Should be some available to new players - not safe hops to a nearby system asking for a Deadly pilot with a flawless reputation. New couriers still don't get to be that picky over what they accept, though. Also stop generation of occasional contracts with impossible reputation requirements.
884 lines
27 KiB
884 lines
27 KiB
Script for managing passenger contracts
Copyright © 2004-2013 Giles C Williams and contributors
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02110-1301, USA.
/*jslint white: true, undef: true, eqeqeq: true, bitwise: true, regexp: true, newcap: true, immed: true */
/*global galaxyNumber, missionVariables, system*/
"use strict";
| = "oolite-contracts-passengers";
| = "cim";
this.copyright = "© 2012-2013 the Oolite team.";
this.description = "Parcel delivery contracts.";
/**** Configuration options and API ****/
/* OXPs which wish to add a background to the summary pages should
set this value */
this.$passengerSummaryPageBackground = "";
/* OXPs which wish to add an overlay to the passenger mission screens
should set this value */
this.$passengerPageOverlay = "";
/* this._addPassengerToSystem(passenger)
* This function adds the defined passenger to the local main station's
* interface list. A passenger definition is an object with the following
* parameters, all required:
* destination: system ID of destination system
* name: the name of the passenger (max 40 chars)
* species: the species of the passenger (max 40 chars)
* deadline: the deadline for delivery, in clock seconds
* payment: the payment for delivery on time, in credits
* and optionally, the following parameters:
* skill: the skill level required by the client (default 0)
* risk: the risk level of the contract (0-2, default 0)
* advance: the payment for taking the passenger onboard (default 0)
* route: a route object generated with
* describing the route between the source and destination
* systems.
* If this is not specified, it will be generated automatically.
* The function will return true if the passenger can be added, false
* otherwise.
this._addPassengerToSystem = function(passenger)
if (!system.mainStation)
log(,"Contracts require a main station");
return false;
if (! || > 40)
log(,"Rejected passenger: name missing or too long");
return false;
if (passenger.destination < 0 || passenger.destination > 255)
log(,"Rejected passenger: destination missing or invalid");
return false;
if (passenger.deadline <= clock.adjustedSeconds)
log(,"Rejected passenger: deadline invalid");
return false;
if (passenger.payment < 0)
log(,"Rejected passenger: payment invalid");
return false;
if (!passenger.route)
var destinationInfo = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber,passenger.destination);
passenger.route =;
if (!passenger.route)
log(,"Rejected passenger: route invalid");
return false;
if (!passenger.advance)
passenger.advance = 0;
if (!passenger.risk)
passenger.risk = 0;
if (!passenger.skill)
passenger.skill = 0;
else if (passenger.skill > 70)
passenger.skill = 70;
return true;
/**** Internal methods. Do not call these from OXPs as they may change
**** without warning. ****/
/* Event handlers */
this.startUp = function()
this.$helper = worldScripts["oolite-contracts-helpers"];
this.$suspendedDestination = null;
this.$suspendedHUD = false;
// stored contents of local main station's parcel contract list
if (missionVariables.oolite_contracts_passengers)
this.$passengers = JSON.parse(missionVariables.oolite_contracts_passengers);
this.shipWillExitWitchspace = function()
if (!system.isInterstellarSpace && !system.sun.hasGoneNova && system.mainStation)
// must be a regular system with a main station
this.playerWillSaveGame = function()
// encode the contract list to a string for storage in the savegame
missionVariables.oolite_contracts_passengers = JSON.stringify(this.$passengers);
// when the player exits the mission screens, reset their destination
// system and HUD settings, which the mission screens may have
// affected.
