git-svn-id: http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/oolite-linux/trunk@15 127b21dd-08f5-0310-b4b7-95ae10353056
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5616 lines
180 KiB
// Universe.m
* Oolite
* Created by Giles Williams on Sat Apr 03 2004.
* Copyright (c) 2004 for aegidian.org. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004, Giles C Williams
All rights reserved.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/
or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
You are free:
• to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work
• to make derivative works
Under the following conditions:
• Attribution. You must give the original author credit.
• Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
• Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work,
you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one.
For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.
Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above.
#ifdef LINUX
#include "oolite-linux.h"
#import <OpenGL/gl.h>
#import <OpenGL/glu.h>
#import "Universe.h"
#import "entities.h"
#import "MyOpenGLView.h"
#import "GameController.h"
#import "ResourceManager.h"
#import "TextureStore.h"
#import "OpenGLSprite.h"
#import "AI.h"
#import "GuiDisplayGen.h"
#import "HeadUpDisplay.h"
@implementation Universe
- (id) init
PlayerEntity *player;
int i;
self = [super init];
firstBeacon = NO_TARGET;
lastBeacon = NO_TARGET;
no_update = NO;
// universe_lock = [[NSLock alloc] init]; // alloc retains
// init the Resource Manager
NSLog(@"DEBUG Universe initialising ResourceManager...");
[ResourceManager pathsUsingAddOns:YES];
// set up the universal entity data store
if (![Entity dataStore])
[Entity setDataStore:self];
//set the universal planet edge thingy
[PlanetEntity resetBaseVertexArray];
reducedDetail = NO;
// TODO: Speech, but I doubt we'll have it with GNUstep
#ifndef GNUSTEP
//// speech stuff
speechChannel = nil;
//Jester Speech Begin
speechArray = [[ResourceManager arrayFromFilesNamed:@"speech_pronunciation_guide.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] retain];
//Jester Speech End
dumpCollisionInfo = NO;
next_universal_id = 100; // start arbitrarily above zero
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENTITY_UID; i++)
entity_for_uid[i] = nil;
preloadedDataFiles = [[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:16] retain];
entityRecyclePool = [[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:MAX_NUMBER_OF_ENTITIES] retain];
recycleLock = [[NSLock alloc] init];
entities = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:MAX_NUMBER_OF_ENTITIES] retain];
entsInDrawOrder = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:MAX_NUMBER_OF_ENTITIES] retain];
sun_center_position[0] = 4000000.0;
sun_center_position[1] = 0.0;
sun_center_position[2] = 0.0;
sun_center_position[3] = 1.0;
textureStore = [[TextureStore alloc] init]; // alloc retains
cursorSprite = [[OpenGLSprite alloc] initWithImage:[ResourceManager imageNamed:@"cursor.png" inFolder:@"Images"]
cropRectangle:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 128, 128)
size:NSMakeSize(32, 32)]; // alloc retains
gui = [[GuiDisplayGen alloc] init]; // alloc retains
displayGUI = NO;
message_gui = [[GuiDisplayGen alloc] initWithPixelSize:NSMakeSize( 480, 160) Columns:1 Rows:8 RowHeight:20 RowStart:20 Title:nil];
[message_gui setCurrentRow:7];
[message_gui setCharacterSize:NSMakeSize(16,20)]; // slightly narrower characters
// // TEST
// [message_gui setBackgroundColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.0 green:0.1 blue:0.9 alpha:0.5]];
comm_log_gui = [[GuiDisplayGen alloc] initWithPixelSize:NSMakeSize( 360, 120) Columns:1 Rows:10 RowHeight:12 RowStart:12 Title:nil];
[comm_log_gui setCurrentRow:9];
[comm_log_gui setBackgroundColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.0 green:0.05 blue:0.45 alpha:0.5]];
[comm_log_gui setTextColor:[NSColor whiteColor]];
[comm_log_gui setAlpha:0.0];
[comm_log_gui printLongText:@"Communications Log" Align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER Color:[NSColor yellowColor] FadeTime:0 Key:nil AddToArray:nil];
displayFPS = NO;
time_delta = 0.0;
universal_time = 0.0;
ai_think_time = AI_THINK_INTERVAL; // one eighth of a second
shipdata = [[ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:@"shipdata.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] retain];
shipyard = [[ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:@"shipyard.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] retain];
commoditylists = [(NSDictionary *)[ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:@"commodities.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] retain];
commoditydata = [[NSArray arrayWithArray:(NSArray *)[commoditylists objectForKey:@"default"]] retain];
illegal_goods = [[ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:@"illegal_goods.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] retain];
descriptions = [[ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:@"descriptions.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] retain];
planetinfo = [[ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:@"planetinfo.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] retain];
local_planetinfo_overrides = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:8];
missiontext = [[ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:@"missiontext.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] retain];
equipmentdata = [[ResourceManager arrayFromFilesNamed:@"equipment.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] retain];
demo_ships = [[ResourceManager arrayFromFilesNamed:@"demoships.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] retain];
demo_ship_index = 0;
breakPatternCounter = 0;
cachedSun = nil;
cachedPlanet = nil;
cachedStation = nil;
cachedEntityZero = nil;
station = NO_TARGET;
planet = NO_TARGET;
sun = NO_TARGET;
player = [[PlayerEntity alloc] init]; // alloc retains!
[self addEntity:player];
[player set_up];
[player setUpShipFromDictionary:[self getDictionaryForShip:[player ship_desc]]];
[player setStatus:STATUS_DEMO];
galaxy_seed = [player galaxy_seed];
// systems
Random_Seed g_seed = galaxy_seed;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
systems[i] = g_seed;
system_names[i] = [[self getSystemName:g_seed] retain];
system_seed = [self findSystemAtCoords:[player galaxy_coordinates] withGalaxySeed:galaxy_seed];
// NSLog(@"Galaxy coords are (%f, %f)", [player galaxy_coordinates].x, [player galaxy_coordinates].y);
// NSLog(@"Well whaddayaknow - we're at %@", [self getSystemName:system_seed]);
[self set_up_space];
[player release];
[self setViewDirection:VIEW_DOCKED];
//NSLog(@"UNIVERSE INIT station %d, planet %d, sun %d",station,planet,sun);
demo_ship = nil;
return self;
- (void) dealloc
if (currentMessage) [currentMessage release];
if (gui) [gui release];
if (message_gui) [message_gui release];
if (comm_log_gui) [comm_log_gui release];
// if (messageSprite) [messageSprite release];
if (cursorSprite) [cursorSprite release];
if (textureStore) [textureStore release];
if (preloadedDataFiles) [preloadedDataFiles release];
if (entityRecyclePool) [entityRecyclePool release];
if (recycleLock) [recycleLock release];
if (entities) [entities release];
if (entsInDrawOrder) [entsInDrawOrder release];
if (shipdata) [shipdata release];
if (shipyard) [shipyard release];
if (commoditylists) [commoditylists release];
if (commoditydata) [commoditydata release];
if (illegal_goods) [illegal_goods release];
if (descriptions) [descriptions release];
if (planetinfo) [planetinfo release];
if (missiontext) [missiontext release];
if (equipmentdata) [equipmentdata release];
if (demo_ships) [demo_ships release];
if (gameView) [gameView release];
#ifndef GNUSTEP
//Jester Speech Begin
if (speechArray) [speechArray release];
//Jester Speech End
if (local_planetinfo_overrides)
[local_planetinfo_overrides release];
// if (universe_lock) [universe_lock release];
// reset/dealloc the universal planet edge thingy
[PlanetEntity resetBaseVertexArray];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
if (system_names[i]) [system_names[i] release];
[super dealloc];
- (BOOL) strict
return strict;
- (void) setStrict:(BOOL) value
if (strict == value)
strict = value;
// do other necessary stuff
[self reinit];
- (void) reinit
PlayerEntity* player = [(PlayerEntity*)[self entityZero] retain];
Quaternion q0;
int i;
// [universe_lock lock];
no_update = YES;
[ResourceManager pathsUsingAddOns:!strict];
// set up the universal entity data store
if (![Entity dataStore])
[Entity setDataStore:self];
#ifndef GNUSTEP
//// speech stuff
if (speechArray)
[speechArray release];
speechArray = [[ResourceManager arrayFromFilesNamed:@"speech_pronunciation_guide.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] retain];
firstBeacon = NO_TARGET;
lastBeacon = NO_TARGET;
next_universal_id = 100; // start arbitrarily above zero
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENTITY_UID; i++)
entity_for_uid[i] = nil;
if (preloadedDataFiles)
[preloadedDataFiles release];
preloadedDataFiles = [[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:16] retain];
if (entityRecyclePool)
[entityRecyclePool release];
entityRecyclePool = [[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:MAX_NUMBER_OF_ENTITIES] retain];
if (recycleLock)
[recycleLock release];
recycleLock = [[NSLock alloc] init];
// entities = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:MAX_NUMBER_OF_ENTITIES] retain];
[entities removeAllObjects];
// entsInDrawOrder = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:MAX_NUMBER_OF_ENTITIES] retain];
[entsInDrawOrder removeAllObjects];
sun_center_position[0] = 4000000.0;
sun_center_position[1] = 0.0;
sun_center_position[2] = 0.0;
sun_center_position[3] = 1.0;
if (textureStore)
[textureStore release];
textureStore = [[TextureStore alloc] init]; // alloc retains
if (cursorSprite)
[cursorSprite release];
cursorSprite = [[OpenGLSprite alloc] initWithImage:[ResourceManager imageNamed:@"cursor.png" inFolder:@"Images"]
cropRectangle:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 128, 128)
size:NSMakeSize(32, 32)]; // alloc retains
if (gui)
[gui release];
gui = [[GuiDisplayGen alloc] init]; // alloc retains
// displayGUI = NO;
if (message_gui)
[message_gui release];
message_gui = [[GuiDisplayGen alloc] initWithPixelSize:NSMakeSize( 480, 160) Columns:1 Rows:8 RowHeight:20 RowStart:20 Title:nil];
[message_gui setCurrentRow:7];
[message_gui setCharacterSize:NSMakeSize(16,20)]; // slightly narrower characters
if (comm_log_gui)
[comm_log_gui release];
comm_log_gui = [[GuiDisplayGen alloc] initWithPixelSize:NSMakeSize( 360, 120) Columns:1 Rows:10 RowHeight:12 RowStart:12 Title:nil];
[comm_log_gui setCurrentRow:9];
[comm_log_gui setBackgroundColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.0 green:0.05 blue:0.45 alpha:0.5]];
[comm_log_gui setTextColor:[NSColor whiteColor]];
[comm_log_gui setAlpha:0.0];
[comm_log_gui printLongText:@"Communications Log" Align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER Color:[NSColor yellowColor] FadeTime:0 Key:nil AddToArray:nil];
time_delta = 0.0;
universal_time = 0.0;
ai_think_time = AI_THINK_INTERVAL; // one eighth of a second
if (shipdata)
[shipdata release];
shipdata = [[ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:@"shipdata.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] retain];
if (shipyard)
[shipyard release];
shipyard = [[ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:@"shipyard.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] retain];
if (commoditylists)
[commoditylists release];
commoditylists = [(NSDictionary *)[ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:@"commodities.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] retain];
if (commoditydata)
[commoditydata release];
commoditydata = [[NSArray arrayWithArray:(NSArray *)[commoditylists objectForKey:@"default"]] retain];
if (illegal_goods)
[illegal_goods release];
illegal_goods = [[ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:@"illegal_goods.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] retain];
if (descriptions)
[descriptions release];
descriptions = [[ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:@"descriptions.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] retain];
if (planetinfo)
[planetinfo release];
planetinfo = [[ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:@"planetinfo.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] retain];
if (missiontext)
[missiontext release];
missiontext = [[ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:@"missiontext.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] retain];
if (equipmentdata)
[equipmentdata release];
equipmentdata = [[ResourceManager arrayFromFilesNamed:@"equipment.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] retain];
if (strict && ([equipmentdata count] > NUMBER_OF_STRICT_EQUIPMENT_ITEMS))
NSArray* strict_equipment = [equipmentdata subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, NUMBER_OF_STRICT_EQUIPMENT_ITEMS)]; // alloc retains
[equipmentdata autorelease];
equipmentdata = [strict_equipment retain];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG equipmentdata = %@", [equipmentdata description]);
if (demo_ships)
[demo_ships release];
demo_ships = [[ResourceManager arrayFromFilesNamed:@"demoships.plist" inFolder:@"Config" andMerge:YES] retain];
demo_ship_index = 0;
breakPatternCounter = 0;
cachedSun = nil;
cachedPlanet = nil;
cachedStation = nil;
cachedEntityZero = nil;
station = NO_TARGET;
planet = NO_TARGET;
sun = NO_TARGET;
if (player == nil)
player = [[PlayerEntity alloc] init];
[self addEntity:player];
[[(MyOpenGLView*)gameView gameController] setPlayerFileToLoad:nil]; // reset Quicksave
[player set_up];
galaxy_seed = [player galaxy_seed];
// systems
Random_Seed g_seed = galaxy_seed;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
systems[i] = g_seed;
system_names[i] = [[self getSystemName:g_seed] retain];
system_seed = [self findSystemAtCoords:[player galaxy_coordinates] withGalaxySeed:galaxy_seed];
// NSLog(@"Galaxy coords are (%f, %f)", [player galaxy_coordinates].x, [player galaxy_coordinates].y);
// NSLog(@"Well whaddayaknow - we're at %@", [self getSystemName:system_seed]);
[self set_up_space];
demo_ship = nil;
[player set_up];
// NSLog(@"About to set up ship from '%@'", [player ship_desc]);
[player setUpShipFromDictionary:[self getDictionaryForShip:[player ship_desc]]];
[player setStatus:STATUS_DOCKED];
[self setViewDirection:VIEW_DOCKED];
[player setPosition:0 :0 :0];
[player setQRotation:q0];
[player setGuiToIntro2Screen];
[gui setText:(strict)? @"Strict Play Enabled":@"Unrestricted Play Enabled" forRow:1 align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[player release];
// [universe_lock unlock];
no_update = NO;
[local_planetinfo_overrides removeAllObjects];
- (int) obj_count
return [entities count];
- (void) sleepytime: (id) thing
// deal with the machine going to sleep
//NSLog(@"DEBUG -- got a SLEEP notification.");
PlayerEntity *player = (PlayerEntity *)[self entityZero];
if ([player getStatus] == STATUS_IN_FLIGHT)
[self displayMessage:@" Paused (press 'p') " forCount:1.0];
[[(MyOpenGLView *)gameView gameController] pause_game];
- (void) set_up_universe_from_station
//NSLog(@"UNIVERSE set_up_universe_from_station station %d, planet %d, sun %d",station,planet,sun);
if (station == NO_TARGET)
// we're in witchspace or this is the first launch...
// save the player
PlayerEntity* player = (PlayerEntity*)[self entityZero];
// save the docked craft
Entity* docked_station = [player docked_station];
// jump to the nearest system
Random_Seed s_seed = [self findSystemAtCoords:[player galaxy_coordinates] withGalaxySeed:[player galaxy_seed]];
[player setSystem_seed:s_seed];
// remove everything else
if (docked_station)
int index = 0;
while ([entities count] > 2)
Entity* ent = [entities objectAtIndex:index];
if ((ent != player)&&(ent != docked_station))
if ([ent isKindOfClass:[StationEntity class]]) // clear out queues
[(StationEntity *)ent clear];
[self removeEntity:ent];
index++; // leave that one alone
[self removeAllEntitiesExceptPlayer:NO]; // get rid of witchspace sky etc. if still extant
[self set_up_space]; // first launch
station = [[self station] universal_id];
planet = [[self planet] universal_id];
sun = [[self sun] universal_id];
[self setViewDirection:VIEW_FORWARD];
displayGUI = NO;
- (void) set_up_universe_from_witchspace
PlayerEntity *player;
// check the player is still around!
if ([entities count] == 0)
/*- the player ship -*/
player = [[PlayerEntity alloc] init]; // alloc retains!
[self addEntity:player];
player = [(PlayerEntity *)[self entityZero] retain]; // retained here
[self set_up_space];
[player leaveWitchspace];
[player release]; // released here
[self setViewDirection:VIEW_FORWARD];
[comm_log_gui printLongText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", [self generateSystemName:system_seed], [player dial_clock_adjusted]]
Align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER Color:[NSColor whiteColor] FadeTime:0 Key:nil AddToArray:[player comm_log]];
/* test stuff */
displayGUI = NO;
/* ends */
- (void) set_up_universe_from_misjump
PlayerEntity *player;
// check the player is still around!
if ([entities count] == 0)
/*- the player ship -*/
player = [[PlayerEntity alloc] init]; // alloc retains!
[self addEntity:player];
player = [(PlayerEntity *)[self entityZero] retain]; // retained here
[self set_up_witchspace];
[player leaveWitchspace];
[player release]; // released here
[self setViewDirection:VIEW_FORWARD];
/* test stuff */
displayGUI = NO;
/* ends */
- (void) set_up_witchspace
// new system is hyper-centric : witchspace exit point is origin
Entity *thing;
Quaternion randomQ;
// fixed entities (part of the graphics system really) come first...
/*- the sky backdrop -*/
thing = [[SkyEntity alloc] initAsWitchspace]; // alloc retains!
[thing setScanClass: CLASS_NO_DRAW];
[thing setQRotation:randomQ];
[self addEntity:thing]; // [entities addObject:thing];
[thing release];
/*- the dust particle system -*/
thing = [[DustEntity alloc] init]; // alloc retains!
[thing setScanClass: CLASS_NO_DRAW];
[self addEntity:thing]; // [entities addObject:thing];
[thing release];
sun = NO_TARGET;
station = NO_TARGET;
planet = NO_TARGET;
sun_center_position[0] = 0.0;
sun_center_position[1] = 0.0;
sun_center_position[2] = 0.0;
sun_center_position[3] = 1.0;
ranrot_srand([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]); // reset randomiser with current time
NSLog(@"Populating witchspace ...");
// actual thargoids and tharglets next...
int n_thargs = 2 + (ranrot_rand() & 3);
if (n_thargs < 1)
n_thargs = 2; // just to be sure
int i;
int thargoid_group = NO_TARGET;
Vector tharg_start_pos = [self getWitchspaceExitPosition];
ranrot_srand([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]); // reset randomiser with current time
NSLog(@"... adding %d Thargoid warships", n_thargs);
for (i = 0; i < n_thargs; i++)
Quaternion tharg_quaternion;
ShipEntity *thargoid = [self getShipWithRole:@"thargoid"]; // is retained
Vector tharg_pos = tharg_start_pos;
tharg_pos.x += 1.5 * SCANNER_MAX_RANGE * (randf() - 0.5);
tharg_pos.y += 1.5 * SCANNER_MAX_RANGE * (randf() - 0.5);
tharg_pos.z += 1.5 * SCANNER_MAX_RANGE * (randf() - 0.5);
[thargoid setPosition:tharg_pos];
[thargoid setQRotation:tharg_quaternion];
[thargoid setScanClass: CLASS_THARGOID];
[thargoid setBounty:100];
[thargoid setStatus:STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
// [thargoid setReportAImessages:YES];
[self addEntity:thargoid];
if (thargoid_group == NO_TARGET)
thargoid_group = [thargoid universal_id];
[thargoid setGroup_id:thargoid_group];
[thargoid release];
- (void) set_up_space
// new system is hyper-centric : witchspace exit point is origin
Entity *thing;
ShipEntity *nav_buoy;
StationEntity *a_station;
PlanetEntity *a_sun;
PlanetEntity *a_planet;
Vector stationPos;
double stationRoll;
Vector vf;
NSDictionary *systeminfo = [self generateSystemData:system_seed];
int techlevel = [(NSNumber *)[systeminfo objectForKey:KEY_TECHLEVEL] intValue];
NSString *stationDesc;
NSColor *bgcolor;
NSColor *pale_bgcolor;
BOOL sun_gone_nova = NO;
if ([systeminfo objectForKey:@"sun_gone_nova"])
sun_gone_nova = YES;
// NSLog(@"DEBUG systeminfo =\n%@", [systeminfo description]);
// fixed entities (part of the graphics system really) come first...
[self setSky_clear_color:0.0 :0.0 :0.0 :0.0];
// set the system seed for random number generation
/*- the sky backdrop -*/
// colors...
float h1 = randf();
float h2 = h1 + 1.0 / (1.0 + (ranrot_rand() % 5));
while (h2 > 1.0)
h2 -= 1.0;
NSColor *col1 = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue:h1 saturation:randf() brightness:0.5 + randf()/2.0 alpha:1.0];
NSColor *col2 = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue:h2 saturation:0.5 + randf()/2.0 brightness:0.5 + randf()/2.0 alpha:1.0];
thing = [[SkyEntity alloc] initWithColors:col1:col2 andSystemInfo: systeminfo]; // alloc retains!
[thing setScanClass: CLASS_NO_DRAW];
[self addEntity:thing]; // [entities addObject:thing];
bgcolor = [(SkyEntity *)thing sky_color];
pale_bgcolor = [bgcolor blendedColorWithFraction:0.5 ofColor:[NSColor whiteColor]];
[thing release];
/*- the dust particle system -*/
thing = [[DustEntity alloc] init]; // alloc retains!
[thing setScanClass: CLASS_NO_DRAW];
[self addEntity:thing]; // [entities addObject:thing];
[(DustEntity *)thing setDustColor:pale_bgcolor];
[thing release];
// actual entities next...
// set the system seed for random number generation
/*- space planet -*/
a_planet = [[PlanetEntity alloc] initWithSeed: system_seed fromUniverse: self]; // alloc retains!
double planet_radius = [a_planet getRadius];
[a_planet setPlanetType:PLANET_TYPE_GREEN];
[a_planet setStatus:STATUS_ACTIVE];
[a_planet setPosition:0.0:0.0:(12.0 + (ranrot_rand() % 3) - (ranrot_rand() % 3) ) * planet_radius]; // 10..14 pr (planet radii) ahead
[a_planet setScanClass: CLASS_NO_DRAW];
[a_planet setEnergy: 1000000.0];
[self addEntity:a_planet]; // [entities addObject:a_planet];
planet = [a_planet universal_id];
// set the system seed for random number generation
/*- space sun -*/
double sun_distance = (20.0 + (ranrot_rand() % 5) - (ranrot_rand() % 5) ) * planet_radius;
double sun_radius = (2.5 + randf() - randf() ) * planet_radius;
Quaternion q_sun;
Vector sunPos = [a_planet getPosition];
// set up planet's direction in space so it gets a proper day
[a_planet setQRotation:q_sun];
vf = vector_right_from_quaternion(q_sun);
sunPos.x -= sun_distance * vf.x; // back off from the planet by 16..24 pr
sunPos.y -= sun_distance * vf.y;
sunPos.z -= sun_distance * vf.z;
a_sun = [[PlanetEntity alloc] initAsSunWithColor:pale_bgcolor]; // alloc retains!
