Add function PutShipOnRoute

Function description:

The ship rearranged from its current position to a given body in space, for a
given part of the path, as if it were flying in a straight line, consuming
fuel and changing speed. The ship's current speed is ignored and is
considered to be equal to target's.
This function changes the coordinates, the mass of fuel in the tank, and the
speed of the given ship.

This function will be used so that when the game starts, or the player
jump into the system, the NPC ships looked as if they had been moving on
their routes for a long time.
Gliese852 2021-02-11 21:56:04 +03:00 committed by Webster Sheets
parent 11c8dffa0e
commit 31911813f8
3 changed files with 166 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ public:
bool HasRotFrame() const { return m_flags & FLAG_HAS_ROT; }
FrameId GetParent() const { return m_parent; }
FrameId GetNonRotFrame() { return IsRotFrame() ? m_parent : m_thisId; }
FrameId GetRotFrame() { return HasRotFrame() ? m_children.front() : m_thisId; }
FrameId GetNonRotFrame() const { return IsRotFrame() ? m_parent : m_thisId; }
FrameId GetRotFrame() const { return HasRotFrame() ? m_children.front() : m_thisId; }
void SetBodies(SystemBody *s, Body *b)

View File

@ -655,12 +655,12 @@ static double MaxFeatureRad(Body *body)
return body->GetPhysRadius();
static double MaxEffectRad(Body *body, Propulsion *prop)
double MaxEffectRad(const Body *body, Propulsion *prop)
if (!body) return 0.0;
if (!body->IsType(ObjectType::TERRAINBODY)) {
if (!body->IsType(ObjectType::SPACESTATION)) return body->GetPhysRadius() + 1000.0;
return static_cast<SpaceStation *>(body)->GetStationType()->ParkingDistance() + 1000.0;
return static_cast<const SpaceStation *>(body)->GetStationType()->ParkingDistance() + 1000.0;
return std::max(body->GetPhysRadius(), sqrt(G * body->GetMass() / prop->GetAccelUp()));
@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ static vector3d GenerateTangent(DynamicBody *dBody, FrameId targframeId, const v
//2 - unsafe escape from effect radius
//3 - unsafe entry to effect radius
//4 - probable path intercept
static int CheckCollision(DynamicBody *dBody, const vector3d &pathdir, double pathdist, const vector3d &tpos, double endvel, double r)
int CheckCollision(DynamicBody *dBody, const vector3d &pathdir, double pathdist, const vector3d &tpos, double endvel, double r)
if (!dBody->Have(DynamicBody::PROPULSION)) return 0;
Propulsion *prop = dBody->GetPropulsion();