this.shipWillLaunchFromStation = function()
this.guiScreenWillChange = function(to, from)
this.guiScreenChanged = function(to, from)
/* Interface functions */
// resets HUD and jump destination
this._resetViews = function()
if (this.$suspendedHUD !== false)
player.ship.hudHidden = false;
this.$suspendedHUD = false;
if (this.$suspendedDestination !== null)
player.ship.targetSystem = this.$suspendedDestination;
this.$suspendedDestination = null;
// initialise a new passenger contract list for the current system
this._initialisePassengerContractsForSystem = function()
// clear list
this.$passengers = [];
// no point in generating too many, but generally want 5 or more
// some of them will be discarded later
var numContracts = Math.floor(5*Math.random()+5*Math.random()+5*Math.random()+(player.passengerReputationPrecise*Math.random()));
if (player.passengerReputationPrecise >= 0 && numContracts < 5)
numContracts += 5;
if (numContracts > 16)
numContracts = 16;
else if (numContracts < 0)
numContracts = 0;
// some of these possible contracts may be discarded later on
for (var i = 0; i < numContracts; i++)
var passenger = new Object;
// pick a random system to take the passenger to
var destination = Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
// discard if chose the current system
if (destination === system.ID)
// get the SystemInfo object for the destination
var destinationInfo = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber,destination);
var daysUntilDeparture = 1+(Math.random()*(7+player.passengerReputationPrecise-destinationInfo.government));
if (daysUntilDeparture <= 0)
// loses some more contracts if reputation negative
// check that a route to the destination exists
var routeToDestination =;
// if the system cannot be reached, ignore this contract
if (!routeToDestination)
// we now have a valid destination, so generate the rest of
// the parcel details
passenger.destination = destination;
// we'll need this again later, and route calculation is slow
passenger.route = routeToDestination;
if (Math.random() < 0.5) // 50% local inhabitant
passenger.species =;
else // 50% random species (which will be 50%ish human)
passenger.species = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber,Math.floor(Math.random()*256)).inhabitant;
if (passenger.species.match(new RegExp(expandDescription("[human-word]"),"i")))
| = expandDescription("%N ")+expandDescription("[nom]");
| = randomName()+" "+randomName();
/* Because passengers with duplicate names won't be accepted,
* check for name duplication with either other passengers
* here or other passengers carried by the player, and adjust
* this passenger's name a little if there's a match */
do {
var okay = true;
for (var j=0;j<player.ship.passengers.length;j++)
if (player.ship.passengers[j].name ==
okay = false;
if (okay) {
for (var j=0;j<this.$passengers.length;j++)
if (this.$passengers[j].name ==
okay = false;
if (!okay) {
| += "a";
} while (!okay);
passenger.risk = Math.floor(Math.random()*3);
passenger.species = expandDescription("[passenger-description-risk"+passenger.risk+"]")+" "+passenger.species;
// time allowed for delivery is time taken by "fewest jumps"
// route, plus timer above. Higher reputation makes longer
// times available.
var dtime = Math.floor(daysUntilDeparture*86400)+(passenger.route.time*3600);
passenger.deadline = clock.adjustedSeconds + dtime;
if (passenger.risk < 2 && destinationInfo.government <= 1 && Math.random() < 0.5)
// total payment is:
passenger.payment = Math.floor(
// payment per hop (higher at rep > 5)
5 * Math.pow(routeToDestination.route.length-1, (passenger.risk*0.2) + (player.passengerReputationPrecise > 5 ? 2.45 : 2.3)) +
// payment by route length
routeToDestination.distance * (8+(Math.random()*8)) +
// premium for delivery to more dangerous systems
(5 * (7-destinationInfo.government) * (7-destinationInfo.government))
passenger.payment *= (Math.random()+Math.random()+Math.random()+Math.random())/2;
var prudence = (2*Math.random())-1;
var desperation = (Math.random()*(0.5+passenger.risk)) * (1+1/(Math.max(0.5,dtime-(routeToDestination.time * 3600))));
var competency = Math.max(50,(routeToDestination.route.length-1)*(0.5+(passenger.risk*2)));
if(passenger.risk == 0)
competency -= 30;
passenger.payment = Math.floor(passenger.payment * (1+(0.4*prudence)));
passenger.payment += (passenger.risk * 200);
passenger.skill = Math.min(60,competency + 20*(prudence-desperation));
passenger.advance = Math.min(passenger.payment*0.9,Math.max(0,Math.floor(passenger.payment * (0.05 + (0.1*desperation) + (0.02*player.passengerReputationPrecise))))); // some% up front
passenger.payment -= passenger.advance;
// log(,passenger.payment,passenger.skill,passenger.risk);
// add passenger to contract list
// this should be called every time the contents of this.$passengers
// changes, as it updates the summary of the interface entry.
