git-svn-id: http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/oolite-linux/trunk@62 127b21dd-08f5-0310-b4b7-95ae10353056
1003 lines
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1003 lines
29 KiB
// GuiDisplayGen.m
* Oolite
* Created by Giles Williams on Sat Apr 03 2004.
* Copyright (c) 2004 for aegidian.org. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004, Giles C Williams
All rights reserved.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/
or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
You are free:
• to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work
• to make derivative works
Under the following conditions:
• Attribution. You must give the original author credit.
• Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
• Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work,
you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one.
For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.
Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above.
#import "GuiDisplayGen.h"
#import "Universe.h"
#import "OpenGLSprite.h"
#import "ResourceManager.h"
@implementation GuiDisplayGen
- (id) init
self = [super init];
n_columns = 6;
n_rows = 24;
pixel_row_center = size_in_pixels.width / 2;
pixel_row_height = 16;
pixel_row_start = 40; // first position down the page...
pixel_text_size = NSMakeSize( 0.9 * pixel_row_height, pixel_row_height); // main gui has 18x20 characters
has_title = YES;
pixel_title_size = NSMakeSize( pixel_row_height * 1.75, pixel_row_height * 1.5);
int stops[6] = {0, 192, 256, 320, 384, 448};
int i;
rowRange = NSMakeRange(0,n_rows);
rowText = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:n_rows]; // alloc retains
rowKey = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:n_rows]; // alloc retains
rowColor = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:n_rows]; // alloc retains
for (i = 0; i < n_rows; i++)
[rowText addObject:@"."];
[rowKey addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",i]];
[rowColor addObject:[NSColor yellowColor]];
rowPosition[i].x = 0.0;
rowPosition[i].y = size_in_pixels.height - (pixel_row_start + i * pixel_row_height);
rowAlignment[i] = GUI_ALIGN_LEFT;
for (i = 0; i < n_columns; i++)
tabStops[i] = stops[i];
selectedRow = 0;
selectableRange = NSMakeRange(0,0);
title = @"Test Page";
guiclick = [[ResourceManager soundNamed:@"guiclick.aiff" inFolder:@"Sounds"] retain];
backgroundImage = nil;
backgroundColor = nil;
textColor = [[NSColor yellowColor] retain];
return self;
- (id) initWithPixelSize:(NSSize) gui_size Columns:(int) gui_cols Rows:(int) gui_rows RowHeight:(int) gui_row_height RowStart:(int) gui_row_start Title:(NSString*) gui_title
self = [super init];
size_in_pixels = gui_size;
n_columns = gui_cols;
n_rows = gui_rows;
pixel_row_center = size_in_pixels.width / 2;
pixel_row_height = gui_row_height;
pixel_row_start = gui_row_start; // first position down the page...
pixel_text_size = NSMakeSize( pixel_row_height, pixel_row_height);
has_title = (gui_title != nil);
pixel_title_size = NSMakeSize( pixel_row_height * 1.75, pixel_row_height * 1.5);
int i;
rowRange = NSMakeRange(0,n_rows);
rowText = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:n_rows]; // alloc retains
rowKey = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:n_rows]; // alloc retains
rowColor = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:n_rows]; // alloc retains
for (i = 0; i < n_rows; i++)
[rowText addObject:@""];
[rowKey addObject:@""];
[rowColor addObject:[NSColor greenColor]];
rowPosition[i].x = 0.0;
rowPosition[i].y = size_in_pixels.height - (pixel_row_start + i * pixel_row_height);
rowAlignment[i] = GUI_ALIGN_LEFT;
selectedRow = 0;
selectableRange = NSMakeRange(0,0);
title = [gui_title retain];
guiclick = [[ResourceManager soundNamed:@"guiclick.aiff" inFolder:@"Sounds"] retain];
backgroundImage = nil;
backgroundColor = nil;
textColor = [[NSColor yellowColor] retain];
return self;
- (void) dealloc
if (backgroundImage) [backgroundImage release];
