
7252 lines
212 KiB

// PlayerEntity.m
* Oolite
* Created by Giles Williams on Sat Apr 03 2004.
* Copyright (c) 2004 for aegidian.org. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004, Giles C Williams
All rights reserved.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/
or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
You are free:
• to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work
• to make derivative works
Under the following conditions:
• Attribution. You must give the original author credit.
• Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
• Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work,
you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one.
For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.
Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above.
#import "PlayerEntity.h"
#import "PlayerEntity Additions.h"
#import "PlayerEntity (contracts).h"
#import "entities.h"
#import "vector.h"
#import "GameController.h"
#import "ResourceManager.h"
#import "Universe.h"
#import "AI.h"
#import "MyOpenGLView.h"
@implementation PlayerEntity
- (void) init_keys
NSDictionary *kdic = [ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:@"keyconfig.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES];
key_roll_left = gvArrowKeyLeft;
key_roll_right = gvArrowKeyRight;
key_pitch_forward = gvArrowKeyUp;
key_pitch_back = gvArrowKeyDown;
key_increase_speed = 119; // 'w'
key_inject_fuel = 105; // 'i'
key_decrease_speed = 115; // 's'
key_fire_lasers = 97; // 'a'
key_target_missile = 116; // 't'
key_untarget_missile = 117; // 'u'
key_launch_missile = 109; // 'm'
key_ecm = 101; // 'e'
key_launch_escapepod = 27; // 'esc'
key_energy_bomb = 9; // 'tab'
key_galactic_hyperspace = 103; // 'g'
key_hyperspace = 104; // 'h'
key_jumpdrive = 106; // 'j'
key_dump_cargo = 100; // 'd'
key_autopilot = 99; // 'c'
key_autopilot_target = 67; // 'C'
key_autodock = 68; // 'D'
key_snapshot = 42; // '*'
key_docking_music = 115; // 's'
key_scanner_zoom = 122; // 'z'
key_map_dump = 33; // '!'
key_map_home = gvHomeKey; // 'home'
key_pausebutton = 112; // 'p'
key_show_fps = 70; // 'F'
key_mouse_control = 77; // 'M'
key_emergency_hyperdrive = 72; // 'H'
key_next_missile = 121; // 'y'
key_ident_system = 114; // 'r'
key_comms_log = 96; // '`'
key_next_compass_mode = 92; // '\'
key_cloaking_device = 48; // '0'
// now check the keyconfig dictionary...
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_roll_left"]) key_roll_left = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_roll_left"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_roll_right"]) key_roll_right = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_roll_right"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_pitch_forward"]) key_pitch_forward = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_pitch_forward"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_pitch_back"]) key_pitch_back = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_pitch_back"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_increase_speed"]) key_increase_speed = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_increase_speed"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_decrease_speed"]) key_decrease_speed = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_decrease_speed"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_inject_fuel"]) key_inject_fuel = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_inject_fuel"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_fire_lasers"]) key_fire_lasers = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_fire_lasers"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_target_missile"]) key_target_missile = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_target_missile"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_untarget_missile"]) key_untarget_missile = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_untarget_missile"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_launch_missile"]) key_launch_missile = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_launch_missile"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_ecm"]) key_ecm = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_ecm"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_launch_escapepod"]) key_launch_escapepod = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_launch_escapepod"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_energy_bomb"]) key_energy_bomb = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_energy_bomb"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_galactic_hyperspace"]) key_galactic_hyperspace = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_galactic_hyperspace"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_hyperspace"]) key_hyperspace = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_hyperspace"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_jumpdrive"]) key_jumpdrive = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_jumpdrive"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_dump_cargo"]) key_dump_cargo = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_dump_cargo"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_autopilot"]) key_autopilot = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_autopilot"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_autodock"]) key_autodock = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_autodock"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_snapshot"]) key_snapshot = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_snapshot"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_docking_music"]) key_docking_music = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_docking_music"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_scanner_zoom"]) key_scanner_zoom = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_scanner_zoom"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_map_dump"]) key_map_dump = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_map_dump"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_map_home"]) key_map_home = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_map_home"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_emergency_hyperdrive"])
key_emergency_hyperdrive = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_emergency_hyperdrive"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_next_missile"])
key_next_missile = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_next_missile"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_ident_system"])
key_ident_system = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_ident_system"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_comms_log"])
key_comms_log = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_comms_log"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_next_compass_mode"])
key_next_compass_mode = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_next_compass_mode"] intValue];
if ([kdic objectForKey:@"key_cloaking_device"])
key_cloaking_device = [(NSNumber *)[kdic objectForKey:@"key_cloaking_device"] intValue];
// other keys are SET and cannot be varied
- (void) unloadCargoPods
/* loads commodities from the cargo pods onto the ship's manifest */
int i;
NSMutableArray* localMarket = [docked_station localMarket];
NSMutableArray* manifest = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:localMarket] retain]; // retain
// zero the quantities in the manifest, making a mutable array of mutable arrays
for (i = 0; i < [manifest count]; i++)
NSMutableArray* commodityInfo = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:(NSArray *)[manifest objectAtIndex:i]];
[commodityInfo replaceObjectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]];
[manifest replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:commodityInfo];
NSArray* cargoArray = [[NSArray arrayWithArray:cargo] retain]; // retain
// step through the cargo pods adding in the quantities
for (i = 0; i < [cargoArray count]; i++)
NSMutableArray* commodityInfo;
int co_type, co_amount, quantity;
co_type = [(ShipEntity *)[cargoArray objectAtIndex:i] getCommodityType];
co_amount = [(ShipEntity *)[cargoArray objectAtIndex:i] getCommodityAmount];
//NSLog(@"unloading a %@ with %@", [(ShipEntity *)[cargoArray objectAtIndex:i] name], [universe describeCommodity:co_type amount:co_amount]);
commodityInfo = (NSMutableArray *)[manifest objectAtIndex:co_type];
quantity = [(NSNumber *)[commodityInfo objectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY] intValue] + co_amount;
[commodityInfo replaceObjectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:quantity]]; // enter the adjusted quantity
[shipCommodityData release];
shipCommodityData = [[NSArray arrayWithArray:manifest] retain];
[manifest release]; // release, done
[cargoArray release]; // release, done
for (i = 0; i < [cargoArray count]; i++) // recycle these entities rather than leave them to be garbage collected
[(Entity *)[cargoArray objectAtIndex:i] setStatus:STATUS_DEAD];
[universe recycleOrDiscard:(Entity *)[cargoArray objectAtIndex:i]];
[cargo removeAllObjects]; // empty the hold
- (void) loadCargoPods
/* loads commodities from the ships manifest into individual cargo pods */
int i,j;
NSMutableArray* localMarket = [docked_station localMarket];
NSMutableArray* manifest = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:shipCommodityData] retain]; // retain
for (i = 0; i < [manifest count]; i++)
NSMutableArray* commodityInfo = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:(NSArray *)[manifest objectAtIndex:i]] retain]; // retain
int quantity = [(NSNumber *)[commodityInfo objectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY] intValue];
int units = [universe unitsForCommodity:i];
if (quantity > 0)
//NSLog(@"loading containers with %@",[universe describeCommodity:i amount:quantity]);
if (units != UNITS_TONS)
int amount_per_container = (units == UNITS_KILOGRAMS)? 1000 : 1000000;
while (quantity > 0)
int smaller_quantity = 1 + ((quantity - 1) % amount_per_container);
ShipEntity* container = [universe getShipWithRole:@"cargopod"];
[container setUniverse:universe];
[container setScanClass: CLASS_CARGO];
[container setCommodity:i andAmount:smaller_quantity];
[cargo addObject:container];
[container release];
quantity -= smaller_quantity;
// put each ton in a separate container
for (j = 0; j < quantity; j++)
ShipEntity* container = [universe getShipWithRole:@"cargopod"];
[container setUniverse:universe];
[container setScanClass: CLASS_CARGO];
[container setStatus:STATUS_IN_HOLD];
[container setCommodity:i andAmount:1];
[cargo addObject:container];
[container release];
[commodityInfo setArray:(NSArray *)[localMarket objectAtIndex:i]];
[commodityInfo replaceObjectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]];
[manifest replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:[NSArray arrayWithArray:commodityInfo]];
[commodityInfo release]; // release, done
[shipCommodityData release];
shipCommodityData = [[NSArray arrayWithArray:manifest] retain];
[manifest release]; // release, done
- (int) random_factor
return market_rnd;
- (Random_Seed) galaxy_seed
return galaxy_seed;
- (NSPoint) galaxy_coordinates
return galaxy_coordinates;
- (NSPoint) cursor_coordinates
return cursor_coordinates;
- (Random_Seed) system_seed
return system_seed;
- (void) setSystem_seed:(Random_Seed) s_seed
system_seed = s_seed;
galaxy_coordinates = NSMakePoint( s_seed.d, s_seed.b);
- (Random_Seed) target_system_seed
return target_system_seed;
- (NSDictionary *) commanderDataDictionary
NSMutableDictionary *result = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:20]; // retained
NSString *gal_seed = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d %d %d %d %d %d",galaxy_seed.a, galaxy_seed.b, galaxy_seed.c, galaxy_seed.d, galaxy_seed.e, galaxy_seed.f];
NSString *gal_coords = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d %d",(int)galaxy_coordinates.x,(int)galaxy_coordinates.y];
[result setObject:gal_seed forKey:@"galaxy_seed"];
[result setObject:gal_coords forKey:@"galaxy_coordinates"];
[result setObject:player_name forKey:@"player_name"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:credits] forKey:@"credits"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:fuel] forKey:@"fuel"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:galaxy_number] forKey:@"galaxy_number"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:forward_weapon] forKey:@"forward_weapon"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:aft_weapon] forKey:@"aft_weapon"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:port_weapon] forKey:@"port_weapon"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:starboard_weapon] forKey:@"starboard_weapon"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:max_cargo + 5 * max_passengers] forKey:@"max_cargo"];
[result setObject:shipCommodityData forKey:@"shipCommodityData"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:has_ecm] forKey:@"has_ecm"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:has_scoop] forKey:@"has_scoop"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:has_energy_bomb] forKey:@"has_energy_bomb"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:has_energy_unit] forKey:@"has_energy_unit"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:energy_unit] forKey:@"energy_unit"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:has_docking_computer] forKey:@"has_docking_computer"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:has_galactic_hyperdrive] forKey:@"has_galactic_hyperdrive"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:has_escape_pod] forKey:@"has_escape_pod"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:has_fuel_injection] forKey:@"has_fuel_injection"];
NSMutableArray* missile_roles = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:max_missiles];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < max_missiles; i++)
if (missile_entity[i])
[missile_roles addObject:[missile_entity[i] roles]];
[missile_roles addObject:@"NONE"];
[result setObject:missile_roles forKey:@"missile_roles"];
[self safe_all_missiles];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[self calc_missiles]] forKey:@"missiles"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:legal_status] forKey:@"legal_status"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:market_rnd] forKey:@"market_rnd"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:ship_kills] forKey:@"ship_kills"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:saved] forKey:@"saved"];
// ship depreciation
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:ship_trade_in_factor] forKey:@"ship_trade_in_factor"];
// mission variables
if (mission_variables)
[result setObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:mission_variables] forKey:@"mission_variables"];
// communications log
if (comm_log)
while ([comm_log count] > 200) // only keep the last 200 lines
[comm_log removeObjectAtIndex:0];
[result setObject:comm_log forKey:@"comm_log"];
// extra equipment flags
if (extra_equipment)
[self set_extra_equipment_from_flags];
[result setObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:extra_equipment] forKey:@"extra_equipment"];
// reputation
[result setObject:reputation forKey:@"reputation"];
// passengers
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:max_passengers] forKey:@"max_passengers"];
[result setObject:passengers forKey:@"passengers"];
[result setObject:passenger_record forKey:@"passenger_record"];
// contracts
[result setObject:contracts forKey:@"contracts"];
[result setObject:contract_record forKey:@"contract_record"];
[result setObject:shipyard_record forKey:@"shipyard_record"];
//ship's clock
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:ship_clock] forKey:@"ship_clock"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:speech_on] forKey:@"speech_on"];
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:ootunes_on] forKey:@"ootunes_on"];
//base ship description
[result setObject:ship_desc forKey:@"ship_desc"];
//local market
if ([docked_station localMarket])
[result setObject:[docked_station localMarket] forKey:@"localMarket"];
// reduced detail option
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:[universe reducedDetail]] forKey:@"reducedDetail"];
// strict universe?
if ([universe strict])
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:@"strict"];
// persistant universe information
if ([universe local_planetinfo_overrides])
[result setObject:[universe local_planetinfo_overrides] forKey:@"local_planetinfo_overrides"];
// create checksum
munge_checksum(galaxy_seed.a); munge_checksum(galaxy_seed.b); munge_checksum(galaxy_seed.c);
munge_checksum(galaxy_seed.d); munge_checksum(galaxy_seed.e); munge_checksum(galaxy_seed.f);
munge_checksum((int)galaxy_coordinates.x); munge_checksum((int)galaxy_coordinates.y);
munge_checksum(credits); munge_checksum(fuel);
munge_checksum(max_cargo); munge_checksum(missiles);
munge_checksum(legal_status); munge_checksum(market_rnd); munge_checksum(ship_kills);
if (mission_variables)
munge_checksum([[mission_variables description] length]);
if (extra_equipment)
munge_checksum([[extra_equipment description] length]);
int final_checksum = munge_checksum([[ship_desc description] length]);
//set checksum
[result setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:final_checksum] forKey:@"checksum"];
//NSLog(@"Player Dictionary :\n%@",[result description]);
return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:[result autorelease]];
- (void) setCommanderDataFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *) dict
if ([dict objectForKey:@"strict"])
if (![universe strict])
// reset to strict and reload player
NSLog(@"DEBUG loading a STRICT player dictionary ..1");
[universe setStrict:YES];
NSLog(@"DEBUG loading a STRICT player dictionary ..2");
// [self setCommanderDataFromDictionary:dict];
if ([universe strict])
// reset to unrestricted and reload player
NSLog(@"DEBUG loading a UNRESTRICTED player dictionary ..1");
[universe setStrict:NO];
NSLog(@"DEBUG loading a UNRESTRICTED player dictionary ..2");
// [self setCommanderDataFromDictionary:dict];
//base ship description
if ([dict objectForKey:@"ship_desc"])
if (ship_desc) [ship_desc release];
ship_desc = [(NSString *)[dict objectForKey:@"ship_desc"] retain];
NSDictionary *ship_dict = [universe getDictionaryForShip:ship_desc];
if (ship_dict)
[self setUpShipFromDictionary:ship_dict];
// ship depreciation
if ([dict objectForKey:@"ship_trade_in_factor"])
ship_trade_in_factor = [(NSNumber*)[dict objectForKey:@"ship_trade_in_factor"] intValue];
ship_trade_in_factor = 75;
if ([dict objectForKey:@"galaxy_seed"])
NSArray *seed_vals = [(NSString *)[dict objectForKey:@"galaxy_seed"] componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
galaxy_seed.a = (unsigned char)[(NSString *)[seed_vals objectAtIndex:0] intValue];
galaxy_seed.b = (unsigned char)[(NSString *)[seed_vals objectAtIndex:1] intValue];
galaxy_seed.c = (unsigned char)[(NSString *)[seed_vals objectAtIndex:2] intValue];
galaxy_seed.d = (unsigned char)[(NSString *)[seed_vals objectAtIndex:3] intValue];
galaxy_seed.e = (unsigned char)[(NSString *)[seed_vals objectAtIndex:4] intValue];
galaxy_seed.f = (unsigned char)[(NSString *)[seed_vals objectAtIndex:5] intValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"galaxy_coordinates"])
NSArray *coord_vals = [(NSString *)[dict objectForKey:@"galaxy_coordinates"] componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
galaxy_coordinates.x = (unsigned char)[(NSString *)[coord_vals objectAtIndex:0] intValue];
galaxy_coordinates.y = (unsigned char)[(NSString *)[coord_vals objectAtIndex:1] intValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"player_name"])
if (player_name) [player_name release];
player_name = [(NSString *)[dict objectForKey:@"player_name"] retain];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"shipCommodityData"])
if (shipCommodityData) [shipCommodityData release];
shipCommodityData = [(NSArray *)[dict objectForKey:@"shipCommodityData"] retain];
// extra equipment flags
[extra_equipment removeAllObjects];
[self set_extra_equipment_from_flags];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"extra_equipment"])
[extra_equipment addEntriesFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)[dict objectForKey:@"extra_equipment"]];
// bools (mostly deprecated by use of the extra_equipment dictionary, keep for compatibility)
if (([dict objectForKey:@"has_docking_computer"])&&([(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"has_docking_computer"] boolValue]))
[self add_extra_equipment:@"EQ_DOCK_COMP"];
if (([dict objectForKey:@"has_galactic_hyperdrive"])&&([(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"has_galactic_hyperdrive"] boolValue]))
[self add_extra_equipment:@"EQ_GAL_DRIVE"];
if (([dict objectForKey:@"has_escape_pod"])&&([(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"has_escape_pod"] boolValue]))
[self add_extra_equipment:@"EQ_ESCAPE_POD"];
if (([dict objectForKey:@"has_ecm"])&&([(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"has_ecm"] boolValue]))
[self add_extra_equipment:@"EQ_ECM"];
if (([dict objectForKey:@"has_scoop"])&&([(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"has_scoop"] boolValue]))
[self add_extra_equipment:@"EQ_FUEL_SCOOPS"];
if (([dict objectForKey:@"has_energy_bomb"])&&([(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"has_energy_bomb"] boolValue]))
[self add_extra_equipment:@"EQ_ENERGY_BOMB"];
if (([dict objectForKey:@"has_fuel_injection"])&&([(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"has_fuel_injection"] boolValue]))
[self add_extra_equipment:@"EQ_FUEL_INJECTION"];
if (([dict objectForKey:@"has_energy_unit"])&&([(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"has_energy_unit"] boolValue]))
if ([dict objectForKey:@"energy_unit"])
energy_unit = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"energy_unit"] intValue]; // load specials
energy_unit = (has_energy_unit) ? ENERGY_UNIT_NORMAL : ENERGY_UNIT_NONE; // set default
switch (energy_unit)
[self add_extra_equipment:@"EQ_ENERGY_UNIT"];
[self add_extra_equipment:@"EQ_NAVAL_ENERGY_UNIT"];
default :
// speech
if ([dict objectForKey:@"speech_on"])
speech_on = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"speech_on"] boolValue];
// reputation
if ([dict objectForKey:@"reputation"])
if (reputation)
[reputation release];
reputation = [[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)[dict objectForKey:@"reputation"]] retain];
// passengers
if ([dict objectForKey:@"max_passengers"])
max_passengers = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"max_passengers"] intValue];
max_passengers = 0;
if ([dict objectForKey:@"passengers"])
if (passengers)
[passengers release];
passengers = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:(NSArray *)[dict objectForKey:@"passengers"]] retain];
if (passengers)
[passengers release];
passengers = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:8] retain];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"passenger_record"])
if (passenger_record)
[passenger_record release];
passenger_record = [[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)[dict objectForKey:@"passenger_record"]] retain];
if (passenger_record)
[passenger_record release];
passenger_record = [[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:8] retain];
// contracts
if ([dict objectForKey:@"contracts"])
if (contracts)
[contracts release];
contracts = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:(NSArray *)[dict objectForKey:@"contracts"]] retain];
if (contracts)
[contracts release];
contracts = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:8] retain];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"contract_record"])
if (contract_record)
[contract_record release];
contract_record = [[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)[dict objectForKey:@"contract_record"]] retain];
if (contract_record)
[contract_record release];
contract_record = [[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:8] retain];
// shipyard
if ([dict objectForKey:@"shipyard_record"])
if (shipyard_record)
[shipyard_record release];
shipyard_record = [[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)[dict objectForKey:@"shipyard_record"]] retain];
if (shipyard_record)
[shipyard_record release];
shipyard_record = [[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:4] retain];
// ootunes
if ([dict objectForKey:@"ootunes_on"])
ootunes_on = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"ootunes_on"] boolValue];
// reducedDetail
if ([dict objectForKey:@"reducedDetail"])
[universe setReducedDetail:[(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"reducedDetail"] boolValue]];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"saved"])
saved = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"saved"] boolValue];
// ints
int original_hold_size = [universe maxCargoForShip:ship_desc];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"max_cargo"])
max_cargo = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"max_cargo"] intValue];
if (max_cargo > original_hold_size)
[self add_extra_equipment:@"EQ_CARGO_BAY"];
max_cargo -= max_passengers * 5;
if ([dict objectForKey:@"credits"])
credits = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"credits"] intValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"fuel"])
fuel = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"fuel"] intValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"galaxy_number"])
galaxy_number = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"galaxy_number"] intValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"forward_weapon"])
forward_weapon = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"forward_weapon"] intValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"aft_weapon"])
aft_weapon = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"aft_weapon"] intValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"port_weapon"])
port_weapon = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"port_weapon"] intValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"starboard_weapon"])
starboard_weapon = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"starboard_weapon"] intValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"missiles"])
missiles = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"missiles"] intValue];
// sanity check the number of missiles...
if (missiles < 0)
missiles = 0;
if (missiles > max_missiles)
missiles = max_missiles;
// end sanity check
if ([dict objectForKey:@"legal_status"])
legal_status = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"legal_status"] intValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"market_rnd"])
market_rnd = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"market_rnd"] intValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"ship_kills"])
ship_kills = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"ship_kills"] intValue];
// doubles
if ([dict objectForKey:@"ship_clock"])
ship_clock = [(NSNumber*)[dict objectForKey:@"ship_clock"] doubleValue];
fps_check_time = ship_clock;
// mission_variables
[mission_variables removeAllObjects];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"mission_variables"])
[mission_variables addEntriesFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)[dict objectForKey:@"mission_variables"]];
// persistant universe info
if ([dict objectForKey:@"local_planetinfo_overrides"])
[universe setLocal_planetinfo_overrides:(NSDictionary *)[dict objectForKey:@"local_planetinfo_overrides"]];
// communications log
if ([dict objectForKey:@"comm_log"])
if (comm_log) [comm_log release];
comm_log = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:(NSArray*)[dict objectForKey:@"comm_log"]]; // retained
// set up missiles
int i;
[self setActive_missile: 0];
for (i = 0; i < SHIPENTITY_MAX_MISSILES; i++)
if (missile_entity[i])
[missile_entity[i] release];
missile_entity[i] = nil;
if ([dict objectForKey:@"missile_roles"])
NSArray* missile_roles = (NSArray*)[dict objectForKey:@"missile_roles"];
if (max_missiles < [missile_roles count])
missile_roles = [missile_roles subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, max_missiles)];
if (missiles != [missile_roles count])
missiles = [missile_roles count]; // sanity check the number of missiles
for (i = 0; (i < max_missiles)&&(i < [missile_roles count]); i++)
NSString* missile_desc = (NSString*)[missile_roles objectAtIndex:i];
if (![missile_desc isEqual:@"NONE"])
missile_entity[i] = [universe getShipWithRole:missile_desc]; // retain count = 1
for (i = 0; i < missiles; i++)
missile_entity[i] = [universe getShipWithRole:@"EQ_MISSILE"]; // retain count = 1
while ((missiles > 0)&&(missile_entity[active_missile] == nil))
[self select_next_missile];
[self set_flags_from_extra_equipment];
// things...
