
1145 lines
22 KiB

Copyright (C) 2004-2013 Giles C Williams and contributors
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02110-1301, USA.
#import "Entity.h"
#import "EntityOOJavaScriptExtensions.h"
#import "PlayerEntity.h"
#import "OOPlanetEntity.h"
#import "OOMaths.h"
#import "Universe.h"
#import "GameController.h"
#import "ResourceManager.h"
#import "OOConstToString.h"
#import "CollisionRegion.h"
#import "NSScannerOOExtensions.h"
#import "OODebugFlags.h"
#import "NSObjectOOExtensions.h"
#ifndef NDEBUG
uint32_t gLiveEntityCount = 0;
size_t gTotalEntityMemory = 0;
#ifndef NDEBUG
static NSString * const kOOLogEntityAddToList = @"entity.linkedList.add";
static NSString * const kOOLogEntityAddToListError = @"entity.linkedList.add.error";
static NSString * const kOOLogEntityRemoveFromList = @"entity.linkedList.remove";
static NSString * const kOOLogEntityRemoveFromListError = @"entity.linkedList.remove.error";
static NSString * const kOOLogEntityUpdateError = @"entity.linkedList.update.error";
static NSString * const kOOLogEntityVerificationError = @"entity.linkedList.verify.error";
@interface Entity (OOPrivate)
- (BOOL) checkLinkedLists;
@implementation Entity
- (id) init
self = [super init];
if (EXPECT_NOT(self == nil)) return nil;
_sessionID = [UNIVERSE sessionID];
orientation = kIdentityQuaternion;
rotMatrix = kIdentityMatrix;
position = kZeroHPVector;
no_draw_distance = 100000.0; // 10 km
collidingEntities = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
scanClass = CLASS_NOT_SET;
spawnTime = [UNIVERSE getTime];
isSunlit = YES;
atmosphereFogging = [[OOColor colorWithRed: 0.0 green: 0.0 blue: 0.0 alpha: 0.0] retain];
#ifndef NDEBUG
gTotalEntityMemory += [self oo_objectSize];
return self;
- (void) dealloc
[UNIVERSE ensureEntityReallyRemoved:self];
[self deleteJSSelf];
[self setOwner:nil];
[atmosphereFogging release];
#ifndef NDEBUG
gTotalEntityMemory -= [self oo_objectSize];
[super dealloc];
- (NSString *)descriptionComponents
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"position: %@ scanClass: %@ status: %@", HPVectorDescription([self position]), OOStringFromScanClass([self scanClass]), OOStringFromEntityStatus([self status])];
- (NSUInteger) sessionID
return _sessionID;
- (BOOL)isShip
return isShip;
- (BOOL)isDock
return NO;
- (BOOL)isStation
return isStation;
- (BOOL)isSubEntity
return isSubEntity;
- (BOOL)isPlayer
return isPlayer;
- (BOOL)isPlanet
return NO;
- (BOOL)isSun
return NO;
- (BOOL) isSunlit
return isSunlit;
- (BOOL) isStellarObject
return [self isPlanet] || [self isSun];
- (BOOL)isSky
return NO;
- (BOOL)isWormhole
return isWormhole;
- (BOOL) isEffect
return NO;
- (BOOL) isVisualEffect
return NO;
- (BOOL) isWaypoint
return NO;
- (BOOL) validForAddToUniverse
NSUInteger mySessionID = [self sessionID];
NSUInteger currentSessionID = [UNIVERSE sessionID];
if (EXPECT_NOT(mySessionID != currentSessionID))
OOLogERR(@"entity.invalidSession", @"Entity %@ from session %lu cannot be added to universe in session %lu. This is an internal error, please report it.", [self shortDescription], mySessionID, currentSessionID);
return NO;
return YES;
- (void) addToLinkedLists
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (gDebugFlags & DEBUG_LINKED_LISTS)
OOLog(kOOLogEntityAddToList, @"DEBUG adding entity %@ to linked lists", self);
// insert at the start
x_previous = nil; x_next = UNIVERSE->x_list_start;
// move UP the list
while ((x_next)&&(x_next->position.x - x_next->collision_radius < position.x - collision_radius))
x_previous = x_next;
x_next = x_next->x_next;
if (x_next) x_next->x_previous = self;
if (x_previous) x_previous->x_next = self;
else UNIVERSE->x_list_start = self;
y_previous = nil; y_next = UNIVERSE->y_list_start;
// move UP the list
while ((y_next)&&(y_next->position.y - y_next->collision_radius < position.y - collision_radius))
y_previous = y_next;
y_next = y_next->y_next;
if (y_next) y_next->y_previous = self;
if (y_previous) y_previous->y_next = self;
else UNIVERSE->y_list_start = self;
z_previous = nil; z_next = UNIVERSE->z_list_start;
// move UP the list
while ((z_next)&&(z_next->position.z - z_next->collision_radius < position.z - collision_radius))
z_previous = z_next;
z_next = z_next->z_next;
if (z_next) z_next->z_previous = self;
if (z_previous) z_previous->z_next = self;
else UNIVERSE->z_list_start = self;
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (gDebugFlags & DEBUG_LINKED_LISTS)
if (![self checkLinkedLists])
OOLog(kOOLogEntityAddToListError, @"DEBUG LINKED LISTS - problem encountered while adding %@ to linked lists", self);
[UNIVERSE debugDumpEntities];
- (void) removeFromLinkedLists
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (gDebugFlags & DEBUG_LINKED_LISTS)
OOLog(kOOLogEntityRemoveFromList, @"DEBUG removing entity %@ from linked lists", self);
if ((x_next == nil)&&(x_previous == nil)) // removed already!
