
5051 lines
144 KiB

// ShipEntity.m
* Oolite
* Created by Giles Williams on Sat Apr 03 2004.
* Copyright (c) 2004 for aegidian.org. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004, Giles C Williams
All rights reserved.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/
or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
You are free:
• to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work
• to make derivative works
Under the following conditions:
• Attribution. You must give the original author credit.
• Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
• Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work,
you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one.
For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.
Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above.
#import "ShipEntity.h"
#import "entities.h"
#import "vector.h"
#import "Universe.h"
#import "AI.h"
@implementation ShipEntity
- (id) init
self = [super init];
// scripting
launch_actions = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4];
script_actions = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4];
death_actions = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4];
// escorts
//escorts = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4];
last_escort_target = NO_TARGET;
n_escorts = 0;
escortsAreSetUp = YES;
//accepts_escorts = NO;
quaternion_into_gl_matrix(q_rotation, rotMatrix);
velocity = make_vector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
momentum = make_vector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
v_forward = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q_rotation);
v_up = vector_up_from_quaternion(q_rotation);
v_right = vector_right_from_quaternion(q_rotation);
reference = v_forward; // reference vector for (* turrets *)
owner_id = NO_TARGET; // owner_id for (* turrets *)
group_id = NO_TARGET;
position.x = 0.0;
position.y = 0.0;
position.z = 0.0;
max_flight_speed = 200.0;
max_flight_roll = 3.0;
max_flight_pitch = 1.5;
flight_speed = 0.0;
flight_roll = 0.0;
flight_pitch = 0.0;
thrust = 0.0;
pitching_over = NO;
energy = 100.0;
max_energy = 100.0;
energy_recharge_rate = 2.0;
forward_weapon_type = WEAPON_NONE;
aft_weapon_type = WEAPON_NONE;
weapon_energy = 8.0;
weapon_recharge_rate = 6.0;
weapon_offset_x = 10.0;
shot_time = 0.0;
launch_time = 0.0;
cargo_dump_time = 0.0;
missiles = 3;
has_ecm = NO;
has_scoop = NO;
has_escape_pod = NO;
has_energy_bomb = NO;
has_fuel_injection = NO;
has_cloaking_device = NO;
fuel_accumulator = 1.0;
bounty = 0;
primaryTarget = NO_TARGET;
targetStation = NO_TARGET;
proximity_alert = NO_TARGET;
condition = CONDITION_IDLE;
shipAI = [[AI alloc] init]; // alloc retains
[shipAI setOwner:self];
[shipAI setState:@"GLOBAL"];
max_cargo = RAIDER_MAX_CARGO;
likely_cargo = 0;
cargo_type = 0;
cargo = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:max_cargo]; // alloc retains;
cargo_flag = CARGO_FLAG_NONE;
[self setOwner:self];
reportAImessages = NO;
sub_entities = nil;
previousCondition = nil;
patrol_counter = 0;
laser_color = [[NSColor redColor] retain];
scanner_range = 25600;
shipinfoDictionary = nil;
being_fined = NO;
message_time = 0.0;
next_spark_time = 0.0;
throw_sparks = NO;
pitch_tolerance = 0.01 * (80 +(ranrot_rand() & 15)); // 80%..95% accuracy in trackPrimaryTarget
thanked_ship_id = NO_TARGET;
scan_class = CLASS_NOT_SET;
beaconChar = 0;
return self;
- (void) dealloc
if (shipinfoDictionary) [shipinfoDictionary release];
if (shipAI) [shipAI release];
if (cargo) [cargo release];
if (name) [name release];
if (roles) [roles release];
if (sub_entities) [sub_entities release];
if (laser_color) [laser_color release];
if (launch_actions) [launch_actions release];
if (script_actions) [script_actions release];
if (death_actions) [death_actions release];
if (previousCondition) [previousCondition release];
if (collisionVectorForEntity)
[collisionVectorForEntity release];
[super dealloc];
- (NSString*) description
NSString* result = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"<ShipEntity %@ %d (%@) %@>", name, universal_id, roles, (universe == nil)? @" (not in universe)":@""];
return [result autorelease];
- (void) setUniverse:(Universe *)univ
if (univ)
if (universe) [universe release];
universe = [univ retain];
if (universe) [universe release];
universe = nil;
// if we have a universal id then we can proceed to set up any
// stuff that happens when we get added to the universe
if (universal_id != NO_TARGET)
// set up escorts
if (status == STATUS_IN_FLIGHT) // just popped into existence
if ((!escortsAreSetUp)&&(n_escorts > 0))
[self setUpEscorts];
escortsAreSetUp = YES; // we don't do this ourself!
// set subentities universe
if (sub_entities != nil)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [sub_entities count]; i++)
[(Entity *)[sub_entities objectAtIndex:i] setUniverse:univ];
- (BOOL) isBeacon
return (beaconChar != 0);
- (char) beaconChar
return beaconChar;
- (void) setBeaconChar:(char) bchar
beaconChar = bchar;
- (int) nextBeaconID
return nextBeaconID;
- (void) setNextBeacon:(ShipEntity*) beaconShip
if (beaconShip == nil)
nextBeaconID = NO_TARGET;
nextBeaconID = [beaconShip universal_id];
- (void) setUpEscorts
NSString *escortRole = @"escort";
NSString *escortShipKey = nil;
if ([roles isEqual:@"trader"])
escortRole = @"escort";
if ([roles isEqual:@"police"])
escortRole = @"wingman";
if ([shipinfoDictionary objectForKey:@"escort-role"])
escortRole = (NSString*)[shipinfoDictionary objectForKey:@"escort-role"];
if (![[universe getShipWithRole:escortRole] autorelease])
escortRole = @"escort";
if ([shipinfoDictionary objectForKey:@"escort-ship"])
escortShipKey = (NSString*)[shipinfoDictionary objectForKey:@"escort-ship"];
if (![[universe getShip:escortShipKey] autorelease])
escortShipKey = nil;
// NSLog(@"DEBUG Setting up escorts for %@", self);
while (n_escorts > 0)
Vector ex_pos = [self getCoordinatesForEscortPosition:n_escorts - 1];
ShipEntity *escorter;
if (escortShipKey)
escorter = [universe getShip:escortShipKey]; // retained
escorter = [universe getShipWithRole:escortRole]; // retained
// spread them around a little randomly
double dd = [escorter collisionRadius];
ex_pos.x += dd * 6.0 * (randf() - 0.5);
ex_pos.y += dd * 6.0 * (randf() - 0.5);
ex_pos.z += dd * 6.0 * (randf() - 0.5);
[escorter setScanClass: CLASS_NEUTRAL];
[escorter setPosition:ex_pos];
[escorter setBounty:0];
[escorter setStatus:STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
[escorter setRoles:escortRole];
[escorter setScanClass:scan_class]; // you are the same as I
//[escorter setReportAImessages: (i == 0) ? YES:NO ]; // debug
[universe addEntity:escorter];
[[escorter getAI] setStateMachine:@"escortAI.plist"]; // must happen after adding to the universe!
[escorter setGroup_id:universal_id];
[self setGroup_id:universal_id]; // make self part of same group
[[escorter getAI] setState:@"FLYING_ESCORT"]; // begin immediately
// NSLog(@"DEBUG set up escort ship %@ %d for %@ %@ %d", [escorter name], [escorter universal_id], roles, name, universal_id);
[escorter release];
- (void) reinit
quaternion_into_gl_matrix(q_rotation, rotMatrix);
v_forward = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q_rotation);
v_up = vector_up_from_quaternion(q_rotation);
v_right = vector_right_from_quaternion(q_rotation);
reference = v_forward; // reference vector for (* turrets *)
owner_id = NO_TARGET; // owner_id for (* turrets *)
group_id = NO_TARGET;
if (launch_actions)
[launch_actions removeAllObjects];
if (script_actions)
[script_actions removeAllObjects];
if (death_actions)
[death_actions removeAllObjects];
last_escort_target = NO_TARGET;
n_escorts = 0;
escortsAreSetUp = YES;
position = make_vector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
velocity = make_vector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
momentum = make_vector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
zero_distance = SCANNER_MAX_RANGE2 * 2.0; // beyond scanner range to avoid the momentary blip
max_flight_speed = 0.0;
max_flight_roll = 0.0;
max_flight_pitch = 0.0;
flight_speed = 0.0;
flight_roll = 0.0;
flight_pitch = 0.0;
thrust = 0.0;
pitching_over = NO;
energy = 0.0;
max_energy = 0.0;
energy_recharge_rate = 0.0;
forward_weapon_type = WEAPON_NONE;
aft_weapon_type = WEAPON_NONE;
weapon_energy = 0.0;
weapon_recharge_rate = 6.0;
weapon_offset_x = 0.0;
shot_time = 0.0;
launch_time = 0.0;
cargo_dump_time = 0.0;
missiles = 0;
has_ecm = NO;
has_scoop = NO;
has_escape_pod = NO;
has_energy_bomb = NO;
has_fuel_injection = NO;
has_cloaking_device = NO;
fuel_accumulator = 1.0;
bounty = 0;
primaryTarget = NO_TARGET;
targetStation = NO_TARGET;
condition = CONDITION_IDLE;
if (!shipAI)
shipAI = [[AI alloc] init]; // alloc retains
[shipAI setOwner:self];
[shipAI setState:@"GLOBAL"];
max_cargo = 0;
likely_cargo = 0;
cargo_type = 0;
cargo_flag = CARGO_FLAG_NONE;
if (!cargo)
cargo = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:max_cargo]; // alloc retains;
[cargo removeAllObjects];
owner = NO_TARGET;
reportAImessages = NO;
if (previousCondition) [previousCondition release];
previousCondition = nil;
if (sub_entities) [sub_entities release];
sub_entities = nil;
scanner_range = 25600.0;
if (shipinfoDictionary)
[shipinfoDictionary release];
shipinfoDictionary = nil;
being_fined = NO;
message_time = 0.0;
next_spark_time = 0.0;
throw_sparks = NO;
thanked_ship_id = NO_TARGET;
scan_class = CLASS_NOT_SET;
[collisionVectorForEntity removeAllObjects];
beaconChar = 0;
- (id) initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *) dict
self = [super init];
quaternion_into_gl_matrix(q_rotation, rotMatrix);
v_forward = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q_rotation);
v_up = vector_up_from_quaternion(q_rotation);
v_right = vector_right_from_quaternion(q_rotation);
position = make_vector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
velocity = make_vector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
flight_speed = 0.0;
flight_roll = 0.0;
flight_pitch = 0.0;
pitching_over = NO;
primaryTarget = NO_TARGET;
targetStation = NO_TARGET;
condition = CONDITION_IDLE;
patrol_counter = 0;
[self setUpShipFromDictionary:dict];
reportAImessages = NO;
being_fined = NO;
return self;
- (void) setUpShipFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *) dict
NSString* cargo_type_string;
//NSString* ai_type_string;
NSString* weapon_type_string;
// reset all settings
[self reinit];
if (collisionVectorForEntity)
[collisionVectorForEntity removeAllObjects];
collisionVectorForEntity = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:12];
shipinfoDictionary = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:dict]; // retained
// set things from dictionary from here out
if ([dict objectForKey:@"max_flight_speed"])
max_flight_speed = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"max_flight_speed"] doubleValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"max_flight_roll"])
max_flight_roll = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"max_flight_roll"] doubleValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"max_flight_pitch"])
max_flight_pitch = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"max_flight_pitch"] doubleValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"thrust"])
thrust = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"thrust"] doubleValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"accuracy"])
int accuracy = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"accuracy"] intValue];
if ((accuracy >= -5)&&(accuracy <= 10))
pitch_tolerance = 0.01 * (85 + accuracy);
if ([dict objectForKey:@"max_energy"])
max_energy = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"max_energy"] doubleValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"energy_recharge_rate"])
energy_recharge_rate = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"energy_recharge_rate"] doubleValue];
energy = max_energy;
if ([dict objectForKey:@"weapon_offset_x"])
weapon_offset_x = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"weapon_offset_x"] doubleValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"aft_weapon_type"])
weapon_type_string = (NSString *)[dict objectForKey:@"aft_weapon_type"];
if ([weapon_type_string isEqual:@"WEAPON_PULSE_LASER"])
aft_weapon_type = WEAPON_PULSE_LASER;
if ([weapon_type_string isEqual:@"WEAPON_BEAM_LASER"])
aft_weapon_type = WEAPON_BEAM_LASER;
if ([weapon_type_string isEqual:@"WEAPON_MINING_LASER"])
aft_weapon_type = WEAPON_MINING_LASER;
if ([weapon_type_string isEqual:@"WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER"])
aft_weapon_type = WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER;
if ([weapon_type_string isEqual:@"WEAPON_THARGOID_LASER"])
aft_weapon_type = WEAPON_THARGOID_LASER;
if ([weapon_type_string isEqual:@"WEAPON_PLASMA_CANNON"])
aft_weapon_type = WEAPON_PLASMA_CANNON;
if ([weapon_type_string isEqual:@"WEAPON_NONE"])
aft_weapon_type = WEAPON_NONE;
if ([dict objectForKey:@"forward_weapon_type"])
weapon_type_string = (NSString *)[dict objectForKey:@"forward_weapon_type"];
if ([weapon_type_string isEqual:@"WEAPON_PULSE_LASER"])
forward_weapon_type = WEAPON_PULSE_LASER;
if ([weapon_type_string isEqual:@"WEAPON_BEAM_LASER"])
forward_weapon_type = WEAPON_BEAM_LASER;
if ([weapon_type_string isEqual:@"WEAPON_MINING_LASER"])
forward_weapon_type = WEAPON_MINING_LASER;
if ([weapon_type_string isEqual:@"WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER"])
forward_weapon_type = WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER;
if ([weapon_type_string isEqual:@"WEAPON_THARGOID_LASER"])
forward_weapon_type = WEAPON_THARGOID_LASER;
if ([weapon_type_string isEqual:@"WEAPON_PLASMA_CANNON"])
forward_weapon_type = WEAPON_PLASMA_CANNON;
if ([weapon_type_string isEqual:@"WEAPON_NONE"])
forward_weapon_type = WEAPON_NONE;
[self set_weapon_data_from_type:forward_weapon_type];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"weapon_energy"])
weapon_energy = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"weapon_energy"] doubleValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"scanner_range"])
scanner_range = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"scanner_range"] doubleValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"missiles"])
missiles = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"missiles"] intValue];
// upgrades:
// did use [NSNumber boolValue], but now have a random chance instead
if ([dict objectForKey:@"has_ecm"])
has_ecm = (randf() < [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"has_ecm"] floatValue]);
if ([dict objectForKey:@"has_scoop"])
has_scoop = (randf() < [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"has_scoop"] floatValue]);
if ([dict objectForKey:@"has_escape_pod"])
has_escape_pod = (randf() < [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"has_escape_pod"] floatValue]);
if ([dict objectForKey:@"has_energy_bomb"])
has_energy_bomb = (randf() < [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"has_energy_bomb"] floatValue]);
if ([dict objectForKey:@"has_fuel_injection"])
has_fuel_injection = (randf() < [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"has_fuel_injection"] floatValue]);
if ([dict objectForKey:@"has_cloaking_device"])
has_cloaking_device = (randf() < [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"has_cloaking_device"] floatValue]);
cloaking_device_active = NO;
// /upgrades
if ([dict objectForKey:@"fuel"])
fuel = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"fuel"] intValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"bounty"])
bounty = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"bounty"] intValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"ai_type"])
if (shipAI)
[shipAI autorelease];
shipAI = [[AI alloc] init]; // alloc retains
[shipAI setOwner:self];
[shipAI setStateMachine:(NSString *)[dict objectForKey:@"ai_type"]];
[shipAI setState:@"GLOBAL"];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"max_cargo"])
max_cargo = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"max_cargo"] intValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"likely_cargo"])
likely_cargo = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"likely_cargo"] intValue];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"cargo_carried"])
if ([dict objectForKey:@"cargo_type"])
cargo_type_string = (NSString *)[dict objectForKey:@"cargo_type"];
if ([cargo_type_string isEqual:@"CARGO_THARGOID"])
cargo_type = CARGO_THARGOID;
if ([cargo_type_string isEqual:@"CARGO_ALLOY"])
cargo_type = CARGO_ALLOY;
if ([cargo_type_string isEqual:@"CARGO_MINERALS"])
cargo_type = CARGO_MINERALS;
if ([cargo_type_string isEqual:@"CARGO_SLAVES"])
cargo_type = CARGO_SLAVES;
if ([cargo_type_string isEqual:@"CARGO_NOT_CARGO"])
cargo_type = CARGO_NOT_CARGO;
if ([cargo_type_string isEqual:@"CARGO_RANDOM"])
cargo_type = CARGO_RANDOM;
if ([cargo_type_string isEqual:@"CARGO_SCRIPTED_ITEM"])
if (cargo)
[cargo autorelease];
cargo = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:max_cargo]; // alloc retains;
// A HACK!! - must do this before the model is set
if ([dict objectForKey:@"smooth"])
is_smooth_shaded = YES;
is_smooth_shaded = NO;
if ([dict objectForKey:@"model"])
[self setModel:(NSString *)[dict objectForKey:@"model"]];
if ([dict objectForKey:KEY_NAME])
if (name)
[name release];
name = [[NSString stringWithString:(NSString *)[dict objectForKey:KEY_NAME]] retain];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"roles"])
if (roles)
[roles release];
roles = [[NSString stringWithString:(NSString *)[dict objectForKey:@"roles"]] retain];
[self setOwner:self];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"exhaust"])
int i;
NSArray *plumes = (NSArray *)[dict objectForKey:@"exhaust"];
for (i = 0; i < [plumes count]; i++)
ParticleEntity *exhaust = [[ParticleEntity alloc] initExhaustFromShip:self details:(NSString *)[plumes objectAtIndex:i]];
[self addExhaust:exhaust];
[exhaust release];
if ((universe)&&([dict objectForKey:@"subentities"]))
//NSLog(@"DEBUG adding subentity...");
int i;
NSArray *subs = (NSArray *)[dict objectForKey:@"subentities"];
for (i = 0; i < [subs count]; i++)