system_seed = [universe findSystemAtCoords:galaxy_coordinates withGalaxySeed:galaxy_seed];
target_system_seed = system_seed;
cursor_coordinates = galaxy_coordinates;
// finally
missiles = [self calc_missiles];
// [universe removeAllEntitiesExceptPlayer:NO]; // reset the universe outside the station
// [universe setSystemTo:system_seed];
- (id) init
self = [super init];
compass_mode = COMPASS_MODE_BASIC;
afterburnerSoundLooping = NO;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < SHIPENTITY_MAX_MISSILES; i++)
missile_entity[i] = nil;
[self set_up];
drawDebugParticle = [[ParticleEntity alloc] init];
[drawDebugParticle setParticleType:PARTICLE_MARKER];
return self;
static BOOL galactic_witchjump;
- (void) set_up
int i;
Random_Seed gal_seed = {0x4a, 0x5a, 0x48, 0x02, 0x53, 0xb7};
showDemoShips = NO;
if (ship_desc)
[ship_desc release];
ship_desc = [[NSString stringWithString:PLAYER_SHIP_DESC] retain];
ship_trade_in_factor = 75;
NSDictionary *huddict = [ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:@"hud.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES];
if (hud)
[hud release];
hud = [[HeadUpDisplay alloc] initWithDictionary:huddict];
[hud setPlayer:self];
[hud setScannerZoom:1.0];
script = [[ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:@"script.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] retain];
mission_variables =[[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:16] retain];
[self setScript_target:nil];
[self resetMissionChoice];
reputation = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:6];
[reputation setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] forKey:CONTRACTS_GOOD_KEY];
[reputation setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] forKey:CONTRACTS_BAD_KEY];
[reputation setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:7] forKey:CONTRACTS_UNKNOWN_KEY];
[reputation setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] forKey:PASSAGE_GOOD_KEY];
[reputation setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] forKey:PASSAGE_BAD_KEY];
[reputation setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:7] forKey:PASSAGE_UNKNOWN_KEY];
max_passengers = 0;
if (passengers)
[passengers release];
passengers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:8];
if (passenger_record)
[passenger_record release];
passenger_record = [[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:16] retain];
if (contracts)
[contracts release];
contracts = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:8];
if (contract_record)
[contract_record release];
contract_record = [[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:16] retain];
if (shipyard_record)
[shipyard_record release];
shipyard_record = [[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:4] retain];
if (extra_equipment)
[extra_equipment release];
extra_equipment =[[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:16] retain];
missionBackgroundImage = nil;
script_time = 0.0;
script_time_check = SCRIPT_TIMER_INTERVAL;
script_time_interval = SCRIPT_TIMER_INTERVAL;
NSCalendarDate *nowDate = [NSCalendarDate calendarDate];
ship_clock += [nowDate hourOfDay] * 3600.0;
ship_clock += [nowDate minuteOfHour] * 60.0;
ship_clock += [nowDate secondOfMinute];
fps_check_time = ship_clock;
ship_clock_adjust = 0.0;
speech_on = NO;
ootunes_on = NO;
mouse_control_on = NO;
docking_music_on = YES;
if (name)
[name release];
name = [[NSString stringWithString:@"Player"] retain];
rolling = NO;
pitching = NO;
galactic_witchjump = NO;
flight_speed = 0.0;
max_flight_speed = 160.0;
max_flight_roll = 2.0;
max_flight_pitch = 1.0;
// control factors
thrust = 32.0;
roll_delta = 2.0 * max_flight_roll;
pitch_delta = 2.0 * max_flight_pitch;
displayListName = 0;
status = STATUS_TEST;
energy = 256;
weapon_temp = 0.0;
forward_weapon_temp = 0.0;
aft_weapon_temp = 0.0;
port_weapon_temp = 0.0;
starboard_weapon_temp = 0.0;
cabin_temp = 60.0;
alert_flags = 0;
game_over = NO;
docked = NO;
finished = NO;
bomb_detonated = NO;
has_docking_computer = NO;
autopilot_engaged = NO;
afterburner_engaged = NO;
hyperspeed_engaged = NO;
hyperspeed_locked = NO;
ident_engaged = NO;
ecm_in_operation = NO;
ecm_start_time = 0.0;
fuel_leak_rate = 0.0;
witchspaceCountdown = 0.0;
// release sounds
if (beepSound) [beepSound release];
if (boopSound) [boopSound release];
if (weaponSound) [weaponSound release];
if (weaponHitSound) [weaponHitSound release];
if (damageSound) [damageSound release];
if (scrapeDamageSound) [scrapeDamageSound release];
if (destructionSound) [destructionSound release];
if (breakPatternSound) [breakPatternSound release];
if (ecmSound) [ecmSound release];
if (buySound) [buySound release];
if (sellSound) [sellSound release];
if (warningSound) [warningSound release];
if (afterburner1Sound) [afterburner1Sound release];
if (afterburner2Sound) [afterburner2Sound release];
#ifndef GNUSTEP
if (themeMusic) [themeMusic release];
if (missionMusic) [missionMusic release];
if (dockingMusic) [dockingMusic release];
// allocate sounds
beepSound = [[ResourceManager soundNamed:@"beep.aiff" inFolder:@"Sounds"] retain];
boopSound = [[ResourceManager soundNamed:@"boop.aiff" inFolder:@"Sounds"] retain];
weaponSound = [[ResourceManager soundNamed:@"laser.aiff" inFolder:@"Sounds"] retain];
weaponHitSound = [[ResourceManager soundNamed:@"laserhits.aiff" inFolder:@"Sounds"] retain];
missileSound = [[ResourceManager soundNamed:@"missile.aiff" inFolder:@"Sounds"] retain];
damageSound = [[ResourceManager soundNamed:@"hit.aiff" inFolder:@"Sounds"] retain];
scrapeDamageSound = [[ResourceManager soundNamed:@"hullbang.aiff" inFolder:@"Sounds"] retain];
destructionSound = [[ResourceManager soundNamed:@"bigbang.aiff" inFolder:@"Sounds"] retain];
breakPatternSound = [[ResourceManager soundNamed:@"breakpattern.aiff" inFolder:@"Sounds"] retain];
ecmSound = [[ResourceManager soundNamed:@"ecm.aiff" inFolder:@"Sounds"] retain];
buySound = [[ResourceManager soundNamed:@"buy.aiff" inFolder:@"Sounds"] retain];
sellSound = [[ResourceManager soundNamed:@"sell.aiff" inFolder:@"Sounds"] retain];
warningSound = [[ResourceManager soundNamed:@"warning.aiff" inFolder:@"Sounds"] retain];
afterburner1Sound = [[ResourceManager soundNamed:@"afterburner1.aiff" inFolder:@"Sounds"] retain];
afterburner2Sound = [[ResourceManager soundNamed:@"afterburner2.aiff" inFolder:@"Sounds"] retain];
// //// for looping sounds set the sound's delegate to self
// //
// [afterburner1Sound setDelegate:self];
// [afterburner2Sound setDelegate:self];
#ifndef GNUSTEP
themeMusic = [[ResourceManager movieFromFilesNamed:@"OoliteTheme.mp3" inFolder:@"Music"] retain];
missionMusic = [[ResourceManager movieFromFilesNamed:@"OoliteTheme.mp3" inFolder:@"Music"] retain];
dockingMusic = [[ResourceManager movieFromFilesNamed:@"BlueDanube.mp3" inFolder:@"Music"] retain];
collision_radius = 50.0;
[self setModel:PLAYER_MODEL];
shot_time = 0.0;
shot_counter = 0;
if (shipAI) [shipAI release];
shipAI = [[AI alloc] initWithStateMachine:AI_DOCKING_COMPUTER andState:@"GLOBAL"]; // alloc retains dealloc'd by ShipEntity
[shipAI setOwner:self];
// player commander data
player_name = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Jameson"]; // alloc retains
galaxy_coordinates = NSMakePoint(0x14,0xAD); // 20,173
galaxy_seed = gal_seed;
credits = 1000;
fuel_accumulator = 0.0;
galaxy_number = 0;
forward_weapon = WEAPON_PULSE_LASER;
aft_weapon = WEAPON_NONE;
port_weapon = WEAPON_NONE;
starboard_weapon = WEAPON_NONE;
max_cargo = 20; // will be reset later
shipCommodityData = [(NSArray *)[(NSDictionary *)[ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:@"commodities.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] objectForKey:@"default"] retain];
has_ecm = NO;
has_scoop = NO;
has_energy_bomb = NO;
has_energy_unit = NO;
has_docking_computer = NO;
has_galactic_hyperdrive = NO;
has_escape_pod = NO;
has_fuel_injection = NO;
// set up missiles
max_missiles = PLAYER_MAX_MISSILES;
[self setActive_missile: 0];
for (i = 0; i < missiles; i++)
if (missile_entity[i])
[missile_entity[i] release];
missile_entity[i] = [universe getShipWithRole:@"EQ_MISSILE"]; // retain count = 1
[self safe_all_missiles];
legal_status = 0;
market_rnd = 0;
ship_kills = 0;
saved = NO;
cursor_coordinates = galaxy_coordinates;
[self init_keys];
scan_class = CLASS_PLAYER;
[universe clearGUIs];
docked_station = [universe station];
if (comm_log) [comm_log release];
comm_log = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:200]; // retained
if (specialCargo)
[specialCargo release];
specialCargo = nil;
- (void) setUpShipFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *) dict
//NSLog(@"DEBUG Playerentity - setUpShipFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *) dict");
// set things from dictionary from here out
if ([dict objectForKey:@"max_flight_speed"])
max_flight_speed = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"max_flight_speed"] doubleValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"max_flight_roll"])
max_flight_roll = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"max_flight_roll"] doubleValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"max_flight_pitch"])
max_flight_pitch = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"max_flight_pitch"] doubleValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"thrust"])
thrust = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"thrust"] doubleValue];
// speed_delta = thrust;
if ([dict objectForKey:@"max_energy"])
max_energy = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"max_energy"] doubleValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"energy_recharge_rate"])
energy_recharge_rate = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"energy_recharge_rate"] doubleValue];
energy = max_energy;
if ([dict objectForKey:@"forward_weapon_type"])
NSString *weapon_type_string = (NSString *)[dict objectForKey:@"forward_weapon_type"];
if ([weapon_type_string isEqual:@"WEAPON_PULSE_LASER"])
forward_weapon_type = WEAPON_PULSE_LASER;
if ([weapon_type_string isEqual:@"WEAPON_BEAM_LASER"])
forward_weapon_type = WEAPON_BEAM_LASER;
if ([weapon_type_string isEqual:@"WEAPON_MINING_LASER"])
forward_weapon_type = WEAPON_MINING_LASER;
if ([weapon_type_string isEqual:@"WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER"])
forward_weapon_type = WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER;
if ([weapon_type_string isEqual:@"WEAPON_THARGOID_LASER"])
forward_weapon_type = WEAPON_THARGOID_LASER;
if ([weapon_type_string isEqual:@"WEAPON_PLASMA_CANNON"])
forward_weapon_type = WEAPON_PLASMA_CANNON;
if ([weapon_type_string isEqual:@"WEAPON_NONE"])
forward_weapon_type = WEAPON_NONE;
if ([dict objectForKey:@"missiles"])
missiles = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"missiles"] intValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"has_ecm"])
has_ecm = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"has_ecm"] boolValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"has_scoop"])
has_scoop = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"has_scoop"] boolValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"has_escape_pod"])
has_escape_pod = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"has_escape_pod"] boolValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"max_cargo"])
max_cargo = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"max_cargo"] intValue];
// A HACK!! - must do this before the model is set
if ([dict objectForKey:@"smooth"])
is_smooth_shaded = YES;
is_smooth_shaded = NO;
if ([dict objectForKey:@"model"])
[self setModel:(NSString *)[dict objectForKey:@"model"]];
if ([dict objectForKey:KEY_NAME])
if (name)
[name release];
name = [[NSString stringWithString:(NSString *)[dict objectForKey:KEY_NAME]] retain];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"roles"])
if (roles)
[roles release];
roles = [[NSString stringWithString:(NSString *)[dict objectForKey:@"roles"]] retain];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"laser_color"])
NSString *laser_color_string = (NSString *)[dict objectForKey:@"laser_color"];
SEL color_selector = NSSelectorFromString(laser_color_string);
if ([NSColor respondsToSelector:color_selector])
id color_thing = [NSColor performSelector:color_selector];
if ([color_thing isKindOfClass:[NSColor class]])
[self setLaserColor:(NSColor *)color_thing];
[self setLaserColor:[NSColor redColor]];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"extra_equipment"])
[extra_equipment removeAllObjects];
[extra_equipment addEntriesFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)[dict objectForKey:@"extra_equipment"]];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"max_missiles"])
// NSLog(@"DEBUG setting max_missiles %@",[dict objectForKey:@"max_missiles"]);
max_missiles = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"max_missiles"] intValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"hud"])
//NSLog(@"DEBUG setting hud %@",[dict objectForKey:@"hud"]);
NSString *hud_desc = (NSString *)[dict objectForKey:@"hud"];
NSDictionary *huddict = [ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:hud_desc inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES];
if (huddict)
if (hud) [hud release];
hud = [[HeadUpDisplay alloc] initWithDictionary:huddict];
[hud setPlayer:self];
[hud setScannerZoom:1.0];
// set up missiles
int i;
for (i = 0; i < SHIPENTITY_MAX_MISSILES; i++)
if (missile_entity[i])
[missile_entity[i] release];
missile_entity[i] = nil;
for (i = 0; i < missiles; i++)
missile_entity[i] = [universe getShipWithRole:@"EQ_MISSILE"]; // retain count = 1
[self setActive_missile: 0];
- (void) dealloc
if (ship_desc) [ship_desc release];
if (hud) [hud release];
if (comm_log) [comm_log release];
if (script) [script release];
if (mission_variables) [mission_variables release];
if (lastTextKey) [lastTextKey release];
if (extra_equipment) [extra_equipment release];
if (reputation) [reputation release];
if (passengers) [passengers release];
if (passenger_record) [passenger_record release];
if (contracts) [contracts release];
if (contract_record) [contract_record release];
if (shipyard_record) [shipyard_record release];
if (beepSound) [beepSound release];
if (boopSound) [boopSound release];
if (weaponSound) [weaponSound release];
if (weaponHitSound) [weaponHitSound release];
if (missileSound) [missileSound release];
if (damageSound) [damageSound release];
if (scrapeDamageSound) [scrapeDamageSound release];
if (destructionSound) [destructionSound release];
if (breakPatternSound) [breakPatternSound release];
if (ecmSound) [ecmSound release];
if (buySound) [buySound release];
if (sellSound) [sellSound release];
if (warningSound) [warningSound release];
if (afterburner1Sound) [afterburner1Sound release];
if (afterburner2Sound) [afterburner2Sound release];
#ifndef GNUSTEP
if (themeMusic) [themeMusic release];
if (missionMusic) [missionMusic release];
if (dockingMusic) [dockingMusic release];
if (missionBackgroundImage) [missionBackgroundImage release];
if (player_name) [player_name release];
if (shipCommodityData) [shipCommodityData release];
if (specialCargo) [specialCargo release];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < SHIPENTITY_MAX_MISSILES; i++)
if (missile_entity[i])
[missile_entity[i] release];
[super dealloc];
- (void) warnAboutHostiles
// make a warningSound
// NSLog(@"player warned about hostiles!");
if (![warningSound isPlaying])
[warningSound play];
- (BOOL) canCollide
switch (status)
return YES;
default :
return NO;
- (NSComparisonResult) compareZeroDistance:(Entity *)otherEntity;
return NSOrderedDescending; // always the most near
- (void) update:(double) delta_t
// update timers
shot_time += delta_t;
script_time += delta_t;
ship_clock += delta_t;
if (ship_clock_adjust != 0.0) // adjust for coming out of warp (add LY * LY hrs)
double fine_adjust = delta_t * 7200.0;
if (ship_clock_adjust > 86400) // more than a day
fine_adjust = delta_t * 115200.0; // 16 times faster
if (ship_clock_adjust > 0)
if (fine_adjust > ship_clock_adjust)
fine_adjust = ship_clock_adjust;
ship_clock += fine_adjust;
ship_clock_adjust -= fine_adjust;
if (fine_adjust < ship_clock_adjust)
fine_adjust = ship_clock_adjust;
ship_clock -= fine_adjust;
ship_clock_adjust += fine_adjust;
if (ship_clock > fps_check_time)
fps_counter = floor(1.0 / delta_t);
fps_check_time = ship_clock + 0.25;
// scripting
if (script_time > script_time_check)
[self checkScript];
script_time_check += script_time_interval;
// deal with collisions
[self manageCollisions];
[self saveToLastFrame];
[self pollControls:delta_t];
if ((status == STATUS_DEMO)&&(gui_screen != GUI_SCREEN_INTRO1)&&(gui_screen != GUI_SCREEN_INTRO2)&&(gui_screen != GUI_SCREEN_MISSION)&&(gui_screen != GUI_SCREEN_SHIPYARD))
[self setGuiToIntro1Screen]; //set up demo mode
[super update:delta_t];
[self doBookkeeping:delta_t];
if (!docked_station)
// do flight routines
//// velocity stuff
velocity.x += momentum.x / mass; momentum.x = 0;
velocity.y += momentum.y / mass; momentum.y = 0;
velocity.z += momentum.z / mass; momentum.z = 0;
position.x += delta_t*velocity.x;
position.y += delta_t*velocity.y;
position.z += delta_t*velocity.z;
if (velocity.x > 0.0)
velocity.x -= (velocity.x > delta_t*thrust) ? delta_t*thrust : velocity.x;
if (velocity.y > 0.0)
velocity.y -= (velocity.y > delta_t*thrust) ? delta_t*thrust : velocity.y;
if (velocity.z > 0.0)
velocity.z -= (velocity.z > delta_t*thrust) ? delta_t*thrust : velocity.z;
if (velocity.x < 0.0)
velocity.x -= (velocity.x < -delta_t*thrust) ? -delta_t*thrust : velocity.x;
if (velocity.y < 0.0)
velocity.y -= (velocity.y < -delta_t*thrust) ? -delta_t*thrust : velocity.y;
if (velocity.z < 0.0)
velocity.z -= (velocity.z < -delta_t*thrust) ? -delta_t*thrust : velocity.z;
// if ((velocity.x != 0)||(velocity.y != 0)||(velocity.z != 0))
// NSLog(@"Player velocity [ %.3f, %.3f, %.3f]", velocity.x, velocity.y, velocity.z);
[self applyRoll:delta_t*flight_roll andClimb:delta_t*flight_pitch];
[self moveForward:delta_t*flight_speed];
if (status == STATUS_IN_FLIGHT)
[self doBookkeeping:delta_t];
if (status == STATUS_LAUNCHING)
if ([universe breakPatternOver])
// time to check the script!
[self checkScript];
// next check in 10s
[self doBookkeeping:delta_t];
witchspaceCountdown -= delta_t;
if (witchspaceCountdown < 0.0) witchspaceCountdown = 0.0;
if (galactic_witchjump)
[universe displayCountdownMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:[universe expandDescription:@"[witch-galactic-in-f-seconds]" forSystem:system_seed], witchspaceCountdown] forCount:1.0];
[universe displayCountdownMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:[universe expandDescription:@"[witch-to-@-in-f-seconds]" forSystem:system_seed], [universe getSystemName:target_system_seed], witchspaceCountdown] forCount:1.0];
if (witchspaceCountdown == 0.0)
[self safe_all_missiles];
if (galactic_witchjump)
[self enterGalacticWitchspace];
[self enterWitchspace];
if ([universe breakPatternOver])
// time to check the script!
[self checkScript];
// next check in 10s
[self resetScriptTimer]; // reset the in-system timer
// announce arrival
if ([universe planet])
[universe addMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@. ",[universe getSystemName:system_seed]] forCount:3.0];
// [universe addMessage:@"Witchspace engine malfunction!" forCount:3.0];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[witch-engine-malfunction]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:3.0];
if (status == STATUS_DOCKING)
if ([universe breakPatternOver])
[self docked]; // bookkeeping for docking
if ((status == STATUS_DEAD)&&(shot_time > 30.0))
[universe game_over]; // we restart the universe
// check for lost ident target and ensure the ident system is actually scanning
if (ident_engaged)
if (missile_status == MISSILE_STATUS_TARGET_LOCKED)
Entity* e = [universe entityForUniversalID:primaryTarget];
if ((e == nil)||([e getZeroDistance] > SCANNER_MAX_RANGE2)||([e scanClass] == CLASS_NO_DRAW)) // checking scanClass checks for cloaked ships
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[target-lost]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:3.0];
[boopSound play];
primaryTarget = NO_TARGET;
missile_status = MISSILE_STATUS_SAFE;
missile_status = MISSILE_STATUS_ARMED;
// check each unlaunched missile's target still exists and is in-range
int i;
for (i = 0; i < max_missiles; i++)
if ((missile_entity[i])&&([missile_entity[i] getPrimaryTargetID] != NO_TARGET))
ShipEntity* target_ship = (ShipEntity *)[missile_entity[i] getPrimaryTarget];
if ((!target_ship)||([target_ship getZeroDistance] > SCANNER_MAX_RANGE2))
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[target-lost]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:3.0];
[boopSound play];
[missile_entity[i] removeTarget:nil];
if ((i == active_missile)&&(!ident_engaged))
primaryTarget = NO_TARGET;
missile_status = MISSILE_STATUS_SAFE;
if ((missile_status == MISSILE_STATUS_ARMED)&&(ident_engaged||[[missile_entity[active_missile] roles] hasSuffix:@"MISSILE"])&&((status == STATUS_IN_FLIGHT)||(status == STATUS_WITCHSPACE_COUNTDOWN)))
int first_target_id = [universe getFirstEntityTargettedFromEntity:self inView:[universe viewDir]];
if (first_target_id != NO_TARGET)
Entity *first_target = [universe entityForUniversalID:first_target_id];
if ([first_target isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
primaryTarget = first_target_id;
if ((missile_entity[active_missile])&&(!ident_engaged))
[missile_entity[active_missile] addTarget:first_target];
[universe addMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:[universe expandDescription:@"[@-locked-onto-@]" forSystem:system_seed], (ident_engaged)? @"Ident system": @"Missile", [(ShipEntity *)first_target name]] forCount:4.5];
[beepSound play];
- (void) doBookkeeping:(double) delta_t
// Bookeeping;
double speed_delta = 5.0 * thrust;
// if (weapon_temp > 0.0)
// {
// weapon_temp -= WEAPON_COOLING_FACTOR * delta_t;
// if (weapon_temp < 0.0)
// weapon_temp = 0.0;
// }
// cool all weapons
if (forward_weapon_temp > 0.0)
forward_weapon_temp -= WEAPON_COOLING_FACTOR * delta_t;
if (forward_weapon_temp < 0.0)
forward_weapon_temp = 0.0;
if (aft_weapon_temp > 0.0)
aft_weapon_temp -= WEAPON_COOLING_FACTOR * delta_t;
if (aft_weapon_temp < 0.0)
aft_weapon_temp = 0.0;
if (port_weapon_temp > 0.0)
port_weapon_temp -= WEAPON_COOLING_FACTOR * delta_t;
if (port_weapon_temp < 0.0)
port_weapon_temp = 0.0;
if (starboard_weapon_temp > 0.0)
starboard_weapon_temp -= WEAPON_COOLING_FACTOR * delta_t;
if (starboard_weapon_temp < 0.0)
starboard_weapon_temp = 0.0;
// copy new temp to main temp
switch ([universe viewDir])
weapon_temp = forward_weapon_temp;
case VIEW_AFT:
weapon_temp = aft_weapon_temp;
weapon_temp = port_weapon_temp;
weapon_temp = starboard_weapon_temp;
// cloaking device
if (has_cloaking_device)
if (cloaking_device_active)
energy -= delta_t * CLOAKING_DEVICE_ENERGY_RATE;
[self deactivateCloakingDevice];
if (energy < max_energy)
energy += delta_t * CLOAKING_DEVICE_ENERGY_RATE;
if (energy > max_energy)
energy = max_energy;
if (energy < max_energy)
double energy_multiplier = 1.0 + 0.1 * energy_unit; // 1.5x recharge with normal energy unit, 2x with naval!
energy += energy_recharge_rate * energy_multiplier * delta_t;
if (energy > max_energy)
energy = max_energy;
if (forward_shield < PLAYER_MAX_FORWARD_SHIELD)
forward_shield += SHIELD_RECHARGE_FACTOR * delta_t;
energy -= SHIELD_RECHARGE_FACTOR * delta_t;
if (forward_shield > PLAYER_MAX_FORWARD_SHIELD)
energy += forward_shield - PLAYER_MAX_FORWARD_SHIELD;
if (aft_shield < PLAYER_MAX_AFT_SHIELD)
aft_shield += SHIELD_RECHARGE_FACTOR * delta_t;
energy -= SHIELD_RECHARGE_FACTOR * delta_t;
energy += aft_shield - PLAYER_MAX_AFT_SHIELD;
if (ecm_in_operation)
if (energy > 0.0)
energy -= ECM_ENERGY_DRAIN_FACTOR * delta_t; // drain energy because of the ECM
ecm_in_operation = NO;
[ecmSound stop];
//[universe displayMessage:@"ECM system deactivated (no energy left)." forCount:3.0];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[ecm-out-of-juice]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:3.0];
if ([universe getTime] > ecm_start_time + ECM_DURATION)
ecm_in_operation = NO;
if ([universe sun])
// do Revised sun-skimming check here...
double sun_zd = [[universe sun] getZeroDistance]; // square of distance
double sun_cr = [[universe sun] collisionRadius];
double alt1 = sun_cr * sun_cr / sun_zd;
double external_temp = SUN_TEMPERATURE * alt1;
if ([[universe sun] goneNova])
external_temp *= 100;
if (external_temp < 60.0)
external_temp = 60.0;
if (external_temp > cabin_temp)
//NSLog(@"DEBUG sun skim >>>> sun alt1 = %.3f ext temp = %.3f", alt1, external_temp);
cabin_temp += (external_temp - cabin_temp) * delta_t * CABIN_INSULATION_FACTOR;
cabin_temp += (external_temp - cabin_temp) * delta_t * CABIN_COOLING_FACTOR;
if (([self has_extra_equipment:@"EQ_FUEL_SCOOPS"])&&(alt1 > 0.75)&&(fuel < 70))
fuel_accumulator += delta_t * flight_speed * 0.010;
while (fuel_accumulator > 1.0)
fuel ++;
fuel_accumulator -= 1.0;
if (fuel > 70) fuel = 70;
[universe displayMessage:@"Fuel Scoop Active" forCount:1.0];
if (cabin_temp > PLAYER_MAX_CABIN_TEMP)
[self getDestroyed];
[(ShipEntity *)[universe entityForUniversalID:found_target] becomeExplosion]; // blow up the doppelganger
[self setTargetToStation];
if ([self getPrimaryTarget])
// restore player ship
ShipEntity *player_ship = [universe getShip: ship_desc]; // retained
[self setModel:[player_ship getModel]];
[player_ship release]; // we only wanted it for its polygons!