[a_sun setPlanetType:PLANET_TYPE_SUN];
[a_sun setStatus:STATUS_ACTIVE];
[a_sun setPosition:sunPos];
sun_center_position[0] = sunPos.x;
sun_center_position[1] = sunPos.y;
sun_center_position[2] = sunPos.z;
sun_center_position[3] = 1.0;
[a_sun setRadius:sun_radius]; // 2.5 pr
[a_sun setScanClass: CLASS_NO_DRAW];
[a_sun setEnergy: 1000000.0];
[self addEntity:a_sun]; // [entities addObject:a_sun];
sun = [a_sun universal_id];
if (sun_gone_nova)
[a_sun setRadius: sun_radius + 600000];
[a_sun setThrowSparks:YES];
[a_sun setVelocity:make_vector(0,0,0)];
/*- space station -*/
stationPos = [a_planet getPosition];
double station_orbit = 2.0 * planet_radius;
Quaternion q_station;
vf.z = -1;
while (vf.z <= 0.0) // keep station on the correct side of the planet
vf = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q_station);
stationPos.x -= station_orbit * vf.x; // back away from the planet
stationPos.y -= station_orbit * vf.y;
stationPos.z -= station_orbit * vf.z;
//NSLog(@"Station added at vector (%.1f,%.1f,%.1f) from planet",-vf.x,-vf.y,-vf.z);
stationRoll = 0.4;
stationDesc = @"coriolis";
if (techlevel > 10)
if (system_seed.f & 0x03) // 3 out of 4 get this type
stationDesc = @"dodecahedron";
stationDesc = @"icosahedron";
//// possibly systeminfo has an override for the station
if ([systeminfo objectForKey:@"station"])
stationDesc = (NSString *)[systeminfo objectForKey:@"station"];
//NSLog(@"* INFO *\t>>\tAdding %@ station for TL %d", stationDesc, techlevel);
a_station = (StationEntity *)[self getShipWithRole:stationDesc]; // retain count = 1
[a_station setStatus:STATUS_ACTIVE];
[a_station setQRotation: q_station];
[a_station setPosition: stationPos];
[a_station setRoll: stationRoll];
[a_station setPitch: 0.0];
[a_station setScanClass: CLASS_STATION];
[a_station setPlanet:(PlanetEntity *)[self entityForUniversalID:planet]];
[a_station set_equivalent_tech_level:techlevel];
[self addEntity:a_station];
station = [a_station universal_id];
cachedSun = a_sun;
cachedPlanet = a_planet;
cachedStation = a_station;
ranrot_srand([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]); // reset randomiser with current time
[self populateSpaceFromHyperPoint:[self getWitchspaceExitPosition] toPlanetPosition:[a_planet getPosition] andSunPosition: [a_sun getPosition]];
// log positions and info against debugging
// NSLog(@"DEBUG ** System :\t%@", [self generateSystemName:system_seed]);
// NSLog(@"DEBUG ** Planet position\t( %.0f, %.0f, %.0f)",
// [a_planet getPosition].x, [a_planet getPosition].y, [a_planet getPosition].z);
// NSLog(@"DEBUG ** Sun position\t( %.0f, %.0f, %.0f)",
// [a_sun getPosition].x, [a_sun getPosition].y, [a_sun getPosition].z);
// NSLog(@"DEBUG ** Station position\t( %.0f, %.0f, %.0f)",
// [a_station getPosition].x, [a_station getPosition].y, [a_station getPosition].z);
// NSLog(@"DEBUG **\n\n");
// NSLog(@"DEBUG ** Sun q_sun\t( %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f)",
// q_sun.w, q_sun.x, q_sun.y, q_sun.z);
// NSLog(@"DEBUG ** Station q_station\t( %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f)",
// q_station.w, q_station.x, q_station.y, q_station.z);
// NSLog(@"DEBUG **\n\n");
/*- nav beacon -*/
double buoy_distance = 10000.0; // distance from station entrance
nav_buoy = [self getShipWithRole:@"buoy"]; // retain count = 1
// [nav_buoy setStatus:STATUS_ACTIVE];
[nav_buoy setRoll: 0.10];
[nav_buoy setPitch: 0.15];
[nav_buoy setPosition:stationPos.x+buoy_distance*vf.x:stationPos.y+buoy_distance*vf.y:stationPos.z+buoy_distance*vf.z];
[nav_buoy setScanClass: CLASS_BUOY];
[self addEntity:nav_buoy]; // [entities addObject:nav_buoy];
[nav_buoy setStatus:STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
[nav_buoy release];
/*- nav beacon witchpoint -*/
Vector witchpoint = [self getWitchspaceExitPosition]; // witchpoint
nav_buoy = [self getShipWithRole:@"buoy-witchpoint"]; // retain count = 1
// [nav_buoy setStatus:STATUS_ACTIVE];
[nav_buoy setRoll: 0.10];
[nav_buoy setPitch: 0.15];
[nav_buoy setPosition: witchpoint.x: witchpoint.y: witchpoint.z];
[nav_buoy setScanClass: CLASS_BUOY];
[self addEntity:nav_buoy]; // [entities addObject:nav_buoy];
[nav_buoy setStatus:STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
[nav_buoy release];
if (sun_gone_nova)
Vector v0 = make_vector(0,0,34567.89);
Vector planetPos = [a_planet getPosition];
double min_safe_dist2 = 5000000.0 * 5000000.0;
// NSLog(@"DEBUG checking sun-distance = %.1f", sqrt(magnitude2([a_sun getPosition])));
while (magnitude2([a_sun getPosition]) < min_safe_dist2) // back off the planetary bodies
v0.z *= 2.0;
planetPos = [a_planet getPosition];
[a_planet setPosition: planetPos.x + v0.x: planetPos.y + v0.y: planetPos.z + v0.z];
[a_sun setPosition: sunPos.x + v0.x: sunPos.y + v0.y: sunPos.z + v0.z];
sunPos = [a_sun getPosition];
[a_station setPosition: stationPos.x + v0.x: stationPos.y + v0.y: stationPos.z + v0.z];
stationPos = [a_station getPosition];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG backing off sun-distance = %.1f", sqrt(magnitude2([a_sun getPosition])));
sun_center_position[0] = sunPos.x;
sun_center_position[1] = sunPos.y;
sun_center_position[2] = sunPos.z;
sun_center_position[3] = 1.0;
[self removeEntity:a_planet]; // and Poof! it's gone
cachedPlanet = nil;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
[self scatterAsteroidsAt:planetPos withVelocity:make_vector(0,0,0) includingRockHermit:NO];
[self scatterAsteroidsAt:make_vector(0,0,0) withVelocity:make_vector(0,0,0) includingRockHermit:NO];
[a_sun release];
[a_station release];
[a_planet release];
// NEW
// systeminfo might have a 'script_actions' resource we want to activate now...
if ([systeminfo objectForKey:KEY_SCRIPT_ACTIONS])
PlayerEntity* player = (PlayerEntity*)[self entityZero];
NSArray* script_actions = (NSArray *)[systeminfo objectForKey:KEY_SCRIPT_ACTIONS];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [script_actions count]; i++)
if ([[script_actions objectAtIndex:i] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]])
[player checkCouplet:(NSDictionary *)[script_actions objectAtIndex:i] onEntity:nil];
if ([[script_actions objectAtIndex:i] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
[player scriptAction:(NSString *)[script_actions objectAtIndex:i] onEntity:nil];
- (void) populateSpaceFromHyperPoint:(Vector) h1_pos toPlanetPosition:(Vector) p1_pos andSunPosition:(Vector) s1_pos
int i, r, escorts_added;
NSDictionary *systeminfo = [self generateSystemData:system_seed];
BOOL sun_gone_nova = NO;
if ([systeminfo objectForKey:@"sun_gone_nova"])
sun_gone_nova = YES;
int techlevel = [(NSNumber *)[systeminfo objectForKey:KEY_TECHLEVEL] intValue]; // 0 .. 13
int government = [(NSNumber *)[systeminfo objectForKey:KEY_GOVERNMENT] intValue]; // 0 .. 7 (0 anarchic .. 7 most stable)
int economy = [(NSNumber *)[systeminfo objectForKey:KEY_ECONOMY] intValue]; // 0 .. 7 (0 richest .. 7 poorest)
int thargoidChance = (system_seed.e < 127) ? 10 : 3; // if Human Colonials live here, there's a greater % chance the Thargoids will attack!
Vector lastPiratePosition;
int wolfPackCounter = 0;
int wolfPackGroup_id = NO_TARGET;
ranrot_srand([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]); // reset randomiser with current time
NSLog(@"Populating a system with economy %d, and government %d", economy, government);
// traders
int trading_parties = (9 - economy); // 2 .. 9
if (government == 0) trading_parties *= 1.25; // 25% more trade where there are no laws!
if (trading_parties > 0)
trading_parties = 1 + trading_parties * (randf()+randf()); // randomize 0..2
while (trading_parties > 15)
trading_parties = 1 + (ranrot_rand() % trading_parties); // reduce
NSLog(@"... adding %d trading vessels", trading_parties);
int skim_trading_parties = (ranrot_rand() & 3) + trading_parties * (ranrot_rand() & 31) / 120; // about 12%
// skim_trading_parties += 10; // DEBUG
NSLog(@"... adding %d sun skimming vessels", skim_trading_parties);
// pirates
int raiding_parties = (8 - government) * trading_parties / 3;
if (raiding_parties > 0)
raiding_parties = raiding_parties * (randf()+randf()); // randomize
while (raiding_parties > 21)
raiding_parties = 7 + (ranrot_rand() % raiding_parties); // reduce
NSLog(@"... adding %d pirate vessels", raiding_parties);
int skim_raiding_parties = ((randf() < 0.14 * economy)? 1:0) + raiding_parties * (ranrot_rand() & 31) / 120; // about 12%
NSLog(@"... adding %d sun skim pirates", skim_raiding_parties);
// bounty-hunters and the law
int hunting_parties = (1 + government) * trading_parties / 8;
if (government == 0) hunting_parties *= 1.25; // 25% more bounty hunters in an anarchy
if (hunting_parties > 0)
hunting_parties = hunting_parties * (randf()+randf()); // randomize
while (hunting_parties > 15)
hunting_parties = 5 + (ranrot_rand() % hunting_parties); // reduce
if (hunting_parties < 1)
hunting_parties = 1;
NSLog(@"... adding %d law/bounty-hunter vessels", hunting_parties);
int skim_hunting_parties = ((randf() < 0.14 * government)? 1:0) + hunting_parties * (ranrot_rand() & 31) / 160; // about 10%
NSLog(@"... adding %d sun skim law/bounty hunter vessels", skim_hunting_parties);
int thargoid_parties = 0;
while ((ranrot_rand() % 100) < thargoidChance)
NSLog(@"... adding %d Thargoid warships", thargoid_parties);
int rock_clusters = ranrot_rand() % 3;
if (trading_parties + raiding_parties + hunting_parties < 10)
rock_clusters += 1 + (ranrot_rand() % 3);
rock_clusters *= 2;
NSLog(@"... adding %d asteroid clusters", rock_clusters);
int total_clicks = trading_parties + raiding_parties + hunting_parties + thargoid_parties + rock_clusters + skim_hunting_parties + skim_raiding_parties + skim_trading_parties;
NSLog(@"... for a total of %d ships", total_clicks);
Vector v_route1 = p1_pos;
v_route1.x -= h1_pos.x; v_route1.y -= h1_pos.y; v_route1.z -= h1_pos.z;
double d_route1 = sqrt(v_route1.x*v_route1.x + v_route1.y*v_route1.y + v_route1.z*v_route1.z) - 60000.0; // -60km to avoid planet
v_route1 = unit_vector(&v_route1);
// add the traders to route1 (witchspace exit to space-station / planet)
for (i = 0; (i < trading_parties)&&(!sun_gone_nova); i++)
ShipEntity *trader_ship;
Vector launch_pos = h1_pos;
if (total_clicks < 3) total_clicks = 3;
r = 2 + (ranrot_rand() % (total_clicks - 2)); // find an empty slot
double ship_location = d_route1 * r / total_clicks;
launch_pos.x += ship_location * v_route1.x + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
launch_pos.y += ship_location * v_route1.y + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
launch_pos.z += ship_location * v_route1.z + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
trader_ship = [self getShipWithRole:@"trader"]; // retain count = 1
if ([trader_ship scanClass] == CLASS_NOT_SET)
[trader_ship setScanClass: CLASS_NEUTRAL];
[trader_ship setPosition:launch_pos];
[trader_ship setBounty:0];
[trader_ship setCargoFlag:CARGO_FLAG_FULL_SCARCE];
[trader_ship setStatus:STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
if (([trader_ship n_escorts] > 0)&&((ranrot_rand() % 7) < government)) // remove escorts if we feel safe
int nx = [trader_ship n_escorts] - 2 * (1 + ranrot_rand() & 3); // remove 2,4,6, or 8 escorts
[trader_ship setN_escorts:(nx > 0) ? nx : 0];
//[trader_ship setReportAImessages: (i == 0) ? YES:NO ]; // debug
[self addEntity:trader_ship];
[[trader_ship getAI] setStateMachine:@"route1traderAI.plist"]; // must happen after adding to the universe!
[trader_ship release];
// add the raiders to route1 (witchspace exit to space-station / planet)
for (i = 0; (i < raiding_parties)&&(!sun_gone_nova); i++)
ShipEntity *pirate_ship;
Vector launch_pos = h1_pos;
if ((i > 0)&&((ranrot_rand() & 7) > wolfPackCounter))
// use last position
launch_pos = lastPiratePosition;
launch_pos.x += SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5)*0.1; // pack them closer together
launch_pos.y += SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5)*0.1;
launch_pos.z += SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5)*0.1;
// random position along route1
if (total_clicks < 3) total_clicks = 3;
r = 2 + (ranrot_rand() % (total_clicks - 2)); // find an empty slot
double ship_location = d_route1 * r / total_clicks;
launch_pos.x += ship_location * v_route1.x + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
launch_pos.y += ship_location * v_route1.y + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
launch_pos.z += ship_location * v_route1.z + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
lastPiratePosition = launch_pos;
wolfPackCounter = 0;
pirate_ship = [self getShipWithRole:@"pirate"]; // retain count = 1
if ([pirate_ship scanClass] == CLASS_NOT_SET)
[pirate_ship setScanClass: CLASS_NEUTRAL];
[pirate_ship setPosition:launch_pos];
[pirate_ship setStatus:STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
[pirate_ship setBounty:20 + government + wolfPackCounter + (ranrot_rand() % 5)];
//[pirate_ship setReportAImessages: (i == 0) ? YES:NO ]; // debug
[self addEntity:pirate_ship];
if (wolfPackCounter == 0) // first ship
wolfPackGroup_id = [pirate_ship universal_id];
[pirate_ship setGroup_id:wolfPackGroup_id];
[[pirate_ship getAI] setStateMachine:@"pirateAI.plist"]; // must happen after adding to the universe!
[pirate_ship release];
// add the hunters and police ships to route1 (witchspace exit to space-station / planet)
for (i = 0; (i < hunting_parties)&&(!sun_gone_nova); i++)
ShipEntity *hunter_ship;
Vector launch_pos = h1_pos;
// random position along route1
if (total_clicks < 3) total_clicks = 3;
r = 2 + (ranrot_rand() % (total_clicks - 2)); // find an empty slot
double ship_location = d_route1 * r / total_clicks;
launch_pos.x += ship_location * v_route1.x + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
launch_pos.y += ship_location * v_route1.y + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
launch_pos.z += ship_location * v_route1.z + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
escorts_added = 0;
if ((ranrot_rand() & 7) < government)
if ((ranrot_rand() & 7) + 6 <= techlevel)
hunter_ship = [self getShipWithRole:@"interceptor"]; // retain count = 1
hunter_ship = [self getShipWithRole:@"police"]; // retain count = 1
//hunter_ship = [self getShipWithRole:@"police"]; // retain count = 1
[hunter_ship setRoles:@"police"];
if ([hunter_ship scanClass] == CLASS_NOT_SET)
[hunter_ship setScanClass: CLASS_POLICE];
while (((ranrot_rand() & 7) < government - 2)&&([hunter_ship n_escorts] < 6))
[hunter_ship setN_escorts:[hunter_ship n_escorts] + 2];
escorts_added = [hunter_ship n_escorts];
hunter_ship = [self getShipWithRole:@"hunter"]; // retain count = 1
if ([hunter_ship scanClass] == CLASS_NOT_SET)
[hunter_ship setScanClass: CLASS_NEUTRAL];
hunting_parties -= escorts_added / 2; // reduce the number needed so we don't get huge swarms!
[hunter_ship setPosition:launch_pos];
[hunter_ship setStatus:STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
[hunter_ship setBounty:0];
//[hunter_ship setReportAImessages: (i == 0) ? YES:NO ]; // debug
[self addEntity:hunter_ship];
[[hunter_ship getAI] setStateMachine:@"route1patrolAI.plist"]; // must happen after adding to the universe!
//NSLog(@"DEBUG hunter ship %@ %@ %d has %d escorts", [hunter_ship roles], [hunter_ship name], [hunter_ship universal_id], escorts_added);
[hunter_ship release];
// add the thargoids to route1 (witchspace exit to space-station / planet) clustered together
if (total_clicks < 3) total_clicks = 3;
r = 2 + (ranrot_rand() % (total_clicks - 2)); // find an empty slot
double thargoid_location = d_route1 * r / total_clicks;
for (i = 0; (i < thargoid_parties)&&(!sun_gone_nova); i++)
ShipEntity *thargoid_ship;
Vector launch_pos;
launch_pos.x = h1_pos.x + thargoid_location * v_route1.x + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
launch_pos.y = h1_pos.y + thargoid_location * v_route1.y + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
launch_pos.z = h1_pos.z + thargoid_location * v_route1.z + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
thargoid_ship = [self getShipWithRole:@"thargoid"]; // retain count = 1
if ([thargoid_ship scanClass] == CLASS_NOT_SET)
[thargoid_ship setScanClass: CLASS_THARGOID];
[thargoid_ship setPosition:launch_pos];
[thargoid_ship setBounty:100];
[thargoid_ship setStatus:STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
[self addEntity:thargoid_ship];
[[thargoid_ship getAI] setState:@"GLOBAL"];
[thargoid_ship release];
// add the asteroids to route1 (witchspace exit to space-station / planet) clustered together in a preset location.
// set the system seed for random number generation
int total_rocks = 0;
if (total_clicks < 3) total_clicks = 3;
for (i = 0; i < rock_clusters / 2 - 1; i++)
int cluster_size = 1 + (ranrot_rand() % 6) + (ranrot_rand() % 6);
r = 2 + (gen_rnd_number() % (total_clicks - 2)); // find an empty slot
double asteroid_location = d_route1 * r / total_clicks;
Vector launch_pos = make_vector( h1_pos.x + asteroid_location * v_route1.x, h1_pos.y + asteroid_location * v_route1.y, h1_pos.z + asteroid_location * v_route1.z);
total_rocks += [self scatterAsteroidsAt: launch_pos
withVelocity: make_vector( 0, 0, 0)
includingRockHermit: (((ranrot_rand() & 31) <= cluster_size)&&(r < total_clicks * 2 / 3)&&(!sun_gone_nova))];
// Now do route2 planet -> sun
Vector v_route2 = s1_pos;
v_route2.x -= p1_pos.x; v_route2.y -= p1_pos.y; v_route2.z -= p1_pos.z;
double d_route2 = sqrt(magnitude2(v_route2));
v_route2 = unit_vector(&v_route2);
// add the traders to route2
for (i = 0; (i < skim_trading_parties)&&(!sun_gone_nova); i++)
ShipEntity* trader_ship;
Vector launch_pos = p1_pos;
double start = 4.0 * [[self planet] getRadius];
double end = 3.0 * [[self sun] getRadius];
double max_length = d_route2 - (start + end);
double ship_location = randf() * max_length + start;
// NSLog(@"Planet: %@ \tSun: %@", [self planet], [self sun]);
// NSLog(@"Planet collision radius: %.0fm \tSun collision radius: %.0fm \tRoute2 length: %.0fm", [[self planet] getRadius], [[self sun] getRadius], d_route2);
// NSLog(@"start: %.0fm \tend: %.0fm", start, end);
// NSLog(@"max length: %.0fm \tLocation is: %.0fm", max_length, ship_location);
launch_pos.x += ship_location * v_route2.x + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
launch_pos.y += ship_location * v_route2.y + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
launch_pos.z += ship_location * v_route2.z + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
trader_ship = [self getShipWithRole:@"sunskim-trader"]; // retain count = 1
[trader_ship setRoles:@"trader"]; // set this to allow escorts to pair with the ship
if ([trader_ship scanClass] == CLASS_NOT_SET)
[trader_ship setScanClass: CLASS_NEUTRAL];
[trader_ship setPosition:launch_pos];
[trader_ship setBounty:0];
[trader_ship setCargoFlag:CARGO_FLAG_FULL_PLENTIFUL];
[trader_ship setStatus:STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
if (([trader_ship n_escorts] > 0)&&((ranrot_rand() % 7) < government)) // remove escorts if we feel safe
int nx = [trader_ship n_escorts] - 2 * (1 + ranrot_rand() & 3); // remove 2,4,6, or 8 escorts
[trader_ship setN_escorts:(nx > 0) ? nx : 0];
[self addEntity:trader_ship];
[[trader_ship getAI] setStateMachine:@"route2sunskimAI.plist"]; // must happen after adding to the universe!
// [trader_ship setReportAImessages: (i == 0) ? YES:NO ]; // debug
[trader_ship release];
// add the raiders to route2
for (i = 0; (i < skim_raiding_parties)&&(!sun_gone_nova); i++)
ShipEntity* pirate_ship;
Vector launch_pos = p1_pos;
if ((i > 0)&&((ranrot_rand() & 7) > wolfPackCounter))
// use last position
launch_pos = lastPiratePosition;
launch_pos.x += SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5)*0.1; // pack them closer together
launch_pos.y += SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5)*0.1;
launch_pos.z += SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5)*0.1;
// random position along route2
double start = 4.0 * [[self planet] getRadius];
double end = 3.0 * [[self sun] getRadius];
double max_length = d_route2 - (start + end);
double ship_location = randf() * max_length + start;
launch_pos.x += ship_location * v_route2.x + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
launch_pos.y += ship_location * v_route2.y + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
launch_pos.z += ship_location * v_route2.z + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
lastPiratePosition = launch_pos;
wolfPackCounter = 0;
pirate_ship = [self getShipWithRole:@"pirate"]; // retain count = 1
if ([pirate_ship scanClass] == CLASS_NOT_SET)
[pirate_ship setScanClass: CLASS_NEUTRAL];
[pirate_ship setPosition:launch_pos];
[pirate_ship setStatus:STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
[pirate_ship setBounty:20 + government + wolfPackCounter + (ranrot_rand() % 5)];
// [pirate_ship setReportAImessages: (i == 0) ? YES:NO ]; // debug
[self addEntity:pirate_ship];
if (wolfPackCounter == 0) // first ship
wolfPackGroup_id = [pirate_ship universal_id];
[pirate_ship setGroup_id:wolfPackGroup_id];
[[pirate_ship getAI] setStateMachine:@"pirateAI.plist"]; // must happen after adding to the universe!
