oolite/ShipEntity (AI).m
2005-05-21 08:15:49 +00:00

1687 lines
44 KiB

// ShipEntity (AI).m
// Oolite
* Oolite
* Created by Giles Williams on Sun Aug 08 2004.
* Copyright (c) 2004 for aegidian.org. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004, Giles C Williams
All rights reserved.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/
or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
You are free:
• to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work
• to make derivative works
Under the following conditions:
• Attribution. You must give the original author credit.
• Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
• Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work,
you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one.
For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.
Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above.
#import "ShipEntity.h"
#import "entities.h"
#import "vector.h"
#import "Universe.h"
#import "AI.h"
@interface ShipEntity (AI)
methods for AI
- (void) pauseAI:(NSString *)intervalString;
- (void) setDestinationToCurrentLocation;
- (void) setDesiredRangeTo:(NSString *)rangeString;
- (void) setSpeedTo:(NSString *)speedString;
- (void) setSpeedFactorTo:(NSString *)speedString;
- (void) performFlyToRangeFromDestination;
- (void) performIdle;
- (void) performHold;
- (void) setTargetToPrimaryAggressor;
- (void) performAttack;
- (void) scanForNearestMerchantmen;
- (void) scanForRandomMerchantmen;
- (void) scanForLoot;
- (void) scanForRandomLoot;
- (void) setTargetToFoundTarget;
- (void) checkForFullHold;
- (void) performCollect;
- (void) performIntercept;
- (void) performFlee;
- (void) requestDockingCoordinates;
//- (void) setSpeedAsAdvised;
- (void) getWitchspaceEntryCoordinates;
- (void) setDestinationFromCoordinates;
- (void) performDocking;
- (void) performFaceDestination;
- (void) performTumble;
- (void) fightOrFleeMissile;
- (PlanetEntity *) findNearestPlanet;
- (void) setCourseToPlanet;
- (void) setTakeOffFromPlanet;
- (void) landOnPlanet;
- (void) setAITo:(NSString *)aiString;
- (void) checkTargetLegalStatus;
- (void) exitAI;
- (void) setDestinationToTarget;
- (void) checkCourseToDestination;
- (void) scanForOffenders;
- (void) setCourseToWitchpoint;
- (void) setDestinationToWitchpoint;
- (void) setDestinationToStationBeacon;
- (void) performHyperSpaceExit;
- (void) commsMessage:(NSString *)valueString;
- (void) broadcastDistressMessage;
- (void) acceptDistressMessageFrom:(ShipEntity *)other;
- (void) ejectCargo;
- (void) scanForThargoid;
- (void) scanForNonThargoid;
- (void) initialiseTurret;
- (void) checkDistanceTravelled;
- (void) scanForHostiles;
- (void) fightOrFleeHostiles;
- (void) suggestEscort;
- (void) escortCheckMother;
- (void) performEscort;
- (int) numberOfShipsInGroup:(int) ship_group_id;
- (void) checkGroupOddsVersusTarget;
- (void) groupAttackTarget;
- (void) scanForFormationLeader;
- (void) messageMother:(NSString *)msgString;
- (void) setPlanetPatrolCoordinates;
- (void) setSunSkimStartCoordinates;
- (void) setSunSkimEndCoordinates;
- (void) setSunSkimExitCoordinates;
- (void) patrolReportIn;
- (void) checkForMotherStation;
- (void) sendTargetCommsMessage:(NSString*) message;
- (void) markTargetForFines;
- (void) scanForRocks;
- (void) performMining;
- (void) setDestinationToDockingAbort;
- (void) requestNewTarget;
- (void) rollD:(NSString*) die_number;
@implementation ShipEntity (AI)
methods for AI
- (void) pauseAI:(NSString *)intervalString
[shipAI setNextThinkTime:[universe getTime] + [intervalString doubleValue]];
- (void) setDestinationToCurrentLocation
destination = position;
destination.x += (ranrot_rand() % 100)*0.01 - 0.5; // randomly add a .5m variance
destination.y += (ranrot_rand() % 100)*0.01 - 0.5;
destination.z += (ranrot_rand() % 100)*0.01 - 0.5;
- (void) setDesiredRangeTo:(NSString *)rangeString
desired_range = [rangeString doubleValue];
- (void) performFlyToRangeFromDestination
//NSLog(@"ShipEntity.performFlyToRangeFromDestination NOT YET IMPLEMENTED");
frustration = 0.0;
- (void) setSpeedTo:(NSString *)speedString
desired_speed = [speedString doubleValue];
- (void) setSpeedFactorTo:(NSString *)speedString
desired_speed = max_flight_speed * [speedString doubleValue];
- (void) performIdle
condition = CONDITION_IDLE;
frustration = 0.0;
- (void) performHold
desired_speed = 0.0;
frustration = 0.0;
- (void) setTargetToPrimaryAggressor
if (![universe entityForUniversalID:primaryAggressor])
if (primaryTarget == primaryAggressor)
// a more considered approach here:
// if we're already busy attacking a target we don't necessarily want to break off
switch (condition)
if (randf() < 0.75) // if I'm attacking, ignore 75% of new aggressor's attacks
// inform our old target of our new target
Entity* primeTarget = [universe entityForUniversalID:primaryTarget];
if ((primeTarget)&&(primeTarget->isShip))
ShipEntity* currentShip = (ShipEntity*)[universe entityForUniversalID:primaryTarget];
[[currentShip getAI] message:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %d %d", AIMS_AGGRESSOR_SWITCHED_TARGET, universal_id, primaryAggressor]];
// okay, so let's now target the aggressor
[self addTarget:[universe entityForUniversalID:primaryAggressor]];
- (void) performAttack
frustration = 0.0;
- (void) scanForNearestMerchantmen
//-- Locates the nearest merchantman in range --//
if (!universe)
int ent_count = universe->n_entities;
Entity** uni_entities = universe->sortedEntities; // grab the public sorted list
Entity* my_entities[ent_count];
int i;
int ship_count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