[universe setViewDirection:VIEW_FORWARD];
[self enterDock:(StationEntity *)[self getPrimaryTarget]];
travelling_at_hyperspeed = (flight_speed > max_flight_speed);
if (hyperspeed_engaged)
// increase speed up to maximum hyperspeed
if (flight_speed < max_flight_speed * HYPERSPEED_FACTOR)
flight_speed += speed_delta * delta_t * HYPERSPEED_FACTOR;
if (flight_speed > max_flight_speed * HYPERSPEED_FACTOR)
flight_speed = max_flight_speed * HYPERSPEED_FACTOR;
// check for mass lock
hyperspeed_locked = [self massLocked];
if (hyperspeed_locked)
if (![boopSound isPlaying])
[boopSound play];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[jump-mass-locked]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:4.5];
hyperspeed_engaged = NO;
if (afterburner_engaged)
if (flight_speed < max_flight_speed * AFTERBURNER_FACTOR)
flight_speed += speed_delta * delta_t * AFTERBURNER_FACTOR;
if (flight_speed > max_flight_speed * AFTERBURNER_FACTOR)
flight_speed = max_flight_speed * AFTERBURNER_FACTOR;
fuel_accumulator -= delta_t * AFTERBURNER_BURNRATE;
while ((fuel_accumulator < 0)&&(fuel > 0))
fuel_accumulator += 1.0;
fuel --;
if (fuel <= 0)
afterburner_engaged = NO;
// slow back down...
if (travelling_at_hyperspeed)
// decrease speed to maximum normal speed
flight_speed -= speed_delta * delta_t * HYPERSPEED_FACTOR;
if (flight_speed < max_flight_speed)
flight_speed = max_flight_speed;
if ((fuel_leak_rate > 0.0)&&(fuel > 0))
fuel_accumulator -= fuel_leak_rate * delta_t;
while ((fuel_accumulator < 0)&&(fuel > 0))
fuel_accumulator += 1.0;
if (fuel == 0)
fuel_leak_rate = 0;
- (void) applyRoll:(GLfloat) roll1 andClimb:(GLfloat) climb1
quaternion_rotate_about_z( &q_rotation, -roll1);
quaternion_rotate_about_x( &q_rotation, -climb1);
quaternion_into_gl_matrix(q_rotation, rotMatrix);
v_right.x = rotMatrix[0];
v_right.y = rotMatrix[4];
v_right.z = rotMatrix[8];
v_up.x = rotMatrix[1];
v_up.y = rotMatrix[5];
v_up.z = rotMatrix[9];
v_forward.x = rotMatrix[2];
v_forward.y = rotMatrix[6];
v_forward.z = rotMatrix[10];
- (void) moveForward:(double) amount
distance_travelled += amount;
position.x += amount * v_forward.x;
position.y += amount * v_forward.y;
position.z += amount * v_forward.z;
// return a point 36u back from the front of the ship
// this equates with the centre point of a cobra mk3
- (Vector) getViewpointPosition
Vector viewpoint = position;
float offset;
switch ([universe viewDir])
offset = boundingBox.max_z - 36.0;
viewpoint.x += offset * v_forward.x; viewpoint.y += offset * v_forward.y; viewpoint.z += offset * v_forward.z;
case VIEW_AFT:
offset = boundingBox.min_z + 36.0;
viewpoint.x += offset * v_forward.x; viewpoint.y += offset * v_forward.y; viewpoint.z += offset * v_forward.z;
offset = boundingBox.min_x + 36.0;
viewpoint.x += offset * v_right.x; viewpoint.y += offset * v_right.y; viewpoint.z += offset * v_right.z;
offset = boundingBox.max_x - 36.0;
viewpoint.x += offset * v_right.x; viewpoint.y += offset * v_right.y; viewpoint.z += offset * v_right.z;
return viewpoint;
- (void) drawEntity:(BOOL) immediate :(BOOL) translucent
// NSLog(@"DEBUG checking per poly collision Player versus %@ %d", [other name], [other universal_id]);
// Matrix rMat;
// rMat[0] = v_forward;
// rMat[1] = v_up;
// rMat[2] = v_right;
Quaternion q_actual = q_rotation;
q_actual.w = -q_actual.w; // reverse rotation
gl_matrix rMatrix;
quaternion_into_gl_matrix( q_actual, rMatrix);
// return YES;
// glTranslatef( position.x, position.y, position.z);
// glMultMatrixf( rMatrix);
int v;
for (v = 0; v < n_vertices; v++)
Vector v0 = vertices[v];
// Vector p0 = make_vector( 3.0 * v0.x, 3.0 * v0.y, 3.0 * v0.z);
mult_vector_gl_matrix(&v0, rMatrix);
// mult_vector(&v0, rMat);
Vector q0 = make_vector( position.x + 3.0 * v0.x, position.y + 3.0 * v0.y, position.z + 3.0 * v0.z);
glTranslatef( q0.x, q0.y, q0.z);
// glPushMatrix();
// glTranslatef( p0.x, p0.y, p0.z);
glVertex3i(0,0,0); glVertex3i(0,1,0); glVertex3i(1,1,0); glVertex3i(1,0,0);
glVertex3i(0,0,0); glVertex3i(1,0,0); glVertex3i(1,1,0); glVertex3i(0,1,0);
glVertex3i(0,0,0); glVertex3i(0,0,1); glVertex3i(0,1,1); glVertex3i(0,1,0);
glVertex3i(0,0,0); glVertex3i(0,1,0); glVertex3i(0,1,1); glVertex3i(0,0,1);
glVertex3i(0,0,0); glVertex3i(0,0,1); glVertex3i(1,0,1); glVertex3i(1,0,0);
glVertex3i(0,0,0); glVertex3i(1,0,0); glVertex3i(1,0,1); glVertex3i(0,0,1);
// glPopMatrix();
- (void) drawCollisionHitIndicator:(NSDictionary *) info depth:(GLfloat)z1
// NSLog(@"DEBUG PlayerEntity drawCollisionHitIndicator");
double alpha = 1.0;
if ([info objectForKey:X_KEY])
x = [(NSNumber *)[info objectForKey:X_KEY] intValue];
if ([info objectForKey:Y_KEY])
y = [(NSNumber *)[info objectForKey:Y_KEY] intValue];
if ([info objectForKey:ALPHA_KEY])
alpha = [(NSNumber *)[info objectForKey:ALPHA_KEY] doubleValue];
Vector scale = make_vector (1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
// x = 0; y = 0;
int fi;
glColor4f( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, alpha); // green
for (fi = 0; fi < n_faces; fi++)
Vector v0 = vertices[faces[fi].vertex[0]];
Vector v1 = vertices[faces[fi].vertex[1]];
Vector v2 = vertices[faces[fi].vertex[2]];
Vector vv0 = make_vector( x + v0.x * scale.x, y + v0.z * scale.y, z1 + v0.y * scale.z);
Vector vv1 = make_vector( x + v1.x * scale.x, y + v1.z * scale.y, z1 + v1.y * scale.z);
Vector vv2 = make_vector( x + v2.x * scale.x, y + v2.z * scale.y, z1 + v2.y * scale.z);
glVertex3f( vv0.x, vv0.y, vv0.z); glVertex3f( vv1.x, vv1.y, vv1.z); glVertex3f( vv2.x, vv2.y, vv2.z);
glColor4f( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, alpha); // red
for (fi = 0; fi < n_faces; fi++)
if (face_hit[fi])
Vector v0 = vertices[faces[fi].vertex[0]];
Vector v1 = vertices[faces[fi].vertex[1]];
Vector v2 = vertices[faces[fi].vertex[2]];
Vector vv0 = make_vector( x + v0.x * scale.x, y + v0.z * scale.y, z1 + v0.y * scale.z);
Vector vv1 = make_vector( x + v1.x * scale.x, y + v1.z * scale.y, z1 + v1.y * scale.z);
Vector vv2 = make_vector( x + v2.x * scale.x, y + v2.z * scale.y, z1 + v2.y * scale.z);
glVertex3f( vv0.x, vv0.y, vv0.z); glVertex3f( vv1.x, vv1.y, vv1.z); glVertex3f( vv2.x, vv2.y, vv2.z);
- (BOOL) massLocked
return ((alert_flags & ALERT_FLAG_MASS_LOCK) != 0);
- (BOOL) atHyperspeed
return travelling_at_hyperspeed;
- (Vector) velocityVector
Vector result = v_forward;
result.x *= flight_speed;
result.y *= flight_speed;
result.z *= flight_speed;
return result;
// dial routines = all return 0.0 .. 1.0 or -1.0 .. 1.0
- (NSString *) ship_desc
return ship_desc;
- (StationEntity *) docked_station
return docked_station;
- (HeadUpDisplay *) hud
return hud;
- (void) setShowDemoShips:(BOOL) value
showDemoShips = value;
- (BOOL) showDemoShips
return showDemoShips || (status == STATUS_DEMO);
- (double) dial_roll
return flight_roll/max_flight_roll;
- (double) dial_pitch
return flight_pitch/max_flight_pitch;
- (double) dial_speed
if (flight_speed < max_flight_speed)
return flight_speed/max_flight_speed;
return 1.0;
- (double) dial_hyper_speed
return flight_speed/max_flight_speed;
- (double) dial_forward_shield
return forward_shield / PLAYER_MAX_FORWARD_SHIELD;
- (double) dial_aft_shield
return aft_shield / PLAYER_MAX_AFT_SHIELD;
- (double) dial_energy
return energy / max_energy;
- (double) dial_max_energy
return max_energy;
- (double) dial_fuel
return fuel / PLAYER_MAX_FUEL;
- (double) dial_cabin_temp
return cabin_temp / PLAYER_MAX_CABIN_TEMP;
- (double) dial_weapon_temp
return weapon_temp / PLAYER_MAX_WEAPON_TEMP;
- (double) dial_altitude
PlanetEntity *planet = [universe planet];
PlanetEntity *sun = [universe sun];
double planet_zd = [planet getZeroDistance];
double sun_zd = [sun getZeroDistance];
double alt = (planet_zd < sun_zd) ? (sqrt(planet_zd) - [planet collisionRadius]) : (sqrt(sun_zd) - [sun collisionRadius]);
if (alt > 1.0)
alt = 1.0;
if (alt < 0.0)
alt = 0.0;
return alt;
- (NSString*) dial_clock
int days = floor(ship_clock / 86400.0); // days
int secs = floor(ship_clock - days * 86400.0);
int hrs = floor(secs / 3600.0); // hrs
secs %= 3600;
int mins = floor(secs / 60.0); // mins
secs %= 60;
if (ship_clock_adjust == 0.0)
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%07d:%02d:%02d:%02d", days, hrs, mins, secs];
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%07d:%02d:%02d:%02d (adjusting)", days, hrs, mins, secs];
- (NSString*) dial_clock_adjusted
double ship_time = ship_clock + ship_clock_adjust;
int days = floor(ship_time / 86400.0); // days
int secs = floor(ship_time - days * 86400.0);
int hrs = floor(secs / 3600.0); // hrs
secs %= 3600;
int mins = floor(secs / 60.0); // mins
secs %= 60;
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%07d:%02d:%02d:%02d", days, hrs, mins, secs];
- (NSString*) dial_fpsinfo
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"FPS: %3d", fps_counter];
- (NSString*) dial_objinfo
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Objs: %3d", [universe obj_count]];
- (int) dial_missiles
return missiles;
- (int) calc_missiles
int n_missiles = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < max_missiles; i++)
if (missile_entity[i])
return n_missiles;
- (int) dial_missile_status
return missile_status;
- (NSMutableArray*) comm_log
return comm_log;
- (int) compass_mode
return compass_mode;
- (void) setCompass_mode:(int) value
compass_mode = value;
- (void) setNextCompassMode
switch (compass_mode)
if ([self checkForAegis] == AEGIS_NONE)
[self setCompass_mode:COMPASS_MODE_SUN];
[self setCompass_mode:COMPASS_MODE_STATION];
[self setCompass_mode:COMPASS_MODE_SUN];
if ([self getPrimaryTarget])
[self setCompass_mode:COMPASS_MODE_TARGET];
[self setCompass_mode:COMPASS_MODE_WITCHPOINT];
[self setCompass_mode:COMPASS_MODE_WITCHPOINT];
// [self setCompass_mode:COMPASS_MODE_PLANET];
nextBeaconID = [[universe firstBeacon] universal_id];
if (nextBeaconID != NO_TARGET)
[self setCompass_mode:COMPASS_MODE_BEACONS];
[self setCompass_mode:COMPASS_MODE_PLANET];
nextBeaconID = [(ShipEntity*)[universe entityForUniversalID:nextBeaconID] nextBeaconID];
if (nextBeaconID == NO_TARGET)
[self setCompass_mode:COMPASS_MODE_PLANET];
- (int) active_missile
return active_missile;
- (void) setActive_missile: (int) value
active_missile = value;
- (int) dial_max_missiles
return max_missiles;
- (BOOL) dial_ident_engaged
return ident_engaged;
- (NSString *) dial_target_name
Entity* target_entity = [universe entityForUniversalID:primaryTarget];
if ([target_entity isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
return [(ShipEntity*)target_entity name];
return @"No target";
- (ShipEntity *) missile_for_station: (int) value
if ((value < 0)||(value >= max_missiles))
return nil;
return missile_entity[value];
- (void) sort_missiles
// puts all missiles into the first available slots
int i;
missiles = [self calc_missiles];
for (i = 0; i < missiles; i++)
if (missile_entity[i] == nil)
int j;
for (j = i + 1; j < max_missiles; j++)
if (missile_entity[j])
missile_entity[i] = missile_entity[j];
missile_entity[j] = nil;
j = max_missiles;
- (void) safe_all_missiles
// sets all missile targets to NO_TARGET
int i;
for (i = 0; i < max_missiles; i++)
if (missile_entity[i])
[missile_entity[i] removeTarget:nil];
missile_status = MISSILE_STATUS_SAFE;
- (void) select_next_missile
int i;
for (i = 1; i < max_missiles; i++)
int next_missile = (active_missile + i) % max_missiles;
if (missile_entity[next_missile])
// if this is a missile then select it
// if ([[missile_entity[next_missile] roles] isEqual:@"EQ_MISSILE"])
if (missile_entity[next_missile]) // if it exists
[self setActive_missile:next_missile];
if (([[missile_entity[next_missile] roles] hasSuffix:@"MISSILE"])&&([missile_entity[next_missile] getPrimaryTarget] != nil))
// copy the missile's target
[self addTarget:[missile_entity[next_missile] getPrimaryTarget]];
missile_status = MISSILE_STATUS_SAFE;
- (void) clearAlert_flags
alert_flags = 0;
- (void) setAlert_flag:(int) flag :(BOOL) value
if (value)
alert_flags |= flag;
int comp = ~flag;
alert_flags &= comp;
- (int) alert_condition
int old_alert_condition = alert_condition;
alert_condition = ALERT_CONDITION_GREEN;
[self setAlert_flag:ALERT_FLAG_DOCKED :(status == STATUS_DOCKED)];
if (alert_flags & ALERT_FLAG_DOCKED)
alert_condition = ALERT_CONDITION_DOCKED;
if (alert_flags != 0)
alert_condition = ALERT_CONDITION_YELLOW;
if (alert_flags > ALERT_FLAG_YELLOW_LIMIT)
alert_condition = ALERT_CONDITION_RED;
if ((alert_condition == ALERT_CONDITION_RED)&&(old_alert_condition < ALERT_CONDITION_RED))
// give an audible warning
// NSLog(@"WARNING! %d %x", alert_condition, alert_flags);
if ([warningSound isPlaying])
[warningSound stop];
[warningSound play];
return alert_condition;
- (void) pollControls:(double) delta_t
MyOpenGLView *gameView = (MyOpenGLView *)[universe gameView];
if (gameView)
// poll the gameView keyboard things
[self pollApplicationControls]; // quit command-f etc.
switch (status)
[self pollFlightControls:delta_t];
[self pollGameOverControls:delta_t];
[self pollAutopilotControls:delta_t];
[self pollDockedControls:delta_t];
if (gui_screen == GUI_SCREEN_SHIPYARD)
[self pollGuiScreenControls];
[self pollGuiArrowKeyControls:delta_t];
[self pollDemoControls:delta_t];
default :
//static BOOL fuel_inject_pressed;
static BOOL jump_pressed;
static BOOL pause_pressed;
static BOOL zoom_pressed;
static BOOL compass_mode_pressed;
static BOOL next_target_pressed;
static BOOL fire_missile_pressed;
static BOOL target_missile_pressed;
static BOOL ident_pressed;
static BOOL safety_pressed;
static BOOL cloak_pressed;
- (void) pollFlightControls:(double) delta_t
MyOpenGLView *gameView = (MyOpenGLView *)[universe gameView];
BOOL paused = [[gameView gameController] game_is_paused];
double speed_delta = 5.0 * thrust;
if (!paused)
// arrow keys
if ([universe displayGUI])
[self pollGuiArrowKeyControls:delta_t];
[self pollFlightArrowKeyControls:delta_t];
// view keys
[self pollViewControls];
//if (![gameView allowingStringInput])
if (![universe displayCursor])
if (([gameView isDown:key_inject_fuel])&&(has_fuel_injection)&&(!hyperspeed_engaged)&&(status != STATUS_WITCHSPACE_COUNTDOWN))
if ((fuel > 0)&&(!afterburner_engaged))
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[fuel-inject-on]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:1.5];
afterburner_engaged = YES;
if (!afterburnerSoundLooping)
[self loopAfterburnerSound];
if (fuel <= 0.0)
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[fuel-out]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:1.5];
afterburner_engaged = (fuel > 0);
afterburner_engaged = NO;
if ((!afterburner_engaged)&&(afterburnerSoundLooping))
[self stopAfterburnerSound];
// if (([gameView isDown:key_increase_speed])&&(!hyperspeed_engaged)&&(!afterburner_engaged))
if (([gameView isDown:key_increase_speed])&&(flight_speed < max_flight_speed)&&(!afterburner_engaged))
if (flight_speed < max_flight_speed)
flight_speed += speed_delta * delta_t;
if (flight_speed > max_flight_speed)
flight_speed = max_flight_speed;
// if (([gameView isDown:key_decrease_speed])&&(!hyperspeed_engaged)&&(!afterburner_engaged))
// ** tgape ** - decrease obviously means no hyperspeed
if (([gameView isDown:key_decrease_speed])&&(!afterburner_engaged))
if (flight_speed > 0.0)
flight_speed -= speed_delta * delta_t;
if (flight_speed < 0.0)
flight_speed = 0.0;
// ** tgape ** - decrease obviously means no hyperspeed
hyperspeed_engaged = NO;
// hyperspeed controls
if ([gameView isDown:key_jumpdrive]) // 'j'
if (!jump_pressed)
if (!hyperspeed_engaged)
hyperspeed_locked = [self massLocked];
hyperspeed_engaged = !hyperspeed_locked;
if (hyperspeed_locked)
if (![boopSound isPlaying])
[boopSound play];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[jump-mass-locked]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:1.5];
hyperspeed_engaged = NO;
jump_pressed = YES;
jump_pressed = NO;
// shoot 'a'
if ((([gameView isDown:key_fire_lasers])||((mouse_control_on)&&([gameView isDown:gvMouseLeftButton])))&&(shot_time > weapon_reload_time))
if ([self fireMainWeapon])
if (target_laser_hit != NO_TARGET)
if (weaponHitSound)
if ([weaponHitSound isPlaying])
[weaponHitSound stop];
[weaponHitSound play];
if (weaponSound)
if ([weaponSound isPlaying])
[weaponSound stop];
[weaponSound play];
// shoot 'm' // launch missile
if ([gameView isDown:key_launch_missile])
// launch here
if (!fire_missile_pressed)
BOOL missile_noise = [[missile_entity[active_missile] roles] hasSuffix:@"MISSILE"];
if ([self fireMissile])
if (missile_noise)
[missileSound play];
fire_missile_pressed = YES;
fire_missile_pressed = NO;
// shoot 'y' // next target
if ([gameView isDown:key_next_missile])
if ((!ident_engaged)&&(!next_target_pressed)&&([self has_extra_equipment:@"EQ_MULTI_TARGET"]))
[[universe gui] click];
[self select_next_missile];
next_target_pressed = YES;
next_target_pressed = NO;
// shoot 'r' // switch on ident system
if ([gameView isDown:key_ident_system])
// ident 'on' here
if (!ident_pressed)
missile_status = MISSILE_STATUS_ARMED;
primaryTarget = NO_TARGET;
ident_engaged = YES;
if (![beepSound isPlaying])
[beepSound play];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[ident-on]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:2.0];
ident_pressed = YES;
ident_pressed = NO;
// shoot 't' // switch on missile targetting
if (([gameView isDown:key_target_missile])&&(missile_entity[active_missile]))
// targetting 'on' here
if (!target_missile_pressed)
missile_status = MISSILE_STATUS_ARMED;
if ((ident_engaged) && ([self getPrimaryTarget]))
if ([[missile_entity[active_missile] roles] hasSuffix:@"MISSILE"])
[missile_entity[active_missile] addTarget:[self getPrimaryTarget]];
[universe addMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:[universe expandDescription:@"[missile-locked-onto-@]" forSystem:system_seed], [(ShipEntity *)[self getPrimaryTarget] name]] forCount:4.5];
[beepSound play];
primaryTarget = NO_TARGET;
if ([[missile_entity[active_missile] roles] hasSuffix:@"MISSILE"])
if (missile_entity[active_missile])
[missile_entity[active_missile] removeTarget:nil];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[missile-armed]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:2.0];
if (![beepSound isPlaying])
[beepSound play];
if ([[missile_entity[active_missile] roles] hasSuffix:@"MINE"])
[universe addMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:[universe expandDescription:@"[mine-armed]" forSystem:system_seed], [(ShipEntity *)[self getPrimaryTarget] name]] forCount:4.5];
ident_engaged = NO;
target_missile_pressed = YES;
target_missile_pressed = NO;
// shoot 'u' // disarm missile targetting
if ([gameView isDown:key_untarget_missile])
if (!safety_pressed)
if (!ident_engaged)
// targetting 'off' here
missile_status = MISSILE_STATUS_SAFE;
primaryTarget = NO_TARGET;
[self safe_all_missiles];
if (![boopSound isPlaying])
[boopSound play];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[missile-safe]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:2.0];
// targetting 'back on' here
primaryTarget = [missile_entity[active_missile] getPrimaryTargetID];
if (![boopSound isPlaying])
[boopSound play];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[ident-off]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:2.0];
ident_engaged = NO;
safety_pressed = YES;
safety_pressed = NO;
// shoot 'e' // ECM
if (([gameView isDown:key_ecm])&&(has_ecm))
if (!ecm_in_operation)
if ([self fireECM])
[ecmSound play];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[ecm-on]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:3.0];
// shoot 'tab' // Energy bomb
if (([gameView isDown:key_energy_bomb])&&(has_energy_bomb))
// original energy bomb routine
[self fireEnergyBomb];
[self remove_extra_equipment:@"EQ_ENERGY_BOMB"];
// shoot 'escape' // Escape pod launch
if (([gameView isDown:key_launch_escapepod])&&(has_escape_pod)&&([universe station]))
found_target = [self launchEscapeCapsule];
// shoot 'd' // Dump Cargo
if (([gameView isDown:key_dump_cargo])&&([cargo count] > 0))
if ([self dumpCargo] != CARGO_NOT_CARGO)
[beepSound play];
// autopilot 'c'
if (([gameView isDown:key_autopilot])&&(has_docking_computer)&&(![beepSound isPlaying])) // look for the 'c' key
if ([self checkForAegis] == AEGIS_IN_DOCKING_RANGE)
primaryTarget = NO_TARGET;
targetStation = NO_TARGET;
autopilot_engaged = YES;
ident_engaged = NO;
[self safe_all_missiles];
// velocity = make_vector(v_forward.x * flight_speed, v_forward.y * flight_speed, v_forward.z * flight_speed);
velocity = make_vector( 0, 0, 0);
[shipAI setState:@"GLOBAL"]; // restart the AI
[beepSound play];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[autopilot-on]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:4.5];
if (ootunes_on)
// ootunes - play docking music
[[universe gameController] playiTunesPlaylist:@"Oolite-Docking"];
if (docking_music_on)
#ifndef GNUSTEP
if (IsMovieDone ([dockingMusic QTMovie]))
GoToBeginningOfMovie ([dockingMusic QTMovie]);
StartMovie ([dockingMusic QTMovie]);
if (afterburner_engaged)
afterburner_engaged = NO;
if (afterburnerSoundLooping)
[self stopAfterburnerSound];
if (![boopSound isPlaying])
[boopSound play];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[autopilot-out-of-range]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:4.5];
// autopilot 'C' - dock with target
if (([gameView isDown:key_autopilot_target])&&(has_docking_computer)&&(![beepSound isPlaying])) // look for the 'c' key
if ([[self getPrimaryTarget] isKindOfClass:[StationEntity class]])
targetStation = primaryTarget;
primaryTarget = NO_TARGET;
autopilot_engaged = YES;
ident_engaged = NO;
[self safe_all_missiles];
// velocity = make_vector(v_forward.x * flight_speed, v_forward.y * flight_speed, v_forward.z * flight_speed);
velocity = make_vector( 0, 0, 0);
[shipAI setState:@"GLOBAL"]; // restart the AI
[beepSound play];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[autopilot-on]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:4.5];
if (ootunes_on)
// ootunes - play docking music
[[universe gameController] playiTunesPlaylist:@"Oolite-Docking"];
if (docking_music_on)
#ifndef GNUSTEP
if (IsMovieDone ([dockingMusic QTMovie]))
GoToBeginningOfMovie ([dockingMusic QTMovie]);
StartMovie ([dockingMusic QTMovie]);
if (afterburner_engaged)
afterburner_engaged = NO;
if (afterburnerSoundLooping)
[self stopAfterburnerSound];
if (![boopSound isPlaying])
[boopSound play];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"Target is not capable of autopilot-docking" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:4.5];
// autopilot 'D'
if (([gameView isDown:key_autodock])&&(has_docking_computer)&&(![beepSound isPlaying])) // look for the 'D' key
if ([self checkForAegis] == AEGIS_IN_DOCKING_RANGE)
StationEntity *the_station = [universe station];
if (the_station)
if (legal_status > 50)
[self interpretAIMessage:@"DOCKING_REFUSED"];
ship_clock_adjust = 300.0; // 5 minutes penalty to enter dock
ident_engaged = NO;
[self safe_all_missiles];
[universe setViewDirection:VIEW_FORWARD];
[self enterDock:the_station];
if (![boopSound isPlaying])
[boopSound play];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[autopilot-out-of-range]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:4.5];
// hyperspace 'h'
if ([gameView isDown:key_hyperspace]) // look for the 'h' key
float dx = target_system_seed.d - galaxy_coordinates.x;
float dy = target_system_seed.b - galaxy_coordinates.y;
double distance = distanceBetweenPlanetPositions(target_system_seed.d,target_system_seed.b,galaxy_coordinates.x,galaxy_coordinates.y);
BOOL jumpOK = YES;
if ((dx == 0)&&(dy == 0))
[boopSound play];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[witch-no-target]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:3.0];
jumpOK = NO;
if (10.0 * distance > fuel)
[boopSound play];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[witch-no-fuel]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:3.0];
jumpOK = NO;
jumpOK = NO;
if (jumpOK)
galactic_witchjump = NO;
witchspaceCountdown = 15.0;
[beepSound play];
// say it!