this._updateMainStationInterfacesList = function()
if (this.$passengers.length === 0)
// no contracts, remove interface if it exists
var title = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-interface-title",{
"oolite-contracts-passengers-interface-title-count": this.$passengers.length
title: title,
category: expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-interface-category"),
summary: expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-interface-summary"),
callback: this._passengerContractsScreens.bind(this)
// could alternatively use "cbThis: this" parameter instead of bind()
// if the interface is activated, this function is run.
this._passengerContractsScreens = function(interfaceKey)
// the interfaceKey parameter is not used here, but would be useful if
// this callback managed more than one interface entry
// set up variables used to remember state on the mission screens
this.$suspendedDestination = null;
this.$suspendedHUD = false;
this.$contractIndex = 0;
this.$routeMode = "LONG_RANGE_CHART_SHORTEST";
this.$lastOptionChosen = "06_EXIT";
// start on the summary page if more than one contract is available
var summary = (this.$passengers.length > 1);
// this function is called after the player makes a choice which keeps
// them in the system, and also on initial entry to the system
// to select the appropriate mission screen and display it
this._passengerContractsDisplay = function(summary) {
// Again. Has to be done on every call to this function, but also
// has to be done at the start.
// if there are no passengers (usually because the player has taken
// the last one) display a message and quit.
if (this.$passengers.length === 0)
var missionConfig = {titleKey: "oolite-contracts-passengers-none-available-title",
messageKey: "oolite-contracts-passengers-none-available-message",
allowInterrupt: true,
screenID: "oolite-contracts-passengers-none",
if (this.$passengerSummaryPageBackground != "") {
missionConfig.background = this.$passengerSummaryPageBackground;
if (this.$passengerPageOverlay != "") {
missionConfig.overlay = this.$passengerPageOverlay;
// no callback, just exits contracts system
// make sure that the 'currently selected contract' pointer
// is in bounds
if (this.$contractIndex >= this.$passengers.length)
this.$contractIndex = 0;
else if (this.$contractIndex < 0)
this.$contractIndex = this.$passengers.length - 1;
// sub functions display either summary or detail screens
if (summary)
// display the mission screen for the summary page
this._passengerContractSummaryPage = function()
var playerrep = worldScripts["oolite-contracts-helpers"]._playerSkill(player.passengerReputationPrecise);
// column 'tab stops'
var columns = [12,18,23,28];
// column header line
var headline = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-column-name");
// pad to correct length to give a table-like layout
headline += this.$helper._paddingText(headline,columns[0]);
headline += expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-column-destination");
headline += this.$helper._paddingText(headline,columns[1]);
headline += expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-column-within");
headline += this.$helper._paddingText(headline,columns[2]);
headline += expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-column-advance");
headline += this.$helper._paddingText(headline,columns[3]);
headline += expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-column-fee");
// required because of way choices are displayed.
headline = " "+headline;
// setting options dynamically; one contract per line
var options = new Object;
var i;
for (i=0; i<this.$passengers.length; i++)
// temp variable to simplify following code
var passenger = this.$passengers[i];
// write the passenger description, padded to line up with the headers
var optionText =;
optionText += this.$helper._paddingText(optionText, columns[0]);
optionText += System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber, passenger.destination).name;
optionText += this.$helper._paddingText(optionText, columns[1]);
optionText += this.$helper._timeRemaining(passenger);
optionText += this.$helper._paddingText(optionText, columns[2]);
// right-align the fee so that the credits signs line up
var priceText = formatCredits(passenger.advance,false,true);
priceText = this.$helper._paddingText(priceText, 3)+priceText;
optionText += priceText
optionText += this.$helper._paddingText(optionText, columns[3]);
// right-align the fee so that the credits signs line up
priceText = formatCredits(passenger.payment,false,true);
priceText = this.$helper._paddingText(priceText, 3)+priceText;
optionText += priceText
// need to pad the number in the key to maintain alphabetical order
var istr = i;
if (i < 10)
istr = "0"+i;
// needs to be aligned left to line up with the heading
options["01_CONTRACT_"+istr] = { text: optionText, alignment: "LEFT" };
// if there's no space for extra passengers or the player isn't good enough
if (passenger.skill > playerrep || player.ship.passengerCapacity <= player.ship.passengerCount)
options["01_CONTRACT_"+istr].color = "darkGrayColor";
// if there doesn't appear to be sufficient time remaining
else if (this.$helper._timeRemainingSeconds(passenger) < this.$helper._timeEstimateSeconds(passenger))
options["01_CONTRACT_"+istr].color = "orangeColor";
// if we've come from the detail screen, make sure the last
// contract shown there is selected here
var icstr = this.$contractIndex;
if (icstr < 10)
icstr = "0"+this.$contractIndex;
var initialChoice = "01_CONTRACT_"+icstr;
// unless we don't have any space left
if (player.ship.passengerCapacity <= player.ship.passengerCount)
initialChoice = "06_EXIT";
// next, an empty string gives an unselectable row
options["02_SPACER"] = "";
// numbered 06 to match the option of the same function in the other branch
options["06_EXIT"] = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-quit");
// now need to add further spacing to fill the remaining rows, or
// the options will end up at the bottom of the screen.