if (uni_entities[i]->isShip)
my_entities[ship_count++] = [uni_entities[i] retain]; // retained
double found_d2 = scanner_range * scanner_range;
found_target = NO_TARGET;
for (i = 0; i < ship_count ; i++)
ShipEntity* ship = (ShipEntity *)my_entities[i];
if ((ship != self)&&(([[ship roles] isEqual:@"trader"])||(ship->isPlayer))&&(ship->status != STATUS_DEAD)&&(ship->status != STATUS_DOCKED))
double d2 = distance2( position, ship->position);
if (([roles isEqual:@"pirate"])&&(d2*d2 < desired_range)&&(ship->isPlayer)&&(PIRATES_PREFER_PLAYER))
d2 = 0.0;
if (d2 < found_d2)
found_d2 = d2;
found_target = [ship universal_id];
for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
[my_entities[i] release]; //released
if (found_target != NO_TARGET)
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
- (void) scanForRandomMerchantmen
//-- Locates one of the merchantman in range --//
if (!universe)
int ent_count = universe->n_entities;
Entity** uni_entities = universe->sortedEntities; // grab the public sorted list
Entity* my_entities[ent_count];
int i;
int ship_count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
if (uni_entities[i]->isShip)
my_entities[ship_count++] = [uni_entities[i] retain]; // retained
int ids_found[ship_count];
int n_found = 0;
double found_d2 = scanner_range * scanner_range;
found_target = NO_TARGET;
for (i = 0; i < ship_count ; i++)
ShipEntity* ship = (ShipEntity *)my_entities[i];
if ((ship != self)&&(([[ship roles] isEqual:@"trader"])||(ship->isPlayer))&&(ship->status != STATUS_DEAD)&&(ship->status != STATUS_DOCKED))
double d2 = distance2( position, ship->position);
if (d2 < found_d2)
ids_found[n_found++] = [ship universal_id];
for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
[my_entities[i] release]; //released
if (n_found == 0)
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
i = ranrot_rand() % n_found; // pick a number from 0 -> (n_found - 1)
found_target = ids_found[i];
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
- (void) scanForLoot
/*-- Locates the nearest debris in range --*/
if ((!isStation)&&(!has_scoop))
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"]; //can't collect loot if you have no scoop!
if (!universe)
int ent_count = universe->n_entities;
Entity** uni_entities = universe->sortedEntities; // grab the public sorted list
Entity* my_entities[ent_count];
int i;
int ship_count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
if (uni_entities[i]->isShip)
my_entities[ship_count++] = [uni_entities[i] retain]; // retained
double found_d2 = scanner_range * scanner_range;
found_target = NO_TARGET;
for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
ShipEntity* other = (ShipEntity *)my_entities[i];
if ((other->scan_class == CLASS_CARGO)&&([other getCargoType] != CARGO_NOT_CARGO))
double d2 = distance2( position, other->position);
if (d2 < found_d2)
found_d2 = d2;
found_target = [other universal_id];
for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
[my_entities[i] release]; //released
if (found_target != NO_TARGET)
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
- (void) scanForRandomLoot
/*-- Locates the all debris in range and chooses a piece at random from the first sixteen found --*/
if (!universe)
int ent_count = universe->n_entities;
Entity** uni_entities = universe->sortedEntities; // grab the public sorted list
Entity* my_entities[ent_count];
int i;
int ship_count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
if (uni_entities[i]->isShip)
my_entities[ship_count++] = [uni_entities[i] retain]; // retained
int thing_uids_found[16];
int things_found;
double found_d2 = scanner_range * scanner_range;
found_target = NO_TARGET;
if ((!isStation)&&(!has_scoop))
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"]; //can't collect loot if you have no scoop!
things_found = 0;
for (i = 0; (i < ship_count)&&(things_found < 16) ; i++)
ShipEntity* other = (ShipEntity *)my_entities[i];
if ((other->scan_class == CLASS_CARGO)&&([other getCargoType] != CARGO_NOT_CARGO))
double d2 = distance2( position, other->position);
if (d2 < found_d2)
found_target = [other universal_id];
thing_uids_found[things_found++] = found_target;
for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
[my_entities[i] release]; //released
if (found_target != NO_TARGET)
found_target = thing_uids_found[ranrot_rand() % things_found];
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
- (void) setTargetToFoundTarget
if ([universe entityForUniversalID:found_target])
[self addTarget:[universe entityForUniversalID:found_target]];
- (void) checkForFullHold
if ([cargo count] >= max_cargo)
[shipAI message:@"HOLD_FULL"];
- (void) performCollect
frustration = 0.0;
- (void) performIntercept
frustration = 0.0;
- (void) performFlee
frustration = 0.0;
- (void) requestDockingCoordinates
/*- requests coordinates from the nearest station it can find (which may be a rock hermit) -*/
StationEntity* station = nil;
Entity* targStation = [universe entityForUniversalID:targetStation];
if ((targStation)&&(targStation->isStation))
station = (StationEntity*)[universe entityForUniversalID:targetStation];
if (!universe)
int ent_count = universe->n_entities;
Entity** uni_entities = universe->sortedEntities; // grab the public sorted list
Entity* my_entities[ent_count];
int i;
int station_count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
if (uni_entities[i]->isStation)
my_entities[station_count++] = [uni_entities[i] retain]; // retained
double nearest2 = SCANNER_MAX_RANGE2 * 1000000.0; // 1000x scanner range (25600 km), squared.