[pirate_ship release];
// add the hunters and police ships to route2
for (i = 0; (i < skim_hunting_parties)&&(!sun_gone_nova); i++)
ShipEntity* hunter_ship;
Vector launch_pos = p1_pos;
double start = 4.0 * [[self planet] getRadius];
double end = 3.0 * [[self sun] getRadius];
double max_length = d_route2 - (start + end);
double ship_location = randf() * max_length + start;
launch_pos.x += ship_location * v_route2.x + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
launch_pos.y += ship_location * v_route2.y + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
launch_pos.z += ship_location * v_route2.z + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
escorts_added = 0;
if ((ranrot_rand() & 7) < government)
if ((ranrot_rand() & 7) + 6 <= techlevel)
hunter_ship = [self getShipWithRole:@"interceptor"]; // retain count = 1
hunter_ship = [self getShipWithRole:@"police"]; // retain count = 1
[hunter_ship setRoles:@"police"];
if ([hunter_ship scanClass] == CLASS_NOT_SET)
[hunter_ship setScanClass: CLASS_POLICE];
while (((ranrot_rand() & 7) < government - 2)&&([hunter_ship n_escorts] < 6))
[hunter_ship setN_escorts:[hunter_ship n_escorts] + 2];
escorts_added = [hunter_ship n_escorts];
hunter_ship = [self getShipWithRole:@"hunter"]; // retain count = 1
if ([hunter_ship scanClass] == CLASS_NOT_SET)
[hunter_ship setScanClass: CLASS_NEUTRAL];
[hunter_ship setPosition:launch_pos];
[hunter_ship setStatus:STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
[hunter_ship setBounty:0];
// [hunter_ship setReportAImessages: (i == 0) ? YES:NO ]; // debug
[self addEntity:hunter_ship];
[[hunter_ship getAI] setStateMachine:@"route2patrolAI.plist"]; // must happen after adding to the universe!
if (randf() > 0.50) // 50% chance
[[hunter_ship getAI] setState:@"HEAD_FOR_PLANET"];
[[hunter_ship getAI] setState:@"HEAD_FOR_SUN"];
[hunter_ship release];
// add the asteroids to route2 clustered together in a preset location.
seed_RNG_only_for_planet_description(system_seed); // set the system seed for random number generation
if (total_clicks < 3) total_clicks = 3;
for (i = 0; i < rock_clusters / 2 + 1; i++)
double start = 6.0 * [[self planet] getRadius];
double end = 4.5 * [[self sun] getRadius];
double max_length = d_route2 - (start + end);
double asteroid_location = randf() * max_length + start;
int cluster_size = 1 + (ranrot_rand() % 6) + (ranrot_rand() % 6);
Vector launch_pos = make_vector( p1_pos.x + asteroid_location * v_route2.x, p1_pos.y + asteroid_location * v_route2.y, p1_pos.z + asteroid_location * v_route2.z);
total_rocks += [self scatterAsteroidsAt: launch_pos
withVelocity: make_vector( 0, 0, 0)
includingRockHermit: (((ranrot_rand() & 31) <= cluster_size)&&(asteroid_location > 0.33 * max_length)&&(!sun_gone_nova))];
- (int) scatterAsteroidsAt:(Vector) spawnPos withVelocity:(Vector) spawnVel includingRockHermit:(BOOL) spawnHermit
int rocks = 0;
Vector launch_pos;
int i;
int cluster_size = 1 + (ranrot_rand() % 6) + (ranrot_rand() % 6);
for (i = 0; i < cluster_size; i++)
ShipEntity* asteroid;
launch_pos.x = spawnPos.x + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*(gen_rnd_number()/256.0 - 0.5);
launch_pos.y = spawnPos.y + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*(gen_rnd_number()/256.0 - 0.5);
launch_pos.z = spawnPos.z + SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*(gen_rnd_number()/256.0 - 0.5);
asteroid = [self getShipWithRole:@"asteroid"]; // retain count = 1
if ([asteroid scanClass] == CLASS_NOT_SET) [asteroid setScanClass: CLASS_ROCK];
[asteroid setPosition:launch_pos];
[asteroid setVelocity:spawnVel];
[asteroid setStatus:STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
[self addEntity:asteroid];
[[asteroid getAI] setState:@"GLOBAL"];
[asteroid release];
// rock-hermit : chance is related to the number of asteroids
// hermits are placed near to other asteroids for obvious reasons
// hermits should not be placed too near the planet-end of route2,
// or ships will dock there rather than at the main station !
if (spawnHermit)
//NSLog(@"DEBUG ... adding rock-hermit");
StationEntity* hermit;
launch_pos.x = spawnPos.x + 0.5 * SCANNER_MAX_RANGE * ((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
launch_pos.y = spawnPos.y + 0.5 * SCANNER_MAX_RANGE * ((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
launch_pos.z = spawnPos.z + 0.5 * SCANNER_MAX_RANGE * ((ranrot_rand() & 255)/256.0 - 0.5);
hermit = (StationEntity *)[self getShipWithRole:@"rockhermit"]; // retain count = 1
if ([hermit scanClass] == CLASS_NOT_SET) [hermit setScanClass: CLASS_ROCK];
[hermit setPosition:launch_pos];
[hermit setVelocity:spawnVel];
[hermit setStatus:STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
[self addEntity:hermit];
[[hermit getAI] setState:@"GLOBAL"];
[hermit release];
return rocks;
- (void) addShipWithRole:(NSString *) desc nearRouteOneAt:(double) route_fraction
// adds a ship within scanner range of a point on route 1
Vector h1_pos = [self getWitchspaceExitPosition];
Vector launch_pos = [[self station] getPosition];
launch_pos.x -= h1_pos.x; launch_pos.y -= h1_pos.y; launch_pos.z -= h1_pos.z;
launch_pos.x *= route_fraction; launch_pos.y *= route_fraction; launch_pos.z *= route_fraction;
launch_pos.x += h1_pos.x; launch_pos.y += h1_pos.y; launch_pos.z += h1_pos.z;
launch_pos.x += SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*(randf() - randf());
launch_pos.y += SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*(randf() - randf());
launch_pos.z += SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*(randf() - randf());
ShipEntity *ship;
ship = [self getShipWithRole:desc]; // retain count = 1
[ship setPosition:launch_pos];
[self addEntity:ship];
[[ship getAI] setState:@"GLOBAL"]; // must happen after adding to the universe!
[ship setStatus:STATUS_IN_FLIGHT]; // or ships that were 'demo' ships become invisible!
// NSLog(@"DEBUG added %@ %@ %d to universe at (%.0f,%.0f,%.0f)", ship, [ship name], [ship universal_id],
// [ship getPosition].x, [ship getPosition].y, [ship getPosition].z);
[ship release];
- (BOOL) addShipWithRole:(NSString *) desc nearPosition:(Vector) pos withCoordinateSystem:(NSString *) system
/* adds a ship within scanner range of a selected point
the point is described using a system selected by a string
consisting of a three letter code.
The first letter indicates the feature that is the origin of the coordinate system.
w => witchpoint
s => sun
p => planet
The next letter indicates the feature on the 'z' axis of the coordinate system.
w => witchpoint
s => sun
p => planet
Then the 'y' axis of the system is normal to the plane formed by the planet, sun and witchpoint.
And the 'x' axis of the system is normal to the y and z axes.
ps: z axis = (planet -> sun) y axis = normal to (planet - sun - witchpoint) x axis = normal to y and z axes
pw: z axis = (planet -> witchpoint) y axis = normal to (planet - witchpoint - sun) x axis = normal to y and z axes
sp: z axis = (sun -> planet) y axis = normal to (sun - planet - witchpoint) x axis = normal to y and z axes
sw: z axis = (sun -> witchpoint) y axis = normal to (sun - witchpoint - planet) x axis = normal to y and z axes
wp: z axis = (witchpoint -> planet) y axis = normal to (witchpoint - planet - sun) x axis = normal to y and z axes
ws: z axis = (witchpoint -> sun) y axis = normal to (witchpoint - sun - planet) x axis = normal to y and z axes
The third letter denotes the units used:
m: meters
p: planetary radii
s: solar radii
u: distance between first two features indicated (eg. spu means that u = distance from sun to the planet)
NSString* l_sys = [system lowercaseString];
if ([l_sys length] != 3)
return NO;
Vector w_pos = [self getWitchspaceExitPosition];
Vector p_pos = [[self planet] getPosition];
Vector s_pos = [[self sun] getPosition];
const char* c_sys = [l_sys lossyCString];
Vector p0 = make_vector(1,0,0);
Vector p1 = make_vector(0,1,0);
Vector p2 = make_vector(0,0,1);
// NSLog(@"DEBUG addShipAt (system %s)", c_sys);
switch (c_sys[0])
case 'w':
p0 = w_pos;
switch (c_sys[1])
case 'p':
p1 = p_pos; p2 = s_pos; break;
case 's':
p1 = s_pos; p2 = p_pos; break;
return NO;
case 'p':
p0 = p_pos;
switch (c_sys[1])
case 'w':
p1 = w_pos; p2 = s_pos; break;
case 's':
p1 = s_pos; p2 = w_pos; break;
return NO;
case 's':
p0 = s_pos;
switch (c_sys[1])
case 'w':
p1 = w_pos; p2 = p_pos; break;
case 'p':
p1 = p_pos; p2 = w_pos; break;
return NO;
return NO;
Vector k = make_vector(p1.x - p0.x, p1.y - p0.y, p1.z - p0.z);
k = unit_vector(&k); // 'forward'
Vector v = make_vector(p2.x - p0.x, p2.y - p0.y, p2.z - p0.z);
v = unit_vector (&v); // temporary vector in plane of 'forward' and 'right'
Vector j = cross_product( k, v); // 'up'
Vector i = cross_product( j, k); // 'right'
GLfloat scalar = 1.0;
switch (c_sys[2])
case 'p':
scalar = [[self planet] collisionRadius]; break;
case 's':
scalar = [[self planet] collisionRadius]; break;
case 'u':
scalar = sqrt(magnitude2(make_vector(p1.x - p0.x, p1.y - p0.y, p1.z - p0.z))); break;
case 'm':
scalar = 1.0; break;
return NO;
// NSLog(@"DEBUG POSITION i (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)", i.x, i.y, i.z);
// NSLog(@"DEBUG POSITION j (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)", j.x, j.y, j.z);
// NSLog(@"DEBUG POSITION k (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)", k.x, k.y, k.z);
// initial position
Vector launch_pos = p0; // origin
launch_pos.x += scalar * (pos.x * i.x + pos.y * j.x + pos.z * k.x);
launch_pos.y += scalar * (pos.x * i.y + pos.y * j.y + pos.z * k.y);
launch_pos.z += scalar * (pos.x * i.z + pos.y * j.z + pos.z * k.z);
// randomise
GLfloat rfactor = scalar;
if (rfactor > SCANNER_MAX_RANGE)
if (rfactor < 1000)
rfactor = 1000;
launch_pos.x += rfactor*(randf() - randf());
launch_pos.y += rfactor*(randf() - randf());
launch_pos.z += rfactor*(randf() - randf());
// NSLog(@"DEBUG POSITION SET (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f)", launch_pos.x, launch_pos.y, launch_pos.z);
ShipEntity *ship;
ship = [self getShipWithRole:desc]; // retain count = 1
if (ship == nil)
return NO;
[ship setPosition:launch_pos];
[self addEntity:ship];
[[ship getAI] setState:@"GLOBAL"]; // must happen after adding to the universe!
[ship setStatus:STATUS_IN_FLIGHT]; // or ships that were 'demo' ships become invisible!
[ship release];
return YES; // success at last!
- (void) witchspaceShipWithRole:(NSString *) desc
// adds a ship exiting witchspace (corollary of when ships leave the system)
ShipEntity *ship;
ship = [self getShipWithRole:desc]; // retain count = 1
if ([ship scanClass] == CLASS_NO_DRAW)
[ship setScanClass: CLASS_NEUTRAL];
if ([desc isEqual:@"trader"])
[ship setCargoFlag: CARGO_FLAG_FULL_SCARCE];
if (randf() > 0.10)
[[ship getAI] setStateMachine:@"route1traderAI.plist"];
[[ship getAI] setStateMachine:@"route2sunskimAI.plist"]; // route3 really, but the AI's the same
[ship setUniverse:self];
[ship leaveWitchspace]; // gets added to the universe here!
[[ship getAI] setState:@"GLOBAL"]; // must happen after adding to the universe!
// [ship setReportAImessages:YES]; // DEBUG
[ship release];
- (void) spawnShipWithRole:(NSString *) desc near:(Entity *) entity
// adds a ship within the collision radius of the other entity
ShipEntity *ship;
Vector spawn_pos = [entity getPosition];
Quaternion spawn_q; quaternion_set_random(&spawn_q);
Vector vf = vector_forward_from_quaternion(spawn_q);
GLfloat offset = (randf() + randf()) * [entity collisionRadius];
spawn_pos.x += offset * vf.x; spawn_pos.y += offset * vf.y; spawn_pos.z += offset * vf.z;
ship = [self getShipWithRole:desc]; // retain count = 1
if ([ship scanClass] <= CLASS_NO_DRAW)
[ship setScanClass: CLASS_NEUTRAL];
[ship setPosition:spawn_pos];
[ship setQRotation:spawn_q];
[self addEntity:ship];
[[ship getAI] setState:@"GLOBAL"]; // must happen after adding to the universe!
[ship setStatus:STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
NSLog(@"DEBUG Spawned: %@ %@ %d at (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f) origin (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f) scanClass %d",
ship, [ship name], [ship universal_id],
spawn_pos.x, spawn_pos.y, spawn_pos.z, [entity getPosition].x, [entity getPosition].y, [entity getPosition].z,
[ship scanClass]);
[ship release];
- (void) set_up_break_pattern:(Vector) pos quaternion:(Quaternion) q
int i;
RingEntity* ring;
[self setViewDirection:VIEW_FORWARD];
q.w = -q.w; // reverse the quaternion because this is from the player's viewpoint
Vector v = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q);
for (i = 1; i < 11; i++)
ring = (RingEntity *)[self recycledOrNew:@"RingEntity"]; // alloc retains!
[ring setPosition:pos.x+v.x*i*50.0:pos.y+v.y*i*50.0:pos.z+v.z*i*50.0]; // ahead of the player
[ring setQRotation:q];
[ring setVelocity:v];
[ring setLifetime:i*50.0];
[ring setScanClass: CLASS_NO_DRAW];
[self addEntity:ring]; // [entities addObject:ring];
[ring release];
- (void) game_over
PlayerEntity* player = (PlayerEntity *)[[self entityZero] retain];
int i;
[self removeAllEntitiesExceptPlayer:NO]; // don't want to restore afterwards
[player set_up]; //reset the player
[player setUpShipFromDictionary:[self getDictionaryForShip:[player ship_desc]]];
[[(MyOpenGLView *)gameView gameController] loadPlayerIfRequired];
galaxy_seed = [player galaxy_seed];
system_seed = [self findSystemAtCoords:[player galaxy_coordinates] withGalaxySeed:galaxy_seed];
// systems
Random_Seed g_seed = galaxy_seed;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
systems[i] = g_seed;
if (system_names[i]) [system_names[i] release];
system_names[i] = [[self getSystemName:g_seed] retain];
if (![self station])
[self set_up_space];
if (![[self station] localMarket])
[[self station] initialiseLocalMarketWithSeed:system_seed andRandomFactor:[player random_factor]];
[player setStatus:STATUS_DOCKED];
[player setGuiToStatusScreen];
[self setViewDirection:VIEW_DOCKED];
displayGUI = YES;
[player release];
- (void) set_up_intro1
ShipEntity *ship;
Quaternion q2;
q2.x = 0.0; q2.y = 0.0; q2.z = 0.0; q2.w = 1.0;
// in status demo : draw ships and display text
[[self entityZero] setStatus:STATUS_DEMO];
displayGUI = YES;
/*- cobra -*/
ship = [self getShip:PLAYER_SHIP_DESC]; // retain count = 1 // shows the cobra-player ship
[ship setStatus:STATUS_DEMO];
[ship setQRotation:q2];
[ship setPosition:0.0:0.0: 3.6 * [ship collisionRadius]]; // 250m ahead
//NSLog(@"demo ship %@ has collision radius %.1f 250.0/cr = %.1f", [ship name], [ship collisionRadius], 250.0/[ship collisionRadius]);
[ship setScanClass: CLASS_NO_DRAW];
[ship setRoll:PI/5.0];
[ship setPitch:PI/10.0];
[[ship getAI] setStateMachine:@"nullAI.plist"];
[self addEntity:ship];
demo_ship = ship;
[ship release];
[self setViewDirection:VIEW_DOCKED];
displayGUI = YES;
- (void) set_up_intro2
ShipEntity *ship;
Quaternion q2;
q2.x = 0.0; q2.y = 0.0; q2.z = 0.0; q2.w = 1.0;
// in status demo draw ships and display text
[self removeDemoShips];
[[self entityZero] setStatus:STATUS_DEMO];
displayGUI = YES;
/*- demo ships -*/
demo_ship_index = 0;
ship = [self getShip:[demo_ships objectAtIndex:0]]; // retain count = 1
[ship setStatus:STATUS_DEMO];
[ship setQRotation:q2];
[ship setPosition:0.0:0.0: 3.6 * [ship collisionRadius]];
//NSLog(@"demo ship %@ has collision radius %.1f 250.0/cr = %.1f", [ship name], [ship collisionRadius], 250.0/[ship collisionRadius]);
[ship setScanClass: CLASS_NO_DRAW];
[ship setRoll:PI/5.0];
[ship setPitch:PI/10.0];
[[ship getAI] setStateMachine:@"nullAI.plist"];
[self addEntity:ship];
demo_ship = ship;
[gui setText:[ship name] forRow:19 align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[gui setColor:[NSColor whiteColor] forRow:19];
[self guiUpdated];
[ship release];
[self setViewDirection:VIEW_DOCKED];
displayGUI = YES;
demo_stage = DEMO_SHOW_THING;
demo_stage_time = universal_time + 3.0;
- (StationEntity *) station
if (cachedStation)
return cachedStation;
if (![self entityForUniversalID:station])
int i;
station = NO_TARGET;
cachedStation = nil;
NSArray* entList = [NSArray arrayWithArray:entities];
for (i = 0; ((i < [entList count])&&(station == NO_TARGET)) ; i++)
Entity* thing = (Entity *)[entList objectAtIndex:i];
if (([thing scanClass] == CLASS_STATION)&&([thing isKindOfClass:[StationEntity class]]))
cachedStation = (StationEntity *)thing;
station = [thing universal_id];
return cachedStation;
- (PlanetEntity *) planet
if (cachedPlanet)
return cachedPlanet;
if (![self entityForUniversalID:planet])
int i;
planet = NO_TARGET;
cachedPlanet = nil;
NSArray* entList = [NSArray arrayWithArray:entities];
for (i = 0; ((i < [entList count])&&(planet == NO_TARGET)) ; i++)
Entity* thing = (Entity *)[entList objectAtIndex:i];
if ([thing isKindOfClass:[PlanetEntity class]])
cachedPlanet = (PlanetEntity *)thing;
if ([cachedPlanet getPlanetType] == PLANET_TYPE_GREEN)
planet = [cachedPlanet universal_id];
return cachedPlanet;
- (PlanetEntity *) sun
if (cachedSun)
return cachedSun;
if (![self entityForUniversalID:sun])
int i;
sun = NO_TARGET;
cachedSun = nil;
NSArray* entList = [NSArray arrayWithArray:entities];
for (i = 0; ((i < [entList count])&&(sun == NO_TARGET)) ; i++)
Entity* thing = (Entity *)[entList objectAtIndex:i];
if ([thing isKindOfClass:[PlanetEntity class]])
if ([(PlanetEntity *)thing getPlanetType] == PLANET_TYPE_SUN)
cachedSun = (PlanetEntity*)thing;
sun = [thing universal_id];
return cachedSun;
- (void) resetBeacons
ShipEntity* beaconShip = [self firstBeacon];
while (beaconShip)
firstBeacon = [beaconShip nextBeaconID];
[beaconShip setNextBeacon:nil];
beaconShip = (ShipEntity *)[self entityForUniversalID:firstBeacon];
firstBeacon = NO_TARGET;
lastBeacon = NO_TARGET;
- (ShipEntity *) firstBeacon
return (ShipEntity *)[self entityForUniversalID:firstBeacon];
- (ShipEntity *) lastBeacon
return (ShipEntity *)[self entityForUniversalID:lastBeacon];
- (void) setNextBeacon:(ShipEntity *) beaconShip
if ([beaconShip isBeacon])
[beaconShip setNextBeacon:nil];
if ([self lastBeacon])
[[self lastBeacon] setNextBeacon:beaconShip];
lastBeacon = [beaconShip universal_id];
if (![self firstBeacon])
firstBeacon = lastBeacon;
NSLog(@"DEBUG Universe Beacon Sequence:");
int bid = firstBeacon;
while (bid != NO_TARGET)
ShipEntity* beacon = (ShipEntity*)[self entityForUniversalID:bid];
NSLog(@"DEBUG >>>>> Beacon: %@", beacon);
bid = [beacon nextBeaconID];
NSLog(@"DEBUG ERROR! Universe setNextBeacon:%@ where the ship has no beaconChar set", beaconShip);
- (GLfloat *) sky_clear_color
return sky_clear_color;
- (void) setSky_clear_color:(GLfloat) red :(GLfloat) green :(GLfloat) blue :(GLfloat) alpha
sky_clear_color[0] = red;
sky_clear_color[1] = green;
sky_clear_color[2] = blue;
sky_clear_color[3] = alpha;
- (BOOL) breakPatternOver
return (breakPatternCounter == 0);
- (BOOL) breakPatternHide
return ((breakPatternCounter > 5)||([[self entityZero] getStatus] == STATUS_DOCKING));
- (id) recycleOrDiscard:(Entity *) entity
NSMutableArray *entlist;
NSString *classname = nil;
// we're only interested in three types of entity currently
if ([entity isKindOfClass:[RingEntity class]])
classname = @"RingEntity";
if ([entity isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
classname = @"ShipEntity";
if ([entity isKindOfClass:[StationEntity class]])
classname = @"StationEntity";
// NSLog(@"Considering a used %@ with retainCount:%d for recycling",classname,[entity retainCount]);
if (classname)
if ([entity getStatus] == STATUS_IN_HOLD)
return entity; // don't recycle scooped objects
[recycleLock lock];
if (![entityRecyclePool objectForKey:classname])
[entityRecyclePool setObject:[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:100] forKey:classname]; // add a new array
entlist = (NSMutableArray *)[entityRecyclePool objectForKey:classname];
[entity setScanClass: CLASS_NO_DRAW]; // housekeeping, keeps glitches from appearing on scanner
if ([entity isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
ShipEntity* ship = (ShipEntity*)entity;
[[ship getAI] setOwner:nil]; // save ai misreporting
if ([entlist count] < 100) // keep only up to 100 of each thing
[entlist addObject:entity]; // add the entity to the array
[recycleLock unlock];
return entity; // pass through
- (Entity *) recycledOrNew:(NSString *) classname
Entity *entity = nil;
NSMutableArray *entlist;
if (classname)
if ([entityRecyclePool objectForKey:classname])
[recycleLock lock];
entlist = (NSMutableArray *)[entityRecyclePool objectForKey:classname];
if ([entlist count] > 0)
// NSLog(@"Recycling a used %@ from %@",classname,[entlist description]);
entity = [[entlist objectAtIndex:0] retain];
[entlist removeObjectAtIndex:0];
// NSLog(@"Recycling a used %@",classname);
[recycleLock unlock];
if (!entity)
Class required_class = [[NSBundle mainBundle] classNamed:classname];
entity = [[required_class alloc] init];
[entity setUniverse:self]; // ensures access to preloaded data
// NSLog(@"Generating a new %@",classname);
return entity;
- (NSMutableDictionary *) preloadedDataFiles
return preloadedDataFiles;
- (ShipEntity *) getShipWithRole:(NSString *) desc
int i, j, found;
ShipEntity *ship;
NSMutableArray *foundShips = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:16];
NSArray *shipKeys = [shipdata allKeys];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG [Universe getShipWithRole:] looking for %@ ...", desc);
for (i = 0; i < [shipKeys count]; i++)
NSDictionary* shipDict = (NSDictionary *)[shipdata objectForKey:[shipKeys objectAtIndex:i]];
NSArray* shipRoles = [(NSString *)[shipDict objectForKey:@"roles"] componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
// NSLog(@"... checking if %@ contains a %@", [shipRoles description], desc);
for (j = 0; j < [shipRoles count]; j++)
if ([[(NSString*)[shipRoles objectAtIndex:j] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]] isEqual:desc])
[foundShips addObject:[shipKeys objectAtIndex:i]];
// NSLog(@"... candidates are: %@", [foundShips description]);
found = [foundShips count];
if (found == 0)
return nil;
i = ranrot_rand() % found;
ship = [self getShip:(NSString *)[foundShips objectAtIndex:i]];
// NSLog(@"... we chose %@",(NSString *)[foundShips objectAtIndex:i]);
[ship setRoles:desc]; // set its roles to this one particular chosen role
return ship;
- (ShipEntity *) getShip:(NSString *) desc
NSDictionary *shipDict;
ShipEntity *ship;
shipDict = [self getDictionaryForShip:desc];
NSString *shipRoles = (NSString *)[shipDict objectForKey:@"roles"];
BOOL isStation = ([shipRoles rangeOfString:@"station"].location != NSNotFound)||([shipRoles rangeOfString:@"carrier"].location != NSNotFound);
if (!shipDict)
return nil;
if (isStation)
ship = (StationEntity *)[self recycledOrNew:@"StationEntity"];
ship = (ShipEntity *)[self recycledOrNew:@"ShipEntity"];
[ship setUniverse:self];
[ship setUpShipFromDictionary:shipDict];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG getShip:%@ returns %@", desc, ship);
return ship; // retain count = 1
- (NSDictionary *) getDictionaryForShip:(NSString *) desc
if (![shipdata objectForKey:desc])
NSLog(@"***** Universe couldn't find a dictionary for a ship with description '%@'",desc);
// throw an exception here...