NSArray* details = [(NSString *)[subs objectAtIndex:i] componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
if ([details count] == 8)
//NSLog(@"DEBUG adding subentity...");
Vector sub_pos, ref;
Quaternion sub_q;
Entity* subent;
NSString* subdesc = (NSString *)[details objectAtIndex:0];
sub_pos.x = [(NSString *)[details objectAtIndex:1] floatValue];
sub_pos.y = [(NSString *)[details objectAtIndex:2] floatValue];
sub_pos.z = [(NSString *)[details objectAtIndex:3] floatValue];
sub_q.w = [(NSString *)[details objectAtIndex:4] floatValue];
sub_q.x = [(NSString *)[details objectAtIndex:5] floatValue];
sub_q.y = [(NSString *)[details objectAtIndex:6] floatValue];
sub_q.z = [(NSString *)[details objectAtIndex:7] floatValue];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG adding subentity... %@ %f %f %f - %f %f %f %f", subdesc, sub_pos.x, sub_pos.y, sub_pos.z, sub_q.w, sub_q.x, sub_q.y, sub_q.z);
if ([subdesc isEqual:@"*FLASHER*"])
subent = [[ParticleEntity alloc] init]; // retained
[(ParticleEntity*)subent setColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue: sub_q.w/360.0 saturation:1.0 brightness:1.0 alpha:1.0]];
[(ParticleEntity*)subent setDuration: sub_q.x];
[(ParticleEntity*)subent setEnergy: 2.0 * sub_q.y];
[(ParticleEntity*)subent setSize:NSMakeSize( sub_q.z, sub_q.z)];
[(ParticleEntity*)subent setParticleType:PARTICLE_FLASHER];
[(ParticleEntity*)subent setStatus:STATUS_EFFECT];
[(ParticleEntity*)subent setPosition:sub_pos];
[subent setUniverse:universe];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG universe = %@", universe);
subent = [universe getShip:subdesc]; // retained -- ODDLY UNIVERSE SEEMS SOMETIMES TO BE NIL HERE ?!!! - FIXED
// NSLog(@"DEBUG adding subentity %@ %@ to new %@ at %.3f,%.3f,%.3f", subent, [(ShipEntity*)subent name], name, sub_pos.x, sub_pos.y, sub_pos.z );
[(ShipEntity*)subent setStatus:STATUS_INACTIVE];
if ([[(ShipEntity*)subent roles] isEqual:@"docking-slit"])
[subent setStatus:STATUS_EFFECT]; // hack keeps docking slit visible when at reduced detail
ref = vector_forward_from_quaternion(sub_q); // VECTOR FORWARD
[(ShipEntity*)subent setReference: ref];
[(ShipEntity*)subent setPosition:sub_pos];
[(ShipEntity*)subent setQRotation:sub_q];
//NSLog(@"DEBUG reference (%.1f,%.1f,%.1f)", ref.x, ref.y, ref.z);
if (sub_entities == nil)
sub_entities = [[NSArray arrayWithObject:subent] retain];
NSMutableArray *temp = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:sub_entities];
// if (subent != nil)
[temp addObject:subent];
[sub_entities release];
sub_entities = [[NSArray arrayWithArray:temp] retain];
[subent setOwner: self];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG added subentity %@ to position %.3f,%.3f,%.3f", subent, [subent getPosition].x, [subent getPosition].y, [subent getPosition].z );
[subent release];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG %@ subentities : %@", name, sub_entities);
if ([dict objectForKey:@"laser_color"])
NSString *laser_color_string = (NSString *)[dict objectForKey:@"laser_color"];
SEL color_selector = NSSelectorFromString(laser_color_string);
if ([NSColor respondsToSelector:color_selector])
id color_thing = [NSColor performSelector:color_selector];
if ([color_thing isKindOfClass:[NSColor class]])
[self setLaserColor:(NSColor *)color_thing];
[self setLaserColor:[NSColor redColor]];
// scan class
if ([dict objectForKey:@"scanClass"])
NSString *s_class= (NSString *)[dict objectForKey:@"scanClass"];
//NSLog(@"----- initialising ship with scan class '%@'",s_class);
scan_class = CLASS_NEUTRAL;
if ([s_class isEqual:@"CLASS_STATION"])
scan_class = CLASS_STATION;
if ([s_class isEqual:@"CLASS_THARGOID"])
scan_class = CLASS_THARGOID;
if ([s_class isEqual:@"CLASS_TARGET"])
scan_class = CLASS_TARGET;
if ([s_class isEqual:@"CLASS_CARGO"])
scan_class = CLASS_CARGO;
if ([s_class isEqual:@"CLASS_POLICE"])
scan_class = CLASS_POLICE;
if ([s_class isEqual:@"CLASS_BUOY"])
scan_class = CLASS_BUOY;
if ([s_class isEqual:@"CLASS_NO_DRAW"])
scan_class = CLASS_NO_DRAW;
if ([s_class isEqual:@"CLASS_NEUTRAL"])
scan_class = CLASS_NEUTRAL;
if ([s_class isEqual:@"CLASS_ROCK"])
scan_class = CLASS_ROCK;
// scripting
if ([dict objectForKey:KEY_LAUNCH_ACTIONS])
[launch_actions addObjectsFromArray:(NSArray *)[dict objectForKey:KEY_LAUNCH_ACTIONS]];
if ([dict objectForKey:KEY_SCRIPT_ACTIONS])
[script_actions addObjectsFromArray:(NSArray *)[dict objectForKey:KEY_SCRIPT_ACTIONS]];
if ([dict objectForKey:KEY_DEATH_ACTIONS])
[death_actions addObjectsFromArray:(NSArray *)[dict objectForKey:KEY_DEATH_ACTIONS]];
if ([dict objectForKey:KEY_SETUP_ACTIONS])
PlayerEntity* player = (PlayerEntity*)[universe entityZero];
[player setScript_target:self];
NSArray * setup_actions = (NSArray *)[dict objectForKey:KEY_SETUP_ACTIONS];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [setup_actions count]; i++)
if ([[setup_actions objectAtIndex:i] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]])
[player checkCouplet:(NSDictionary *)[setup_actions objectAtIndex:i] onEntity:self];
if ([[setup_actions objectAtIndex:i] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
[player scriptAction:(NSString *)[setup_actions objectAtIndex:i] onEntity:self];
// escorts
if ([dict objectForKey:@"escorts"])
n_escorts = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"escorts"] intValue];
//NSLog(@"DEBUG adding %d escorts for new %@", n_escorts, name);
escortsAreSetUp = (n_escorts == 0);
// beacons
if ([dict objectForKey:@"beacon"])
NSString* beaconCode = (NSString*)[dict objectForKey:@"beacon"];
const char* bcode = [beaconCode lossyCString];
beaconChar = bcode[0];
NSLog(@"DEBUG new %@ is a beacon with code: %s", name, bcode);
beaconChar = 0;
- (int) scanClass
if (cloaking_device_active)
return scan_class;
- (BOOL) canCollide
if ((status == STATUS_DEMO)||(status == STATUS_DEAD))
return NO;
if ((scan_class == CLASS_MISSILE)&&(shot_time < 0.25)) // not yet fused
return NO;
if ((shot_time < 0.25)&&([roles isEqual:@"tharglet"])) // not yet fused
return NO;
return YES;
- (BOOL) checkCloseCollisionWith:(Entity *)other
if ([collidingEntities containsObject:other]) // we know about this already!
return NO;
if ([other isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
// check bounding boxes ...
// get bounding box relative to this ship's orientation
BoundingBox arbb = [other findBoundingBoxRelativeTo:self InVectors: v_right: v_up: v_forward];
// construct 6 rectangles based on the sides of the possibly overlapping bounding boxes
NSRect ship_x_rect = NSMakeRect(boundingBox.min_z, boundingBox.min_y, boundingBox.max_z - boundingBox.min_z, boundingBox.max_y - boundingBox.min_y);
NSRect ship_y_rect = NSMakeRect(boundingBox.min_x, boundingBox.min_z, boundingBox.max_x - boundingBox.min_x, boundingBox.max_z - boundingBox.min_z);
NSRect ship_z_rect = NSMakeRect(boundingBox.min_x, boundingBox.min_y, boundingBox.max_x - boundingBox.min_x, boundingBox.max_y - boundingBox.min_y);
NSRect other_x_rect = NSMakeRect(arbb.min_z, arbb.min_y, arbb.max_z - arbb.min_z, arbb.max_y - arbb.min_y);
NSRect other_y_rect = NSMakeRect(arbb.min_x, arbb.min_z, arbb.max_x - arbb.min_x, arbb.max_z - arbb.min_z);
NSRect other_z_rect = NSMakeRect(arbb.min_x, arbb.min_y, arbb.max_x - arbb.min_x, arbb.max_y - arbb.min_y);
if (NSIntersectsRect(ship_x_rect,other_x_rect) && NSIntersectsRect(ship_y_rect,other_y_rect) && NSIntersectsRect(ship_z_rect,other_z_rect))
// return [self checkPerPolyCollisionWithShip:(ShipEntity*)other];
return YES;
return NO;
if ([other isKindOfClass:[ParticleEntity class]])
// check bounding boxes ...
// get position relative to this ship's orientation
Vector r_pos = [other getPosition];
double cr = [other collisionRadius];
r_pos.x -= position.x; r_pos.y -= position.y; r_pos.z -= position.z;
if ((r_pos.x + cr > boundingBox.min_x)&&
(r_pos.x - cr < boundingBox.max_x)&&
(r_pos.y + cr > boundingBox.min_y)&&
(r_pos.y - cr < boundingBox.max_y)&&
(r_pos.z + cr > boundingBox.min_z)&&
(r_pos.z - cr < boundingBox.max_z))
// return [self checkPerPolyCollisionWithParticle:(ParticleEntity*)other];
return YES;
return NO;
return YES;
- (BOOL) checkPerPolyCollisionWithShip:(ShipEntity *)other
// NSLog(@"DEBUG checking per poly collision %@ %d versus %@ %d", name, universal_id, [other name], [other universal_id]);
// NSLog(@"DEBUG %@ %d n_faces %d n_vertices %d", name, universal_id, n_faces, n_vertices);
// return YES;
// check each surface versus the other's particle cloud ...
int f;
BOOL all_clear = YES;
int surfs_hit = 0;
Vector incidence = make_vector( 0, 0, 0);
Vector direction = make_vector( 0, 0, 0);
for (f = 0; f < n_faces; f++)
face_hit[f] = NO;
Vector v0 = vertices[faces[f].vertex[0]];
Vector v1 = vertices[faces[f].vertex[1]];
Vector v2 = vertices[faces[f].vertex[2]];
mult_vector_gl_matrix(&v0, rotMatrix);
mult_vector_gl_matrix(&v1, rotMatrix);
mult_vector_gl_matrix(&v2, rotMatrix);
Vector vi = make_vector(v1.x - v0.x, v1.y - v0.y, v1.z - v0.z);
Vector vj = make_vector(v2.x - v0.x, v2.y - v0.y, v2.z - v0.z);
Vector vs = faces[f].normal;
mult_vector_gl_matrix(&vs, rotMatrix);
// get bounding box relative to this surface's orientation
BoundingBox arbb = [other findBoundingBoxRelativeToPosition:make_vector(position.x+v0.x,position.y+v0.y, position.z+v0.z) InVectors: vi : vj : vs];
if ((arbb.max_x < 0.0) // all p.vi < 0
||(arbb.min_x > 1.0) // all p.vi > 1
||(arbb.max_y < 0.0) // all p.vj < 0
||(arbb.min_y > 1.0) // all p.vj > 1
||(arbb.min_x + arbb.min_y > 1.0) // all p.vi + p.vj > 1
||(arbb.min_z > 0.0) // all p.vs > 0
||(arbb.max_z < 0.0)) // all p.vs < 0
continue; // this surface doesn't intersect the point cloud;
// this surface intersects the point cloud
incidence.x += vs.x; incidence.y += vs.y; incidence.z += vs.z;
Vector dir = make_vector( v0.x + v1.x + v2.x, v0.y + v1.y + v2.y, v0.z + v1.z + v2.z);
dir = unit_vector(&dir);
direction.x += dir.x; direction.y += dir.y; direction.z += dir.z;
face_hit[f] = YES;
all_clear = NO;
if (!all_clear)
collision_vector = unit_vector(&incidence);
if (isnan(collision_vector.x)||isnan(collision_vector.y)||isnan(collision_vector.z))
collision_vector = unit_vector(&direction);
// NSLog( @"Ship %@ %d versus other %@ %d collision, %d surfaces intersected, incidence [%.3f, %.3f, %.3f]",
// name, universal_id, [other name], [other universal_id],
// surfs_hit, collision_vector.x, collision_vector.y, collision_vector.z);
setObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: [NSNumber numberWithFloat:collision_vector.x],
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:collision_vector.y],
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:collision_vector.z], nil]
forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", other]];
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL) checkPerPolyCollisionWithParticle:(ParticleEntity *)other
// NSLog(@"DEBUG checking per poly collision %@ %d versus particle", name, universal_id);
// check bounding boxes ...
// get position relative to this ship's orientation
Vector o_pos = [other getPosition];
o_pos.x -= position.x; o_pos.y -= position.y; o_pos.z -= position.z;
double cr = [other collisionRadius];
int f;
BOOL all_clear = YES;
int surfs_hit = 0;
Vector incidence = make_vector( 0, 0, 0);
Vector direction = make_vector( 0, 0, 0);
for (f = 0; f < n_faces; f++)
Vector v0 = vertices[faces[f].vertex[0]];
Vector v1 = vertices[faces[f].vertex[1]];
Vector v2 = vertices[faces[f].vertex[2]];
mult_vector_gl_matrix(&v0, rotMatrix);
mult_vector_gl_matrix(&v1, rotMatrix);
mult_vector_gl_matrix(&v2, rotMatrix);
Vector vs = faces[f].normal;
mult_vector_gl_matrix(&vs, rotMatrix);
Vector q0 = make_vector( o_pos.x - v0.x, o_pos.y - v0.y, o_pos.z - v0.z);
GLfloat dist = dot_product( q0, vs);
if (dist < cr) // p2 inside sphere
// this surface intersects the sphere
incidence.x += vs.x; incidence.y += vs.y; incidence.z += vs.z;
Vector dir = make_vector( v0.x + v1.x + v2.x, v0.y + v1.y + v2.y, v0.z + v1.z + v2.z);
dir = unit_vector(&dir);
direction.x += dir.x; direction.y += dir.y; direction.z += dir.z;
all_clear = NO;
if (!all_clear)
collision_vector = unit_vector(&incidence);
if (isnan(collision_vector.x)||isnan(collision_vector.y)||isnan(collision_vector.z))
collision_vector = unit_vector(&direction);
// NSLog( @"Ship %@ %d versus particle collision, %d surfaces intersected, incidence [%.3f, %.3f, %.3f]",
// name, universal_id, surfs_hit, collision_vector.x, collision_vector.y, collision_vector.z);
setObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: [NSNumber numberWithFloat:collision_vector.x],
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:collision_vector.y],
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:collision_vector.z], nil]
forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", other]];
return YES;
return NO;
- (Vector) collisionVectorForEntity:(Entity *)other
Vector v = make_vector (0,0,0);
if ([collisionVectorForEntity objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", other]])
NSArray* va = (NSArray*)[collisionVectorForEntity objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", other]];
v.x = [(NSNumber*)[ va objectAtIndex:0] floatValue];
v.y = [(NSNumber*)[ va objectAtIndex:1] floatValue];
v.z = [(NSNumber*)[ va objectAtIndex:2] floatValue];
return v;
- (void) update:(double) delta_t
double damping = 0.5 * delta_t;
double confidenceFactor;
double targetCR;
#ifdef GNUSTEP
int missile_chance=0;
int rhs=(int)(32 * 0.1 / delta_t);
missile_chance = 1 + (ranrot_rand() % rhs);
int missile_chance = 1 + (ranrot_rand() % (int)( 32 * 0.1 / delta_t));
double hurt_factor = 16 * pow(energy/max_energy, 4.0);
// deal with collisions
[self manageCollisions];
[self saveToLastFrame];
// super update
[super update:delta_t];
// update time between shots
shot_time +=delta_t;
// handle radio message effects
if (message_time > 0.0)
message_time -= delta_t;
if (message_time < 0.0)
message_time = 0.0;
// burning effects
if ((throw_sparks)||(energy < max_energy * 0.20))
if (energy_recharge_rate > 0.0) // prevents asteroid etc. from burning
next_spark_time -= delta_t;
if (next_spark_time < 0.0)
[self throwSparks];
// cloaking device
if (has_cloaking_device)
if (cloaking_device_active)
energy -= delta_t * CLOAKING_DEVICE_ENERGY_RATE;
[self deactivateCloakingDevice];
if (energy < max_energy)
energy += delta_t * CLOAKING_DEVICE_ENERGY_RATE;
if (energy > max_energy)
energy = max_energy;
[shipAI message:@"ENERGY_FULL"];
// NSLog(@"%@ %d Cloaking Device %@ energy %.2f target %d condition %d", name, universal_id, (cloaking_device_active)? @"ACTIVE" : @"inactive", energy / max_energy, primaryTarget, condition);
// check outside factors
aegis_status = [self checkForAegis]; // is a station or something nearby??
if ((status == STATUS_IN_FLIGHT)&&([launch_actions count]))
int i;
[(PlayerEntity *)[universe entityZero] setScript_target:self];
for (i = 0; i < [launch_actions count]; i++)
[(PlayerEntity *)[universe entityZero] scriptAction:(NSString *)[launch_actions objectAtIndex:i] onEntity:self];
[launch_actions removeAllObjects];
// behaviours according to status and condition
if (status == STATUS_LAUNCHING)
if ([universe getTime] > launch_time + LAUNCH_DELAY) // move for while before thinking
//accepts_escorts = YES;
// ignore condition just keep moving...
[self applyRoll:delta_t*flight_roll andClimb:delta_t*flight_pitch];
[self applyThrust:delta_t];
if (energy < max_energy)
energy += energy_recharge_rate * delta_t;
if (energy > max_energy)
energy = max_energy;
[shipAI message:@"ENERGY_FULL"];
if (status == STATUS_DEMO)
[self applyRoll:delta_t*flight_roll andClimb:delta_t*flight_pitch];
position.x += delta_t*velocity.x;
position.y += delta_t*velocity.y;
position.z += delta_t*velocity.z;
if (position.z <= collision_radius * 3.6)
position.z = collision_radius * 3.6;
velocity.z = 0.0;
double range = [self rangeToPrimaryTarget];
double distance = [self rangeToDestination];
double target_speed = max_flight_speed;
double slow_down_range = weapon_range * COMBAT_WEAPON_RANGE_FACTOR * ((flight_speed > max_flight_speed)? AFTERBURNER_FACTOR : 1.0);
ShipEntity* target = (ShipEntity*)[universe entityForUniversalID:primaryTarget];
targetCR = [target collisionRadius];
if ((target == nil)||([target scanClass] == CLASS_NO_DRAW))
// It's no longer a parrot, it has ceased to be, it has joined the choir invisible...
if (primaryTarget != NO_TARGET)
// NSLog(@"---> %@ %d has lost its target.", name, universal_id);
[shipAI reactToMessage:@"TARGET_LOST"];
primaryTarget = NO_TARGET;
target_speed = [(ShipEntity *)[universe entityForUniversalID:primaryTarget] flight_speed];
if (target_speed < max_flight_speed)
target_speed += max_flight_speed;
target_speed /= 2.0;
switch (condition)
if ((scan_class != CLASS_STATION)&&(scan_class != CLASS_BUOY))
// damp roll and pitch
if (flight_roll < 0)
flight_roll += (flight_roll < -damping) ? damping : -flight_roll;
if (flight_roll > 0)
flight_roll -= (flight_roll > damping) ? damping : flight_roll;
if (flight_pitch < 0)
flight_pitch += (flight_pitch < -damping) ? damping : -flight_pitch;
if (flight_pitch > 0)
flight_pitch -= (flight_pitch > damping) ? damping : flight_pitch;
[self trackPrimaryTarget:delta_t:NO];
if ((proximity_alert != NO_TARGET)&&(proximity_alert != primaryTarget))
[self avoidCollision];
desired_speed = max_flight_speed;
if (range < desired_range)
[shipAI reactToMessage:@"DESIRED_RANGE_ACHIEVED"];
desired_speed = max_flight_speed * [self trackPrimaryTarget:delta_t:NO];
target_speed = [[self getPrimaryTarget] getVelocityAsSpeed];
double eta = range / (flight_speed - target_speed);
if ((eta < 3.0)&&(flight_speed > max_flight_speed * 0.02))
desired_speed = flight_speed * 0.75; // cut speed to a minimum of 2 % speed
desired_speed = max_flight_speed;
if (desired_speed < target_speed)
desired_speed += target_speed;
if (target_speed > max_flight_speed)
[shipAI reactToMessage:@"TARGET_LOST"];
[self trackPrimaryTarget:delta_t:NO];
if ((proximity_alert != NO_TARGET)&&(proximity_alert != primaryTarget))
[self avoidCollision];
[self activateCloakingDevice];
desired_speed = ((has_fuel_injection)&&(fuel > 0))? max_flight_speed * AFTERBURNER_FACTOR : max_flight_speed;
if (range < 0.035 * weapon_range)
if (universal_id & 1) // 50% of ships are smart S.M.R.T. smart!