for (i = 0; i < station_count; i++)
StationEntity* thing = (StationEntity *)my_entities[i];
double range2 = distance2( position, thing->position);
if (range2 < nearest2)
station = thing;
targetStation = [station universal_id];
nearest2 = range2;
for (i = 0; i < station_count; i++)
[my_entities[i] release]; // released
if (station)
//NSLog(@"Station '%@' %@ with universal_id %d",[station name],station,[station universal_id]);
coordinates = [station nextDockingCoordinatesForShip:self];
[shipAI message:@"NO_STATION_FOUND"];
- (void) getWitchspaceEntryCoordinates
/*- calculates coordinates from the nearest station it can find, or just fly 10s forward -*/
if (!universe)
coordinates = position;
coordinates.x += v_forward.x * max_flight_speed * 10.0;
coordinates.y += v_forward.y * max_flight_speed * 10.0;
coordinates.z += v_forward.z * max_flight_speed * 10.0;
int ent_count = universe->n_entities;
Entity** uni_entities = universe->sortedEntities; // grab the public sorted list
Entity* my_entities[ent_count];
int i;
int station_count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
if (uni_entities[i]->isStation)
my_entities[station_count++] = [uni_entities[i] retain]; // retained
StationEntity* station = nil;
double nearest2 = SCANNER_MAX_RANGE2 * 1000000.0; // 1000x scanner range (25600 km), squared.
for (i = 0; i < station_count; i++)
StationEntity* thing = (StationEntity *)my_entities[i];
double range2 = distance2 (position, thing->position);
if (range2 < nearest2)
station = thing;
nearest2 = range2;
for (i = 0; i < station_count; i++)
[my_entities[i] release]; // released
if (station)
coordinates = station->position;
Vector vr = vector_right_from_quaternion(station->q_rotation);
coordinates.x += 10000 * vr.x; // 10km from station
coordinates.y += 10000 * vr.y;
coordinates.z += 10000 * vr.z;
coordinates = position;
coordinates.x += v_forward.x * max_flight_speed * 10.0;
coordinates.y += v_forward.y * max_flight_speed * 10.0;
coordinates.z += v_forward.z * max_flight_speed * 10.0;
//[shipAI message:@"OKAY"];
- (void) setDestinationFromCoordinates
destination = coordinates;
- (void) performDocking
//NSLog(@"ShipEntity.performDocking NOT IMPLEMENTED!");
- (void) performFaceDestination
frustration = 0.0;
- (void) performTumble
flight_roll = max_flight_roll*2.0*(randf() - 0.5);
flight_pitch = max_flight_pitch*2.0*(randf() - 0.5);
// velocity = make_vector( flight_speed*2.0*(randf() - 0.5), flight_speed*2.0*(randf() - 0.5), flight_speed*2.0*(randf() - 0.5));
frustration = 0.0;
- (void) fightOrFleeMissile
if (!universe)
int ent_count = universe->n_entities;
Entity** uni_entities = universe->sortedEntities; // grab the public sorted list
Entity* my_entities[ent_count];
int i;
int ship_count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
if (uni_entities[i]->isShip)
my_entities[ship_count++] = [uni_entities[i] retain]; // retained
ShipEntity* missile = nil;
for (i = 0; (i < ship_count)&&(missile == nil); i++)
ShipEntity* thing = (ShipEntity *)my_entities[i];
if (thing->scan_class == CLASS_MISSILE)
if ([thing getPrimaryTarget] == self)
missile = thing;
if ((n_escorts > 0)&&(missile == nil))
int j;
for (j = 0; j < n_escorts; j++)
if ([thing getPrimaryTargetID] == escort_ids[j])
missile = (ShipEntity *)thing;
for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
[my_entities[i] release]; // released
//NSLog(@"---> %@ %d targetting the Missile %d", name, universal_id, [missile universal_id]);
if (missile)
[self addTarget:missile];
if ((missile)&&(has_ecm))
// use the ECM and battle on
//NSLog(@"---> and firing ecm!");
ShipEntity* hunter = (ShipEntity*)[missile owner];
[self setPrimaryAggressor:hunter]; // lets get them now for that!
found_target = primaryAggressor;
if ([roles isEqual:@"police"]||[roles isEqual:@"interceptor"]||[roles isEqual:@"wingman"])
NSArray *fellow_police = [self shipsInGroup:group_id];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [fellow_police count]; i++)
ShipEntity *other_police = (ShipEntity *)[fellow_police objectAtIndex:i];
[other_police setFound_target:hunter];
[other_police setPrimaryAggressor:hunter];
// if I'm a copper and you're not, then mark the other as an offender!
