
710 lines
16 KiB

Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Giles C Williams and contributors
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02110-1301, USA.
#import "MyOpenGLView.h"
#import "GameController.h"
#import "Universe.h"
#import "Entity.h"
#import "PlanetEntity.h"
#import "ResourceManager.h"
#import "GuiDisplayGen.h"
#import <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#import "JoystickHandler.h"
static NSString * kOOLogKeyCodeOutOfRange = @"input.keyMapping.codeOutOfRange";
static NSString * kOOLogKeyUp = @"input.keyMapping.keyPress.keyUp";
static NSString * kOOLogKeyDown = @"input.keyMapping.keyPress.keyDown";
@interface MyOpenGLView(Internal)
- (int) translateKeyCode: (int) input;
- (void)performLateSetup;
@implementation MyOpenGLView
- (id) initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect
// Pixel Format Attributes for the View-based (non-FullScreen) NSOpenGLContext
NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attrs[] =
// // Specify that we want a full-screen OpenGL context.
// NSOpenGLPFAFullScreen,
// and that we want a windowed OpenGL context.
// We may be on a multi-display system (and each screen may be driven by a different renderer), so we need to specify which screen we want to take over.
// For this demo, we'll specify the main screen.
NSOpenGLPFAScreenMask, CGDisplayIDToOpenGLDisplayMask(kCGDirectMainDisplay),
// Specifying "NoRecovery" gives us a context that cannot fall back to the software renderer.
//This makes the View-based context a compatible with the fullscreen context, enabling us to use the "shareContext"
// feature to share textures, display lists, and other OpenGL objects between the two.
// Attributes Common to FullScreen and non-FullScreen
NSOpenGLPFAColorSize, 32,
NSOpenGLPFADepthSize, 32,
// Create our non-FullScreen pixel format.
NSOpenGLPixelFormat* pixelFormat = [[[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:attrs] autorelease];
self = [super initWithFrame:frameRect pixelFormat:pixelFormat];
virtualJoystickPosition = NSMakePoint(0.0,0.0);
typedString = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@""];
allowingStringInput = gvStringInputNo;
isAlphabetKeyDown = NO;
timeIntervalAtLastClick = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
return self;
- (void) dealloc
if (typedString)
[typedString release];
[super dealloc];
- (void) setStringInput: (enum StringInput) value
allowingStringInput = value;
- (void) allowStringInput: (BOOL) value
if (value)
allowingStringInput = gvStringInputAlpha;
allowingStringInput = gvStringInputNo;
-(enum StringInput) allowingStringInput
return allowingStringInput;
- (NSString *) typedString
return typedString;
- (void) resetTypedString
[typedString setString:@""];
- (void) setTypedString:(NSString*) value
[typedString setString:value];
- (NSSize) viewSize
return viewSize;
- (GLfloat) display_z
return display_z;
- (GameController *)gameController
return gameController;
- (void) setGameController:(GameController *) controller
gameController = controller;
- (void) updateScreen
[self drawRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, viewSize.width, viewSize.height)];
- (void) drawRect:(NSRect)rect
if ((viewSize.width != [self frame].size.width)||(viewSize.height != [self frame].size.height)) // resized
m_glContextInitialized = NO;
viewSize = [self frame].size;
if (!m_glContextInitialized) [self initialiseGLWithSize:viewSize];
// do all the drawing!
if (UNIVERSE != nil) [UNIVERSE drawUniverse];
// not set up yet, draw a black screen
glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
[[self openGLContext] flushBuffer];
- (void) initialiseGLWithSize:(NSSize) v_size
GLfloat sun_ambient[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
GLfloat sun_diffuse[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
GLfloat sun_specular[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
GLfloat sun_center_position[] = {4000000.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
GLfloat stars_ambient[] = {0.25, 0.2, 0.25, 1.0};
viewSize = v_size;
if (viewSize.width/viewSize.height > 4.0/3.0)
display_z = 480.0 * viewSize.width/viewSize.height;
display_z = 640.0;
float ratio = 0.5;
float aspect = viewSize.height/viewSize.width;
glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
[[self openGLContext] flushBuffer];
glViewport( 0, 0, viewSize.width, viewSize.height);
glLoadIdentity(); // reset matrix
glFrustum( -ratio, ratio, -aspect*ratio, aspect*ratio, 1.0, MAX_CLEAR_DEPTH); // set projection matrix
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW);
glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST); // depth buffer
glDepthFunc( GL_LESS); // depth buffer
glFrontFace( GL_CCW); // face culling - front faces are AntiClockwise!
glCullFace( GL_BACK); // face culling
glEnable( GL_CULL_FACE); // face culling
glEnable( GL_BLEND); // alpha blending
glBlendFunc( GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // alpha blending
[UNIVERSE setLighting];
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_AMBIENT, sun_ambient);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_SPECULAR, sun_specular);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, sun_diffuse);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, sun_center_position);
glLightModelfv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, stars_ambient);
glEnable(GL_LIGHT1); // lighting
glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); // lighting
// world's simplest OpenGL optimisations...