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include "Ship.h"
#include "Space.h"
#include "SpaceStation.h"
#include "ship/PrecalcPath.h"
* Interface: Space
@ -50,9 +51,43 @@ static void _unpack_hyperspace_args(lua_State *l, int index, SystemPath *&path,
// overload for the case when we explicitly want to specify the destination star
static void _unpack_hyperspace_args(lua_State *l, int index, SystemPath *&source, SystemPath *&dest, double &due)
if (lua_isnone(l, index)) return;
luaL_checktype(l, index, LUA_TTABLE);
lua_pushinteger(l, 1);
lua_gettable(l, index);
if (!(source = LuaObject<SystemPath>::GetFromLua(-1)))
luaL_error(l, "bad value for hyperspace source path at position 1 (SystemPath expected, got %s)", luaL_typename(l, -1));
lua_pop(l, 1);
lua_pushinteger(l, 2);
lua_gettable(l, index);
if (!(dest = LuaObject<SystemPath>::GetFromLua(-1)))
luaL_error(l, "bad value for hyperspace dest path at position 2 (SystemPath expected, got %s)", luaL_typename(l, -1));
lua_pop(l, 1);
lua_pushinteger(l, 3);
lua_gettable(l, index);
if (!(lua_isnumber(l, -1)))
luaL_error(l, "bad value for hyperspace exit time at position 3 (%s expected, got %s)", lua_typename(l, LUA_TNUMBER), luaL_typename(l, -1));
due = lua_tonumber(l, -1);
if (due < 0)
luaL_error(l, "bad value for hyperspace exit time at position 3 (must be >= 0)");
lua_pop(l, 1);
static Body *_maybe_wrap_ship_with_cloud(Ship *ship, SystemPath *path, double due)
if (!path) return ship;
if (due <= 0) return ship;
HyperspaceCloud *cloud = new HyperspaceCloud(ship, due, true);
@ -92,11 +127,11 @@ static Body *_maybe_wrap_ship_with_cloud(Ship *ship, SystemPath *path, double du
* Examples:
* > -- spawn a ship 5-6AU from the system centre
* > local ship = Ship.Spawn("eagle_lrf", 5, 6)
* > local ship = Space.SpawnShip("eagle_lrf", 5, 6)
* > -- spawn a ship in the ~11AU hyperspace area and make it appear that it
* > -- came from Sol and will arrive in ten minutes
* > local ship = Ship.Spawn(
* > local ship = Space.SpawnShip(
* > "flowerfairy", 9, 11,
* > { SystemPath:New(0,0,0), Game.time + 600 }
* > )
@ -123,23 +158,24 @@ static int l_space_spawn_ship(lua_State *l)
float min_dist = luaL_checknumber(l, 2);
float max_dist = luaL_checknumber(l, 3);
SystemPath *path = 0;
SystemPath *source = 0;
SystemPath *dest = 0;
double due = -1;
_unpack_hyperspace_args(l, 4, path, due);
_unpack_hyperspace_args(l, 4, source, dest, due);
Ship *ship = new Ship(type);
Body *thing = _maybe_wrap_ship_with_cloud(ship, path, due);
Body *thing = _maybe_wrap_ship_with_cloud(ship, source, due);
// XXX protect against spawning inside the body
if (!path)
if (!source)
thing->SetPosition(MathUtil::RandomPointOnSphere(min_dist, max_dist) * AU);
// XXX broken. this is ignoring min_dist & max_dist. otoh, what's the
// correct behaviour given there's now a fixed hyperspace exit point?
thing->SetPosition(Pi::game->GetSpace()->GetHyperspaceExitPoint(*source, *dest));
thing->SetVelocity(vector3d(0, 0, 0));
@ -150,12 +186,125 @@ static int l_space_spawn_ship(lua_State *l)
return 1;
// functions from ShipAiCmd.cpp
extern int CheckCollision(DynamicBody *dBody, const vector3d &pathdir, double pathdist, const vector3d &tpos, double endvel, double r);
extern double MaxEffectRad(const Body *body, Propulsion *prop);
* Function: PutShipOnRoute
* The ship rearranged from its current position to a given body in space, for a
* given part of the path, as if it were flying in a straight line, consuming
* fuel and changing speed. the ship's current speed is ignored and is
* considered to be equal to target's.
* This function changes the coordinates, the mass of fuel in the tank, and the
* speed of the given ship.
* > Space.PutShipOnRoute(ship, targetbody, t_ratio)
* Parameters:
* ship - a <Ship> object to be moved
* targetbody - the <Body> - route goal
* t_ratio - route completion rate, by time: 0.0 (begin) ... 1.0 (end)
* Return:
* nothing
* Examples:
* > -- move a ship to the middle of the route (by time)
* > Space.PutShipOnRoute(ship, some_staport, 0.5)
* Availability:
* 2020
* Status:
* experimental
static int l_space_put_ship_on_route(lua_State *l)
Ship *ship = LuaObject<Ship>::CheckFromLua(1);
const Body *targetbody = LuaObject<Body>::CheckFromLua(2);
const double t_ratio = LuaPull<double>(l, 3);
const ShipType *st = ship->GetShipType();
const shipstats_t ss = ship->GetStats();
const vector3d route = targetbody->GetPositionRelTo(ship->GetFrame()) - ship->GetPosition();
PrecalcPath pp(