// deal with collisions and lost targets
if (proximity_alert != NO_TARGET)
[self avoidCollision];
if (range > SCANNER_MAX_RANGE)
condition = CONDITION_IDLE;
[shipAI reactToMessage:@"TARGET_LOST"];
// if close enough to the six - vector in attack
if (distance < 250)
// control speed
if (range <= slow_down_range)
desired_speed = (target_speed < max_flight_speed)? target_speed: max_flight_speed; // within the weapon's range don't use afterburner
desired_speed = ((has_fuel_injection)&&(fuel > 0)) ? max_flight_speed * AFTERBURNER_FACTOR : max_flight_speed ; // use afterburner to approach
// head for a point 1km to the six of the target
destination = [target one_km_six];
[self trackDestination:delta_t :NO];
// use weaponry
if (missiles > missile_chance * hurt_factor)
//NSLog(@"]==> firing missile : missiles %d, missile_chance %d, hurt_factor %.3f", missiles, missile_chance, hurt_factor);
[self fireMissile];
[self activateCloakingDevice];
[self fireMainWeapon:range];
if ((range < 650)||(proximity_alert != NO_TARGET))
if (proximity_alert == NO_TARGET)
desired_speed = 0;
[self avoidCollision];
if (range > SCANNER_MAX_RANGE)
condition = CONDITION_IDLE;
[shipAI reactToMessage:@"TARGET_LOST"];
desired_speed = max_flight_speed * 0.375;
[self trackPrimaryTarget:delta_t:NO];
[self fireMainWeapon:range];
if ((range < COMBAT_IN_RANGE_FACTOR * weapon_range)||(proximity_alert != NO_TARGET))
if (proximity_alert == NO_TARGET)
if (aft_weapon_type == WEAPON_NONE)
jink.x = (ranrot_rand() % 256) - 128.0;
jink.y = (ranrot_rand() % 256) - 128.0;
jink.z = 1000.0;
desired_speed = ((has_fuel_injection)&&(fuel > 0))? max_flight_speed * AFTERBURNER_FACTOR : max_flight_speed;
//NSLog(@"DEBUG >>>>> %@ %d entering running defense mode", name, universal_id);
jink = make_vector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
desired_speed = max_flight_speed;
[self avoidCollision];
if (range > SCANNER_MAX_RANGE)
condition = CONDITION_IDLE;
[shipAI reactToMessage:@"TARGET_LOST"];
// control speed
if (range <= slow_down_range)
desired_speed = (target_speed < max_flight_speed)? target_speed: max_flight_speed; // within the weapon's range don't use afterburner
desired_speed = ((has_fuel_injection)&&(fuel > 0)) ? max_flight_speed * AFTERBURNER_FACTOR : max_flight_speed ; // use afterburner to approach
[self trackPrimaryTarget:delta_t:NO];
if (missiles > missile_chance * hurt_factor)
//NSLog(@"]==> firing missile : missiles %d, missile_chance %d, hurt_factor %.3f", missiles, missile_chance, hurt_factor);
[self fireMissile];
[self activateCloakingDevice];
[self fireMainWeapon:range];
if (range > COMBAT_OUT_RANGE_FACTOR * weapon_range + 15.0 * jink.x)
jink.x = 0.0;
jink.y = 0.0;
jink.z = 0.0;
desired_speed = ((has_fuel_injection)&&(fuel > 0))? max_flight_speed * AFTERBURNER_FACTOR : max_flight_speed;
[self trackPrimaryTarget:delta_t:YES];
if (missiles > missile_chance * hurt_factor)
//NSLog(@"]==> firing missile : missiles %d, missile_chance %d, hurt_factor %.3f", missiles, missile_chance, hurt_factor);
[self fireMissile];
[self activateCloakingDevice];
if (range > weapon_range)
jink.x = 0.0;
jink.y = 0.0;
jink.z = 0.0;
desired_speed = ((has_fuel_injection)&&(fuel > 0))? max_flight_speed * AFTERBURNER_FACTOR : max_flight_speed;
[self trackPrimaryTarget:delta_t:YES];
[self fireAftWeapon:range];
[self activateCloakingDevice];
if (range > desired_range)
[shipAI message:@"REACHED_SAFETY"];
desired_speed = ((has_fuel_injection)&&(fuel > 0))? max_flight_speed * AFTERBURNER_FACTOR : max_flight_speed;
// if (desired_speed > max_flight_speed)
// NSLog(@"DEBUG Ship %@ %d n CONDITION_FLEE_TARGET overspeed %.1f/%.1f fuel:%d", name, universal_id, desired_speed, max_flight_speed, fuel);
[self trackPrimaryTarget:delta_t:YES];
if (([(ShipEntity *)[self getPrimaryTarget] getPrimaryTarget] == self)&&(missiles > missile_chance * hurt_factor))
//NSLog(@"]==> firing missile : missiles %d, missile_chance %d, hurt_factor %.3f", missiles, missile_chance, hurt_factor);
[self fireMissile];
[self activateCloakingDevice];
if (distance < desired_range)
desired_speed = 0.0;
// NSLog(@"DEBUG >>>>> distance %.1f desired_range %.1f", distance, desired_range);
confidenceFactor = [self trackDestination:delta_t:NO];
if (confidenceFactor > 0.99)
// desired facing achieved
[shipAI message:@"FACING_DESTINATION"];
condition = CONDITION_IDLE;
if ((proximity_alert != NO_TARGET)&&(proximity_alert != primaryTarget))
[self avoidCollision];
// get updated destination from owner
double eta = (distance - desired_range) / flight_speed;
if (eta < 5.0)
desired_speed = [(ShipEntity *)[universe entityForUniversalID:owner] flight_speed] * 1.25;
desired_speed = max_flight_speed;
if (distance < desired_range + collision_radius)
// desired range achieved
condition = CONDITION_IDLE;
desired_speed = 0.0;
double eta = (distance - desired_range) / flight_speed;
if ((eta < 2.0)&&(flight_speed > max_flight_speed * 0.10))
desired_speed = flight_speed * 0.50; // cut speed to a minimum of 10 % speed
[self trackDestination:delta_t:NO];
if ((proximity_alert != NO_TARGET)&&(proximity_alert != primaryTarget))
[self avoidCollision];
if (distance > desired_range)
// desired range achieved
condition = CONDITION_IDLE;
desired_speed = 0.0;
double eta = (desired_range - distance) / flight_speed;
desired_speed = max_flight_speed;
if ((eta < 1.0)&&(flight_speed > max_flight_speed*0.25))
desired_speed = flight_speed * 0.5; // cut speed to a minimum of 1/4 speed
[self trackDestination:delta_t:YES];
if ((proximity_alert != NO_TARGET)&&(proximity_alert != primaryTarget))
[self avoidCollision];
if (distance > desired_range)
[self resumePostProximityAlert];
if ([self proximity_alert])
desired_range = [[self proximity_alert] collisionRadius] * PROXIMITY_AVOID_DISTANCE;
destination = [[self proximity_alert] getPosition];
destination.x += position.x; destination.y += position.y; destination.z += position.z;
destination.x *= 0.5; destination.y *= 0.5; destination.z *= 0.5; // point between us and them
double dq = [self trackDestination:delta_t:YES];
if (dq >= 0)
dq = 0.5 * dq + 0.5;
dq = 0.0;
desired_speed = max_flight_speed * dq;
double aim = [self ballTrackLeadingTarget:delta_t];
ShipEntity* turret_owner = (ShipEntity *)[self owner];
if ([turret_owner hasHostileTarget])
Vector p1 = [[turret_owner getPrimaryTarget] getPosition];
Vector p0 = [turret_owner getPosition];
double cr = [turret_owner collisionRadius];
p1.x -= p0.x; p1.y -= p0.y; p1.z -= p0.z;
if (aim > .95)
[self fireTurretCannon: sqrt( magnitude2( p1)) - cr];
double aim = [self ballTrackTarget:delta_t];
if (aim > .95)
// in (almost) every case...
[self applyRoll:delta_t*flight_roll andClimb:delta_t*flight_pitch];
[self applyThrust:delta_t];
if (energy < max_energy)
energy += energy_recharge_rate * delta_t;
if (energy > max_energy)
energy = max_energy;
[shipAI message:@"ENERGY_FULL"];
// if (([self isKindOfClass:[StationEntity class]]) && (sub_entities))
// NSLog(@"DEBUG %@ sub_entities %@", [self name], [sub_entities description]);
if (sub_entities)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [sub_entities count]; i++)
// if (([self isKindOfClass:[StationEntity class]]) && (sub_entities))
// NSLog(@"DEBUG %@ going to update sub_entity %@", [self name], [sub_entities objectAtIndex:i]);
[(Entity *)[sub_entities objectAtIndex:i] update:delta_t];
// update destination position for escorts
if (n_escorts > 0)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n_escorts; i++)
ShipEntity *escorter = (ShipEntity *)[universe entityForUniversalID:escort_ids[i]];
[escorter setDestination:[self getCoordinatesForEscortPosition:i]];
// return a point 36u back from the front of the ship
// this equates with the centre point of a cobra mk3
- (Vector) getViewpointPosition
Vector viewpoint = position;
float nose = boundingBox.max_z - 36.0;
viewpoint.x += nose * v_forward.x; viewpoint.y += nose * v_forward.y; viewpoint.z += nose * v_forward.z;
return viewpoint;
- (void) drawEntity:(BOOL) immediate :(BOOL) translucent
if (zero_distance > no_draw_distance) return; // TOO FAR AWAY
if ([universe breakPatternHide]) return; // DON'T DRAW
if (cloaking_device_active && (randf() > 0.10)) return; // DON'T DRAW
if (!translucent)
[super drawEntity:immediate:translucent];
//NSLog(@"DEBUG drawn ship (%@ %d)", name, universal_id);
if (immediate)
return; // don't draw sub-entities when constructing a displayList
// if ((sub_entities)&&(status != STATUS_DEMO))
if (sub_entities)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [sub_entities count]; i++)
Entity *se = (Entity *)[sub_entities objectAtIndex:i];
[se setOwner:self]; // refresh ownership
[se drawSubEntity:immediate:translucent];
- (void) addExhaust:(ParticleEntity *)exhaust
if (!exhaust)
if (sub_entities == nil)
sub_entities = [[NSArray arrayWithObject:exhaust] retain];
NSMutableArray *temp = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:sub_entities];
[temp addObject:exhaust];
[sub_entities release];
sub_entities = [[NSArray arrayWithArray:temp] retain];
- (void) addExhaustAt:(Vector) ex_position withScale:(Vector) ex_scale
ParticleEntity *exhaust = [[ParticleEntity alloc] initExhaustFromShip:self offsetVector:ex_position scaleVector:ex_scale]; //retained
[exhaust setStatus:STATUS_EFFECT];
[self addExhaust:exhaust];
[exhaust release]; // released
- (void) applyThrust:(double) delta_t
velocity.x += momentum.x / mass; momentum.x = 0;
velocity.y += momentum.y / mass; momentum.y = 0;
velocity.z += momentum.z / mass; momentum.z = 0;
position.x += delta_t*velocity.x;
position.y += delta_t*velocity.y;
position.z += delta_t*velocity.z;
if (velocity.x > 0.0)
velocity.x -= (velocity.x > delta_t*thrust) ? delta_t*thrust : velocity.x;
if (velocity.y > 0.0)
velocity.y -= (velocity.y > delta_t*thrust) ? delta_t*thrust : velocity.y;
if (velocity.z > 0.0)
velocity.z -= (velocity.z > delta_t*thrust) ? delta_t*thrust : velocity.z;
if (velocity.x < 0.0)
velocity.x -= (velocity.x < -delta_t*thrust) ? -delta_t*thrust : velocity.x;
if (velocity.y < 0.0)
velocity.y -= (velocity.y < -delta_t*thrust) ? -delta_t*thrust : velocity.y;
if (velocity.z < 0.0)
velocity.z -= (velocity.z < -delta_t*thrust) ? -delta_t*thrust : velocity.z;
if (condition == CONDITION_TUMBLE) return; //testing
// check for fuel - out
if ((desired_speed > max_flight_speed)&&(fuel <= 0))
desired_speed = max_flight_speed;
if (flight_speed > desired_speed)
[self decrease_flight_speed:delta_t*thrust];
if (flight_speed < desired_speed) flight_speed = desired_speed;
if (flight_speed < desired_speed)
[self increase_flight_speed:delta_t*thrust];
if (flight_speed > desired_speed) flight_speed = desired_speed;
[self moveForward:delta_t*flight_speed];
// burn fuel at the appropriate rate
if ((fuel > 0)&&(flight_speed > max_flight_speed))
fuel_accumulator -= delta_t * AFTERBURNER_BURNRATE;
if (fuel_accumulator <= 0)
fuel_accumulator += 1.0;
//NSLog(@"DEBUG %@ %d fuel %d", name, universal_id, fuel);
- (void) applyRoll:(GLfloat) roll1 andClimb:(GLfloat) climb1
Quaternion q1;
quaternion_rotate_about_z( &q1, -roll1);
quaternion_rotate_about_x( &q1, -climb1);
q_rotation = quaternion_multiply( q1, q_rotation);
quaternion_into_gl_matrix(q_rotation, rotMatrix);
v_forward = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q_rotation);
v_up = vector_up_from_quaternion(q_rotation);
v_right = vector_right_from_quaternion(q_rotation);
- (void) avoidCollision
if ([roles isEqual:@"missile"])
return; // missiles are SUPPOSED to collide!
if ([self proximity_alert])
// if (self == [universe entityZero])
// NSLog(@"DEBUG ***** proximity alert for %@ %d against target %d", name, universal_id, proximity_alert);
if (previousCondition)
// NSLog(@"DEBUG ***** avoidCollision dropping previousCondition");
[previousCondition release];
previousCondition = nil;
previousCondition = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:16];
[previousCondition setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:condition] forKey:@"condition"];
[previousCondition setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:primaryTarget] forKey:@"primaryTarget"];
[previousCondition setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:desired_range] forKey:@"desired_range"];
[previousCondition setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:desired_speed] forKey:@"desired_speed"];
[previousCondition setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:destination.x] forKey:@"destination.x"];
[previousCondition setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:destination.y] forKey:@"destination.y"];
[previousCondition setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:destination.z] forKey:@"destination.z"];
destination = [[self proximity_alert] getPosition];
destination.x += position.x; destination.y += position.y; destination.z += position.z;
destination.x *= 0.5; destination.y *= 0.5; destination.z *= 0.5; // point between us and them
desired_range = [[self proximity_alert] collisionRadius] * PROXIMITY_AVOID_DISTANCE;
- (void) resumePostProximityAlert
if (!previousCondition)
// NSLog(@"DEBUG ***** proximity alert for %@ %d over", name, universal_id, proximity_alert);
condition = [(NSNumber*)[previousCondition objectForKey:@"condition"] intValue];
primaryTarget = [(NSNumber*)[previousCondition objectForKey:@"primaryTarget"] intValue];
desired_range = [(NSNumber*)[previousCondition objectForKey:@"desired_range"] floatValue];
desired_speed = [(NSNumber*)[previousCondition objectForKey:@"desired_speed"] floatValue];
destination.x = [(NSNumber*)[previousCondition objectForKey:@"destination.x"] floatValue];
destination.y = [(NSNumber*)[previousCondition objectForKey:@"destination.y"] floatValue];
destination.z = [(NSNumber*)[previousCondition objectForKey:@"destination.z"] floatValue];
[previousCondition release];
previousCondition = nil;
//[shipAI message:@"RESTART_DOCKING"]; // if docking, start over, other AIs will ignore this message
- (double) message_time
return message_time;
- (void) setMessage_time:(double) value
message_time = value;
- (int) group_id
return group_id;
- (void) setGroup_id:(int) value
group_id = value;
- (int) n_escorts
return n_escorts;
- (void) setN_escorts:(int) value
n_escorts = value;
escortsAreSetUp = (n_escorts == 0);
- (ShipEntity*) proximity_alert
return (ShipEntity*)[universe entityForUniversalID:proximity_alert];
- (void) setProximity_alert:(ShipEntity*) other
if ((other)&&(![other isKindOfClass:[StationEntity class]])) // don't be alarmed close to stations
proximity_alert = [other universal_id];
proximity_alert = NO_TARGET;
- (NSString *) name
return name;
- (NSString *) roles
return roles;
- (void) setRoles:(NSString *) value
if (roles)
[roles release];
roles = [[NSString stringWithString:value] retain];
- (BOOL) hasHostileTarget
if (primaryTarget == NO_TARGET)
return NO;
if ((condition == CONDITION_AVOID_COLLISION)&&(previousCondition))
int old_condition = [(NSNumber*)[previousCondition objectForKey:@"condition"] intValue];
return IS_CONDITION_HOSTILE(old_condition);
return IS_CONDITION_HOSTILE(condition);
- (NSMutableArray *) launch_actions
return launch_actions;
- (NSMutableArray *) script_actions
return script_actions;
- (NSMutableArray *) death_actions
return death_actions;
- (double) weapon_range
return weapon_range;
- (void) setWeaponRange: (double) value
weapon_range = value;
- (void) set_weapon_data_from_type: (int) weapon_type
switch (weapon_type)
weapon_energy = 6.0;
weapon_recharge_rate = 0.25;
weapon_range = 5000;
weapon_energy = 15.0;
weapon_recharge_rate = 0.33;
weapon_range = 12500;
weapon_energy = 15.0;
weapon_recharge_rate = 0.25;
weapon_range = 15000;
weapon_energy = 50.0;
weapon_recharge_rate = 0.5;
weapon_range = 12500;
case WEAPON_THARGOID_LASER : // omni directional lasers FRIGHTENING!