if (backgroundSprite) [backgroundSprite release];
if (backgroundColor) [backgroundColor release];
if (textColor) [textColor release];
if (title) [title release];
if (rowText) [rowText release];
if (rowKey) [rowKey release];
if (rowColor) [rowColor release];
[super dealloc];
- (void) fadeOutFromTime:(double) now_time OverDuration:(double) duration
if (fade_alpha <= 0.0)
fade_sign = -fade_alpha / duration;
fade_from_time = now_time;
fade_duration = duration;
- (GLfloat) alpha
return fade_alpha;
- (void) setAlpha:(GLfloat) an_alpha
fade_alpha = an_alpha;
- (void) setBackgroundColor:(NSColor*) color
if (backgroundColor) [backgroundColor release];
if (color == nil)
backgroundColor = nil;
backgroundColor = [[color colorUsingColorSpaceName:NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace] retain];
- (void) setTextColor:(NSColor*) color
if (textColor) [textColor release];
if (color == nil)
textColor = [[NSColor yellowColor] retain];
textColor = [[color colorUsingColorSpaceName:NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace] retain];
- (void) setCharacterSize:(NSSize) character_size
pixel_text_size = character_size;
- (void) click
if ([guiclick isPlaying])
[guiclick stop];
[guiclick play];
- (void) setColor:(NSColor *) color forRow:(int) row
if ((row >= rowRange.location)&&(row < rowRange.location + rowRange.length))
[rowColor replaceObjectAtIndex:row withObject:color];
- (id) objectForRow:(int) row
if ((row >= rowRange.location)&&(row < rowRange.location + rowRange.length))
return [rowText objectAtIndex:row];
return NULL;
- (NSString*) keyForRow:(int) row
if ((row >= rowRange.location)&&(row < rowRange.location + rowRange.length))
return [rowKey objectAtIndex:row];
return NULL;
- (int) selectedRow
if ((selectedRow >= selectableRange.location) && (selectedRow < selectableRange.location+selectableRange.length))
return selectedRow;
return -1;
- (BOOL) setSelectedRow:(int) row
if ((row >= selectableRange.location) && (row < selectableRange.location+selectableRange.length))
selectedRow = row;
return YES;
return NO;
- (void) setNoSelectedRow
selectedRow = -1;
- (NSString *) selectedRowText
if ([[rowText objectAtIndex:selectedRow] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
return (NSString *)[rowText objectAtIndex:selectedRow];
if ([[rowText objectAtIndex:selectedRow] isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])
return (NSString *)[[rowText objectAtIndex:selectedRow] objectAtIndex:0];
return NULL;
- (NSString *) selectedRowKey
if ((selectedRow < 0)||(selectedRow > [rowKey count]))
return nil;
return (NSString *)[rowKey objectAtIndex:selectedRow];
- (void) setShowTextCursor:(BOOL) yesno
showTextCursor = yesno;
- (void) setCurrentRow:(int) value
if ((value < 0)||(value >= n_rows))
showTextCursor = NO;
currentRow = -1;
currentRow = value;
- (NSRange) selectableRange
return selectableRange;
- (void) setSelectableRange:(NSRange) range
selectableRange = range;
- (void) setTabStops:(int *)stops
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n_columns; i++)
tabStops[i] = stops[i];
- (void) clear
int i;
[self setTitle:@""];
for (i = 0; i < n_rows; i++)
[self setText:@"" forRow:i align:GUI_ALIGN_LEFT];
[self setColor:textColor forRow:i];
[self setKey:@"" forRow:i];
rowFadeTime[i] = 0.0;
[self setShowTextCursor:NO];
[self setSelectableRange:NSMakeRange(0,0)];
- (void) setTitle: (NSString *) str
if (title) [title release];
title = [str retain];
if (str)
has_title = ![str isEqual:@""];
title = NO;
- (void) setKey: (NSString *) str forRow:(int) row
if ((row >= rowRange.location)&&(row < rowRange.location + rowRange.length))
[rowKey replaceObjectAtIndex:row withObject:str];
- (void) setText: (NSString *) str forRow:(int) row
if ((row >= rowRange.location)&&(row < rowRange.location+rowRange.length))
[rowText replaceObjectAtIndex:row withObject:str];
- (void) setText: (NSString *) str forRow:(int) row align:(int) alignment
if ((row >= rowRange.location)&&(row < rowRange.location+rowRange.length))
[rowText replaceObjectAtIndex:row withObject:str];
rowAlignment[row] = alignment;