[universe addMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:[universe expandDescription:@"[witch-to-@-in-f-seconds]" forSystem:system_seed], [universe getSystemName:target_system_seed], witchspaceCountdown] forCount:1.0];
// emergency hyperspace 'H'
// if ([gameView isDown:key_emergency_hyperdrive]) // look for the 'h' key
// {
// BOOL jumpOK = [self has_extra_equipment:@"EQ_EMERGENCY_HYPERDRIVE"];
// jumpOK = NO;
// if (jumpOK)
// {
// galactic_witchjump = NO;
// [universe addMessage:@"Emergency witch-jump!" forCount:2.0];
// [self enterWitchspaceWithEmergencyDrive];
// }
// }
// Galactic hyperspace 'g'
if (([gameView isDown:key_galactic_hyperspace])&&(has_galactic_hyperdrive))// look for the 'g' key
BOOL jumpOK = YES;
jumpOK = NO;
if (jumpOK)
galactic_witchjump = YES;
witchspaceCountdown = 15.0;
[beepSound play];
// say it!
[universe addMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:[universe expandDescription:@"[witch-galactic-in-f-seconds]" forSystem:system_seed], witchspaceCountdown] forCount:1.0];
// shoot '0' // Cloaking Device
if ([gameView isDown:key_cloaking_device] && has_cloaking_device)
if (!cloak_pressed)
if (!cloaking_device_active)
if ([self activateCloakingDevice])
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[cloak-on]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:2];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[cloak-low-juice]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:3];
[self deactivateCloakingDevice];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[cloak-off]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:2];
if (cloaking_device_active)
[beepSound play];
[boopSound play];
cloak_pressed = YES;
cloak_pressed = NO;
// // test novas
// if ([gameView isDown:48]) // '0'
// {
// if (![[universe sun] willGoNova])
// {
// [[universe sun] setGoingNova:YES inTime:10.0];
// [self warnAboutHostiles];
// [universe addMessage:@"Sun going nova in 10 s." forCount:6];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG NOVA activated!");
// }
// else
// {
// if (fuel_leak_rate <= 0.0)
// {
// fuel_leak_rate = 25.0;
// [universe addMessage:@"Danger! Fuel leak!" forCount:6];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG FUEL LEAK activated!");
// }
// }
// }
// text displays
[self pollGuiScreenControls];
// Pause game 'p'
if ([gameView isDown:key_pausebutton])// look for the 'p' key
if (!pause_pressed)
if (paused)
[universe clearPreviousMessage];
[[gameView gameController] unpause_game];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[game-paused]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:1.0];
[[gameView gameController] pause_game];
pause_pressed = YES;
pause_pressed = NO;
static BOOL f_key_pressed;
static BOOL m_key_pressed;
static BOOL taking_snapshot;
- (void) pollApplicationControls
// does fullscreen / quit / snapshot
MyOpenGLView *gameView = (MyOpenGLView *)[universe gameView];
// command-key controls
if (([gameView isCommandDown])&&([[gameView gameController] inFullScreenMode]))
if (([gameView isCommandDown])&&([gameView isDown:102])) // command f
[[gameView gameController] exitFullScreenMode];
if (mouse_control_on)
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[mouse-off]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:3.0];
mouse_control_on = NO;
if (([gameView isCommandDown])&&([gameView isDown:113])) // command q
[[gameView gameController] pauseFullScreenModeToPerform:@selector(exitApp) onTarget:[gameView gameController]];
// snapshot
if ([gameView isDown:key_snapshot]) // '*' key
if (!taking_snapshot)
taking_snapshot = YES;
[gameView snapShot];
taking_snapshot = NO;
// FPS display
if ([gameView isDown:key_show_fps]) // 'F' key
if (!f_key_pressed)
[universe setDisplayFPS:![universe displayFPS]];
f_key_pressed = YES;
f_key_pressed = NO;
// Mouse control
if ([[gameView gameController] inFullScreenMode])
if ([gameView isDown:key_mouse_control]) // 'M' key
if (!m_key_pressed)
mouse_control_on = !mouse_control_on;
if (mouse_control_on)
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[mouse-on]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:3.0];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[mouse-off]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:3.0];
m_key_pressed = YES;
m_key_pressed = NO;
- (void) pollFlightArrowKeyControls:(double) delta_t
MyOpenGLView *gameView = (MyOpenGLView *)[universe gameView];
NSPoint virtualStick =[gameView virtualJoystickPosition];
double sensitivity = 2.0;
virtualStick.x *= sensitivity;
virtualStick.y *= sensitivity;
double roll_dampner = ROLL_DAMPING_FACTOR * delta_t;
double pitch_dampner = PITCH_DAMPING_FACTOR * delta_t;
rolling = NO;
if (!mouse_control_on)
if ([gameView isDown:key_roll_left])
if (flight_roll > 0.0) flight_roll = 0.0;
[self decrease_flight_roll:delta_t*roll_delta];
rolling = YES;
if ([gameView isDown:key_roll_right])
if (flight_roll < 0.0) flight_roll = 0.0;
[self increase_flight_roll:delta_t*roll_delta];
rolling = YES;
double stick_roll = max_flight_roll * virtualStick.x;
if (flight_roll < stick_roll)
[self increase_flight_roll:delta_t*roll_delta];
if (flight_roll > stick_roll)
flight_roll = stick_roll;
if (flight_roll > stick_roll)
[self decrease_flight_roll:delta_t*roll_delta];
if (flight_roll < stick_roll)
flight_roll = stick_roll;
rolling = (abs(virtualStick.x) > .10);
if (!rolling)
if (flight_roll > 0.0)
if (flight_roll > roll_dampner) [self decrease_flight_roll:roll_dampner];
else flight_roll = 0.0;
if (flight_roll < 0.0)
if (flight_roll < -roll_dampner) [self increase_flight_roll:roll_dampner];
else flight_roll = 0.0;
pitching = NO;
if (!mouse_control_on)
if ([gameView isDown:key_pitch_back])
if (flight_pitch < 0.0) flight_pitch = 0.0;
[self increase_flight_pitch:delta_t*pitch_delta];
pitching = YES;
if ([gameView isDown:key_pitch_forward])
if (flight_pitch > 0.0) flight_pitch = 0.0;
[self decrease_flight_pitch:delta_t*pitch_delta];
pitching = YES;
double stick_pitch = max_flight_pitch * virtualStick.y;
if (flight_pitch < stick_pitch)
[self increase_flight_pitch:delta_t*roll_delta];
if (flight_pitch > stick_pitch)
flight_pitch = stick_pitch;
if (flight_pitch > stick_pitch)
[self decrease_flight_pitch:delta_t*roll_delta];
if (flight_pitch < stick_pitch)
flight_pitch = stick_pitch;
pitching = (abs(virtualStick.x) > .10);
if (!pitching)
if (flight_pitch > 0.0)
if (flight_pitch > pitch_dampner) [self decrease_flight_pitch:pitch_dampner];
else flight_pitch = 0.0;
if (flight_pitch < 0.0)
if (flight_pitch < -pitch_dampner) [self increase_flight_pitch:pitch_dampner];
else flight_pitch = 0.0;
// ***JESTER_START*** 11/08/04
//Utility function
static NSString* GenerateDisplayString(int inModeWidth, int inModeHeight, int inModeRefresh);
// ***JESTER_END*** 11/08/04
static BOOL pling_pressed;
static BOOL cursor_moving;
static BOOL disc_operation_in_progress;
static BOOL switching_resolution;
static BOOL wait_for_key_up;
static int searchStringLength;
static double timeLastKeyPress;
static BOOL upDownKeyPressed;
static int oldSelection;
static BOOL selectPressed;
static BOOL queryPressed;
- (void) pollGuiArrowKeyControls:(double) delta_t
MyOpenGLView *gameView = (MyOpenGLView *)[universe gameView];
BOOL moving = NO;
double cursor_speed = 10.0;
GuiDisplayGen* gui = [universe gui];
[gameView allowStringInput:(gui_screen == GUI_SCREEN_LONG_RANGE_CHART)];
switch (gui_screen)
if ([gameView isDown:key_map_dump]) // '!' key
if (!pling_pressed)
[self starChartDump];
pling_pressed = YES;
pling_pressed = NO;
if ([[gameView typedString] length])
planetSearchString = [gameView typedString];
//NSLog(@"searching for %@", planetSearchString);
NSPoint search_coords = [universe findSystemCoordinatesWithPrefix:planetSearchString withGalaxySeed:galaxy_seed];
if ((search_coords.x >= 0.0)&&(search_coords.y >= 0.0))
//NSLog(@"found somewhere");
moving = ((cursor_coordinates.x != search_coords.x)||(cursor_coordinates.y != search_coords.y));
//searchStringLength = [[gameView typedString] length];
cursor_coordinates = search_coords;
[gameView resetTypedString];
planetSearchString = nil;
if ((status == STATUS_DOCKED)&&([gameView isDown:63])) // '?' toggle between map and contract screen
if (!queryPressed)
[self setGuiToContractsScreen];
if ((oldSelection >= [gui selectableRange].location)&&(oldSelection < [gui selectableRange].location + [gui selectableRange].length))
[gui setSelectedRow:oldSelection];
[self setGuiToContractsScreen];
[universe setDisplayCursor:NO];
queryPressed = YES;
queryPressed = NO;
moving |= (searchStringLength != [[gameView typedString] length]);
searchStringLength = [[gameView typedString] length];
if ([gameView isDown:gvMouseLeftButton])
NSPoint maus = [gameView virtualJoystickPosition];
double vadjust = 51;
double hscale = 4.0 * MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_WIDTH / 256.0;
double vscale = 4.0 * MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_HEIGHT / 512.0;
cursor_coordinates.x = galaxy_coordinates.x + (maus.x * MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_WIDTH) / hscale;
cursor_coordinates.y = galaxy_coordinates.y + (maus.y * MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_HEIGHT + vadjust) / vscale;
//NSLog(@"DEBUG mouse (%.3f,%.3f), coordinates (%.3f,%.3f) vadjust %.1f", maus.x, maus.y, cursor_coordinates.x, cursor_coordinates.y, vadjust);
if (gui_screen == GUI_SCREEN_LONG_RANGE_CHART)
double vadjust = 211;
double hadjust = MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_WIDTH / 2.0;
double hscale = MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_WIDTH / 256.0;
double vscale = MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_HEIGHT / 512.0;
cursor_coordinates.x = (maus.x * MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_WIDTH + hadjust)/ hscale;
cursor_coordinates.y = (maus.y * MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_HEIGHT + vadjust) / vscale;
//NSLog(@"DEBUG mouse (%.3f,%.3f), coordinates (%.3f,%.3f) vadjust %.1f", maus.x, maus.y, cursor_coordinates.x, cursor_coordinates.y, vadjust);
[gameView resetTypedString];
moving = YES;
if ([gameView isDown:key_map_home])
[gameView resetTypedString];
cursor_coordinates = galaxy_coordinates;
moving = YES;
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyLeft])
[gameView resetTypedString];
cursor_coordinates.x -= cursor_speed*delta_t;
if (cursor_coordinates.x < 0.0) cursor_coordinates.x = 0.0;
moving = YES;
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyRight])
[gameView resetTypedString];
cursor_coordinates.x += cursor_speed*delta_t;
if (cursor_coordinates.x > 256.0) cursor_coordinates.x = 256.0;
moving = YES;
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyDown])
[gameView resetTypedString];
cursor_coordinates.y += cursor_speed*delta_t*2.0;
if (cursor_coordinates.y > 256.0) cursor_coordinates.y = 256.0;
moving = YES;
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyUp])
[gameView resetTypedString];
cursor_coordinates.y -= cursor_speed*delta_t*2.0;
if (cursor_coordinates.y < 0.0) cursor_coordinates.y = 0.0;
moving = YES;
if ((cursor_moving)&&(!moving))
target_system_seed = [universe findSystemAtCoords:cursor_coordinates withGalaxySeed:galaxy_seed];
cursor_coordinates.x = target_system_seed.d;
cursor_coordinates.y = target_system_seed.b;
if (gui_screen == GUI_SCREEN_LONG_RANGE_CHART) [self setGuiToLongRangeChartScreen];
if (gui_screen == GUI_SCREEN_SHORT_RANGE_CHART) [self setGuiToShortRangeChartScreen];
cursor_moving = moving;
if ((cursor_moving)&&(gui_screen == GUI_SCREEN_LONG_RANGE_CHART)) [self setGuiToLongRangeChartScreen]; // update graphics
if ((cursor_moving)&&(gui_screen == GUI_SCREEN_SHORT_RANGE_CHART)) [self setGuiToShortRangeChartScreen]; // update graphics
int quicksave_row = GUI_ROW_OPTIONS_QUICKSAVE;
int save_row = GUI_ROW_OPTIONS_SAVE;
int load_row = GUI_ROW_OPTIONS_LOAD;
int begin_new_row = GUI_ROW_OPTIONS_BEGIN_NEW;
int options_row = GUI_ROW_OPTIONS_OPTIONS;
int display_row = GUI_ROW_OPTIONS_DISPLAY;
int speech_row = GUI_ROW_OPTIONS_SPEECH;
int ootunes_row = GUI_ROW_OPTIONS_OOTUNES;
int strict_row = GUI_ROW_OPTIONS_STRICT;
int detail_row = GUI_ROW_OPTIONS_DETAIL;
GameController *controller = [universe gameController];
NSArray *modes = [controller displayModes];
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyDown])
if ((!upDownKeyPressed)||(script_time > timeLastKeyPress + KEY_REPEAT_INTERVAL))
if ([gui setSelectedRow:[gui selectedRow] + 1])
if ([gui selectedRow] == options_row)
[gui setSelectedRow:[gui selectedRow] + 1];
[gui click];
[universe guiUpdated];
timeLastKeyPress = script_time;
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyUp])
if ((!upDownKeyPressed)||(script_time > timeLastKeyPress + KEY_REPEAT_INTERVAL))
if ([gui setSelectedRow:[gui selectedRow] - 1])
if ([gui selectedRow] == options_row)
[gui setSelectedRow:[gui selectedRow] - 1];
[gui click];
[universe guiUpdated];
timeLastKeyPress = script_time;
upDownKeyPressed = (([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyUp])||([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyDown]));
if ([gameView isDown:13]) // 'enter'
if (([gui selectedRow] == quicksave_row)&&(!disc_operation_in_progress))
disc_operation_in_progress = YES;
[self quicksavePlayer];
NSLog(@"\n\n***** Handling localException: %@ : %@ *****\n\n",[localException name], [localException reason]);
if ([[localException name] isEqual:@"GameNotSavedException"]) // try saving game instead
NSLog(@"\n\n***** Trying a normal save instead *****\n\n");
if ([[universe gameController] inFullScreenMode])
[[universe gameController] pauseFullScreenModeToPerform:@selector(savePlayer) onTarget:self];
[self savePlayer];
[localException raise];
if (([gui selectedRow] == save_row)&&(!disc_operation_in_progress))
disc_operation_in_progress = YES;
if ([[universe gameController] inFullScreenMode])
[[universe gameController] pauseFullScreenModeToPerform:@selector(savePlayer) onTarget:self];
[self savePlayer];
if (([gui selectedRow] == load_row)&&(!disc_operation_in_progress))
disc_operation_in_progress = YES;
if ([[universe gameController] inFullScreenMode])
[[universe gameController] pauseFullScreenModeToPerform:@selector(loadPlayer) onTarget:self];
[self loadPlayer];
if (([gui selectedRow] == begin_new_row)&&(!disc_operation_in_progress))
disc_operation_in_progress = YES;
[universe reinit];
disc_operation_in_progress = NO;
if (([gui selectedRow] == display_row)&&(([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyRight])||([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyLeft]))&&(!switching_resolution))
int direction = ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyRight]) ? 1 : -1;
int displayModeIndex = [controller indexOfCurrentDisplayMode];
if (displayModeIndex == NSNotFound)
NSLog(@"***** couldn't find current display mode switching to basic 640x480");
displayModeIndex = 0;
displayModeIndex = displayModeIndex + direction;
if (displayModeIndex < 0)
displayModeIndex = [modes count] - 1;
if (displayModeIndex >= [modes count])
displayModeIndex = 0;
NSDictionary *mode = [modes objectAtIndex:displayModeIndex];
#ifdef GNUSTEP
// TODO: do something
int modeWidth = [[mode objectForKey: (NSString *)kCGDisplayWidth] intValue];
int modeHeight = [[mode objectForKey: (NSString *)kCGDisplayHeight] intValue];
int modeRefresh = [[mode objectForKey: (NSString *)kCGDisplayRefreshRate] intValue];
[controller setDisplayWidth:modeWidth Height:modeHeight Refresh:modeRefresh];
// ****JESTER_START*** 11/08/04
//NSString *displayModeString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" Fullscreen: %d x %d at %d Hz ", modeWidth, modeHeight, modeRefresh];
NSString *displayModeString = GenerateDisplayString(modeWidth, modeHeight, modeRefresh);
// ****JESTER_END*** 11/08/04
[gui click];
GuiDisplayGen* gui = [universe gui];
int display_row = GUI_ROW_OPTIONS_DISPLAY;
[gui setText:displayModeString forRow:display_row align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[universe guiUpdated];
switching_resolution = YES;
if ((![gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyRight])&&(![gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyLeft])&&(![gameView isDown:13]))
switching_resolution = NO;
if (([gui selectedRow] == speech_row)&&(([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyRight])||([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyLeft])))
GuiDisplayGen* gui = [universe gui];
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyRight] != speech_on)
[gui click];
speech_on = [gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyRight];
if (speech_on)
[gui setText:@" Spoken messages: ON " forRow:speech_row align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[gui setText:@" Spoken messages: OFF " forRow:speech_row align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[universe guiUpdated];
if (([gui selectedRow] == ootunes_row)&&(([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyRight])||([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyLeft])))
GuiDisplayGen* gui = [universe gui];
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyRight] != ootunes_on)
[gui click];
ootunes_on = [gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyRight];
if (ootunes_on)
[gui setText:@" iTunes integration: ON " forRow:ootunes_row align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[gui setText:@" iTunes integration: OFF " forRow:ootunes_row align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[universe guiUpdated];
if (([gui selectedRow] == detail_row)&&(([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyRight])||([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyLeft])))
GuiDisplayGen* gui = [universe gui];
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyRight] != [universe reducedDetail])
[gui click];
[universe setReducedDetail:[gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyRight]];
if ([universe reducedDetail])
[gui setText:@" Reduced detail: ON " forRow:detail_row align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[gui setText:@" Reduced detail: OFF " forRow:detail_row align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[universe guiUpdated];
if (([gui selectedRow] == strict_row)&&[gameView isDown:13])
[universe setStrict:![universe strict]];
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyDown])
if ((!upDownKeyPressed)||(script_time > timeLastKeyPress + KEY_REPEAT_INTERVAL))
if ([gui setSelectedRow:[gui selectedRow] + 1])
[gui click];
[self showInformationForSelectedUpgrade];
[universe guiUpdated];
timeLastKeyPress = script_time;
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyUp])
if ((!upDownKeyPressed)||(script_time > timeLastKeyPress + KEY_REPEAT_INTERVAL))
if ([gui setSelectedRow:[gui selectedRow] - 1])
[gui click];
[self showInformationForSelectedUpgrade];
[universe guiUpdated];
timeLastKeyPress = script_time;
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyLeft])
if ((!upDownKeyPressed)||(script_time > timeLastKeyPress + KEY_REPEAT_INTERVAL))
if ([[gui keyForRow:GUI_ROW_EQUIPMENT_START] hasPrefix:@"More:"])
[gui click];
[gui setSelectedRow:GUI_ROW_EQUIPMENT_START];
[self buySelectedItem];
timeLastKeyPress = script_time;
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyRight])
if ((!upDownKeyPressed)||(script_time > timeLastKeyPress + KEY_REPEAT_INTERVAL))
if ([[gui keyForRow:GUI_ROW_EQUIPMENT_START + GUI_MAX_ROWS_EQUIPMENT - 1] hasPrefix:@"More:"])
[gui click];
[self buySelectedItem];
timeLastKeyPress = script_time;
upDownKeyPressed = (([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyUp])||([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyDown])||([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyRight])||([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyLeft]));
if ([gameView isDown:13]) // 'enter'
if ((!selectPressed)&&([gui selectedRow] > -1))
[self buySelectedItem];
selectPressed = YES;
selectPressed = NO;
if (status == STATUS_DOCKED)
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyDown])
if ((!upDownKeyPressed)||(script_time > timeLastKeyPress + KEY_REPEAT_INTERVAL))
if ([gui setSelectedRow:[gui selectedRow] + 1])
[gui click];
[universe guiUpdated];
timeLastKeyPress = script_time;
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyUp])
if ((!upDownKeyPressed)||(script_time > timeLastKeyPress + KEY_REPEAT_INTERVAL))
if ([gui setSelectedRow:[gui selectedRow] - 1])
[gui click];
[universe guiUpdated];
timeLastKeyPress = script_time;
upDownKeyPressed = (([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyUp])||([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyDown]));
if (([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyRight])||([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyLeft])||([gameView isDown:13]))
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyRight]) // -->
if (!wait_for_key_up)
int item = [(NSString *)[gui selectedRowKey] intValue];
//NSLog(@"Try Buying Commodity %d",item);
if ([self tryBuyingCommodity:item])
[self setGuiToMarketScreen];
[boopSound play];
wait_for_key_up = YES;
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyLeft]) // <--
if (!wait_for_key_up)
int item = [(NSString *)[gui selectedRowKey] intValue];
//NSLog(@"Try Selling Commodity %d",item);
if ([self trySellingCommodity:item])
[self setGuiToMarketScreen];
[boopSound play];
wait_for_key_up = YES;
if ([gameView isDown:13]) // 'enter'
if (!wait_for_key_up)
int item = [(NSString *)[gui selectedRowKey] intValue];
int yours = [(NSNumber *)[(NSArray *)[shipCommodityData objectAtIndex:item] objectAtIndex:1] intValue];
//NSLog(@"buy/sell all of item %d (you have %d)",item,yours);
if ((yours > 0)&&(![self marketFlooded:item])) // sell all you can
int i;
for (i = 0; i < yours; i++)
[self trySellingCommodity:item];
//NSLog(@"... you sold %d.", yours);
if ([sellSound isPlaying])
[sellSound stop];
[sellSound play];
[self setGuiToMarketScreen];
else // buy as much as possible
int amount_bought = 0;
while ([self tryBuyingCommodity:item])
//NSLog(@"... you bought %d.", amount_bought);
[self setGuiToMarketScreen];
if (amount_bought == 0)
if ([boopSound isPlaying])
[boopSound stop];
[boopSound play];
if ([buySound isPlaying])
[buySound stop];
[buySound play];
wait_for_key_up = YES;
wait_for_key_up = NO;
if (status == STATUS_DOCKED)
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyDown])
if ((!upDownKeyPressed)||(script_time > timeLastKeyPress + KEY_REPEAT_INTERVAL))
int next_row = [gui selectedRow] + 1;
if (![[gui keyForRow:next_row] isEqual:GUI_KEY_OK])
while ((![[gui keyForRow:next_row] isEqual:GUI_KEY_OK])&&(next_row < GUI_ROW_MARKET_CASH))
if ([gui setSelectedRow:next_row])
[gui click];
[self setGuiToContractsScreen];
timeLastKeyPress = script_time;
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyUp])
if ((!upDownKeyPressed)||(script_time > timeLastKeyPress + KEY_REPEAT_INTERVAL))
int next_row = [gui selectedRow] - 1;
if (![[gui keyForRow:next_row] isEqual:GUI_KEY_OK])
while ((![[gui keyForRow:next_row] isEqual:GUI_KEY_OK])&&(next_row > GUI_ROW_PASSENGERS_START))
if ([gui setSelectedRow:next_row])
[gui click];
[self setGuiToContractsScreen];
timeLastKeyPress = script_time;
upDownKeyPressed = (([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyUp])||([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyDown]));
if ((status == STATUS_DOCKED)&&([gameView isDown:13])) // 'enter'
if (!selectPressed)
if ([self pickFromGuiContractsScreen])
if ([buySound isPlaying])
[buySound stop];
[buySound play];
[self setGuiToContractsScreen];
if ([boopSound isPlaying])
[boopSound stop];
[boopSound play];
selectPressed = YES;
selectPressed = NO;
if ([gameView isDown:63]) // '?' toggle between contracts screen and map
if (!queryPressed)
oldSelection = [gui selectedRow];
[self highlightSystemFromGuiContractsScreen];
queryPressed = YES;
queryPressed = NO;
if ([gameView isDown:32]) // spacebar
[gui click];
[self setGuiToStatusScreen];
GuiDisplayGen* gui = [universe gui];
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyDown])
if ((!upDownKeyPressed)||(script_time > timeLastKeyPress + KEY_REPEAT_INTERVAL))
if ([gui setSelectedRow:[gui selectedRow] + 1])
[gui click];
[self showShipyardInfoForSelection];
timeLastKeyPress = script_time;
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyUp])
if ((!upDownKeyPressed)||(script_time > timeLastKeyPress + KEY_REPEAT_INTERVAL))
if ([gui setSelectedRow:[gui selectedRow] - 1])
[gui click];
[self showShipyardInfoForSelection];
timeLastKeyPress = script_time;
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyLeft])
if ((!upDownKeyPressed)||(script_time > timeLastKeyPress + KEY_REPEAT_INTERVAL))
if ([[gui keyForRow:GUI_ROW_SHIPYARD_START] hasPrefix:@"More:"])
[gui click];
[gui setSelectedRow:GUI_ROW_SHIPYARD_START];
[self buySelectedShip];
timeLastKeyPress = script_time;
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyRight])
if ((!upDownKeyPressed)||(script_time > timeLastKeyPress + KEY_REPEAT_INTERVAL))
if ([[gui keyForRow:GUI_ROW_SHIPYARD_START + MAX_ROWS_SHIPS_FOR_SALE - 1] hasPrefix:@"More:"])
[gui click];
[self buySelectedShip];
timeLastKeyPress = script_time;
upDownKeyPressed = (([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyUp])||([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyDown])||([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyLeft])||([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyRight]));
if ([gameView isDown:13]) // 'enter'
if (!selectPressed)
// try to buy the ship!
