
2371 lines
58 KiB

Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Giles C Williams and contributors
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02110-1301, USA.
#import "ShipEntityAI.h"
#import "OOMaths.h"
#import "Universe.h"
#import "AI.h"
#import "StationEntity.h"
#import "PlanetEntity.h"
#import "WormholeEntity.h"
#import "PlayerEntity.h"
#import "PlayerEntityLegacyScriptEngine.h"
#import "OOJSFunction.h"
#import "OOShipGroup.h"
#import "OOStringParsing.h"
#import "OOEntityFilterPredicate.h"
#import "OOConstToString.h"
#import "OOCollectionExtractors.h"
#define kOOLogUnconvertedNSLog @"unclassified.ShipEntityAI"
@interface ShipEntity (OOAIPrivate)
- (void)performHyperSpaceExitReplace:(BOOL)replace;
- (void)scanForNearestShipWithPredicate:(EntityFilterPredicate)predicate parameter:(void *)parameter;
- (void)scanForNearestShipWithNegatedPredicate:(EntityFilterPredicate)predicate parameter:(void *)parameter;
- (void) acceptDistressMessageFrom:(ShipEntity *)other;
@interface StationEntity (OOAIPrivate)
- (void) acceptDistressMessageFrom:(ShipEntity *)other;
@interface ShipEntity (PureAI)
// Methods used only by AI.
- (void) pauseAI:(NSString *)intervalString;
- (void) randomPauseAI:(NSString *)intervalString;
- (void) dropMessages:(NSString *)messageString;
- (void) debugDumpPendingMessages;
- (void) setDestinationToCurrentLocation;
- (void) setDesiredRangeTo:(NSString *)rangeString;
- (void) setSpeedTo:(NSString *)speedString;
- (void) setSpeedFactorTo:(NSString *)speedString;
- (void) setSpeedToCruiseSpeed;
- (void) performFlyToRangeFromDestination;
- (void) performIdle;
- (void) performHold;
- (void) setTargetToPrimaryAggressor;
- (void) performAttack;
- (void) scanForNearestMerchantmen;
- (void) scanForRandomMerchantmen;
- (void) scanForLoot;
- (void) scanForRandomLoot;
- (void) setTargetToFoundTarget;
- (void) checkForFullHold;
- (void) performCollect;
- (void) performIntercept;
- (void) performFlee;
- (void) requestDockingCoordinates;
- (void) getWitchspaceEntryCoordinates;
- (void) setDestinationFromCoordinates;
- (void) performFaceDestination;
- (void) fightOrFleeMissile;
- (void) setCourseToPlanet;
- (void) setTakeOffFromPlanet;
- (void) landOnPlanet;
- (void) checkTargetLegalStatus;
- (void) checkOwnLegalStatus;
- (void) exitAIWithMessage:(NSString *)message;
- (void) setDestinationToTarget;
- (void) setDestinationWithinTarget;
- (void) checkCourseToDestination;
- (void) scanForOffenders;
- (void) setCourseToWitchpoint;
- (void) setDestinationToWitchpoint;
- (void) setDestinationToStationBeacon;
- (void) performHyperSpaceExit;
- (void) performHyperSpaceExitWithoutReplacing;
- (void) wormholeEscorts;
- (void) wormholeGroup;
- (void) wormholeEntireGroup;
- (void) commsMessage:(NSString *)valueString;
- (void) commsMessageByUnpiloted:(NSString *)valueString;
- (void) broadcastDistressMessage;
- (void) ejectCargo;
- (void) scanForThargoid;
- (void) scanForNonThargoid;
- (void) becomeUncontrolledThargon;
- (void) checkDistanceTravelled;
- (void) fightOrFleeHostiles;
- (void) suggestEscort;
- (void) escortCheckMother;
- (void) performEscort;
- (void) checkGroupOddsVersusTarget;
- (void) groupAttackTarget;
- (void) scanForFormationLeader;
- (void) messageMother:(NSString *)msgString;
- (void) setPlanetPatrolCoordinates;
- (void) setSunSkimStartCoordinates;
- (void) setSunSkimEndCoordinates;
- (void) setSunSkimExitCoordinates;
- (void) patrolReportIn;
- (void) checkForMotherStation;
- (void) sendTargetCommsMessage:(NSString *) message;
- (void) markTargetForFines;
- (void) markTargetForOffence:(NSString *) valueString;
- (void) scanForRocks;
- (void) performMining;
- (void) setDestinationToDockingAbort;
- (void) requestNewTarget;
- (void) rollD:(NSString *) die_number;
- (void) scanForNearestShipWithPrimaryRole:(NSString *)scanRole;
- (void) scanForNearestShipHavingRole:(NSString *)scanRole;
- (void) scanForNearestShipWithAnyPrimaryRole:(NSString *)scanRoles;
- (void) scanForNearestShipHavingAnyRole:(NSString *)scanRoles;
- (void) scanForNearestShipWithScanClass:(NSString *)scanScanClass;
- (void) scanForNearestShipWithoutPrimaryRole:(NSString *)scanRole;
- (void) scanForNearestShipNotHavingRole:(NSString *)scanRole;
- (void) scanForNearestShipWithoutAnyPrimaryRole:(NSString *)scanRoles;
- (void) scanForNearestShipNotHavingAnyRole:(NSString *)scanRoles;
- (void) scanForNearestShipWithoutScanClass:(NSString *)scanScanClass;
- (void) setCoordinates:(NSString *)system_x_y_z;
- (void) checkForNormalSpace;
- (void) recallDockingInstructions;
- (void) addFuel:(NSString *) fuel_number;
- (void) enterTargetWormhole;
- (void) scriptActionOnTarget:(NSString *) action;
- (void) sendScriptMessage:(NSString *)message;
- (void) ai_throwSparks;
// racing code.