- (int) addLongText: (NSString *) str startingAtRow:(int) row align:(int) alignment
NSSize chSize = pixel_text_size;
NSSize strsize = rectForString( str, 0.0, 0.0, chSize).size;
if (strsize.width < size_in_pixels.width)
[self setText:str forRow:row align:alignment];
return row + 1;
NSMutableArray* words = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[str componentsSeparatedByString:@" "]];
NSMutableString* string1 = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@""];
NSMutableString* string2 = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@""];
strsize.width = 0.0;
while ((strsize.width < size_in_pixels.width)&&([words count] > 0))
[string1 appendString:(NSString *)[words objectAtIndex:0]];
[string1 appendString:@" "];
[words removeObjectAtIndex:0];
strsize = rectForString( string1, 0.0, 0.0, chSize).size;
if ([words count] > 0)
strsize.width += rectForString( (NSString *)[words objectAtIndex:0], 0.0, 0.0, chSize).size.width;
[string2 appendString:[words componentsJoinedByString:@" "]];
[self setText:string1 forRow:row align:alignment];
return [self addLongText:string2 startingAtRow:row+1 align:alignment];
- (void) printLongText: (NSString *) str Align:(int) alignment Color:(NSColor*) text_color FadeTime:(float) text_fade Key:(NSString*) text_key AddToArray:(NSMutableArray*) text_array
// NSLog(@"GUI printing text '%@'", str);
// print a multi-line message
if ([str rangeOfString:@"\n"].location != NSNotFound)
NSArray* lines = [str componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [lines count]; i++)
[self printLongText:(NSString *)[lines objectAtIndex:i] Align:alignment Color:text_color FadeTime:text_fade Key:text_key AddToArray:text_array];
int row = currentRow;
if (row == n_rows - 1)
[self scrollUp:1];
NSSize chSize = pixel_text_size;
NSSize strsize = rectForString( str, 0.0, 0.0, chSize).size;
if (strsize.width < size_in_pixels.width)
[self setText:str forRow:row align:alignment];
if (text_color)
[self setColor:text_color forRow:row];
if (text_key)
[self setKey:text_key forRow:row];
if (text_array)
[text_array addObject:str];
rowFadeTime[row] = text_fade;
if (currentRow < n_rows - 1)
NSMutableArray* words = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[str componentsSeparatedByString:@" "]];
NSMutableString* string1 = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@""];
NSMutableString* string2 = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@""];
strsize.width = 0.0;
while ((strsize.width < size_in_pixels.width)&&([words count] > 0))
[string1 appendString:(NSString *)[words objectAtIndex:0]];
[string1 appendString:@" "];
[words removeObjectAtIndex:0];
strsize = rectForString( string1, 0.0, 0.0, chSize).size;
if ([words count] > 0)
strsize.width += rectForString( (NSString *)[words objectAtIndex:0], 0.0, 0.0, chSize).size.width;
[string2 appendString:[words componentsJoinedByString:@" "]];
[self setText:string1 forRow:row align:alignment];
if (text_color)
[self setColor:text_color forRow:row];
if (text_key)
[self setKey:text_key forRow:row];
if (text_array)
[text_array addObject:string1];
rowFadeTime[row] = text_fade;
[self printLongText:string2 Align:alignment Color:text_color FadeTime:text_fade Key:text_key AddToArray:text_array];
- (void) printLineNoScroll: (NSString *) str Align:(int) alignment Color:(NSColor*) text_color FadeTime:(float) text_fade Key:(NSString*) text_key AddToArray:(NSMutableArray*) text_array
[self setText:str forRow:currentRow align:alignment];
if (text_color)
[self setColor:text_color forRow:currentRow];
if (text_key)
[self setKey:text_key forRow:currentRow];
if (text_array)
[text_array addObject:str];
rowFadeTime[currentRow] = text_fade;
- (void) setArray: (NSArray *) arr forRow:(int) row
if ((row >= rowRange.location)&&(row < rowRange.length))
[rowText replaceObjectAtIndex:row withObject:arr];
- (void) insertItemsFromArray:(NSArray*) items WithKeys:(NSArray*) item_keys IntoRow:(int) row Color:(NSColor*) text_color
if (!items)
if([items count] == 0)
int n_items = [items count];