route.Length(), // distance
0.0, // velocity at start
1000 * (ss.static_mass + ss.fuel_tank_mass_left), // 100% mass of the ship
1000 * ss.fuel_tank_mass_left * 0.8, // multipied to 0.8 have fuel reserve
0.85); // braking margin
// determine the place of the ship on the route
ship->SetPosition(ship->GetPosition() + route.Normalized() * pp.getDist());
ship->SetVelocity(route.Normalized() * pp.getVel() + targetbody->GetVelocityRelTo(ship->GetFrame()));
ship->SetFuel((0.001 * pp.getMass() - ss.static_mass) / st->fuelTankMass);
Frame *shipFrame = Frame::GetFrame(ship->GetFrame());
Frame *targFrame = Frame::GetFrame(targetbody->GetFrame());
// check for collision at spawn position
const vector3d shippos = ship->GetPosition();
const vector3d targpos = targetbody->GetPositionRelTo(ship->GetFrame());
const vector3d relpos = targpos - shippos;
const vector3d reldir = relpos.NormalizedSafe();
const double targdist = relpos.Length();
Body *body = shipFrame->GetBody();
const double erad = MaxEffectRad(body, ship->GetPropulsion());
const int coll = CheckCollision(ship, reldir, targdist, targpos, 0, erad);
if (coll) {
// need to correct positon, to avoid collision
if (Frame::GetFrame(shipFrame->GetNonRotFrame()) != Frame::GetFrame(targFrame->GetNonRotFrame()) && targpos.Length() > erad) {
// the ship is not in the target's frame or target is above the effective radius of obstructor - rotate the ship's position
// around the target position, so that the obstructor's "effective radius" does not cross the path
// direction obstructor -> target
const vector3d z = targpos.Normalized();
// the axis around which the position of the ship will rotate
const vector3d y = z.Cross(shippos).NormalizedSafe();
// just the third axis of this basis
const vector3d x = y.Cross(z);
// this is the basis in which the position of the ship will rotate
const matrix3x3d corrCS = matrix3x3d::FromVectors(x, y, z);
const double len = targpos.Length();
// two possible positions of the ship, when flying around the obstructor to the right or left
// rotate (in the given basis) the direction from the target to the obstructor, so that it passes tangentially to the obstructor
const vector3d safe1 = corrCS.Transpose() * (matrix3x3d::RotateY(+asin(erad / len)) * corrCS * -targpos).Normalized() * targdist;
const vector3d safe2 = corrCS.Transpose() * (matrix3x3d::RotateY(-asin(erad / len)) * corrCS * -targpos).Normalized() * targdist;
// choose the one that is closer to the current position oh the ship
if ((safe1 + relpos).Length() < (safe2 + relpos).Length())
ship->SetPosition(safe1 + targpos);
ship->SetPosition(safe2 + targpos);
} else {
// we are in target's frame, and target below the effective radius of planet. Position the ship direct above the target
ship->SetPosition(targpos + targpos.Normalized() * targdist);
// update velocity direction
ship->SetVelocity((targpos - ship->GetPosition()).Normalized() * pp.getVel() + targetbody->GetVelocityRelTo(ship->GetFrame()));
return 0;
* Function: SpawnShipNear
* Create a ship and place it in space near the given <Body>.
* > ship = Space.SpawnShip(type, body, min, max, hyperspace)
* > ship = Space.SpawnShipNear(type, body, min, max, hyperspace)
* Parameters:
@ -184,10 +333,10 @@ static int l_space_spawn_ship(lua_State *l)
* Examples:
* > -- spawn a ship 10km from the player
* > local ship = Ship.SpawnNear("viper_police_craft", Game.player, 10, 10)
* > local ship = Space.SpawnShipNear("viper_police_craft", Game.player, 10, 10)
* > -- spawn a ship 10km from the player with the players velocity
* > local ship = Ship.SpawnNear("viper_police_craft", Game.player, 10, 10, nil, Game.player:velocity)
* > local ship = Space.SpawnShipNear("viper_police_craft", Game.player, 10, 10, nil, Game.player:velocity)
* Availability:
@ -240,7 +389,6 @@ static int l_space_spawn_ship_near(lua_State *l)
@ -477,7 +625,7 @@ static int l_space_spawn_ship_landed(lua_State *l)
* Example:
* > -- spawn a ship 10km from the player
* > local ship = Ship.SpawnShipLandedNear("viper_police", Game.player, 10, 10)
* > local ship = Space.SpawnShipLandedNear("viper_police", Game.player, 10, 10)
* Availability:
@ -885,6 +1033,7 @@ void LuaSpace::Register()
{ "SpawnShipLandedNear", l_space_spawn_ship_landed_near },
{ "SpawnCargoNear", l_space_spawn_cargo_near },
{ "SpawnShipOrbit", l_space_spawn_ship_orbit },
{ "PutShipOnRoute", l_space_put_ship_on_route },
{ "GetBody", l_space_get_body },
{ "GetBodies", l_space_get_bodies },