// make sure the starting point is still correct
if ((UNIVERSE->x_list_start == self)&&(x_next))
UNIVERSE->x_list_start = x_next;
if ((UNIVERSE->y_list_start == self)&&(y_next))
UNIVERSE->y_list_start = y_next;
if ((UNIVERSE->z_list_start == self)&&(z_next))
UNIVERSE->z_list_start = z_next;
if (x_previous) x_previous->x_next = x_next;
if (x_next) x_next->x_previous = x_previous;
if (y_previous) y_previous->y_next = y_next;
if (y_next) y_next->y_previous = y_previous;
if (z_previous) z_previous->z_next = z_next;
if (z_next) z_next->z_previous = z_previous;
x_previous = nil; x_next = nil;
y_previous = nil; y_next = nil;
z_previous = nil; z_next = nil;
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (gDebugFlags & DEBUG_LINKED_LISTS)
if (![self checkLinkedLists])
OOLog(kOOLogEntityRemoveFromListError, @"DEBUG LINKED LISTS - problem encountered while removing %@ from linked lists", self);
[UNIVERSE debugDumpEntities];
- (BOOL) checkLinkedLists
// DEBUG check for loops
if (UNIVERSE->n_entities > 0)
int n;
Entity *check, *last;
last = nil;
n = UNIVERSE->n_entities;
check = UNIVERSE->x_list_start;
while ((n--)&&(check))
last = check;
check = check->x_next;
if ((check)||(n > 0))
OOLog(kOOLogEntityVerificationError, @"Broken x_next %@ list (%d) ***", UNIVERSE->x_list_start, n);
return NO;
n = UNIVERSE->n_entities;
check = last;
while ((n--)&&(check)) check = check->x_previous;
if ((check)||(n > 0))
OOLog(kOOLogEntityVerificationError, @"Broken x_previous %@ list (%d) ***", UNIVERSE->x_list_start, n);
return NO;
n = UNIVERSE->n_entities;
check = UNIVERSE->y_list_start;
while ((n--)&&(check))
last = check;
check = check->y_next;
if ((check)||(n > 0))
OOLog(kOOLogEntityVerificationError, @"Broken y_next %@ list (%d) ***", UNIVERSE->y_list_start, n);
return NO;
n = UNIVERSE->n_entities;
check = last;
while ((n--)&&(check)) check = check->y_previous;
if ((check)||(n > 0))
OOLog(kOOLogEntityVerificationError, @"Broken y_previous %@ list (%d) ***", UNIVERSE->y_list_start, n);
return NO;
n = UNIVERSE->n_entities;
check = UNIVERSE->z_list_start;
while ((n--)&&(check))
last = check;
check = check->z_next;
if ((check)||(n > 0))
OOLog(kOOLogEntityVerificationError, @"Broken z_next %@ list (%d) ***", UNIVERSE->z_list_start, n);
return NO;
n = UNIVERSE->n_entities;
check = last;
while ((n--)&&(check)) check = check->z_previous;
if ((check)||(n > 0))
OOLog(kOOLogEntityVerificationError, @"Broken z_previous %@ list (%d) ***", UNIVERSE->z_list_start, n);
return NO;
return YES;
- (void) updateLinkedLists
return; // not in the UNIVERSE - don't do this!
if ((x_next == nil)&&(x_previous == nil))
return; // not in the lists - don't do this!