- (void) targetFirstBeaconWithCode:(NSString *) code;
- (void) targetNextBeaconWithCode:(NSString *) code;
- (void) setRacepointsFromTarget;
- (void) performFlyRacepoints;
@implementation ShipEntity (AI)
- (void) setAITo:(NSString *)aiString
[[self getAI] setStateMachine:aiString];
- (void) switchAITo:(NSString *)aiString
[[self getAI] setStateMachine:aiString];
[[self getAI] clearStack];
- (void) scanForHostiles
/*-- Locates all the ships in range targeting the receiver and chooses the nearest --*/
found_target = NO_TARGET;
found_hostiles = 0;
[self checkScanner];
unsigned i;
GLfloat found_d2 = scannerRange * scannerRange;
for (i = 0; i < n_scanned_ships ; i++)
ShipEntity *thing = scanned_ships[i];
GLfloat d2 = distance2_scanned_ships[i];
if ((d2 < found_d2) && ([thing isThargoid] || (([thing primaryTarget] == self) && [thing hasHostileTarget])))
found_target = [thing universalID];
found_d2 = d2;
if (found_target != NO_TARGET) [shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
else [shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
- (void) scanForNearestIncomingMissile
BinaryOperationPredicateParameter param =
HasScanClassPredicate, [NSNumber numberWithInt:CLASS_MISSILE],
IsHostileAgainstTargetPredicate, self
[self scanForNearestShipWithPredicate:ANDPredicate parameter:&param];
- (void) performTumble
flightRoll = max_flight_roll*2.0*(randf() - 0.5);
flightPitch = max_flight_pitch*2.0*(randf() - 0.5);
frustration = 0.0;
- (void) performStop
desired_speed = 0.0;
frustration = 0.0;
@implementation ShipEntity (PureAI)
- (void) pauseAI:(NSString *)intervalString
[shipAI setNextThinkTime:[UNIVERSE getTime] + [intervalString doubleValue]];
- (void) randomPauseAI:(NSString *)intervalString
NSArray* tokens = ScanTokensFromString(intervalString);
double start, end;
if ([tokens count] != 2)
OOLog(@"ai.syntax.randomPauseAI", @"***** ERROR: cannot read min and max value for randomPauseAI:, needs 2 values: '%@'.", intervalString);
start = [tokens doubleAtIndex:0];
end = [tokens doubleAtIndex:1];
[shipAI setNextThinkTime:[UNIVERSE getTime] + (start + (end - start)*randf())];
- (void) dropMessages:(NSString *)messageString
NSArray *messages = nil;
NSEnumerator *messageEnum = nil;
NSString *message = nil;
messages = ScanTokensFromString(messageString);
for (messageEnum = [messages objectEnumerator]; (message = [messageEnum nextObject]); )
[shipAI dropMessage:messageString];
- (void) debugDumpPendingMessages
[shipAI debugDumpPendingMessages];
- (void) setDestinationToCurrentLocation
// randomly add a .5m variance
destination = vector_add(position, OOVectorRandomSpatial(0.5));
- (void) setDesiredRangeTo:(NSString *)rangeString
desired_range = [rangeString doubleValue];
- (void) performFlyToRangeFromDestination
frustration = 0.0;
- (void) setSpeedTo:(NSString *)speedString
desired_speed = [speedString doubleValue];
- (void) setSpeedFactorTo:(NSString *)speedString
desired_speed = maxFlightSpeed * [speedString doubleValue];
- (void) setSpeedToCruiseSpeed
desired_speed = cruiseSpeed;
- (void) performIdle
behaviour = BEHAVIOUR_IDLE;
frustration = 0.0;
- (void) performHold
desired_speed = 0.0;
frustration = 0.0;
- (void) setTargetToPrimaryAggressor
if (![UNIVERSE entityForUniversalID:primaryAggressor])
if (primaryTarget == primaryAggressor)
// a more considered approach here:
// if we're already busy attacking a target we don't necessarily want to break off
switch (behaviour)
if (randf() < 0.75) // if I'm attacking, ignore 75% of new aggressor's attacks
// inform our old target of our new target
Entity *primeTarget = [UNIVERSE entityForUniversalID:primaryTarget];
if ((primeTarget)&&(primeTarget->isShip))
ShipEntity *currentShip = [UNIVERSE entityForUniversalID:primaryTarget];
[[currentShip getAI] message:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %d %d", AIMS_AGGRESSOR_SWITCHED_TARGET, universalID, primaryAggressor]];
// okay, so let's now target the aggressor
[self addTarget:[UNIVERSE entityForUniversalID:primaryAggressor]];
- (void) performAttack
desired_range = 1250 * randf() + 750; // 750 til 2000
frustration = 0.0;
- (void) scanForNearestMerchantmen
float d2, found_d2;
unsigned i;
ShipEntity *ship = nil;
//-- Locates the nearest merchantman in range.
[self checkScanner];
found_d2 = scannerRange * scannerRange;
found_target = NO_TARGET;
for (i = 0; i < n_scanned_ships ; i++)
ship = scanned_ships[i];
if ([ship isPirateVictim] && ([ship status] != STATUS_DEAD) && ([ship status] != STATUS_DOCKED))
d2 = distance2_scanned_ships[i];
if (PIRATES_PREFER_PLAYER && (d2 < desired_range * desired_range) && ship->isPlayer && [self isPirate])
d2 = 0.0;
else d2 = distance2_scanned_ships[i];
if (d2 < found_d2)
found_d2 = d2;
found_target = [ship universalID];
if (found_target != NO_TARGET) [shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
else [shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
- (void) scanForRandomMerchantmen
unsigned n_found, i;
//-- Locates one of the merchantman in range.
[self checkScanner];
OOUniversalID ids_found[n_scanned_ships];
n_found = 0;
found_target = NO_TARGET;
for (i = 0; i < n_scanned_ships ; i++)
ShipEntity *ship = scanned_ships[i];
if (([ship status] != STATUS_DEAD) && ([ship status] != STATUS_DOCKED) && [ship isPirateVictim])
ids_found[n_found++] = ship->universalID;
if (n_found == 0)
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
i = ranrot_rand() % n_found; // pick a number from 0 -> (n_found - 1)
found_target = ids_found[i];
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
- (void) scanForLoot
/*-- Locates the nearest debris in range --*/
if (!isStation)
if (![self hasScoop])
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"]; //can't collect loot if you have no scoop!
if ([cargo count] >= max_cargo)
if (max_cargo) [shipAI message:@"HOLD_FULL"]; //can't collect loot if holds are full!
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"]; //can't collect loot if holds are full!
if (magnitude2([self velocity]))
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"]; //can't collect loot if you're a moving station
[self checkScanner];
double found_d2 = scannerRange * scannerRange;
found_target = NO_TARGET;
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < n_scanned_ships; i++)
ShipEntity *other = (ShipEntity *)scanned_ships[i];
if ((other->scanClass == CLASS_CARGO)&&([other cargoType] != CARGO_NOT_CARGO))
if ((![self isPolice]) || ([other commodityType] == 3)) // police only rescue lifepods and slaves
GLfloat d2 = distance2_scanned_ships[i];
if (d2 < found_d2)
found_d2 = d2;
found_target = other->universalID;
if (found_target != NO_TARGET)
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
- (void) scanForRandomLoot
/*-- Locates the all debris in range and chooses a piece at random from the first sixteen found --*/
if (![self isStation] && ![self hasScoop])
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"]; //can't collect loot if you have no scoop!
[self checkScanner];
OOUniversalID thing_uids_found[16];
unsigned things_found = 0;
found_target = NO_TARGET;
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; (i < n_scanned_ships)&&(things_found < 16) ; i++)
ShipEntity *other = scanned_ships[i];
if ((other->scanClass == CLASS_CARGO)&&([other cargoType] != CARGO_NOT_CARGO))
found_target = [other universalID];
thing_uids_found[things_found++] = found_target;
if (things_found != 0)
found_target = thing_uids_found[ranrot_rand() % things_found];
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
- (void) setTargetToFoundTarget
if ([UNIVERSE entityForUniversalID:found_target])
[self addTarget:[UNIVERSE entityForUniversalID:found_target]];
- (void) checkForFullHold
if (!max_cargo)
[shipAI message:@"NO_CARGO_BAY"];
else if ([cargo count] >= max_cargo)
[shipAI message:@"HOLD_FULL"];
[shipAI message:@"HOLD_NOT_FULL"];
- (void) performCollect
frustration = 0.0;
- (void) performIntercept
frustration = 0.0;
- (void) performFlee
frustration = 0.0;
- (void) getWitchspaceEntryCoordinates
/*- calculates coordinates from the nearest station it can find, or just fly 10s forward -*/
coordinates = position;
coordinates.x += v_forward.x * maxFlightSpeed * 10.0;
coordinates.y += v_forward.y * maxFlightSpeed * 10.0;
coordinates.z += v_forward.z * maxFlightSpeed * 10.0;
// find the nearest station...