int money = credits;
if ([self buySelectedShip])
if (money == credits) // we just skipped to another page
[[universe gui] click];
if ([buySound isPlaying])
[buySound stop];
[buySound play];
[universe removeDemoShips];
[self setGuiToStatusScreen];
[self setShowDemoShips:NO];
[universe setDisplayText:YES];
[universe setDisplayCursor:NO];
if ([boopSound isPlaying])
[boopSound stop];
[boopSound play];
selectPressed = YES;
selectPressed = NO;
// damp any rotations we entered with
if (flight_roll > 0.0)
if (flight_roll > delta_t) [self decrease_flight_roll:delta_t];
else flight_roll = 0.0;
if (flight_roll < 0.0)
if (flight_roll < -delta_t) [self increase_flight_roll:delta_t];
else flight_roll = 0.0;
if (flight_pitch > 0.0)
if (flight_pitch > delta_t) [self decrease_flight_pitch:delta_t];
else flight_pitch = 0.0;
if (flight_pitch < 0.0)
if (flight_pitch < -delta_t) [self increase_flight_pitch:delta_t];
else flight_pitch = 0.0;
- (void) pollViewControls
MyOpenGLView *gameView = (MyOpenGLView *)[universe gameView];
// view keys
if (([gameView isDown:gvFunctionKey1])||([gameView isDown:gvNumberKey1]))
if ([universe displayGUI])
gui_screen = GUI_SCREEN_MAIN;
[gameView allowStringInput:NO];
[universe setDisplayCursor:NO];
[universe setViewDirection:VIEW_FORWARD];
if (([gameView isDown:gvFunctionKey2])||([gameView isDown:gvNumberKey2]))
if ([universe displayGUI])
gui_screen = GUI_SCREEN_MAIN;
[gameView allowStringInput:NO];
[universe setDisplayCursor:NO];
[universe setViewDirection:VIEW_AFT];
if (([gameView isDown:gvFunctionKey3])||([gameView isDown:gvNumberKey3]))
if ([universe displayGUI])
gui_screen = GUI_SCREEN_MAIN;
[gameView allowStringInput:NO];
[universe setDisplayCursor:NO];
[universe setViewDirection:VIEW_PORT];
if (([gameView isDown:gvFunctionKey4])||([gameView isDown:gvNumberKey4]))
if ([universe displayGUI])
gui_screen = GUI_SCREEN_MAIN;
[gameView allowStringInput:NO];
[universe setDisplayCursor:NO];
[universe setViewDirection:VIEW_STARBOARD];
// Zoom scanner 'z'
if ([gameView isDown:key_scanner_zoom]) // look for the 'z' key
if (!zoom_pressed)
double zoom = [hud scanner_zoom];
if (zoom < SCANNER_MAX_ZOOM)
zoom += 1.0;
zoom = 1.0;
[hud setScannerZoom:zoom];
zoom_pressed = YES;
zoom_pressed = NO;
// Compass mode '/'
if ([gameView isDown:key_next_compass_mode]) // look for the '/' key
if ((!compass_mode_pressed)&&(compass_mode != COMPASS_MODE_BASIC))
[self setNextCompassMode];
compass_mode_pressed = YES;
compass_mode_pressed = NO;
// show comms log '`'
if ([gameView isDown:key_comms_log])
[universe showCommsLog: 1.5];
[hud refreshLastTransmitter];
static BOOL switching_chart_screens;
static BOOL switching_status_screens;
static BOOL switching_market_screens;
static BOOL switching_equipship_screens;
- (void) pollGuiScreenControls
MyOpenGLView *gameView = (MyOpenGLView *)[universe gameView];
BOOL docked_okay = (status == STATUS_DOCKED) || ((status == STATUS_DEMO) && (gui_screen == GUI_SCREEN_SHIPYARD));
// text displays
if (([gameView isDown:gvFunctionKey5])||([gameView isDown:gvNumberKey5]))
if (!switching_status_screens)
switching_status_screens = YES;
if ((gui_screen == GUI_SCREEN_STATUS)&&(![universe strict]))
[self setGuiToManifestScreen];
[self setGuiToStatusScreen];
[self checkScript];
[universe setDisplayText:YES];
[universe setDisplayCursor:NO];
switching_status_screens = NO;
if (([gameView isDown:gvFunctionKey6])||([gameView isDown:gvNumberKey6]))
if (!switching_chart_screens)
switching_chart_screens = YES;
[self setGuiToLongRangeChartScreen];
[self setGuiToShortRangeChartScreen];
[universe setDisplayText:YES];
[universe setDisplayCursor:YES];
switching_chart_screens = NO;
if (([gameView isDown:gvFunctionKey7])||([gameView isDown:gvNumberKey7]))
if (gui_screen != GUI_SCREEN_SYSTEM_DATA)
[self setGuiToSystemDataScreen];
[self checkScript];
[universe setDisplayText:YES];
[universe setDisplayCursor:NO];
if (docked_okay)
if ((([gameView isDown:gvFunctionKey2])||([gameView isDown:gvNumberKey2]))&&(gui_screen != GUI_SCREEN_OPTIONS))
[gameView clearKeys];
[self setGuiToLoadSaveScreen];
[universe setDisplayCursor:NO];
if (([gameView isDown:gvFunctionKey3])||([gameView isDown:gvNumberKey3]))
if (!switching_equipship_screens)
if (!docked_station)
docked_station = [universe station];
if ((gui_screen == GUI_SCREEN_EQUIP_SHIP)&&(docked_station == [universe station])&&(![universe strict]))
[gameView clearKeys];
[self setGuiToShipyardScreen:0];
[[universe gui] setSelectedRow:GUI_ROW_SHIPYARD_START];
[self showShipyardInfoForSelection];
[gameView clearKeys];
[self setGuiToEquipShipScreen:0:-1];
[[universe gui] setSelectedRow:GUI_ROW_EQUIPMENT_START];
[universe guiUpdated];
[universe setDisplayCursor:NO];
switching_equipship_screens = YES;
switching_equipship_screens = NO;
if (([gameView isDown:gvFunctionKey8])||([gameView isDown:gvNumberKey8]))
if (!switching_market_screens)
if ((gui_screen == GUI_SCREEN_MARKET)&&(docked_station == [universe station])&&(![universe strict]))
[gameView clearKeys];
[self setGuiToContractsScreen];
[[universe gui] setSelectedRow:GUI_ROW_PASSENGERS_START];
[universe guiUpdated];
[gameView clearKeys];
[self setGuiToMarketScreen];
[[universe gui] setSelectedRow:GUI_ROW_MARKET_START];
[universe guiUpdated];
[universe setDisplayText:YES];
[universe setDisplayCursor:NO];
switching_market_screens = YES;
switching_market_screens = NO;
if (([gameView isDown:gvFunctionKey8])||([gameView isDown:gvNumberKey8]))
if (!switching_market_screens)
[self setGuiToMarketScreen];
[[universe gui] setSelectedRow:GUI_ROW_MARKET_START];
[universe guiUpdated];
[universe setDisplayText:YES];
[universe setDisplayCursor:NO];
switching_market_screens = YES;
switching_market_screens = NO;
- (void) pollGameOverControls:(double) delta_t
MyOpenGLView *gameView = (MyOpenGLView *)[universe gameView];
if ([gameView isDown:32]) // look for the spacebar
[universe displayMessage:@"" forCount:1.0];
[self set_up];
[universe game_over]; // restart
//[breakPatternSound play];
static BOOL toggling_music;
- (void) pollAutopilotControls:(double) delta_t
// controls polled while the autopilot is active
MyOpenGLView *gameView = (MyOpenGLView *)[universe gameView];
// view keys
[self pollViewControls];
// text displays
[self pollGuiScreenControls];
if ([universe displayGUI])
[self pollGuiArrowKeyControls:delta_t];
if (([gameView isDown:key_autopilot])&&(has_docking_computer)&&(![beepSound isPlaying])) // look for the 'c' key
[self abortDocking]; // let the station know that you are no longer on approach
condition = CONDITION_IDLE;
autopilot_engaged = NO;
primaryTarget = NO_TARGET;
[beepSound play];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[autopilot-off]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:4.5];
if (ootunes_on)
// ootunes - play inflight music
[[universe gameController] playiTunesPlaylist:@"Oolite-Inflight"];
if (docking_music_on)
#ifndef GNUSTEP
StopMovie ([dockingMusic QTMovie]);
if (([gameView isDown:key_docking_music])&&(!ootunes_on)) // look for the 's' key
if (!toggling_music)
docking_music_on = !docking_music_on;
if (docking_music_on)
#ifndef GNUSTEP
if (IsMovieDone ([dockingMusic QTMovie]))
GoToBeginningOfMovie ([dockingMusic QTMovie]);
StartMovie ([dockingMusic QTMovie]);
#ifndef GNUSTEP
StopMovie ([dockingMusic QTMovie]);
toggling_music = YES;
toggling_music = NO;
// keep music playing
if ((docking_music_on)&&(!ootunes_on))
#ifndef GNUSTEP
if (IsMovieDone ([dockingMusic QTMovie]))
GoToBeginningOfMovie ([dockingMusic QTMovie]);
StartMovie ([dockingMusic QTMovie]);
- (void) pollDockedControls:(double) delta_t
MyOpenGLView *gameView = (MyOpenGLView *)[universe gameView];
if (([gameView isDown:gvFunctionKey1])||([gameView isDown:gvNumberKey1])) // look for the f1 key
[universe set_up_universe_from_station]; // launch!
if (!docked_station)
docked_station = [universe station];
//NSLog(@"Leaving dock (%@)...%@",docked_station,[docked_station name]);
[self leaveDock:docked_station];
[universe setDisplayCursor:NO];
[breakPatternSound play];
// text displays
[self pollGuiScreenControls];
[self pollGuiArrowKeyControls:delta_t];
- (void) pollDemoControls:(double) delta_t
MyOpenGLView* gameView = (MyOpenGLView *)[universe gameView];
GuiDisplayGen* gui = [universe gui];
switch (gui_screen)
if (!disc_operation_in_progress)
if (([gameView isDown:121])||([gameView isDown:89])) // 'yY'
#ifndef GNUSTEP
if (themeMusic)
StopMovie ([themeMusic QTMovie]);
GoToBeginningOfMovie ([themeMusic QTMovie]);
disc_operation_in_progress = YES;
if ([[universe gameController] inFullScreenMode])
[[universe gameController] pauseFullScreenModeToPerform:@selector(loadPlayer) onTarget:self];
[self loadPlayer];
[self setStatus:STATUS_DOCKED];
[self setGuiToStatusScreen];
[universe setDisplayText:YES];
if (([gameView isDown:110])||([gameView isDown:78])) // 'nN'
[self setGuiToIntro2Screen];
// // test exception handling
// if ([gameView isDown:48]) // '0'
// {
// NSException* myException = [NSException
// exceptionWithName: @"TestException"
// reason: @"The Foo throggled the Bar!"
// userInfo: nil];
// [myException raise];
// }
if ([gameView isDown:32]) // '<space>'
//docked_station = [universe station];
[self setStatus:STATUS_DOCKED];
[universe removeDemoShips];
[gui setBackgroundImage:nil];
[self setGuiToStatusScreen];
[universe setDisplayText:YES];
#ifndef GNUSTEP
if (themeMusic)
StopMovie ([themeMusic QTMovie]);
GoToBeginningOfMovie ([themeMusic QTMovie]);
if ([[gui keyForRow:21] isEqual:@"spacebar"])
if ([gameView isDown:32]) // '<space>'
[self setStatus:STATUS_DOCKED];
[universe removeDemoShips];
[gui setBackgroundImage:nil];
[self setGuiToStatusScreen];
[universe setDisplayText:YES];
#ifndef GNUSTEP
if (missionMusic)
StopMovie ([missionMusic QTMovie]);
GoToBeginningOfMovie ([missionMusic QTMovie]);
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyDown])
if ((!upDownKeyPressed)||(script_time > timeLastKeyPress + KEY_REPEAT_INTERVAL))
if ([gui setSelectedRow:[gui selectedRow] + 1])
[gui click];
[universe guiUpdated];
timeLastKeyPress = script_time;
if ([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyUp])
if ((!upDownKeyPressed)||(script_time > timeLastKeyPress + KEY_REPEAT_INTERVAL))
if ([gui setSelectedRow:[gui selectedRow] - 1])
[gui click];
[universe guiUpdated];
timeLastKeyPress = script_time;
upDownKeyPressed = (([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyUp])||([gameView isDown:gvArrowKeyDown]));
if ([gameView isDown:13]) // '<enter/return>'
if (missionChoice)
[missionChoice release];
missionChoice = [[NSString stringWithString:[gui selectedRowKey]] retain];
[self setStatus:STATUS_DOCKED];
[universe removeDemoShips];
[gui setBackgroundImage:nil];
[self setGuiToStatusScreen];
[universe setDisplayText:YES];
#ifndef GNUSTEP
if (missionMusic)
StopMovie ([missionMusic QTMovie]);
GoToBeginningOfMovie ([missionMusic QTMovie]);
[self checkScript];
- (void) interpretAIMessage:(NSString *)ms
if ([ms isEqual:@"HOLD_FULL"])
[boopSound play]; [beepSound play];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[hold-full]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:4.5];
if ([ms isEqual:@"INCOMING_MISSILE"])
[warningSound play];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[incoming-missile]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:4.5];
if ([ms isEqual:@"ENERGY_LOW"])
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[energy-low]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:6.0];
if (([ms isEqual:@"ECM"])&&(![ecmSound isPlaying]))
[ecmSound play];
if ([ms isEqual:@"DOCKING_REFUSED"]&&(status == STATUS_AUTOPILOT_ENGAGED))
[warningSound play];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[autopilot-denied]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:4.5];
autopilot_engaged = NO;
primaryTarget = NO_TARGET;
if (ootunes_on)
// ootunes - play inflight music
[[universe gameController] playiTunesPlaylist:@"Oolite-Inflight"];
if (docking_music_on)
#ifndef GNUSTEP
StopMovie ([dockingMusic QTMovie]);
// aegis messages to advanced compass so in planet mode it behaves like the old compass
if (compass_mode != COMPASS_MODE_BASIC)
if ([ms isEqual:@"AEGIS_CLOSE_TO_PLANET"]&&(compass_mode == COMPASS_MODE_PLANET))
[self setCompass_mode:COMPASS_MODE_STATION];
if ([ms isEqual:@"AEGIS_IN_DOCKING_RANGE"]&&(compass_mode == COMPASS_MODE_PLANET))
[self setCompass_mode:COMPASS_MODE_STATION];
if ([ms isEqual:@"AEGIS_NONE"]&&(compass_mode == COMPASS_MODE_STATION))
[self setCompass_mode:COMPASS_MODE_PLANET];
- (BOOL) mountMissile: (ShipEntity *)missile
int i;
for (i = 0; i < max_missiles; i++)
if (missile_entity[i] == nil)
missile_entity[i] = [missile retain];
return YES;
missiles = [self calc_missiles];
return NO;
- (BOOL) fireMissile
ShipEntity *missile = missile_entity[active_missile]; // retain count is 1
if (missile == nil)
return NO;
if ([[missile roles] hasSuffix:@"MINE"]&&((missile_status == MISSILE_STATUS_ARMED)||(missile_status == MISSILE_STATUS_TARGET_LOCKED)))
BOOL launchedOK = [self launchMine:missile];
missile_entity[active_missile] = nil;
[self select_next_missile];
missiles = [self calc_missiles];
return launchedOK;
if ((missile_status != MISSILE_STATUS_TARGET_LOCKED)||(ident_engaged))
return NO;
Vector vel;
Vector origin = position;
Vector start;
start.x = 0.0; // in the middle
start.y = boundingBox.min_y - 4.0; // 4m below bounding box
start.z = boundingBox.max_z + 1.0; // 1m ahead of bounding box
double throw_speed = 250.0;
Quaternion q1 = [self QRotation];
q1.w = -q1.w; // player view is reversed remember!
Entity *target = [self getPrimaryTarget];
// select a new active missile and decrease the missiles count
missile_entity[active_missile] = nil;
[self select_next_missile];
missiles = [self calc_missiles];
vel.x = (flight_speed + throw_speed) * v_forward.x;
vel.y = (flight_speed + throw_speed) * v_forward.y;
vel.z = (flight_speed + throw_speed) * v_forward.z;
origin.x = position.x + v_right.x * start.x + v_up.x * start.y + v_forward.x * start.z;
origin.y = position.y + v_right.y * start.x + v_up.y * start.y + v_forward.y * start.z;
origin.z = position.z + v_right.z * start.x + v_up.z * start.y + v_forward.z * start.z;
[missile setPosition:origin]; // directly below
[missile setScanClass: CLASS_MISSILE];
[missile addTarget:target];
[missile setQRotation:q1];
[missile setStatus: STATUS_IN_FLIGHT]; // necessary to get it going!
[missile setVelocity: vel];
[missile setSpeed:150.0];
[missile setOwner:self];
[missile setDistanceTravelled:0.0];
[universe addEntity:missile];
[missile release]; // released
[(ShipEntity *)target setPrimaryAggressor:self];
[[(ShipEntity *)target getAI] reactToMessage:@"INCOMING_MISSILE"];
return YES;
- (BOOL) launchMine:(ShipEntity*) mine
// [self setSpeed: max_flight_speed];
double start = collision_radius + [mine collisionRadius];
double eject_speed = -500.0;
Quaternion random_direction;
Vector vel;
Vector rpos = position;
double random_roll = randf() - 0.5; // -0.5 to +0.5
double random_pitch = randf() - 0.5; // -0.5 to +0.5
rpos.x -= v_forward.x * start;
rpos.y -= v_forward.y * start;
rpos.z -= v_forward.z * start;
vel.x = v_forward.x * (flight_speed + eject_speed);
vel.y = v_forward.y * (flight_speed + eject_speed);
vel.z = v_forward.z * (flight_speed + eject_speed);
eject_speed *= 0.5 * (randf() - 0.5); // -0.25x .. +0.25x
vel.x += v_up.x * eject_speed;
vel.y += v_up.y * eject_speed;
vel.z += v_up.z * eject_speed;
eject_speed *= 0.5 * (randf() - 0.5); // -0.0625x .. +0.0625x
vel.x += v_right.x * eject_speed;
vel.y += v_right.y * eject_speed;
vel.z += v_right.z * eject_speed;
[mine setPosition:rpos];
[mine setQRotation:random_direction];
[mine setRoll:random_roll];
[mine setPitch:random_pitch];
[mine setVelocity:vel];
[mine setScanClass: CLASS_MINE];
[mine setStatus: STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
[mine setCondition: CONDITION_IDLE];
[mine setOwner: self];
[universe addEntity:mine];
// [mine setReportAImessages:YES];
[[mine getAI] setState:@"GLOBAL"]; // start the timer !!!!
[mine release];
return YES;
- (BOOL) fireECM
if ([super fireECM])
ecm_in_operation = YES;
ecm_start_time = [universe getTime];
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL) fireEnergyBomb
NSArray* targets = [universe getEntitiesWithinRange:SCANNER_MAX_RANGE ofEntity:self];
if ([targets count] > 0)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [targets count]; i++)
Entity *e2 = [targets objectAtIndex:i];
if ([e2 isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
[(ShipEntity *)e2 takeEnergyDamage:1000 from:self becauseOf:self];
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[energy-bomb-activated]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:4.5];
[destructionSound play];
return YES;
- (BOOL) fireMainWeapon
int weapon_to_be_fired = [self weaponForView:[universe viewDir]];
if (weapon_temp / PLAYER_MAX_WEAPON_TEMP >= 0.85)
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[weapon-overheat]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:3.0];
return NO;
if (weapon_to_be_fired == WEAPON_NONE)
return NO;
switch (weapon_to_be_fired)
weapon_energy = 6.0;
weapon_energy_per_shot = 6.0;
weapon_heat_increment_per_shot = 8.0;
weapon_reload_time = 0.25;
weapon_range = 5000;
weapon_energy = 15.0;
weapon_energy_per_shot = 1.0;
weapon_heat_increment_per_shot = 8.0;
weapon_reload_time = 0.5;
weapon_range = 12500;
weapon_energy = 15.0;
weapon_energy_per_shot = 1.0;
weapon_heat_increment_per_shot = 8.0;
weapon_reload_time = 0.1;
weapon_range = 15000;
weapon_energy = 50.0;
weapon_energy_per_shot = 1.0;
weapon_heat_increment_per_shot = 8.0;
weapon_reload_time = 2.5;
weapon_range = 12500;
weapon_energy = 23.0;
weapon_energy_per_shot = 1.0;
weapon_heat_increment_per_shot = 8.0;
weapon_reload_time = 0.1;
weapon_range = 30000;
if (energy <= weapon_energy_per_shot)
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[weapon-out-of-juice]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:3.0];
return NO;
using_mining_laser = (weapon_to_be_fired == WEAPON_MINING_LASER);
energy -= weapon_energy_per_shot;
// weapon_temp += weapon_heat_increment_per_shot;
switch ([universe viewDir])
forward_weapon_temp += weapon_heat_increment_per_shot;
case VIEW_AFT:
aft_weapon_temp += weapon_heat_increment_per_shot;
port_weapon_temp += weapon_heat_increment_per_shot;
starboard_weapon_temp += weapon_heat_increment_per_shot;
//NSLog(@"%@ firing weapon",name);
switch (weapon_to_be_fired)
[self firePlasmaShot:10.0:1000.0:[NSColor greenColor]];
return YES;
[self fireLaserShot];
return YES;
[self fireDirectLaserShot];
return YES;
return NO;
- (int) weaponForView:(int) view
switch (view)
case VIEW_PORT :
return port_weapon;
return starboard_weapon;
case VIEW_AFT :
return aft_weapon;
default :
return forward_weapon;
- (void) takeEnergyDamage:(double) amount from:(Entity *) ent becauseOf:(Entity *) other
Vector rel_pos;
double d_forward;
if (status == STATUS_DEAD)
if (amount == 0.0)
[ent retain];
[other retain];
rel_pos = [ent getPosition];
rel_pos.x -= position.x;
rel_pos.y -= position.y;
rel_pos.z -= position.z;
d_forward = dot_product(rel_pos, v_forward);
if (damageSound)
if ([damageSound isPlaying])
[damageSound stop];
[damageSound play];
if (d_forward >= 0)
//NSLog(@"hit on FORWARD shields");
forward_shield -= amount;
if (forward_shield < 0.0)
amount = -forward_shield;
forward_shield = 0.0;
amount = 0.0;
//NSLog(@"hit on AFT shields");
aft_shield -= amount;
if (aft_shield < 0.0)
amount = -aft_shield;
aft_shield = 0.0;
amount = 0.0;
if (amount > 0.0)
energy -= amount;
if (scrapeDamageSound)
if ([scrapeDamageSound isPlaying])
[scrapeDamageSound stop];
[scrapeDamageSound play];
if (energy <= 0.0)
if ([other isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
ShipEntity* hunter = (ShipEntity *)other;
[hunter collectBountyFor:self];
if ([hunter getPrimaryTarget] == (Entity *)self)
[hunter removeTarget:(Entity *)self];
[[hunter getAI] message:@"TARGET_DESTROYED"];
[self getDestroyed];
[ent release];
[other release];
- (void) takeScrapeDamage:(double) amount from:(Entity *) ent
Vector rel_pos;
double d_forward;
if (status == STATUS_DEAD)
[ent retain];
rel_pos = [ent getPosition];
rel_pos.x -= position.x;
rel_pos.y -= position.y;
rel_pos.z -= position.z;
d_forward = dot_product(rel_pos, v_forward);
if (scrapeDamageSound)
if ([scrapeDamageSound isPlaying])
[scrapeDamageSound stop];
[scrapeDamageSound play];
if (d_forward >= 0)
forward_shield -= amount;
if (forward_shield < 0.0)
amount = -forward_shield;
forward_shield = 0.0;
amount = 0.0;
aft_shield -= amount;
if (aft_shield < 0.0)
amount = -aft_shield;
aft_shield = 0.0;
amount = 0.0;
energy -= amount;
if (energy <= 0.0)
if ([ent isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
ShipEntity* hunter = (ShipEntity *)ent;
[hunter collectBountyFor:self];
if ([hunter getPrimaryTarget] == (Entity *)self)
[hunter removeTarget:(Entity *)self];
[[hunter getAI] message:@"TARGET_DESTROYED"];
[self getDestroyed];
[ent release];
- (int) launchEscapeCapsule
ShipEntity *doppelganger;
Vector vel;
Vector origin = position;
int result;
//double start = 10.0;
//double throw_speed = 20.0;
Quaternion q1 = [self QRotation];
status = STATUS_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE; // firstly
ship_clock_adjust += 43200 + 5400 * (ranrot_rand() & 127); // add up to 8 days until rescue!
q1.w = -q1.w; // player view is reversed remember!
if (flight_speed < 50.0)
flight_speed = 50.0;
vel.x = flight_speed * v_forward.x;
vel.y = flight_speed * v_forward.y;
vel.z = flight_speed * v_forward.z;
doppelganger = [universe getShip: ship_desc]; // retain count = 1
[doppelganger setPosition: origin]; // directly below
[doppelganger setScanClass: CLASS_NEUTRAL];
[doppelganger setQRotation: q1];
[doppelganger setVelocity: vel];
[doppelganger setSpeed: flight_speed];
[doppelganger setRoll:0.2 * (randf() - 0.5)];
[doppelganger setDesiredSpeed: flight_speed];
[doppelganger setOwner: self];
[doppelganger setStatus: STATUS_IN_FLIGHT]; // necessary to get it going!