weapon_energy = 12.5;
weapon_recharge_rate = 0.5;
weapon_range = 17500;
weapon_energy = 23.0;
weapon_recharge_rate = 0.20;
weapon_range = 30000;
weapon_energy = 0.0;
weapon_recharge_rate = 30;
weapon_range = 0;
- (double) scanner_range
return scanner_range;
- (void) setScannerRange: (double) value
scanner_range = value;
- (Vector) reference
return reference;
- (void) setReference:(Vector) v
reference.x = v.x; reference.y = v.y; reference.z = v.z;
- (BOOL) reportAImessages
return reportAImessages;
- (void) setReportAImessages:(BOOL) yn
reportAImessages = yn;
- (int) checkForAegis
// check planet
Vector p1 = [[universe planet] getPosition];
double cr = [[universe planet] collisionRadius];
if ([universe planet] == nil)
if (aegis_status != AEGIS_NONE)
[shipAI message:@"AEGIS_NONE"];
return AEGIS_NONE;
int result = AEGIS_NONE;
p1.x -= position.x; p1.y -= position.y; p1.z -= position.z;
double d2 = p1.x*p1.x + p1.y*p1.y + p1.z*p1.z - cr * cr * 9.0; // 3x radius of planet
if (d2 < 0.0)
// check station
p1 = [[universe station] getPosition];
p1.x -= position.x; p1.y -= position.y; p1.z -= position.z;
d2 = p1.x*p1.x + p1.y*p1.y + p1.z*p1.z - SCANNER_MAX_RANGE2*4.0; // double scanner range
if (d2 < 0.0)
within_station_aegis = (d2 < 0.0);
// ai messages on change in status
// approaching..
if ((aegis_status == AEGIS_NONE)&&(result == AEGIS_CLOSE_TO_PLANET))
[shipAI message:@"AEGIS_CLOSE_TO_PLANET"];
if (((aegis_status == AEGIS_CLOSE_TO_PLANET)||(aegis_status == AEGIS_NONE))&&(result == AEGIS_IN_DOCKING_RANGE))
[shipAI message:@"AEGIS_IN_DOCKING_RANGE"];
// leaving..
if ((aegis_status == AEGIS_IN_DOCKING_RANGE)&&(result == AEGIS_CLOSE_TO_PLANET))
if ((aegis_status != AEGIS_NONE)&&(result == AEGIS_NONE))
[shipAI message:@"AEGIS_NONE"];
aegis_status = result; // put this here
return result;
- (BOOL) within_station_aegis
return within_station_aegis;
- (void) setStatus:(int) stat
status = stat;
if ((status == STATUS_LAUNCHING)&&(universe))
launch_time = [universe getTime];
//if (status == STATUS_IN_FLIGHT)
// accepts_escorts = YES;
- (void) setAI:(AI *) ai
if (shipAI) [shipAI release];
shipAI = [ai retain];
- (AI *) getAI
return shipAI;
- (void) setRoll:(double) amount
flight_roll = amount * PI / 2.0;
- (void) setPitch:(double) amount
flight_pitch = amount * PI / 2.0;
- (void) setThrust:(double) amount
thrust = amount;
- (void) setBounty:(int) amount
bounty = amount;
- (int) getBounty
return bounty;
- (int) legal_status
if ([roles isEqual:@"asteroid"])
return 0;
if ([roles isEqual:@"boulder"])
return 0;
if ([roles isEqual:@"splinter"])
return 0;
return bounty;
- (void) setCommodity:(int) co_type andAmount:(int) co_amount;
commodity_type = co_type;
commodity_amount = co_amount;
- (int) getCommodityType
return commodity_type;
- (int) getCommodityAmount
return commodity_amount;
- (int) getMaxCargo
return max_cargo;
- (int) getCargoType
return cargo_type;
- (void) setCargo:(NSArray *) some_cargo
[cargo removeAllObjects];
[cargo addObjectsFromArray:some_cargo];
- (int) cargoFlag
return cargo_flag;
- (void) setCargoFlag:(int) flag
cargo_flag = flag;
- (void) setSpeed:(double) amount
flight_speed = amount;
- (void) setDesiredSpeed:(double) amount
desired_speed = amount;
- (void) increase_flight_speed:(double) delta
double factor = ((desired_speed > max_flight_speed)&&(has_fuel_injection)&&(fuel > 0)) ? AFTERBURNER_FACTOR : 1.0;
if (flight_speed < max_flight_speed * factor)
flight_speed += delta * factor;
flight_speed = max_flight_speed * factor;
- (void) decrease_flight_speed:(double) delta
if (flight_speed > -max_flight_speed)
flight_speed -= delta;
flight_speed = -max_flight_speed;
- (void) increase_flight_roll:(double) delta
if (flight_roll < max_flight_roll)
flight_roll += delta;
if (flight_roll > max_flight_roll)
flight_roll = max_flight_roll;
- (void) decrease_flight_roll:(double) delta
if (flight_roll > -max_flight_roll)
flight_roll -= delta;
if (flight_roll < -max_flight_roll)
flight_roll = -max_flight_roll;
- (void) increase_flight_pitch:(double) delta
if (flight_pitch < max_flight_pitch)
flight_pitch += delta;
if (flight_pitch > max_flight_pitch)
flight_pitch = max_flight_pitch;
- (void) decrease_flight_pitch:(double) delta
if (flight_pitch > -max_flight_pitch)
flight_pitch -= delta;
if (flight_pitch < -max_flight_pitch)
flight_pitch = -max_flight_pitch;
- (double) flight_roll
return flight_roll;
- (double) flight_pitch
return flight_pitch;
- (double) flight_speed
return flight_speed;
- (double) max_flight_speed
return max_flight_speed;
- (double) speed_factor
if (max_flight_speed <= 0.0)
return 0.0;
return flight_speed / max_flight_speed;
- (int) damage
return (int)(100 - (100 * energy / max_energy));
- (void) dealEnergyDamageWithinDesiredRange
NSArray* targets = [universe getEntitiesWithinRange:desired_range ofEntity:self];
if ([targets count] > 0)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [targets count]; i++)
Entity *e2 = [targets objectAtIndex:i];
Vector p2 = [e2 getPosition];
p2.x -= position.x; p2.y -= position.y; p2.z -= position.z;
//double cr = [e2 collisionRadius];
double d2 = p2.x*p2.x + p2.y*p2.y + p2.z*p2.z;
double damage = weapon_energy*desired_range/d2;
[e2 takeEnergyDamage:damage from:self becauseOf:[self owner]];
//if ([e2 isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
// //NSLog(@"Doing %.1f damage to %@ %d",damage,[(ShipEntity *)e2 name],[(ShipEntity *)e2 universal_id]);
- (void) takeEnergyDamage:(double) amount from:(Entity *) ent becauseOf:(Entity *) other
if (status == STATUS_DEAD) // it's too late for this one!
if (amount == 0.0)
if ([ent isKindOfClass:[ParticleEntity class]]&&([ent scanClass] == CLASS_MINE))
if (self == [universe station])
if ([other isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
[(ShipEntity*)other markAsOffender:96];
[self setPrimaryAggressor:other];
found_target = primaryAggressor;
[(StationEntity*)self increaseAlertLevel];
[shipAI reactToMessage:@"ATTACKED"]; // note use the reactToMessage: method NOT the think-delayed message: method
return; // Main stations are energy-bomb-proof!
// otherwise start a chain-reaction
if ((amount > energy)&&(energy > 10))
ParticleEntity* chain_reaction = [[ParticleEntity alloc] initEnergyMineFromShip:self];
[universe addEntity:chain_reaction];
[chain_reaction setOwner:[ent owner]];
[chain_reaction release];
BOOL iAmTheLaw = (scan_class == CLASS_POLICE);
BOOL uAreTheLaw = ([other scanClass] == CLASS_POLICE);
energy -= amount;
being_mined = NO;
// if the other entity is a ship note it as an aggressor
if ([other isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
ShipEntity* hunter = (ShipEntity *)other;
last_escort_target = NO_TARGET; // we're being attacked, escorts can scramble!
primaryAggressor = [hunter universal_id];
found_target = primaryAggressor;
// tell ourselves we've been attacked
if (energy > 0)
[shipAI reactToMessage:@"ATTACKED"]; // note use the reactToMessage: method NOT the think-delayed message: method
// tell our group we've been attacked
if (group_id != NO_TARGET)
if ([roles isEqual:@"escort"]||[roles isEqual:@"trader"])
ShipEntity *group_leader = (ShipEntity *)[universe entityForUniversalID:group_id];
if (group_leader)
//NSLog(@"DEBUG %@ %d informs group leader %@ %d of attack by %@ %d", name, universal_id, [group_leader name], [group_leader universal_id], [hunter name], [hunter universal_id]);
//[group_leader setReportAImessages:YES];
[group_leader setFound_target:hunter];
[group_leader setPrimaryAggressor:hunter];
[[group_leader getAI] reactToMessage:@"ATTACKED"];
if ([roles isEqual:@"pirate"])
NSArray *fellow_pirates = [self shipsInGroup:group_id];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [fellow_pirates count]; i++)
ShipEntity *other_pirate = (ShipEntity *)[fellow_pirates objectAtIndex:i];
if (randf() < 0.5) // 50% chance they'll help
[other_pirate setFound_target:hunter];
[other_pirate setPrimaryAggressor:hunter];
[[other_pirate getAI] reactToMessage:@"ATTACKED"];
if (iAmTheLaw)
NSArray *fellow_police = [self shipsInGroup:group_id];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [fellow_police count]; i++)
ShipEntity *other_police = (ShipEntity *)[fellow_police objectAtIndex:i];
[other_police setFound_target:hunter];
[other_police setPrimaryAggressor:hunter];
[[other_police getAI] reactToMessage:@"ATTACKED"];
// if I'm a copper and you're not, then mark the other as an offender!
if ((iAmTheLaw)&&(!uAreTheLaw))
[hunter markAsOffender:64];
// avoid shooting each other
if (([hunter group_id] == group_id)||(iAmTheLaw && uAreTheLaw))
if ([hunter condition] == CONDITION_ATTACK_FLY_TO_TARGET) // avoid me please!
[hunter setDesiredSpeed:[hunter max_flight_speed]];
if ([other isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
being_mined = [(ShipEntity *)other isMining];
// die if I'm out of energy
if (energy <= 0.0)
if ([other isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
ShipEntity* hunter = (ShipEntity *)other;
[hunter collectBountyFor:self];
if ([hunter getPrimaryTarget] == (Entity *)self)
[hunter removeTarget:(Entity *)self];
[[hunter getAI] message:@"TARGET_DESTROYED"];
[self becomeExplosion];
// warn if I'm low on energy
if (energy < max_energy *0.25)
[shipAI reactToMessage:@"ENERGY_LOW"];
if ((energy < max_energy *0.125)&&(has_escape_pod)&&((ranrot_rand() & 3) == 0)) // 25% chance he gets to an escape pod
has_escape_pod = NO;
//NSLog(@"Escape Pod launched");
[shipAI setStateMachine:@"nullAI.plist"];
[shipAI setState:@"GLOBAL"];
condition = CONDITION_IDLE;
[self launchEscapeCapsule];
[self setScanClass: CLASS_NEUTRAL]; // we're unmanned now!
- (void) becomeExplosion
Vector xposition = position;
ParticleEntity *fragment;
int i;
Vector v;
Quaternion q;
int speed_low = 200;
int speed_high = 800;
int n_fragments = 32;
int n_alloys = floor((boundingBox.max_z - boundingBox.min_z) / 50.0);
if (status == STATUS_DEAD)
status = STATUS_DEAD;
if ([death_actions count])
int i;
[(PlayerEntity *)[universe entityZero] setScript_target:self];
for (i = 0; i < [death_actions count]; i++)
NSObject* action = [death_actions objectAtIndex:i];
if ([action isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]])
[(PlayerEntity *)[universe entityZero] checkCouplet:(NSDictionary *)action onEntity:self];
if ([action isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
[(PlayerEntity *)[universe entityZero] scriptAction:(NSString *)action onEntity:self];
[death_actions removeAllObjects];
if ([roles isEqual:@"thargoid"])
[self broadcastThargoidDestroyed];
if (collision_radius > 49.9) // big!
// quick test of hyperring
ParticleEntity *ring = [[ParticleEntity alloc] initHyperringFromShip:self]; // retained
[universe addEntity:ring];
[ring release];
for (i = 0 ; i < n_fragments; i++)
int speed = (ranrot_rand() % (speed_high - speed_low)) + speed_low;
double duration = 0.5 + randf();
v.x = (ranrot_rand() % speed) - speed / 2;
v.y = (ranrot_rand() % speed) - speed / 2;
v.z = (ranrot_rand() % speed) - speed / 2;
fragment = [[ParticleEntity alloc] init]; // alloc retains!
[fragment setPosition:xposition]; // here
[fragment setScanClass: CLASS_NO_DRAW];
[fragment setVelocity: v];
[fragment setDuration: duration];
[fragment setCollisionRadius: 0.0];
[fragment setEnergy: 0.0];
[fragment setParticleType: PARTICLE_SHOT_GREEN_PLASMA];
[fragment setColor:[NSColor yellowColor]];
[universe addEntity:fragment];
[fragment release]; //release
for (i = 0 ; i < n_fragments / 4; i++)
int speed = ((ranrot_rand() % (speed_high - speed_low)) + speed_low) /8;
double duration = 0.5 + (ranrot_rand() % 256) / 256.0;
v.x = (ranrot_rand() % speed) - speed / 2;
v.y = (ranrot_rand() % speed) - speed / 2;
v.z = (ranrot_rand() % speed) - speed / 2;
fragment = [[ParticleEntity alloc] init]; // alloc retains!
[fragment setPosition:xposition]; // here
[fragment setScanClass: CLASS_NO_DRAW];
[fragment setVelocity: v];
[fragment setDuration: duration];
[fragment setCollisionRadius: 0.0];
[fragment setEnergy: 0.0];
[fragment setParticleType: PARTICLE_EXPLOSION];
[fragment setColor:[NSColor yellowColor]];
[universe addEntity:fragment];
[fragment release]; //release
// we need to throw out cargo at this point.
NSArray *jetsam = nil; // this will contain the stuff to get thrown out
int cargo_chance = 10;
if ([[name lowercaseString] rangeOfString:@"medical"].location != NSNotFound)
int cargo_to_go = max_cargo * cargo_chance / 100;
while (cargo_to_go > 15)
cargo_to_go = ranrot_rand() % cargo_to_go;
[self setCargo:[universe getContainersOfDrugs:cargo_to_go]];
cargo_chance = 100; // chance of any given piece of cargo surviving decompression
if (cargo_flag == CARGO_FLAG_FULL_UNIFORM)
int cargo_to_go = max_cargo * cargo_chance / 100;
while (cargo_to_go > 15)
cargo_to_go = ranrot_rand() % cargo_to_go;
NSString* commodity_name = (NSString*)[shipinfoDictionary objectForKey:@"cargo_carried"];
jetsam = [[universe getContainersOfCommodity:commodity_name :cargo_to_go] retain];
cargo_chance = 100; // chance of any given piece of cargo surviving decompression
if (cargo_flag == CARGO_FLAG_FULL_PLENTIFUL)
int cargo_to_go = max_cargo * cargo_chance / 100;
while (cargo_to_go > 15)
cargo_to_go = ranrot_rand() % cargo_to_go;
jetsam = [[universe getContainersOfPlentifulGoods:cargo_to_go] retain];
cargo_chance = 100; // chance of any given piece of cargo surviving decompression
if (cargo_flag == CARGO_FLAG_FULL_SCARCE)
int cargo_to_go = max_cargo * cargo_chance / 100;
while (cargo_to_go > 15)
cargo_to_go = ranrot_rand() % cargo_to_go;
jetsam = [[universe getContainersOfScarceGoods:cargo_to_go] retain];
cargo_chance = 100; // chance of any given piece of cargo surviving decompression
if (cargo_flag == CARGO_FLAG_CANISTERS)
jetsam = [[NSArray arrayWithArray:cargo] retain]; // what the ship is carrying
[cargo removeAllObjects]; // dispense with it!
if (jetsam)
for (i = 0; i < [jetsam count]; i++)
if (ranrot_rand() % 100 < cargo_chance) // chance of any given piece of cargo surviving decompression
ShipEntity* container = [[jetsam objectAtIndex:i] retain];
Vector rpos = xposition;
Vector rrand = randomPositionInBoundingBox(boundingBox);
rpos.x += rrand.x; rpos.y += rrand.y; rpos.z += rrand.z;
rpos.x += (ranrot_rand() % 7) - 3;
rpos.y += (ranrot_rand() % 7) - 3;
rpos.z += (ranrot_rand() % 7) - 3;
[container setPosition:rpos];
v.x = 0.1 *((ranrot_rand() % speed_low) - speed_low / 2);
v.y = 0.1 *((ranrot_rand() % speed_low) - speed_low / 2);
v.z = 0.1 *((ranrot_rand() % speed_low) - speed_low / 2);
[container setVelocity:v];
[container setQRotation:q];
[container setStatus:STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
[container setScanClass: CLASS_CARGO];
[universe addEntity:container];
[[container getAI] setState:@"GLOBAL"];
//NSLog(@"Launched %@ %d with %@",[container name], [container universal_id], [universe describeCommodity:[container getCommodityType] amount:[container getCommodityAmount]]);
[container release];
[jetsam release]; // done with this now!