BOOL iAmTheLaw = ([roles isEqual:@"police"]||[roles isEqual:@"wingman"]||[roles isEqual:@"interceptor"]);
BOOL uAreTheLaw = ([[hunter roles] isEqual:@"police"]||[[hunter roles] isEqual:@"wingman"]||[[hunter roles] isEqual:@"interceptor"]);
if ((iAmTheLaw)&&(!uAreTheLaw))
[hunter markAsOffender:64];
[self fireECM];
if (missile)
//NSLog(@"---> and running away!");
jink.x = 0.0;
jink.y = 0.0;
jink.z = 1000.0;
desired_range = 10000;
[self performFlee];
[shipAI message:@"FLEEING"];
// new
- (PlanetEntity *) findNearestPlanet
/*- selects the nearest planet it can find -*/
if (!universe)
return nil;
int ent_count = universe->n_entities;
Entity** uni_entities = universe->sortedEntities; // grab the public sorted list
Entity* my_entities[ent_count];
int i;
int planet_count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
if (uni_entities[i]->isPlanet)
my_entities[planet_count++] = [uni_entities[i] retain]; // retained
PlanetEntity *the_planet = nil;
double nearest2 = SCANNER_MAX_RANGE2 * 10000000000.0; // 100 000x scanner range (2 560 000 km), squared.
for (i = 0; i < planet_count; i++)
PlanetEntity *thing = (PlanetEntity *)my_entities[i];
if ([thing getPlanetType] == PLANET_TYPE_GREEN)
double range2 = distance2( position, thing->position);
if ((!the_planet)||(range2 < nearest2))
the_planet = thing;
nearest2 = range2;
for (i = 0; i < planet_count; i++)
[my_entities[i] release]; // released
return the_planet;
- (void) setCourseToPlanet
/*- selects the nearest planet it can find -*/
PlanetEntity *the_planet = [self findNearestPlanet];
if (the_planet)
destination = the_planet->position;
desired_range = the_planet->collision_radius + 100.0; // 100m from the surface
- (void) setTakeOffFromPlanet
/*- selects the nearest planet it can find -*/
PlanetEntity *the_planet = [self findNearestPlanet];
if (the_planet)
destination = the_planet->position;
desired_range = the_planet->collision_radius + 10000.0; // 10km from the surface
NSLog(@"***** Ackk!! planet not found!!!");
- (void) landOnPlanet
/*- selects the nearest planet it can find -*/
PlanetEntity *the_planet = [self findNearestPlanet];
if (the_planet)
[the_planet welcomeShuttle:self]; // 10km from the surface
[shipAI message:@"LANDED_ON_PLANET"];
[universe removeEntity:self];
- (void) setAITo:(NSString *)aiString
[[self getAI] setStateMachine:aiString];
- (void) checkTargetLegalStatus
ShipEntity *other_ship = (ShipEntity *)[universe entityForUniversalID:primaryTarget];
if (!other_ship)
[shipAI message:@"NO_TARGET"];
int ls = [other_ship legal_status];
if (ls > 50)
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_FUGITIVE"];
if (ls > 20)
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_OFFENDER"];
if (ls > 0)
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_MINOR_OFFENDER"];
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_CLEAN"];
- (void) exitAI
[shipAI exitStateMachine];
- (void) setDestinationToTarget
Entity* the_target = [universe entityForUniversalID:primaryTarget];
if (the_target)
destination = the_target->position;
- (void) checkCourseToDestination
if ([universe isVectorClearFromEntity:self toDistance:desired_range fromPoint:destination])
[shipAI message:@"COURSE_OK"];
destination = [universe getSafeVectorFromEntity:self toDistance:desired_range fromPoint:destination];
[shipAI message:@"WAYPOINT_SET"];
- (void) scanForOffenders
/*-- Locates all the ships in range and compares their legal status or bounty against ranrot_rand() & 255 - chooses the worst offender --*/
NSDictionary *systeminfo = [universe currentSystemData];
float gov_factor = 0.4 * [(NSNumber *)[systeminfo objectForKey:KEY_GOVERNMENT] intValue]; // 0 .. 7 (0 anarchic .. 7 most stable) --> [0.0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0, 2.4, 2.8]
found_target = NO_TARGET;
if (!universe)
int ent_count = universe->n_entities;
Entity** uni_entities = universe->sortedEntities; // grab the public sorted list
Entity* my_entities[ent_count];
int i;
int ship_count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
if (uni_entities[i]->isShip)
my_entities[ship_count++] = [uni_entities[i] retain]; // retained
float worst_legal_factor;
double found_d2 = scanner_range * scanner_range;
worst_legal_factor = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ship_count ; i++)
ShipEntity* ship = (ShipEntity *)my_entities[i];
if ((ship->scan_class != CLASS_CARGO)&&(ship->status != STATUS_DEAD)&&(ship->status != STATUS_DOCKED))
double d2 = distance2( position, ship->position);
BOOL is_thargoid = [[ship roles] isEqual:@"thargoid"];
float legal_factor = [ship legal_status] * gov_factor;
if (is_thargoid)
legal_factor += 500;
int random_factor = ranrot_rand() & 255; // 25% chance of spotting a fugitive in 15s
if ((d2 < found_d2)&&(random_factor < legal_factor)&&(legal_factor > worst_legal_factor))
found_target = [ship universal_id];
worst_legal_factor = legal_factor;
for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
[my_entities[i] release]; // released
if (found_target != NO_TARGET)