NSException* myException = [NSException
reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"No ship called '%@' could be found in the Oolite folder.", desc]
[myException raise];
return nil;
return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)[shipdata objectForKey:desc]]; // is autoreleased
- (int) maxCargoForShip:(NSString *) desc
int result = 0;
if ([self getDictionaryForShip:desc])
NSDictionary* dict = [self getDictionaryForShip:desc];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"max_cargo"])
result = [(NSNumber *)[dict objectForKey:@"max_cargo"] intValue];
return result;
- (int) getPriceForWeaponSystemWithKey:(NSString *)weapon_key
int i;
int price = 0;
for (i = 0; ((i < [equipmentdata count])&&(price == 0)) ; i++)
int price_per_unit = [(NSNumber *)[(NSArray *)[equipmentdata objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:1] intValue];
NSString* eq_type = (NSString *)[(NSArray *)[equipmentdata objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:3];
if ([eq_type isEqual:weapon_key])
price = price_per_unit;
return price;
- (int) legal_status_of_manifest:(NSArray *)manifest
int i;
int penalty = 0;
for (i = 0 ; i < [manifest count] ; i++)
NSString *commodity = (NSString *)[(NSArray *)[manifest objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:MARKET_NAME];
int amount = [(NSNumber *)[(NSArray *)[manifest objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY] intValue];
if ((amount > 0)&&([illegal_goods objectForKey:commodity]))
penalty += amount * [(NSNumber *)[illegal_goods objectForKey:commodity] intValue];
return penalty;
- (NSArray *) getContainersOfPlentifulGoods:(int) how_many
// build list of goods allocating 0..100 for each based on how
// much of each quantity there is. Use a ratio of n x 100/64
NSMutableArray *accumulator = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:how_many];
int quantities[[commoditydata count]];
int total_quantity = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [commoditydata count]; i++)
int q = [(NSNumber *)[(NSArray *)[commoditydata objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY] intValue];
if (q < 0) q = 0;
if (q > 64) q = 64;
q *= 100; q/= 64;
quantities[i] = q;
total_quantity += q;
// quantities is now used to determine which good get into the containers
for (i = 0; i < how_many; i++)
ShipEntity* container = [self getShipWithRole:@"cargopod"];
int co_type, co_amount, qr;
// select a random point in the histogram
// TODO: find out why total_quantity is sometimes zero.
// oolite-linux: prevent the SIGFPE if total_quantity is zero
qr = ranrot_rand() % total_quantity;
qr = 0;
co_type = 0;
while (qr > 0)
qr -= quantities[co_type++];
co_amount = [self getRandomAmountOfCommodity:co_type];
//NSLog(@"... loading with plentiful %@",[self describeCommodity:co_type amount:co_amount]);
// into the barrel it goes...
[container setUniverse:self];
[container setScanClass: CLASS_CARGO];
[container setCommodity:co_type andAmount:co_amount];
[accumulator addObject:container];
[container release];
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:accumulator];
- (NSArray *) getContainersOfScarceGoods:(int) how_many
// build list of goods allocating 0..100 for each based on how
// much of each quantity there is. Use a ratio of (64 - n) x 100/64
NSMutableArray *accumulator = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:how_many];
int quantities[[commoditydata count]];
int total_quantity = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [commoditydata count]; i++)
int q = 64 - [(NSNumber *)[(NSArray *)[commoditydata objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY] intValue];
if (q < 0) q = 0;
if (q > 64) q = 64;
q *= 100; q/= 64;
quantities[i] = q;
total_quantity += q;
// quantities is now used to determine which good get into the containers
for (i = 0; i < how_many; i++)
ShipEntity* container = [self getShipWithRole:@"cargopod"];
int co_type, co_amount, qr;
// select a random point in the histogram
qr = ranrot_rand() % total_quantity;
co_type = 0;
while (qr > 0)
qr -= quantities[co_type++];
co_amount = [self getRandomAmountOfCommodity:co_type];
//NSLog(@"... loading with scarce %@",[self describeCommodity:co_type amount:co_amount]);
[container setUniverse:self];
[container setScanClass: CLASS_CARGO];
[container setCommodity:co_type andAmount:co_amount];
[accumulator addObject:container];
[container release];
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:accumulator];
- (NSArray *) getContainersOfDrugs:(int) how_many
return [self getContainersOfCommodity:@"Narcotics" :how_many];
- (NSArray *) getContainersOfCommodity:(NSString*) commodity_name :(int) how_many
NSMutableArray *accumulator = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:how_many];
int commodity_type = [self commodityForName: commodity_name];
int commodity_units = [self unitsForCommodity:commodity_type];
int how_much = how_many;
while (how_much > 0)
ShipEntity* container = [self getShipWithRole:@"cargopod"];
int amount = 1;
if (commodity_units != 0)
amount += ranrot_rand() & (15 * commodity_units);
if (amount > how_much)
amount = how_much;
// into the barrel it goes...
[container setUniverse:self];
[container setScanClass: CLASS_CARGO];
[container setCommodity:commodity_type andAmount:amount];
[accumulator addObject:container];
[container release];
how_much -= amount;
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:accumulator];
- (int) getRandomCommodity
int cd = ranrot_rand() % [commoditydata count];
return cd;
- (int) getRandomAmountOfCommodity:(int) co_type
int units;
if ((co_type < 0)||(co_type >= [commoditydata count]))
return 0;
units = [[[commoditydata objectAtIndex:co_type] objectAtIndex:MARKET_UNITS] intValue];
switch (units)
case 0 : // TONNES
return 1;
case 1 : // KILOGRAMS
return 1 + (ranrot_rand() % 6) + (ranrot_rand() % 6) + (ranrot_rand() % 6);
case 2 : // GRAMS
return 1 + (ranrot_rand() % 6) + (ranrot_rand() % 6);
return 1;
- (int) commodityForName:(NSString *) co_name
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [commoditydata count]; i++)
if ([co_name isEqual:[[commoditydata objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:MARKET_NAME]])
return i;
return NSNotFound;
- (NSString *) nameForCommodity:(int) co_type
if ((co_type < 0)||(co_type >= [commoditydata count]))
return @"";
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",[[commoditydata objectAtIndex:co_type] objectAtIndex:MARKET_NAME]];
- (int) unitsForCommodity:(int) co_type
if ((co_type < 0)||(co_type >= [commoditydata count]))
return NSNotFound;
return [[[commoditydata objectAtIndex:co_type] objectAtIndex:MARKET_UNITS] intValue];
- (NSString *) describeCommodity:(int) co_type amount:(int) co_amount
int units;
NSString *desc2, *desc3;
if ((co_type < 0)||(co_type >= [commoditydata count])||(co_amount == 0))
return @"";
units = [[[commoditydata objectAtIndex:co_type] objectAtIndex:MARKET_UNITS] intValue];
switch (units)
desc2 = @"kilogram";
desc2 = @"gram";
default :
desc2 = @"ton";
if (co_amount > 1)
desc2 = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@s",desc2];
desc3 = [[commoditydata objectAtIndex:co_type] objectAtIndex:MARKET_NAME];
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d %@ %@",co_amount,desc2,desc3];
- (void) setGameView:(NSView *)view
if (gameView) [gameView release];
gameView = view;
[gameView retain];
- (NSView *) gameView
return gameView;
- (GameController *) gameController
return [(MyOpenGLView *)gameView gameController];
- (TextureStore *) textureStore
return textureStore;
- (void) drawFromEntity:(int) n
// if ([universe_lock tryLock])
if (!no_update)
int i, v_status;
Vector position, obj_position, view_dir;
Matrix rotMatrix;
BOOL playerDemo = NO;
// use a non-mutable copy so this can't be changed under us.
NSArray *entityList = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:entities]; // alloc retains
Entity *viewthing = nil;
Entity *drawthing = nil;
position.x = 0.0; position.y = 0.0; position.z = 0.0;
if (n < [entityList count])
viewthing = [entityList objectAtIndex:n];
if (viewthing)
position = [viewthing getViewpointPosition];
gl_matrix_into_matrix([viewthing rotationMatrix], rotMatrix);
v_status = [viewthing getStatus];
playerDemo = [(PlayerEntity*)viewthing showDemoShips];
return; // don't draw if there's not a viewing entity!
// make a drawing order
[entsInDrawOrder setArray:entityList];
// [entsInDrawOrder removeObject:viewthing];
[entsInDrawOrder sortUsingSelector:@selector(compareZeroDistance:)];
[entityList release]; // we're done with this now.
//NSLog(@"Drawing from [%f,%f,%f]", position.x, position.y, position.z);
glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); // face culling
glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); // restore write to depth buffer
if (!displayGUI)
glClearColor( sky_clear_color[0], sky_clear_color[1], sky_clear_color[2], sky_clear_color[3]);
glClearColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
glLoadIdentity(); // reset matrix
gluLookAt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
glScalef( -1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // flip left and right
glPushMatrix(); // save this flat viewpoint
switch (viewDirection)
view_dir.x = 0.0; view_dir.y = 0.0; view_dir.z = -1.0;
case VIEW_AFT :
view_dir.x = 0.0; view_dir.y = 0.0; view_dir.z = 1.0;
case VIEW_PORT :
view_dir.x = 1.0; view_dir.y = 0.0; view_dir.z = 0.0;
view_dir.x = -1.0; view_dir.y = 0.0; view_dir.z = 0.0;
default :
view_dir.x = 0.0; view_dir.y = 0.0; view_dir.z = -1.0;
gluLookAt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, view_dir.x, view_dir.y, view_dir.z, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
if ((!displayGUI) || (playerDemo))
// rotate the view
glMultMatrixf([viewthing rotationMatrix]);
// translate the view
// set lighting
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, sun_center_position);
for (i = 0; i < [entsInDrawOrder count]; i++)
int d_status;
drawthing = (Entity *)[entsInDrawOrder objectAtIndex:i];
d_status = [drawthing getStatus];
if (((d_status == STATUS_DEMO)&&(playerDemo)) || ((d_status != STATUS_DEMO)&&(!playerDemo)))
// experimental - atmospheric fog
BOOL fogging = ((sky_clear_color[3] > 0.01)&&(drawthing != [self sun]));
obj_position = [drawthing getPosition];
//translate the object
//rotate the object
glMultMatrixf([drawthing rotationMatrix]);
// draw the thing
// experimental - atmospheric fog
if (fogging)
double fog_scale = 0.50 * BILLBOARD_DEPTH / sky_clear_color[3];
double half_scale = fog_scale * 0.50;
glFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR, sky_clear_color);
glFogf(GL_FOG_START, half_scale);
glFogf(GL_FOG_END, fog_scale);
[drawthing drawEntity:NO:NO];
// experimental - atmospheric fog
if (fogging)
glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); // don't write to depth buffer
for (i = 0; i < [entsInDrawOrder count]; i++)
int d_status;
drawthing = [entsInDrawOrder objectAtIndex:i];
d_status = [drawthing getStatus];
if (((d_status == STATUS_DEMO)&&(playerDemo)) || ((d_status != STATUS_DEMO)&&(!playerDemo)))
// experimental - atmospheric fog
BOOL fogging = (sky_clear_color[3] > 0.01);
obj_position = [drawthing getPosition];
//translate the object
//rotate the object
glMultMatrixf([drawthing rotationMatrix]);
// draw the thing
// experimental - atmospheric fog
if (fogging)
double fog_scale = 0.50 * BILLBOARD_DEPTH / sky_clear_color[3];
double half_scale = fog_scale * 0.50;
glFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR, sky_clear_color);
glFogf(GL_FOG_START, half_scale);
glFogf(GL_FOG_END, fog_scale);
[drawthing drawEntity:NO:YES];
// experimental - atmospheric fog
if (fogging)
glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); // restore write to depth buffer
glPopMatrix(); //restore saved flat viewpoint
glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); // disable lighting
glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // disable depth test
glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); // face culling
glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); // don't write to depth buffer
GLfloat line_width = [(MyOpenGLView *)gameView viewSize].width / 1024.0; // restore line size
if (line_width < 1.0)
line_width = 1.0;
if ((v_status != STATUS_DEAD)&&(v_status != STATUS_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE))
if (([viewthing isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]])&&([(PlayerEntity *)viewthing hud]))
HeadUpDisplay *the_hud = [(PlayerEntity *)viewthing hud];
[the_hud setLine_width:line_width];
[the_hud drawLegends];
[the_hud drawDials];
if (!displayGUI)
[self drawCrosshairs];
[self drawMessage];
glFlush(); // don't wait around for drawing to complete
NSLog(@"\n\n***** Handling localException: %@ : %@ *****\n\n",[localException name], [localException reason]);
if (![[self gameController] inFullScreenMode])
NSRunAlertPanel(@"Unexpected Error!", @"Error during [universe drawFromEntity:]\n\n'%@'", @"QUIT", nil, nil,localException);
NSLog(@"\n\n***** Quitting Oolite *****\n\n");
[[self gameController] exitApp];
// [universe_lock unlock];
- (void) drawCrosshairs
PlayerEntity* playerShip = (PlayerEntity *)[self entityZero];
int weapon = [playerShip weaponForView:viewDirection];
if (([playerShip getStatus] == STATUS_IN_FLIGHT)||([playerShip getStatus] == STATUS_WITCHSPACE_COUNTDOWN))
GLfloat k1 = CROSSHAIR_SIZE / 2.0;
GLfloat k2 = CROSSHAIR_SIZE / 4.0;
GLfloat k3 = 3.0 * CROSSHAIR_SIZE / 4.0;
GLfloat z1 = [(MyOpenGLView *)gameView display_z];
GLfloat cx_col0[4] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.25};
GLfloat cx_col1[4] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.50};
GLfloat cx_col2[4] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.75};
glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); // alpha blending
switch (weapon)
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(k2, k0, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col1); glVertex3f(0.0, k3, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(k2, -k0, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col1); glVertex3f(0.0, -k3, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(k0, k2, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col1); glVertex3f(k3, 0.0, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(-k0, k2, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col1); glVertex3f(-k3, 0.0, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(-k2, k0, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col1); glVertex3f(0.0, k3, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(-k2, -k0, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col1); glVertex3f(0.0, -k3, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(k0, -k2, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col1); glVertex3f(k3, 0.0, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(-k0, -k2, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col1); glVertex3f(-k3, 0.0, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col1); glVertex3f(0.0, k3, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(0.0, k1, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col1); glVertex3f(0.0, -k3, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(0.0, -k1, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col1); glVertex3f(k3, 0.0, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(k1, 0.0, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col1); glVertex3f(-k3, 0.0, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(-k1, 0.0, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(k1, k0, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(k1, k1, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(k1, -k0, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(k1, -k1, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(k0, k1, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(k1, k1, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(-k0, k1, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(-k1, k1, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(-k1, k0, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(-k1, k1, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(-k1, -k0, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(-k1, -k1, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(k0, -k1, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(k1, -k1, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(-k0, -k1, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(-k1, -k1, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(k2, k0, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(0.0, k1, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(k2, -k0, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(0.0, -k1, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(k0, k2, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(k1, 0.0, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(-k0, k2, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(-k1, 0.0, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(-k2, k0, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(0.0, k1, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(-k2, -k0, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(0.0, -k1, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(k0, -k2, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(k1, 0.0, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(-k0, -k2, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(-k1, 0.0, z1);
default :
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(0.0, k0, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(0.0, k1, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(0.0, -k0, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(0.0, -k1, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(k0, 0.0, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(k1, 0.0, z1);
glColor4fv(cx_col0); glVertex3f(-k0, 0.0, z1); glColor4fv(cx_col2); glVertex3f(-k1, 0.0, z1);
- (void) drawMessage
GLfloat z1 = [(MyOpenGLView *)gameView display_z];
if (message_gui)
[message_gui drawGUI:0.0 :-40.0 :z1 :1.0 forUniverse:self];
if (comm_log_gui)
[comm_log_gui drawGUI:0.0 :180.0 :z1 :[comm_log_gui alpha] forUniverse:self];
if (displayGUI)
[gui drawGUI:0.0 :0.0 :z1 :1.0 forUniverse:self];
if (displayCursor)
double cursor_x = MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_WIDTH * [(MyOpenGLView *)gameView virtualJoystickPosition].x;
if (cursor_x < -MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_WIDTH * 0.5) cursor_x = -MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_WIDTH * 0.5;
if (cursor_x > MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_WIDTH * 0.5) cursor_x = MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_WIDTH * 0.5;
double cursor_y = -MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_HEIGHT * [(MyOpenGLView *)gameView virtualJoystickPosition].y;
if (cursor_y < -MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_HEIGHT * 0.5) cursor_y = -MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_HEIGHT * 0.5;
if (cursor_y > MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_HEIGHT * 0.5) cursor_y = MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_HEIGHT * 0.5;
[cursorSprite blitCentredToX:cursor_x Y:cursor_y Z:z1 Alpha:1.0];
[(MyOpenGLView *)gameView setVirtualJoystick:cursor_x/MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_WIDTH :-cursor_y/MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_HEIGHT];
- (Entity *) entityZero
if (cachedEntityZero)
return cachedEntityZero;
return cachedEntityZero = [entities objectAtIndex:0];
- (Entity *) entityForUniversalID:(int)u_id
if (u_id == NO_TARGET)
return nil;
int ent_status = [entity_for_uid[u_id] getStatus];
if (ent_status == STATUS_DEAD)
return nil;
if (ent_status == STATUS_DOCKED)
return nil;
return entity_for_uid[u_id];
- (BOOL) addEntity:(Entity *) entity
if (entity)
// don't add things twice!
if ([entities containsObject:entity])
return YES;
if (![entity isKindOfClass:[ParticleEntity class]])
while (entity_for_uid[next_universal_id] != nil) // skip allocated numbers
next_universal_id++; // increment keeps idkeys unique
if (next_universal_id >= MAX_ENTITY_UID)
next_universal_id = 0;
while (next_universal_id == NO_TARGET) // these are the null values - avoid them!
