auto-commit: translation updates

Pioneer Transifex 2021-05-05 03:01:38 +02:00
parent 76643bde16
commit 841be6937f
33 changed files with 1862 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -85,11 +85,11 @@
"description": "",
"message": "Someone in the Federal Navy told me that one day, one of their corvettes accidentally jumped to a Haber outpost system about 50ly out from Sol, called Rondel; almost causing open conflict. Not many people seem to know about the incident itself outside of the navy, but some say Rondel administration has been more aggressive towards visitors since, and freight pilots started avoiding the system."
"message": "Eine Freundin in der SolFed-Navy hat mir erzählt, dass einmal eine Korvette aus Versehen in ein System gesprungen ist, das ein Außenposten von Haber ist. Das System heißt Rondel, gut 50 Lichtjahre von Sol entfernt. Die Sache hat damals ziemliche Wellen geschlagen und beinahe einen Krieg ausgelöst. Außerhalb der Navy ist der Zwischenfall eher unbekannt, ich habe aber gehört dass die Verwaltung von Rondel seitdem ziemlich aggressiv auf Besucher reagiert und Frachtpiloten angefangen haben, das System zu umfliegen."
"description": "",
"message": "The Rondel Incident"
"message": "Der Rondel-Zwischenfall"
"description": "",

View File

@ -85,11 +85,11 @@
"description": "",
"message": "Someone in the Federal Navy told me that one day, one of their corvettes accidentally jumped to a Haber outpost system about 50ly out from Sol, called Rondel; almost causing open conflict. Not many people seem to know about the incident itself outside of the navy, but some say Rondel administration has been more aggressive towards visitors since, and freight pilots started avoiding the system."
"message": "Alguien de la Armada Federal me contó que un día una de sus corvetas saltó accidentalmente a un puesto de sistema Haber llamado Rondel, a unos 50 años luz del Sol; causando casi un conflicto abierto. Al parecer no hay mucha gente que sepa del incidente fuera de la armada, pero algunos dicen que desde entonces, la admistración de Rondel se ha mostrado más agresiva con los visitantes, y pilotos de transporte han empezado a evitar el sistema."
"description": "",
"message": "The Rondel Incident"
"message": "El Incidente Rondel"
"description": "",