// Throw out rocks and alloys to be scooped up
if ([roles isEqual:@"asteroid"])
if ((being_mined)||(randf() < 0.20))
// if hit by a mining laser, break up into 2..6 boulders
int n_rocks = 2 + (ranrot_rand() % 5);
// NSLog(@"DEBUG %@ %d Throwing %d boulders", name, universal_id, n_rocks);
// NSLog(@"DEBUG At (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f)", xposition.x, xposition.y, xposition.z);
for (i = 0; i < n_rocks; i++)
ShipEntity* rock = [universe getShipWithRole:@"boulder"]; // retain count = 1
Vector rpos = xposition;
int r_speed = 20.0 * [rock max_flight_speed];
int cr = 3 * [rock collisionRadius];
rpos.x += (ranrot_rand() % cr) - cr/2;
rpos.y += (ranrot_rand() % cr) - cr/2;
rpos.z += (ranrot_rand() % cr) - cr/2;
[rock setPosition:rpos];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG Spawned Boulder At (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f)", rpos.x, rpos.y, rpos.z);
v.x = 0.1 *((ranrot_rand() % r_speed) - r_speed / 2);
v.y = 0.1 *((ranrot_rand() % r_speed) - r_speed / 2);
v.z = 0.1 *((ranrot_rand() % r_speed) - r_speed / 2);
[rock setVelocity:v];
[rock setQRotation:q];
[rock setStatus:STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
[rock setScanClass: CLASS_ROCK];
[universe addEntity:rock];
[[rock getAI] setState:@"GLOBAL"];
[rock release];
[universe removeEntity:self];
return; // don't do anything more
if ([roles isEqual:@"boulder"])
if ((being_mined)||(ranrot_rand() % 100 < 20))
// if hit by a mining laser, break up into 2..6 splinters
int n_rocks = 2 + (ranrot_rand() % 5);
//NSLog(@"Throwing %d splinters", n_rocks);
for (i = 0; i < n_rocks; i++)
ShipEntity* rock = [universe getShipWithRole:@"splinter"]; // retain count = 1
Vector rpos = xposition;
int r_speed = 20.0 * [rock max_flight_speed];
int cr = 3 * [rock collisionRadius];
rpos.x += (ranrot_rand() % cr) - cr/2;
rpos.y += (ranrot_rand() % cr) - cr/2;
rpos.z += (ranrot_rand() % cr) - cr/2;
[rock setPosition:rpos];
v.x = 0.1 *((ranrot_rand() % r_speed) - r_speed / 2);
v.y = 0.1 *((ranrot_rand() % r_speed) - r_speed / 2);
v.z = 0.1 *((ranrot_rand() % r_speed) - r_speed / 2);
[rock setVelocity:v];
[rock setQRotation:q];
[rock setStatus:STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
[rock setScanClass: CLASS_CARGO];
[universe addEntity:rock];
[[rock getAI] setState:@"GLOBAL"];
[rock release];
[universe removeEntity:self];
return; // don't do anything more
//NSLog(@"Throwing %d pieces of alloy", n_alloys);
for (i = 0; i < n_alloys; i++)
ShipEntity* plate = [universe getShipWithRole:@"alloy"]; // retain count = 1
Vector rpos = xposition;
Vector rrand = randomPositionInBoundingBox(boundingBox);
rpos.x += rrand.x; rpos.y += rrand.y; rpos.z += rrand.z;
rpos.x += (ranrot_rand() % 7) - 3;
rpos.y += (ranrot_rand() % 7) - 3;
rpos.z += (ranrot_rand() % 7) - 3;
[plate setPosition:rpos];
v.x = 0.1 *((ranrot_rand() % speed_low) - speed_low / 2);
v.y = 0.1 *((ranrot_rand() % speed_low) - speed_low / 2);
v.z = 0.1 *((ranrot_rand() % speed_low) - speed_low / 2);
[plate setVelocity:v];
[plate setQRotation:q];
[plate setStatus:STATUS_TEST];
[plate setScanClass: CLASS_CARGO];
[plate setCommodity:9 andAmount:1];
[universe addEntity:plate];
[[plate getAI] setState:@"GLOBAL"];
[plate release];
if (sub_entities)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [sub_entities count]; i++)
Entity* se = (Entity *)[sub_entities objectAtIndex:i];
if ([se isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
Vector origin = [se getPosition];
Entity* father = self;
GLfloat* r_mat = [father rotationMatrix];
while (father)
mult_vector_gl_matrix(&origin, r_mat);
Vector pos = [father getPosition];
origin.x += pos.x; origin.y += pos.y; origin.z += pos.z;
father = [father owner];
r_mat = [father rotationMatrix];
[se setPosition:origin]; // is this what's messing thing up??
[(ShipEntity *)se becomeExplosion];
[sub_entities release]; // releases each subentity too!
sub_entities = nil;
if (![self isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]])
[universe removeEntity:self];
- (void) becomeEnergyBlast
ParticleEntity* blast = [[ParticleEntity alloc] initEnergyMineFromShip:self];
[universe addEntity:blast];
[blast setOwner: [self owner]];
[blast release];
[universe removeEntity:self];
Vector randomPositionInBoundingBox(BoundingBox bb)
Vector result;
result.x = bb.min_x + randf() * (bb.max_x - bb.min_x);
result.y = bb.min_y + randf() * (bb.max_y - bb.min_y);
result.z = bb.min_z + randf() * (bb.max_z - bb.min_z);
return result;
- (void) becomeLargeExplosion:(double) factor
Vector xposition = position;
ParticleEntity *fragment;
int i;
Vector v;
int speed_low = 200;
int speed_high = 800;
int n_fragments = 32*factor;
int n_cargo = (ranrot_rand() % (likely_cargo + 1));
if (status == STATUS_DEAD)
status = STATUS_DEAD;
if ([death_actions count])
int i;
[(PlayerEntity *)[universe entityZero] setScript_target:self];
for (i = 0; i < [death_actions count]; i++)
NSObject* action = [death_actions objectAtIndex:i];
if ([action isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]])
[(PlayerEntity *)[universe entityZero] checkCouplet:(NSDictionary *)action onEntity:self];
if ([action isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
[(PlayerEntity *)[universe entityZero] scriptAction:(NSString *)action onEntity:self];
[death_actions removeAllObjects];
for (i = 0 ; i < n_fragments; i++)
int speed = (ranrot_rand() % (speed_high - speed_low)) + speed_low;
double duration = factor*(0.5 + (ranrot_rand() % 256) / 256.0);
v.x = (ranrot_rand() % speed) - speed / 2;
v.y = (ranrot_rand() % speed) - speed / 2;
v.z = (ranrot_rand() % speed) - speed / 2;
fragment = [[ParticleEntity alloc] init]; // alloc retains!
[fragment setPosition:xposition]; // here
[fragment setScanClass: CLASS_NO_DRAW];
[fragment setVelocity: v];
[fragment setDuration: duration];
[fragment setCollisionRadius: 0.0];
[fragment setEnergy: 0.0];
[fragment setParticleType: PARTICLE_SHOT_GREEN_PLASMA];
[fragment setColor:[NSColor yellowColor]];
[universe addEntity:fragment];
[fragment release]; //release
for (i = 0 ; i < n_fragments / 4; i++)
int speed = ((ranrot_rand() % (speed_high - speed_low)) + speed_low) /8;
double duration = factor*(0.5 + (ranrot_rand() % 256) / 256.0);
v.x = (ranrot_rand() % speed) - speed / 2;
v.y = (ranrot_rand() % speed) - speed / 2;
v.z = (ranrot_rand() % speed) - speed / 2;
fragment = [[ParticleEntity alloc] init]; // alloc retains!
[fragment setPosition:xposition]; // here
[fragment setScanClass: CLASS_NO_DRAW];
[fragment setVelocity: v];
[fragment setDuration: duration];
[fragment setCollisionRadius: 0.0];
[fragment setEnergy: 0.0];
[fragment setParticleType: PARTICLE_EXPLOSION];
[fragment setColor:[NSColor yellowColor]];
[universe addEntity:fragment];
[fragment release]; //release
// we need to throw out cargo at this point.
int cargo_chance = 10;
if ([[name lowercaseString] rangeOfString:@"medical"].location != NSNotFound)
int cargo_to_go = max_cargo * cargo_chance / 100;
while (cargo_to_go > 15)
cargo_to_go = ranrot_rand() % cargo_to_go;
[self setCargo:[universe getContainersOfDrugs:cargo_to_go]];
cargo_chance = 100; // chance of any given piece of cargo surviving decompression
if (cargo_flag == CARGO_FLAG_FULL_PLENTIFUL)
int cargo_to_go = max_cargo / 10;
while (cargo_to_go > 15)
cargo_to_go = ranrot_rand() % cargo_to_go;
//NSLog(@"explosion in %@ %d will launch %d pieces of cargo (max_cargo = %d)", name, universal_id, cargo_to_go, max_cargo);
[self setCargo:[universe getContainersOfPlentifulGoods:cargo_to_go]];
cargo_chance = 100;
if (cargo_flag == CARGO_FLAG_FULL_SCARCE)
int cargo_to_go = max_cargo / 10;
while (cargo_to_go > 15)
cargo_to_go = ranrot_rand() % cargo_to_go;
//NSLog(@"explosion in %@ %d will launch %d pieces of cargo (max_cargo = %d)", name, universal_id, cargo_to_go, max_cargo);
[self setCargo:[universe getContainersOfScarceGoods:cargo_to_go]];
cargo_chance = 100;
while ([cargo count] > 0)
if (ranrot_rand() % 100 < cargo_chance) // 10% chance of any given piece of cargo surviving decompression
ShipEntity* container = [[cargo objectAtIndex:0] retain];
Vector rpos = xposition;
Vector rrand = randomPositionInBoundingBox(boundingBox);
rpos.x += rrand.x; rpos.y += rrand.y; rpos.z += rrand.z;
rpos.x += (ranrot_rand() % 7) - 3;
rpos.y += (ranrot_rand() % 7) - 3;
rpos.z += (ranrot_rand() % 7) - 3;
[container setStatus:STATUS_TEST];
[container setPosition:rpos];
[container setScanClass: CLASS_CARGO];
[universe addEntity:container];
[[container getAI] setState:@"GLOBAL"];
[container release];
if (n_cargo > 0)
n_cargo--; // count down extra cargo
[cargo removeObjectAtIndex:0];
if (![self isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]])
[universe removeEntity:self];
- (void) collectBountyFor:(ShipEntity *)other
if ([roles isEqual:@"pirate"])
bounty += [other getBounty];
AI piloting methods
- (void) setFound_target:(Entity *) targetEntity
if (targetEntity)
found_target = [targetEntity universal_id];
- (void) setPrimaryAggressor:(Entity *) targetEntity
if (targetEntity)
primaryAggressor = [targetEntity universal_id];
- (void) addTarget:(Entity *) targetEntity
//if ([targetEntity isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
// NSLog(@"DEBUG %@ now targetting %@", [self name], [(ShipEntity *)targetEntity name]);
if (targetEntity)
primaryTarget = [targetEntity universal_id];
if (sub_entities)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [sub_entities count]; i++)
Entity* se = [sub_entities objectAtIndex:i];
if ([se isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
[(ShipEntity *)se addTarget:targetEntity];
- (void) removeTarget:(Entity *) targetEntity
if (primaryTarget != NO_TARGET)
[shipAI reactToMessage:@"TARGET_LOST"];
primaryTarget = NO_TARGET;
if (sub_entities)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [sub_entities count]; i++)
Entity* se = [sub_entities objectAtIndex:i];
if ([se isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
[(ShipEntity *)se removeTarget:targetEntity];
- (Entity *) getPrimaryTarget
return [universe entityForUniversalID:primaryTarget];
- (int) getPrimaryTargetID
return primaryTarget;
- (int) condition
return condition;
- (void) setCondition:(int) cond
condition = cond;
- (Vector) destination
return destination;
- (Vector) one_km_six
Vector six = position;
six.x -= 1000 * v_forward.x; six.y -= 1000 * v_forward.y; six.z -= 1000 * v_forward.z;
return six;
- (double) ballTrackTarget:(double) delta_t
Vector vector_to_target;
Vector axis_to_track_by;
Vector my_position = position; // position relative to parent
Vector my_aim = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q_rotation);
Vector my_ref = reference;
double aim_cos, ref_cos;
Entity* targent = [self getPrimaryTarget];
//NSLog(@"DEBUG ball_tracking (before rotation) my_aim (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f) my_ref (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)", my_aim.x, my_aim.y, my_aim.z, my_ref.x, my_ref.y, my_ref.z);
Entity* father = [self owner];
GLfloat* r_mat = [father rotationMatrix];
while (father)
mult_vector_gl_matrix(&my_position, r_mat);
mult_vector_gl_matrix(&my_ref, r_mat);
Vector pos = [father getPosition];
my_position.x += pos.x; my_position.y += pos.y; my_position.z += pos.z;
father = [father owner];
r_mat = [father rotationMatrix];
if (targent)
vector_to_target = [targent getPosition];
vector_to_target.x -= my_position.x; vector_to_target.y -= my_position.y; vector_to_target.z -= my_position.z;
vector_to_target = unit_vector(&vector_to_target);
// do the tracking!
aim_cos = dot_product(vector_to_target, my_aim);
ref_cos = dot_product(vector_to_target, my_ref);
aim_cos = 0.0;
ref_cos = -1.0;
//NSLog(@"DEBUG ball_tracking vtt (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)", vector_to_target.x, vector_to_target.y, vector_to_target.z);
//NSLog(@"DEBUG ball_tracking target %@ aim_cos = %.3f ref_cos = %.3f", [(ShipEntity *)targent name], aim_cos, ref_cos);
if (ref_cos > TURRET_MINIMUM_COS) // target is forward of self
axis_to_track_by = cross_product(vector_to_target, my_aim);
aim_cos = 0.0;
axis_to_track_by = cross_product(my_ref, my_aim); // return to center
quaternion_rotate_about_axis( &q_rotation, axis_to_track_by, thrust * delta_t);
quaternion_into_gl_matrix(q_rotation, rotMatrix);
return aim_cos;
- (double) ballTrackLeadingTarget:(double) delta_t
Vector vector_to_target;
Vector axis_to_track_by;
Vector my_position = position; // position relative to parent
Vector my_aim = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q_rotation);
Vector my_ref = reference;
double aim_cos, ref_cos;
Entity* targent = [self getPrimaryTarget];
Vector leading = [targent getVelocity];
// leading.x *= lead_t; leading.y *= lead_t; leading.z *= lead_t;
//NSLog(@"DEBUG ball_tracking (before rotation) my_aim (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f) my_ref (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)", my_aim.x, my_aim.y, my_aim.z, my_ref.x, my_ref.y, my_ref.z);
Entity* father = [self owner];
GLfloat* r_mat = [father rotationMatrix];
while (father)
mult_vector_gl_matrix(&my_position, r_mat);
mult_vector_gl_matrix(&my_ref, r_mat);
Vector pos = [father getPosition];
my_position.x += pos.x; my_position.y += pos.y; my_position.z += pos.z;
father = [father owner];
r_mat = [father rotationMatrix];
if (targent)
vector_to_target = [targent getPosition];
vector_to_target.x -= my_position.x; vector_to_target.y -= my_position.y; vector_to_target.z -= my_position.z;
float lead = sqrt(magnitude2(vector_to_target)) / TURRET_SHOT_SPEED;
vector_to_target.x += lead * leading.x; vector_to_target.y += lead * leading.y; vector_to_target.z += lead * leading.z;
vector_to_target = unit_vector(&vector_to_target);
// do the tracking!
aim_cos = dot_product(vector_to_target, my_aim);
ref_cos = dot_product(vector_to_target, my_ref);
aim_cos = 0.0;
ref_cos = -1.0;
//NSLog(@"DEBUG ball_tracking vtt (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)", vector_to_target.x, vector_to_target.y, vector_to_target.z);
//NSLog(@"DEBUG ball_tracking target %@ aim_cos = %.3f ref_cos = %.3f", [(ShipEntity *)targent name], aim_cos, ref_cos);
if (ref_cos > TURRET_MINIMUM_COS) // target is forward of self
axis_to_track_by = cross_product(vector_to_target, my_aim);
aim_cos = 0.0;
axis_to_track_by = cross_product(my_ref, my_aim); // return to center
quaternion_rotate_about_axis( &q_rotation, axis_to_track_by, thrust * delta_t);
quaternion_into_gl_matrix(q_rotation, rotMatrix);
return aim_cos;
- (double) trackPrimaryTarget:(double) delta_t :(BOOL) retreat
Vector relativePosition;
GLfloat d_forward, d_up, d_right;
Entity *target;
double damping = 0.5 * delta_t;
double rate2 = 4.0 * delta_t;
double rate1 = 2.0 * delta_t;
double stick_roll = 0.0; //desired roll and pitch
double stick_pitch = 0.0;
double pitch_pitch = 0.0;
double roll_roll = 0.0;
double reverse = 1.0;
double tolerance1 = pitch_tolerance;
target = [self getPrimaryTarget];
if (target == nil) // leave now!
