Main changes: more independent pirates in Feudal/Anarchy; repopulator has a cap on the number of ships it can accumulate in-system; certain ships have tendency towards awful or non-awful accuracy settings; independent pirate packs are slightly bigger; tharglets share accuracy of controller. Overall effect should be to make the difficulty slope between Corp and Anarchy larger, but Corp safer.
oolite-data =========== This resources folder contains all the data that oolite needs when you run it - sounds, textures, default settings, etc. To modify sounds, textures and settings, use the AddOns directory, rather than modify these files directly. For more information on how to do so, follow the guidelines found at the following URL: http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/OXP_howto Or ask on Oolite's Bulletin Board: http://aegidian.org/bb/