if ((item_keys)&&([item_keys count] != n_items))
// throw exception
NSException* myException = [NSException
reason:@"The NSArray sent as 'item_keys' to insertItemsFromArray::: must contain the same number of objects as the NSArray 'items'"
[myException raise];
int i;
for (i = n_rows; i >= row + n_items ; i--)
[self setKey:[self keyForRow:i - n_items] forRow:i];
id old_row_info = [self objectForRow:i - n_items];
if ([old_row_info isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])
[self setArray:old_row_info forRow:i];
if ([old_row_info isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
[self setText:(NSString *)old_row_info forRow:i];
for (i = 0; i < n_items; i++)
id new_row_info = [items objectAtIndex:i];
if (text_color)
[self setColor:text_color forRow: row + i];
[self setColor:textColor forRow: row + i];
if ([new_row_info isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])
[self setArray:new_row_info forRow: row + i];
if ([new_row_info isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
[self setText:(NSString *)new_row_info forRow: row + i];
if (item_keys)
[self setKey:[item_keys objectAtIndex:i] forRow: row + i];
[self setKey:@"" forRow: row + i];
- (void) scrollUp:(int) how_much
int i;
for (i = 0; i + how_much < n_rows; i++)
[rowText replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:[rowText objectAtIndex: i + how_much]];
[rowColor replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:[rowColor objectAtIndex: i + how_much]];
[rowKey replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:[rowKey objectAtIndex: i + how_much]];
rowAlignment[i] = rowAlignment[i + how_much];
rowFadeTime[i] = rowFadeTime[i + how_much];
for (; i < n_rows; i++)
[rowText replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:@""];
[rowColor replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:textColor];
[rowKey replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:@""];
rowAlignment[i] = GUI_ALIGN_LEFT;
rowFadeTime[i] = 0.0;
- (void) setBackgroundImage:(NSImage *) bg_image;
if (backgroundImage)
[backgroundImage release];
if (backgroundSprite)
[backgroundSprite release];
if (bg_image)
backgroundImage = [bg_image retain];
backgroundSprite = [[OpenGLSprite alloc]
cropRectangle:NSMakeRect( 0.0, 0.0, [backgroundImage size].width, [backgroundImage size].height)
size:[backgroundImage size]]; // retained
backgroundImage = nil;
backgroundSprite = nil;
- (void) updateGui
- (void) drawGUI:(GLfloat) x :(GLfloat) y :(GLfloat) z :(GLfloat) alpha forUniverse:(Universe*) universe
if (alpha < 0.05)
return; // too dim to see!
PlayerEntity* player = (PlayerEntity*)[universe entityZero];
[self drawGLDisplay:x - 0.5 * size_in_pixels.width :y - 0.5 * size_in_pixels.height :z :alpha forUniverse:universe];
if (self == [universe gui])
if ([player gui_screen] == GUI_SCREEN_SHORT_RANGE_CHART)
[self drawStarChart:x - 0.5 * size_in_pixels.width :y - 0.5 * size_in_pixels.height :z :alpha forUniverse:universe];
if ([player gui_screen] == GUI_SCREEN_LONG_RANGE_CHART)
[self drawGalaxyChart:x - 0.5 * size_in_pixels.width :y - 0.5 * size_in_pixels.height :z :alpha forUniverse:universe];
if (fade_sign)
fade_alpha += fade_sign * [universe getTimeDelta];
if (fade_alpha < 0.0) // done fading out
fade_alpha = 0.0;
fade_sign = 0.0;
if (fade_alpha > 1.0) // done fading in
fade_alpha = 1.0;
fade_sign = 0.0;
- (void) drawGLDisplay:(GLfloat) x :(GLfloat) y :(GLfloat) z :(GLfloat) alpha forUniverse:(Universe*) universe
NSSize strsize;
int i;
double delta_t = [universe getTimeDelta];
NSSize characterSize = pixel_text_size;
NSSize titleCharacterSize = pixel_title_size;
// do backdrop
if (backgroundColor)
glColor4f( [backgroundColor redComponent], [backgroundColor greenComponent], [backgroundColor blueComponent], alpha * [backgroundColor alphaComponent]);
glVertex3f( x + 0.0, y + 0.0, z);
glVertex3f( x + size_in_pixels.width, y + 0.0, z);
glVertex3f( x + size_in_pixels.width, y + size_in_pixels.height, z);
glVertex3f( x + 0.0, y + size_in_pixels.height, z);
// show background image...