#if GL_APPLE_transform_hint
m_glContextInitialized = YES;
- (void) snapShot
int w = viewSize.width;
int h = viewSize.height;
if (w & 3)
w = w + 4 - (w & 3);
long nPixels = w * h + 1;
unsigned char *red = (unsigned char *) malloc( nPixels);
unsigned char *green = (unsigned char *) malloc( nPixels);
unsigned char *blue = (unsigned char *) malloc( nPixels);
NSString *filepath = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath] stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
int imageNo = 0;
NSString *pathToPic = nil;
pathToPic = [filepath stringByAppendingPathComponent:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"oolite-%03d.png",imageNo]];
} while ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:pathToPic]);
OOLog(@"snapshot", @">>>>> Snapshot %d x %d file path chosen = %@", w, h, pathToPic);
NSBitmapImageRep* bitmapRep =
[[NSBitmapImageRep alloc]
initWithBitmapDataPlanes:NULL // --> let the class allocate it
pixelsWide: w
pixelsHigh: h
bitsPerSample: 8 // each component is 8 bits (1 byte)
samplesPerPixel: 3 // number of components (R, G, B)
hasAlpha: NO // no transparency
isPlanar: NO // data integrated into single plane
colorSpaceName: NSDeviceRGBColorSpace
bytesPerRow: 3*w // can no longer let the class figure it out
bitsPerPixel: 24 // can no longer let the class figure it out
unsigned char *pixels = [bitmapRep bitmapData];
glReadPixels(0,0, w,h, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, red);
glReadPixels(0,0, w,h, GL_GREEN, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, green);
glReadPixels(0,0, w,h, GL_BLUE, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, blue);
int x,y;
for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
long index = (h - y - 1)*w;
for (x = 0; x < w; x++) // set bitmap pixels
*pixels++ = red[index];
*pixels++ = green[index];
*pixels++ = blue[index++];
[[bitmapRep representationUsingType:NSPNGFileType properties:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], NSImageInterlaced, NULL]]
writeToFile:pathToPic atomically:YES]; // save PNG representation of image
// free allocated objects and memory
[bitmapRep release];
- (BOOL) acceptsFirstResponder
return YES;
- (void) keyUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
NSString *stringValue = nil;
int key;
int keycode;
stringValue = [theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers];
/* Bug: exception when releasing accent key.
Analysis: Dead keys (accents and similar) return an empty string.
Fix: reject zero-length strings. This is the Wrong Thing - we should
really be using KeyTranslate()/UCKeyTranslate() to find out what the
string would be if you pressed the key and then space.
-- Ahruman 20070714
if ([stringValue length] < 1) return;
key = [stringValue characterAtIndex:0];
keycode = [theEvent keyCode] & 255;
supressKeys = NO;
key = keycodetrans[keycode]; // retrieve the character we got for pressing the hardware at key location 'keycode'
OOLog(kOOLogKeyUp, @"Key up: stringValue = \"%@\", keyCode = %d, key = %u", stringValue, keycode, key);
isAlphabetKeyDown = NO;
if ((key >= 0)&&(key < [self numKeys])&&(keys[key]))
keys[key] = NO;
if (key > [self numKeys])
OOLog(kOOLogKeyCodeOutOfRange, @"Translated key: %d out of range", key);
- (void) keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
NSString *stringValue = nil;
int key;
int keycode;
stringValue = [theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers];
/* Bug: exception when pressing accent key.
Analysis: Dead keys (accents and similar) return an empty string.
Fix: reject zero-length strings. This is the Wrong Thing - we should
really be using KeyTranslate()/UCKeyTranslate() to find out what the
string would be if you pressed the key and then space.