View File

@ -85,11 +85,11 @@
"description": "",
"message": "Someone in the Federal Navy told me that one day, one of their corvettes accidentally jumped to a Haber outpost system about 50ly out from Sol, called Rondel; almost causing open conflict. Not many people seem to know about the incident itself outside of the navy, but some say Rondel administration has been more aggressive towards visitors since, and freight pilots started avoiding the system."
"message": "Valaki a Föderációs Hadiflottától mesélte nemrég, hogy egy korvettjük véletlenül egy Haber előőrsbe botlott 50 fényévre Sol-tól, a Rondel rendszerben. Majdnem nyílt konfliktus lett az esetből. Nem sokan hallottak az ügyről a Hadiflottán kívül, de néhányan azt mondják a Rondel-i vezetés azóta sokkal aggresszívebben lép fel a látogatókkal szemben. A kereskedők azóta kerülik is a rendszert."
"description": "",
"message": "The Rondel Incident"
"message": "A Rondel incidens"
"description": "",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250 000 в брой. Мисля, че ще ти хареса."
"description": "",
"message": "Унищожен е отбранителен кораб. Действието е записано в компютърната памет."
"description": "",
"message": "Хаберски отбранителен кораб"
"description": "",
"message": "Ей, насам."
"description": "",
"message": "Засечено е враждебно действие. Унищожете нарушителя!"
"description": "",
"message": "Мисията е успешна. Нарушителят е обезвреден."
"description": "",
"message": "Засечено е изхвърляне на товар. Намерете нарушителя!"
"description": "",
"message": "Ами ако не се интересувам?"
"description": "",
"message": "Перфектно. Ако някой пита... Със сигурност никой няма да пита, но все пак, ако стане въпрос пазарихме се за един употребяван генератор на щитовете."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, тази звездна система е забранена зона. Трябва да напуснете в следващите {seconds} секунди. Ако не го направите, ще предприемем нужните мерки."
"description": "",
"message": "Военно разузнаване на Слънчевата Федерация"
"description": "",
"message": "Сега аз ще говоря, а ти ще слушаш. Работя под прикритие за Военното разузнаване на Слънчевата Федерация. Компютърната памет на кораба ти съдържа данни, които представляват интерес за нас."
"description": "",
"message": "Засечено е използване на оръжие. Прихванете нарушителя!"
"description": "",
"message": "Какви данни? За какво става въпрос?"
"description": "",
"message": "Ще имате достъп до данните."
"description": "",
"message": "Може да имаш информация за една определена звездна система, която представлява интерес за нас."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250.000 bar auf die Hand. Jetzt sofort. Interesse?"
"description": "",
"message": "Verteidigungsschiff eleminiert. Der Vorfall wurde aufgezeichnet."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Verteidigungsschiff"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey! Hier drüben!"
"description": "",
"message": "Feindliche Handlungen wurden gemeldet. Abfangen und zerstören!"
"description": "",
"message": "Abfangen erfolgreich. Feindliches Raumschiff zerstört."
"description": "",
"message": "Unsere Sensoren zeigen einen Frachtabwurf. Defensive Vorkehrungen einleiten!"
"description": "",
"message": "Und wenn ich kein Interesse habe?"
"description": "",
"message": "Wunderbar. Wenn jemand fragt… Keiner wird fragen, aber falls doch, dann haben wir bloß intensiv um einen gebrauchten Schildgenerator gefeilscht. Verstanden?"
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, dieses Sternensystem ist eine Sperrzone. Verlassen Sie das System innerhalb von {seconds} Sekunden. Wenn sie dieses Ultimatum verstreichen lassen, werden wir Sie als feindlich erachten und defensive Maßnahmen ergreifen."
"description": "",
"message": "Geheimdienst der Solar Federation"
"description": "",
"message": "Nicht so laut, Pilot. Ich bin undercover für den Geheimdienst der Solar Federation unterwegs. Ihr der Speicher Ihres Schiffscomputer enthält einige Daten, die mich interessieren würden."
"description": "",
"message": "Waffenfeuer detektiert. Ausweichmanöver einleiten!"
"description": "",
"message": "Welche Daten? Worum geht es hier?"
"description": "",
"message": "Sie können die Daten haben."
"description": "",
"message": "Möglicherweise haben Sie ein System besucht, über das wir gerne mehr wissen würden."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250 000 en cash. Maintenant. Je trouverais ça intéressant."
"description": "",
"message": "Vaisseau de défense du système éliminé. L'incident a été enregistré."
"description": "",
"message": "Vaisseau de défense Haber"
"description": "",