if (backgroundSprite)
[backgroundSprite blitCentredToX:x + 0.5 * size_in_pixels.width Y:y + 0.5 * size_in_pixels.height Z:z Alpha:alpha];
if ((selectedRow < selectableRange.location)||(selectedRow >= selectableRange.location + selectableRange.length))
selectedRow = -1; // out of Range;
// drawing operations here
if (has_title)
// draw the title
strsize = rectForString(title, 0.0, 0.0, titleCharacterSize).size;
glColor4f( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, alpha); // red
drawString( title, x + pixel_row_center - strsize.width/2.0, y + size_in_pixels.height - pixel_title_size.height, z, titleCharacterSize);
// draw a horizontal divider
glColor4f( 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, alpha); // 75% gray
glBegin( GL_QUADS);
glVertex3f( x + 0, y + size_in_pixels.height - pixel_title_size.height + 4, z);
glVertex3f( x + size_in_pixels.width, y + size_in_pixels.height - pixel_title_size.height + 4, z);
glVertex3f( x + size_in_pixels.width, y + size_in_pixels.height - pixel_title_size.height + 2, z);
glVertex3f( x + 0, y + size_in_pixels.height - pixel_title_size.height + 2, z);
// draw each row of text
for (i = 0; i < n_rows; i++)
NSColor* row_color = [(NSColor *)[rowColor objectAtIndex:i] colorUsingColorSpaceName:NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace];
GLfloat row_alpha = alpha;
if (rowFadeTime[i] > 0.0)
rowFadeTime[i] -= delta_t;
if (rowFadeTime[i] < 0.0)
[rowText replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:@""];
rowFadeTime[i] = 0.0;
if ((rowFadeTime[i] > 0.0)&&(rowFadeTime[i] < 1.0))
row_alpha *= rowFadeTime[i];
glColor4f( [row_color redComponent], [row_color greenComponent], [row_color blueComponent], row_alpha);
if ([[rowText objectAtIndex:i] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
NSString* text = (NSString *)[rowText objectAtIndex:i];
if (![text isEqual:@""])
strsize = rectForString(text, 0.0, 0.0, characterSize).size;
switch (rowAlignment[i])
rowPosition[i].x = 0.0;
rowPosition[i].x = size_in_pixels.width - strsize.width;
rowPosition[i].x = (size_in_pixels.width - strsize.width)/2.0;
if (i == selectedRow)
NSRect block = rectForString( text, x + rowPosition[i].x + 2, y + rowPosition[i].y + 2, characterSize);
glColor4f( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, row_alpha); // red
glVertex3f( block.origin.x, block.origin.y, z);
glVertex3f( block.origin.x + block.size.width, block.origin.y, z);
glVertex3f( block.origin.x + block.size.width, block.origin.y + block.size.height, z);
glVertex3f( block.origin.x, block.origin.y + block.size.height, z);
glColor4f( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, row_alpha); // black
drawString( text, x + rowPosition[i].x, y + rowPosition[i].y, z, characterSize);
// draw cursor at end of current Row
if ((showTextCursor)&&(i == currentRow))
NSRect tr = rectForString( text, 0.0, 0.0, characterSize);
NSPoint cu = NSMakePoint( x + rowPosition[i].x + tr.size.width + 0.2 * characterSize.width, y + rowPosition[i].y);
tr.origin = cu;
tr.size.width = 0.5 * characterSize.width;
GLfloat g_alpha = 0.5 * (1.0 + sin(6 * [universe getTime]));
glColor4f( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, row_alpha * g_alpha); // red
glVertex3f( tr.origin.x, tr.origin.y, z);
glVertex3f( tr.origin.x + tr.size.width, tr.origin.y, z);
glVertex3f( tr.origin.x + tr.size.width, tr.origin.y + tr.size.height, z);
glVertex3f( tr.origin.x, tr.origin.y + tr.size.height, z);
if ([[rowText objectAtIndex:i] isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])
int j;
NSArray* array = (NSArray *)[rowText objectAtIndex:i];
for (j = 0; ((j < [array count])&&(j < n_columns)) ; j++)
if ([array objectAtIndex:j])
NSString* text = (NSString *)[array objectAtIndex:j];
if (![text isEqual:@""])
rowPosition[i].x = tabStops[j];
if (i == selectedRow)
NSRect block = rectForString( text, x + rowPosition[i].x + 2, y + rowPosition[i].y + 2, characterSize);
glColor4f( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, row_alpha); // red
glVertex3f( block.origin.x, block.origin.y, z);
glVertex3f( block.origin.x + block.size.width, block.origin.y, z);
glVertex3f( block.origin.x + block.size.width, block.origin.y + block.size.height, z);
glVertex3f( block.origin.x, block.origin.y + block.size.height, z);
glColor4f( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, row_alpha); // black