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
- (void) setCourseToWitchpoint
if (universe)
destination = [universe getWitchspaceExitPosition];
desired_range = 10000.0; // 10km away
- (void) setDestinationToWitchpoint
if (universe)
destination = [universe getWitchspaceExitPosition];
- (void) setDestinationToStationBeacon
if ([universe station])
destination = [[universe station] getBeaconPosition];
- (void) performHyperSpaceExit
[self enterWitchspace];
- (void) commsMessage:(NSString *)valueString
Random_Seed very_random_seed;
very_random_seed.a = rand() & 255;
very_random_seed.b = rand() & 255;
very_random_seed.c = rand() & 255;
very_random_seed.d = rand() & 255;
very_random_seed.e = rand() & 255;
very_random_seed.f = rand() & 255;
NSString* expandedMessage = [universe expandDescription:valueString forSystem:[universe systemSeed]];
// NSLog(@"%@ %d sends message '%@'", name, universal_id, expandedMessage);
[self broadcastMessage:expandedMessage];
- (void) broadcastDistressMessage
/*-- Locates all the stations, bounty hunters and police ships in range and tells them that you are under attack --*/
if (!universe)
int ent_count = universe->n_entities;
Entity** uni_entities = universe->sortedEntities; // grab the public sorted list
Entity* my_entities[ent_count];
int i;
int ship_count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
if (uni_entities[i]->isShip)
my_entities[ship_count++] = [uni_entities[i] retain]; // retained
double d2;
double found_d2 = SCANNER_MAX_RANGE2;
NSString* distress_message;
found_target = NO_TARGET;
BOOL is_buoy = (scan_class == CLASS_BUOY);
if (message_time > 2.0 * randf())
return; // don't send too many distress messages at once, space them out semi-randomly
if (is_buoy)
distress_message = @"[buoy-distress-call]";
distress_message = @"[distress-call]";
for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
ShipEntity* ship = (ShipEntity *)my_entities[i];
d2 = distance2( position, ship->position);
if (d2 < found_d2)
// tell it! //
if (ship->isPlayer)
if ((primaryAggressor == [ship universal_id])&&(energy < 0.375 * max_energy)&&(!is_buoy))
[self sendExpandedMessage:[universe expandDescription:@"[beg-for-mercy]" forSystem:[universe systemSeed]] toShip:ship];
[self ejectCargo];
[self performFlee];
[self sendExpandedMessage:[universe expandDescription:distress_message forSystem:[universe systemSeed]] toShip:ship];
// reset the thanked_ship_id
thanked_ship_id = NO_TARGET;
if (ship->isStation)
[ship acceptDistressMessageFrom:self];
if ([[ship roles] isEqual:@"police"])
[ship acceptDistressMessageFrom:self];
if ([[ship roles] isEqual:@"hunter"])
[ship acceptDistressMessageFrom:self];
for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
[my_entities[i] release]; // released
- (void) acceptDistressMessageFrom:(ShipEntity *)other
found_target = [[other getPrimaryTarget] universal_id];
switch (condition)
// busy - ignore the request
// scared - ignore the request;
default :
//NSLog(@"%@ %d responding to distress message from %@ %d", name, universal_id, [other name], [other universal_id]);
if ([roles isEqual:@"police"]||[roles isEqual:@"interceptor"]||[roles isEqual:@"wingman"])
[(ShipEntity *)[universe entityForUniversalID:found_target] markAsOffender:8]; // you have been warned!!
[shipAI reactToMessage:@"ACCEPT_DISTRESS_CALL"];
- (void) ejectCargo
SEL _dumpCargoSelector = @selector(dumpCargo);
int i;
if ((cargo_flag == CARGO_FLAG_FULL_PLENTIFUL)||(cargo_flag == CARGO_FLAG_FULL_SCARCE))
NSArray* jetsam;
int cargo_to_go = 0.1 * max_cargo;
while (cargo_to_go > 15)
cargo_to_go = ranrot_rand() % cargo_to_go;
if (cargo_flag == CARGO_FLAG_FULL_PLENTIFUL)
jetsam = [universe getContainersOfPlentifulGoods:cargo_to_go];
jetsam = [universe getContainersOfScarceGoods:cargo_to_go];
if (!cargo)
cargo = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:max_cargo];
[cargo addObjectsFromArray:jetsam];
[self dumpCargo];
for (i = 1; i < [cargo count]; i++)
[self performSelector:_dumpCargoSelector withObject:nil afterDelay:0.75 * i]; // drop 3 canisters per 2 seconds
- (void) scanForThargoid
/*-- Locates all the thargoid warships in range and chooses the nearest --*/
if (!universe)
int ent_count = universe->n_entities;
Entity** uni_entities = universe->sortedEntities; // grab the public sorted list
Entity* my_entities[ent_count];
int i;
int ship_count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
if (uni_entities[i]->isShip)
my_entities[ship_count++] = [uni_entities[i] retain]; // retained
double found_d2 = scanner_range * scanner_range;
found_target = NO_TARGET;
for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
ShipEntity *ship = (ShipEntity *)my_entities[i];
if ([[ship roles] isEqual:@"thargoid"])
double d2 = distance2( position, ship->position);
if (d2< found_d2)
found_target = [ship universal_id];
found_d2 = d2;
if (found_target != NO_TARGET)
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
if ([roles isEqual:@"tharglet"])
// now we're just a bunch of alien artefacts!