[self checkScanner];
StationEntity *station = nil;
double nearest2 = SCANNER_MAX_RANGE2 * 1000000.0; // 1000x scanner range (25600 km), squared.
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < n_scanned_ships; i++)
if (scanned_ships[i]->isStation)
StationEntity *thing = (StationEntity *)scanned_ships[i];
GLfloat range2 = distance2_scanned_ships[i];
if (range2 < nearest2)
station = thing;
nearest2 = range2;
if (station)
coordinates = station->position;
Vector vr = vector_right_from_quaternion(station->orientation);
coordinates.x += 10000 * vr.x; // 10km from station
coordinates.y += 10000 * vr.y;
coordinates.z += 10000 * vr.z;
coordinates = position;
coordinates.x += v_forward.x * maxFlightSpeed * 10.0;
coordinates.y += v_forward.y * maxFlightSpeed * 10.0;
coordinates.z += v_forward.z * maxFlightSpeed * 10.0;
- (void) setDestinationFromCoordinates
destination = coordinates;
- (void) performFaceDestination
frustration = 0.0;
- (void) fightOrFleeMissile
// find an incoming missile...
ShipEntity *missile = nil;
unsigned i;
NSEnumerator *escortEnum = nil;
ShipEntity *escort = nil;
ShipEntity *target = nil;
[self checkScanner];
for (i = 0; (i < n_scanned_ships)&&(missile == nil); i++)
ShipEntity *thing = scanned_ships[i];
if (thing->scanClass == CLASS_MISSILE)
target = [thing primaryTarget];
if (target == self)
missile = thing;
for (escortEnum = [self escortEnumerator]; (escort = [escortEnum nextObject]); )
if (target == escort)
missile = thing;
if (missile == nil) return;
[self addTarget:missile];
// Notify own ship script that we are being attacked.
ShipEntity *hunter = [missile owner];
[self doScriptEvent:@"beingAttacked" withArgument:hunter];
if ([self isPolice])
// Notify other police in group of attacker.
// Note: prior to 1.73 this was done only if we had ECM.
NSEnumerator *policeEnum = nil;
ShipEntity *police = nil;
for (policeEnum = [[self group] objectEnumerator]; (police = [policeEnum nextObject]); )
[police setFound_target:hunter];
[police setPrimaryAggressor:hunter];
if ([self hasECM])
// use the ECM and battle on
[self setPrimaryAggressor:hunter]; // lets get them now for that!
found_target = primaryAggressor;
// if I'm a copper and you're not, then mark the other as an offender!
if ([self isPolice] && ![hunter isPolice]) [hunter markAsOffender:64];
[self fireECM];
// RUN AWAY !!
jink = make_vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f);
desired_range = 10000;
[self performFlee];
[shipAI message:@"FLEEING"];
- (void) setCourseToPlanet
/*- selects the nearest planet it can find -*/
PlanetEntity *the_planet = [self findNearestPlanetExcludingMoons];
// PlanetEntity *the_planet = [self findNearestPlanet];
if (the_planet)
Vector p_pos = the_planet->position;
double p_cr = the_planet->collision_radius; // 200m above the surface
Vector p1 = vector_between(p_pos, position);
p1 = vector_normal(p1); // vector towards ship
p1.x += 0.5 * (randf() - 0.5);
p1.y += 0.5 * (randf() - 0.5);
p1.z += 0.5 * (randf() - 0.5);
p1 = vector_normal(p1);
destination = make_vector(p_pos.x + p1.x * p_cr, p_pos.y + p1.y * p_cr, p_pos.z + p1.z * p_cr); // on surface
desired_range = collision_radius + 50.0; // +50m from the destination
- (void) setTakeOffFromPlanet
/*- selects the nearest planet it can find -*/
PlanetEntity *the_planet = [self findNearestPlanet];
if (the_planet)
destination = vector_add([the_planet position], vector_multiply_scalar(
vector_normal(vector_subtract([the_planet position],position)),-10000.0-the_planet->collision_radius));// 10km straight up
desired_range = 50.0;
OOLog(@"ai.setTakeOffFromPlanet.noPlanet", @"***** Error. Planet not found during take off!");
- (void) landOnPlanet
// Selects the nearest planet it can find.
[self landOnPlanet:[self findNearestPlanet]];
- (void) checkTargetLegalStatus
ShipEntity *other_ship = [UNIVERSE entityForUniversalID:primaryTarget];
if (!other_ship)
[shipAI message:@"NO_TARGET"];
int ls = [other_ship legalStatus];
if (ls > 50)
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_FUGITIVE"];
if (ls > 20)
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_OFFENDER"];
if (ls > 0)
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_MINOR_OFFENDER"];
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_CLEAN"];
- (void) checkOwnLegalStatus
if (scanClass == CLASS_THARGOID)
[shipAI message:@"SELF_THARGOID"];
int ls = [self legalStatus];
if (ls > 50)
[shipAI message:@"SELF_FUGITIVE"];
if (ls > 20)
[shipAI message:@"SELF_OFFENDER"];
if (ls > 0)
[shipAI message:@"SELF_MINOR_OFFENDER"];
[shipAI message:@"SELF_CLEAN"];
- (void) exitAIWithMessage:(NSString *)message;
if ([message length] == 0) message = @"RESTARTED";
[shipAI exitStateMachineWithMessage:message];
- (void) setDestinationToTarget
Entity *the_target = [UNIVERSE entityForUniversalID:primaryTarget];
if (the_target)
destination = the_target->position;
- (void) setDestinationWithinTarget
Entity *the_target = [UNIVERSE entityForUniversalID:primaryTarget];
if (the_target)
Vector pos = the_target->position;
Quaternion q; quaternion_set_random(&q);
Vector v = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q);
GLfloat d = (randf() - randf()) * the_target->collision_radius;
destination = make_vector(pos.x + d * v.x, pos.y + d * v.y, pos.z + d * v.z);
- (void) checkCourseToDestination
Entity *hazard = [UNIVERSE hazardOnRouteFromEntity: self toDistance: desired_range fromPoint: destination];
if (!hazard || (hazard->isShip && sqrtf(distance2(position, hazard->position)) > scannerRange) || (hazard->isPlanet && aegis_status == AEGIS_NONE))
[shipAI message:@"COURSE_OK"]; // Avoid going into a waypoint.plist for far away objects, it cripples the main AI a bit in its funtionality.