[entity setUniversal_id:next_universal_id];
entity_for_uid[next_universal_id] = entity;
if ([entity isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
ShipEntity* se = (ShipEntity *)entity;
[[se getAI] setOwner:(ShipEntity *)entity];
[[se getAI] setState:@"GLOBAL"];
if ([se isBeacon])
[self setNextBeacon:se];
[entity setUniversal_id:NO_TARGET];
[entity setUniverse:self];
[entities addObject:entity];
//NSLog(@"++(%@)\n%@", entity, [entities description]);
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL) removeEntity:(Entity *) entity
if (entity)
// remove from the reference dictionary
int old_id = [entity universal_id];
entity_for_uid[old_id] = nil;
[entity setUniversal_id:NO_TARGET];
[entity setUniverse:nil];
// remove from the definitive list
if ([entities containsObject:entity])
if ([entity isKindOfClass:[RingEntity class]])
if ([entity isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
int bid = firstBeacon;
ShipEntity* se = (ShipEntity*)entity;
if ([se isBeacon])
if (bid == old_id)
firstBeacon = [se nextBeaconID];
ShipEntity* beacon = (ShipEntity*)[self entityForUniversalID:bid];
while ((beacon != nil)&&([beacon nextBeaconID] != old_id))
beacon = (ShipEntity*)[self entityForUniversalID:[beacon nextBeaconID]];
[beacon setNextBeacon:(ShipEntity*)[self entityForUniversalID:[se nextBeaconID]]];
while ([beacon nextBeaconID] != NO_TARGET)
beacon = (ShipEntity*)[self entityForUniversalID:[beacon nextBeaconID]];
lastBeacon = [beacon universal_id];
[se setBeaconChar:0];
[entities removeObject:[self recycleOrDiscard:entity]];
//NSLog(@"--(%@)\n%@", entity, [entities description]);
return YES;
return NO;
- (void) removeAllEntitiesExceptPlayer:(BOOL) restore
if (![[entities objectAtIndex:0] isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]])
NSLog(@"***** First entity is not the player in Universe.removeAllEntitiesExceptPlayer - exiting.");
while ([entities count] > 1)
Entity* ent = [entities objectAtIndex:1];
if (![ent isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]])
if ([ent isKindOfClass:[StationEntity class]]) // clear out queues
[(StationEntity *)ent clear];
[self removeEntity:ent];
cachedSun = nil;
cachedPlanet = nil;
cachedStation = nil;
cachedEntityZero = nil;
firstBeacon = NO_TARGET;
lastBeacon = NO_TARGET;
- (void) removeDemoShips
int i;
NSArray *entlist = [NSArray arrayWithArray:entities];
if ([entlist count] <= 1)
for (i = 1; i < [entlist count]; i++)
Entity* ent = (Entity *)[entlist objectAtIndex:i];
if ([ent getStatus] == STATUS_DEMO)
[self removeEntity:ent];
demo_ship = nil;
- (NSArray *) getAllEntities
NSMutableArray* result = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:entities];
if ([result count] == 0)
return result;
int player_status = [(Entity*)[result objectAtIndex:0] getStatus];
if ((player_status == STATUS_DEAD)||(player_status == STATUS_DOCKED))
[result removeObjectAtIndex:0];
return result;
- (BOOL) isVectorClearFromEntity:(Entity *) e1 toDistance:(double)dist fromPoint:(Vector) p2
NSArray *entlist = [NSArray arrayWithArray:entities]; // autoreleased
Vector f1;
int i;
Vector p1 = [e1 getPosition];
Vector v1 = p2;
v1.x -= p1.x; v1.y -= p1.y; v1.z -= p1.z; // vector from entity to p2
double nearest = sqrt(v1.x*v1.x + v1.y*v1.y + v1.z*v1.z) - dist; // length of vector
if (nearest < 0.0)
return YES; // within range already!
f1 = unit_vector(&v1); // unit vector in direction of p2 from p1
//NSLog(@"f1 = (%.1f,%.1f,%.1f)",f1.x,f1.y,f1.z);
for (i = 0; i < [entlist count] ; i++)
Entity *e2 = [entlist objectAtIndex:i];
if ((e2 != e1)&&([e2 canCollide]))
Vector epos = [e2 getPosition];
epos.x -= p1.x; epos.y -= p1.y; epos.z -= p1.z; // epos now holds vector from p1 to this entities position
double d_forward = dot_product(epos,f1); // distance along f1 which is nearest to e2's position
if ((d_forward > 0)&&(d_forward < nearest))
double cr = 1.10 * ([e2 collisionRadius] + [e1 collisionRadius]); // 10% safety margin
// NSLog(@"... Entity %@ being considered, d_forward is %.1f", entdesc, d_forward);
Vector p0 = [e1 getPosition];
p0.x += d_forward * f1.x; p0.y += d_forward * f1.y; p0.z += d_forward * f1.z;
// p0 holds nearest point on current course to center of incident object
// NSLog(@"... p0 = (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f)", p0.x, p0.y, p0.z);
Vector epos = [e2 getPosition];
p0.x -= epos.x; p0.y -= epos.y; p0.z -= epos.z;
// compare with center of incident object
double dist2 = p0.x * p0.x + p0.y * p0.y + p0.z * p0.z;
// NSLog(@"... which is %.1f from entity.",sqrt(dist2));
if (dist2 < cr*cr)
// NSLog(@"... which IS incident = against radius %.1f", cr);
return NO;
return YES;
- (Vector) getSafeVectorFromEntity:(Entity *) e1 toDistance:(double)dist fromPoint:(Vector) p2
// heuristic three
NSArray *entlist = [NSArray arrayWithArray:entities];
Vector f1;
Vector result = p2;
int i;
Vector p1 = [e1 getPosition];
Vector v1 = p2;
v1.x -= p1.x; v1.y -= p1.y; v1.z -= p1.z; // vector from entity to p2
double nearest = sqrt(v1.x*v1.x + v1.y*v1.y + v1.z*v1.z) - dist; // length of vector
f1 = unit_vector(&v1); // unit vector in direction of p2 from p1
for (i = 0; i < [entlist count]; i++)
Entity *e2 = [entlist objectAtIndex:i];
if ((e2 != e1)&&([e2 canCollide]))
Vector epos = [e2 getPosition];
epos.x -= p1.x; epos.y -= p1.y; epos.z -= p1.z;
double d_forward = dot_product(epos,f1);
if ((d_forward > 0)&&(d_forward < nearest))
double cr = 1.10 * ([e2 collisionRadius] + [e1 collisionRadius]); // 10% safety margin
Vector p0 = [e1 getPosition];
p0.x += d_forward * f1.x; p0.y += d_forward * f1.y; p0.z += d_forward * f1.z;
// p0 holds nearest point on current course to center of incident object
Vector epos = [e2 getPosition];
p0.x -= epos.x; p0.y -= epos.y; p0.z -= epos.z;
// compare with center of incident object
double dist2 = p0.x * p0.x + p0.y * p0.y + p0.z * p0.z;
if (dist2 < cr*cr)
result = [e2 getPosition]; // center of incident object
nearest = d_forward;
if (dist2 == 0.0)
// ie. we're on a line through the object's center !
// jitter the position somewhat!
result.x += ((ranrot_rand() % 1024) - 512)/512.0; // -1.0 .. +1.0
result.y += ((ranrot_rand() % 1024) - 512)/512.0; // -1.0 .. +1.0
result.z += ((ranrot_rand() % 1024) - 512)/512.0; // -1.0 .. +1.0
Vector nearest_point = p1;
nearest_point.x += d_forward * f1.x; nearest_point.y += d_forward * f1.y; nearest_point.z += d_forward * f1.z;
// nearest point now holds nearest point on line to center of incident object
Vector outward = nearest_point;
outward.x -= result.x; outward.y -= result.y; outward.z -= result.z;
outward = unit_vector(&outward);
// outward holds unit vector through the nearest point on the line from the center of incident object
Vector backward = p1;
backward.x -= result.x; backward.y -= result.y; backward.z -= result.z;
backward = unit_vector(&backward);
// backward holds unit vector from center of the incident object to the center of the ship
Vector dd = result;
dd.x -= p1.x; dd.y -= p1.y; dd.z -= p1.z;
double current_distance = sqrt (dd.x*dd.x + dd.y*dd.y + dd.z*dd.z);
// sanity check current_distance
//NSLog(@"Current distance is %.1f CR", current_distance/cr);
if (current_distance < cr * 1.25) // 25% safety margin
current_distance = cr * 1.25;
if (current_distance > cr * 5.0) // up to 2 diameters away
current_distance = cr * 5.0;
// choose a point that's three parts backward and one part outward
result.x += 0.25 * (outward.x * current_distance) + 0.75 * (backward.x * current_distance); // push 'out' by this amount
result.y += 0.25 * (outward.y * current_distance) + 0.75 * (backward.y * current_distance);
result.z += 0.25 * (outward.z * current_distance) + 0.75 * (backward.z * current_distance);
//NSLog(@"Bypassing %@ by going from (%.1f,%.1f,%.1f) to (%.1f,%.1f,%.1f)",e2,p1.x,p1.y,p1.z,result.x,result.y,result.z);
return result;
- (NSArray *) getLaserLineEntitiesForEntity:(Entity *) e1 inView:(int) viewdir
NSArray *entlist = [NSArray arrayWithArray:entities];
NSMutableArray *hitlist = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:4];
int i;
Vector p1 = [e1 getPosition];
Quaternion q1 = [e1 QRotation];
if ([e1 isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]])
q1.w = -q1.w; // reverse for player viewpoint
Vector u1 = vector_up_from_quaternion(q1);
switch (viewdir)
case VIEW_AFT :
quaternion_rotate_about_axis(&q1, u1, PI);
case VIEW_PORT :
quaternion_rotate_about_axis(&q1, u1, PI/2.0);
quaternion_rotate_about_axis(&q1, u1, -PI/2.0);
Vector f1 = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q1);
for (i = 0; i < [entlist count]; i++)
Entity *e2 = [entlist objectAtIndex:i];
if ((e2 != e1)&&([e2 canCollide]))
Vector p2 = [e2 getPosition];
p2.x -= p1.x; p2.y -= p1.y; p2.z -= p1.z;
double d_forward = dot_product(p2,f1);
if (d_forward > 0)
Vector p0 = [e1 getPosition];
p0.x += d_forward * f1.x; p0.y += d_forward * f1.y; p0.z += d_forward * f1.z;
// p0 holds nearest point on current course to center of incident object
Vector epos = [e2 getPosition];
p0.x -= epos.x; p0.y -= epos.y; p0.z -= epos.z;
// compare with center of incident object
double dist2 = p0.x * p0.x + p0.y * p0.y + p0.z * p0.z;
double cr = [e2 collisionRadius];
if (dist2 < cr*cr)
[hitlist addObject:e2];
return [hitlist sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compareZeroDistance:)];
- (int) getFirstEntityHitByLaserFromEntity:(Entity *) e1
NSArray *entlist = [NSArray arrayWithArray:entities];
Entity *hit_entity = nil;
int result = NO_TARGET;
double nearest;
if ([e1 isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
nearest = [(ShipEntity *)e1 weapon_range];
//NSLog(@"DEBUG LASER nearest = %.1f",nearest);
int i;
Quaternion q1 = [e1 QRotation];
if ([e1 isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]])
q1.w = -q1.w; // reverse for player viewpoint
Vector u1 = vector_up_from_quaternion(q1);
Vector f1 = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q1);
Vector r1 = vector_right_from_quaternion(q1);
for (i = 0; i < [entlist count]; i++)
Entity *e2 = [entlist objectAtIndex:i];
if ((e2 != e1)&&([e2 canCollide])&&([e2 isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]]))
BoundingBox arbb = [e2 findBoundingBoxRelativeTo:e1 InVectors:r1 :u1 :f1];
if ((arbb.min_x < 0.0)&&(arbb.max_x > 0.0)&&(arbb.min_y < 0.0)&&(arbb.max_y > 0.0)&&(arbb.min_z > 0.0)&&(arbb.min_z < nearest))
hit_entity = e2;
nearest = arbb.min_z;
if (hit_entity)
result = [hit_entity universal_id];
return result;
- (int) getFirstEntityHitByLaserFromEntity:(Entity *) e1 inView:(int) viewdir
NSArray *entlist = [NSArray arrayWithArray:entities];
Entity *hit_entity = nil;
int result = NO_TARGET;
double nearest;
if ([e1 isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
nearest = [(ShipEntity *)e1 weapon_range];
//NSLog(@"DEBUG LASER nearest = %.1f",nearest);
int i;
Quaternion q1 = [e1 QRotation];
if ([e1 isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]])
q1.w = -q1.w; // reverse for player viewpoint
Vector u1 = vector_up_from_quaternion(q1);
switch (viewdir)
case VIEW_AFT :
quaternion_rotate_about_axis(&q1, u1, PI);
case VIEW_PORT :
quaternion_rotate_about_axis(&q1, u1, PI/2.0);
quaternion_rotate_about_axis(&q1, u1, -PI/2.0);
Vector f1 = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q1);
Vector r1 = vector_right_from_quaternion(q1);
for (i = 0; i < [entlist count]; i++)
Entity *e2 = [entlist objectAtIndex:i];
if ((e2 != e1)&&([e2 canCollide])&&([e2 isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]]))
BoundingBox arbb = [e2 findBoundingBoxRelativeTo:e1 InVectors:r1 :u1 :f1];
if ((arbb.min_x < 0.0)&&(arbb.max_x > 0.0)&&(arbb.min_y < 0.0)&&(arbb.max_y > 0.0)&&(arbb.min_z > 0.0)&&(arbb.min_z < nearest))
hit_entity = e2;
nearest = arbb.min_z;
if (hit_entity)
result = [hit_entity universal_id];
//NSLog(@"DEBUG LASER hit %@ %d",[hit_entity name],result);
return result;
- (int) getFirstEntityTargettedFromEntity:(Entity *) e1 inView:(int) viewdir
NSArray *entlist = [NSArray arrayWithArray:entities];
Entity *hit_entity = nil;
int result = NO_TARGET;
double nearest = SCANNER_MAX_RANGE;
int i;
Vector p1 = [e1 getPosition];
Quaternion q1 = [e1 QRotation];
if ([e1 isKindOfClass:[PlayerEntity class]])
q1.w = -q1.w; // reverse for player viewpoint
Vector u1 = vector_up_from_quaternion(q1);
switch (viewdir)
case VIEW_AFT :
quaternion_rotate_about_axis(&q1, u1, PI);
case VIEW_PORT :
quaternion_rotate_about_axis(&q1, u1, PI/2.0);
quaternion_rotate_about_axis(&q1, u1, -PI/2.0);
Vector f1 = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q1);
Vector r1 = vector_right_from_quaternion(q1);
for (i = 0; i < [entlist count]; i++)
Entity *e2 = [entlist objectAtIndex:i];
if ((e2 != e1)&&[e2 canCollide]&&[e2 isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]]&&([e2 scanClass] != CLASS_NO_DRAW))
Vector rp = [e2 getPosition];
rp.x -= p1.x; rp.y -= p1.y; rp.z -= p1.z;
double dist2 = magnitude2(rp);
if (dist2 < nearest * nearest)
double df = dot_product(f1,rp);
if ((df > 0.0)&&(df < nearest))
double du = dot_product(u1,rp);
double dr = dot_product(r1,rp);
double cr = [e2 collisionRadius];
if (du*du + dr*dr < cr*cr)
hit_entity = e2;
nearest = sqrt(dist2);
if (hit_entity)
result = [hit_entity universal_id];
//NSLog(@"===> First entity Targetted is %@ %d with collisionRadius %.1f", [(ShipEntity *) hit_entity name], [hit_entity universal_id], [hit_entity collisionRadius]);
return result;
- (NSArray *) getEntitiesWithinRange:(double) range1 ofEntity:(Entity *) e1
NSArray *entlist = [NSArray arrayWithArray:entities];
NSMutableArray *hitlist = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:4];
int i;
Vector p1 = [e1 getPosition];
for (i = 0; i < [entlist count]; i++)
Entity *e2 = [entlist objectAtIndex:i];
if ((e2 != e1)&&([e2 canCollide]))
Vector p2 = [e2 getPosition];
p2.x -= p1.x; p2.y -= p1.y; p2.z -= p1.z;
double cr = range1 + [e2 collisionRadius];
double d2 = p2.x*p2.x + p2.y*p2.y + p2.z*p2.z - cr*cr;
if (d2 < 0)
[hitlist addObject:e2];
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:hitlist];
- (int) countShipsWithRole:(NSString *) desc inRange:(double) range1 ofEntity:(Entity *)e1
int i, found;
NSArray *entlist = [NSArray arrayWithArray:entities];
found = 0;
Vector p1 = [e1 getPosition];
for (i = 0; i < [entlist count]; i++)
Entity *e2 = [entlist objectAtIndex:i];
if ((e2 != e1)&&([e2 isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])&&([[(ShipEntity *)e2 roles] isEqual:desc]))
Vector p2 = [e2 getPosition];
p2.x -= p1.x; p2.y -= p1.y; p2.z -= p1.z;
double cr = range1 + [e2 collisionRadius];
double d2 = p2.x*p2.x + p2.y*p2.y + p2.z*p2.z - cr*cr;
if (d2 < 0)
return found;
- (int) countShipsWithRole:(NSString *) desc
int i, found;
NSArray *entlist = [NSArray arrayWithArray:entities];
found = 0;
for (i = 0; i < [entlist count]; i++)
Entity *e2 = [entlist objectAtIndex:i];
if (([e2 isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])&&([[(ShipEntity *)e2 roles] isEqual:desc]))
return found;
- (void) sendShipsWithRole:(NSString *) desc messageToAI:(NSString *) ms
int i, found;
NSArray *entlist = [NSArray arrayWithArray:entities];
found = 0;
for (i = 0; i < [entlist count]; i++)
Entity *e2 = [entlist objectAtIndex:i];
if (([e2 isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])&&([[(ShipEntity *)e2 roles] isEqual:desc]))
[[(ShipEntity *)e2 getAI] reactToMessage:ms];
- (double) getTime
return universal_time;
- (double) getTimeDelta
return time_delta;
- (void) findCollisions
// According to Shark, this is where Oolite spends most time!
Entity *e1,*e2;
Vector p1, p2;
double dist, r1, r2, min_dist;
int i,j;
// use a non-mutable copy so this can't be changed under us.
NSArray *entityList = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:entities]; // alloc retains
int ent_count = [entityList count];
for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
e1 = (Entity *)[entityList objectAtIndex:i];
[[e1 collisionArray] removeAllObjects];
if ([e1 isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
[(ShipEntity*)e1 setProximity_alert:nil];
if (ent_count <= 1)
for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
e1 = (Entity *)[entityList objectAtIndex:i];
if ([e1 canCollide])
p1 = [e1 getPosition];
r1 = [e1 collisionRadius];
for (j = i + 1; j < ent_count; j++) // was j = 1, which wasted time!
e2 = (Entity *)[entityList objectAtIndex:j];
if ([e2 canCollide])
p2 = [e2 getPosition];
r2 = [e2 collisionRadius];
p2.x -= p1.x; p2.y -= p1.y; p2.z -= p1.z;
dist = p2.x*p2.x + p2.y*p2.y + p2.z*p2.z;
min_dist = (r1 + r2) * (r1 + r2);
if (([e1 isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])&&(e2 == cachedSun))
[e1 setThrowSparks:(dist < SUN_SPARKS_RADIUS_FACTOR * min_dist)];
if (([e2 isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])&&(e1 == cachedSun))
[e2 setThrowSparks:(dist < SUN_SPARKS_RADIUS_FACTOR * min_dist)];
if (dist < PROXIMITY_WARN_DISTANCE2 * min_dist)
if (([e1 isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])&&([e2 isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]]))
if (dist < PROXIMITY_WARN_DISTANCE2 * r2 * r2) [(ShipEntity*)e1 setProximity_alert:(ShipEntity*)e2];
if (dist < PROXIMITY_WARN_DISTANCE2 * r1 * r1) [(ShipEntity*)e2 setProximity_alert:(ShipEntity*)e1];
if (dist < min_dist)
BOOL coll1 = [e1 checkCloseCollisionWith:e2];
BOOL coll2 = [e2 checkCloseCollisionWith:e1];
// NSLog(@"Checking close collision between entities [%@:%@]",[e1 getModel],[e2 getModel]);
if ( coll1 && coll2 )
[[e1 collisionArray] addObject:e2];
[[e2 collisionArray] addObject:e1];
if (dumpCollisionInfo)
NSLog(@"Entity %d (%.1f) to entity %d (%.1f)- distance %.1f (%.1f,%.1f,%.1f)", i, r1, j, r2, sqrt(dist), p2.x, p2.y, p2.z);
if (dumpCollisionInfo)
dumpCollisionInfo = NO;
[entityList release]; // we're done with this now
- (void) dumpCollisions
dumpCollisionInfo = YES;
- (void) setViewDirection:(int) vd
NSString *ms = nil;
if ((viewDirection == vd)&&(!displayGUI))
switch (vd)
ms = @"Forward View";
displayGUI = NO; // switch off any text displays
case VIEW_AFT :
ms = @"Aft View";
displayGUI = NO; // switch off any text displays
case VIEW_PORT :
ms = @"Port View";
displayGUI = NO; // switch off any text displays
ms = @"Starboard View";
displayGUI = NO; // switch off any text displays
default :
if (viewDirection != vd)
viewDirection = vd;
if (ms)
[self addMessage:ms forCount:3];
//NSLog(@"Universe viewDir : %d %@",viewDirection,ms);
- (int) viewDir
//NSLog(@"Universe viewDir : %d",viewDirection);
return viewDirection;
- (void) clearPreviousMessage
if (currentMessage) [currentMessage release];
currentMessage = nil;
- (void) displayMessage:(NSString *) text forCount:(int) count
if (![currentMessage isEqual:text])
if (currentMessage) [currentMessage release];
currentMessage = [text retain];
[message_gui printLongText:text Align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER Color:[NSColor yellowColor] FadeTime:(float)count Key:nil AddToArray:nil];
- (void) displayCountdownMessage:(NSString *) text forCount:(int) count
if (![currentMessage isEqual:text])
if (currentMessage) [currentMessage release];
currentMessage = [text retain];
[message_gui printLineNoScroll:text Align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER Color:[NSColor yellowColor] FadeTime:(float)count Key:nil AddToArray:nil];
- (void) addDelayedMessage:(NSString *) text forCount:(int) count afterDelay:(double) delay
SEL _addDelayedMessageSelector = @selector(addDelayedMessage:);
NSMutableDictionary *msgDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:2];
[msgDict setObject:text forKey:@"message"];
[msgDict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:count] forKey:@"duration"];
[self performSelector:_addDelayedMessageSelector withObject:msgDict afterDelay:delay];
- (void) addDelayedMessage:(NSDictionary *) textdict
NSString *msg = (NSString *)[textdict objectForKey:@"message"];
if (!msg)
int msg_duration = 3;
if ([textdict objectForKey:@"duration"])
msg_duration = [(NSNumber *)[textdict objectForKey:@"duration"] intValue];
[self addMessage:msg forCount:msg_duration];
- (void) addMessage:(NSString *) text forCount:(int) count
PlayerEntity* player = (PlayerEntity *)[self entityZero];
if (![currentMessage isEqual:text])
//speech synthesis
#ifndef GNUSTEP
if ([player speech_on])
NSString* systemName = [self generateSystemName:system_seed];
NSString* systemSaid = [self generatePhoneticSystemName:system_seed];
NSString* h_systemName = [self generateSystemName:[player target_system_seed]];
NSString* h_systemSaid = [self generatePhoneticSystemName:[player target_system_seed]];
NSString *spoken_text = text;
if(nil != speechArray)
NSEnumerator *speechEnumerator = [speechArray objectEnumerator];
NSArray *thePair;
while (nil != (thePair = (NSArray*) [speechEnumerator nextObject]))
NSString *original_phrase = (NSString*)[thePair objectAtIndex: 0];
NSString *replacement_phrase = (NSString*)[thePair objectAtIndex: 1];
// NSLog(@"Will replace %@ with %@", original_phrase, replacement_phrase);
spoken_text = [[spoken_text componentsSeparatedByString: original_phrase] componentsJoinedByString: replacement_phrase];
// NSLog(@"%@", spoken_text);
spoken_text = [[spoken_text componentsSeparatedByString: systemName] componentsJoinedByString: systemSaid];
spoken_text = [[spoken_text componentsSeparatedByString: h_systemName] componentsJoinedByString: h_systemSaid];
NSLog(@"***** ERROR No speechArray");
if ([self isSpeaking])
[self stopSpeaking];
[self startSpeakingString:spoken_text];
#endif // ifndef GNUSTEP...