scan_class = CLASS_CARGO;
reportAImessages = NO;
[shipAI setStateMachine:@"dumbAI.plist"];
[shipAI setState:@"GLOBAL"];
primaryTarget = NO_TARGET;
[self setSpeed:0.0];
for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
ShipEntity* other = (ShipEntity*)my_entities[i];
if (([other getPrimaryTarget] == self)&&([other hasHostileTarget]))
[[other getAI] message:@"TARGET_LOST"];
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
[my_entities[i] release]; // released
- (void) scanForNonThargoid
/*-- Locates all the non thargoid ships in range and chooses the nearest --*/
found_target = NO_TARGET;
if (!universe)
int ent_count = universe->n_entities;
Entity** uni_entities = universe->sortedEntities; // grab the public sorted list
Entity* my_entities[ent_count];
int i;
int ship_count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
if (uni_entities[i]->isShip)
my_entities[ship_count++] = [uni_entities[i] retain]; // retained
double found_d2 = scanner_range * scanner_range;
for (i = 0; i < ship_count ; i++)
ShipEntity* thing = (ShipEntity *)my_entities[i];
double d2 = distance2( position, thing->position);
if ((thing->scan_class != CLASS_CARGO)&&(thing->status != STATUS_DOCKED)&&(![[thing roles] hasPrefix:@"tharg"])&&(d2 < found_d2))
found_target = [thing universal_id];
if (thing->isPlayer) d2 = 0.0; // prefer the player
found_d2 = d2;
for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
[my_entities[i] release]; // released
if (found_target != NO_TARGET)
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
- (void) initialiseTurret
// NSLog(@"DEBUG initialising ball turret %@ (%@)", self, basefile);
[self setCondition: CONDITION_TRACK_AS_TURRET];
weapon_recharge_rate = 0.5; // test
// weapon_energy = 0.1; // test
[self setStatus: STATUS_ACTIVE];
- (void) checkDistanceTravelled
if (distance_travelled > desired_range)
[shipAI message:@"GONE_BEYOND_RANGE"];
- (void) scanForHostiles
/*-- Locates all the ships in range targetting the receiver and chooses the nearest --*/
found_target = NO_TARGET;
found_hostiles = 0;
if (!universe)
int ent_count = universe->n_entities;
Entity** uni_entities = universe->sortedEntities; // grab the public sorted list
Entity* my_entities[ent_count];
int i;
int ship_count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
if (uni_entities[i]->isShip)
my_entities[ship_count++] = [uni_entities[i] retain]; // retained
double found_d2 = scanner_range * scanner_range;
for (i = 0; i < ship_count ; i++)
ShipEntity* thing = (ShipEntity *)my_entities[i];
double d2 = distance2( position, thing->position);
if (((thing->scan_class == CLASS_THARGOID)||(([thing getPrimaryTarget] == self)&&([thing hasHostileTarget])))&&(d2 < found_d2))
found_target = [thing universal_id];
found_d2 = d2;
for (i = 0; i < ship_count ; i++)
[my_entities[i] release]; // released
if (found_target != NO_TARGET)
//NSLog(@"DEBUG %@ %d scanForHostiles ----> found %@ %@ %d", name, universal_id, [(ShipEntity *)[universe entityForUniversalID:found_target] roles], [(ShipEntity *)[universe entityForUniversalID:found_target] name], found_target);
//[self setReportAImessages:YES];
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
- (void) fightOrFleeHostiles
//NSLog(@"DEBUG %@ %d considers fightOrFleeHostiles", name, universal_id);
// consider deploying escorts
//if ([escorts count] > 0)
if (n_escorts > 0)
if (found_target == last_escort_target)
//NSLog(@"DEBUG exit fightOrFleeHostiles because found_target == last_escort_target == %d", found_target);
//NSLog(@"DEBUG %@ %d decides to deploy escorts and flee", name, universal_id);
primaryAggressor = found_target;
primaryTarget = found_target;
[self deployEscorts];
[shipAI message:@"DEPLOYING_ESCORTS"];
[shipAI message:@"FLEEING"];
// consider launching a missile
if (missiles > 2) // keep a reserve
if (randf() < 0.50)
//NSLog(@"DEBUG %@ %d decides to launch missile and flee", name, universal_id);
primaryAggressor = found_target;
primaryTarget = found_target;
[self fireMissile];
[shipAI message:@"FLEEING"];
// consider fighting
if (energy > max_energy * 0.80)
//NSLog(@"DEBUG %@ %d decides to fight hostiles", name, universal_id);
primaryAggressor = found_target;
//[self performAttack];
[shipAI message:@"FIGHTING"];
//NSLog(@"DEBUG %@ %d decides to flee hostiles", name, universal_id);
[shipAI message:@"FLEEING"];
- (void) suggestEscort
ShipEntity *mother = (ShipEntity *)[universe entityForUniversalID:primaryTarget];
if (mother)
if ([mother acceptAsEscort:self])
[self setOwner:mother];
[shipAI message:@"ESCORTING"];
[self setOwner:NO_TARGET];
[shipAI message:@"NOT_ESCORTING"];
- (void) escortCheckMother
ShipEntity *mother = (ShipEntity *)[universe entityForUniversalID:owner];
if (mother)
if ([mother acceptAsEscort:self])
[self setOwner:mother];
[shipAI message:@"ESCORTING"];
[self setOwner:self];
[shipAI message:@"NOT_ESCORTING"];
- (void) performEscort
frustration = 0.0;
- (int) numberOfShipsInGroup:(int) ship_group_id
if (ship_group_id == NO_TARGET)
return 1;
return [[self shipsInGroup:ship_group_id] count];
- (void) checkGroupOddsVersusTarget
int own_group_id = group_id;
int target_group_id = [(ShipEntity *)[universe entityForUniversalID:primaryTarget] group_id];
int own_group_numbers = [self numberOfShipsInGroup:own_group_id] + (ranrot_rand() & 3); // add a random fudge factor
int target_group_numbers = [self numberOfShipsInGroup:target_group_id] + (ranrot_rand() & 3); // add a random fudge factor
//NSLog(@"DEBUG pirates of group %d (%d ships) considering an attack on group %d (%d ships)", own_group_id, own_group_numbers, target_group_id, target_group_numbers);
if (own_group_numbers == target_group_numbers)
[shipAI message:@"ODDS_LEVEL"];
if (own_group_numbers > target_group_numbers)
[shipAI message:@"ODDS_GOOD"];
[shipAI message:@"ODDS_BAD"];
- (void) groupAttackTarget
if (group_id == NO_TARGET) // ship is alone!