if ((hazard->isShip)&&(weapon_energy * 24.0 > [hazard energy]))
[shipAI reactToMessage:@"HAZARD_CAN_BE_DESTROYED"];
destination = [UNIVERSE getSafeVectorFromEntity:self toDistance:desired_range fromPoint:destination];
[shipAI message:@"WAYPOINT_SET"];
- (void) scanForOffenders
/*-- Locates all the ships in range and compares their legal status or bounty against ranrot_rand() & 255 - chooses the worst offender --*/
NSDictionary *systeminfo = [UNIVERSE currentSystemData];
float gov_factor = 0.4 * [(NSNumber *)[systeminfo objectForKey:KEY_GOVERNMENT] intValue]; // 0 .. 7 (0 anarchic .. 7 most stable) --> [0.0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0, 2.4, 2.8]
if (![UNIVERSE sun])
gov_factor = 1.0;
found_target = NO_TARGET;
// find the worst offender on the scanner
[self checkScanner];
unsigned i;
float worst_legal_factor = 0;
GLfloat found_d2 = scannerRange * scannerRange;
OOShipGroup *group = [self group];
for (i = 0; i < n_scanned_ships ; i++)
ShipEntity *ship = scanned_ships[i];
if ((ship->scanClass != CLASS_CARGO)&&([ship status] != STATUS_DEAD)&&([ship status] != STATUS_DOCKED))
GLfloat d2 = distance2_scanned_ships[i];
float legal_factor = [ship legalStatus] * gov_factor;
int random_factor = ranrot_rand() & 255; // 25% chance of spotting a fugitive in 15s
if ((d2 < found_d2)&&(random_factor < legal_factor)&&(legal_factor > worst_legal_factor))
if (group == nil || group != [ship group]) // fellows with bounty can't be offenders
found_target = [ship universalID];
worst_legal_factor = legal_factor;
if (found_target != NO_TARGET)
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
- (void) setCourseToWitchpoint
destination = [UNIVERSE getWitchspaceExitPosition];
desired_range = 10000.0; // 10km away
- (void) setDestinationToWitchpoint
destination = [UNIVERSE getWitchspaceExitPosition];
- (void) setDestinationToStationBeacon
if ([UNIVERSE station])
destination = [[UNIVERSE station] getBeaconPosition];
static WormholeEntity *whole = nil;
- (void) performHyperSpaceExit
[self performHyperSpaceExitReplace:YES];
- (void) performHyperSpaceExitWithoutReplacing
[self performHyperSpaceExitReplace:NO];
// FIXME: resolve this stuff.
- (void) wormholeEscorts
NSEnumerator *shipEnum = nil;
ShipEntity *ship = nil;
if (whole == nil) return;
for (shipEnum = [self escortEnumerator]; (ship = [shipEnum nextObject]); )
[ship addTarget:whole];
[ship reactToAIMessage:@"ENTER WORMHOLE"];
// We now have no escorts..
[_escortGroup release];
_escortGroup = nil;
- (void) wormholeGroup
NSEnumerator *shipEnum = nil;
ShipEntity *ship = nil;
for (shipEnum = [[self group] objectEnumerator]; (ship = [shipEnum nextObject]); )
[ship addTarget:whole];
[ship reactToAIMessage:@"ENTER WORMHOLE"];
- (void) wormholeEntireGroup
[self wormholeGroup];
[self wormholeEscorts];
- (void) commsMessage:(NSString *)valueString
[self commsMessage:valueString withUnpilotedOverride:NO];
- (void) commsMessageByUnpiloted:(NSString *)valueString
[self commsMessage:valueString withUnpilotedOverride:YES];
- (void) broadcastDistressMessage
/*-- Locates all the stations, bounty hunters and police ships in range and tells them that you are under attack --*/
[self checkScanner];
GLfloat d2;
GLfloat found_d2 = SCANNER_MAX_RANGE2;
NSString* distress_message;
found_target = NO_TARGET;
BOOL is_buoy = (scanClass == CLASS_BUOY);
if (messageTime > 2.0 * randf())
return; // don't send too many distress messages at once, space them out semi-randomly
if (is_buoy)
distress_message = @"[buoy-distress-call]";
distress_message = @"[distress-call]";
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < n_scanned_ships; i++)
ShipEntity* ship = scanned_ships[i];
d2 = distance2_scanned_ships[i];
if (d2 < found_d2)
// tell it! //
if (ship->isPlayer)
if ((primaryAggressor == [ship universalID])&&(energy < 0.375 * maxEnergy)&&(!is_buoy))
[self sendExpandedMessage:ExpandDescriptionForCurrentSystem(@"[beg-for-mercy]") toShip:ship];
[self ejectCargo];
[self performFlee];
[self sendExpandedMessage:ExpandDescriptionForCurrentSystem(distress_message) toShip:ship];
// reset the thanked_ship_id
thanked_ship_id = NO_TARGET;
if ([self bounty] == 0) // Only clean ships can have their distress calls accepted
if (ship->isStation)
[ship acceptDistressMessageFrom:self];
if ([ship hasPrimaryRole:@"police"]) // Not isPolice because we don't want wingmen shooting off... but what about interceptors?
[ship acceptDistressMessageFrom:self];
if ([ship hasPrimaryRole:@"hunter"])
[ship acceptDistressMessageFrom:self];
- (void) ejectCargo
unsigned i;
if ((cargo_flag == CARGO_FLAG_FULL_PLENTIFUL)||(cargo_flag == CARGO_FLAG_FULL_SCARCE))
NSArray* jetsam;
int cargo_to_go = 0.1 * max_cargo;
while (cargo_to_go > 15)
cargo_to_go = ranrot_rand() % cargo_to_go;
jetsam = [UNIVERSE getContainersOfGoods:cargo_to_go scarce:cargo_flag == CARGO_FLAG_FULL_SCARCE];
if (!cargo)
cargo = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:max_cargo];
[cargo addObjectsFromArray:jetsam];
[self dumpCargo];
for (i = 1; i < [cargo count]; i++)
[self performSelector:@selector(dumpCargo) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.75 * i]; // drop 3 canisters per 2 seconds
- (void) scanForThargoid
return [self scanForNearestShipWithPrimaryRole:@"thargoid"];
- (void) scanForNonThargoid
/*-- Locates all the non thargoid ships in range and chooses the nearest --*/
found_target = NO_TARGET;
[self checkScanner];
unsigned i;
GLfloat found_d2 = scannerRange * scannerRange;
for (i = 0; i < n_scanned_ships ; i++)
ShipEntity *thing = scanned_ships[i];
GLfloat d2 = distance2_scanned_ships[i];
if (([thing scanClass] != CLASS_CARGO) && ([thing status] != STATUS_DOCKED) && ![thing isThargoid] && (d2 < found_d2))
found_target = [thing universalID];
if ([thing isPlayer]) d2 = 0.0; // prefer the player
found_d2 = d2;
if (found_target != NO_TARGET) [shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
else [shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
- (void) becomeUncontrolledThargon
int ent_count = UNIVERSE->n_entities;
Entity** uni_entities = UNIVERSE->sortedEntities; // grab the public sorted list
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++) if (uni_entities[i]->isShip)
ShipEntity *other = (ShipEntity*)uni_entities[i];
if ([other primaryTarget] == self)
[other removeTarget:self];
// now we're just a bunch of alien artefacts!
scanClass = CLASS_CARGO;
reportAIMessages = NO;
[shipAI setStateMachine:@"dumbAI.plist"];
primaryTarget = NO_TARGET;
[self setSpeed: 0.0];
- (void) checkDistanceTravelled
if (distanceTravelled > desired_range)
[shipAI message:@"GONE_BEYOND_RANGE"];
- (void) fightOrFleeHostiles
if ([self hasEscorts])
if (found_target == last_escort_target)
[shipAI message:@"FLEEING"];
primaryAggressor = found_target;
primaryTarget = found_target;
[self deployEscorts];
[shipAI message:@"DEPLOYING_ESCORTS"];
[shipAI message:@"FLEEING"];
// consider launching a missile
if (missiles > 2) // keep a reserve
if (randf() < 0.50)
primaryAggressor = found_target;
primaryTarget = found_target;
[self fireMissile];
[shipAI message:@"FLEEING"];
// consider fighting
if (energy > maxEnergy * 0.80)
primaryAggressor = found_target;
//[self performAttack];
[shipAI message:@"FIGHTING"];
[shipAI message:@"FLEEING"];
- (void) suggestEscort
ShipEntity *mother = [UNIVERSE entityForUniversalID:primaryTarget];
if (mother)
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (reportAIMessages)
OOLog(@"ai.suggestEscort", @"DEBUG: %@ suggests escorting %@", self, mother);
if ([mother acceptAsEscort:self])
// copy legal status across
if (([mother legalStatus] > 0)&&(bounty <= 0))
int extra = 1 | (ranrot_rand() & 15);
[mother setBounty: [mother legalStatus] + extra];
bounty += extra; // obviously we're dodgier than we thought!