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (gDebugFlags & DEBUG_LINKED_LISTS)
if (![self checkLinkedLists])
OOLog(kOOLogEntityVerificationError, @"DEBUG LINKED LISTS problem encountered before updating linked lists for %@", self);
[UNIVERSE debugDumpEntities];
// update position in linked list for position.x
// take self out of list..
if (x_previous) x_previous->x_next = x_next;
if (x_next) x_next->x_previous = x_previous;
// sink DOWN the list
while ((x_previous)&&(x_previous->position.x - x_previous->collision_radius > position.x - collision_radius))
x_next = x_previous;
x_previous = x_previous->x_previous;
// bubble UP the list
while ((x_next)&&(x_next->position.x - x_next->collision_radius < position.x - collision_radius))
x_previous = x_next;
x_next = x_next->x_next;
if (x_next) // insert self into the list before x_next..
x_next->x_previous = self;
if (x_previous) // insert self into the list after x_previous..
x_previous->x_next = self;
if ((x_previous == nil)&&(UNIVERSE)) // if we're the first then tell the UNIVERSE!
UNIVERSE->x_list_start = self;
// update position in linked list for position.y
// take self out of list..
if (y_previous) y_previous->y_next = y_next;
if (y_next) y_next->y_previous = y_previous;
// sink DOWN the list
while ((y_previous)&&(y_previous->position.y - y_previous->collision_radius > position.y - collision_radius))
y_next = y_previous;
y_previous = y_previous->y_previous;
// bubble UP the list
while ((y_next)&&(y_next->position.y - y_next->collision_radius < position.y - collision_radius))
y_previous = y_next;
y_next = y_next->y_next;
if (y_next) // insert self into the list before y_next..
y_next->y_previous = self;
if (y_previous) // insert self into the list after y_previous..
y_previous->y_next = self;
if ((y_previous == nil)&&(UNIVERSE)) // if we're the first then tell the UNIVERSE!
UNIVERSE->y_list_start = self;
// update position in linked list for position.z
// take self out of list..
if (z_previous) z_previous->z_next = z_next;
if (z_next) z_next->z_previous = z_previous;
// sink DOWN the list
while ((z_previous)&&(z_previous->position.z - z_previous->collision_radius > position.z - collision_radius))
z_next = z_previous;
z_previous = z_previous->z_previous;
// bubble UP the list
while ((z_next)&&(z_next->position.z - z_next->collision_radius < position.z - collision_radius))
z_previous = z_next;
z_next = z_next->z_next;
if (z_next) // insert self into the list before z_next..
z_next->z_previous = self;
if (z_previous) // insert self into the list after z_previous..
z_previous->z_next = self;
if ((z_previous == nil)&&(UNIVERSE)) // if we're the first then tell the UNIVERSE!
UNIVERSE->z_list_start = self;
// done
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (gDebugFlags & DEBUG_LINKED_LISTS)
if (![self checkLinkedLists])
OOLog(kOOLogEntityUpdateError, @"DEBUG LINKED LISTS problem encountered after updating linked lists for %@", self);
[UNIVERSE debugDumpEntities];
- (void) wasAddedToUniverse
// Do nothing
- (void) wasRemovedFromUniverse
// Do nothing
- (void) warnAboutHostiles
// do nothing for now, this can be expanded in sub classes
OOLog(@"general.error.subclassResponsibility.Entity-warnAboutHostiles", @"%@", @"***** Entity does nothing in warnAboutHostiles");
- (CollisionRegion*) collisionRegion
return collisionRegion;
- (void) setCollisionRegion: (CollisionRegion*) region
if (collisionRegion) [collisionRegion release];
collisionRegion = [region retain];
- (void) setUniversalID:(OOUniversalID)uid
universalID = uid;
- (OOUniversalID) universalID
return universalID;
- (BOOL) throwingSparks
return throw_sparks;
- (void) setThrowSparks:(BOOL) value
throw_sparks = value;
- (void) throwSparks
// do nothing for now
- (void) setOwner:(Entity *)ent
[_owner release];
_owner = [ent weakRetain];
- (id) owner
return [_owner weakRefUnderlyingObject];
- (ShipEntity *)parentEntity
id owner = [self owner];
if ([owner isShipWithSubEntityShip:self]) return owner;
return nil;
- (id<OOWeakReferenceSupport>) superShaderBindingTarget
return [self parentEntity];
- (ShipEntity *) rootShipEntity
ShipEntity *parent = [self parentEntity];
if (parent != nil) return [parent rootShipEntity];
if ([self isShip]) return (ShipEntity *)self;
return nil;
- (HPVector) position
return position;
- (Vector) cameraRelativePosition
return cameraRelativePosition;
- (GLfloat) cameraRangeFront
return magnitude(cameraRelativePosition) - [self frustumRadius];
- (GLfloat) cameraRangeBack
return magnitude(cameraRelativePosition) + [self frustumRadius];
// Exposed to uniform bindings.