var rowsToFill = 21;
if (player.ship.hudHidden)
rowsToFill = 27;
for (i = 4 + this.$passengers.length; i < rowsToFill ; i++)
// each key needs to be unique at this stage.
options["07_SPACER_"+i] = "";
var missionConfig = {titleKey: "oolite-contracts-passengers-title-summary",
message: headline,
allowInterrupt: true,
screenID: "oolite-contracts-passengers-summary",
choices: options,
initialChoicesKey: initialChoice};
if (this.$passengerSummaryPageBackground != "") {
missionConfig.background = this.$passengerSummaryPageBackground;
if (this.$passengerPageOverlay != "") {
missionConfig.overlay = this.$passengerPageOverlay;
// now run the mission screen
mission.runScreen(missionConfig, this._processPassengerChoice, this);
// display the mission screen for the contract detail page
this._passengerContractSinglePage = function()
var playerrep = worldScripts["oolite-contracts-helpers"]._playerSkill(player.passengerReputationPrecise);
// temp variable to simplify code
var passenger = this.$passengers[this.$contractIndex];
// This mission screen uses the long range chart as a backdrop.
// This means that the first 18 lines are taken up by the chart,
// and we can't put text there without overwriting the chart.
// We therefore need to hide the player's HUD, to get the full 27
// lines.
if (!player.ship.hudHidden)
this.$suspendedHUD = true; // note that we hid it, for later
player.ship.hudHidden = true;
// We also set the player's witchspace destination temporarily
// so we need to store the old one in a variable to reset it later
this.$suspendedDestination = player.ship.targetSystem;
// That done, we can set the player's destination so the map looks
// right.
player.ship.targetSystem = passenger.destination;
// start with 18 blank lines, since we don't want to overlap the chart
var message = new Array(18).join("\n");
message += expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-long-description",{
"oolite-contracts-passengers-longdesc-species": passenger.species,
"oolite-contracts-passengers-longdesc-destination": this.$helper._systemName(passenger.destination),
"oolite-contracts-passengers-longdesc-deadline": this.$helper._timeRemaining(passenger),
"oolite-contracts-passengers-longdesc-time": this.$helper._timeEstimate(passenger),
"oolite-contracts-passengers-longdesc-payment": formatCredits(passenger.payment,false,true),
"oolite-contracts-passengers-longdesc-advance": formatCredits(passenger.advance,false,true)
// use a special background
var backgroundSpecial = "LONG_RANGE_CHART";
// the available options will vary quite a bit, so this rather
// than a choicesKey in missiontext.plist
var options = new Object;
// this is the only option which is always available
options["06_EXIT"] = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-quit");
// if the player has a spare cabin
if (player.ship.passengerCapacity <= player.ship.passengerCount)
options["05_UNAVAILABLE"] = {
text: expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-unavailable"),
color: "darkGrayColor",
unselectable: true
else if (playerrep >= passenger.skill)
options["05_ACCEPT"] = {
text: expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-accept")
// if there's not much time left, change the option colour as a warning!