[self setOwner:mother];
[self setGroup:[mother escortGroup]];
[shipAI message:@"ESCORTING"];
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (reportAIMessages)
OOLog(@"ai.suggestEscort.refused", @"DEBUG: %@ refused by %@", self, mother);
[self setOwner:NULL];
[shipAI message:@"NOT_ESCORTING"];
- (void) escortCheckMother
ShipEntity *mother = [self owner];
if ([mother acceptAsEscort:self])
[self setOwner:mother];
[self setGroup:[mother escortGroup]];
[shipAI message:@"ESCORTING"];
[self setOwner:self];
if ([self group] == [mother escortGroup]) [self setGroup:nil];
[shipAI message:@"NOT_ESCORTING"];
- (void) performEscort
frustration = 0.0; // behavior changed, reset frustration.
- (void) checkGroupOddsVersusTarget
OOUInteger ownGroupCount = [[self group] count] + (ranrot_rand() & 3); // add a random fudge factor
OOUInteger targetGroupCount = [[[self primaryTarget] group] count] + (ranrot_rand() & 3); // add a random fudge factor
if (ownGroupCount == targetGroupCount)
[shipAI message:@"ODDS_LEVEL"];
else if (ownGroupCount > targetGroupCount)
[shipAI message:@"ODDS_GOOD"];
[shipAI message:@"ODDS_BAD"];
- (void) groupAttackTarget
NSEnumerator *shipEnum = nil;
ShipEntity *target = nil, *ship = nil;
if ([self group] == nil) // ship is alone!
found_target = primaryTarget;
[shipAI reactToMessage:@"GROUP_ATTACK_TARGET"];
target = [self primaryTarget];
for (shipEnum = [[self group] objectEnumerator]; (ship = [shipEnum nextObject]); )
[ship setFound_target:target];
[ship reactToAIMessage:@"GROUP_ATTACK_TARGET"];
- (void) scanForFormationLeader
//-- Locates the nearest suitable formation leader in range --//
found_target = NO_TARGET;
[self checkScanner];
unsigned i;
GLfloat found_d2 = scannerRange * scannerRange;
for (i = 0; i < n_scanned_ships; i++)
ShipEntity *ship = scanned_ships[i];
if ((ship != self) && (!ship->isPlayer) && (ship->scanClass == scanClass)) // look for alike
GLfloat d2 = distance2_scanned_ships[i];
if ((d2 < found_d2) && [ship canAcceptEscort:self])
found_d2 = d2;
found_target = ship->universalID;
if (found_target != NO_TARGET) [shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
if ([self hasPrimaryRole:@"wingman"])
// become free-lance police :)
[shipAI setStateMachine:@"route1patrolAI.plist"]; // use this to avoid referencing a released AI
[self setPrimaryRole:@"police"];
- (void) messageMother:(NSString *)msgString
ShipEntity *mother = [self owner];
if (mother != nil && mother != self)
[mother reactToAIMessage:msgString];
- (void) messageSelf:(NSString *)msgString
[self sendAIMessage:msgString];
- (void) setPlanetPatrolCoordinates
// check we've arrived near the last given coordinates
Vector r_pos = vector_subtract(position, coordinates);
if (magnitude2(r_pos) < 1000000 || patrol_counter == 0)
Entity *the_sun = [UNIVERSE sun];
Entity *the_station = [self owner]; // was: [UNIVERSE station]; // let it work for any station.
if(!the_station) the_station = [UNIVERSE station];
if ((!the_sun)||(!the_station))
Vector sun_pos = the_sun->position;
Vector stn_pos = the_station->position;
Vector sun_dir = make_vector(sun_pos.x - stn_pos.x, sun_pos.y - stn_pos.y, sun_pos.z - stn_pos.z);
Vector vSun = make_vector(0, 0, 1);
if (sun_dir.x||sun_dir.y||sun_dir.z)
vSun = vector_normal(sun_dir);
Vector v0 = vector_forward_from_quaternion(the_station->orientation);
Vector v1 = cross_product(v0, vSun);
Vector v2 = cross_product(v0, v1);
switch (patrol_counter)
case 0: // first go to 5km ahead of the station
coordinates = make_vector(stn_pos.x + 5000 * v0.x, stn_pos.y + 5000 * v0.y, stn_pos.z + 5000 * v0.z);
desired_range = 250.0;
case 1: // go to 25km N of the station
coordinates = make_vector(stn_pos.x + 25000 * v1.x, stn_pos.y + 25000 * v1.y, stn_pos.z + 25000 * v1.z);
desired_range = 250.0;
case 2: // go to 25km E of the station
coordinates = make_vector(stn_pos.x + 25000 * v2.x, stn_pos.y + 25000 * v2.y, stn_pos.z + 25000 * v2.z);
desired_range = 250.0;
case 3: // go to 25km S of the station
coordinates = make_vector(stn_pos.x - 25000 * v1.x, stn_pos.y - 25000 * v1.y, stn_pos.z - 25000 * v1.z);
desired_range = 250.0;
case 4: // go to 25km W of the station
coordinates = make_vector(stn_pos.x - 25000 * v2.x, stn_pos.y - 25000 * v2.y, stn_pos.z - 25000 * v2.z);
desired_range = 250.0;
default: // We should never come here
coordinates = make_vector(stn_pos.x + 5000 * v0.x, stn_pos.y + 5000 * v0.y, stn_pos.z + 5000 * v0.z);
desired_range = 250.0;
if (patrol_counter > 4)
if (randf() < .25)
// consider docking
[self setAITo:@"dockingAI.plist"];
// go around again
patrol_counter = 1;
- (void) setSunSkimStartCoordinates
Vector v0 = [UNIVERSE getSunSkimStartPositionForShip:self];
if ((v0.x != 0.0)||(v0.y != 0.0)||(v0.z != 0.0))
coordinates = v0;
[shipAI message:@"WAIT_FOR_SUN"];
- (void) setSunSkimEndCoordinates
coordinates = [UNIVERSE getSunSkimEndPositionForShip:self];
- (void) setSunSkimExitCoordinates
Entity *the_sun = [UNIVERSE sun];
if (!the_sun)
Vector v1 = [UNIVERSE getSunSkimEndPositionForShip:self];
Vector vs = the_sun->position;
Vector vout = make_vector(v1.x - vs.x, v1.y - vs.y, v1.z - vs.z);
if (vout.x||vout.y||vout.z)
vout = vector_normal(vout);
vout.z = 1.0;
v1.x += 10000 * vout.x; v1.y += 10000 * vout.y; v1.z += 10000 * vout.z;
coordinates = v1;
- (void) patrolReportIn
[[UNIVERSE station] acceptPatrolReportFrom:self];
- (void) checkForMotherStation
StationEntity *motherStation = [self owner];
if ((!motherStation) || (!(motherStation->isStation)))
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
Vector v0 = motherStation->position;
Vector rpos = make_vector(position.x - v0.x, position.y - v0.y, position.z - v0.z);
double found_d2 = scannerRange * scannerRange;
if (magnitude2(rpos) > found_d2)
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
[shipAI message:@"STATION_FOUND"];
- (void) sendTargetCommsMessage:(NSString*) message
ShipEntity *ship = [self primaryTarget];
if ((ship == nil) || ([ship status] == STATUS_DEAD) || ([ship status] == STATUS_DOCKED))
[self noteLostTarget];
[self sendExpandedMessage:message toShip:[self primaryTarget]];
- (void) markTargetForFines
ShipEntity *ship = [self primaryTarget];