[message_gui printLongText:text Align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER Color:[NSColor yellowColor] FadeTime:(float)count Key:nil AddToArray:nil];
if (currentMessage) [currentMessage release];
currentMessage = [text retain];
- (void) addCommsMessage:(NSString *) text forCount:(int) count
if (![currentMessage isEqual:text])
PlayerEntity* player = (PlayerEntity *)[self entityZero];
if ([player speech_on])
if ([self isSpeaking])
[self stopSpeaking];
[self startSpeakingString:@"Incoming message."];
[message_gui printLongText:text Align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER Color:[NSColor greenColor] FadeTime:(float)count Key:nil AddToArray:nil];
[comm_log_gui printLongText:text Align:GUI_ALIGN_LEFT Color:nil FadeTime:0.0 Key:nil AddToArray:[player comm_log]];
[comm_log_gui setAlpha:1.0];
[comm_log_gui fadeOutFromTime:[self getTime] OverDuration:6.0];
if (currentMessage) [currentMessage release];
currentMessage = [text retain];
- (void) showCommsLog:(double) how_long
[comm_log_gui setAlpha:1.0];
[comm_log_gui fadeOutFromTime:[self getTime] OverDuration:how_long];
- (void) update:(double) delta_t
if (!no_update)
int i;
PlayerEntity *player = (PlayerEntity *)[self entityZero];
// use a non-mutable copy so this can't be changed under us.
NSArray *entityList = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:entities]; // alloc retains
time_delta = delta_t;
universal_time += delta_t;
if ((demo_stage)&&([player getStatus] == STATUS_DEMO)&&(universal_time > demo_stage_time)&&([player gui_screen] == GUI_SCREEN_INTRO2))
if ([entityList count] > 1)
Vector vel;
Quaternion q2;
q2.x = 0.0; q2.y = 0.0; q2.z = 0.0; q2.w = 1.0;
switch (demo_stage)
case DEMO_FLY_IN :
vel.x = 0.0; vel.y = 0.0; vel.z = 0.0;
[demo_ship setVelocity:vel];
demo_stage = DEMO_SHOW_THING;
demo_stage_time = universal_time + 6.0;
vel.x = 0.0; vel.y = 0.0; vel.z = 3.6*[demo_ship collisionRadius]*100.0;
[demo_ship setVelocity:vel];
demo_stage = DEMO_FLY_OUT;
demo_stage_time = universal_time + 1.5;
// change the demo_ship here
demo_ship_index %= [demo_ships count];
[demo_ship setUpShipFromDictionary:[self getDictionaryForShip:[demo_ships objectAtIndex:demo_ship_index]]];
[[demo_ship getAI] setStateMachine:@"nullAI.plist"];
[demo_ship setQRotation:q2];
[demo_ship setPosition:0.0:0.0:3.6*[demo_ship collisionRadius]*100.0];
vel.x = 0.0; vel.y = 0.0; vel.z = -3.6*[demo_ship collisionRadius]*100.0;
[demo_ship setVelocity:vel];
[demo_ship setScanClass: CLASS_NO_DRAW];
[demo_ship setRoll:PI/5.0];
[demo_ship setPitch:PI/10.0];
[gui setText:[demo_ship name] forRow:19 align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER];
[self guiUpdated];
demo_stage = DEMO_FLY_IN;
demo_stage_time = universal_time + 1.5;
for (i = 0; i < [entityList count]; i++)
Entity *thing = [[entityList objectAtIndex:i] retain];
[thing update:delta_t];
if ([thing isKindOfClass:[ShipEntity class]])
AI* theShipsAI = [(ShipEntity *)thing getAI];
if ((universal_time > [theShipsAI nextThinkTime])||([theShipsAI nextThinkTime] == 0.0))
[theShipsAI setNextThinkTime:universal_time + [theShipsAI thinkTimeInterval]];
[theShipsAI think];
[thing release];
[self findCollisions];
// dispose of the non-mutable copy and everything it references neatly
[entityList release];
NSLog(@"\n\n***** Handling localException: %@ : %@ *****\n\n",[localException name], [localException reason]);
if (![[self gameController] inFullScreenMode])
NSRunAlertPanel(@"Unexpected Error!", @"Error during [universe update:]\n\n'%@'", @"QUIT", nil, nil,localException);
NSLog(@"\n\n***** Quitting Oolite *****\n\n");
[[self gameController] exitApp];
// [universe_lock unlock];
- (void) setGalaxy_seed:(Random_Seed) gal_seed
int i;
galaxy_seed = gal_seed;
// systems
Random_Seed g_seed = galaxy_seed;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
systems[i] = g_seed;
if (system_names[i]) [system_names[i] release];
system_names[i] = [[self getSystemName:g_seed] retain];
- (void) setSystemTo:(Random_Seed) s_seed
NSDictionary* systemData;
PlayerEntity* player = (PlayerEntity *)[self entityZero];
int i;
galaxy_seed = [player galaxy_seed];
system_seed = s_seed;
target_system_seed = s_seed;
// systems
Random_Seed g_seed = galaxy_seed;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
systems[i] = g_seed;
if (system_names[i]) [system_names[i] release];
system_names[i] = [[self getSystemName:g_seed] retain];
systemData = [[self generateSystemData:target_system_seed] retain]; // retained
int economy = [(NSNumber *)[systemData objectForKey:KEY_ECONOMY] intValue];
[self generateEconomicDataWithEconomy:economy andRandomFactor:([player random_factor] ^ station)&0xff];
[systemData release]; // released
- (Random_Seed) systemSeed
return system_seed;
- (Random_Seed) systemSeedForSystemNumber:(int) n
return systems[n & 0xff];
- (NSDictionary *) shipyard
return shipyard;
- (NSDictionary *) descriptions
return descriptions;
- (NSDictionary *) missiontext
return missiontext;
- (NSString *) keyForPlanetOverridesForSystemSeed:(Random_Seed) s_seed inGalaxySeed:(Random_Seed) g_seed
Random_Seed g0 = {0x4a, 0x5a, 0x48, 0x02, 0x53, 0xb7};
int pnum = [self findSystemNumberAtCoords:NSMakePoint(s_seed.d,s_seed.b) withGalaxySeed:g_seed];
int gnum = 0;
while (((g_seed.a != g0.a)||(g_seed.b != g0.b)||(g_seed.c != g0.c)||(g_seed.d != g0.d)||(g_seed.e != g0.e)||(g_seed.f != g0.f))&&(gnum < 8))
g0.a = rotate_byte_left(g0.a);
g0.b = rotate_byte_left(g0.b);
g0.c = rotate_byte_left(g0.c);
g0.d = rotate_byte_left(g0.d);
g0.e = rotate_byte_left(g0.e);
g0.f = rotate_byte_left(g0.f);
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d %d", gnum, pnum];
- (NSDictionary *) generateSystemData:(Random_Seed) s_seed
NSMutableDictionary* systemdata = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:8];
int government = (s_seed.c / 8) & 7;
int economy = s_seed.b & 7;
if (government < 2)
economy = economy | 2;
int techlevel = (economy ^ 7) + (s_seed.d & 3) + (government / 2) + (government & 1);
int population = (techlevel * 4) + government + economy + 1;
int productivity = ((economy ^ 7) + 3) * (government + 4) * population * 8;
int radius = (((s_seed.f & 15) + 11) * 256) + s_seed.d;
NSString *name = [self generateSystemName:s_seed];
NSString *inhabitants = [self generateSystemInhabitants:s_seed];
NSString *description = [self generateSystemDescription:s_seed];
NSString *override_key = [self keyForPlanetOverridesForSystemSeed:s_seed inGalaxySeed:galaxy_seed];
[systemdata setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:government] forKey:KEY_GOVERNMENT];
[systemdata setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:economy] forKey:KEY_ECONOMY];
[systemdata setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:techlevel] forKey:KEY_TECHLEVEL];
[systemdata setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:population] forKey:KEY_POPULATION];
[systemdata setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:productivity] forKey:KEY_PRODUCTIVITY];
[systemdata setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:radius] forKey:KEY_RADIUS];
[systemdata setObject:name forKey:KEY_NAME];
[systemdata setObject:inhabitants forKey:KEY_INHABITANTS];
[systemdata setObject:description forKey:KEY_DESCRIPTION];
// check at this point
// for scripted overrides for this planet
if ([planetinfo objectForKey:PLANETINFO_UNIVERSAL_KEY])
[systemdata addEntriesFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)[planetinfo objectForKey:PLANETINFO_UNIVERSAL_KEY]];
if ([planetinfo objectForKey:override_key])
[systemdata addEntriesFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)[planetinfo objectForKey:override_key]];
if ([local_planetinfo_overrides objectForKey:override_key])
[systemdata addEntriesFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)[local_planetinfo_overrides objectForKey:override_key]];
//NSLog(@"Generated system data is :\n%@",[systemdata description]);
return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:[systemdata autorelease]];
- (NSDictionary *) currentSystemData
return [self generateSystemData:system_seed];
- (void) setSystemDataKey:(NSString*) key value:(NSObject*) object
NSString* override_key = [self keyForPlanetOverridesForSystemSeed:system_seed inGalaxySeed:galaxy_seed];
if ([local_planetinfo_overrides objectForKey:override_key] == nil)
[local_planetinfo_overrides setObject:[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:8] forKey:override_key];
NSMutableDictionary* local_overrides = (NSMutableDictionary*)[local_planetinfo_overrides objectForKey:override_key];
[local_overrides setObject:object forKey:key];
- (NSString *) getSystemName:(Random_Seed) s_seed
NSDictionary *systemDic = [self generateSystemData:s_seed];
NSString *name = (NSString *)[systemDic objectForKey:KEY_NAME];
return [NSString stringWithString:[name capitalizedString]];
- (NSString *) getSystemInhabitants:(Random_Seed) s_seed
NSDictionary *systemDic = [self generateSystemData:s_seed];
NSString *inhabitants = (NSString *)[systemDic objectForKey:KEY_INHABITANTS];
return [NSString stringWithString:inhabitants];
- (NSString *) generateSystemName:(Random_Seed) s_seed
int i;
NSString* digrams = [descriptions objectForKey:@"digrams"];
NSMutableString* name = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@""];
int size = 4;
if ((s_seed.a & 0x40) == 0)
size = 3;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
NSString *c1, *c2;
int x = s_seed.f & 0x1f;
if (x != 0)
x += 12; x *= 2;
c1 = [digrams substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(x,1)];
c2 = [digrams substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(x+1,1)];
[name appendString:c1];
if (![c2 isEqual:@"'"]) [name appendString:c2];
return [NSString stringWithString:[name capitalizedString]];
- (NSString *) generatePhoneticSystemName:(Random_Seed) s_seed
int i;
// NSString* phonograms = @"AEb=UW==sEH=IHt=IHl=EHt=st==AAn=lOW=nUW=T===nOW=AEl=lEY=hEY=JEH=zEY=sEH=bIY=sOW=UHs=EHz=AEr=mAE=IHn=dIY=rEY=EH==UXr=AEt=EHn=bEH=rAX=lAX=vEH=tIY=EHd=AAr=kw==AXn=tEY=IHz=rIY=AAn=";
NSString* phonograms = [descriptions objectForKey:@"phonograms"];
NSMutableString* name = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@""];
int size = 4;
if ((s_seed.a & 0x40) == 0)
size = 3;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
NSString *c1;
int x = s_seed.f & 0x1f;
if (x != 0)
x += 12; x *= 4;
c1 = [phonograms substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(x,4)];
[name appendString:c1];
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"[[inpt PHON]]%@[[inpt TEXT]]", name];
- (NSString *) generateSystemInhabitants:(Random_Seed) s_seed
NSMutableString* inhabitants= [NSMutableString stringWithString:@""];
if (s_seed.e < 127)
[inhabitants appendString:@"Human Colonial"];
int inhab = (s_seed.f / 4) & 7;
if (inhab < 3)
[inhabitants appendString:(NSString *)[(NSArray *)[(NSArray *)[descriptions objectForKey:KEY_INHABITANTS] objectAtIndex:0] objectAtIndex:inhab]];
inhab = s_seed.f / 32;
if (inhab < 6)
[inhabitants appendString:@" "];
[inhabitants appendString:(NSString *)[(NSArray *)[(NSArray *)[descriptions objectForKey:KEY_INHABITANTS] objectAtIndex:1] objectAtIndex:inhab]];
inhab = (s_seed.d ^ s_seed.b) & 7;
if (inhab < 6)
[inhabitants appendString:@" "];
[inhabitants appendString:(NSString *)[(NSArray *)[(NSArray *)[descriptions objectForKey:KEY_INHABITANTS] objectAtIndex:2] objectAtIndex:inhab]];
inhab = (inhab + (s_seed.f & 3)) & 7;
[inhabitants appendString:@" "];
[inhabitants appendString:(NSString *)[(NSArray *)[(NSArray *)[descriptions objectForKey:KEY_INHABITANTS] objectAtIndex:3] objectAtIndex:inhab]];
[inhabitants appendString:@"s"];
return [NSString stringWithString:inhabitants];
- (Random_Seed) findSystemAtCoords:(NSPoint) coords withGalaxySeed:(Random_Seed) gal_seed
if (!equal_seeds( gal_seed, galaxy_seed))
[self setGalaxy_seed:gal_seed];
Random_Seed system;
int distance, dx, dy;
int i;
int min_dist = 10000;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
dx = abs(coords.x - systems[i].d);
dy = abs(coords.y - systems[i].b);
if (dx > dy)
distance = (dx + dx + dy) / 2;
distance = (dx + dy + dy) / 2;
if (distance < min_dist)
min_dist = distance;
system = systems[i];
return system;
- (Random_Seed) findNeighbouringSystemToCoords:(NSPoint) coords withGalaxySeed:(Random_Seed) gal_seed
if (!equal_seeds( gal_seed, galaxy_seed))
[self setGalaxy_seed:gal_seed];
Random_Seed system = gal_seed;
double distance;
int n,i,j;
double min_dist = 10000.0;
// make list of connected systems
BOOL connected[256];
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
connected[i] = NO;
connected[0] = YES; // system zero is always connected (true for galaxies 0..7)
for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) //repeat three times for surety
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) // flood fill out from system zero
for (j = 0; j < 256; j++)
double dist = distanceBetweenPlanetPositions(systems[i].d, systems[i].b, systems[j].d, systems[j].b);
if (dist <= 7.0)
connected[j] |= connected[i];
connected[i] |= connected[j];
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
distance = distanceBetweenPlanetPositions( (int)coords.x, (int)coords.y, systems[i].d, systems[i].b);
if ((connected[i])&&(distance < min_dist)&&(distance != 0.0))
min_dist = distance;
system = systems[i];
return system;
- (Random_Seed) findConnectedSystemAtCoords:(NSPoint) coords withGalaxySeed:(Random_Seed) gal_seed
if (!equal_seeds( gal_seed, galaxy_seed))
[self setGalaxy_seed:gal_seed];
Random_Seed system = gal_seed;
double distance;
int n,i,j;
double min_dist = 10000.0;
// make list of connected systems
BOOL connected[256];
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
connected[i] = NO;
connected[0] = YES; // system zero is always connected (true for galaxies 0..7)
for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) //repeat three times for surety
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) // flood fill out from system zero
for (j = 0; j < 256; j++)
double dist = distanceBetweenPlanetPositions(systems[i].d, systems[i].b, systems[j].d, systems[j].b);
if (dist <= 7.0)
connected[j] |= connected[i];
connected[i] |= connected[j];
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
distance = distanceBetweenPlanetPositions( (int)coords.x, (int)coords.y, systems[i].d, systems[i].b);
if ((connected[i])&&(distance < min_dist))
min_dist = distance;
system = systems[i];
return system;
- (int) findSystemNumberAtCoords:(NSPoint) coords withGalaxySeed:(Random_Seed) gal_seed
if (!equal_seeds( gal_seed, galaxy_seed))
[self setGalaxy_seed:gal_seed];
int system = NSNotFound;
int distance, dx, dy;
int i;
int min_dist = 10000;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
dx = abs(coords.x - systems[i].d);
dy = abs(coords.y - systems[i].b);
if (dx > dy)
distance = (dx + dx + dy) / 2;
distance = (dx + dy + dy) / 2;
if (distance < min_dist)
min_dist = distance;
system = i;
return system;
- (NSPoint) findSystemCoordinatesWithPrefix:(NSString *) p_fix withGalaxySeed:(Random_Seed) gal_seed
if (!equal_seeds( gal_seed, galaxy_seed))
[self setGalaxy_seed:gal_seed];
NSPoint system_coords = NSMakePoint(-1.0,-1.0);
int i;
int n_matches = 0;
int result = -1;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
system_found[i] = NO;
if ([[system_names[i] lowercaseString] hasPrefix:p_fix])
system_found[i] = ([p_fix length] > 2);
if (result < 0)
system_coords.x = systems[i].d;
system_coords.y = systems[i].b;
result = i;
if (n_matches == 1)
system_found[result] = YES; // no matter how few letters
return system_coords;
- (BOOL*) systems_found
return (BOOL*)system_found;
- (NSString*) systemNameIndex:(int) index;
return system_names[index & 255];
- (NSDictionary *) routeFromSystem:(int) start ToSystem:(int) goal
NSMutableArray* route = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:255];
// value checks
if ((start < 0)||(start > 255)||(goal < 0)||(goal > 255))
return nil;
// NSLog(@"DEBUG determining route from %d (%d,%d) to %d (%d, %d)", start, systems[start].d, systems[start].b, goal, systems[goal].d, systems[goal].b);
// use A* algorithm to determine shortest route
// for this we need the neighbouring (<= 7LY distant) systems
// listed for each system[]
NSMutableArray* neighbour_systems = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:256];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
[neighbour_systems addObject:[self neighboursToSystem:i]]; // each is retained as it goes in
// each node must store these values:
// g(X) cost_from_start == distance from node to parent_node + g(parent node)
// h(X) cost_to_goal (heuristic estimate) == distance from node to goal
// f(X) total_cost_estimate == g(X) + h(X)
// parent_node
// each node will be stored as a NSDictionary
// two lists of nodes are required:
// open_nodes (yet to be explored) = a priority list where the next node always has the lowest f(X)
// closed_nodes (explored)
// the open list will be stored as an NSMutableArray of indices to node_open with additions to the priority queue
// being inserted into the correct position, a list of pointers also tracks each node
NSMutableArray* open_nodes = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:256];
NSDictionary* node_open[256];
// the closed list is a simple array of flags
BOOL node_closed[256];
// initialise the lists:
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
node_closed[i] = NO;
node_open[i] = nil;
// initialise the start node
int location = start;
double cost_from_start = 0.0;
double cost_to_goal = distanceBetweenPlanetPositions(systems[start].d, systems[start].b, systems[goal].d, systems[goal].b);
double total_cost_estimate = cost_from_start + cost_to_goal;
NSDictionary* parent_node = nil;
NSDictionary* startNode = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithInt:location], @"location",
[NSNumber numberWithDouble:cost_from_start], @"cost_from_start",
[NSNumber numberWithDouble:cost_to_goal], @"cost_to_goal",
[NSNumber numberWithDouble:total_cost_estimate], @"total_cost_estimate",
// push start node on open
[open_nodes addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:start]];
node_open[start] = startNode;
// process the list until success or failure
while ([open_nodes count] > 0)
// pop the node from open list
location = [(NSNumber*)[open_nodes objectAtIndex:0] intValue];
NSDictionary* node = node_open[location];
[open_nodes removeObjectAtIndex:0];
cost_from_start = [(NSNumber*)[node objectForKey:@"cost_from_start"] doubleValue];
cost_to_goal = [(NSNumber*)[node objectForKey:@"cost_to_goal"] doubleValue];
total_cost_estimate = [(NSNumber*)[node objectForKey:@"total_cost_estimate"] doubleValue];
parent_node = (NSDictionary *)[node objectForKey:@"parent_node"];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG examining location %d from list of %d ...", location, [open_nodes count]);
// if at goal we're done!
if (location == goal)
// construct route backwards from this location
double total_cost = total_cost_estimate;
while (parent_node)
[route insertObject:[node objectForKey:@"location"] atIndex:0];
node = parent_node;
location = [(NSNumber*)[node objectForKey:@"location"] intValue];
cost_from_start = [(NSNumber*)[node objectForKey:@"cost_from_start"] doubleValue];
cost_to_goal = [(NSNumber*)[node objectForKey:@"cost_to_goal"] doubleValue];
total_cost_estimate = [(NSNumber*)[node objectForKey:@"total_cost_estimate"] doubleValue];
parent_node = (NSDictionary *)[node objectForKey:@"parent_node"];
[route insertObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:start] atIndex:0];
return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
route, @"route",
[NSNumber numberWithDouble:total_cost], @"distance",
NULL]; // we're done!