[doppelganger setCondition: CONDITION_IDLE];
[universe addEntity:doppelganger];
[[doppelganger getAI] setStateMachine:@"nullAI.plist"]; // fly straight on
result = [doppelganger universal_id];
[doppelganger release]; //release
// set up you
[self setModel:@"capsule.dat"]; // look right to anyone else (for multiplayer later)
[universe setViewDirection:VIEW_FORWARD];
flight_speed = 1.0;
flight_pitch = 0.2 * (randf() - 0.5);
flight_roll = 0.2 * (randf() - 0.5);
double sheight = (boundingBox.max_y - boundingBox.min_y);
position.x -= sheight * v_up.x;
position.y -= sheight * v_up.y;
position.z -= sheight * v_up.z;
//remove escape pod
[self remove_extra_equipment:@"EQ_ESCAPE_POD"];
//has_escape_pod = NO;
// reset legal status
legal_status = 0;
bounty = 0;
// remove cargo
[cargo removeAllObjects];
energy = 25;
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[escape-sequence]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:4.5];
shot_time = 0.0;
return result;
- (int) dumpCargo
int result = [super dumpCargo];
if (result != CARGO_NOT_CARGO)
[universe addMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:[universe expandDescription:@"[@-ejected]" forSystem:system_seed],[universe nameForCommodity:result]] forCount:3.0];
return result;
- (int) getBounty // overrides returning 'bounty'
return legal_status;
- (int) legal_status
return legal_status;
- (void) markAsOffender:(int)offence_value
legal_status |= offence_value;
- (void) collectBountyFor:(ShipEntity *)other
int score = 10 * [other getBounty];
int killClass = [other scanClass]; // **tgape** change (+line)
int kill_award = 1;
if ([[other roles] isEqual:@"police"]) // oops, we shot a copper!
legal_status |= 64;
if (![universe strict]) // only mess with the scores if we're not in 'strict' mode
// NSLog(@"DEBUG universe not strict killClass is %d", killClass);
if ((killClass == CLASS_CARGO)||(killClass == CLASS_BUOY)||(killClass == CLASS_ROCK))
// NSLog(@"DEBUG killClass not suitable for high reward");
if (![[other roles] isEqual:@"tharglet"]) // okay, we'll count tharglets as proper kills
// NSLog(@"DEBUG reducing award");
score /= 10; // reduce bounty awarded
kill_award = 0; // don't award a kill
credits += score;
NSString* bonusMS1 = [NSString stringWithFormat:[universe expandDescription:@"[bounty-d]" forSystem:system_seed], score / 10];
NSString* bonusMS2 = [NSString stringWithFormat:[universe expandDescription:@"[total-f-credits]" forSystem:system_seed], 0.1 * credits];
[universe addDelayedMessage:bonusMS1 forCount:6 afterDelay:0.15];
[universe addDelayedMessage:bonusMS2 forCount:6 afterDelay:0.15];
while (kill_award > 0)
if ((ship_kills % 256) == 0)
// congratulations method needs to be delayed a fraction of a second
NSString* roc = [universe expandDescription:@"[right-on-commander]" forSystem:system_seed];
[universe addDelayedMessage:roc forCount:4 afterDelay:0.2];
- (void) getDestroyed
NSString* scoreMS = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Score: %.1f Credits",credits/10.0];
energy = 0.0;
afterburner_engaged = NO;
[universe setDisplayText:NO];
[universe setDisplayCursor:NO];
[universe setViewDirection:VIEW_AFT];
[self becomeLargeExplosion:4.0];
[self moveForward:100.0];
[destructionSound play];
flight_speed = 160.0;
status = STATUS_DEAD;
[universe displayMessage:@"Game Over" forCount:30.0];
[universe displayMessage:@"" forCount:30.0];
[universe displayMessage:scoreMS forCount:30.0];
[universe displayMessage:@"" forCount:30.0];
[universe displayMessage:@"Press Space" forCount:30.0];
shot_time = 0.0;
[self loseTargetStatus];
- (void) loseTargetStatus
NSArray* entList = [[universe getAllEntities] retain];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [entList count] ; i++)
Entity* thing = (Entity *)[entList objectAtIndex:i];
if ([thing isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
ShipEntity* ship = (ShipEntity *)thing;
if (self == [ship getPrimaryTarget])
// NSLog(@"DEBUG telling %@ %d 'TARGET LOST'", [ship name], [ship universal_id]);
[[ship getAI] message:@"TARGET_LOST"];
[entList release];
- (void) enterDock:(StationEntity *)station
afterburner_engaged = NO;
cloaking_device_active = NO;
hyperspeed_engaged = NO;
hyperspeed_locked = NO;
missile_status = MISSILE_STATUS_SAFE;
[hud setScannerZoom:1.0];
[universe setDisplayText:NO];
[universe setDisplayCursor:NO];
[universe set_up_break_pattern:position quaternion:q_rotation];
if ([breakPatternSound isPlaying])
[breakPatternSound stop];
[breakPatternSound play];
[station noteDockedShip:self];
docked_station = station;
[(MyOpenGLView *)[universe gameView] clearKeys]; // try to stop key bounces
- (void) docked
// NSString* dockedMS = @"Docked with station.";
[universe setViewDirection:VIEW_DOCKED];
[self loseTargetStatus];
Vector launchPos = [docked_station getPosition];
position = launchPos;
q_rotation = [docked_station QRotation];
q_rotation.w = -q_rotation.w; // need this as a fix...
// rotate 90 degrees
quaternion_rotate_about_z(&q_rotation, PI * 0.5);
// [self setPosition:[docked_station getPosition]];
// [self setQRotation:[docked_station QRotation]];
v_forward = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q_rotation);
v_right = vector_right_from_quaternion(q_rotation);
v_up = vector_up_from_quaternion(q_rotation);
q_rotation.w = -q_rotation.w; // need this as a fix...
quaternion_into_gl_matrix(q_rotation, rotMatrix);
flight_roll = 0.0;
flight_pitch = 0.0;
flight_speed = 0.0;
hyperspeed_engaged = NO;
hyperspeed_locked = NO;
missile_status = MISSILE_STATUS_SAFE;
primaryTarget = NO_TARGET;
energy = max_energy;
weapon_temp = 0.0;
cabin_temp = 60.0;
[self setAlert_flag:ALERT_FLAG_DOCKED :YES];
if (![docked_station localMarket])
[docked_station initialiseLocalMarketWithSeed:system_seed andRandomFactor:market_rnd];
[self unloadCargoPods];
NSString* deliveryReport = [self checkPassengerContracts];
if (deliveryReport)
[self setGuiToDeliveryReportScreenWithText:deliveryReport];
[self setGuiToStatusScreen];
[universe setDisplayText:YES];
// [universe displayMessage:dockedMS forCount:3.0];
if (ootunes_on)
// ootunes - pause current music
[[universe gameController] pauseiTunes];
// ootunes - play inflight music
[[universe gameController] playiTunesPlaylist:@"Oolite-Docked"];
if (docking_music_on)
#ifndef GNUSTEP
StopMovie ([dockingMusic QTMovie]);
// time to check the script!
[self checkScript];
if (being_fined)
[self getFined];
- (void) leaveDock:(StationEntity *)station
if (station == [universe station])
legal_status |= [universe legal_status_of_manifest:shipCommodityData]; // 'leaving with those guns were you sir?'
[self loadCargoPods];
[station autoDockShipsOnApproach]; // clear the way
[station launchShip:self];
q_rotation.w = -q_rotation.w; // need this as a fix...
flight_roll = -flight_roll;
[self setAlert_flag:ALERT_FLAG_DOCKED :NO];
[hud setScannerZoom:1.0];
gui_screen = GUI_SCREEN_MAIN;
[self setShowDemoShips:NO];
[universe setDisplayText:NO];
[universe setDisplayCursor:NO];
[universe set_up_break_pattern:position quaternion:q_rotation];
if ([breakPatternSound isPlaying])
[breakPatternSound stop];
[breakPatternSound play];
[(MyOpenGLView *)[universe gameView] clearKeys]; // try to stop keybounces
if (ootunes_on)
// ootunes - pause current music
[[universe gameController] pauseiTunes];
// ootunes - play inflight music
[[universe gameController] playiTunesPlaylist:@"Oolite-Inflight"];
ship_clock_adjust = 600.0; // 10 minutes to leave dock
docked_station = nil;
- (void) enterGalacticWitchspace
hyperspeed_engaged = NO;
[universe setDisplayText:NO];
[universe removeAllEntitiesExceptPlayer:NO];
[self remove_extra_equipment:@"EQ_GAL_DRIVE"];
//has_galactic_hyperdrive = NO; // fuel cost to target system
galaxy_number &= 7;
galaxy_seed.a = rotate_byte_left(galaxy_seed.a);
galaxy_seed.b = rotate_byte_left(galaxy_seed.b);
galaxy_seed.c = rotate_byte_left(galaxy_seed.c);
galaxy_seed.d = rotate_byte_left(galaxy_seed.d);
galaxy_seed.e = rotate_byte_left(galaxy_seed.e);
galaxy_seed.f = rotate_byte_left(galaxy_seed.f);
[universe setGalaxy_seed:galaxy_seed];
//system_seed = [universe findSystemAtCoords:NSMakePoint(0x60, 0x60) withGalaxySeed:galaxy_seed];
// instead find a system connected to system 0 near the current coordinates...
system_seed = [universe findConnectedSystemAtCoords:galaxy_coordinates withGalaxySeed:galaxy_seed];
target_system_seed = system_seed;
[universe setSystemTo:system_seed];
galaxy_coordinates.x = system_seed.d;
galaxy_coordinates.y = system_seed.b;
ranrot_srand([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]); // seed randomiser by time
market_rnd = ranrot_rand() & 255; // random factor for market values is reset
legal_status = 0;
[universe set_up_universe_from_witchspace];
- (void) enterWitchspaceWithEmergencyDrive
system_seed = [universe findNeighbouringSystemToCoords:galaxy_coordinates withGalaxySeed:galaxy_seed];
target_system_seed = system_seed;
hyperspeed_engaged = NO;
[universe setDisplayText:NO];
[universe removeAllEntitiesExceptPlayer:NO];
[self remove_extra_equipment:@"EQ_EMERGENCY_HYPERDRIVE"];
fuel = 0; // use up all the fuel
[universe setSystemTo:target_system_seed];
system_seed = target_system_seed;
galaxy_coordinates.x = system_seed.d;
galaxy_coordinates.y = system_seed.b;
ranrot_srand([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]); // seed randomiser by time
market_rnd = ranrot_rand() & 255; // random factor for market values is reset
[universe set_up_universe_from_witchspace];
- (void) enterWitchspace
double distance = distanceBetweenPlanetPositions(target_system_seed.d,target_system_seed.b,galaxy_coordinates.x,galaxy_coordinates.y);
hyperspeed_engaged = NO;
[universe setDisplayText:NO];
[universe removeAllEntitiesExceptPlayer:NO];
// reset the compass
if ([self has_extra_equipment:@"EQ_ADVANCED_COMPASS"])
compass_mode = COMPASS_MODE_PLANET;
compass_mode = COMPASS_MODE_BASIC;
// perform any check here for forced witchspace encounters
ranrot_srand([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]); // seed randomiser by time
BOOL misjump = ((flight_pitch == max_flight_pitch)||((ranrot_rand() & 0xff) > 253));
fuel -= 10.0 * distance; // fuel cost to target system
ship_clock_adjust = distance * distance * 3600.0; // LY * LY hrs
if (!misjump)
[universe setSystemTo:target_system_seed];
system_seed = target_system_seed;
galaxy_coordinates.x = system_seed.d;
galaxy_coordinates.y = system_seed.b;
legal_status /= 2; // 'another day, another system'
market_rnd = ranrot_rand() & 255; // random factor for market values is reset
if (market_rnd < 16)
[self erodeReputation]; // every 16 systems or so, drop back towards 'unknown'
if (market_rnd < ship_trade_in_factor) // every four jumps or so
ship_trade_in_factor -= 1 + (market_rnd & 3); // drop the price down towards 75%
if (ship_trade_in_factor < 75)
ship_trade_in_factor = 75; // lower limit for trade in value is 75%
[universe set_up_universe_from_witchspace];
[[universe planet] update: 2.34375 * market_rnd]; // from 0..10 minutes
[[universe station] update: 2.34375 * market_rnd]; // from 0..10 minutes
//NSLog(@"---> Witchspace misjump");
// move sort of halfway there...
galaxy_coordinates.x += target_system_seed.d;
galaxy_coordinates.y += target_system_seed.b;
galaxy_coordinates.x /= 2;
galaxy_coordinates.y /= 2;
[ecmSound play];
[universe set_up_universe_from_misjump];
- (void) leaveWitchspace
Vector pos = [universe getWitchspaceExitPosition];
Quaternion q_rtn = [universe getWitchspaceExitRotation];
Quaternion q1;
double d1 = SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() % 256)/256.0 - 0.5);
if (abs(d1) < 500.0) // no closer than 500m
d1 += ((d1 > 0.0)? 500.0: -500.0);
Vector v1 = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q1);
pos.x += v1.x * d1; // randomise exit position
pos.y += v1.y * d1;
pos.z += v1.z * d1;
position = pos;
q_rotation = q_rtn;
flight_roll = 0.0;
flight_pitch = 0.0;
flight_speed = max_flight_speed * 0.25;
gui_screen = GUI_SCREEN_MAIN;
being_fined = NO; // until you're scanned by a copper!
[self setShowDemoShips:NO];
[universe setDisplayCursor:NO];
[universe setDisplayText:NO];
[universe set_up_break_pattern:position quaternion:q_rotation];
[breakPatternSound play];
- (void) performDocking
[self abortDocking]; // let the station know that you are no longer on approach
autopilot_engaged = NO;
- (void) quicksavePlayer
NSString* filename = [[(MyOpenGLView *)[universe gameView] gameController] playerFileToLoad];
if (!filename)
NSLog(@"ERROR no filename returned by [[(MyOpenGLView *)[universe gameView] gameController] playerFileToLoad]");
NSException* myException = [NSException
reason:@"ERROR no filename returned by [[(MyOpenGLView *)[universe gameView] gameController] playerFileToLoad]"
[myException raise];
if (![[self commanderDataDictionary] writeToFile:filename atomically:YES])
NSLog(@"***** ERROR: Save to %@ failed!", filename);
NSException* myException = [NSException
reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Attempt to save game to file '%@' failed for some reason", filename]
[myException raise];
[universe clearPreviousMessage]; // allow this to be given time and again
[universe addMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[game-saved]" forSystem:system_seed] forCount:2];
[self setGuiToStatusScreen];
- (void) savePlayer
NSSavePanel *sp;
int runResult;
/* create or get the shared instance of NSSavePanel */
sp = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
/* set up new attributes */
[sp setRequiredFileType:@"oolite-save"];
/* display the NSSavePanel */
runResult = [sp runModalForDirectory:nil file:player_name];
/* if successful, save file under designated name */
if (runResult == NSOKButton)
NSArray* path_components = [[sp filename] pathComponents];
NSString* new_name = [[path_components objectAtIndex:[path_components count]-1] stringByDeletingPathExtension];
//NSLog(@"Attempting to save to %@",[sp filename]);
//NSLog(@"Will set Commander's name to %@", new_name);
if (player_name) [player_name release];
player_name = [new_name retain];
if (![[self commanderDataDictionary] writeToFile:[sp filename] atomically:YES])
NSLog(@"***** ERROR: Save to %@ failed!", [sp filename]);
NSException* myException = [NSException
reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Attempt to save game to file '%@' failed for some reason", [sp filename]]
[myException raise];
[[(MyOpenGLView *)[universe gameView] gameController] setPlayerFileToLoad:[sp filename]];
[self setGuiToStatusScreen];
- (void) loadPlayer
int result;
NSArray *fileTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObject:@"oolite-save"];
NSOpenPanel *oPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[oPanel setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO];
result = [oPanel runModalForDirectory:nil file:nil types:fileTypes];
if (result == NSOKButton)
[self loadPlayerFromFile:[oPanel filename]];
- (void) loadPlayerFromFile:(NSString *)fileToOpen
BOOL loadedOK = NO;
NSDictionary *fileDic = nil;
if (fileToOpen)
fileDic = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:fileToOpen];
if (fileDic)
[self set_up];
[self setCommanderDataFromDictionary:fileDic];
loadedOK = YES;
if (!loadedOK)
[[(MyOpenGLView *)[universe gameView] gameController] setPlayerFileToLoad:fileToOpen];
[universe setSystemTo:system_seed];
[universe removeAllEntitiesExceptPlayer:NO];
[universe set_up_space];
[universe setViewDirection:VIEW_DOCKED];
docked_station = [universe station];
[self setPosition:[docked_station getPosition]];
[self setQRotation:[docked_station QRotation]];
v_forward = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q_rotation);
v_right = vector_right_from_quaternion(q_rotation);
v_up = vector_up_from_quaternion(q_rotation);
q_rotation.w = -q_rotation.w; // need this as a fix...
flight_roll = 0.0;
flight_pitch = 0.0;
flight_speed = 0.0;
if (![docked_station localMarket])
if ([fileDic objectForKey:@"localMarket"])
[docked_station setLocalMarket:(NSArray *)[fileDic objectForKey:@"localMarket"]];
[docked_station initialiseLocalMarketWithSeed:system_seed andRandomFactor:market_rnd];
[self setGuiToStatusScreen];
- (void) changePlayerName
- (void) setGuiToStatusScreen
NSDictionary* descriptions = [universe descriptions];
NSString* systemName;
NSString* targetSystemName;
//NSLog(@"DEBUG original hold size = %d",original_hold_size);
system_seed = [universe findSystemAtCoords:galaxy_coordinates withGalaxySeed:galaxy_seed];
target_system_seed = [universe findSystemAtCoords:cursor_coordinates withGalaxySeed:galaxy_seed];
systemName = [universe getSystemName:system_seed];
if (status == STATUS_DOCKED)
if ((docked_station != [universe station])&&(docked_station != nil))
systemName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ : %@", systemName, [(ShipEntity*)docked_station name]];
targetSystemName = [universe getSystemName:target_system_seed];
// GUI stuff
GuiDisplayGen* gui = [universe gui];
int equip_row = 10;
int tab_stops[GUI_MAX_COLUMNS];
tab_stops[0] = 20;
tab_stops[1] = 160;
tab_stops[2] = 256;
[gui setTabStops:tab_stops];
NSArray* gear = [self equipmentList];
int legal_index = 0;
if (legal_status != 0)
legal_index = (legal_status <= 50) ? 1 : 2;
int rating = 0;
int kills[8] = { 0x0008, 0x0010, 0x0020, 0x0040, 0x0080, 0x0200, 0x0A00, 0x1900 };
while ((rating < 8)&&(kills[rating] <= ship_kills))
rating ++;
NSDictionary *ship_dict = [universe getDictionaryForShip:ship_desc];
NSString* shipName = (NSString*)[ship_dict objectForKey:KEY_NAME];
NSString* legal_desc = (NSString *)[(NSArray *)[descriptions objectForKey:@"legal_status"] objectAtIndex:legal_index];
// NSString* rating_desc = (NSString *)[(NSArray *)[descriptions objectForKey:@"rating"] objectAtIndex:rating];
NSString* rating_desc = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ (%d)",[(NSArray *)[descriptions objectForKey:@"rating"] objectAtIndex:rating], ship_kills];
NSString* alert_desc = (NSString *)[(NSArray *)[descriptions objectForKey:@"condition"] objectAtIndex:[self alert_condition]];
[gui clear];
[gui setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Commander %@", player_name]];
[gui setText:shipName forRow:0 align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[gui setArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Present System:", systemName, nil] forRow:1];
[gui setArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Hyperspace System:", targetSystemName, nil] forRow:2];
[gui setArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Condition:", alert_desc, nil] forRow:3];
[gui setArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Fuel:", [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.1f Light Years", fuel/10.0], nil] forRow:4];
[gui setArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Cash:", [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.1f Cr", credits/10.0], nil] forRow:5];
[gui setArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Legal Status:", legal_desc, nil] forRow:6];
[gui setArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Rating:", rating_desc, nil] forRow:7];
[gui setText:@"Equipment:" forRow:9];
int i = 0;
int n_equip_rows = 9;
for (i = 0; i < n_equip_rows; i++)
NSMutableArray* row_info = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:3];
if (i < [gear count])
[row_info addObject:[gear objectAtIndex:i]];
[row_info addObject:@""];
// add a blank
[row_info addObject:@""];
if (i + n_equip_rows < [gear count])
[row_info addObject:[gear objectAtIndex:i + n_equip_rows]];
[row_info addObject:@""];
[gui setArray:(NSArray *)row_info forRow:equip_row + i];
[gui setShowTextCursor:NO];
// [gui generateDisplay];
[universe guiUpdated];
/* ends */
//NSLog(@"gui_screen = GUI_SCREEN_STATUS");
if (lastTextKey)
[lastTextKey release];
lastTextKey = nil;
[self setShowDemoShips:NO];
gui_screen = GUI_SCREEN_STATUS;
- (NSArray *) equipmentList
NSDictionary* descriptions = [universe descriptions];
//int original_hold_size = [universe maxCargoForShip:ship_desc];
NSMutableArray* quip = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:32];
int i;
NSArray* equipmentinfo = [universe equipmentdata];
for (i =0; i < [equipmentinfo count]; i++)
NSString *w_key = (NSString *)[(NSArray *)[equipmentinfo objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_KEY_INDEX];
if ([self has_extra_equipment:w_key])
[quip addObject:(NSString *)[(NSArray *)[equipmentinfo objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_SHORT_DESC_INDEX]];
if (forward_weapon > 0)
[quip addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Forward %@",(NSString *)[(NSArray *)[descriptions objectForKey:@"weapon_name"] objectAtIndex:forward_weapon]]];
if (aft_weapon > 0)
[quip addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Aft %@",(NSString *)[(NSArray *)[descriptions objectForKey:@"weapon_name"] objectAtIndex:aft_weapon]]];
if (starboard_weapon > 0)
[quip addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Starboard %@",(NSString *)[(NSArray *)[descriptions objectForKey:@"weapon_name"] objectAtIndex:starboard_weapon]]];
if (port_weapon > 0)
[quip addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Port %@",(NSString *)[(NSArray *)[descriptions objectForKey:@"weapon_name"] objectAtIndex:port_weapon]]];
if (max_passengers > 0)
[quip addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d Passenger Berth%@", max_passengers, (max_passengers > 1)? @"s" : @""]];
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:quip];
- (NSArray *) cargoList
NSMutableArray* manifest = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:32];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG ::::: %@", [shipCommodityData description]);
if (specialCargo)
[manifest addObject:specialCargo];
int n_commodities = [shipCommodityData count];
int in_hold[n_commodities];
int i;
if (status == STATUS_DOCKED)
for (i = 0; i < n_commodities; i++)
in_hold[i] = [(NSNumber *)[(NSArray *)[shipCommodityData objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY] intValue];
for (i = 0; i < n_commodities; i++)
in_hold[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < [cargo count]; i++)
ShipEntity *container = (ShipEntity *)[cargo objectAtIndex:i];
in_hold[[container getCommodityType]] += [container getCommodityAmount];
for (i = 0; i < n_commodities; i++)
if (in_hold[i] > 0)