return 0.0;
if (retreat)
reverse = -1.0;
relativePosition = [target getPosition];
relativePosition.x -= position.x;
relativePosition.y -= position.y;
relativePosition.z -= position.z;
//jink if retreating
if (retreat)
Quaternion q = [target QRotation];
Vector vx = vector_right_from_quaternion(q);
Vector vy = vector_up_from_quaternion(q);
Vector vz = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q);
relativePosition.x += jink.x * vx.x + jink.y * vy.x + jink.z * vz.x;
relativePosition.y += jink.x * vx.y + jink.y * vy.y + jink.z * vz.y;
relativePosition.z += jink.x * vx.z + jink.y * vy.z + jink.z * vz.z;
relativePosition = unit_vector(&relativePosition);
d_right = dot_product(relativePosition, v_right); // = cosine of angle between angle to target and v_right
d_up = dot_product(relativePosition, v_up); // = cosine of angle between angle to target and v_up
d_forward = dot_product(relativePosition, v_forward); // = cosine of angle between angle to target and v_forward
// begin rule-of-thumb manoeuvres
stick_roll = 0.0;
if (pitching_over)
pitching_over = (stick_pitch != 0.0);
if ((d_forward*reverse < -tolerance1) && (!pitching_over))
pitching_over = YES;
pitch_pitch = 1.0;
//NSLog(@"Pitch - over");
if (d_up >= 0)
stick_pitch = -max_flight_pitch * pitch_pitch * reverse;
if (d_up < 0)
stick_pitch = max_flight_pitch * pitch_pitch * reverse;
if (pitching_over)
pitching_over = (d_forward * reverse < 0.5);
stick_pitch = 0.0;
pitch_pitch = d_up;
if (pitch_pitch < 0.0)
pitch_pitch = -pitch_pitch;
roll_roll = d_right;
if (roll_roll < 0.0)
roll_roll = -roll_roll;
if (retreat)
pitch_pitch = 1.0 - pitch_pitch;
if (d_up > 0.0)
stick_pitch = -max_flight_pitch * pitch_pitch * reverse;
if (d_up < 0.0)
stick_pitch = max_flight_pitch * pitch_pitch * reverse;
if (d_right > 0.0)
stick_roll = -max_flight_roll * roll_roll;
if (d_right < 0.0)
stick_roll = max_flight_roll * roll_roll;
// end rule-of-thumb manoeuvres
// apply damping
if (flight_roll < 0)
flight_roll += (flight_roll < -damping) ? damping : -flight_roll;
if (flight_roll > 0)
flight_roll -= (flight_roll > damping) ? damping : flight_roll;
if (flight_pitch < 0)
flight_pitch += (flight_pitch < -damping) ? damping : -flight_pitch;
if (flight_pitch > 0)
flight_pitch -= (flight_pitch > damping) ? damping : flight_pitch;
// apply stick movement limits
if (flight_roll < stick_roll - rate1)
stick_roll = flight_roll + rate1;
if (flight_roll > stick_roll + rate1)
stick_roll = flight_roll - rate1;
if (flight_pitch < stick_pitch - rate2)
stick_pitch = flight_pitch + rate2;
if (flight_pitch > stick_pitch + rate2)
stick_pitch = flight_pitch - rate2;
flight_roll = stick_roll;
flight_pitch = stick_pitch;
// return target confidence 0.0 .. 1.0
if (d_forward < 0.0)
return 0.0;
return d_forward;
- (double) trackDestination:(double) delta_t :(BOOL) retreat
Vector relativePosition;
GLfloat d_forward, d_up, d_right;
BOOL we_are_docking = ([[self getPrimaryTarget] isKindOfClass:[StationEntity class]]);
double damping = 0.5 * delta_t;
double rate2 = 4.0 * delta_t;
double rate1 = 2.0 * delta_t;
double stick_roll = 0.0; //desired roll and pitch
double stick_pitch = 0.0;
double reverse = 1.0;
double min_d = 0.004;
if (we_are_docking &&(desired_speed = 50.0)) // test for docking stuff
min_d = 0.012; // less accuracy required - better to match spin
if (retreat)
reverse = -reverse;
if ([self isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]])
reverse = -reverse;
relativePosition = destination;
relativePosition.x -= position.x;
relativePosition.y -= position.y;
relativePosition.z -= position.z;
relativePosition = unit_vector(&relativePosition);
d_right = dot_product(relativePosition, v_right);
d_up = dot_product(relativePosition, v_up);
d_forward = dot_product(relativePosition, v_forward);
// begin rule-of-thumb manoeuvres
if (d_forward < -0.99) // hack to avoid just flying away from the destination
d_up = min_d * 2.0;
stick_pitch = 0.0;
stick_roll = 0.0;
if (d_up > min_d)
if (d_right > min_d)
stick_roll = stick_roll - max_flight_roll * reverse * 0.25; //roll_roll * reverse;
if (d_right < -min_d)
stick_roll = stick_roll + max_flight_roll * reverse * 0.25; //roll_roll * reverse;
if (d_up < -min_d) // half a meter
if (d_right > min_d)
stick_roll = stick_roll + max_flight_roll * reverse * 0.25; //roll_roll * reverse;
if (d_right < -min_d)
stick_roll = stick_roll - max_flight_roll * reverse * 0.25; //roll_roll * reverse;
if (stick_roll == 0.0)
if (d_up > min_d)
stick_pitch = -max_flight_pitch * reverse * 0.25; //pitch_pitch * reverse;
if (d_up < -min_d)
stick_pitch = max_flight_pitch * reverse * 0.25; //pitch_pitch * reverse;
if (we_are_docking)
/* we are docking and need to consider the rotation/orientation of the space station */
Vector up_vec = [(StationEntity *)[self getPrimaryTarget] portUpVector];
double rot_up = dot_product(up_vec, v_up);
double fast_slow = dot_product(up_vec, v_right);
// if (self == [universe entityZero])
// NSLog(@"DEBUG docking rot_up %.3f %.3f",rot_up, fast_slow);
if (fast_slow*rot_up < 0)
fast_slow = 0.0;
fast_slow = 1.0;
double station_roll = [(StationEntity *)[self getPrimaryTarget] flight_roll];
rot_up *= rot_up;
if ((stick_pitch == 0.0)&&(stick_roll == 0.0))
if (rot_up > 0.975)
stick_roll = station_roll;
if (fabs(station_roll) > 0.1)
// station is rotating
if (max_flight_roll > fabs(station_roll))
if (rot_up > 0.8)
stick_roll = (station_roll > 0)? max_flight_roll*fast_slow: -max_flight_roll*fast_slow;
stick_roll = 0; // flip over
stick_roll = 0; // flip over
// station is not rotating
if (fast_slow > 0.0)
stick_roll = 0.5;
stick_roll = -0.5; // flip over
// end rule-of-thumb manoeuvres
// apply stick movement limits
if (flight_roll < stick_roll - rate1)
stick_roll = flight_roll + rate1;
if (flight_roll > stick_roll + rate1)
stick_roll = flight_roll - rate1;
if (flight_pitch < stick_pitch - rate2)
stick_pitch = flight_pitch + rate2;
if (flight_pitch > stick_pitch + rate2)
stick_pitch = flight_pitch - rate2;
// apply damping
if (!we_are_docking)
if (flight_roll < 0)
flight_roll += (flight_roll < -damping) ? damping : -flight_roll;
if (flight_roll > 0)
flight_roll -= (flight_roll > damping) ? damping : flight_roll;
if (flight_pitch < 0)
flight_pitch += (flight_pitch < -damping) ? damping : -flight_pitch;
if (flight_pitch > 0)
flight_pitch -= (flight_pitch > damping) ? damping : flight_pitch;
// apply stick to attitude control
flight_roll = stick_roll;
flight_pitch = stick_pitch;
if (retreat)
d_forward *= d_forward; // make positive AND decrease granularity
if (d_forward < 0.0)
return 0.0;
return d_forward;
- (double) rangeToDestination
double dist;
Vector delta = destination;
delta.x -= position.x;
delta.y -= position.y;
delta.z -= position.z;
dist = sqrt(delta.x*delta.x + delta.y*delta.y + delta.z*delta.z);
return dist;
- (double) rangeToPrimaryTarget
double dist;
Vector delta;
Entity *target = [self getPrimaryTarget];
if (target == nil) // leave now!
return 0.0;
delta = [target getPosition];
delta.x -= position.x;
delta.y -= position.y;
delta.z -= position.z;
dist = sqrt(delta.x*delta.x + delta.y*delta.y + delta.z*delta.z);
dist -= [target collisionRadius];
dist -= collision_radius;
return dist;
- (BOOL) onTarget:(BOOL) fwd_weapon
GLfloat d2, radius, dq, astq;
Vector rel_pos, urp;
int weapon_type = (fwd_weapon)? forward_weapon_type : aft_weapon_type;
if (weapon_type == WEAPON_THARGOID_LASER)
return (randf() < 0.05); // one in twenty shots on target
Entity *target = [self getPrimaryTarget];
if (target == nil) // leave now!
return NO;
if ([target getStatus] == STATUS_DEAD)
return NO;
radius = [target collisionRadius];
rel_pos = [target getPosition];
rel_pos.x -= position.x;
rel_pos.y -= position.y;
rel_pos.z -= position.z;
d2 = magnitude2(rel_pos);
urp = unit_vector(&rel_pos);
dq = dot_product(urp, v_forward); // cosine of angle between v_forward and unit relative position
if (((fwd_weapon)&&(dq < 0.0)) || ((!fwd_weapon)&&(dq > 0.0)))
return NO;
astq = sqrt(d2) / sqrt (d2 + radius * radius); // cosine of half angle subtended by target
// if ([roles isEqual:@"miner"])
// NSLog(@"DEBUG ..... dq: %.5f astq: %.5f onTarget: %@", dq, astq, (dq > astq)?@"YES":@"NO");
return (dq >= astq);
- (BOOL) fireMainWeapon:(double) range
// set the values for the forward weapon
[self set_weapon_data_from_type:forward_weapon_type];
if (shot_time < weapon_recharge_rate)
return NO;
int accuracy = 1;
if ([shipinfoDictionary objectForKey:@"accuracy"])
accuracy = [(NSNumber *)[shipinfoDictionary objectForKey:@"accuracy"] intValue];
if (accuracy < 1)
accuracy = 1;
if (range > randf() * weapon_range * accuracy)
return NO;
if (range > weapon_range)
return NO;
if (![self onTarget:YES])
return NO;
switch (forward_weapon_type)
[self firePlasmaShot:weapon_offset_x:1500.0:[NSColor yellowColor]];
[self firePlasmaShot:weapon_offset_x:1500.0:[NSColor yellowColor]];
return YES;
[self fireLaserShot];
return YES;
[self fireDirectLaserShot];
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL) fireAftWeapon:(double) range
BOOL result = YES;
// save the existing weapon values
double weapon_energy1 = weapon_energy;
double weapon_recharge_rate1 = weapon_recharge_rate;
double weapon_range1 = weapon_range;
// set new values from aft_weapon_type
[self set_weapon_data_from_type:aft_weapon_type];
//NSLog(@"DEBUG %@ should fire aft weapon",name);
if (shot_time < weapon_recharge_rate)
return NO;
if (![self onTarget:NO])
return NO;
if (range > randf() * weapon_range)
return NO;
//NSLog(@"DEBUG %@ firing aft weapon",name);
if (result)
switch (aft_weapon_type)
[self fireLaserShotInDirection:VIEW_AFT];
[self fireDirectLaserShot];
return YES;
// restore previous values
weapon_energy = weapon_energy1;
weapon_recharge_rate = weapon_recharge_rate1;
weapon_range = weapon_range1;
return result;
- (BOOL) fireTurretCannon:(double) range
if (shot_time < weapon_recharge_rate)
return NO;
if (range > 5000)
return NO;
ParticleEntity *shot;
Vector origin = position;
Entity* father = [self owner];
GLfloat* r_mat = [father rotationMatrix];
Vector vel = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q_rotation);
// Vector vel_father = [father getVelocity];
while (father)
mult_vector_gl_matrix(&origin, r_mat);
Vector pos = [father getPosition];
origin.x += pos.x; origin.y += pos.y; origin.z += pos.z;
father = [father owner];
r_mat = [father rotationMatrix];
double start = collision_radius + 0.5;
double speed = TURRET_SHOT_SPEED;
NSColor* color = laser_color;
origin.x += vel.x * start;
origin.y += vel.y * start;
origin.z += vel.z * start;
vel.x *= speed;
vel.y *= speed;
vel.z *= speed;
// vel.x += vel_father.x;
// vel.y += vel_father.y;
// vel.z += vel_father.z;
shot = [[ParticleEntity alloc] init]; // alloc retains!
[shot setPosition:origin]; // directly ahead
[shot setScanClass: CLASS_NO_DRAW];
[shot setVelocity: vel];
[shot setDuration: 3.0];
[shot setCollisionRadius: 2.0];
[shot setEnergy: weapon_energy];
[shot setParticleType: PARTICLE_SHOT_PLASMA];
[shot setColor:color];
[shot setSize:NSMakeSize(12,12)];
[universe addEntity:shot];
[shot setOwner:[self owner]]; // has to be done AFTER adding shot to the universe
// NSLog(@"DEBUG Plasma cannon shot owner is %@", [shot owner]);
[shot release]; //release
shot_time = 0.0;
return YES;
- (void) setLaserColor:(NSColor *) color
if (color)
[laser_color release];
laser_color = [color retain];
- (BOOL) fireLaserShot
ParticleEntity *shot;
int direction = VIEW_FORWARD;
//double range_limit = PARTICLE_LASER_RANGE_LIMIT;
double range_limit2 = weapon_range*weapon_range;
Vector vel;
target_laser_hit = NO_TARGET;
vel.x = v_forward.x * flight_speed;
vel.y = v_forward.y * flight_speed;
vel.z = v_forward.z * flight_speed;
if ([self isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]]) // only the player has weapons on other facings
direction = [universe viewDir]; // set the weapon facing here
target_laser_hit = [universe getFirstEntityHitByLaserFromEntity:self inView:direction];
shot = [[ParticleEntity alloc] initLaserFromShip:self view:direction]; // alloc retains!
[shot setColor:laser_color];
[shot setScanClass: CLASS_NO_DRAW];
[shot setVelocity: vel];
if (target_laser_hit != NO_TARGET)
Entity *victim = [universe entityForUniversalID:target_laser_hit];
Vector p0 = [shot getPosition];
Vector p1 = [victim getPosition];
p1.x -= p0.x; p1.y -= p0.y; p1.z -= p0.z;
double dist2 = magnitude2(p1);
if (([victim isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])&&(dist2 < range_limit2))
[(ShipEntity *)victim takeEnergyDamage:weapon_energy from:self becauseOf:self]; // a very palpable hit
[shot setCollisionRadius:sqrt(dist2)];
[universe addEntity:shot];
[shot release]; //release
shot_time = 0.0;
// random laser over-heating for AI ships
if ((![self isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]])&&((ranrot_rand() & 255) < weapon_energy)&&(![self isMining]))
shot_time -= (randf() * weapon_energy);
return YES;
- (BOOL) fireDirectLaserShot
// NSLog(@"DEBUG %@ %d laser fired direct shot on %@ %d", name, universal_id, [(ShipEntity*)[self getPrimaryTarget] name], primaryTarget);
ParticleEntity *shot;
double range_limit2 = weapon_range*weapon_range;
Vector r_pos = [[self getPrimaryTarget] getPosition];
r_pos.x -= position.x; r_pos.y -= position.y; r_pos.z -= position.z;
r_pos = unit_vector(&r_pos);
// target_laser_hit = primaryTarget;
Quaternion q_laser = quaternion_rotation_between(r_pos, make_vector(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f));
q_laser.x += 0.01 * (randf() - 0.5); // randomise aim a little (+/- 0.005)
q_laser.y += 0.01 * (randf() - 0.5);
q_laser.z += 0.01 * (randf() - 0.5);
Quaternion q_save = q_rotation; // save rotation
q_rotation = q_laser; // face in direction of laser
target_laser_hit = [universe getFirstEntityHitByLaserFromEntity:self];
q_rotation = q_save; // restore rotation
Vector vel = make_vector( v_forward.x * flight_speed, v_forward.y * flight_speed, v_forward.z * flight_speed);
// do special effects laser line
shot = [[ParticleEntity alloc] initLaserFromShip:self view:VIEW_FORWARD]; // alloc retains!
[shot setColor:laser_color];
[shot setScanClass: CLASS_NO_DRAW];
[shot setPosition: position];
[shot setQRotation: q_laser];
[shot setVelocity: vel];
if (target_laser_hit != NO_TARGET)
Entity *victim = [universe entityForUniversalID:target_laser_hit];
Vector p0 = [shot getPosition];
Vector p1 = [victim getPosition];
p1.x -= p0.x; p1.y -= p0.y; p1.z -= p0.z;
double dist2 = magnitude2(p1);
if (([victim isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])&&(dist2 < range_limit2))
[(ShipEntity *)victim takeEnergyDamage:weapon_energy from:self becauseOf:self]; // a very palpable hit
[shot setCollisionRadius:sqrt(dist2)];
[universe addEntity:shot];
[shot release]; //release
shot_time = 0.0;
// random laser over-heating for AI ships
if ((![self isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]])&&((ranrot_rand() & 255) < weapon_energy)&&(![self isMining]))
shot_time -= (randf() * weapon_energy);
return YES;
- (BOOL) fireLaserShotInDirection: (int) direction
ParticleEntity *shot;
double range_limit2 = weapon_range*weapon_range;
Vector vel;
target_laser_hit = NO_TARGET;
vel.x = v_forward.x * flight_speed;
vel.y = v_forward.y * flight_speed;
vel.z = v_forward.z * flight_speed;
target_laser_hit = [universe getFirstEntityHitByLaserFromEntity:self inView:direction];
shot = [[ParticleEntity alloc] initLaserFromShip:self view:direction]; // alloc retains!
[shot setColor:laser_color];
[shot setScanClass: CLASS_NO_DRAW];
[shot setVelocity: vel];
if (target_laser_hit != NO_TARGET)
Entity *victim = [universe entityForUniversalID:target_laser_hit];
Vector p0 = [shot getPosition];
Vector p1 = [victim getPosition];
p1.x -= p0.x; p1.y -= p0.y; p1.z -= p0.z;
double dist2 = magnitude2(p1);
if (([victim isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])&&(dist2 < range_limit2))
[(ShipEntity *)victim takeEnergyDamage:weapon_energy from:self becauseOf:self]; // a very palpable hit
[shot setCollisionRadius:sqrt(dist2)];
[universe addEntity:shot];
[shot release]; //release
shot_time = 0.0;
// random laser over-heating for AI ships
if ((![self isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]])&&((ranrot_rand() & 255) < weapon_energy)&&(![self isMining]))
shot_time -= (randf() * weapon_energy);
return YES;
- (void) throwSparks
ParticleEntity* spark;
Vector vel;
Vector origin = position;
GLfloat lr = randf() * (boundingBox.max_x - boundingBox.min_x) + boundingBox.min_x;
GLfloat ud = randf() * (boundingBox.max_y - boundingBox.min_y) + boundingBox.min_y;
GLfloat fb = randf() * boundingBox.max_z + boundingBox.min_z; // rear section only
origin.x += fb * v_forward.x;
origin.y += fb * v_forward.y;
origin.z += fb * v_forward.z;
origin.x += ud * v_up.x;
origin.y += ud * v_up.y;
origin.z += ud * v_up.z;
origin.x += lr * v_right.x;
origin.y += lr * v_right.y;
origin.z += lr * v_right.z;
float sz = 8.0 + randf() * 16.0;
vel = make_vector( 2.0 * (origin.x - position.x), 2.0 * (origin.y - position.y), 2.0 * (origin.z - position.z));
spark = [[ParticleEntity alloc] init]; // alloc retains!
[spark setPosition:origin]; // directly ahead
[spark setScanClass: CLASS_NO_DRAW];
[spark setVelocity: vel];
[spark setDuration: 2.0 + 3.0 * randf()];
[spark setCollisionRadius: 2.0];
[spark setSize:NSMakeSize( sz, sz)];
[spark setEnergy: 0.0];
[spark setParticleType: PARTICLE_SPARK];
[spark setColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue:0.08 + 0.17 * randf() saturation:1.0 brightness:1.0 alpha:1.0]];
[spark setOwner:self];
[universe addEntity:spark];
[spark release]; //release
next_spark_time = randf();
- (BOOL) firePlasmaShot:(double) offset :(double) speed :(NSColor *) color
ParticleEntity *shot;
Vector vel, rt;
Vector origin = position;
double start = collision_radius + 0.5;
speed += flight_speed;
if (++shot_counter % 2)
offset = -offset;
vel = v_forward;
rt = v_right;
if ([self isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]]) // player can fire into multiple views!
switch ([universe viewDir])
case VIEW_AFT :
vel = v_forward;
vel.x = -vel.x; vel.y = -vel.y; vel.z = -vel.z; // reverse
rt = v_right;
rt.x = -rt.x; rt.y = -rt.y; rt.z = -rt.z; // reverse
vel = v_right;
rt = v_forward;
rt.x = -rt.x; rt.y = -rt.y; rt.z = -rt.z; // reverse
case VIEW_PORT :
vel = v_right;
vel.x = -vel.x; vel.y = -vel.y; vel.z = -vel.z; // reverse
rt = v_forward;
origin.x += vel.x * start;
origin.y += vel.y * start;
origin.z += vel.z * start;
origin.x += rt.x * offset;
origin.y += rt.y * offset;
origin.z += rt.z * offset;
vel.x *= speed;
vel.y *= speed;
vel.z *= speed;
shot = [[ParticleEntity alloc] init]; // alloc retains!
[shot setPosition:origin]; // directly ahead
[shot setScanClass: CLASS_NO_DRAW];
[shot setVelocity: vel];
[shot setDuration: 5.0];
[shot setCollisionRadius: 2.0];
[shot setEnergy: weapon_energy];
[shot setParticleType: PARTICLE_SHOT_GREEN_PLASMA];
[shot setColor:color];
[shot setOwner:self];
[universe addEntity:shot];
[shot release]; //release
shot_time = 0.0;
return YES;
- (BOOL) fireMissile
ShipEntity *missile;
Vector vel;
Vector origin = position;
Vector start;
start.x = 0.0; // in the middle
start.y = boundingBox.min_y - 4.0; // 4m below bounding box
start.z = boundingBox.max_z + 1.0; // 1m ahead of bounding box
double throw_speed = 250.0;
Quaternion q1 = [self QRotation];
Entity *target = [self getPrimaryTarget];
if ((missiles <= 0)||(target == nil))
return NO;
if ([roles isEqual:@"thargoid"])
return [self fireTharglet];
if ([self isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]])
q1.w = -q1.w; // player view is reversed remember!
vel.x = (flight_speed + throw_speed) * v_forward.x;
vel.y = (flight_speed + throw_speed) * v_forward.y;
vel.z = (flight_speed + throw_speed) * v_forward.z;
origin.x = position.x + v_right.x * start.x + v_up.x * start.y + v_forward.x * start.z;
origin.y = position.y + v_right.y * start.x + v_up.y * start.y + v_forward.y * start.z;
origin.z = position.z + v_right.z * start.x + v_up.z * start.y + v_forward.z * start.z;
//vel.x *= throw_speed; vel.y *= throw_speed; vel.z *= throw_speed;
missile = [universe getShipWithRole:@"missile"]; // retain count = 1
[missile setPosition:origin]; // directly below
[missile setScanClass: CLASS_MISSILE];
[missile addTarget:target];
[missile setQRotation:q1];
[missile setStatus: STATUS_IN_FLIGHT]; // necessary to get it going!