"message": "Hé, par ici."
"description": "",
"message": "Action hostile signalée. Interceptez le coupable et détruisez-le!"
"description": "",
"message": "Réussite de l'interception. Vaisseau hostile détruit."
"description": "",
"message": "Largage détecté. Appliquez les précautions de défense."
"description": "",
"message": "Et si je ne suis pas intéressé ?"
"description": "",
"message": "Parfait. Si quelqu'un le demande... Normalement personne ne va le demander, mais si quelqu'un le demande, souvenez-vous s'il vous plait que nous venons à l'instant de marchander un générateur de bouclier portable d'occasion."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, ce système stellaire est une zone restreinte. Vous devez en être sorti d'ici {seconds} secondes. Si vous ne coopérez pas, vous serez considéré comme hostile et des mesures de défense seront utilisées."
"description": "",
"message": "Renseignements de la fédération Solaire."
"description": "",
"message": "Baissez d'un ton, pilote! Je suis un agent infiltré travaillant pour les renseignements de la fédération Solaire. La mémoire de votre vaisseau contient des données qui nous intéressent."
"description": "",
"message": "Utilisation d'armes détectée. Manœuvres d'évitement !"
"description": "",
"message": "Quelles données ? Qu'est ce que cela signifie ?"
"description": "",
"message": "Vous devrez avoir les données."
"description": "",
"message": "Vous pourriez ou non avoir visité des systèmes stellaires que nous aimerions mieux connaitre."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 készpénzben. Ezt azért csábítónak gondolnám."
"description": "",
"message": "Védelmi hajó kilőve. Az incidenst rögzítettük."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Védelmi Hajó"
"description": "",
"message": "Hé, maga ott!"
"description": "",
"message": "Ellenséges tevékenység jelentve. Elfogó műveletet megkezdjük!"
"description": "",
"message": "Elfogó művelet sikeres. Ellenséges jármű megsemmisítve."
"description": "",
"message": "Rakomány kidobást érzékelünk. Kezeljék elővigyázattal!"
"description": "",
"message": "Mi van, ha nem érdekel a dolog?"
"description": "",
"message": "Tökéletes. Ha bárki kérdezi... Senki sem fogja, de ha mégis, kérem ne feledje, hogy csak egy pajzsgenerátoron alkudoztunk."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, ez a rendszer lezárt terület. Hagyja el a területet {seconds} másodpercen belül. Ha nem távozik, azt ellenséges lépésnek tekintjük, és védelmi intézkedéseket foganatosítunk."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Föderáció Hírszerzés"
"description": "",
"message": "Halkan, pilóta! Fedett ügynök vagyok, a Solar Föderáció Hírszerzésének dolgozom. A hajója számítógépe memórájának tartalma felkeltette érdeklődésünket. "
"description": "",
"message": "Lövéseket érzékeltünk. Kitérő manőver!"
"description": "",
"message": "Milyen adatok? Miről van szó?"
"description": "",
"message": "Átadom az adatokat."
"description": "",
"message": "Elképzelhető, hogy meglátogatott egy rendszert, amiről többet szeretnénk megtudni."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250.000 in contanti. Subito. Fossi in lei lo riterrei interessante."
"description": "",
"message": "Vascello della difesa del Sistema eliminato. L'incidente è stato registrato."
"description": "",
"message": "Vascello da difesa Haber"
"description": "",
"message": "Ehi, guarda qua."
"description": "",
"message": "Segnalata azione ostile. Intercettare e distruggere!"
"description": "",
"message": "Intercettazione compiuta. Vascello ostile distrutto."
"description": "",
"message": "Rilevata espulsione. Attuare misure difensive!"
"description": "",
"message": "Se non fossi interessato?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfetto. Se qualcuno facesse domande... Certamente nessuno farà domande, ma se qualcuno le facesse, si ricordi che stavamo solo mercanteggiando su un generatore di scudi usato."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, questo sistema solare è zona militare. Deve lasciare la zona entro {seconds} secondi. Dovesse disobbedire, si aspetti che vengano prese precauzioni ostili e difensive"
"description": "",
"message": "Intelligence della Federazione Solare"
"description": "",
"message": "Tenga un tono basso, pilota. Sono un agente sotto copertura dell'intelligence della Federazione Solare. La memoria del suo computer di bordo ha alcuni dati di cui siamo interessati."
"description": "",
"message": "Rilevati spari di armi. Attuare azioni evasive!"
"description": "",
"message": "Quali dati? Di cosa sta parlando?"
"description": "",
"message": "Dovrebbe avere dei dati."