if (this.$helper._timeRemainingSeconds(passenger) < this.$helper._timeEstimateSeconds(passenger))
options["05_ACCEPT"].color = "orangeColor";
var utype = "both";
if (player.passengerReputationPrecise*10 >= passenger.skill)
utype = "kills";
else if (Math.sqrt(player.score) >= passenger.skill)
utype = "rep";
options["05_UNAVAILABLE"] = {
text: expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-unavailable-"+utype),
color: "darkGrayColor",
unselectable: true
// if the ship has a working advanced nav array, can switch
// between 'quickest' and 'shortest' routes
// (and also upgrade the special background)
if (player.ship.equipmentStatus("EQ_ADVANCED_NAVIGATIONAL_ARRAY") === "EQUIPMENT_OK")
backgroundSpecial = this.$routeMode;
if (this.$routeMode === "LONG_RANGE_CHART_SHORTEST")
options["01_MODE"] = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-ana-quickest");
options["01_MODE"] = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-ana-shortest");
// if there's more than one, need options for forward, back, and listing
if (this.$passengers.length > 1)
options["02_BACK"] = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-back");
options["03_NEXT"] = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-next");
options["04_LIST"] = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-list");
// if not, we may need to set a different choice
// we never want 05_ACCEPT to end up selected initially
if (this.$lastChoice === "02_BACK" || this.$lastChoice === "03_NEXT" || this.$lastChoice === "04_LIST")
this.$lastChoice = "06_EXIT";
var title = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-title-detail",{
"oolite-contracts-passengers-title-detail-number": this.$contractIndex+1,
"oolite-contracts-passengers-title-detail-total": this.$passengers.length
// finally, after all that setup, actually create the mission screen
var missionConfig = {
title: title,
message: message,
allowInterrupt: true,
screenID: "oolite-contracts-passengers-details",
backgroundSpecial: backgroundSpecial,
choices: options,
initialChoicesKey: this.$lastChoice
if (this.$passengerPageOverlay != "") {
missionConfig.overlay = this.$passengerPageOverlay;
mission.runScreen(missionConfig,this._processPassengerChoice, this);
this._processPassengerChoice = function(choice)
if (choice === null)
// can occur if ship launches mid mission screen
// now process the various choices
if (choice.match(/^01_CONTRACT_/))
// contract selected from summary page
// set the index to that contract, and show details
var index = parseInt(choice.slice(12),10);
this.$contractIndex = index;
this.$lastChoice = "04_LIST";
else if (choice === "01_MODE")
// advanced navigation array mode flip
this.$lastChoice = "01_MODE";
else if (choice === "02_BACK")
// reduce contract index (passengerContractsDisplay manages wraparound)
this.$lastChoice = "02_BACK";
else if (choice === "03_NEXT")
// increase contract index (passengerContractsDisplay manages wraparound)
this.$lastChoice = "03_NEXT";
else if (choice === "04_LIST")
// display the summary page
else if (choice === "05_ACCEPT")
// do not leave the setting as accept for the next contract!
this.$lastChoice = "03_NEXT";
// if we get this far without having called passengerContractsDisplay
// that means either 'exit' or an unrecognised option was chosen
// move a passenger from the contracts list to the player's ship (if possible)
this._acceptContract = function()
var passenger = this.$passengers[this.$contractIndex];
// give the passenger to the player
var result = player.ship.addPassenger(,system.ID,passenger.destination,passenger.deadline,passenger.payment,passenger.advance,passenger.risk);
if (result)
// pay the advance
player.credits += passenger.advance;
// remove the passenger from the station list
// update the interface description
if (passenger.risk > 0)
// once for medium risk
if (passenger.risk > 1)
// three times for high risk
// else must have had another passenger board recently
// (unlikely, but another OXP could have done it)
// removes any expired contracts
this._validatePassengers = function()
var c = this.$passengers.length-1;
var removed = false;
// iterate downwards so we can safely remove as we go
for (var i=c;i>=0;i--)
// if the time remaining is less than 1/3 of the estimated
// delivery time, even in the best case it's probably not
// going to get there.
if (this.$helper._timeRemainingSeconds(this.$passengers[i]) < this.$helper._timeEstimateSeconds(this.$passengers[i]) / 3)
// remove it
removed = true;
if (removed)
// update the interface description if we removed any
/* Utility functions */
// lower-cases the initial letter of the package contents
this._formatPackageName = function(name) {
return name.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + name.slice(1);