if ((ship == nil) || ([ship status] == STATUS_DEAD) || ([ship status] == STATUS_DOCKED))
[self noteLostTarget];
if ([ship markForFines]) [shipAI message:@"TARGET_MARKED"];
- (void) markTargetForOffence:(NSString*) valueString
if ((isStation)||(scanClass == CLASS_POLICE))
ShipEntity *ship = [self primaryTarget];
if ((ship == nil) || ([ship status] == STATUS_DEAD) || ([ship status] == STATUS_DOCKED))
[self noteLostTarget];
NSString* finalValue = ExpandDescriptionForCurrentSystem(valueString); // expand values
[ship markAsOffender:[finalValue intValue]];
- (void) scanForRocks
/*-- Locates the all boulders and asteroids in range and selects nearest --*/
// find boulders then asteroids within range
found_target = NO_TARGET;
[self checkScanner];
unsigned i;
GLfloat found_d2 = scannerRange * scannerRange;
for (i = 0; i < n_scanned_ships; i++)
ShipEntity *thing = scanned_ships[i];
if ([thing hasRole:@"boulder"])
GLfloat d2 = distance2_scanned_ships[i];
if (d2 < found_d2)
found_target = thing->universalID;
found_d2 = d2;
if (found_target == NO_TARGET)
for (i = 0; i < n_scanned_ships; i++)
ShipEntity *thing = scanned_ships[i];
if ([thing hasRole:@"asteroid"])
GLfloat d2 = distance2_scanned_ships[i];
if (d2 < found_d2)
found_target = thing->universalID;
found_d2 = d2;
if (found_target != NO_TARGET) [shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
else [shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
- (void) performMining
frustration = 0.0;
- (void) setDestinationToDockingAbort
Entity *the_target = [self primaryTarget];
double bo_distance = 8000; // 8km back off
Vector v0 = position;
Vector d0 = (the_target) ? the_target->position : kZeroVector;
v0.x += (randf() - 0.5)*collision_radius; v0.y += (randf() - 0.5)*collision_radius; v0.z += (randf() - 0.5)*collision_radius;
v0.x -= d0.x; v0.y -= d0.y; v0.z -= d0.z;
v0 = vector_normal_or_fallback(v0, make_vector(0, 0, -1));
v0.x *= bo_distance; v0.y *= bo_distance; v0.z *= bo_distance;
v0.x += d0.x; v0.y += d0.y; v0.z += d0.z;
coordinates = v0;
destination = v0;
- (void) requestNewTarget
ShipEntity *mother = [self owner];
if (mother == nil) mother = [[self group] leader];
if (mother == nil)
[shipAI message:@"MOTHER_LOST"];
/*-- Locates all the ships in range targeting the mother ship and chooses the nearest/biggest --*/
found_target = NO_TARGET;
found_hostiles = 0;
[self checkScanner];
unsigned i;
GLfloat found_d2 = scannerRange * scannerRange;
GLfloat max_e = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n_scanned_ships ; i++)
ShipEntity *thing = scanned_ships[i];
GLfloat d2 = distance2_scanned_ships[i];
GLfloat e1 = [thing energy];
if ((d2 < found_d2) && ([thing isThargoid] || (([thing primaryTarget] == mother) && [thing hasHostileTarget])))
if (e1 > max_e)
found_target = thing->universalID;
max_e = e1;
if (found_target != NO_TARGET) [shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
else [shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
- (void) rollD:(NSString*) die_number
int die_sides = [die_number intValue];
if (die_sides > 0)
int die_roll = 1 + (ranrot_rand() % die_sides);
NSString* result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"ROLL_%d", die_roll];
[shipAI reactToMessage: result];
OOLog(@"ai.rollD.invalidValue", @"***** ERROR: invalid value supplied to rollD: '%@'.", die_number);
- (void) scanForNearestShipWithPrimaryRole:(NSString *)scanRole
[self scanForNearestShipWithPredicate:HasPrimaryRolePredicate parameter:scanRole];
- (void) scanForNearestShipHavingRole:(NSString *)scanRole
[self scanForNearestShipWithPredicate:HasRolePredicate parameter:scanRole];
- (void) scanForNearestShipWithAnyPrimaryRole:(NSString *)scanRoles
NSSet *set = [NSSet setWithArray:ScanTokensFromString(scanRoles)];
[self scanForNearestShipWithPredicate:HasPrimaryRoleInSetPredicate parameter:set];
- (void) scanForNearestShipHavingAnyRole:(NSString *)scanRoles
NSSet *set = [NSSet setWithArray:ScanTokensFromString(scanRoles)];
[self scanForNearestShipWithPredicate:HasRoleInSetPredicate parameter:set];
- (void) scanForNearestShipWithScanClass:(NSString *)scanScanClass
NSNumber *parameter = [NSNumber numberWithInt:StringToScanClass(scanScanClass)];
[self scanForNearestShipWithPredicate:HasScanClassPredicate parameter:parameter];
- (void) scanForNearestShipWithoutPrimaryRole:(NSString *)scanRole
[self scanForNearestShipWithNegatedPredicate:HasPrimaryRolePredicate parameter:scanRole];
- (void) scanForNearestShipNotHavingRole:(NSString *)scanRole
[self scanForNearestShipWithNegatedPredicate:HasRolePredicate parameter:scanRole];
- (void) scanForNearestShipWithoutAnyPrimaryRole:(NSString *)scanRoles
NSSet *set = [NSSet setWithArray:ScanTokensFromString(scanRoles)];
[self scanForNearestShipWithNegatedPredicate:HasPrimaryRoleInSetPredicate parameter:set];
- (void) scanForNearestShipNotHavingAnyRole:(NSString *)scanRoles
NSSet *set = [NSSet setWithArray:ScanTokensFromString(scanRoles)];
[self scanForNearestShipWithNegatedPredicate:HasRoleInSetPredicate parameter:set];
- (void) scanForNearestShipWithoutScanClass:(NSString *)scanScanClass
NSNumber *parameter = [NSNumber numberWithInt:StringToScanClass(scanScanClass)];
[self scanForNearestShipWithNegatedPredicate:HasScanClassPredicate parameter:parameter];
- (void) scanForNearestShipMatchingPredicate:(NSString *)predicateExpression
/* Takes a boolean-valued JS expression where "ship" is the ship being
evaluated and "this" is our ship's ship script. the expression is
turned into a JS function of the form:
function _oo_AIScanPredicate(ship)
return $expression;
Examples of expressions:
function (ship) { ...do something complicated... } ()
static NSMutableDictionary *scriptCache = nil;
NSString *aiName = nil;
NSString *key = nil;
OOJSFunction *function = nil;
JSContext *context = NULL;
context = [[OOJavaScriptEngine sharedEngine] acquireContext];
if (predicateExpression == nil) predicateExpression = @"false";
aiName = [[self getAI] name];
#ifndef NDEBUG
/* In debug/test release builds, scripts are cached per AI in order to be
able to report errors correctly. For end-user releases, we only cache
one copy of each predicate, potentially leading to error messages for
the wrong AI.