NSArray* neighbours = (NSArray *)[neighbour_systems objectAtIndex:location];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG neighbours for %d = %@", location, [neighbours description]);
for (i = 0; i < [neighbours count]; i++)
int newLocation = [(NSNumber *)[neighbours objectAtIndex:i] intValue];
double newCostFromStart = cost_from_start + distanceBetweenPlanetPositions(systems[newLocation].d, systems[newLocation].b, systems[location].d, systems[location].b);
double newCostToGoal = distanceBetweenPlanetPositions(systems[newLocation].d, systems[newLocation].b, systems[goal].d, systems[goal].b);
double newTotalCostEstimate = newCostFromStart + newCostToGoal;
// ignore this node if it exists and there's no improvement
BOOL ignore_node = node_closed[newLocation];
if (node_open[newLocation])
if ([(NSNumber*)[node_open[newLocation] objectForKey:@"cost_from_start"] doubleValue] <= newCostFromStart)
ignore_node = YES;
if (!ignore_node)
// store the new or improved information
NSDictionary* newNode = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithInt:newLocation], @"location",
[NSNumber numberWithDouble:newCostFromStart], @"cost_from_start",
[NSNumber numberWithDouble:newCostToGoal], @"cost_to_goal",
[NSNumber numberWithDouble:newTotalCostEstimate], @"total_cost_estimate",
node, @"parent_node",
// remove node from closed list
node_closed[newLocation] = NO;
// add node to open list
node_open[newLocation] = newNode;
// add node to priority queue
int p = 0;
while (p < [open_nodes count])
NSDictionary* node_ref = node_open[[(NSNumber*)[open_nodes objectAtIndex:p] intValue]];
if ([(NSNumber*)[node_ref objectForKey:@"total_cost_estimate"] doubleValue] > newTotalCostEstimate)
[open_nodes insertObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:newLocation] atIndex:p];
p = 99999;
if (p < 256) // not found a place, add it on the end
[open_nodes addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:newLocation]];
node_closed[location] = YES;
// if we get here, we've failed to find a route
return nil;
- (NSArray *) neighboursToSystem: (int) system_number
NSMutableArray *neighbours = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:32];
double distance;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
distance = distanceBetweenPlanetPositions( systems[system_number].d, systems[system_number].b, systems[i].d, systems[i].b);
if ((distance <= 7.0)&&(i != system_number))
[neighbours addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:i]];
return neighbours;
- (NSMutableDictionary*) local_planetinfo_overrides;
return local_planetinfo_overrides;
- (void) setLocal_planetinfo_overrides:(NSDictionary*) dict
if (local_planetinfo_overrides)
[local_planetinfo_overrides release];
local_planetinfo_overrides = [[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:dict] retain];
- (NSArray *) equipmentdata
return equipmentdata;
- (NSDictionary *) commoditylists
return commoditylists;
- (NSArray *) commoditydata
return commoditydata;
- (BOOL) generateEconomicDataWithEconomy:(int) economy andRandomFactor:(int) random_factor
StationEntity *some_station = [self station];
//NSLog(@">>>>> generateEconomicDataWithEconomy:andRandomFactor for System");
NSString *station_roles = [some_station roles];
if (![commoditylists objectForKey:station_roles])
station_roles = @"default";
NSArray *newcommoditydata = [[self commodityDataForEconomy:economy andStation:some_station andRandomFactor:random_factor] retain];
[commoditydata release];
commoditydata = newcommoditydata;
return YES;
- (NSArray *) commodityDataForEconomy:(int) economy andStation:(StationEntity *)some_station andRandomFactor:(int) random_factor
NSString *station_roles = [some_station roles];
if ([[self currentSystemData] objectForKey:@"market"])
station_roles = (NSString*)[[self currentSystemData] objectForKey:@"market"];
//NSLog(@"///// station roles detected as '%@'", station_roles);
if (![commoditylists objectForKey:station_roles])
//NSLog(@"///// using default economy");
station_roles = @"default";
//NSLog(@"///// found a special economy");
NSMutableArray *ourEconomy = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:(NSArray *)[commoditylists objectForKey:station_roles]];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [ourEconomy count]; i++)
NSMutableArray *commodityInfo = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[ourEconomy objectAtIndex:i]] retain]; // retain
int base_price = [(NSNumber *)[commodityInfo objectAtIndex:MARKET_BASE_PRICE] intValue];
int eco_adjust_price = [(NSNumber *)[commodityInfo objectAtIndex:MARKET_ECO_ADJUST_PRICE] intValue];
int eco_adjust_quantity = [(NSNumber *)[commodityInfo objectAtIndex:MARKET_ECO_ADJUST_QUANTITY] intValue];
int base_quantity = [(NSNumber *)[commodityInfo objectAtIndex:MARKET_BASE_QUANTITY] intValue];
int mask_price = [(NSNumber *)[commodityInfo objectAtIndex:MARKET_MASK_PRICE] intValue];
int mask_quantity = [(NSNumber *)[commodityInfo objectAtIndex:MARKET_MASK_QUANTITY] intValue];
int price = (base_price + (random_factor & mask_price) + (economy * eco_adjust_price)) & 255;
int quantity = (base_quantity + (random_factor & mask_quantity) - (economy * eco_adjust_quantity)) & 255;
if (quantity > 127) quantity = 0;
quantity &= 63;
[commodityInfo replaceObjectAtIndex:MARKET_PRICE withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:price * 4]];
[commodityInfo replaceObjectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:quantity]];
[ourEconomy replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:[NSArray arrayWithArray:commodityInfo]];
[commodityInfo release]; // release, done
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:ourEconomy];
double estimatedTimeForJourney(double distance, int hops)
int min_hops = (hops > 1)? (hops - 1) : 1;
return 2000 * hops + 4000 * distance * distance / min_hops;
- (NSArray *) passengersForSystem:(Random_Seed) s_seed atTime:(double) current_time
PlayerEntity* player = (PlayerEntity*)[self entityZero];
int player_repute = [player passengerReputation];
int random_factor = current_time;
random_factor = (random_factor >> 24) &0xff;
// passenger departure time is generated by passenger_seed.a << 16 + passenger_seed.b << 8 + passenger_seed.c
// added to (long)(current_time) & 0xffffffffff000000
// to give a time somewhen in the 97 days before and after the current_time
int start = [self findSystemNumberAtCoords:NSMakePoint(s_seed.d, s_seed.b) withGalaxySeed:galaxy_seed];
NSString* native_species = [self generateSystemInhabitants:s_seed];
native_species = [native_species substringToIndex:[native_species length] - 1];
// adjust basic seed by market random factor
Random_Seed passenger_seed = s_seed;
passenger_seed.a ^= random_factor; // XOR
passenger_seed.b ^= passenger_seed.a; // XOR
passenger_seed.c ^= passenger_seed.b; // XOR
passenger_seed.d ^= passenger_seed.c; // XOR
passenger_seed.e ^= passenger_seed.d; // XOR
passenger_seed.f ^= passenger_seed.e; // XOR
NSMutableArray* resultArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:255];
int i = 0;
// NSLog(@"DEBUG Passenger generator for reputation %d...\n", [player passengerReputation]);
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
long long reference_time = 0x1000000 * floor( current_time / 0x1000000);
long long passenger_time = passenger_seed.a * 0x10000 + passenger_seed.b * 0x100 + passenger_seed.c;
double passenger_departure_time = reference_time + passenger_time;
if (passenger_departure_time < 0)
passenger_departure_time += 0x1000000; // roll it around
double days_until_departure = (passenger_departure_time - current_time) / 86400.0;
int passenger_destination = passenger_seed.d; // system number 0..255
Random_Seed destination_seed = systems[passenger_destination];
NSDictionary* destinationInfo = [self generateSystemData:destination_seed];
int destination_government = [(NSNumber*)[destinationInfo objectForKey:KEY_GOVERNMENT] intValue];
int pick_up_factor = destination_government + floor(days_until_departure) - 7; // lower for anarchies (gov 0)
// NSLog(@"DEBUG Passenger to %d pick-up %d repute %d", passenger_destination, pick_up_factor, player_repute);
if ((days_until_departure > 0.0)&&(pick_up_factor <= player_repute)&&(passenger_seed.d != start))
// determine the passenger's species
int passenger_species = passenger_seed.f & 3; // 0-1 native, 2 human colonial, 3 other
NSString* passenger_species_string = [NSString stringWithString:native_species];
if (passenger_species == 2)
passenger_species_string = @"Human Colonial";
if (passenger_species == 3)
passenger_species_string = [self generateSystemInhabitants:passenger_seed];
passenger_species_string = [passenger_species_string substringToIndex:[passenger_species_string length] - 1];
passenger_species_string = [[passenger_species_string lowercaseString] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]];
// determine the passenger's name
// seed_for_planet_description(passenger_seed); // set the random number generator
NSString* passenger_name = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", [self expandDescription:@"%R" forSystem:passenger_seed], [self expandDescription:@"%R" forSystem:passenger_seed]];
// determine information about the route...
NSDictionary* routeInfo = [self routeFromSystem:start ToSystem:passenger_destination];
// some routes are impossible!
if (routeInfo)
NSString* destination_name = [self generateSystemName:destination_seed];
double route_length = [(NSNumber *)[routeInfo objectForKey:@"distance"] doubleValue];
// double distance_as_crow_flies = accurateDistanceBetweenPlanetPositions(s_seed.d,s_seed.b,destination_seed.d,destination_seed.b);
int route_hops = [(NSArray *)[routeInfo objectForKey:@"route"] count] - 1;
// 50 cr per hop + 8..15 cr per LY + bonus for low government level of destination
int fee = route_hops * 50 + route_length * (8 + (passenger_seed.e & 7)) + 5 * (7 - destination_government) * (7 - destination_government);
// do some cunning rounding
int superfee = 100000;
int rounded_fee = superfee * floor(0.5 + (float)fee / (float)superfee);
float ratio;
// TODO: investigate this more
NSLog(@"oops, rounded_fee=0");
ratio = fee / rounded_fee;
while (((ratio < 0.95)||(ratio > 1.05))&&(superfee > 0))
superfee /= 10;
rounded_fee = superfee * floor(0.5 + (float)fee / (float)superfee);
ratio = (float)fee / (float)rounded_fee;
if ((ratio > 0.95)&&(ratio < 1.05))
fee = rounded_fee;
// premium = 20% of fee
int premium = fee * 20 / 100;
fee -= premium;
// 1hr per LY*LY, + 30 mins per hop
// double passenger_arrival_time = passenger_departure_time + 4000 * distance_as_crow_flies * distance_as_crow_flies + 2000 * route_hops;
double passenger_arrival_time = passenger_departure_time + estimatedTimeForJourney( route_length, route_hops);
NSString* long_description = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"%@, a %@, wishes to go to %@.",
passenger_name, passenger_species_string, destination_name];
long_description = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"%@ The route is %.1f light years long, a minimum of %d jumps.", long_description,
route_length, route_hops];
long_description = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"%@ You will need to depart within %@, in order to arrive within %@ time.", long_description,
[self shortTimeDescription:(passenger_departure_time - current_time)], [self shortTimeDescription:(passenger_arrival_time - current_time)]];
long_description = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"%@ Will pay %d Cr: %d Cr in advance, and %d Cr on arrival.", long_description,
premium + fee, premium, fee];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG Passenger %@:\n%@\n...", passenger_name, long_description);
NSDictionary* passenger_info_dictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
passenger_name, PASSENGER_KEY_NAME,
[NSNumber numberWithInt:start], PASSENGER_KEY_START,
[NSNumber numberWithInt:passenger_destination], PASSENGER_KEY_DESTINATION,
[NSNumber numberWithDouble:passenger_departure_time], PASSENGER_KEY_DEPARTURE_TIME,
[NSNumber numberWithDouble:passenger_arrival_time], PASSENGER_KEY_ARRIVAL_TIME,
[NSNumber numberWithInt:fee], PASSENGER_KEY_FEE,
[NSNumber numberWithInt:premium], PASSENGER_KEY_PREMIUM,
[resultArray addObject:passenger_info_dictionary];
// next passenger
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:resultArray];
- (NSString *) timeDescription:(double) interval
double r_time = interval;
NSString* result = @"";
if (r_time > 86400)
int days = floor(r_time / 86400);
r_time -= 86400 * days;
result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %d day%@", result, days, (days > 1) ? @"s" : @""];
if (r_time > 3600)
int hours = floor(r_time / 3600);
r_time -= 3600 * hours;
result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %d hour%@", result, hours, (hours > 1) ? @"s" : @""];
if (r_time > 60)
int mins = floor(r_time / 60);
r_time -= 60 * mins;
result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %d minute%@", result, mins, (mins > 1) ? @"s" : @""];
if (r_time > 0)
int secs = floor(r_time);
result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %d second%@", result, secs, (secs > 1) ? @"s" : @""];
return [result stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]];
- (NSString *) shortTimeDescription:(double) interval
double r_time = interval;
NSString* result = @"";
int parts = 0;
if ((parts < 2)&&(r_time > 86400))
int days = floor(r_time / 86400);
r_time -= 86400 * days;
result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %d day%@", result, days, (days > 1) ? @"s" : @""];
if ((parts < 2)&&(r_time > 3600))
int hours = floor(r_time / 3600);
r_time -= 3600 * hours;
result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %d hr%@", result, hours, (hours > 1) ? @"s" : @""];
if ((parts < 2)&&(r_time > 60))
int mins = floor(r_time / 60);
r_time -= 60 * mins;
result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %d min%@", result, mins, (mins > 1) ? @"s" : @""];
if ((parts < 2)&&(r_time > 0))
int secs = floor(r_time);
result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %d sec%@", result, secs, (secs > 1) ? @"s" : @""];
return [result stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]];
- (NSArray *) contractsForSystem:(Random_Seed) s_seed atTime:(double) current_time
PlayerEntity* player = (PlayerEntity*)[self entityZero];
int player_repute = [player contractReputation];
int random_factor = current_time;
random_factor = (random_factor >> 24) &0xff;
// contract departure time is generated by contract_seed.a << 16 + contract_seed.b << 8 + contract_seed.c
// added to (long)(current_time + 0x800000) & 0xffffffffff000000
// to give a time somewhen in the 97 days before and after the current_time
int start = [self findSystemNumberAtCoords:NSMakePoint(s_seed.d, s_seed.b) withGalaxySeed:galaxy_seed];
// adjust basic seed by market random factor
Random_Seed contract_seed = s_seed;
contract_seed.f ^= random_factor; // XOR back to front
contract_seed.e ^= contract_seed.f; // XOR
contract_seed.d ^= contract_seed.e; // XOR
contract_seed.c ^= contract_seed.d; // XOR
contract_seed.b ^= contract_seed.c; // XOR
contract_seed.a ^= contract_seed.b; // XOR
NSMutableArray* resultArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:255];
int i = 0;
// NSLog(@"DEBUG contract generator for reputation %d...\n", [player contractReputation]);
NSArray* localMarket;
if ([[self station] localMarket])
localMarket = [[self station] localMarket];
localMarket = [[self station] initialiseLocalMarketWithSeed:s_seed andRandomFactor:random_factor];
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
long long reference_time = 0x1000000 * floor( current_time / 0x1000000);
// NSLog(@"DEBUG time = %lld (%.1f) reference time = %lld", now, current_time, reference_time);
long long contract_time = contract_seed.a * 0x10000 + contract_seed.b * 0x100 + contract_seed.c;
double contract_departure_time = reference_time + contract_time;
if (contract_departure_time < 0)
contract_departure_time += 0x1000000; // wrap around
double days_until_departure = (contract_departure_time - current_time) / 86400.0;
// determine the destination
int contract_destination = contract_seed.d; // system number 0..255
Random_Seed destination_seed = systems[contract_destination];
NSDictionary* destinationInfo = [self generateSystemData:destination_seed];
int destination_government = [(NSNumber*)[destinationInfo objectForKey:KEY_GOVERNMENT] intValue];
int pick_up_factor = destination_government + floor(days_until_departure) - 7; // lower for anarchies (gov 0)
if ((days_until_departure > 0.0)&&(pick_up_factor <= player_repute)&&(contract_seed.d != start))
int destination_economy = [(NSNumber*)[destinationInfo objectForKey:KEY_ECONOMY] intValue];
NSArray* destinationMarket = [self commodityDataForEconomy:destination_economy andStation:[self station] andRandomFactor:random_factor];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG local economy:\n%@\ndestination_economy:\n%@", [localMarket description], [destinationMarket description]);
// now we need a commodity that's both plentiful here and scarce there...
// build list of goods allocating 0..100 for each based on how
// much of each quantity there is. Use a ratio of n x 100/64
int quantities[[localMarket count]];
int total_quantity = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [localMarket count]; i++)
// -- plentiful here
int q = [(NSNumber *)[(NSArray *)[localMarket objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY] intValue];
if (q < 0) q = 0;
if (q > 64) q = 64;
quantities[i] = q;
// -- and scarce there
q = 64 - [(NSNumber *)[(NSArray *)[destinationMarket objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:MARKET_QUANTITY] intValue];
if (q < 0) q = 0;
if (q > 64) q = 64;
quantities[i] *= q; // multiply plentiful factor x scarce factor
total_quantity += quantities[i];
int co_type, co_amount, qr, unit;
// seed random number generator
int super_rand1 = contract_seed.a * 256 * 256 + contract_seed.c * 256 + contract_seed.e;
int super_rand2 = contract_seed.b * 256 * 256 + contract_seed.d * 256 + contract_seed.f;
// select a random point in the histogram
qr = super_rand2 % total_quantity;
co_type = 0;
while (qr > 0)
qr -= quantities[co_type++];
// units
unit = [self unitsForCommodity:co_type];
if ((unit == UNITS_TONS)||([player contractReputation] == 7)) // only the best reputation gets to carry gold/platinum/jewels
// how much?...
co_amount = 0;
while (co_amount < 30)
co_amount += (1 + (ranrot_rand() & 31)) * (1 + (ranrot_rand() & 15)) * [self getRandomAmountOfCommodity:co_type];
// calculate a quantity discount
int discount = floor (0.1 * co_amount);
if (discount > 20)
discount = 20;
int price_per_unit = [(NSNumber *)[(NSArray *)[localMarket objectAtIndex:co_type] objectAtIndex:MARKET_PRICE] intValue] * (100 - discount) / 100 ;
// what is that worth locally
float local_cargo_value = 0.1 * co_amount * price_per_unit;
// and the mark-up
float destination_cargo_value = 0.1 * co_amount * [(NSNumber *)[(NSArray *)[destinationMarket objectAtIndex:co_type] objectAtIndex:MARKET_PRICE] intValue];
// total profit
float profit_for_trip = destination_cargo_value - local_cargo_value;
if (profit_for_trip > 100.0) // overheads!!
// determine information about the route...
NSDictionary* routeInfo = [self routeFromSystem:start ToSystem:contract_destination];
// some routes are impossible!
if (routeInfo)
NSString* destination_name = [self generateSystemName:destination_seed];
double route_length = [(NSNumber *)[routeInfo objectForKey:@"distance"] doubleValue];
int route_hops = [(NSArray *)[routeInfo objectForKey:@"route"] count] - 1;
// percentage taken by contracter
int contractors_share = 90 + destination_government;
// less 5% per op to a minimum of 10%
contractors_share -= route_hops * 10;
if (contractors_share < 10)
contractors_share = 10;
int contract_share = 100 - contractors_share;
// what the contract pays
float fee = profit_for_trip * contract_share / 100;
// do some cunning rounding
float superfee = 100000;
int rounded_fee = superfee * floor(0.5 + fee / superfee);
float ratio = fee / (float)rounded_fee;
while (((ratio < 0.95)||(ratio > 1.05))&&(superfee > 1))
superfee /= 10;
rounded_fee = superfee * floor(0.5 + fee / superfee);
ratio = fee / (float)rounded_fee;
if ((ratio > 0.95)&&(ratio < 1.05))
fee = rounded_fee;
// premium = local price
float premium = local_cargo_value;
// 1hr per LY*LY, + 30 mins per hop
double contract_arrival_time = contract_departure_time + estimatedTimeForJourney( route_length, route_hops);
NSString* long_description = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"Deliver a cargo of %@ to %@.",
[self describeCommodity:co_type amount:co_amount], destination_name];
long_description = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"%@ The route is %.1f light years long, a minimum of %d jumps.", long_description,
route_length, route_hops];
long_description = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"%@ You will need to depart within %@, in order to arrive within %@ time.", long_description,
[self shortTimeDescription:(contract_departure_time - current_time)], [self shortTimeDescription:(contract_arrival_time - current_time)]];
long_description = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"%@ The contract will cost you %.1f Cr, and pay a total of %.1f Cr.", long_description,
premium, premium + fee];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG (%06x-%06x):\n%@\n...", super_rand1, super_rand2, long_description);
NSDictionary* contract_info_dictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%06x-%06x", super_rand1, super_rand2 ],CONTRACT_KEY_ID,
[NSNumber numberWithInt:start], CONTRACT_KEY_START,
[NSNumber numberWithInt:contract_destination], CONTRACT_KEY_DESTINATION,
[NSNumber numberWithInt:co_type], CONTRACT_KEY_CARGO_TYPE,
[NSNumber numberWithInt:co_amount], CONTRACT_KEY_CARGO_AMOUNT,
[self describeCommodity:co_type amount:co_amount], CONTRACT_KEY_CARGO_DESCRIPTION,
[NSNumber numberWithDouble:contract_departure_time], CONTRACT_KEY_DEPARTURE_TIME,
[NSNumber numberWithDouble:contract_arrival_time], CONTRACT_KEY_ARRIVAL_TIME,
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:fee], CONTRACT_KEY_FEE,
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:premium], CONTRACT_KEY_PREMIUM,
[resultArray addObject:contract_info_dictionary];
// next contract
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:resultArray];
- (NSArray *) shipsForSaleForSystem:(Random_Seed) s_seed atTime:(double) current_time
int random_factor = current_time;
random_factor = (random_factor >> 24) &0xff;
// ship sold time is generated by ship_seed.a << 16 + ship_seed.b << 8 + ship_seed.c
// added to (long)(current_time + 0x800000) & 0xffffffffff000000
// to give a time somewhen in the 97 days before and after the current_time
// adjust basic seed by market random factor
Random_Seed ship_seed = s_seed;
ship_seed.f ^= random_factor; // XOR back to front
ship_seed.e ^= ship_seed.f; // XOR
ship_seed.d ^= ship_seed.e; // XOR
ship_seed.c ^= ship_seed.d; // XOR
ship_seed.b ^= ship_seed.c; // XOR
ship_seed.a ^= ship_seed.b; // XOR
NSMutableArray* resultArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:32];
NSMutableDictionary* resultDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:32];
int i = 0;
// NSLog(@"DEBUG ships for sale generator...\n");
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
long long reference_time = 0x1000000 * floor( current_time / 0x1000000);
// NSLog(@"DEBUG time = %lld (%.1f) reference time = %lld", now, current_time, reference_time);
long long c_time = ship_seed.a * 0x10000 + ship_seed.b * 0x100 + ship_seed.c;
double ship_sold_time = reference_time + c_time;
if (ship_sold_time < 0)
ship_sold_time += 0x1000000; // wraparound
double days_until_sale = (ship_sold_time - current_time) / 86400.0;
NSDictionary* systemInfo = [self generateSystemData:system_seed];
int techlevel = [(NSNumber*)[systemInfo objectForKey:KEY_TECHLEVEL] intValue];
int ship_index = (ship_seed.d * 0x100 + ship_seed.e) % [[shipyard allKeys] count];
NSString* ship_key = [[shipyard allKeys] objectAtIndex:ship_index];
NSDictionary* ship_info = (NSDictionary*)[shipyard objectForKey:ship_key];
int ship_techlevel = [(NSNumber*)[ship_info objectForKey:KEY_TECHLEVEL] intValue];
double chance = 1.0 - pow(1.0 - [(NSNumber*)[ship_info objectForKey:KEY_CHANCE] floatValue], techlevel - ship_techlevel);
// seed random number generator
int super_rand1 = ship_seed.a * 0x10000 + ship_seed.c * 0x100 + ship_seed.e;
int super_rand2 = ship_seed.b * 0x10000 + ship_seed.d * 0x100 + ship_seed.f;
if ((days_until_sale > 0.0) && (days_until_sale < 30.0) && (ship_techlevel < techlevel) && (randf() < chance))
NSMutableDictionary* ship_dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:[self getDictionaryForShip:ship_key]];
NSMutableString* description = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@""];
NSMutableString* short_description = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@""];
int price = [(NSNumber*)[ship_info objectForKey:KEY_PRICE] intValue];
int base_price = price;
NSMutableArray* extras = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[(NSDictionary*)[ship_info objectForKey:KEY_STANDARD_EQUIPMENT] objectForKey:KEY_EQUIPMENT_EXTRAS]];
NSString* fwd_weapon_string = (NSString*)[(NSDictionary*)[ship_info objectForKey:KEY_STANDARD_EQUIPMENT] objectForKey:KEY_EQUIPMENT_FORWARD_WEAPON];
NSMutableArray* options = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:(NSArray*)[ship_info objectForKey:KEY_OPTIONAL_EQUIPMENT]];
int max_cargo = 0;
if ([ship_dict objectForKey:@"max_cargo"])
max_cargo = [(NSNumber*)[ship_dict objectForKey:@"max_cargo"] intValue];
[description appendFormat:@"%@:", [ship_dict objectForKey:KEY_NAME]];
[short_description appendFormat:@"%@:", [ship_dict objectForKey:KEY_NAME]];
int fwd_weapon = WEAPON_NONE;
if ([fwd_weapon_string isEqual:@"EQ_WEAPON_PULSE_LASER"])
fwd_weapon = WEAPON_PULSE_LASER;
if ([fwd_weapon_string isEqual:@"EQ_WEAPON_BEAM_LASER"])
fwd_weapon = WEAPON_BEAM_LASER;
if ([fwd_weapon_string isEqual:@"EQ_WEAPON_MINING_LASER"])
if ([fwd_weapon_string isEqual:@"EQ_WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER"])
if ([fwd_weapon_string isEqual:@"EQ_WEAPON_THARGOID_LASER"])
int passenger_berths = 0;
BOOL customised = NO;
BOOL weapon_customised = NO;
NSString* fwd_weapon_desc = nil;
NSString* short_extras_string = @" Plus %@.";
// customise the ship
while ((randf() < chance) && ([options count]))
chance *= chance; //decrease the chance of a further customisation
int option_index = ranrot_rand() % [options count];
NSString* equipment = (NSString*)[options objectAtIndex:option_index];
int eq_index = NSNotFound;
int q;
for (q = 0; (q < [equipmentdata count])&&(eq_index == NSNotFound) ; q++)
if ([equipment isEqual:[(NSArray*)[equipmentdata objectAtIndex:q] objectAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_KEY_INDEX]])
eq_index = q;
if (eq_index != NSNotFound)
NSArray* equipment_info = (NSArray*)[equipmentdata objectAtIndex:eq_index];
int eq_price = [(NSNumber*)[equipment_info objectAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_PRICE_INDEX] intValue] / 10;
int eq_techlevel = [(NSNumber*)[equipment_info objectAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_TECH_LEVEL_INDEX] intValue];
NSString* eq_short_desc = (NSString*)[equipment_info objectAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_SHORT_DESC_INDEX];
NSString* eq_long_desc = (NSString*)[equipment_info objectAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_LONG_DESC_INDEX];
if (eq_techlevel > techlevel)
// cap maximum tech level
if (eq_techlevel > 15)
eq_techlevel = 15;
// higher tech items are rarer!