drawString( text, x + rowPosition[i].x, y + rowPosition[i].y, z, characterSize);
- (void) drawStarChart:(GLfloat) x:(GLfloat) y:(GLfloat) z:(GLfloat) alpha forUniverse:(Universe*) universe
PlayerEntity* player = (PlayerEntity*)[universe entityZero];
NSPoint galaxy_coordinates = [player galaxy_coordinates];
NSPoint cursor_coordinates = [player cursor_coordinates];
NSPoint cu;
double fuel = 35.0 * [player dial_fuel];
Random_Seed g_seed;
double hcenter = size_in_pixels.width/2.0;
double vcenter = 160.0;
double hscale = 4.0 * size_in_pixels.width / 256.0;
double vscale = -4.0 * size_in_pixels.height / 512.0;
double hoffset = hcenter - galaxy_coordinates.x*hscale;
double voffset = size_in_pixels.height - pixel_title_size.height - 5 - vcenter - galaxy_coordinates.y*vscale;
int i;
NSPoint star;
if ((abs(cursor_coordinates.x-galaxy_coordinates.x)>=20)||(abs(cursor_coordinates.y-galaxy_coordinates.y)>=38))
cursor_coordinates = galaxy_coordinates; // home
// draw fuel range circle
glColor4f( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, alpha); // green
cu = NSMakePoint(hscale*galaxy_coordinates.x+hoffset,vscale*galaxy_coordinates.y+voffset);
drawOval( x + cu.x, y + cu.y, z, NSMakeSize( fuel*hscale, 2*fuel*vscale), 5);
// draw stars
glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 0.75, alpha); // pale yellow
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
g_seed = [universe systemSeedForSystemNumber:i];
int dx, dy;
float blob_size = 2.0 * ((g_seed.e & 1) + 2 + get_carry_flag());
star.x = g_seed.d * hscale + hoffset;
star.y = g_seed.b * vscale + voffset;
dx = abs(galaxy_coordinates.x - g_seed.d);
dy = abs(galaxy_coordinates.y - g_seed.b);
if ((dx < 20)&&(dy < 38))
drawFilledOval( x + star.x, y + star.y, z, NSMakeSize(blob_size,blob_size), 15);
// draw names
glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, alpha); // yellow
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
g_seed = [universe systemSeedForSystemNumber:i];
int dx, dy;
star.x = g_seed.d * hscale + hoffset;
star.y = g_seed.b * vscale + voffset;
dx = abs(galaxy_coordinates.x - g_seed.d);
dy = abs(galaxy_coordinates.y - g_seed.b);
if ((dx < 20)&&(dy < 38))
NSString* p_name = [universe getSystemName:g_seed];
drawString( p_name, x + star.x, y + star.y, z, NSMakeSize(pixel_row_height,pixel_row_height));
// draw cross-hairs over current location
glColor4f( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, alpha); // green
glBegin( GL_QUADS);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x - 1, y + cu.y - 14, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x + 1, y + cu.y - 14, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x + 1, y + cu.y + 14, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x - 1, y + cu.y + 14, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x - 14, y + cu.y - 1, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x + 14, y + cu.y - 1, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x + 14, y + cu.y + 1, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x - 14, y + cu.y + 1, z);
// draw cross hairs over cursor
glColor4f( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, alpha); // red
cu = NSMakePoint(hscale*cursor_coordinates.x+hoffset,vscale*cursor_coordinates.y+voffset);
glBegin( GL_QUADS);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x - 1, y + cu.y - 7, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x + 1, y + cu.y - 7, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x + 1, y + cu.y + 7, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x - 1, y + cu.y + 7, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x - 7, y + cu.y - 1, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x + 7, y + cu.y - 1, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x + 7, y + cu.y + 1, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x - 7, y + cu.y + 1, z);
- (void) drawGalaxyChart:(GLfloat) x:(GLfloat) y:(GLfloat) z:(GLfloat) alpha forUniverse:(Universe*) universe
PlayerEntity* player = (PlayerEntity*)[universe entityZero];
NSPoint galaxy_coordinates = [player galaxy_coordinates];
NSPoint cursor_coordinates = [player cursor_coordinates];
double fuel = 35.0 * [player dial_fuel];
// get a list of systems marked as contract destinations
NSArray* markedDestinations = [player markedDestinations];