key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n%@", aiName, predicateExpression];
key = predicateExpression;
// Look for cached function
function = [scriptCache objectForKey:key];
if (function == nil)
NSString *predicateCode = nil;
const char *argNames[] = { "ship" };
// Stuff expression in a function.
predicateCode = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"return %@;", predicateExpression];
function = [[OOJSFunction alloc] initWithName:@"_oo_AIScanPredicate"
[function autorelease];
// Cache function.
if (function != nil)
if (scriptCache == nil) scriptCache = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[scriptCache setObject:function forKey:key];
if (function != nil)
JSFunctionPredicateParameter param = { context, [function function], JSVAL_TO_OBJECT([self javaScriptValueInContext:context]), NO };
[self scanForNearestShipWithPredicate:JSFunctionPredicate parameter:&param];
// Report error (once per occurrence)
static NSMutableSet *errorCache = nil;
if (![errorCache containsObject:key])
OOLog(@"ai.scanForNearestShipMatchingPredicate.compile.failed", @"Could not compile JavaScript predicate \"%@\" for AI %@.", predicateExpression, [[self getAI] name]);
if (errorCache == nil) errorCache = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
[errorCache addObject:key];
// Select nothing
found_target = NO_TARGET;
[[self getAI] message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
[[OOJavaScriptEngine sharedEngine] releaseContext:context];
- (void) setCoordinates:(NSString *)system_x_y_z
NSArray* tokens = ScanTokensFromString(system_x_y_z);
NSString* systemString = nil;
NSString* xString = nil;
NSString* yString = nil;
NSString* zString = nil;
if ([tokens count] != 4)
OOLog(@"ai.syntax.setCoordinates", @"***** ERROR: cannot setCoordinates: '%@'.",system_x_y_z);
systemString = (NSString *)[tokens objectAtIndex:0];
xString = (NSString *)[tokens objectAtIndex:1];
if ([xString hasPrefix:@"rand:"])
xString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.3f", bellf([(NSString*)[[xString componentsSeparatedByString:@":"] objectAtIndex:1] intValue])];
yString = (NSString *)[tokens objectAtIndex:2];
if ([yString hasPrefix:@"rand:"])
yString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.3f", bellf([(NSString*)[[yString componentsSeparatedByString:@":"] objectAtIndex:1] intValue])];
zString = (NSString *)[tokens objectAtIndex:3];
if ([zString hasPrefix:@"rand:"])
zString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.3f", bellf([(NSString*)[[zString componentsSeparatedByString:@":"] objectAtIndex:1] intValue])];
Vector posn = make_vector([xString floatValue], [yString floatValue], [zString floatValue]);
GLfloat scalar = 1.0;
coordinates = [UNIVERSE coordinatesForPosition:posn withCoordinateSystem:systemString returningScalar:&scalar];
- (void) checkForNormalSpace
if ([UNIVERSE sun] && [UNIVERSE planet])
[shipAI message:@"NORMAL_SPACE"];
[shipAI message:@"INTERSTELLAR_SPACE"];
- (void) requestDockingCoordinates
/*- requests coordinates from the target station
if the target station can't be found
then use the nearest it can find (which may be a rock hermit) -*/
StationEntity *station = nil;
Entity *targStation = nil;
NSString *message = nil;
double distanceToStation2 = 0.0;
targStation = [UNIVERSE entityForUniversalID:targetStation];
if ([targStation isStation])
station = (StationEntity*)targStation;
station = [UNIVERSE nearestShipMatchingPredicate:IsStationPredicate
distanceToStation2 = distance2( [station position], [self position] );
// Player check for being inside the aegis already exists in PlayerEntityControls. We just
// check here that distance to station is less than 2.5 times scanner range to avoid problems with
// NPC ships getting stuck with a dockingAI while just outside the aegis - Nikos 20090630, as proposed by Eric
if (station != nil && distanceToStation2 < SCANNER_MAX_RANGE2 * 6.25)
// remember the instructions
[dockingInstructions release];
dockingInstructions = [[station dockingInstructionsForShip:self] retain];
[self recallDockingInstructions];
message = [dockingInstructions objectForKey:@"ai_message"];
if (message != nil) [shipAI message:message];
message = [dockingInstructions objectForKey:@"comms_message"];
if (message != nil) [station sendExpandedMessage:message toShip:self];
[shipAI message:@"NO_STATION_FOUND"];
- (void) recallDockingInstructions
if (dockingInstructions != nil)
destination = [dockingInstructions vectorForKey:@"destination"];
desired_speed = fminf([dockingInstructions floatForKey:@"speed"], maxFlightSpeed);
desired_range = [dockingInstructions floatForKey:@"range"];
if ([dockingInstructions objectForKey:@"station_id"])
primaryTarget = [dockingInstructions intForKey:@"station_id"];
targetStation = primaryTarget;
docking_match_rotation = [dockingInstructions boolForKey:@"match_rotation"];
- (void) addFuel:(NSString*) fuel_number
[self setFuel:[self fuel] + [fuel_number intValue] * 10];
- (void) enterTargetWormhole
WormholeEntity *whole = nil;
// locate nearest wormhole
int ent_count = UNIVERSE->n_entities;
Entity** uni_entities = UNIVERSE->sortedEntities; // grab the public sorted list
WormholeEntity* wormholes[ent_count];
int i;
int wh_count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
if (uni_entities[i]->isWormhole)
wormholes[wh_count++] = [uni_entities[i] retain]; // retained
double found_d2 = scannerRange * scannerRange;
for (i = 0; i < wh_count ; i++)
WormholeEntity *wh = wormholes[i];
double d2 = distance2(position, wh->position);
if (d2 < found_d2)
whole = wh;
found_d2 = d2;
[wh release]; // released
if (!whole)
if (!whole->isWormhole)
[whole suckInShip:self];
- (void) scriptActionOnTarget:(NSString *)action
PlayerEntity *player = [PlayerEntity sharedPlayer];
ShipEntity *targEnt = [self primaryTarget];
ShipEntity *oldTarget = nil;
#ifndef NDEBUG
static BOOL deprecationWarning = NO;
if (!deprecationWarning)
deprecationWarning = YES;
OOLog(@"script.deprecated.scriptActionOnTarget", @"----- WARNING in AI %@: the AI method scriptActionOnTarget: is deprecated and should not be used. It is slow and has unpredictable side effects. The recommended alternative is to use sendScriptMessage: to call a function in a ship's JavaScript ship script instead. scriptActionOnTarget: should not be used at all from scripts. An alternative is safeScriptActionOnTarget:, which is similar to scriptActionOnTarget: but has less side effects.", [AI currentlyRunningAIDescription]);
OOLog(@"script.deprecated.scriptActionOnTarget.repeat", @"----- WARNING in AI %@: the AI method scriptActionOnTarget: is deprecated and should not be used.", [AI currentlyRunningAIDescription]);
if ([targEnt isShip])
oldTarget = [player scriptTarget];
[player setScriptTarget:(ShipEntity*)targEnt];
[player runUnsanitizedScriptActions:[NSArray arrayWithObject:action]
withContextName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AI \"%@\" state %@", [[self getAI] name], [[self getAI] state]]
[player checkScript]; // react immediately to any changes this makes
[player setScriptTarget:oldTarget];
- (void) safeScriptActionOnTarget:(NSString *)action
PlayerEntity *player = [PlayerEntity sharedPlayer];
ShipEntity *targEnt = [self primaryTarget];
ShipEntity *oldTarget = nil;
if ([targEnt isShip])
oldTarget = [player scriptTarget];
[player setScriptTarget:(ShipEntity*)targEnt];
[player runUnsanitizedScriptActions:[NSArray arrayWithObject:action]
withContextName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AI \"%@\" state %@", [[self getAI] name], [[self getAI] state]]
[player setScriptTarget:oldTarget];
// Send own ship script a message.