int unit = [universe unitsForCommodity:i];
NSString* units = @"t";
if (unit == UNITS_KILOGRAMS) units = @"kg";
if (unit == UNITS_GRAMS) units = @"g";
NSString* desc = (NSString *)[(NSArray *)[shipCommodityData objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:MARKET_NAME];
[manifest addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d%@ x %@", in_hold[i], units, desc]];
// // debug
// NSLog(@"DEBUG shipCommodityData:-\n%@", [shipCommodityData description]);
// NSLog(@"DEBUG manifest:-\n%@", [manifest description]);
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:manifest];
- (void) setGuiToSystemDataScreen
NSDictionary* targetSystemData;
NSString* targetSystemName;
NSDictionary* descriptions = [universe descriptions];
target_system_seed = [universe findSystemAtCoords:cursor_coordinates withGalaxySeed:galaxy_seed];
targetSystemData = [[universe generateSystemData:target_system_seed] retain]; // retained
targetSystemName = [[universe getSystemName:target_system_seed] retain]; // retained
BOOL sun_gone_nova = NO;
if ([targetSystemData objectForKey:@"sun_gone_nova"])
sun_gone_nova = YES;
// GUI stuff
GuiDisplayGen* gui = [universe gui];
int tab_stops[GUI_MAX_COLUMNS];
tab_stops[0] = 0;
tab_stops[1] = 96;
tab_stops[2] = 144;
[gui setTabStops:tab_stops];
int government = [(NSNumber *)[targetSystemData objectForKey:KEY_GOVERNMENT] intValue];
int economy = [(NSNumber *)[targetSystemData objectForKey:KEY_ECONOMY] intValue];
int techlevel = [(NSNumber *)[targetSystemData objectForKey:KEY_TECHLEVEL] intValue];
int population = [(NSNumber *)[targetSystemData objectForKey:KEY_POPULATION] intValue];
int productivity = [(NSNumber *)[targetSystemData objectForKey:KEY_PRODUCTIVITY] intValue];
int radius = [(NSNumber *)[targetSystemData objectForKey:KEY_RADIUS] intValue];
NSString* government_desc = (NSString *)[(NSArray *)[descriptions objectForKey:KEY_GOVERNMENT] objectAtIndex:government];
NSString* economy_desc = (NSString *)[(NSArray *)[descriptions objectForKey:KEY_ECONOMY] objectAtIndex:economy];
NSString* inhabitants = (NSString *)[targetSystemData objectForKey:KEY_INHABITANTS];
NSString* system_desc = (NSString *)[targetSystemData objectForKey:KEY_DESCRIPTION];
if ((sun_gone_nova && equal_seeds( target_system_seed, system_seed) && [[universe sun] goneNova])||
(sun_gone_nova && (!equal_seeds( target_system_seed, system_seed))))
population = 0;
productivity = 0;
radius = 0;
system_desc = [universe expandDescription:@"[nova-system-description]" forSystem:target_system_seed];
[gui clear];
[gui setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Data on %@", targetSystemName]];
[gui setArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Economy:", economy_desc, nil] forRow:1];
[gui setArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Government:", government_desc, nil] forRow:3];
[gui setArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Tech Level:", [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", techlevel + 1], nil] forRow:5];
[gui setArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Population:", [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.1f Billion", 0.1*population], nil] forRow:7];
[gui setArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"", [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(%@)", inhabitants], nil] forRow:8];
[gui setArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Gross Productivity:", @"", [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%5d M Cr.", productivity], nil] forRow:10];
[gui setArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Average radius:", @"", [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%5d km", radius], nil] forRow:12];
int i = [gui addLongText:system_desc startingAtRow:15 align:GUI_ALIGN_LEFT];
missionTextRow = i;
for (i-- ; i > 14 ; i--)
[gui setColor:[NSColor greenColor] forRow:i];
[gui setShowTextCursor:NO];
[universe guiUpdated];
/* ends */
//NSLog(@"gui_screen = GUI_SCREEN_SYSTEM_DATA for system %@ at (%d,%d)",targetSystemName,target_system_seed.d,target_system_seed.b);
[self setShowDemoShips:NO];
if (lastTextKey)
[lastTextKey release];
lastTextKey = nil;
[targetSystemData release]; // released
[targetSystemName release]; // released
- (NSArray *) markedDestinations
NSMutableArray* destinations = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:256];
// get a list of systems marked as contract destinations
BOOL mark[256];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
mark[i] = NO;
for (i = 0; i < [passengers count]; i++)
mark[[(NSNumber*)[(NSDictionary*)[passengers objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:PASSENGER_KEY_DESTINATION] intValue]] = YES;
for (i = 0; i < [contracts count]; i++)
mark[[(NSNumber*)[(NSDictionary*)[contracts objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:CONTRACT_KEY_DESTINATION] intValue]] = YES;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
[destinations addObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:mark[i]]];
return destinations;
- (void) setGuiToLongRangeChartScreen
NSString* targetSystemName;
double distance = distanceBetweenPlanetPositions(target_system_seed.d,target_system_seed.b,galaxy_coordinates.x,galaxy_coordinates.y);
int i;
target_system_seed = [universe findSystemAtCoords:cursor_coordinates withGalaxySeed:galaxy_seed];
targetSystemName = [[universe getSystemName:target_system_seed] retain]; // retained
// get a list of systems marked as contract destinations
BOOL mark[256];
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
mark[i] = NO;
for (i = 0; i < [passengers count]; i++)
mark[[(NSNumber*)[(NSDictionary*)[passengers objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:PASSENGER_KEY_DESTINATION] intValue]] = YES;
for (i = 0; i < [contracts count]; i++)
mark[[(NSNumber*)[(NSDictionary*)[contracts objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:CONTRACT_KEY_DESTINATION] intValue]] = YES;
// GUI stuff
GuiDisplayGen* gui = [universe gui];
[gui clear];
[gui setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Galactic Chart %d", galaxy_number+1]];
[gui setText:targetSystemName forRow:17];
[gui setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Distance:\t%.1f Light Years", distance] forRow:18];
if (planetSearchString)
[gui setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Find planet: %@", [planetSearchString capitalizedString]] forRow:16];
[gui setText:@"Find planet: " forRow:16];
[gui setColor:[NSColor cyanColor] forRow:16];
[gui setShowTextCursor:YES];
[gui setCurrentRow:16];
[universe guiUpdated];
/* ends */
//NSLog(@"gui_screen = GUI_SCREEN_LONG_RANGE_CHART");
[self setShowDemoShips:NO];
[targetSystemName release]; // released
- (void) starChartDump
NSString *filepath = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath] stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
NSString *pathToPic = [filepath stringByAppendingPathComponent:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"StarChart-Galaxy-%03d.tiff",galaxy_number]];
BOOL dumpPic = (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:pathToPic]);
NSString *pathToData = [filepath stringByAppendingPathComponent:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"StarChartData-Galaxy-%03d.txt",galaxy_number]];
BOOL dumpData = (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:pathToData]);
NSString* targetSystemName;
Random_Seed g_seed = galaxy_seed;
target_system_seed = [universe findSystemAtCoords:cursor_coordinates withGalaxySeed:galaxy_seed];
targetSystemName = [[universe getSystemName:target_system_seed] retain]; // retained
int star_x[256];
int star_y[256];
NSPoint nudge[256];
NSMutableString *stardump = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"\nStar List\n"];
g_seed = galaxy_seed;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
NSDictionary* systemDataDic = [universe generateSystemData:g_seed];
int government = [(NSNumber *)[systemDataDic objectForKey:KEY_GOVERNMENT] intValue];
int techlevel = [(NSNumber *)[systemDataDic objectForKey:KEY_TECHLEVEL] intValue];
NSString* government_desc = (NSString *)[(NSArray *)[[universe descriptions] objectForKey:KEY_GOVERNMENT] objectAtIndex:government];
NSString* inhabitants = (NSString *)[systemDataDic objectForKey:KEY_INHABITANTS];
NSString* system_desc = (NSString *)[systemDataDic objectForKey:KEY_DESCRIPTION];
star_x[i] = g_seed.d;
star_y[i] = g_seed.b;
nudge[i] = NSMakePoint(0.0,0.0);
[stardump appendFormat:@"System %d,\t%@\t(%d,%d)\tTL: %d\t%@\t%@\n\t\"%@\"\n", i, [universe getSystemName:g_seed], g_seed.d, g_seed.b, techlevel, inhabitants, government_desc, system_desc];
if (dumpData)
[stardump writeToFile:pathToData atomically:YES];
// drawing stuff
if (dumpPic)
NSMutableDictionary *textAttributes = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSFont systemFontOfSize:9.0], NSFontAttributeName,
[NSColor blueColor], NSForegroundColorAttributeName, NULL];
NSSize imageSize = NSMakeSize(1088,576);
NSSize chartSize = NSMakeSize(1024,512);
NSImage* drawImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:imageSize];
NSPoint star;
g_seed = galaxy_seed;
double hscale = chartSize.width / 256.0;
double vscale = chartSize.height / 256.0;
double hoffset = (imageSize.width - chartSize.width) / 2.0;
double voffset = (imageSize.height - chartSize.height) / 2.0;
[drawImage lockFocus];
[[NSColor darkGrayColor] set];
[[NSColor grayColor] set];
[NSBezierPath setDefaultLineCapStyle:NSRoundLineCapStyle];
[NSBezierPath setDefaultLineWidth:36.0];
//draw connectivity map
int j;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) for (j = i + 1; j < 256; j++)
double d = distanceBetweenPlanetPositions(star_x[i],star_y[i],star_x[j],star_y[j]);
if (d <= 7.0)
NSPoint p1 = NSMakePoint(star_x[i] * hscale + hoffset,(256 - star_y[i]) * vscale + voffset);
NSPoint p2 = NSMakePoint(star_x[j] * hscale + hoffset,(256 - star_y[j]) * vscale + voffset);
nudge[i].x += (d != 0.0) ? hscale * (star_x[i] - star_x[j])/(d*d*4.0) : 10.0;
nudge[i].y += (d != 0.0) ? vscale * (star_y[i] - star_y[j])/(d*d*4.0) : 10.0;
nudge[j].x -= (d != 0.0) ? hscale * (star_x[i] - star_x[j])/(d*d*4.0) : 10.0;
nudge[j].y -= (d != 0.0) ? vscale * (star_y[i] - star_y[j])/(d*d*4.0) : 10.0;
[NSBezierPath strokeLineFromPoint:p1 toPoint:p2];
[[NSColor lightGrayColor] set];
[NSBezierPath setDefaultLineCapStyle:NSRoundLineCapStyle];
[NSBezierPath setDefaultLineWidth:32.0];
//draw connectivity map
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) for (j = i + 1; j < 256; j++)
double d = distanceBetweenPlanetPositions(star_x[i],star_y[i],star_x[j],star_y[j]);
if (d <= 7.0)
NSPoint p1 = NSMakePoint(star_x[i] * hscale + hoffset,(256 - star_y[i]) * vscale + voffset);
NSPoint p2 = NSMakePoint(star_x[j] * hscale + hoffset,(256 - star_y[j]) * vscale + voffset);
[NSBezierPath strokeLineFromPoint:p1 toPoint:p2];
[[NSColor whiteColor] set];
[NSBezierPath setDefaultLineCapStyle:NSRoundLineCapStyle];
[NSBezierPath setDefaultLineWidth:28.0];
//draw connectivity map
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) for (j = i + 1; j < 256; j++)
double d = distanceBetweenPlanetPositions(star_x[i],star_y[i],star_x[j],star_y[j]);
if (d <= 7.0)
NSPoint p1 = NSMakePoint(star_x[i] * hscale + hoffset,(256 - star_y[i]) * vscale + voffset);
NSPoint p2 = NSMakePoint(star_x[j] * hscale + hoffset,(256 - star_y[j]) * vscale + voffset);
[NSBezierPath strokeLineFromPoint:p1 toPoint:p2];
[[NSColor yellowColor] set];
[NSBezierPath setDefaultLineCapStyle:NSRoundLineCapStyle];
[NSBezierPath setDefaultLineWidth:4.0];
//draw connectivity map
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) for (j = i + 1; j < 256; j++)
double d = distanceBetweenPlanetPositions(star_x[i],star_y[i],star_x[j],star_y[j]);
if (d <= 7.0)
NSPoint p1 = NSMakePoint(star_x[i] * hscale + hoffset,(256 - star_y[i]) * vscale + voffset);
NSPoint p2 = NSMakePoint(star_x[j] * hscale + hoffset,(256 - star_y[j]) * vscale + voffset);
[NSBezierPath strokeLineFromPoint:p1 toPoint:p2];
g_seed = galaxy_seed; // keep for sizing!
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
double sz = ((g_seed.e | 0x50) < 0x90) ? 1.0 : 1.5;
star.x = star_x[i] * hscale + hoffset;
star.y = (256 - star_y[i]) * vscale + voffset;
if (nudge[i].x*nudge[i].x > 100.0)
nudge[i].x = (nudge[i].x < 0.0) ? -10.0 : 10.0;
if (nudge[i].y*nudge[i].y > 100.0)
nudge[i].y = (nudge[i].y < 0.0) ? -10.0 : 10.0;
[[NSColor blackColor] set];
[[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithOvalInRect:NSMakeRect(star.x - sz, star.y - sz, sz * 2.0, sz * 2.0)] fill];
[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",i] drawAtPoint:NSMakePoint(star.x + 1.0 + nudge[i].x, star.y - 4.5 - nudge[i].y) withAttributes:textAttributes];
[drawImage unlockFocus];
// write to file
[[drawImage TIFFRepresentation] writeToFile:pathToPic atomically:YES];
[drawImage release];
[NSBezierPath setDefaultLineCapStyle:NSRoundLineCapStyle];
[NSBezierPath setDefaultLineWidth:1.0];
/* ends */
- (void) setGuiToShortRangeChartScreen
NSString* targetSystemName;
double distance = distanceBetweenPlanetPositions(target_system_seed.d,target_system_seed.b,galaxy_coordinates.x,galaxy_coordinates.y);
target_system_seed = [universe findSystemAtCoords:cursor_coordinates withGalaxySeed:galaxy_seed];
targetSystemName = [[universe getSystemName:target_system_seed] retain]; // retained
//NSLog(@"found %@ at (%d, %d)",targetSystemName,(int)cursor_coordinates.x,(int)cursor_coordinates.y);
// GUI stuff
GuiDisplayGen* gui = [universe gui];
if ((abs(cursor_coordinates.x-galaxy_coordinates.x)>=20)||(abs(cursor_coordinates.y-galaxy_coordinates.y)>=38))
cursor_coordinates = galaxy_coordinates; // home
[gui clear];
[gui setTitle:@"Short Range Chart"];
[gui setText:targetSystemName forRow:19];
[gui setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Distance:\t%.1f Light Years", distance] forRow:20];
[gui setShowTextCursor:NO];
[universe guiUpdated];
/* ends */
//NSLog(@"gui_screen = GUI_SCREEN_LONG_RANGE_CHART");
[self setShowDemoShips:NO];
[targetSystemName release]; // released
- (void) setGuiToLoadSaveScreen
BOOL canLoadOrSave = NO;
if (status == STATUS_DOCKED)
if (!docked_station)
docked_station = [universe station];
canLoadOrSave = (docked_station == [universe station]);
BOOL canQuickSave = (canLoadOrSave && ([[(MyOpenGLView *)[universe gameView] gameController] playerFileToLoad] != nil));
GameController *controller = [universe gameController];
int displayModeIndex = [controller indexOfCurrentDisplayMode];
if (displayModeIndex == NSNotFound)
NSLog(@"***** couldn't find current display mode switching to basic 640x480");
displayModeIndex = 0;
NSDictionary *mode = [(NSArray *)[controller displayModes] objectAtIndex:displayModeIndex];
#ifdef GNUSTEP
// TODO: something
int modeWidth = [[mode objectForKey: (NSString *)kCGDisplayWidth] intValue];
int modeHeight = [[mode objectForKey: (NSString *)kCGDisplayHeight] intValue];
int modeRefresh = [[mode objectForKey: (NSString *)kCGDisplayRefreshRate] intValue];
NSString *displayModeString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" Fullscreen: %d x %d at %d Hz ", modeWidth, modeHeight, modeRefresh];
// GUI stuff
GuiDisplayGen* gui = [universe gui];
int quicksave_row = GUI_ROW_OPTIONS_QUICKSAVE;
int save_row = GUI_ROW_OPTIONS_SAVE;
int load_row = GUI_ROW_OPTIONS_LOAD;
int begin_new_row = GUI_ROW_OPTIONS_BEGIN_NEW;
int options_row = GUI_ROW_OPTIONS_OPTIONS;
int display_row = GUI_ROW_OPTIONS_DISPLAY;
int speech_row = GUI_ROW_OPTIONS_SPEECH;
int ootunes_row = GUI_ROW_OPTIONS_OOTUNES;
int detail_row = GUI_ROW_OPTIONS_DETAIL;
int strict_row = GUI_ROW_OPTIONS_STRICT;
int first_sel_row = (canLoadOrSave)? save_row : display_row;
if (canQuickSave)
first_sel_row = quicksave_row;
[gui clear];
[gui setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Commander %@", player_name]];
if (canQuickSave)
[gui setText:@" Quick-Save " forRow:quicksave_row align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[gui setText:@" Save Commander " forRow:save_row align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[gui setText:@" Load Commander " forRow:load_row align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[gui setText:@" Begin New Game " forRow:begin_new_row align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[gui setText:@"Game Options:" forRow:options_row align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
if (!canLoadOrSave)
[gui setColor:[NSColor grayColor] forRow:save_row];
[gui setColor:[NSColor grayColor] forRow:load_row];
[gui setColor:[NSColor grayColor] forRow:options_row];
#ifndef GNUSTEP
// TODO: Erk!
[gui setText:displayModeString forRow:display_row align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
if (speech_on)
[gui setText:@" Spoken messages: ON " forRow:speech_row align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[gui setText:@" Spoken messages: OFF " forRow:speech_row align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
if (ootunes_on)
[gui setText:@" iTunes integration: ON " forRow:ootunes_row align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[gui setText:@" iTunes integration: OFF " forRow:ootunes_row align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
if ([universe reducedDetail])
[gui setText:@" Reduced detail: ON " forRow:detail_row align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[gui setText:@" Reduced detail: OFF " forRow:detail_row align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
if ([universe strict])
[gui setText:@" Reset to unrestricted play. " forRow:strict_row align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[gui setText:@" Reset to strict gameplay. " forRow:strict_row align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[gui setSelectableRange:NSMakeRange(first_sel_row ,1 + strict_row - first_sel_row)];
[gui setSelectedRow: first_sel_row];
[gui setShowTextCursor:NO];
// [gui generateDisplay];
[universe guiUpdated];
/* ends */
//NSLog(@"gui_screen = GUI_SCREEN_OPTIONS");
[self setShowDemoShips:NO];
gui_screen = GUI_SCREEN_OPTIONS;
static int last_outfitting_index;
- (void) setGuiToEquipShipScreen:(int) skip :(int) itemForSelectFacing
missiles = [self calc_missiles];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG EquipShipScreen missiles = %d", missiles);
// if skip == -1 then use the last recorded index
if (skip < 0)
if (last_outfitting_index >= 0)
skip = last_outfitting_index;
skip = 0;
last_outfitting_index = skip;
NSArray* equipdata = [universe equipmentdata];
int cargo_space = max_cargo - current_cargo;
double price_factor = 1.0;
int techlevel = [(NSNumber *)[[universe generateSystemData:system_seed] objectForKey:KEY_TECHLEVEL] intValue];
if (docked_station)
price_factor = [docked_station equipment_price_factor];
if ([docked_station equivalent_tech_level] != NSNotFound)
techlevel = [docked_station equivalent_tech_level];
// build an array of all equipment - and take away that which has been bought (or is not permitted)
NSMutableArray* equipment_allowed = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:120];
// find options that agree with this ship
BOOL option_okay[[equipdata count]];
NSMutableArray* options = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:(NSArray*)[(NSDictionary*)[[universe shipyard] objectForKey:ship_desc] objectForKey:KEY_OPTIONAL_EQUIPMENT]];
[options addObject:@"EQ_FUEL"];
// [options addObject:@"EQ_MISSILE"];
[options addObject:@"EQ_PASSENGER_BERTH"];
[options addObject:@"EQ_PASSENGER_BERTH_REMOVAL"];
[options addObject:@"EQ_ADVANCED_COMPASS"];
int i,j;
for (i = 0; i < [equipdata count]; i++)
NSString* eq_key = (NSString*)[(NSArray*)[equipdata objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_KEY_INDEX];
int min_techlevel = [(NSNumber *)[(NSArray *)[equipdata objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_TECH_LEVEL_INDEX] intValue];
option_okay[i] = [eq_key hasPrefix:@"EQ_WEAPON"];
for (j = 0; j < [options count]; j++)
if ([eq_key isEqual:[options objectAtIndex:j]])
option_okay[i] = YES;
[options removeObjectAtIndex:j];
j = [options count];
if (([eq_key isEqual:@"EQ_FUEL"])&&(fuel >= 70))
option_okay[i] = NO;
if (([eq_key hasSuffix:@"MISSILE"]||[eq_key hasSuffix:@"MINE"]))
option_okay[i] = (missiles < max_missiles);
if (([eq_key isEqual:@"EQ_PASSENGER_BERTH"])&&(cargo_space < 5))
option_okay[i] = NO;
if (([eq_key isEqual:@"EQ_PASSENGER_BERTH_REMOVAL"])&&(max_passengers - [passengers count] < 1))
option_okay[i] = NO;
if ([self has_extra_equipment:eq_key])
option_okay[i] = NO;
if ([eq_key isEqual:@"EQ_ENERGY_UNIT"]&&[self has_extra_equipment:@"EQ_NAVAL_ENERGY_UNIT"])
option_okay[i] = NO;
if (techlevel < min_techlevel)
option_okay[i] = NO;
if (option_okay[i])
[equipment_allowed addObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt:i]];
if (i == itemForSelectFacing)
skip = [equipment_allowed count] - 1; // skip to this upgrade
int available_facings = [(NSNumber*)[(NSDictionary*)[[universe shipyard] objectForKey:ship_desc] objectForKey:KEY_WEAPON_FACINGS] intValue];
if (available_facings & WEAPON_FACING_FORWARD)
[equipment_allowed addObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt:i]];
if (available_facings & WEAPON_FACING_AFT)
[equipment_allowed addObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt:i]];
if (available_facings & WEAPON_FACING_PORT)
[equipment_allowed addObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt:i]];
if (available_facings & WEAPON_FACING_STARBOARD)
[equipment_allowed addObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt:i]];
// GUI stuff
GuiDisplayGen* gui = [universe gui];
int start_row = GUI_ROW_EQUIPMENT_START;
int row = start_row;
int i;
int tab_stops[GUI_MAX_COLUMNS];
int facing_count = 0;
[gui clear];
[gui setTitle:@"Ship Outfitting"];
[gui setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Cash:\t%.1f Cr.", 0.1*credits] forRow: GUI_ROW_EQUIPMENT_CASH];
tab_stops[0] = 0;
tab_stops[1] = 320;
[gui setTabStops:tab_stops];
if ([equipment_allowed count] > 0)
// double check for sound values of skip
if ((skip < 0)||(skip >= [equipment_allowed count]))
skip = 0;
if (skip > 0) // lose the first row to Back <--
int previous = skip - n_rows;
if (previous < 0) previous = 0;
if (itemForSelectFacing >= 0)
previous = -1; // ie. last index!