[missile setVelocity: vel];
[missile setSpeed:150.0];
[missile setOwner:self];
[missile setDistanceTravelled:0.0];
//[missile setReportAImessages:YES];
[universe addEntity:missile];
//NSLog(@"Missile collision radius is %.1f",[missile collisionRadius]);
[missile release]; //release
[(ShipEntity *)target setPrimaryAggressor:self];
[[(ShipEntity *)target getAI] reactToMessage:@"INCOMING_MISSILE"];
return YES;
- (BOOL) fireTharglet
ShipEntity *tharglet;
Vector vel;
Vector origin = position;
Vector start;
start.x = 0.0; // in the middle
start.y = boundingBox.min_y - 10.0; // 10m below bounding box
start.z = 1.0; // 1m ahead of bounding box
double throw_speed = 500.0;
Quaternion q1 = [self QRotation];
Entity *target = [self getPrimaryTarget];
if ((missiles <= 0)||(target == nil))
return NO;
if ([self isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]])
q1.w = -q1.w; // player view is reversed remember!
vel.x = (flight_speed + throw_speed) * v_forward.x;
vel.y = (flight_speed + throw_speed) * v_forward.y;
vel.z = (flight_speed + throw_speed) * v_forward.z;
origin.x = position.x + v_right.x * start.x + v_up.x * start.y + v_forward.x * start.z;
origin.y = position.y + v_right.y * start.x + v_up.y * start.y + v_forward.y * start.z;
origin.z = position.z + v_right.z * start.x + v_up.z * start.y + v_forward.z * start.z;
tharglet = [universe getShipWithRole:@"tharglet"]; // retain count = 1
[tharglet setPosition:origin]; // directly below
[tharglet setScanClass: CLASS_THARGOID];
[tharglet addTarget:target];
[tharglet setQRotation:q1];
[tharglet setStatus: STATUS_IN_FLIGHT]; // necessary to get it going!
[tharglet setVelocity: vel];
[tharglet setSpeed:350.0];
[tharglet setOwner:self];
//[tharglet setReportAImessages:YES]; // debug
[universe addEntity:tharglet];
//NSLog(@"tharglet collision radius is %.1f",[tharglet collisionRadius]);
[tharglet setGroup_id:group_id];
[tharglet release]; //release
return YES;
- (BOOL) fireECM
if (!has_ecm)
return NO;
ParticleEntity *ecmDevice = [[ParticleEntity alloc] initECMMineFromShip:self]; // retained
[universe addEntity:ecmDevice];
[ecmDevice release];
return YES;
- (BOOL) activateCloakingDevice
if (!has_cloaking_device)
return NO;
if (!cloaking_device_active)
cloaking_device_active = (energy > CLOAKING_DEVICE_START_ENERGY * max_energy);
return cloaking_device_active;
- (void) deactivateCloakingDevice
cloaking_device_active = NO;
- (BOOL) launchEnergyBomb
if (!has_energy_bomb)
return NO;
[self setSpeed: max_flight_speed + 300];
ShipEntity* bomb = [universe getShipWithRole:@"energy-bomb"];
double start = collision_radius + [bomb collisionRadius];
double eject_speed = -800.0;
Quaternion random_direction;
Vector vel;
Vector rpos = position;
double random_roll = randf() - 0.5; // -0.5 to +0.5
double random_pitch = randf() - 0.5; // -0.5 to +0.5
rpos.x -= v_forward.x * start;
rpos.y -= v_forward.y * start;
rpos.z -= v_forward.z * start;
vel.x = v_forward.x * (flight_speed + eject_speed);
vel.y = v_forward.y * (flight_speed + eject_speed);
vel.z = v_forward.z * (flight_speed + eject_speed);
eject_speed *= 0.5 * (randf() - 0.5); // -0.25x .. +0.25x
vel.x += v_up.x * eject_speed;
vel.y += v_up.y * eject_speed;
vel.z += v_up.z * eject_speed;
eject_speed *= 0.5 * (randf() - 0.5); // -0.0625x .. +0.0625x
vel.x += v_right.x * eject_speed;
vel.y += v_right.y * eject_speed;
vel.z += v_right.z * eject_speed;
[bomb setPosition:rpos];
[bomb setQRotation:random_direction];
[bomb setRoll:random_roll];
[bomb setPitch:random_pitch];
[bomb setVelocity:vel];
[bomb setScanClass: CLASS_MINE]; // TODO should be CLASS_ENERGY_BOMB
[bomb setStatus: STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
[bomb setEnergy: 5.0]; // 5 second countdown
[bomb setOwner: self];
[universe addEntity:bomb];
[[bomb getAI] setState:@"GLOBAL"];
[bomb release];
if (self != [universe entityZero]) // get the heck out of here
[self addTarget:bomb];
return YES;
- (int) launchEscapeCapsule
ShipEntity *pod;
Vector vel;
Vector origin = position;
double start = boundingBox.min_y - 10.0;
double throw_speed = 20.0;
int co_type, co_amount;
Quaternion q1 = [self QRotation];
if ([self isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]])
q1.w = -q1.w; // player view is reversed remember!
vel.x = (-v_forward.x) * throw_speed + flight_speed * v_forward.x;
vel.y = (-v_forward.y) * throw_speed + flight_speed * v_forward.y;
vel.z = (-v_forward.z) * throw_speed + flight_speed * v_forward.z;
origin.x += vel.x * start / throw_speed;
origin.y += vel.y * start / throw_speed;
origin.z += vel.z * start / throw_speed;
pod = [universe getShipWithRole:@"escape-capsule"]; // retain count = 1
[pod setPosition:origin]; // directly below
[pod setScanClass: CLASS_CARGO];
co_type = [universe commodityForName:@"Slaves"];
co_amount = 1;
[pod setCommodity:co_type andAmount:co_amount];
[pod setQRotation:q1];
[pod setVelocity: vel];
[pod setOwner:self];
[[pod getAI] setState:@"GLOBAL"]; // set the AI going
[pod setStatus: STATUS_IN_FLIGHT]; // necessary to get it going!
[universe addEntity:pod];
[pod release]; //release
return [pod universal_id];
- (int) dumpCargo
if (status == STATUS_DEAD)
return 0;
int result = CARGO_NOT_CARGO;
if (([cargo count] > 0)&&([universe getTime] - cargo_dump_time > 0.5)) // space them 0.5s or 10m apart
ShipEntity* jetto = [[cargo objectAtIndex:0] retain];
double start = collision_radius + [jetto collisionRadius];
double eject_speed = -20.0;
Quaternion random_direction;
Vector vel;
Vector rpos = position;
double random_roll = ((ranrot_rand() % 1024) - 512.0)/1024.0; // -0.5 to +0.5
double random_pitch = ((ranrot_rand() % 1024) - 512.0)/1024.0; // -0.5 to +0.5
rpos.x -= v_forward.x * start;
rpos.y -= v_forward.y * start;
rpos.z -= v_forward.z * start;
vel.x = v_forward.x * flight_speed;
vel.y = v_forward.y * flight_speed;
vel.z = v_forward.z * flight_speed;
vel.x += v_forward.x * eject_speed;
vel.y += v_forward.y * eject_speed;
vel.z += v_forward.z * eject_speed;
eject_speed *= 0.1 * ((ranrot_rand() % 10) - 5); // -0.5x .. +0.5x
vel.x += v_up.x * eject_speed;
vel.y += v_up.y * eject_speed;
vel.z += v_up.z * eject_speed;
eject_speed *= 0.1 * ((ranrot_rand() % 10) - 5); // -0.25x .. +0.25x
vel.x += v_right.x * eject_speed;
vel.y += v_right.y * eject_speed;
vel.z += v_right.z * eject_speed;
result = [jetto getCommodityType];
[jetto setStatus:STATUS_TEST];
[jetto setPosition:rpos];
[jetto setQRotation:random_direction];
[jetto setRoll:random_roll];
[jetto setPitch:random_pitch];
[jetto setVelocity:vel];
[jetto setScanClass: CLASS_CARGO];
[jetto setStatus: STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
[universe addEntity:jetto];
[[jetto getAI] setState:@"GLOBAL"];
[jetto release];
[cargo removeObjectAtIndex:0];
cargo_dump_time = [universe getTime];
return result;
- (int) dumpItem: (ShipEntity*) jetto
int result = [jetto getCargoType];
double start = collision_radius + [jetto collisionRadius];
double eject_speed = -20.0;
Quaternion random_direction;
Vector vel;
Vector rpos = position;
double random_roll = ((ranrot_rand() % 1024) - 512.0)/1024.0; // -0.5 to +0.5
double random_pitch = ((ranrot_rand() % 1024) - 512.0)/1024.0; // -0.5 to +0.5
rpos.x -= v_forward.x * start;
rpos.y -= v_forward.y * start;
rpos.z -= v_forward.z * start;
vel.x = v_forward.x * flight_speed;
vel.y = v_forward.y * flight_speed;
vel.z = v_forward.z * flight_speed;
vel.x += v_forward.x * eject_speed;
vel.y += v_forward.y * eject_speed;
vel.z += v_forward.z * eject_speed;
eject_speed *= 0.1 * ((ranrot_rand() % 10) - 5); // -0.5x .. +0.5x
vel.x += v_up.x * eject_speed;
vel.y += v_up.y * eject_speed;
vel.z += v_up.z * eject_speed;
eject_speed *= 0.1 * ((ranrot_rand() % 10) - 5); // -0.25x .. +0.25x
vel.x += v_right.x * eject_speed;
vel.y += v_right.y * eject_speed;
vel.z += v_right.z * eject_speed;
[jetto setPosition:rpos];
[jetto setQRotation:random_direction];
[jetto setRoll:random_roll];
[jetto setPitch:random_pitch];
[jetto setVelocity:vel];
[jetto setScanClass: CLASS_CARGO];
[jetto setStatus: STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
[universe addEntity:jetto];
[[jetto getAI] setState:@"GLOBAL"];
[jetto release];
cargo_dump_time = [universe getTime];
return result;
- (void) manageCollisions
// deal with collisions
Entity* ent;
ShipEntity* other_ship;
while ([collidingEntities count] > 0)
ent = (Entity *)[collidingEntities objectAtIndex:0];
[collidingEntities removeObjectAtIndex:0];
if ([ent isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
other_ship = (ShipEntity *)ent;
[self collideWithShip:other_ship];
if ([ent isKindOfClass:[PlanetEntity class]])
if ([self isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]])
[(PlayerEntity *)self getDestroyed];
[self becomeExplosion];
- (BOOL) collideWithShip:(ShipEntity *)other
Vector loc, opos, pos;
double inc1, dam1;
// NSLog(@"DEBUG %@ %d colliding with other %@ %d", name, universal_id, [other name], [other universal_id]);
// calculate line of centers using centres
opos = [other getPosition];
loc = opos;
loc.x -= position.x; loc.y -= position.y; loc.z -= position.z;
double back_dist = 0.5 * (collision_radius + [other collisionRadius] - sqrt(magnitude2(loc)));
loc = unit_vector(&loc);
Vector back = make_vector( back_dist * loc.x, back_dist * loc.y, back_dist * loc.z);
inc1 = (v_forward.x*loc.x)+(v_forward.y*loc.y)+(v_forward.z*loc.z);
if ([self canScoop:other])
[self scoopUp:other];
return NO;
if ([other canScoop:self])
[other scoopUp:self];
return NO;
// back-off minimum distance
pos = position;
[self setPosition: pos.x - back.x :pos.y - back.y :pos.z - back.z];
pos = [other getPosition];
[other setPosition: pos.x + back.x :pos.y + back.y :pos.z + back.z];
// find velocity along line of centers
// momentum = mass x velocity
// ke = mass x velocity x velocity
GLfloat m1 = mass;
GLfloat m2 = [other mass];
Vector vel1 = [self getVelocity]; // mass of self
Vector vel2 = [other getVelocity]; // mass of other
GLfloat v1 = dot_product( vel1, loc); // velocity of self in direction of line of centers
GLfloat v2 = dot_product( vel2, loc); // velocity of other in direction of line of centers
GLfloat v1a = (2 * m2 * v2 + (m1 - m2) * v1) / ( m1 + m2); // velocity of self along loc after elastic collision
GLfloat v2a = v1 - v2 + v1a; // velocity of other along loc after elastic collision
Vector vel1a = make_vector( vel1.x + (v1a - v1) * loc.x, vel1.y + (v1a - v1) * loc.y, vel1.z + (v1a - v1) * loc.z);
Vector vel2a = make_vector( vel2.x + (v2a - v2) * loc.x, vel2.y + (v2a - v2) * loc.y, vel2.z + (v2a - v2) * loc.z);
[self setVelocity:vel1a];
[other setVelocity:vel2a];
// convert some velocity into damage energy
dam1 = (m1 + m2) * (v1 - v2) * (v1 - v2) / 100000000;
[self takeScrapeDamage: dam1 from:other];
[other takeScrapeDamage: dam1 from:self];
// remove self from other's collision list
[[other collisionArray] removeObject:self];
[shipAI reactToMessage:@"COLLISION"];
return YES;
- (Vector) getVelocity // overrides Entity getVelocity
Vector v = velocity;
v.x += flight_speed * v_forward.x; v.y += flight_speed * v_forward.y; v.z += flight_speed * v_forward.z;
return v;
- (void) addImpactMoment:(Vector) moment fraction:(GLfloat) howmuch
momentum.x += howmuch * moment.x;
momentum.y += howmuch * moment.y;
momentum.z += howmuch * moment.z;
- (BOOL) canScoop:(ShipEntity*)other
// NSLog(@"DEBUG Checking if %@ %d can scoop %@ %d", name, universal_id, [other name], [other universal_id]);
if (!has_scoop) return NO;
// NSLog(@"DEBUG scoop okay");
if ([cargo count] >= max_cargo) return NO;
// NSLog(@"DEBUG cargo space okay");
if ([other scanClass] != CLASS_CARGO) return NO;
// NSLog(@"DEBUG other scan class is CLASS_CARGO okay");
if ([other getCargoType] == CARGO_NOT_CARGO) return NO;
// NSLog(@"DEBUG other cargo type is not CARGO_NOT_CARGO okay");
Vector loc = [other getPosition];
loc.x -= position.x; loc.y -= position.y; loc.z -= position.z;
loc = unit_vector(&loc);
double inc1 = (v_forward.x*loc.x)+(v_forward.y*loc.y)+(v_forward.z*loc.z);
if (inc1 < 0) return NO;
// NSLog(@"DEBUG incidence 1 okay");
double inc2 = (v_up.x*loc.x)+(v_up.y*loc.y)+(v_up.z*loc.z);
if ((inc2 > 0)&&(scan_class == CLASS_PLAYER)) return NO;
// NSLog(@"DEBUG incidence 2 okey dokey --> SHOULD SCOOP");
return YES;
- (void) scoopUp:(ShipEntity *)other
int co_type,co_amount;
switch ([other getCargoType])
co_type = [other getCommodityType];
co_amount = [other getCommodityAmount];
co_amount = 1;
co_type = [universe commodityForName:@"Slaves"];
if (co_type == NSNotFound) // No 'Slaves' in this game, get something else instead...
co_type = [universe getRandomCommodity];
co_amount = [universe getRandomAmountOfCommodity:co_type];
co_amount = 1;
co_type = [universe commodityForName:@"Alloys"];
co_amount = 1;
co_type = [universe commodityForName:@"Minerals"];
co_amount = 1;
co_type = [universe commodityForName:@"Alien Items"];
NSArray* actions = [other script_actions];
if ([actions count])
int i;
PlayerEntity* player = (PlayerEntity *)[universe entityZero];
[player setScript_target:self];
for (i = 0; i < [actions count]; i++)
if ([[actions objectAtIndex:i] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]])
[player checkCouplet: (NSDictionary *)[actions objectAtIndex:i] onEntity:other];
if ([[actions objectAtIndex:i] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
[player scriptAction: (NSString *) [actions objectAtIndex:i] onEntity:other];
// [(PlayerEntity *)[universe entityZero] scriptAction:(NSString *)[actions objectAtIndex:i] onEntity:other];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG Scooped scripted item %@ %@ %d", other, [other name], [other universal_id]);
if ([self isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]])
Random_Seed s_seed;
NSString* scoopedMS = [NSString stringWithFormat:[universe expandDescription:@"[@-scooped]" forSystem:s_seed], [other name]];
[universe clearPreviousMessage];
[universe addMessage:scoopedMS forCount:4];
default :
co_amount = 0;
co_type = 0;
if (co_amount > 0)
[other setCommodity:co_type andAmount:co_amount]; // belt and braces setting this!
if (cargo_flag !=CARGO_FLAG_CANISTERS)
//NSLog(@"---> %@ %d scooped %@", name, universal_id, [universe describeCommodity:co_type amount:co_amount]);
if ([self isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]])
[universe clearPreviousMessage];
[universe addMessage:[universe describeCommodity:co_type amount:co_amount] forCount:4.5];
[cargo addObject:other];
[other setStatus:STATUS_IN_HOLD]; // prevents entity from being recycled!
// [[other collisionArray] removeObject:self]; // so it can't be scooped twice!
[shipAI message:@"CARGO_SCOOPED"];
if ([cargo count] == max_cargo)
[shipAI message:@"HOLD_FULL"];
[[other collisionArray] removeObject:self]; // so it can't be scooped twice!
