git-svn-id: http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/oolite-linux/trunk@111 127b21dd-08f5-0310-b4b7-95ae10353056
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// TextureStore.m
* Oolite (Linux/Windows + SDL)
* Created by Giles Williams on Sat Apr 03 2004.
* Copyright (c) 2004 for aegidian.org. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004, Giles C Williams
All rights reserved.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/
or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
You are free:
• to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work
• to make derivative works
Under the following conditions:
• Attribution. You must give the original author credit.
• Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
• Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work,
you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one.
For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.
Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above.
#ifdef GNUSTEP
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#ifdef LINUX
#include "oolite-linux.h"
#import <OpenGL/gl.h>
#import "ResourceManager.h"
#import "TextureStore.h"
@implementation TextureStore
- (id) init
self = [super init];
textureDictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:5] retain];
return self;
- (void) dealloc
if (textureDictionary) [textureDictionary release];
[super dealloc];
- (GLuint) getTextureNameFor:(NSString *)filename
#ifndef GNUSTEP
NSBitmapImageRep *bitmapImageRep = nil;
NSImage *texImage;
SDLImage *texImage;
NSRect textureRect;
NSSize imageSize;
NSData *textureData;
GLuint texName;
int texture_h = 4;
int texture_w = 4;
int image_h, image_w;
int n_planes, im_bytes, tex_bytes;
int im_bytesPerRow;
int texi = 0;
if (![textureDictionary objectForKey:filename])
NSMutableDictionary* texProps = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:3]; // autoreleased
#ifndef GNUSTEP
texImage = [ResourceManager imageNamed:filename inFolder:@"Textures"];
texImage = [ResourceManager surfaceNamed:filename inFolder:@"Textures"];
if (!texImage)
NSLog(@"***** Couldn't find texture : %@", filename);
NSException* myException = [NSException
exceptionWithName: @"OoliteException"
reason: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Oolite couldn't find texture : %@ on any search-path.", filename]
userInfo: nil];
[myException raise];
return 0;
#ifndef GNUSTEP
imageSize = [texImage size];
imageSize = NSMakeSize([texImage surface]->w, [texImage surface]->h);
image_w = imageSize.width;
image_h = imageSize.height;
while (texture_w < image_w)
texture_w *= 2;
while (texture_h < image_h)
texture_h *= 2;
textureRect=NSMakeRect(0.0, 0.0, texture_w, texture_h);
#ifndef GNUSTEP
NSArray* reps = [texImage representations];
int i;
for (i = 0; ((i < [reps count]) && !bitmapImageRep); i++)
NSObject* imageRep = [reps objectAtIndex:i];
if ([imageRep isKindOfClass:[NSBitmapImageRep class]])
bitmapImageRep = (NSBitmapImageRep*)imageRep;
if (!bitmapImageRep)
NSLog(@"***** Couldn't find a representation for texture : %@ %@", filename, texImage);
NSException* myException = [NSException
exceptionWithName: @"OoliteException"
reason: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Oolite couldn't find a NSBitMapImageRep for texture : %@ : %@.", filename, texImage]
userInfo: nil];
[myException raise];
return 0;
n_planes = [bitmapImageRep samplesPerPixel];
im_bytesPerRow = [bitmapImageRep bytesPerRow];
unsigned char* imageBuffer = [bitmapImageRep bitmapData];
n_planes = [texImage surface]->format->BytesPerPixel;
im_bytesPerRow = [texImage surface]->pitch;
unsigned char* imageBuffer = [texImage surface]->pixels;
im_bytes = image_w * image_h * n_planes;
tex_bytes = texture_w * texture_h * n_planes;
if ((texture_w > image_w)||(texture_h > image_h)) // we need to scale the image to the texture dimensions
unsigned char textureBuffer[tex_bytes];
// do bilinear scaling
int x, y, n;
float texel_w = (float)image_w / (float)texture_w;
float texel_h = (float)image_h / (float)texture_h;
// NSLog(@"scaling image %@ : %@\n scale (%d x %d) to (%d x %d) scale (%.3f x %.3f)", filename, texImage, image_w, image_h, texture_w, texture_h, texel_w, texel_h);
for ( y = 0; y < texture_h; y++)
float y_lo = texel_h * y;
float y_hi = y_lo + texel_h - 0.001;
int y0 = floor(y_lo);
int y1 = floor(y_hi);
float py0 = 1.0;
float py1 = 0.0;
if (y1 > y0)
py0 = (y1 - y_lo) / texel_h;
py1 = 1.0 - py0;
for ( x = 0; x < texture_w; x++)
float x_lo = texel_w * x;
float x_hi = x_lo + texel_w - 0.001;
int x0 = floor(x_lo);
int x1 = floor(x_hi);
float acc = 0;
float px0 = 1.0;
float px1 = 0.0;
if (x1 > x0)
px0 = (x1 - x_lo) / texel_w;
px1 = 1.0 - px0;
int xy00 = y0 * im_bytesPerRow + n_planes * x0;
int xy01 = y0 * im_bytesPerRow + n_planes * x1;
int xy10 = y1 * im_bytesPerRow + n_planes * x0;
int xy11 = y1 * im_bytesPerRow + n_planes * x1;
for (n = 0; n < n_planes; n++)
acc = py0 * (px0 * imageBuffer[ xy00 + n] + px1 * imageBuffer[ xy10 + n])
+ py1 * (px0 * imageBuffer[ xy01 + n] + px1 * imageBuffer[ xy11 + n]);
textureBuffer[ texi++] = (char)acc; // float -> char
textureData = [NSData dataWithBytes:textureBuffer length: tex_bytes]; // copies the data
// no scaling required - we will use the image data directly
textureData = [NSData dataWithBytes:imageBuffer length: im_bytes]; // copies the data
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
glGenTextures(1, &texName); // get a new unique texture name
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texName); // initialise it
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); // adjust this
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); // adjust this
if (n_planes == 4)
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, textureRect.size.width, textureRect.size.height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, [textureData bytes]);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, textureRect.size.width, textureRect.size.height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, [textureData bytes]);
// add to dictionary
[texProps setObject:textureData forKey:@"textureData"];
[texProps setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:texName] forKey:@"texName"];
[texProps setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:textureRect.size.width] forKey:@"width"];
[texProps setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:textureRect.size.height] forKey:@"height"];
[textureDictionary setObject:texProps forKey:filename];
texName = (GLuint)[(NSNumber *)[[textureDictionary objectForKey:filename] objectForKey:@"texName"] intValue];
return texName;
- (NSSize) getSizeOfTexture:(NSString *)filename
NSSize size = NSMakeSize(0.0, 0.0); // zero size
if ([textureDictionary objectForKey:filename])
size.width = [(NSNumber *)[[textureDictionary objectForKey:filename] objectForKey:@"width"] intValue];
size.height = [(NSNumber *)[[textureDictionary objectForKey:filename] objectForKey:@"height"] intValue];
return size;
- (void) reloadTextures
[textureDictionary removeAllObjects];