[gui setColor:[NSColor greenColor] forRow:row];
[gui setArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@" Back ", @" <-- ", nil] forRow:row];
[gui setKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"More:%d", previous] forRow:row];
for (i = skip; (i < [equipment_allowed count])&&(row - start_row < n_rows - 1); i++)
int item = [(NSNumber *)[equipment_allowed objectAtIndex:i] intValue];
int price_per_unit = [(NSNumber *)[(NSArray *)[equipdata objectAtIndex:item] objectAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_PRICE_INDEX] intValue];
NSString* desc = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@ ",[(NSArray *)[equipdata objectAtIndex:item] objectAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_SHORT_DESC_INDEX]];
NSString* eq_type = (NSString *)[(NSArray *)[equipdata objectAtIndex:item] objectAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_KEY_INDEX];
double price = ([eq_type isEqual:@"EQ_FUEL"]) ? ((70 - fuel) * price_per_unit) : (price_per_unit) ;
price *= price_factor; // increased prices at some stations
NSString* priceString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" %.1f ",0.1*price];
if (item == itemForSelectFacing)
if (facing_count == 0)
priceString = @"";
if (facing_count == 1)
if (facing_count == 1)
if (facing_count == 2)
if (facing_count == 3)
if (facing_count == 4)
[gui setColor:[NSColor greenColor] forRow:row];
[gui setKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",item] forRow:row]; // save the index of the item as the key for the row
[gui setArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:desc, priceString, nil] forRow:row];
if (i < [equipment_allowed count])
[gui setColor:[NSColor greenColor] forRow:row];
[gui setArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@" More ", @" --> ", nil] forRow:row];
[gui setKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"More:%d", i] forRow:row];
[gui setSelectableRange:NSMakeRange(start_row,row - start_row)];
if ([gui selectedRow] < start_row)
[gui setSelectedRow:start_row];
if (itemForSelectFacing >= 0)
[gui setSelectedRow:start_row + ((skip > 0)? 1: 0)];
[self showInformationForSelectedUpgrade];
[gui setText:@"No equipment available for purchase." forRow:GUI_ROW_NO_SHIPS align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[gui setColor:[NSColor greenColor] forRow:GUI_ROW_NO_SHIPS];
[gui setSelectableRange:NSMakeRange(0,0)];
[gui setNoSelectedRow];
[self showInformationForSelectedUpgrade];
[gui setShowTextCursor:NO];
[universe guiUpdated];
/* ends */
chosen_weapon_facing = WEAPON_FACING_NONE;
[self setShowDemoShips:NO];
- (void) showInformationForSelectedUpgrade
GuiDisplayGen* gui = [universe gui];
NSString* key = [gui selectedRowKey];
int i;
[gui setText:@"" forRow:i];
[gui setColor:[NSColor greenColor] forRow:i];
if (key)
if (![key hasPrefix:@"More:"])
int item = [key intValue];
NSString* desc = (NSString *)[(NSArray *)[[universe equipmentdata] objectAtIndex:item] objectAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_LONG_DESC_INDEX];
[gui addLongText:desc startingAtRow:GUI_ROW_EQUIPMENT_DETAIL align:GUI_ALIGN_LEFT];
- (void) setGuiToIntro1Screen
GuiDisplayGen* gui = [universe gui];
// GUI stuff
int ms_line = 2;
[gui clear];
[gui setTitle:@"Oolite"];
[gui setText:@"by Giles Williams (C) 2003-2005" forRow:17 align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[gui setColor:[NSColor whiteColor] forRow:17];
[gui setText:@"Oolite Theme Music by No Sleep (C) 2004" forRow:19 align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[gui setColor:[NSColor grayColor] forRow:19];
[gui setText:@"Load Previous Commander (Y/N)?" forRow:21 align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[gui setColor:[NSColor yellowColor] forRow:21];
// check for error messages from Resource Manager
if (([ResourceManager pathsUsingAddOns:YES])&&([ResourceManager errors]))
int ms_start = ms_line;
int i = ms_line = [gui addLongText:[ResourceManager errors] startingAtRow:ms_start align:GUI_ALIGN_LEFT];
for (i-- ; i >= ms_start ; i--) [gui setColor:[NSColor redColor] forRow:i];
//NSLog(@"<<<<< DEBUG1");
// check for messages from the command line
NSArray* arguments = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] arguments];
//NSLog(@"DEBUG arguments:\n%@",[arguments description]);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [arguments count]; i++)
if (([[arguments objectAtIndex:i] isEqual:@"-message"])&&(i < [arguments count] - 1))
int ms_start = ms_line;
NSString* message = (NSString*)[arguments objectAtIndex: i + 1];
int i = ms_line = [gui addLongText:message startingAtRow:ms_start align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
for (i-- ; i >= ms_start; i--) [gui setColor:[NSColor magentaColor] forRow:i];
if ([[arguments objectAtIndex:i] isEqual:@"-showversion"])
int ms_start = ms_line;
NSString *version = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Version %@", [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleVersion"]];
int i = ms_line = [gui addLongText:version startingAtRow:ms_start align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
for (i-- ; i >= ms_start; i--) [gui setColor:[NSColor magentaColor] forRow:i];
// [gui generateDisplay];
[gui setShowTextCursor:NO];
[universe guiUpdated];
/* ends */
//NSLog(@"<<<<< DEBUG2");
[universe set_up_intro1];
if (gui)
gui_screen = GUI_SCREEN_INTRO1;
#ifndef GNUSTEP
if (themeMusic)
GoToBeginningOfMovie ([themeMusic QTMovie]);
StartMovie ([themeMusic QTMovie]);
- (void) setGuiToIntro2Screen
GuiDisplayGen* gui = [universe gui];
// GUI stuff
[gui clear];
[gui setTitle:@"Oolite"];
[gui setText:@"Press Space Commander" forRow:21 align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[gui setColor:[NSColor yellowColor] forRow:21];
// [gui generateDisplay];
[gui setShowTextCursor:NO];
[universe guiUpdated];
/* ends */
[universe set_up_intro2];
if (gui)
gui_screen = GUI_SCREEN_INTRO2;
- (void) buySelectedItem
GuiDisplayGen* gui = [universe gui];
NSString* key = [gui selectedRowKey];
if ([key hasPrefix:@"More:"])
int from_item = [(NSString*)[[key componentsSeparatedByString:@":"] objectAtIndex:1] intValue];
[self setGuiToEquipShipScreen:from_item:-1];
if ([gui selectedRow] < 0)
[gui setSelectedRow:GUI_ROW_EQUIPMENT_START];
if (from_item == 0)
int item = [key intValue];
NSString *item_text = [gui selectedRowText];
if ([item_text isEqual:FORWARD_FACING_STRING])
chosen_weapon_facing = WEAPON_FACING_FORWARD;
if ([item_text isEqual:AFT_FACING_STRING])
chosen_weapon_facing = WEAPON_FACING_AFT;
if ([item_text isEqual:PORT_FACING_STRING])
chosen_weapon_facing = WEAPON_FACING_PORT;
if ([item_text isEqual:STARBOARD_FACING_STRING])
chosen_weapon_facing = WEAPON_FACING_STARBOARD;
//NSLog(@"Try Buying Item %d",item);
int old_credits = credits;
if ([self tryBuyingItem:item])
if (credits == old_credits)
[[universe gui] click];
if ([buySound isPlaying])
[buySound stop];
[buySound play];
// wind the clock forward by 10 minutes plus 10 minutes for every 60 credits spent
double time_adjust = (old_credits > credits)? (old_credits - credits): 0.0;
ship_clock_adjust += time_adjust + 600.0;
if ([boopSound isPlaying])
[boopSound stop];
[boopSound play];
- (BOOL) tryBuyingItem:(int) index
NSArray* equipdata = [universe equipmentdata];
int price_per_unit = [(NSNumber *)[(NSArray *)[equipdata objectAtIndex:index] objectAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_PRICE_INDEX] intValue];
NSString* eq_type = (NSString *)[(NSArray *)[equipdata objectAtIndex:index] objectAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_KEY_INDEX];
double price = ([eq_type isEqual:@"EQ_FUEL"]) ? ((70 - fuel) * price_per_unit) : (price_per_unit) ;
double price_factor = 1.0;
int cargo_space = max_cargo - current_cargo;
if (docked_station)
price_factor = [docked_station equipment_price_factor];
price *= price_factor; // increased prices at some stations
if (price > credits)
return NO;
if (([eq_type hasPrefix:@"EQ_WEAPON"])&&(chosen_weapon_facing == WEAPON_FACING_NONE))
[self setGuiToEquipShipScreen:-1:index]; // reset
return YES;
if (([eq_type hasPrefix:@"EQ_WEAPON"])&&(chosen_weapon_facing != WEAPON_FACING_NONE))
int chosen_weapon = WEAPON_NONE;
int current_weapon = WEAPON_NONE;
if ([eq_type isEqual:@"EQ_WEAPON_TWIN_PLASMA_CANNON"])
chosen_weapon = WEAPON_PLASMA_CANNON;
if ([eq_type isEqual:@"EQ_WEAPON_PULSE_LASER"])
chosen_weapon = WEAPON_PULSE_LASER;
if ([eq_type isEqual:@"EQ_WEAPON_BEAM_LASER"])
chosen_weapon = WEAPON_BEAM_LASER;
if ([eq_type isEqual:@"EQ_WEAPON_MINING_LASER"])
chosen_weapon = WEAPON_MINING_LASER;
if ([eq_type isEqual:@"EQ_WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER"])
chosen_weapon = WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER;
if ([eq_type isEqual:@"EQ_WEAPON_THARGOID_LASER"])
chosen_weapon = WEAPON_THARGOID_LASER;
switch (chosen_weapon_facing)
current_weapon = forward_weapon;
forward_weapon = chosen_weapon;
current_weapon = aft_weapon;
aft_weapon = chosen_weapon;
current_weapon = port_weapon;
port_weapon = chosen_weapon;
current_weapon = starboard_weapon;
starboard_weapon = chosen_weapon;
credits -= price;
// refund here for current_weapon;
switch (current_weapon)
credits += [universe getPriceForWeaponSystemWithKey:@"EQ_WEAPON_TWIN_PLASMA_CANNON"];
credits += [universe getPriceForWeaponSystemWithKey:@"EQ_WEAPON_PULSE_LASER"];
credits += [universe getPriceForWeaponSystemWithKey:@"EQ_WEAPON_BEAM_LASER"];
credits += [universe getPriceForWeaponSystemWithKey:@"EQ_WEAPON_MINING_LASER"];
credits += [universe getPriceForWeaponSystemWithKey:@"EQ_WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER"];
credits += [universe getPriceForWeaponSystemWithKey:@"EQ_WEAPON_THARGOID_LASER"];
[self setGuiToEquipShipScreen:-1:-1];
return YES;
if (([eq_type hasSuffix:@"MISSILE"]||[eq_type hasSuffix:@"MINE"])&&(missiles >= max_missiles))
return NO;
if (([eq_type isEqual:@"EQ_PASSENGER_BERTH"])&&(cargo_space < 5))
return NO;
if ([eq_type isEqual:@"EQ_FUEL"])
fuel = 70;
credits -= price;
[self setGuiToEquipShipScreen:-1:-1];
return YES;
if ([eq_type hasSuffix:@"MISSILE"]||[eq_type hasSuffix:@"MINE"])
ShipEntity* weapon = [[universe getShipWithRole:eq_type] autorelease];
BOOL mounted_okay = [self mountMissile:weapon];
if (mounted_okay)
credits -= price;
[self safe_all_missiles];
[self sort_missiles];
[self select_next_missile];
[self setGuiToEquipShipScreen:-1:-1];
return mounted_okay;
if ([eq_type isEqual:@"EQ_PASSENGER_BERTH"])
max_cargo -= 5;
credits -= price;
[self setGuiToEquipShipScreen:-1:-1];
return YES;
if ([eq_type isEqual:@"EQ_PASSENGER_BERTH_REMOVAL"])
max_cargo += 5;
credits -= price;
[self setGuiToEquipShipScreen:-1:-1];
return YES;
int i;
for (i =0; i < [equipdata count]; i++)
NSString *w_key = (NSString *)[(NSArray *)[equipdata objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_KEY_INDEX];
if (([eq_type isEqual:w_key])&&(![self has_extra_equipment:eq_type]))
//NSLog(@"adding %@",eq_type);
credits -= price;
[self add_extra_equipment:eq_type];
[self setGuiToEquipShipScreen:-1:-1];
return YES;
return NO;
- (void) setGuiToMarketScreen
NSArray* localMarket;
if (status == STATUS_DOCKED)
if (docked_station == nil)
docked_station = [universe station];
if ([docked_station localMarket])
localMarket = [docked_station localMarket];
localMarket = [docked_station initialiseLocalMarketWithSeed:system_seed andRandomFactor:market_rnd];
if ([[universe station] localMarket])
localMarket = [[universe station] localMarket];
localMarket = [[universe station] initialiseLocalMarketWithSeed:system_seed andRandomFactor:market_rnd];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG local market = %@ [universe station] = %@", [localMarket description], [universe station]);
// GUI stuff
GuiDisplayGen* gui = [universe gui];
int start_row = GUI_ROW_MARKET_START;
int row = start_row;
int i;
int tab_stops[GUI_MAX_COLUMNS];
int n_commodities = [localMarket count];
int in_hold[n_commodities];
if (status == STATUS_DOCKED)
for (i = 0; i < n_commodities; i++)
in_hold[i] = [(NSNumber *)[(NSArray *)[shipCommodityData objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY] intValue];
for (i = 0; i < n_commodities; i++)
in_hold[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < [cargo count]; i++)
ShipEntity *container = (ShipEntity *)[cargo objectAtIndex:i];
in_hold[[container getCommodityType]] += [container getCommodityAmount];
[gui clear];
[gui setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ Commodity Market",[universe getSystemName:system_seed]]];
tab_stops[0] = 0;
tab_stops[1] = 192;
tab_stops[2] = 288;
tab_stops[3] = 384;
[gui setTabStops:tab_stops];
[gui setColor:[NSColor greenColor] forRow:GUI_ROW_MARKET_KEY];
[gui setArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Commodity:", @"Price:", @"For sale:", @"In hold:", nil] forRow:GUI_ROW_MARKET_KEY];
current_cargo = 0; // for calculating remaining hold space
for (i = 0; i < n_commodities; i++)
NSString* desc = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@ ",(NSString *)[(NSArray *)[localMarket objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:MARKET_NAME]];
int available_units = [(NSNumber *)[(NSArray *)[localMarket objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY] intValue];
int units_in_hold = in_hold[i];
int price_per_unit = [(NSNumber *)[(NSArray *)[localMarket objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:MARKET_PRICE] intValue];
int unit = [(NSNumber *)[(NSArray *)[localMarket objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:MARKET_UNITS] intValue];
NSString* available = (available_units > 0) ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",available_units] : @"-";
NSString* price = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" %.1f ",0.1*price_per_unit];
NSString* owned = (units_in_hold > 0) ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",units_in_hold] : @"-";
NSString* units = @"t";
if (unit == UNITS_KILOGRAMS) units = @"kg";
if (unit == UNITS_GRAMS) units = @"g";
NSString* units_available = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@ %@ ",available,units];
NSString* units_owned = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@ %@ ",owned,units];
if (unit == UNITS_TONS)
current_cargo += units_in_hold;
[gui setKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",i] forRow:row];
[gui setArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: desc, price, units_available, units_owned, nil] forRow:row++];
if ([cargo count] > 0)
current_cargo = ([cargo count] <= max_cargo) ? [cargo count] : max_cargo; // actually count the containers and things (may be > max_cargo)
[gui setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Cash:\t%.1f Cr.\t\tLoad %d of %d t.", 0.1*credits, current_cargo, max_cargo] forRow: GUI_ROW_MARKET_CASH];
if (status == STATUS_DOCKED) // can only buy or sell in dock
[gui setSelectableRange:NSMakeRange(start_row,row - start_row)];
if (([gui selectedRow] < start_row)||([gui selectedRow] >=row))
[gui setSelectedRow:start_row];
[gui setNoSelectedRow];
[gui setShowTextCursor:NO];
[universe guiUpdated];
[self setShowDemoShips:NO];
gui_screen = GUI_SCREEN_MARKET;
- (int) gui_screen
return gui_screen;
- (BOOL) marketFlooded:(int) index
NSMutableArray* localMarket;
if (docked_station == nil)
docked_station = [universe station];
if ([docked_station localMarket])
localMarket = [docked_station localMarket];
localMarket = [docked_station initialiseLocalMarketWithSeed:system_seed andRandomFactor:market_rnd];
NSArray *commodityArray = (NSArray *)[localMarket objectAtIndex:index];
int available_units = [(NSNumber *)[commodityArray objectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY] intValue];
return (available_units >= 127);
- (BOOL) tryBuyingCommodity:(int) index
NSMutableArray* localMarket;
if (status == STATUS_DOCKED)
if (docked_station == nil)
docked_station = [universe station];
if ([docked_station localMarket])
localMarket = [docked_station localMarket];
localMarket = [docked_station initialiseLocalMarketWithSeed:system_seed andRandomFactor:market_rnd];
return NO; // can't buy if not docked
NSArray *commodityArray = (NSArray *)[localMarket objectAtIndex:index];
int available_units = [(NSNumber *)[commodityArray objectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY] intValue];
int price_per_unit = [(NSNumber *)[commodityArray objectAtIndex:MARKET_PRICE] intValue];
int unit = [(NSNumber *)[commodityArray objectAtIndex:MARKET_UNITS] intValue];
if ((specialCargo != nil)&&(unit == 0))
return NO; // can't buy tons of stuff when carrying a specialCargo
if ((available_units == 0)||(price_per_unit > credits)||((unit == 0)&&(current_cargo >= max_cargo))) return NO;
NSMutableArray* manifest = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:shipCommodityData];
NSMutableArray* manifest_commodity = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:(NSArray *)[manifest objectAtIndex:index]];
NSMutableArray* market_commodity = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:(NSArray *)[localMarket objectAtIndex:index]];
int manifest_quantity = [(NSNumber *)[manifest_commodity objectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY] intValue];
int market_quantity = [(NSNumber *)[market_commodity objectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY] intValue];
credits -= price_per_unit;
if (unit == UNITS_TONS)
[manifest_commodity replaceObjectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:manifest_quantity]];
[market_commodity replaceObjectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:market_quantity]];
[manifest replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:[NSArray arrayWithArray:manifest_commodity]];
[localMarket replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:[NSArray arrayWithArray:market_commodity]];
[shipCommodityData release];
shipCommodityData = [[NSArray arrayWithArray:manifest] retain];
return YES;
- (BOOL) trySellingCommodity:(int) index
NSMutableArray* localMarket;
if (status == STATUS_DOCKED)
if (docked_station == nil)
docked_station = [universe station];
if ([docked_station localMarket])
localMarket = [docked_station localMarket];
localMarket = [docked_station initialiseLocalMarketWithSeed:system_seed andRandomFactor:market_rnd];
return NO; // can't sell if not docked
int available_units = [(NSNumber *)[(NSArray *)[shipCommodityData objectAtIndex:index] objectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY] intValue];
int price_per_unit = [(NSNumber *)[(NSArray *)[localMarket objectAtIndex:index] objectAtIndex:MARKET_PRICE] intValue];
if (available_units == 0) return NO;
NSMutableArray* manifest = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:shipCommodityData];
NSMutableArray* manifest_commodity = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:(NSArray *)[manifest objectAtIndex:index]];
NSMutableArray* market_commodity = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:(NSArray *)[localMarket objectAtIndex:index]];
int manifest_quantity = [(NSNumber *)[manifest_commodity objectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY] intValue];
int market_quantity = [(NSNumber *)[market_commodity objectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY] intValue];
// check the market's not flooded
if (market_quantity >= 127)
return NO;
credits += price_per_unit;
[manifest_commodity replaceObjectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:manifest_quantity]];
[market_commodity replaceObjectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:market_quantity]];
[manifest replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:[NSArray arrayWithArray:manifest_commodity]];
[localMarket replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:[NSArray arrayWithArray:market_commodity]];
[shipCommodityData release];
shipCommodityData = [[NSArray arrayWithArray:manifest] retain];
return YES;
- (BOOL) isMining
return using_mining_laser;
- (BOOL) speech_on
return speech_on;
// new extra equipment routines
- (BOOL) has_extra_equipment:(NSString *) eq_key
if ([extra_equipment objectForKey:eq_key])
return YES;
return NO;
- (void) add_extra_equipment:(NSString *) eq_key
[extra_equipment setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:eq_key];
[self set_flags_from_extra_equipment];
- (void) remove_extra_equipment:(NSString *) eq_key
if ([extra_equipment objectForKey:eq_key])
[extra_equipment removeObjectForKey:eq_key];
[self set_flags_from_extra_equipment];
- (void) set_extra_equipment_from_flags
int original_hold_size = [universe maxCargoForShip:ship_desc];
if (max_cargo > original_hold_size)
[self add_extra_equipment:@"EQ_CARGO_BAY"];
if (has_escape_pod)
[self add_extra_equipment:@"EQ_ESCAPE_POD"];
if (has_scoop)
[self add_extra_equipment:@"EQ_FUEL_SCOOPS"];
if (has_fuel_injection)
[self add_extra_equipment:@"EQ_FUEL_INJECTION"];
if (has_ecm)
[self add_extra_equipment:@"EQ_ECM"];
if (has_energy_bomb)
[self add_extra_equipment:@"EQ_ENERGY_BOMB"];
if (has_energy_unit)
switch (energy_unit)
[self add_extra_equipment:@"EQ_ENERGY_UNIT"];
[self add_extra_equipment:@"EQ_NAVAL_ENERGY_UNIT"];
if (has_docking_computer)
[self add_extra_equipment:@"EQ_DOCK_COMP"];
if (has_galactic_hyperdrive)
[self add_extra_equipment:@"EQ_GAL_DRIVE"];
- (void) set_flags_from_extra_equipment
int original_hold_size = [universe maxCargoForShip:ship_desc];
if ([self has_extra_equipment:@"EQ_CARGO_BAY"])
max_cargo = original_hold_size + 15 - max_passengers * 5;
has_escape_pod = [self has_extra_equipment:@"EQ_ESCAPE_POD"];
has_scoop = [self has_extra_equipment:@"EQ_FUEL_SCOOPS"];
has_fuel_injection = [self has_extra_equipment:@"EQ_FUEL_INJECTION"];
has_ecm = [self has_extra_equipment:@"EQ_ECM"];
has_energy_bomb = [self has_extra_equipment:@"EQ_ENERGY_BOMB"];
has_docking_computer = [self has_extra_equipment:@"EQ_DOCK_COMP"];
has_galactic_hyperdrive = [self has_extra_equipment:@"EQ_GAL_DRIVE"];
has_cloaking_device = [self has_extra_equipment:@"EQ_CLOAKING_DEVICE"];
has_energy_unit = ([self has_extra_equipment:@"EQ_ENERGY_UNIT"]||[self has_extra_equipment:@"EQ_NAVAL_ENERGY_UNIT"]);
if (has_energy_unit)
energy_unit = ([self has_extra_equipment:@"EQ_NAVAL_ENERGY_UNIT"])? ENERGY_UNIT_NAVAL : ENERGY_UNIT_NORMAL;
energy_unit = ENERGY_UNIT_NONE;
if ([self has_extra_equipment:@"EQ_ADVANCED_COMPASS"])
compass_mode = COMPASS_MODE_PLANET;
compass_mode = COMPASS_MODE_BASIC;
// time delay method for playing afterburner sounds
// this overlaps two sounds each 2 seconds long, but with a .5s
// crossfade
NSSound* burnersound;
- (void) loopAfterburnerSound
SEL _loopAfterburnerSoundSelector = @selector(loopAfterburnerSound);
if (!afterburner_engaged) // end the loop cycle
afterburnerSoundLooping = NO;
afterburnerSoundLooping = YES;
if (burnersound == afterburner1Sound)
burnersound = afterburner2Sound;
burnersound = afterburner1Sound;
// NSLog(@"DEBUG loopAfterburnerSound playing sound %@", burnersound);
[burnersound play];
[self performSelector:_loopAfterburnerSoundSelector
afterDelay:1.25]; // and swap sounds in 1.25s time
- (void) stopAfterburnerSound
[burnersound stop];
// ***JESTER_START*** 11/08/04
NSString* GenerateDisplayString(int inModeWidth, int inModeHeight, int inModeRefresh)
NSString *displayModeString = nil;
if(inModeRefresh != 0)
displayModeString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" Fullscreen: %d x %d at %d Hz ", inModeWidth, inModeHeight, inModeRefresh];
//Let's not bother showing the useless modeRefresh info on Powerbooks that don't have refresh info.
displayModeString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" Fullscreen: %d x %d ", inModeWidth, inModeHeight];
return displayModeString;
// ***JESTER_END*** 11/08/04
- (void) setScript_target:(ShipEntity *)ship
script_target = ship;
- (ShipEntity*) script_target
return script_target;
- (BOOL) hasHostileTarget
return NO;
- (void) receiveCommsMessage:(NSString *) message_text
[universe addCommsMessage:message_text forCount:4.5];
- (void) getFined
if (legal_status == 0)
return; // nothing to pay for
int local_gov = [(NSNumber*)[[universe currentSystemData] objectForKey:KEY_GOVERNMENT] intValue];
int fine = 50 + ((local_gov < 2)||(local_gov > 5))? 50:0;
fine *= legal_status;
if (fine > credits)
int payback = legal_status * credits / fine;
legal_status -= payback;
credits = 0;
legal_status = 0;
credits -= fine;
NSString* fined_message = [NSString stringWithFormat:[universe expandDescription:@"[fined]" forSystem:system_seed], fine];
[universe addMessage:fined_message forCount:6];
ship_clock_adjust = 24 * 3600; // take up a day
if (gui_screen = GUI_SCREEN_STATUS)
[self setGuiToStatusScreen];
- (BOOL) checkPerPolyCollisionWithShip:(ShipEntity *)other // overrides the ShipEntity version
// NSLog(@"DEBUG checking per poly collision Player versus %@ %d", [other name], [other universal_id]);
// This is not currently working so...
return YES;
Quaternion q_actual = q_rotation;
q_actual.w = -q_actual.w; // reverse rotation
gl_matrix rMatrix;
quaternion_into_gl_matrix( q_actual, rMatrix);
// return YES;
// check each surface versus the other's particle cloud ...
int f;
BOOL all_clear = YES;
int surfs_hit = 0;
Vector incidence = make_vector( 0, 0, 0);
Vector direction = make_vector( 0, 0, 0);
for (f = 0; f < n_faces; f++)
face_hit[f] = NO;
Vector v0 = vertices[faces[f].vertex[0]];
Vector v1 = vertices[faces[f].vertex[1]];
Vector v2 = vertices[faces[f].vertex[2]];
mult_vector_gl_matrix( &v0, rMatrix);
mult_vector_gl_matrix( &v1, rMatrix);
mult_vector_gl_matrix( &v2, rMatrix);
Vector vi = make_vector(v1.x - v0.x, v1.y - v0.y, v1.z - v0.z);
Vector vj = make_vector(v2.x - v0.x, v2.y - v0.y, v2.z - v0.z);
Vector vs = faces[f].normal;
mult_vector_gl_matrix( &vs, rMatrix);
Vector p0 = make_vector( position.x + v0.x, position.y + v0.y, position.z + v0.z);
// get bounding box relative to this surface's orientation
BoundingBox arbb = [other findBoundingBoxRelativeToPosition:p0 InVectors: vi : vj : vs];
if ((arbb.max_x < 0.0) // all p.vi < 0
||(arbb.min_x > 1.0) // all p.vi > 1
||(arbb.max_y < 0.0) // all p.vj < 0
||(arbb.min_y > 1.0) // all p.vj > 1
||(arbb.min_x + arbb.min_y > 1.0) // all p.vi + p.vj > 1
||(arbb.min_z > 0.0) // all p.vs > 0
||(arbb.max_z < 0.0)) // all p.vs < 0
continue; // this surface doesn't intersect the point cloud;
// this surface intersects the point cloud
incidence.x += vs.x; incidence.y += vs.y; incidence.z += vs.z;
Vector dir = make_vector( v0.x + v1.x + v2.x, v0.y + v1.y + v2.y, v0.z + v1.z + v2.z);
dir = unit_vector(&dir);
direction.x += dir.x; direction.y += dir.y; direction.z += dir.z;
face_hit[f] = YES;
all_clear = NO;
if (!all_clear)
collision_vector = unit_vector(&incidence);
if (isnan(collision_vector.x)||isnan(collision_vector.y)||isnan(collision_vector.z))
collision_vector = unit_vector(&direction);
NSLog( @"DEBUG Player Ship %@ %d versus other %@ %d collision, %d surfaces intersected, incidence [%.3f, %.3f, %.3f]",
name, universal_id, [other name], [other universal_id],
surfs_hit, collision_vector.x, collision_vector.y, collision_vector.z);
setObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: [NSNumber numberWithFloat:collision_vector.x],
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:collision_vector.y],
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:collision_vector.z], nil]
forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", other]];
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL) checkPerPolyCollisionWithParticle:(ParticleEntity *)other
// NSLog(@"DEBUG checking per poly collision %@ %d versus particle", name, universal_id);
// This is not currently working so...
return YES;
Quaternion q_actual = q_rotation;
q_actual.w = -q_actual.w;
gl_matrix rMatrix;
quaternion_into_gl_matrix( q_actual, rMatrix);
// check bounding boxes ...
// get position relative to this ship's orientation
Vector o_pos = [other getPosition];
o_pos.x -= position.x; o_pos.y -= position.y; o_pos.z -= position.z;
double cr = [other collisionRadius];
int f;
BOOL all_clear = YES;
int surfs_hit = 0;
Vector incidence = make_vector( 0, 0, 0);
Vector direction = make_vector( 0, 0, 0);
for (f = 0; f < n_faces; f++)
Vector v0 = vertices[faces[f].vertex[0]];
Vector v1 = vertices[faces[f].vertex[1]];
Vector v2 = vertices[faces[f].vertex[2]];
mult_vector_gl_matrix(&v0, rMatrix);
mult_vector_gl_matrix(&v1, rMatrix);
mult_vector_gl_matrix(&v2, rMatrix);
Vector vs = faces[f].normal;
mult_vector_gl_matrix(&vs, rMatrix);
Vector q0 = make_vector( o_pos.x - v0.x, o_pos.y - v0.y, o_pos.z - v0.z);
GLfloat dist = dot_product( q0, vs);
if (dist < cr) // p2 inside sphere
// this surface intersects the sphere
incidence.x += vs.x; incidence.y += vs.y; incidence.z += vs.z;
Vector dir = make_vector( v0.x + v1.x + v2.x, v0.y + v1.y + v2.y, v0.z + v1.z + v2.z);
dir = unit_vector(&dir);
direction.x += dir.x; direction.y += dir.y; direction.z += dir.z;
all_clear = NO;
if (!all_clear)
collision_vector = unit_vector(&incidence);
if (isnan(collision_vector.x)||isnan(collision_vector.y)||isnan(collision_vector.z))
collision_vector = unit_vector(&direction);
// NSLog( @"Ship %@ %d versus particle collision, %d surfaces intersected, incidence [%.3f, %.3f, %.3f]",
// name, universal_id, surfs_hit, collision_vector.x, collision_vector.y, collision_vector.z);
setObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: [NSNumber numberWithFloat:collision_vector.x],
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:collision_vector.y],
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:collision_vector.z], nil]
forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", other]];
return YES;
return NO;