[universe removeEntity:other];
- (void) takeScrapeDamage:(double) amount from:(Entity *) ent
if (status == STATUS_DEAD) // it's too late for this one!
if ([universe station] == self) // main stations are indestructible
if (status == STATUS_LAUNCHING) // no collisions during launches please
if ([ent getStatus] == STATUS_LAUNCHING) // no collisions during launches please
energy -= amount;
// oops we hit too hard!!!
if (energy <= 0.0)
being_mined = YES; // same as using a mining laser
if ([ent isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
ShipEntity* hunter = (ShipEntity *)ent;
[hunter collectBountyFor:self];
if ([hunter getPrimaryTarget] == (Entity *)self)
[hunter removeTarget:(Entity *)self];
[[hunter getAI] message:@"TARGET_DESTROYED"];
[self becomeExplosion];
// warn if I'm low on energy
if (energy < max_energy *0.25)
[shipAI message:@"ENERGY_LOW"];
- (void) enterDock:(StationEntity *)station
[shipAI message:@"DOCKED"];
[station noteDockedShip:self];
[universe removeEntity:self];
- (void) leaveDock:(StationEntity *)station
Vector launchPos = [station getPosition];
Vector stat_f = vector_forward_from_quaternion([station QRotation]);
launchPos.x += 500.0*stat_f.x;
launchPos.y += 500.0*stat_f.y;
launchPos.z += 500.0*stat_f.z;
position = launchPos;
q_rotation = [station QRotation];
flight_roll = [station flight_roll];
flight_pitch = 0.0;
flight_speed = max_flight_speed * 0.5;
[shipAI message:@"LAUNCHED"];
[universe addEntity:self];
- (void) enterWitchspace
// witchspace entry effects here
ParticleEntity *ring1 = [[ParticleEntity alloc] initHyperringFromShip:self]; // retained
[universe addEntity:ring1];
[ring1 release];
ParticleEntity *ring2 = [[ParticleEntity alloc] initHyperringFromShip:self]; // retained
[ring2 setSize:NSMakeSize([ring2 size].width * -2.5 ,[ring2 size].height * -2.0 )]; // shrinking!
[universe addEntity:ring2];
[ring2 release];
[shipAI message:@"ENTERED_WITCHSPACE"];
if (![[universe sun] willGoNova]) // if the sun's not going nova
[universe witchspaceShipWithRole:roles]; // then add a new ship like this one leaving!
[universe removeEntity:self];
- (void) leaveWitchspace
Vector pos = [universe getWitchspaceExitPosition];
Quaternion q_rtn = [universe getWitchspaceExitRotation];
position = pos;
double d1 = SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() % 256)/256.0 - 0.5);
if (abs(d1) < 500.0) // no closer than 500m
d1 += ((d1 > 0.0)? 500.0: -500.0);
Quaternion q1 = q_rtn;
Vector v1 = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q1);
// position.x += SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() % 256)/256.0 - 0.5); // randomise exit position
// position.y += SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() % 256)/256.0 - 0.5);
// position.z += SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() % 256)/256.0 - 0.5);
position.x += v1.x * d1; // randomise exit position
position.y += v1.y * d1;
position.z += v1.z * d1;
q_rotation = q_rtn;
flight_roll = 0.0;
flight_pitch = 0.0;
flight_speed = max_flight_speed * 0.25;
[shipAI message:@"EXITED_WITCHSPACE"];
[universe addEntity:self];
//NSLog(@"DEBUG Ship: %@ %d exiting witchspace now!", name, universal_id);
// witchspace exit effects here
ParticleEntity *ring1 = [[ParticleEntity alloc] initHyperringFromShip:self]; // retained
[universe addEntity:ring1];
[ring1 release];
ParticleEntity *ring2 = [[ParticleEntity alloc] initHyperringFromShip:self]; // retained
[ring2 setSize:NSMakeSize([ring2 size].width * -2.5 ,[ring2 size].height * -2.0 )]; // shrinking!
[universe addEntity:ring2];
[ring2 release];
- (void) markAsOffender:(int)offence_value
if (![roles isEqual:@"police"])
bounty |= offence_value;
- (void) switchLightsOn
if (!sub_entities) return;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [sub_entities count]; i++)
Entity* subent = (Entity*)[sub_entities objectAtIndex:i];
if ([subent isKindOfClass:[ParticleEntity class]])
if ([(ParticleEntity*)subent particleType] == PARTICLE_FLASHER)
[subent setStatus:STATUS_EFFECT];
- (void) switchLightsOff
if (!sub_entities) return;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [sub_entities count]; i++)
Entity* subent = (Entity*)[sub_entities objectAtIndex:i];
if ([subent isKindOfClass:[ParticleEntity class]])
if ([(ParticleEntity*)subent particleType] == PARTICLE_FLASHER)
[subent setStatus:STATUS_INACTIVE];
- (void) setDestination:(Vector) dest
destination = dest;
- (BOOL) acceptAsEscort:(ShipEntity *) other_ship
BOOL pairing_okay = NO;
// check status
//if (!accepts_escorts)
// return NO;
// if not in standard ai mode reject approach
//NSLog(@"%@ %d asked to accept %@ %d as escort when ai_stack_depth is %d", name, universal_id, [other_ship name], [other_ship universal_id], [shipAI ai_stack_depth]);
if ([shipAI ai_stack_depth] > 1)
return NO;
// pairing_okay |= (([roles isEqual:@"trader"])&&([[other_ship roles] isEqual:@"escort"]));
pairing_okay |= (([roles isEqual:@"trader"])&&([[other_ship roles] isEqual:@"escort"]));
pairing_okay |= (([roles isEqual:@"police"])&&([[other_ship roles] isEqual:@"wingman"]));
pairing_okay |= (([roles isEqual:@"interceptor"])&&([[other_ship roles] isEqual:@"wingman"]));
if (pairing_okay)
// check it's not already been accepted
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n_escorts; i++)
if (escort_ids[i] == [other_ship universal_id])
//NSLog(@"DEBUG trader %@ %d has already accepted escort %@ %d", name, universal_id, [other_ship name], [other_ship universal_id]);
[other_ship setGroup_id:universal_id];
[self setGroup_id:universal_id]; // make self part of same group
return YES;
if (n_escorts < MAX_ESCORTS)
escort_ids[n_escorts] = [other_ship universal_id];
[other_ship setGroup_id:universal_id];
[self setGroup_id:universal_id]; // make self part of same group
//NSLog(@"DEBUG %@ %@ %d accepts escort %@ %d", roles, name, universal_id, [other_ship name], [other_ship universal_id]);
return YES;
return NO;
- (Vector) getCoordinatesForEscortPosition:(int) f_pos
int f_hi = 1 + (f_pos >> 2);
int f_lo = f_pos & 3;
int fp = f_lo * 3;
int escort_positions[12] = { -2,0,-1, 2,0,-1, -3,0,-3, 3,0,-3 };
Vector pos = position;
double spacing = collision_radius * ESCORT_SPACING_FACTOR;
double xx = f_hi * spacing * escort_positions[fp++];
double yy = f_hi * spacing * escort_positions[fp++];
double zz = f_hi * spacing * escort_positions[fp];
pos.x += v_right.x * xx; pos.y += v_right.y * xx; pos.z += v_right.z * xx;
pos.x += v_up.x * yy; pos.y += v_up.y * yy; pos.z += v_up.z * yy;
pos.x += v_forward.x * zz; pos.y += v_forward.y * zz; pos.z += v_forward.z * zz;
return pos;
- (void) deployEscorts
if (n_escorts < 1)
if (![self getPrimaryTarget])
if (primaryTarget == last_escort_target)
NSLog(@"DEBUG attempting to deploy more escorts onto same target - denied");
last_escort_target = primaryTarget;
int n_deploy = ranrot_rand() % n_escorts;
if (n_deploy == 0)
n_deploy = 1;
//NSLog(@"DEBUG %@ %d deploying %d escorts", name, universal_id, n_deploy);
int i_deploy = n_escorts - 1;
while (n_deploy > 0)
int escort_id = escort_ids[i_deploy];
ShipEntity *escorter = (ShipEntity *)[universe entityForUniversalID:escort_id];
if (escorter)
[escorter setGroup_id:NO_TARGET]; // act individually now!
[escorter addTarget:[self getPrimaryTarget]];
[[escorter getAI] setStateMachine:@"interceptAI.plist"];
[[escorter getAI] setState:@"GLOBAL"];
//NSLog(@"DEBUG trader %@ %d deploys escort %@ %d", name, universal_id, [escorter name], [escorter universal_id]);
//[escorter setReportAImessages:YES];
escort_ids[i_deploy] = NO_TARGET;
- (void) dockEscorts
if (n_escorts < 1)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n_escorts; i++)
int escort_id = escort_ids[i];
ShipEntity *escorter = (ShipEntity *)[universe entityForUniversalID:escort_id];
if (escorter)
SEL _setSM = @selector(setStateMachine:);
SEL _setSt = @selector(setState:);
float delay = i * 3.0 + 1.5; // send them off at three second intervals
[escorter setGroup_id:NO_TARGET]; // act individually now!
[[escorter getAI] performSelector:_setSM withObject:@"dockingAI.plist" afterDelay:delay];
[[escorter getAI] performSelector:_setSt withObject:@"ABORT" afterDelay:delay + 0.25];
escort_ids[i] = NO_TARGET;
n_escorts = 0;
- (void) setTargetToStation
// check if the group_id (parent ship) points to a station...
Entity* mother = [universe entityForUniversalID:group_id];
if ([mother isKindOfClass:[StationEntity class]])
primaryTarget = group_id;
targetStation = primaryTarget;
return; // head for mother!
/*- selects the nearest station it can find -*/
NSArray* entList = [[universe getAllEntities] retain];
StationEntity* station = nil;
Vector p1 = position;
double nearest2 = SCANNER_MAX_RANGE2 * 1000000.0; // 1000x scanner range (25600 km), squared.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [entList count]; i++)
Entity* thing = (Entity *)[entList objectAtIndex:i];
if ([thing isKindOfClass:[StationEntity class]])
Vector p2 = [thing getPosition];
p2.x -= p1.x; p2.y -= p1.y; p2.z -= p1.z;
double range2 = (p2.x * p2.x + p2.y * p2.y + p2.z * p2.z);
if (range2 < nearest2)
station = (StationEntity *)thing;
nearest2 = range2;
[entList release];
if (station)
primaryTarget = [station universal_id];
targetStation = primaryTarget;
- (PlanetEntity *) findNearestLargeBody
/*- selects the nearest planet it can find -*/
NSArray *entList = [[universe getAllEntities] retain];
PlanetEntity *the_planet = nil;
Vector p1 = position;
double nearest2 = SCANNER_MAX_RANGE2 * 10000000000.0; // 100 000x scanner range (2 560 000 km), squared.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [entList count]; i++)
Entity *thing = (Entity *)[entList objectAtIndex:i];
if ([thing isKindOfClass:[PlanetEntity class]])
Vector p2 = [thing getPosition];
p2.x -= p1.x; p2.y -= p1.y; p2.z -= p1.z;
double range2 = (p2.x * p2.x + p2.y * p2.y + p2.z * p2.z);
if ((!the_planet)||(range2 < nearest2))
the_planet = (PlanetEntity *)thing;
nearest2 = range2;
[entList release];
return the_planet;
- (void) abortDocking
NSArray* entList = [[universe getAllEntities] retain];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [entList count]; i++)
Entity* thing = (Entity *)[entList objectAtIndex:i];
if ([thing isKindOfClass:[StationEntity class]])
[(StationEntity *)thing abortDockingForShip:self];
[entList release];
- (void) broadcastThargoidDestroyed
/*-- Locates all tharglets in range and tells them you've gone --*/
NSArray* entList = [[universe getAllEntities] retain];
int i;
double d2;
double found_d2 = SCANNER_MAX_RANGE2;
for (i = 0; i < [entList count] ; i++)
Entity* thing = (Entity *)[entList objectAtIndex:i];
if ([thing isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
Vector delta = [thing getPosition];
delta.x -= position.x; delta.y -= position.y; delta.z -= position.z;
d2 = delta.x*delta.x + delta.y*delta.y + delta.z*delta.z;
if (d2 < found_d2)
ShipEntity *ship = (ShipEntity *)thing;
// tell it! //
if ([[ship roles] isEqual:@"tharglet"])
[[ship getAI] message:@"THARGOID_DESTROYED"];
[entList release];
- (NSArray *) shipsInGroup:(int) ship_group_id
//-- Locates all the ships with this particular group id --//
NSMutableArray* result = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:20];
NSArray* entList = [[universe getAllEntities] retain];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [entList count] ; i++)
Entity* thing = (Entity *)[entList objectAtIndex:i];
if ([thing isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
if ([(ShipEntity *)thing group_id] == ship_group_id)
[result addObject:(ShipEntity *)thing];
[entList release];
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:result];
- (void) sendExpandedMessage:(NSString *) message_text toShip:(ShipEntity*) other_ship
Vector delta = [other_ship getPosition];
delta.x -= position.x; delta.y -= position.y; delta.z -= position.z;
double d2 = delta.x*delta.x + delta.y*delta.y + delta.z*delta.z;
if (d2 > scanner_range * scanner_range)
return; // out of comms range
NSMutableString* localExpandedMessage = [NSMutableString stringWithString:message_text];
[localExpandedMessage replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"[self:name]"
options:NSLiteralSearch range:NSMakeRange( 0, [localExpandedMessage length])];
[localExpandedMessage replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"[target:name]"
withString:[other_ship name]
options:NSLiteralSearch range:NSMakeRange( 0, [localExpandedMessage length])];
Random_Seed very_random_seed;
very_random_seed.a = rand() & 255;
very_random_seed.b = rand() & 255;
very_random_seed.c = rand() & 255;
very_random_seed.d = rand() & 255;
very_random_seed.e = rand() & 255;
very_random_seed.f = rand() & 255;
NSString* expandedMessage = [universe expandDescription:localExpandedMessage forSystem:[universe systemSeed]];
[self setCommsMessageColor];
[other_ship receiveCommsMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:\n %@", name, expandedMessage]];
if ([other_ship isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]])
message_time = 6.0;
[universe resetCommsLogColor];
- (void) broadcastMessage:(NSString *) message_text
/*-- Locates all the stations, bounty hunters and police ships in range and tells them your message --*/
NSString* expandedMessage = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:\n %@", name, [universe expandDescription:message_text forSystem:[universe systemSeed]]];
NSArray* entList = [[universe getAllEntities] retain];
int i;
double d2;
double found_d2 = scanner_range * scanner_range;
found_target = NO_TARGET;
[self setCommsMessageColor];
for (i = 0; i < [entList count] ; i++)
Entity* thing = (Entity *)[entList objectAtIndex:i];
if ([thing isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
Vector delta = [thing getPosition];
delta.x -= position.x; delta.y -= position.y; delta.z -= position.z;
d2 = delta.x*delta.x + delta.y*delta.y + delta.z*delta.z;
if (d2 < found_d2)
ShipEntity *ship = (ShipEntity *)thing;
// tell it! //
[ship receiveCommsMessage: expandedMessage];
if ([ship isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]])
message_time = 6.0;
[entList release];
[universe resetCommsLogColor];
- (void) setCommsMessageColor
float hue = 0.0625 * (universal_id & 15);
[[universe comm_log_gui] setTextColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue:hue saturation:0.375 brightness:1.0 alpha:1.0]];
if (scan_class == CLASS_THARGOID)
[[universe comm_log_gui] setTextColor:[NSColor greenColor]];
if (scan_class == CLASS_POLICE)
[[universe comm_log_gui] setTextColor:[NSColor cyanColor]];
- (void) receiveCommsMessage:(NSString *) message_text
// ignore messages for now
- (BOOL) markForFines
if (being_fined)
return NO; // can't mark twice
being_fined = ([self legal_status] > 0);
return being_fined;
- (BOOL) isMining
return ((condition == CONDITION_ATTACK_MINING_TARGET)&&(forward_weapon_type == WEAPON_MINING_LASER));
- (void) interpretAIMessage:(NSString *)ms
// if I'm under attack send a thank-you message to the rescuer
NSArray* tokens = [ms componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
int switcher_id = [(NSString*)[tokens objectAtIndex:1] intValue];
Entity* switcher = [universe entityForUniversalID:switcher_id];
int rescuer_id = [(NSString*)[tokens objectAtIndex:2] intValue];
Entity* rescuer = [universe entityForUniversalID:rescuer_id];
if ((switcher_id == primaryAggressor)&&(switcher_id == primaryTarget)&&(switcher)&&([rescuer isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])&&(thanked_ship_id != rescuer_id)&&(scan_class != CLASS_THARGOID))
if (scan_class == CLASS_POLICE)
[self sendExpandedMessage:@"[police-thanks-for-assist]" toShip:(ShipEntity*)rescuer];
[self sendExpandedMessage:@"[thanks-for-assist]" toShip:(ShipEntity*)rescuer];
thanked_ship_id = rescuer_id;
[(ShipEntity*)switcher setBounty:[(ShipEntity*)switcher getBounty] + 5 + (ranrot_rand() & 15)]; // reward
- (BoundingBox) findBoundingBoxRelativeTo:(Entity *)other InVectors:(Vector) _i :(Vector) _j :(Vector) _k
Vector pv, rv;
Vector rpos = position;
Vector opv = [other getPosition];
rpos.x -= opv.x; rpos.y -= opv.y; rpos.z -= opv.z;
rv.x = dot_product(_i,rpos);
rv.y = dot_product(_j,rpos);
rv.z = dot_product(_k,rpos);
BoundingBox result;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n_vertices; i++)
pv.x = rpos.x + v_right.x * vertices[i].x + v_up.x * vertices[i].y + v_forward.x * vertices[i].z;
pv.y = rpos.y + v_right.y * vertices[i].x + v_up.y * vertices[i].y + v_forward.y * vertices[i].z;
pv.z = rpos.z + v_right.z * vertices[i].x + v_up.z * vertices[i].y + v_forward.z * vertices[i].z;
rv.x = dot_product(_i,pv);
rv.y = dot_product(_j,pv);
rv.z = dot_product(_k,pv);
return result;
- (BoundingBox) findBoundingBoxRelativeToPosition:(Vector)opv InVectors:(Vector) _i :(Vector) _j :(Vector) _k
Vector pv, rv;
Vector rpos = position;
rpos.x -= opv.x; rpos.y -= opv.y; rpos.z -= opv.z;
rv.x = dot_product(_i,rpos);
rv.y = dot_product(_j,rpos);
rv.z = dot_product(_k,rpos);
BoundingBox result;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n_vertices; i++)
pv.x = rpos.x + v_right.x * vertices[i].x + v_up.x * vertices[i].y + v_forward.x * vertices[i].z;
pv.y = rpos.y + v_right.y * vertices[i].x + v_up.y * vertices[i].y + v_forward.y * vertices[i].z;
pv.z = rpos.z + v_right.z * vertices[i].x + v_up.z * vertices[i].y + v_forward.z * vertices[i].z;
rv.x = dot_product(_i,pv);
rv.y = dot_product(_j,pv);
rv.z = dot_product(_k,pv);
return result;
- (void) spawn:(NSString *)roles_number
NSMutableArray* tokens = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[roles_number componentsSeparatedByString:@" "]];
NSString* roleString = nil;
NSString* numberString = nil;
if ([tokens count] != 2)
NSLog(@"***** CANNOT SPAWN: '%@'",roles_number);
roleString = (NSString *)[tokens objectAtIndex:0];
numberString = (NSString *)[tokens objectAtIndex:1];
int number = [numberString intValue];
if (debug)
NSLog(@"DEBUG ..... Going to spawn %d x '%@' near %@ %d", number, roleString, name, universal_id);
while (number--)
[universe spawnShipWithRole:roleString near:self];
//- (Vector) getVelocity
// return make_vector( velocity.x + v_forward.x * flight_speed, velocity.y + v_forward.y * flight_speed, velocity.z + v_forward.z * flight_speed);
- (BOOL *) face_hit
return face_hit;