// so needs to remain at OpenGL precision levels
- (Vector) relativePosition
return HPVectorToVector(HPvector_subtract([self position], [PLAYER position]));
- (Vector) vectorTo:(Entity *)entity
return HPVectorToVector(HPvector_subtract([entity position], [self position]));
- (void) setPosition:(HPVector) posn
position = posn;
[self updateCameraRelativePosition];
- (void) setPositionX:(OOHPScalar)x y:(OOHPScalar)y z:(OOHPScalar)z
position.x = x;
position.y = y;
position.z = z;
[self updateCameraRelativePosition];
- (void) updateCameraRelativePosition
cameraRelativePosition = HPVectorToVector(HPvector_subtract([self absolutePositionForSubentity],[PLAYER viewpointPosition]));
- (HPVector) absolutePositionForSubentity
return [self absolutePositionForSubentityOffset:kZeroHPVector];
- (HPVector) absolutePositionForSubentityOffset:(HPVector) offset
HPVector abspos = HPvector_add(position, OOHPVectorMultiplyMatrix(offset, rotMatrix));
Entity *last = nil;
Entity *father = [self parentEntity];
while (father != nil && father != last)
abspos = HPvector_add(OOHPVectorMultiplyMatrix(abspos, [father drawRotationMatrix]), [father position]);
last = father;
if (![last isSubEntity]) break;
father = [father owner];
return abspos;
- (double) zeroDistance
return zero_distance;
- (double) camZeroDistance
return cam_zero_distance;
- (NSComparisonResult) compareZeroDistance:(Entity *)otherEntity
if ((otherEntity)&&(zero_distance > otherEntity->zero_distance))
return NSOrderedAscending;
return NSOrderedDescending;
- (BoundingBox) boundingBox
return boundingBox;
- (GLfloat) mass
return mass;
- (void) setOrientation:(Quaternion) quat
orientation = quat;
[self orientationChanged];
- (Quaternion) orientation
return orientation;
- (Quaternion) normalOrientation
return [self orientation];
- (void) setNormalOrientation:(Quaternion) quat
[self setOrientation:quat];
- (void) orientationChanged
rotMatrix = OOMatrixForQuaternionRotation(orientation);
- (void) setVelocity:(Vector) vel
velocity = vel;
- (Vector) velocity
return velocity;
- (double) speed
return magnitude([self velocity]);
- (GLfloat) distanceTravelled
return distanceTravelled;
- (void) setDistanceTravelled: (GLfloat) value
distanceTravelled = value;
- (void) setStatus:(OOEntityStatus) stat
_status = stat;
- (OOEntityStatus) status
return _status;
- (void) setScanClass:(OOScanClass)sClass
scanClass = sClass;
- (OOScanClass) scanClass
return scanClass;
- (void) setEnergy:(GLfloat) amount
energy = amount;
- (GLfloat) energy
return energy;
- (void) setMaxEnergy:(GLfloat)amount
maxEnergy = amount;
- (GLfloat) maxEnergy
return maxEnergy;
- (void) applyRoll:(GLfloat) roll andClimb:(GLfloat) climb
if ((roll == 0.0)&&(climb == 0.0)&&(!hasRotated))
if (roll)
quaternion_rotate_about_z(&orientation, -roll);
if (climb)
quaternion_rotate_about_x(&orientation, -climb);
[self orientationChanged];
- (void) applyRoll:(GLfloat) roll climb:(GLfloat) climb andYaw:(GLfloat) yaw
if ((roll == 0.0)&&(climb == 0.0)&&(yaw == 0.0)&&(!hasRotated))
if (roll)
quaternion_rotate_about_z(&orientation, -roll);
if (climb)
quaternion_rotate_about_x(&orientation, -climb);
if (yaw)
quaternion_rotate_about_y(&orientation, -yaw);
[self orientationChanged];
- (void) moveForward:(double)amount
HPVector forward = HPvector_multiply_scalar(HPvector_forward_from_quaternion(orientation), amount);
position = HPvector_add(position, forward);
distanceTravelled += amount;
- (OOMatrix) rotationMatrix
return rotMatrix;
- (OOMatrix) drawRotationMatrix
return rotMatrix;
- (OOMatrix) transformationMatrix
OOMatrix result = rotMatrix;
return OOMatrixHPTranslate(result, position);
- (OOMatrix) drawTransformationMatrix
OOMatrix result = rotMatrix;
return OOMatrixHPTranslate(result, position);
- (BOOL) canCollide
return YES;
- (GLfloat) collisionRadius
return collision_radius;
- (GLfloat) frustumRadius
return collision_radius;
- (void) setCollisionRadius:(GLfloat) amount