//NSLog(@"DEBUG Lone ship %@ %d attacking target %d", name, universal_id, found_target);
found_target = primaryTarget;
[shipAI reactToMessage:@"GROUP_ATTACK_TARGET"];
NSArray *fellow_ships = [self shipsInGroup:group_id];
//NSLog(@"DEBUG %d %@ ships of group %d attacking target %d", [fellow_ships count], roles, group_id, found_target);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [fellow_ships count]; i++)
ShipEntity *other_ship = (ShipEntity *)[fellow_ships objectAtIndex:i];
[other_ship setFound_target:[universe entityForUniversalID:primaryTarget]];
[[other_ship getAI] reactToMessage:@"GROUP_ATTACK_TARGET"];
- (void) scanForFormationLeader
//-- Locates the nearest suitable formation leader in range --//
BOOL pair_okay;
found_target = NO_TARGET;
if (!universe)
int ent_count = universe->n_entities;
Entity** uni_entities = universe->sortedEntities; // grab the public sorted list
Entity* my_entities[ent_count];
int i;
int ship_count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
if (uni_entities[i]->isShip)
my_entities[ship_count++] = [uni_entities[i] retain]; // retained
double found_d2 = scanner_range * scanner_range;
for (i = 0; i < ship_count ; i++)
ShipEntity* ship = (ShipEntity *)my_entities[i];
if (ship != self)
pair_okay = ([roles isEqual:@"escort"]&&[[ship roles] isEqual:@"trader"]);
pair_okay |= ([roles isEqual:@"wingman"]&&[[ship roles] isEqual:@"police"]);
pair_okay |= ([roles isEqual:@"wingman"]&&[[ship roles] isEqual:@"interceptor"]);
if (pair_okay)
double d2 = distance2( position, ship->position);
if (d2 < found_d2)
found_d2 = d2;
found_target = [ship universal_id];
for (i = 0; i < ship_count ; i++)
[my_entities[i] release]; // released
if (found_target != NO_TARGET)
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
if ([roles isEqual:@"wingman"])
// become free-lance police :)
[shipAI release];
shipAI = [[AI alloc] initWithStateMachine:@"route1patrolAI.plist" andState:@"GLOBAL"];
[shipAI setOwner: self];
- (void) messageMother:(NSString *)msgString
ShipEntity *mother = (ShipEntity *)[universe entityForUniversalID:owner];
if (mother)
[[mother getAI] reactToMessage:msgString];
- (void) setPlanetPatrolCoordinates
// check we've arrived near the last given coordinates
Vector r_pos = make_vector( position.x - coordinates.x, position.y - coordinates.y, position.z - coordinates.z);
if ((magnitude2(r_pos) < 1000000)||(patrol_counter == 0))
// NSLog(@"DEBUG patrol ship %@ %d has reached patrol check point... %d", name, universal_id, patrol_counter);
Entity* the_sun = [universe sun];
Entity* the_station = [universe station];
if ((!the_sun)||(!the_station))
Vector sun_pos = the_sun->position;
Vector stn_pos = the_station->position;
Vector sun_dir = make_vector( sun_pos.x - stn_pos.x, sun_pos.y - stn_pos.y, sun_pos.z - stn_pos.z);
Vector vSun = unit_vector( &sun_dir);
Vector v0 = vector_forward_from_quaternion(the_station->q_rotation);
Vector v1 = cross_product( v0, vSun);
Vector v2 = cross_product( v0, v1);
switch (patrol_counter)
case 0: // first go to 5km ahead of the station
coordinates = make_vector( stn_pos.x + 5000 * v0.x, stn_pos.y + 5000 * v0.y, stn_pos.z + 5000 * v0.z);
desired_range = 250.0;
case 1: // go to 25km N of the station
coordinates = make_vector( stn_pos.x + 25000 * v1.x, stn_pos.y + 25000 * v1.y, stn_pos.z + 25000 * v1.z);
desired_range = 250.0;
case 2: // go to 25km E of the station
coordinates = make_vector( stn_pos.x + 25000 * v2.x, stn_pos.y + 25000 * v2.y, stn_pos.z + 25000 * v2.z);
desired_range = 250.0;
case 3: // go to 25km S of the station
coordinates = make_vector( stn_pos.x - 25000 * v1.x, stn_pos.y - 25000 * v1.y, stn_pos.z - 25000 * v1.z);
desired_range = 250.0;
case 4: // go to 25km W of the station
coordinates = make_vector( stn_pos.x - 25000 * v2.x, stn_pos.y - 25000 * v2.y, stn_pos.z - 25000 * v2.z);
desired_range = 250.0;
if (patrol_counter > 4)
if (randf() < .25)
// consider docking
[self setAITo:@"dockingAI.plist"];
// go around again
patrol_counter = 1;
// else
- (void) setSunSkimStartCoordinates
Vector v0 = [universe getSunSkimStartPositionForShip:self];
if ((v0.x != 0.0)||(v0.y != 0.0)||(v0.z != 0.0))
coordinates = v0;
[shipAI message:@"WAIT_FOR_SUN"];
- (void) setSunSkimEndCoordinates
coordinates = [universe getSunSkimEndPositionForShip:self];
- (void) setSunSkimExitCoordinates
Entity* the_sun = [universe sun];
if (!the_sun)
Vector v1 = [universe getSunSkimEndPositionForShip:self];
Vector vs = the_sun->position;
Vector vout = make_vector( v1.x - vs.x, v1.y - vs.y, v1.z - vs.z);
vout = unit_vector(&vout);
v1.x += 10000 * vout.x; v1.y += 10000 * vout.y; v1.z += 10000 * vout.z;
coordinates = v1;
- (void) patrolReportIn
[[universe station] acceptPatrolReportFrom:self];
- (void) checkForMotherStation