- (void) sendScriptMessage:(NSString *)message
NSArray *components = ScanTokensFromString(message);
if ([components count] == 1)
[self doScriptEvent:message];
NSString *function = [components objectAtIndex:0];
components = [components subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, [components count] - 1)];
[self doScriptEvent:function withArgument:components];
- (void) ai_throwSparks
[self setThrowSparks:YES];
// racing code TODO
- (void) targetFirstBeaconWithCode:(NSString*) code
NSArray *all_beacons = [UNIVERSE listBeaconsWithCode: code];
if ([all_beacons count])
primaryTarget = [(ShipEntity*)[all_beacons objectAtIndex:0] universalID];
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
- (void) targetNextBeaconWithCode:(NSString*) code
NSArray *all_beacons = [UNIVERSE listBeaconsWithCode: code];
ShipEntity *current_beacon = [UNIVERSE entityForUniversalID:primaryTarget];
if ((!current_beacon)||(![current_beacon isBeacon]))
[shipAI message:@"NO_CURRENT_BEACON"];
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
// find the current beacon in the list..
OOUInteger i = [all_beacons indexOfObject:current_beacon];
if (i == NSNotFound)
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
i++; // next index
if (i < [all_beacons count])
// locate current target in list
primaryTarget = [(ShipEntity*)[all_beacons objectAtIndex:i] universalID];
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
[shipAI message:@"LAST_BEACON"];
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
- (void) setRacepointsFromTarget
// two point - one at z - cr one at z + cr
ShipEntity *ship = [UNIVERSE entityForUniversalID:primaryTarget];
if (ship == nil)
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
Vector k = ship->v_forward;
GLfloat c = ship->collision_radius;
Vector o = ship->position;
navpoints[0] = make_vector(o.x - c * k.x, o.y - c * k.y, o.z - c * k.z);
navpoints[1] = make_vector(o.x + c * k.x, o.y + c * k.y, o.z + c * k.z);
navpoints[2] = make_vector(o.x + 2.0 * c * k.x, o.y + 2.0 * c * k.y, o.z + 2.0 * c * k.z);
number_of_navpoints = 2;
next_navpoint_index = 0;
destination = navpoints[0];
[shipAI message:@"RACEPOINTS_SET"];
- (void) performFlyRacepoints
next_navpoint_index = 0;
desired_range = collision_radius;
@implementation ShipEntity (OOAIPrivate)
- (void)performHyperSpaceExitReplace:(BOOL)replace
// The [UNIVERSE nearbyDestinationsWithinRange:] method is very expensive, so cache
// its results.
static NSArray *sDests = nil;
whole = nil;
// get a list of destinations within range
if (sDests == nil)
sDests = [[UNIVERSE nearbyDestinationsWithinRange: 0.1 * fuel] copy];
int n_dests = [sDests count];
// if none available report to the AI and exit
if (!n_dests)
[shipAI reactToMessage:@"WITCHSPACE UNAVAILABLE"];
// If no systems exist near us, the AI is switched to a different state, so we do not need
// the nearby destinations array anymore.
[sDests release];
sDests = nil;
// check if we're clear of nearby masses
ShipEntity *blocker = [UNIVERSE entityForUniversalID:[self checkShipsInVicinityForWitchJumpExit]];
if (blocker)
found_target = [blocker universalID];
[shipAI reactToMessage:@"WITCHSPACE BLOCKED"];
// select one at random
int i = 0;
if (n_dests > 1)
i = ranrot_rand() % n_dests;
NSString* systemSeedKey = [(NSDictionary*)[sDests objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:@"system_seed"];
Random_Seed targetSystem = RandomSeedFromString(systemSeedKey);
fuel -= 10 * [[(NSDictionary*)[sDests objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:@"distance"] doubleValue];
// create wormhole
whole = [[[WormholeEntity alloc] initWormholeTo: targetSystem fromShip: self] autorelease];
[UNIVERSE addEntity: whole];
// tell the ship we're about to jump (so it can inform escorts etc).
primaryTarget = [whole universalID];
found_target = primaryTarget;
[shipAI reactToMessage:@"WITCHSPACE OKAY"]; // must be a reaction, the ship is about to disappear
[self enterWormhole:whole replacing:replace]; // TODO
// If we have reached this code, it means that the ship has already entered hyperspace,
// the destinations array is therefore no longer required and can be released.
[sDests release];
sDests = nil;
- (void)scanForNearestShipWithPredicate:(EntityFilterPredicate)predicate parameter:(void *)parameter
// Locates all the ships in range for which predicate returns YES, and chooses the nearest.
unsigned i;
ShipEntity *candidate;
float d2, found_d2 = scannerRange * scannerRange;
found_target = NO_TARGET;
[self checkScanner];
if (predicate == NULL) return;
for (i = 0; i < n_scanned_ships ; i++)
candidate = scanned_ships[i];
d2 = distance2_scanned_ships[i];
if ((d2 < found_d2) && (candidate->scanClass != CLASS_CARGO) && ([candidate status] != STATUS_DOCKED) && predicate(candidate, parameter))
found_target = candidate->universalID;
found_d2 = d2;
if (found_target != NO_TARGET) [shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
else [shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
- (void)scanForNearestShipWithNegatedPredicate:(EntityFilterPredicate)predicate parameter:(void *)parameter
ChainedEntityPredicateParameter param = { predicate, parameter };
[self scanForNearestShipWithPredicate:NOTPredicate parameter:&param];
- (void) acceptDistressMessageFrom:(ShipEntity *)other
found_target = [[other primaryTarget] universalID];
switch (behaviour)
// busy - ignore the request
// scared - ignore the request;
if ([self isPolice])
[[UNIVERSE entityForUniversalID:found_target] markAsOffender:8]; // you have been warned!!
[shipAI reactToMessage:@"ACCEPT_DISTRESS_CALL"];
@implementation StationEntity (OOAIPrivate)
- (void) acceptDistressMessageFrom:(ShipEntity *)other
if (self != [UNIVERSE station]) return;
int old_target = primaryTarget;
primaryTarget = [[other primaryTarget] universalID];
[(ShipEntity *)[other primaryTarget] markAsOffender:8]; // mark their card
[self launchDefenseShip];
primaryTarget = old_target;
@implementation ShipEntity (OOAIStationStubs)
// AI methods for stations, have no effect on normal ships.
#define STATION_STUB_BASE(PROTO, NAME) PROTO { OOLog(@"ai.invalid.notAStation", @"Attempt to use station AI method \"%s\" on non-station %@.", NAME, self); }
#define STATION_STUB_ARG(NAME) STATION_STUB_BASE(- (void) NAME (NSString *)param, #NAME)
- (BOOL) launchPatrol
OOLog(@"ai.invalid.notAStation", @"Attempt to use station AI method \"%s\" on non-station %@.", "launchPatrol", self);
return NO;