-- Ahruman 20070714
if ([stringValue length] < 1) return;
key = [stringValue characterAtIndex:0];
keycode = [theEvent keyCode] & 255;
key = [self translateKeyCode:key];
OOLog(kOOLogKeyDown, @"Key down: stringValue = \"%@\", keyCode = %d, key = %u", stringValue, keycode, key);
keycodetrans[keycode] = key; // record the chracter we got for pressing the hardware at key location 'keycode'
if ((key >= 0)&&(key < [self numKeys])&&(!keys[key]))
keys[key] = YES;
if (allowingStringInput)
// limited input for planet find screen
if (allowingStringInput == gvStringInputAlpha)
if (((key > 64)&&(key < 91))||((key > 96)&&(key < 123)))
// alphanumeric
isAlphabetKeyDown = YES;
// convert to lowercase
[typedString appendFormat:@"%c", (key | 64)];
isAlphabetKeyDown = NO;
if (key == NSDeleteCharacter)
[typedString setString:@""];
// full input for load-save screen
if (allowingStringInput == gvStringInputAll)
if ((key > 31)&&(key < 123))
// alphanumeric
isAlphabetKeyDown = YES;
// convert to lowercase
[typedString appendFormat:@"%c", key];
isAlphabetKeyDown = NO;
if ((key == NSDeleteCharacter) && [typedString length])
[typedString deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange([typedString length] - 1, 1)];
if (key > [self numKeys])
OOLog(kOOLogKeyCodeOutOfRange, @"Translated key: %d out of range", key);
/* Capture shift, ctrl, opt and command press & release */
- (void)flagsChanged:(NSEvent *)theEvent
int flags = [theEvent modifierFlags];
opt = (flags & NSAlternateKeyMask) ? YES : NO;
ctrl = (flags & NSControlKeyMask) ? YES : NO;
command = (flags & NSCommandKeyMask) ? YES : NO;
shift = ( flags & NSShiftKeyMask ) ? YES : NO;
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
if (doubleClick)
doubleClick = NO;
keys[gvMouseDoubleClick] = NO;
keys[gvMouseLeftButton] = YES; // 'a' down
- (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
NSTimeInterval timeBetweenClicks = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] - timeIntervalAtLastClick;
timeIntervalAtLastClick += timeBetweenClicks;
if (!doubleClick)
doubleClick = (timeBetweenClicks < MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK_INTERVAL); // One fifth of a second
keys[gvMouseDoubleClick] = doubleClick;
keys[gvMouseLeftButton] = NO; // 'a' up
- (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent *)theEvent
double mx = [theEvent locationInWindow].x - viewSize.width/2.0;
double my = [theEvent locationInWindow].y - viewSize.height/2.0;
if (display_z > 640.0)
mx /= viewSize.width * MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_WIDTH / display_z;
my /= viewSize.height;
mx /= MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_WIDTH * viewSize.width / 640.0;
my /= MAIN_GUI_PIXEL_HEIGHT * viewSize.width / 640.0;
[self setVirtualJoystick:mx :-my];
/* Turn the Cocoa ArrowKeys into our arrow key constants. */
- (int) translateKeyCode: (int) input
int key = input;
switch ( input )
case NSUpArrowFunctionKey:
key = gvArrowKeyUp;
case NSDownArrowFunctionKey:
key = gvArrowKeyDown;
case NSLeftArrowFunctionKey:
key = gvArrowKeyLeft;
case NSRightArrowFunctionKey:
key = gvArrowKeyRight;
case NSF1FunctionKey:
key = gvFunctionKey1;
case NSF2FunctionKey:
key = gvFunctionKey2;
case NSF3FunctionKey:
key = gvFunctionKey3;
case NSF4FunctionKey:
key = gvFunctionKey4;
case NSF5FunctionKey:
key = gvFunctionKey5;
case NSF6FunctionKey:
key = gvFunctionKey6;
case NSF7FunctionKey:
key = gvFunctionKey7;
case NSF8FunctionKey:
key = gvFunctionKey8;
case NSF9FunctionKey:
key = gvFunctionKey9;
case NSF10FunctionKey:
key = gvFunctionKey10;
case NSF11FunctionKey:
key = gvFunctionKey11;
case NSHomeFunctionKey:
key = gvHomeKey;
return key;
- (JoystickHandler *)getStickHandler
return [JoystickHandler sharedStickHandler];
- (void) setVirtualJoystick:(double) vmx :(double) vmy
virtualJoystickPosition.x = vmx;
virtualJoystickPosition.y = vmy;
- (NSPoint) virtualJoystickPosition
return virtualJoystickPosition;
- (void) clearKeys
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [self numKeys]; i++)
keys[i] = NO;
- (void) clearMouse
keys[gvMouseDoubleClick] = NO;
keys[gvMouseLeftButton] = NO;
doubleClick = NO;
- (BOOL) isAlphabetKeyDown
return isAlphabetKeyDown = NO;;
// DJS: When entering submenus in the gui, it is not helpful if the
// key down that brought you into the submenu is still registered
// as down when we're in. This makes isDown return NO until a key up
// event has been received from SDL.
- (void) supressKeysUntilKeyUp
if (keys[gvMouseDoubleClick] == NO)
supressKeys = YES;
[self clearKeys];
[self clearMouse];
- (BOOL) isDown: (int) key
if( supressKeys )
return NO;
if ( key < 0 )
return NO;
if ( key >= [self numKeys] )
return NO;
return keys[key];
- (BOOL) isOptDown
return opt;
- (BOOL) isCtrlDown
return ctrl;
- (BOOL) isCommandDown
return command;
- (BOOL) isShiftDown
return shift;
- (int) numKeys
return NUM_KEYS;
- (BOOL)pollShiftKey
#define KEYMAP_GET(m, index) ((((uint8_t*)(m))[(index) >> 3] & (1L << ((index) & 7))) ? 1 : 0)
KeyMap map;
return KEYMAP_GET(map, 56) || KEYMAP_GET(map, 60); // Left shift or right shift -- although 60 shouldn't occur.