Entity* my_owner = [self owner];
if ((!my_owner) || (!(my_owner->isStation)))
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
StationEntity* motherStation = (StationEntity*)[self owner];
Vector v0 = motherStation->position;
Vector rpos = make_vector( position.x - v0.x, position.y - v0.y, position.z - v0.z);
double found_d2 = scanner_range * scanner_range;
if (magnitude2(rpos) > found_d2)
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
[shipAI message:@"STATION_FOUND"];
- (void) sendTargetCommsMessage:(NSString*) message
ShipEntity* ship = (ShipEntity*)[self getPrimaryTarget];
if ((!ship)||(ship->status == STATUS_DEAD)||(ship->status == STATUS_DOCKED))
primaryTarget = NO_TARGET;
[shipAI reactToMessage:@"TARGET_LOST"];
[self sendExpandedMessage:message toShip:(ShipEntity*)[self getPrimaryTarget]];
- (void) markTargetForFines
ShipEntity* ship = (ShipEntity*)[self getPrimaryTarget];
if ((!ship)||(ship->status == STATUS_DEAD)||(ship->status == STATUS_DOCKED))
primaryTarget = NO_TARGET;
[shipAI reactToMessage:@"TARGET_LOST"];
if ([(ShipEntity*)[self getPrimaryTarget] markForFines])
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_MARKED"];
- (void) scanForRocks
/*-- Locates the all boulders and asteroids in range and selects one of up to 16 --*/
found_target = NO_TARGET;
if (!universe)
int ent_count = universe->n_entities;
Entity** uni_entities = universe->sortedEntities; // grab the public sorted list
Entity* my_entities[ent_count];
int i;
int ship_count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
if (uni_entities[i]->isShip)
my_entities[ship_count++] = [uni_entities[i] retain]; // retained
double found_d2 = scanner_range * scanner_range;
for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
ShipEntity* thing = (ShipEntity *)my_entities[i];
if ([[thing roles] isEqual:@"boulder"])
double d2 = distance2( position, thing->position);
if (d2 < found_d2)
found_target = [thing universal_id];
found_d2 = d2;
if (found_target == NO_TARGET)
for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
ShipEntity* thing = (ShipEntity *)my_entities[i];
if ([[thing roles] isEqual:@"asteroid"])
double d2 = distance2( position, thing->position);
if (d2 < found_d2)
found_target = [thing universal_id];
found_d2 = d2;
for (i = 0; i < ship_count ; i++)
[my_entities[i] release]; // released
if (found_target != NO_TARGET)
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
- (void) performMining
frustration = 0.0;
- (void) setDestinationToDockingAbort
Entity* the_target = [self getPrimaryTarget];
double bo_distance = 8000; // 8km back off
Vector v0 = position;
Vector d0 = (the_target)? the_target->position : make_vector(0,0,0);
v0.x += (randf() - 0.5)*collision_radius; v0.y += (randf() - 0.5)*collision_radius; v0.z += (randf() - 0.5)*collision_radius;
v0.x -= d0.x; v0.y -= d0.y; v0.z -= d0.z;
v0 = unit_vector(&v0);
v0.x *= bo_distance; v0.y *= bo_distance; v0.z *= bo_distance;
v0.x += d0.x; v0.y += d0.y; v0.z += d0.z;
coordinates = v0;
destination = v0;
- (void) requestNewTarget
ShipEntity* mother = nil;
if ([self owner])
mother = (ShipEntity*)[self owner];
if ((mother == nil)&&([universe entityForUniversalID:group_id]))
mother = (ShipEntity*)[universe entityForUniversalID:group_id];
if (!mother)
[shipAI message:@"MOTHER_LOST"];
/*-- Locates all the ships in range targetting the mother ship and chooses the nearest/biggest --*/
found_target = NO_TARGET;
found_hostiles = 0;
if (!universe)
int ent_count = universe->n_entities;
Entity** uni_entities = universe->sortedEntities; // grab the public sorted list
Entity* my_entities[ent_count];
int i;
int ship_count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
if (uni_entities[i]->isShip)
my_entities[ship_count++] = [uni_entities[i] retain]; // retained
double found_d2 = scanner_range * scanner_range;
double max_e = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ship_count ; i++)
ShipEntity* thing = (ShipEntity *)my_entities[i];
double d2 = distance2( position, thing->position);
double e1 = [thing getEnergy];
if (((thing->scan_class == CLASS_THARGOID)||(([thing getPrimaryTarget] == mother)&&([thing hasHostileTarget])))&&(d2 < found_d2))
if (e1 > max_e)
found_target = [thing universal_id];
max_e = e1;
for (i = 0; i < ship_count ; i++)
[my_entities[i] release]; // released
if (found_target != NO_TARGET)
[shipAI message:@"TARGET_FOUND"];
[shipAI message:@"NOTHING_FOUND"];
- (void) rollD:(NSString*) die_number
int die_sides = [die_number intValue];
if (die_sides > 0)
int die_roll = ranrot_rand() % die_sides;
NSString* result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"ROLL_%d", die_roll];
[shipAI reactToMessage: result];
NSLog(@"***** AI_ERROR - invalid value supplied to rollD: '%@'", die_number);