I knew there was a better way of doing it!

Andrew Copland 2014-09-07 17:32:07 +01:00
parent 2aaec23306
commit 1eaeca295f
1 changed files with 23 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -119,16 +119,26 @@ void SpaceStationType::OnSetupComplete()
struct SPlane
struct TPointLine
static vector3f IntersectLine(const vector3f &n, const vector3f &p0, const vector3f &a, const vector3f &b) {
using namespace MathUtil;
const vector3f ba = b-a;
const float d = p0.Length();
const float nDotA = Dot(n, a);
const float nDotBA = Dot(n, ba);
return a + (((d - nDotA)/nDotBA) * ba);
// for reference: http://paulbourke.net/geometry/pointlineplane/
static bool ClosestPointOnLine( const vector3f &Point, const vector3f &LineStart, const vector3f &LineEnd, vector3f &Intersection )
const float LineMag = ( LineStart - LineEnd ).Length();
const float U = ( ( ( Point.x - LineStart.x ) * ( LineEnd.x - LineStart.x ) ) +
( ( Point.y - LineStart.y ) * ( LineEnd.y - LineStart.y ) ) +
( ( Point.z - LineStart.z ) * ( LineEnd.z - LineStart.z ) ) ) /
( LineMag * LineMag );
if( U < 0.0f || U > 1.0f )
return false; // closest point does not fall within the line segment
Intersection.x = LineStart.x + U * ( LineEnd.x - LineStart.x );
Intersection.y = LineStart.y + U * ( LineEnd.y - LineStart.y );
Intersection.z = LineStart.z + U * ( LineEnd.z - LineStart.z );
return true;
@ -141,23 +151,13 @@ void SpaceStationType::OnSetupComplete()
const vector3f approach1Pos = approach1.GetTranslate();
const vector3f approach2Pos = approach2.GetTranslate();
const vector3f nUp = locTransform.Up().Normalized(); // plane normal
const vector3f nBack = locTransform.Back().Normalized(); // plane normal
const vector3f nRight = locTransform.Right().Normalized(); // plane normal
const vector3f p0 = locTransform.GetTranslate(); // plane position
const vector3f l = (approach2Pos - approach1Pos).Normalized(); // ray direction
const vector3f l0 = approach1Pos + (l*10000.0f);
// back intersection default
intersectionPos = SPlane::IntersectLine(nBack, p0, approach1Pos, l0);
// right check
vector3f ip = SPlane::IntersectLine(nRight, p0, approach1Pos, l0);
if((intersectionPos - p0).LengthSqr() > (ip - p0).LengthSqr())
intersectionPos = ip;
// up check
ip = SPlane::IntersectLine(nUp, p0, approach1Pos, l0);
if((intersectionPos - p0).LengthSqr() > (ip - p0).LengthSqr())
intersectionPos = ip;
if(!TPointLine::ClosestPointOnLine(p0, approach1Pos, l0, intersectionPos)) {
Output("No point found on line segment");
m_portPaths[bay].m_docking[3] = locTransform;
m_portPaths[bay].m_docking[3].SetTranslate( intersectionPos );