collision_radius = amount;
- (NSMutableArray *) collisionArray
return collidingEntities;
- (void) update:(OOTimeDelta)delta_t
if ([self isSubEntity])
zero_distance = [[self owner] zeroDistance];
cam_zero_distance = [[self owner] camZeroDistance];
[self updateCameraRelativePosition];
zero_distance = HPdistance2(PLAYER->position, position);
cam_zero_distance = HPdistance2([PLAYER viewpointPosition], position);
[self updateCameraRelativePosition];
zero_distance = HPmagnitude2(position);
cam_zero_distance = zero_distance;
cameraRelativePosition = HPVectorToVector(position);
if ([self status] != STATUS_COCKPIT_DISPLAY)
[self applyVelocity:delta_t];
hasMoved = !HPvector_equal(position, lastPosition);
hasRotated = !quaternion_equal(orientation, lastOrientation);
lastPosition = position;
lastOrientation = orientation;
- (void) applyVelocity:(OOTimeDelta)delta_t
position = HPvector_add(position, HPvector_multiply_scalar(vectorToHPVector(velocity), delta_t));
- (BOOL) checkCloseCollisionWith:(Entity *)other
return other != nil;
- (double)findCollisionRadius
return 0;
- (void) drawImmediate:(bool)immediate translucent:(bool)translucent
- (void) takeEnergyDamage:(double) amount from:(Entity *) ent becauseOf:(Entity *) other weaponIdentifier:(NSString *)weaponIdentifier
- (void)dumpState
if (OOLogWillDisplayMessagesInClass(@"dumpState"))
OOLog(@"dumpState", @"State for %@:", self);
[self dumpSelfState];
@catch (id exception) {}
- (void)dumpSelfState
NSMutableArray *flags = nil;
NSString *flagsString = nil;
id owner = [self owner];
if (owner == self) owner = @"self";
else if (owner == nil) owner = @"none";
OOLog(@"dumpState.entity", @"Universal ID: %u", universalID);
OOLog(@"dumpState.entity", @"Scan class: %@", OOStringFromScanClass(scanClass));
OOLog(@"dumpState.entity", @"Status: %@", OOStringFromEntityStatus([self status]));
OOLog(@"dumpState.entity", @"Position: %@", HPVectorDescription(position));
OOLog(@"dumpState.entity", @"Orientation: %@", QuaternionDescription(orientation));
OOLog(@"dumpState.entity", @"Distance travelled: %g", distanceTravelled);
OOLog(@"dumpState.entity", @"Energy: %g of %g", energy, maxEnergy);
OOLog(@"dumpState.entity", @"Mass: %g", mass);
OOLog(@"dumpState.entity", @"Owner: %@", owner);
flags = [NSMutableArray array];
#define ADD_FLAG_IF_SET(x) if (x) { [flags addObject:@#x]; }
flagsString = [flags count] ? [flags componentsJoinedByString:@", "] : (NSString *)@"none";
OOLog(@"dumpState.entity", @"Flags: %@", flagsString);
OOLog(@"dumpState.entity", @"Collision Test Filter: %u", collisionTestFilter);
- (void)subEntityReallyDied:(ShipEntity *)sub
OOLog(@"entity.bug", @"%s called for non-ship entity %p by %p", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, self, sub);
// For shader bindings.
- (GLfloat)universalTime
return [UNIVERSE getTime];
- (GLfloat)spawnTime
return spawnTime;
- (GLfloat)timeElapsedSinceSpawn
return [UNIVERSE getTime] - spawnTime;
- (void) setAtmosphereFogging: (OOColor *)fogging
[atmosphereFogging release];
atmosphereFogging = [fogging retain];
- (OOColor *) fogUniform
return [[atmosphereFogging retain] autorelease];
#ifndef NDEBUG
- (NSString *) descriptionForObjDumpBasic
NSString *result = [self descriptionComponents];
if (result != nil) result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), result];
else result = [self description];
return result;
- (NSString *) descriptionForObjDump
NSString *result = [self descriptionForObjDumpBasic];
result = [result stringByAppendingFormat:@" range: %g (visible: %@)", HPdistance([self position], [PLAYER position]), [self isVisible] ? @"yes" : @"no"];
return result;
- (NSSet *) allTextures
return nil;
- (BOOL) isVisible
return cam_zero_distance <= ABSOLUTE_NO_DRAW_DISTANCE2;
- (BOOL) isInSpace
switch ([self status])
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL) isImmuneToBreakPatternHide
return isImmuneToBreakPatternHide;