if (randf() * (eq_techlevel - techlevel) < 1.0)
eq_price *= randf() + randf() + eq_techlevel - techlevel;
eq_price = 0; // bar this upgrade
if (eq_price > 0)
if (![equipment hasPrefix:@"EQ_WEAPON"])
if ([equipment isEqual:@"EQ_PASSENGER_BERTH"])
if ((max_cargo >= 5) && (randf() < chance))
max_cargo -= 5;
price += eq_price * 90 / 100;
[extras addObject:equipment];
if (passenger_berths == 0)
[description appendFormat:@" Extra XX=NPB=XXPassenger BerthXX=PPB=XX (%@)", [eq_long_desc lowercaseString]];
[short_description appendFormat:@" Extra XX=NPB=XXPassenger BerthXX=PPB=XX."];
customised = YES;
[options removeObject:equipment]; // remove the option if there's no space left
price += eq_price * 90 / 100;
[extras addObject:equipment];
[description appendFormat:@" Extra %@ (%@)", eq_short_desc, [eq_long_desc lowercaseString]];
[short_description appendFormat:short_extras_string, eq_short_desc];
short_extras_string = @" %@.";
customised = YES;
int new_weapon = WEAPON_NONE;
if ([equipment isEqual:@"EQ_WEAPON_PULSE_LASER"])
new_weapon = WEAPON_PULSE_LASER;
if ([equipment isEqual:@"EQ_WEAPON_BEAM_LASER"])
new_weapon = WEAPON_BEAM_LASER;
if ([equipment isEqual:@"EQ_WEAPON_MINING_LASER"])
if ([equipment isEqual:@"EQ_WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER"])
if ([equipment isEqual:@"EQ_WEAPON_THARGOID_LASER"])
if (new_weapon > fwd_weapon)
price -= [self getPriceForWeaponSystemWithKey:fwd_weapon_string] * 90 / 1000; // 90% credits
price += eq_price * 90 / 100;
fwd_weapon_string = equipment;
fwd_weapon = new_weapon;
[ship_dict setObject:fwd_weapon_string forKey:@"forward_weapon_type"];
weapon_customised = YES;
fwd_weapon_desc = eq_short_desc;
if ([equipment hasSuffix:@"ENERGY_UNIT"]) // remove ALL the energy unit add-ons
int q;
for (q = 0; q < [options count]; q++)
if ([[options objectAtIndex:q] hasSuffix:@"ENERGY_UNIT"])
[options removeObjectAtIndex:q--];
if (![equipment isEqual:@"EQ_PASSENGER_BERTH"]) // let this get added multiple times
[options removeObject:equipment];
if (passenger_berths)
NSString* npb = (passenger_berths > 1)? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d ", passenger_berths] : @"";
NSString* ppb = (passenger_berths > 1)? @"s" : @"";
[description replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"XX=NPB=XX" withString:npb options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [description length])];
[description replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"XX=PPB=XX" withString:ppb options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [description length])];
[short_description replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"XX=NPB=XX" withString:npb options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [short_description length])];
[short_description replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"XX=PPB=XX" withString:ppb options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [short_description length])];
if (!customised)
[description appendString:@" Standard customer model."];
[short_description appendString:@" Standard customer model."];
if (weapon_customised)
[description appendFormat:@" Forward weapon has been upgraded to a %@.", [fwd_weapon_desc lowercaseString]];
[short_description appendFormat:@" Forward weapon upgraded to %@.", [fwd_weapon_desc lowercaseString]];
// do some cunning rounding
price -= base_price;
float superprice = 1000000;
int rounded_price = superprice * floor(0.5 + price / superprice);
float ratio = (float)rounded_price / price;
while (((ratio < 0.99)||(ratio > 1.05))&&(superprice > 1))
superprice /= 10;
rounded_price = superprice * floor(0.5 + price / superprice);
ratio = (float)rounded_price / price;
if ((ratio > 0.99)&&(ratio < 1.05))
price = rounded_price;
price += base_price;
[description appendFormat:@" Selling price %d Cr.", price];
[short_description appendFormat:@" Price %d Cr.", price];
NSString* ship_id = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%06x-%06x", super_rand1, super_rand2];
NSDictionary* ship_info_dictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
short_description, KEY_SHORT_DESCRIPTION,
[NSNumber numberWithInt:price], SHIPYARD_KEY_PRICE,
// [resultArray addObject:contract_info_dictionary];
[resultDictionary setObject:ship_info_dictionary forKey:ship_id]; // should order them fairly randomly
// next contract
NSArray* shipsForSale = [resultDictionary allKeys];
for (i = 0; (i < [shipsForSale count])/**&&(i < MAX_SHIPS_FOR_SALE)**/; i++)
[resultArray addObject:[resultDictionary objectForKey:[shipsForSale objectAtIndex:i]]];
// [resultArray sortUsingFunction:comparePrice context:nil];
[resultArray sortUsingFunction:compareName context:nil];
// NSLog(@"Ships for sale:\n%@", [resultArray description]);
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:resultArray];
NSComparisonResult compareName( id dict1, id dict2, void * context)
NSComparisonResult result = [(NSString*)[(NSDictionary*)[dict1 objectForKey:SHIPYARD_KEY_SHIP] objectForKey:KEY_NAME] compare:(NSString*)[(NSDictionary*)[dict2 objectForKey:SHIPYARD_KEY_SHIP] objectForKey:KEY_NAME]];
if (result != NSOrderedSame)
return result;
return comparePrice(dict1, dict2, context);
NSComparisonResult comparePrice( id dict1, id dict2, void * context)
return [(NSNumber*)[(NSDictionary*)dict1 objectForKey:SHIPYARD_KEY_PRICE] compare:(NSNumber*)[(NSDictionary*)dict2 objectForKey:SHIPYARD_KEY_PRICE]];
- (int) tradeInValueForCommanderDictionary:(NSDictionary*) cmdr_dict
int result = 0;
// get basic information about the commander's craft
NSString* cmdr_ship_desc = (NSString*)[cmdr_dict objectForKey:@"ship_desc"];
int cmdr_fwd_weapon = [(NSNumber*)[cmdr_dict objectForKey:@"forward_weapon"] intValue];
int cmdr_fwd_weapon_value = 0;
int cmdr_other_weapons_value = 0;
int cmdr_aft_weapon = [(NSNumber*)[cmdr_dict objectForKey:@"aft_weapon"] intValue];
int cmdr_port_weapon = [(NSNumber*)[cmdr_dict objectForKey:@"port_weapon"] intValue];
int cmdr_starboard_weapon = [(NSNumber*)[cmdr_dict objectForKey:@"starboard_weapon"] intValue];
int cmdr_missiles = [(NSNumber*)[cmdr_dict objectForKey:@"missiles"] intValue];
int cmdr_missiles_value = cmdr_missiles * [self getPriceForWeaponSystemWithKey:@"EQ_MISSILE"] / 10;
int cmdr_max_passengers = [(NSNumber*)[cmdr_dict objectForKey:@"max_passengers"] intValue];
NSMutableArray* cmdr_extra_equipment = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[(NSDictionary *)[cmdr_dict objectForKey:@"extra_equipment"] allKeys]];
// given the ship model (from cmdr_ship_desc)
// get the basic information about the standard customer model for that craft
NSDictionary* shipyard_info = (NSDictionary*)[shipyard objectForKey:cmdr_ship_desc];
NSDictionary* basic_info = (NSDictionary*)[shipyard_info objectForKey:KEY_STANDARD_EQUIPMENT];
int base_price = [(NSNumber*)[shipyard_info objectForKey:SHIPYARD_KEY_PRICE] intValue];
int base_missiles = [(NSNumber*)[basic_info objectForKey:KEY_EQUIPMENT_MISSILES] intValue];
int base_missiles_value = base_missiles * [self getPriceForWeaponSystemWithKey:@"EQ_MISSILE"] / 10;
NSString* base_fwd_weapon_key = (NSString*)[basic_info objectForKey:KEY_EQUIPMENT_FORWARD_WEAPON];
int base_weapon_value = [self getPriceForWeaponSystemWithKey:base_fwd_weapon_key] / 10;
NSArray* base_extra_equipment = (NSArray*)[basic_info objectForKey:KEY_EQUIPMENT_EXTRAS];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG shipyard_info:\n%@\nbasic_info\n%@\n", [shipyard_info description], [basic_info description]);
// work out weapon values
if (cmdr_fwd_weapon)
NSString* weapon_key = [self equipmentKeyForWeapon:cmdr_fwd_weapon];
cmdr_fwd_weapon_value = [self getPriceForWeaponSystemWithKey:weapon_key] / 10;
if (cmdr_aft_weapon)
NSString* weapon_key = [self equipmentKeyForWeapon:cmdr_aft_weapon];
cmdr_other_weapons_value += [self getPriceForWeaponSystemWithKey:weapon_key] / 10;
if (cmdr_port_weapon)
NSString* weapon_key = [self equipmentKeyForWeapon:cmdr_port_weapon];
cmdr_other_weapons_value += [self getPriceForWeaponSystemWithKey:weapon_key] / 10;
if (cmdr_starboard_weapon)
NSString* weapon_key = [self equipmentKeyForWeapon:cmdr_starboard_weapon];
cmdr_other_weapons_value += [self getPriceForWeaponSystemWithKey:weapon_key] / 10;
// remove from cmdr_extra_equipment any items in base_extra_equipment
int i,j;
for (i = 0; i < [base_extra_equipment count]; i++)
NSString* standard_option = (NSString*)[base_extra_equipment objectAtIndex:i];
for (j = 0; j < [cmdr_extra_equipment count]; j++)
if ([(NSString*)[cmdr_extra_equipment objectAtIndex:j] isEqual:standard_option])
[cmdr_extra_equipment removeObjectAtIndex:j--];
if ((j > 0)&&([(NSString*)[cmdr_extra_equipment objectAtIndex:j] isEqual:@"EQ_PASSENGER_BERTH"]))
[cmdr_extra_equipment removeObjectAtIndex:j--];
int extra_equipment_value = cmdr_max_passengers * [self getPriceForWeaponSystemWithKey:@"EQ_PASSENGER_BERTH"] / 10;
for (j = 0; j < [cmdr_extra_equipment count]; j++)
extra_equipment_value += [self getPriceForWeaponSystemWithKey:(NSString*)[cmdr_extra_equipment objectAtIndex:j]] / 10;
// final reckoning
// NSLog(@"DEBUG base_price for %@ %d weapons_bonus %d equipment_bonus %d", cmdr_ship_desc, base_price,
// cmdr_missiles_value + cmdr_other_weapons_value + cmdr_fwd_weapon_value - base_weapon_value - base_missiles_value,
// extra_equipment_value);
result = base_price;
// add on extra weapons - base weapons
result += cmdr_fwd_weapon_value - base_weapon_value;
result += cmdr_other_weapons_value;
// add on missile values
result += cmdr_missiles_value - base_missiles_value;
// add on equipment
result += extra_equipment_value;
return result;
- (int) weaponForEquipmentKey:(NSString*) weapon_string
int result = WEAPON_NONE;
if ([weapon_string hasSuffix:@"PULSE_LASER"])
if ([weapon_string hasSuffix:@"BEAM_LASER"])
if ([weapon_string hasSuffix:@"MINING_LASER"])
if ([weapon_string hasSuffix:@"MILITARY_LASER"])
if ([weapon_string hasSuffix:@"THARGOID_LASER"])
return result;
- (NSString*) equipmentKeyForWeapon:(int) weapon
switch (weapon)
return [NSString stringWithString:@"EQ_WEAPON_PULSE_LASER"];
return [NSString stringWithString:@"EQ_WEAPON_BEAM_LASER"];
return [NSString stringWithString:@"EQ_WEAPON_MINING_LASER"];
return [NSString stringWithString:@"EQ_WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER"];
return [NSString stringWithString:@"EQ_WEAPON_THARGOID_LASER"];
return nil;
- (NSString *) generateSystemDescription:(Random_Seed) s_seed
// seed_for_planet_description (s_seed);
return [self expandDescription:@"[14] is [22]." forSystem:s_seed];
- (NSString *) expandDescription:(NSString *) desc forSystem:(Random_Seed)s_seed;
NSMutableString* partial = [NSMutableString stringWithString:desc];
while ([partial rangeOfString:@"["].location != NSNotFound)
NSString *part, *before, *after, *middle;
int sub, rnd, opt;
int p1 = [partial rangeOfString:@"["].location;
int p2 = [partial rangeOfString:@"]"].location + 1;
before = [partial substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0,p1)];
after = [partial substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(p2,[partial length] - p2)];
middle = [partial substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(p1 + 1 , p2 - p1 - 2)];
// check descriptions for an array that's keyed to middle
if ([[descriptions objectForKey:middle] isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])
NSArray* choices = (NSArray*)[descriptions objectForKey:middle];
rnd = gen_rnd_number() % [choices count];
part = [NSString stringWithString:(NSString *)[choices objectAtIndex:rnd]];
// no value for that key so interpret it as a number...
sub = [middle intValue];
rnd = gen_rnd_number();
opt = 0;
if (rnd >= 0x33) opt++;
if (rnd >= 0x66) opt++;
if (rnd >= 0x99) opt++;
if (rnd >= 0xCC) opt++;
part = (NSString *)[(NSArray *)[(NSArray *)[descriptions objectForKey:@"system_description"] objectAtIndex:sub] objectAtIndex:opt];
partial = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@",before,part,after];
[partial replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"%H"
withString:[self generateSystemName:s_seed]
options:NSLiteralSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [partial length])];
[partial replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"%I"
withString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ian",[self generateSystemName:s_seed]]
options:NSLiteralSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [partial length])];
[partial replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"%R"
withString:[self getRandomDigrams]
options:NSLiteralSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [partial length])];
return [NSString stringWithString:partial];
- (NSString *) getRandomDigrams
int i;
int len = gen_rnd_number() & 3;
NSString* digrams = [descriptions objectForKey:@"digrams"];
NSMutableString* name = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@""];
for (i = 0; i <=len; i++)
int x = gen_rnd_number() & 0x3e;
[name appendString:[digrams substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(x,2)]];
return [NSString stringWithString:[name capitalizedString]];
- (Vector) getWitchspaceExitPosition
Vector result;
// new system is hyper-centric : witchspace exit point is origin
result.x = 0.0;
result.y = 0.0;
result.z = 0.0;
result.x += SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*(gen_rnd_number()/256.0 - 0.5); // offset by a set amount, up to 12.8 km
result.y += SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*(gen_rnd_number()/256.0 - 0.5);
result.z += SCANNER_MAX_RANGE*(gen_rnd_number()/256.0 - 0.5);
return result;
- (Quaternion) getWitchspaceExitRotation
// this should be fairly close to {0,0,0,1}
Quaternion q_result;
q_result.x = (gen_rnd_number() - 128)/1024.0;
q_result.y = (gen_rnd_number() - 128)/1024.0;
q_result.z = (gen_rnd_number() - 128)/1024.0;
q_result.w = 1.0;
return q_result;
- (Vector) getSunSkimStartPositionForShip:(ShipEntity*) ship
// get vector from sun position to ship
if (![self sun])
// NSLog(@"ERROR ***** No sun set in Universe getSunSkimStartPositionForShip:");
// NSBeep();
return make_vector(0,0,0);
Vector v0 = [[self sun] getPosition];
Vector v1 = [ship getPosition];
v1.x -= v0.x; v1.y -= v0.y; v1.z -= v0.z; // vector from sun to ship
v1 = unit_vector(&v1);
double radius = SUN_SKIM_RADIUS_FACTOR * [[self sun] collisionRadius] - 250.0; // 250 m inside the skim radius
v1.x *= radius; v1.y *= radius; v1.z *= radius;
v1.x += v0.x; v1.y += v0.y; v1.z += v0.z;
return v1;
- (Vector) getSunSkimEndPositionForShip:(ShipEntity*) ship
// get vector from sun position to ship
if (![self sun])
// NSLog(@"ERROR ***** No sun set in Universe getSunSkimEndPositionForShip:");
// NSBeep();
return make_vector(0,0,0);
Vector v0 = [[self sun] getPosition];
Vector v1 = [ship getPosition];
v1.x -= v0.x; v1.y -= v0.y; v1.z -= v0.z;
v1 = unit_vector(&v1);
Vector v2 = make_vector(randf()-0.5, randf()-0.5, randf()-0.5); // random vector
v2 = unit_vector(&v2);
Vector v3 = cross_product( v1, v2); // random vector at 90 degrees to v1 and v2 (random Vector)
v3 = unit_vector(&v3);
double radius = [[self sun] collisionRadius] * SUN_SKIM_RADIUS_FACTOR - 250.0; // 250 m inside the skim radius
v1.x *= radius; v1.y *= radius; v1.z *= radius;
v1.x += v0.x; v1.y += v0.y; v1.z += v0.z;
v1.x += 15000 * v3.x; v1.y += 15000 * v3.y; v1.z += 15000 * v3.z; // point 15000m at a tangent to sun from v1
v1.x -= v0.x; v1.y -= v0.y; v1.z -= v0.z;
v1 = unit_vector(&v1);
v1.x *= radius; v1.y *= radius; v1.z *= radius;
v1.x += v0.x; v1.y += v0.y; v1.z += v0.z;
return v1;
- (GuiDisplayGen *) gui
return gui;
- (GuiDisplayGen *) comm_log_gui
return comm_log_gui;
- (void) clearGUIs
[gui clear];
[message_gui clear];
[comm_log_gui clear];
[comm_log_gui printLongText:@"Communications Log" Align:GUI_ALIGN_CENTER Color:[NSColor yellowColor] FadeTime:0 Key:nil AddToArray:nil];
- (void) guiUpdated
[gui updateGui];
- (void) resetCommsLogColor
[comm_log_gui setTextColor:[NSColor whiteColor]];
- (void) setDisplayCursor:(BOOL) value
displayCursor = value;
- (BOOL) displayCursor
return displayCursor;
- (void) setDisplayText:(BOOL) value
displayGUI = value;
- (BOOL) displayGUI
return displayGUI;
- (void) setDisplayFPS:(BOOL) value
displayFPS = value;
- (BOOL) displayFPS
return displayFPS;
- (void) setReducedDetail:(BOOL) value
reducedDetail = value;
- (BOOL) reducedDetail
return reducedDetail;
// speech routines
- (void) startSpeakingString:(NSString *) text
#ifndef GNUSTEP
if (speechChannel == nil)
SpeakText(speechChannel,[text UTF8String],[text length]);
- (void) stopSpeaking
#ifndef GNUSTEP
if (speechChannel == nil)
- (BOOL) isSpeaking
#ifdef GNUSTEP
return 0;
return (SpeechBusy() != 0);