"description": "",
"message": "Potrebbe aver visitato qualche sistema solare del quale saremmo interessati a sapere di più."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250 000 nakit. Anında. Açıkçası bu benim ilgimi çekerdi."
"description": "",
"message": "Sistem savunma aracı yok edildi. Olay kayıt altına alındı."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Savunma Aracı"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, buraya bak."
"description": "",
"message": "Muhalif eylemler rapor edildi. Yakala ve yok et!"
"description": "",
"message": "Engelleme başarılı. Düşman araç yok edildi."
"description": "",
"message": "Yük boşaltma algılandı. Savunma önlemi alın!"
"description": "",
"message": "Ya bu benim ilgimi çekmiyorsa?"
"description": "",
"message": "Harika. Eğer birisi sorarsa... Eminim ki kimse sormayacaktır, ama olur da sorarlarsa, lütfen aklınızda bulunsun ki biz sadece ikinci el bir kalkan jeneratörü için pazarlık yapıyorduk."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, bu yıldız sistemi yasak bölgedir. {seconds} saniye içerisinde sistemi terk etmelisiniz. Bu uyarıyı dikkate almadığınız takdirde düşman sayılacaksınız ve savunma önlemleri uygulamaya geçecek."
"description": "",
"message": "Güneş Federasyonu İstihbaratı"
"description": "",
"message": "Sesini alçak tut, pilot. Ben Güneş Federasyonu için çalışan gizli bir ajanım. Bilgisayarınızın hafızasında ilgimizi çeken birtakım veriler mevcut."
"description": "",
"message": "Silah atışı algılandı. Kaçış manevrası uygulayın!"
"description": "",
"message": "Ne verisi? Ne oluyor burada?"
"description": "",
"message": "Veriyi alabilirsiniz."
"description": "",
"message": "Hakkında bilgi edinmek istediğimiz bir yıldız sistemini ziyaret etmiş olma ihtimaliniz var."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"description": "",
"message": "250,000 in cash. Right now. I would find that interesting."
"description": "",
"message": "System defense craft eliminated. Incident has been logged."
"description": "",
"message": "Haber Defense Craft"
"description": "",
"message": "Hey, over here."
"description": "",
"message": "Hostile action reported. Intercept and destroy!"
"description": "",
"message": "Interception successful. Hostile craft destroyed."
"description": "",
"message": "Jettison detected. Apply defensive precautions!"
"description": "",
"message": "What if I'm not interested?"
"description": "",
"message": "Perfect. If anyone asks... Surely no one will ask, but if anyone asks, please remember that we were just haggling over a second hand shield generator."
"description": "",
"message": "{playerShipLabel}, this star system is a restricted zone. You must leave within {seconds} seconds. Should you fail to comply, you will be assumed hostile and defensive precautions will be taken."
"description": "",
"message": "Solar Federation Intelligence"
"description": "",
"message": "Keep your voice down, pilot. I'm an undercover agent working for Solar Federation Intelligence. Your ship's computer memory has some data we are interested in."
"description": "",
"message": "Weapons discharge detected. Take evasive action!"
"description": "",
"message": "What data? What is this all about?"
"description": "",
"message": "You shall have the data."
"description": "",
"message": "You may or may not have visited some star system we would like to know more about."

View File

@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
"description": "Legal status of player",
"message": "Criminal"
"message": "Gauner"
"description": "Past crimes / crime history of character",
@ -617,7 +617,7 @@
"description": "Legal status of player",
"message": "Fugitive"
"message": "Vogelfrei"
"description": "",
@ -1489,7 +1489,7 @@
"description": "Legal status of player",
"message": "Offender"
"message": "Schlitzohr"
"OK": {
"description": "",
@ -1521,7 +1521,7 @@
"description": "Legal status of player",
"message": "Outlaw"
"message": "Gesetzloser"
"description": "Unpaid fines for crimes committed",

View File

@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
"description": "Legal status of player",
"message": "Criminal"
"message": "Bűnöző"
"description": "Past crimes / crime history of character",
@ -617,7 +617,7 @@
"description": "Legal status of player",
"message": "Fugitive"
"message": "Szökevény"
"description": "",
@ -1489,7 +1489,7 @@
"description": "Legal status of player",
"message": "Offender"
"message": "Szabálysértő"
"OK": {
"description": "",
@ -1521,7 +1521,7 @@
"description": "Legal status of player",
"message": "Outlaw"
"message": "Betyár"
"description": "Unpaid fines for crimes committed",