BOOL* systems_found = [universe systems_found];
NSPoint star, cu;
Random_Seed g_seed;
double hscale = size_in_pixels.width / 256.0;
double vscale = -1.0 * size_in_pixels.height / 512.0;
double hoffset = 0.0;
double voffset = size_in_pixels.height - pixel_title_size.height - 5;
int i;
// draw fuel range circle
glColor4f( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, alpha); // green
cu = NSMakePoint(hscale*galaxy_coordinates.x+hoffset,vscale*galaxy_coordinates.y+voffset);
drawOval( x + cu.x, y + cu.y, z, NSMakeSize( fuel*hscale, 2*fuel*vscale), 5);
// draw cross-hairs over current location
glBegin( GL_QUADS);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x - 1, y + cu.y - 14, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x + 1, y + cu.y - 14, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x + 1, y + cu.y + 14, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x - 1, y + cu.y + 14, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x - 14, y + cu.y - 1, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x + 14, y + cu.y - 1, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x + 14, y + cu.y + 1, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x - 14, y + cu.y + 1, z);
// draw cross hairs over cursor
glColor4f( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, alpha); // red
cu = NSMakePoint(hscale*cursor_coordinates.x+hoffset,vscale*cursor_coordinates.y+voffset);
glBegin( GL_QUADS);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x - 1, y + cu.y - 7, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x + 1, y + cu.y - 7, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x + 1, y + cu.y + 7, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x - 1, y + cu.y + 7, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x - 7, y + cu.y - 1, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x + 7, y + cu.y - 1, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x + 7, y + cu.y + 1, z);
glVertex3f( x + cu.x - 7, y + cu.y + 1, z);
// draw marks
glLineWidth( 1.5);
glColor4f( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, alpha);
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
BOOL mark = [(NSNumber*)[markedDestinations objectAtIndex:i] boolValue];
if (mark)
star.x = [universe systemSeedForSystemNumber:i].d * hscale + hoffset;
star.y = [universe systemSeedForSystemNumber:i].b * vscale + voffset;
glBegin( GL_LINES);
glVertex3f( x + star.x - 2.5, y + star.y - 2.5, z);
glVertex3f( x + star.x + 2.5, y + star.y + 2.5, z);
glVertex3f( x + star.x - 2.5, y + star.y + 2.5, z);
glVertex3f( x + star.x + 2.5, y + star.y - 2.5, z);
// draw stars
glColor4f( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha);
glBegin( GL_QUADS);
// glPointSize(1);
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
star.x = [universe systemSeedForSystemNumber:i].d * hscale + hoffset;
star.y = [universe systemSeedForSystemNumber:i].b * vscale + voffset;
double sz = ((g_seed.e | 0x50) < 0x90) ? 0.85 : 1.5;
// drawFilledOval( x + star.x, y + star.y, z, NSMakeSize( sz * 2.0, sz * 2.0), 30);
glVertex3f( x + star.x, y + star.y + sz, z);
glVertex3f( x + star.x + sz, y + star.y, z);
glVertex3f( x + star.x, y + star.y - sz, z);
glVertex3f( x + star.x - sz, y + star.y, z);
// draw found stars and captions
glLineWidth( 1.5);
glColor4f( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, alpha);
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
BOOL mark = systems_found[i];
if (mark)
star.x = [universe systemSeedForSystemNumber:i].d * hscale + hoffset;
star.y = [universe systemSeedForSystemNumber:i].b * vscale + voffset;
glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP);
glVertex3f( x + star.x - 2.0, y + star.y - 2.0, z);
glVertex3f( x + star.x + 2.0, y + star.y - 2.0, z);
glVertex3f( x + star.x + 2.0, y + star.y + 2.0, z);
glVertex3f( x + star.x - 2.0, y + star.y + 2.0, z);
drawString([universe systemNameIndex:i] , x + star.x + 2.0, y + star.y - 10.0, z, NSMakeSize(10,10));
// draw bottom horizontal divider
glColor4f( 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, alpha); // 75% gray
glBegin( GL_QUADS);
glVertex3f( x + 0, y + voffset + 260.0*vscale + 0, z);
glVertex3f( x + size_in_pixels.width, y + voffset + 260.0*vscale + 0, z);
glVertex3f( x + size_in_pixels.width, y + voffset + 260.0*vscale - 2, z);
glVertex3f( x + 0, y + voffset + 260.0*vscale - 2, z);