' :: !str
| 'r' -> str := '\013' :: !str
| ' ' -> str := ' ' :: !str
| '\\' -> Buffer.add_char buf '\\'
| '\'' -> Buffer.add_char buf '\''
| '"' -> Buffer.add_char buf '"'
| 'n' -> Buffer.add_char buf '\010'
| 't' -> Buffer.add_char buf '\009'
| 'b' -> Buffer.add_char buf '\008'
| 'r' -> Buffer.add_char buf '\013'
| ' ' -> Buffer.add_char buf ' '
(* We skip many cases that do not happen in lexer.mll, such as \\[0-9]{3},
* or \\ before a new line. *)
| _ -> raise Bad_rule
end; incr i
| '"' -> continue := false
| c -> str := c :: !str
| c -> Buffer.add_char buf c
incr i
advance lexbuf !i;
let buf = Buffer.create (List.length !str) in
List.iter (Buffer.add_char buf) !str;
if !continue = true
then (Buffer.contents buf)::(lex_string lexbuf)
else (Buffer.contents buf)::[];;
@ -146,7 +144,9 @@ let lex_ident lexbuf =
end else raise Bad_rule
let decimal_code c d u =
100 * (Char.code c - 48) + 10 * (Char.code d - 48) + (Char.code u - 48)
100 * (Char.code c - Char.code '0')
+ 10 * (Char.code d - Char.code '0')
+ (Char.code u - Char.code '0')
let lex_char lexbuf =
let buff = get_next_buff lexbuf 6 in
@ -179,8 +179,10 @@ let lex_char lexbuf =
let skip_space_and_comments lexbuf =
let str = get_next_buff lexbuf 2 in
match (Bytes.get str 0) with
| '(' -> if (Bytes.get str 1) = '*'
let len = Bytes.length str in
if len = 0 then raise Bad_rule
else match (Bytes.get str 0) with
| '(' -> if (len > 1) && ((Bytes.get str 1) = '*')
then begin
advance lexbuf 2;
lex_comment lexbuf;
@ -194,10 +196,9 @@ let skip_space_and_comments lexbuf =
| _ -> raise Bad_rule
let rec try_skip_space_and_comments lexbuf =
skip_space_and_comments lexbuf;
try_skip_space_and_comments lexbuf
with _ -> ();;
match skip_space_and_comments lexbuf with
| () -> try_skip_space_and_comments lexbuf
| exception Bad_rule -> ()
let _main lexbuf: Parser.token =
(* 1. skip spaces and comments *)