Giles Williams d7eae4e657 to bring sources up to Oolite r675
git-svn-id: http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/oolite-linux/trunk@51 127b21dd-08f5-0310-b4b7-95ae10353056
2005-05-06 20:13:49 +00:00

1399 lines
40 KiB

// PlanetEntity.m
* Oolite
* Created by Giles Williams on Sat Apr 03 2004.
* Copyright (c) 2004 for aegidian.org. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004, Giles C Williams
All rights reserved.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/
or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
You are free:
• to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work
• to make derivative works
Under the following conditions:
• Attribution. You must give the original author credit.
• Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
• Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work,
you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one.
For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.
Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above.
#ifdef LINUX
#include "oolite-linux.h"
#import <OpenGL/gl.h>
#import "PlanetEntity.h"
#import "entities.h"
#import "AI.h"
#import "Universe.h"
#import "MyOpenGLView.h"
// straight c
static Vector base_vertex_array[10242];
static int base_terrain_array[10242];
static int next_free_vertex;
NSMutableDictionary* edge_to_vertex;
static int n_triangles[MAX_SUBDIVIDE];
static int triangle_start[MAX_SUBDIVIDE];
static GLuint vertex_index_array[3*(20+80+320+1280+5120+20480)];
@implementation PlanetEntity
- (id) init
int i;
int percent_land;
double aleph = 1.0 / sqrt(2.0);
self = [super init];
collision_radius = 25000.0; // 25km across
for (i = 0; i < 360; i++)
sin_value[i] = sin(i * PI / 180);
scan_class = CLASS_NO_DRAW;
q_rotation.w = aleph; // represents a 90 degree rotation around x axis
q_rotation.x = aleph; // (I hope!)
q_rotation.y = 0.0;
q_rotation.z = 0.0;
planet_type = PLANET_TYPE_GREEN;
shuttles_on_ground = 0;
last_launch_time = 0.0;
shuttle_launch_interval = 60 * 60;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
displayListNames[i] = 0; // empty for now!
[self setModel:@"icosahedron.dat"];
[self rescaleTo:1.0];
planet_seed = 54321;
percent_land = (ranrot_rand() % 50);
//NSLog(@"Planet surface is %d percent land.",percent_land);
for (i = 0; i < n_vertices; i++)
if (ranrot_rand() % 100 < percent_land)
r_seed[i] = 0; // land
r_seed[i] = 1; // sea
polar_color_factor = 1.0;
amb_land[0] = 0.0;
amb_land[1] = 1.0;
amb_land[2] = 0.0;
amb_land[3] = 1.0;
amb_sea[0] = 0.0;
amb_sea[1] = 0.0;
amb_sea[2] = 1.0;
amb_sea[3] = 1.0;
amb_polar_land[0] = 0.9;
amb_polar_land[1] = 0.9;
amb_polar_land[2] = 0.9;
amb_polar_land[3] = 1.0;
amb_polar_sea[0] = 1.0;
amb_polar_sea[1] = 1.0;
amb_polar_sea[2] = 1.0;
amb_polar_sea[3] = 1.0;
isPlanet = YES;
return self;
- (id) initAsSunWithColor:(NSColor *) sun_color
int i;
float hue, sat, bri, alf;
NSColor *color;
self = [super init];
collision_radius = 100000.0; // 100km across
lim4k = LIM4K;
lim8k = LIM8K;
lim16k = LIM16K;
for (i = 0; i < 360; i++)
sin_value[i] = sin(i * PI / 180);
scan_class = CLASS_NO_DRAW;
planet_type = PLANET_TYPE_SUN;
shuttles_on_ground = 0;
last_launch_time = 0.0;
shuttle_launch_interval = 60 * 60;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
displayListNames[i] = 0; // empty for now!
[sun_color getHue:&hue saturation:&sat brightness:&bri alpha:&alf];
float hue_drift = 0.25 * (randf() - randf());
// main disc less saturation more brightness
color = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue:hue saturation:sat * 0.5 brightness:(bri + 3.0)/4.0 alpha:alf];
amb_land[0] = [color redComponent];
amb_land[1] = [color greenComponent];
amb_land[2] = [color blueComponent];
amb_land[3] = 1.0;
// nearest corona much more saturation
hue += hue_drift;
if (hue < 0.0) hue += 1.0;
if (hue > 1.0) hue -= 1.0;
color = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue:hue saturation: sat * 0.625 brightness:(bri + 2.0)/3.0 alpha:alf];
amb_polar_land[0] = [color redComponent];
amb_polar_land[1] = [color greenComponent];
amb_polar_land[2] = [color blueComponent];
amb_polar_land[3] = 1.0;
// next corona slightly more saturation
hue += hue_drift;
if (hue < 0.0) hue += 1.0;
if (hue > 1.0) hue -= 1.0;
color = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue:hue saturation:sat brightness:bri alpha:alf];
amb_sea[0] = [color redComponent];
amb_sea[1] = [color greenComponent];
amb_sea[2] = [color blueComponent];
amb_sea[3] = 1.0;
// next corona 100% saturation less bright
hue += hue_drift;
if (hue < 0.0) hue += 1.0;
if (hue > 1.0) hue -= 1.0;
color = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue:hue saturation:1.0 brightness:bri * 0.75 alpha:alf];
amb_polar_sea[0] = [color redComponent];
amb_polar_sea[1] = [color greenComponent];
amb_polar_sea[2] = [color blueComponent];
amb_polar_sea[3] = 1.0;
corona_speed_factor = 1.0 / (0.5 + 2.0 * (randf() + randf()));
corona_stage = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < 729; i++)
rvalue[i] = randf();
isPlanet = YES;
return self;
- (id) initAsAtmosphereForPlanet:(PlanetEntity *) planet
int i;
int percent_land;
double aleph = 1.0 / sqrt(2.0);
self = [super init];
if (!planet)
NSLog(@"ERROR Planetentity initAsAtmosphereForPlanet:NULL");
return self;
position = planet->position;
q_rotation = planet->q_rotation;
collision_radius = planet->collision_radius + ATMOSPHERE_DEPTH; // atmosphere is 500m deep only
shuttles_on_ground = 0;
last_launch_time = 0.0;
shuttle_launch_interval = 60 * 60;
scan_class = CLASS_NO_DRAW;
q_rotation.w = aleph; // represents a 90 degree rotation around x axis
q_rotation.x = aleph; // (I hope!)
q_rotation.y = 0.0;
q_rotation.z = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
displayListNames[i] = 0; // empty for now!
[self setModel:@"icosahedron.dat"];
[self rescaleTo:1.0];
percent_land = 3 + (gen_rnd_number() & 31)+(gen_rnd_number() & 31);
//NSLog(@"Atmosphere is %d percent clear.",percent_land);
polar_color_factor = 1.0;
amb_land[0] = gen_rnd_number() / 256.0;
amb_land[1] = gen_rnd_number() / 256.0;
amb_land[2] = gen_rnd_number() / 256.0;
amb_land[3] = 0.05; // bluesky .. zero clouds
amb_sea[0] = 0.9 + gen_rnd_number() / 2560.0;
amb_sea[1] = 0.9 + gen_rnd_number() / 2560.0;
amb_sea[2] = 0.9 + gen_rnd_number() / 2560.0;
amb_sea[3] = 0.50; // 50% opaque clouds
amb_polar_land[0] = gen_rnd_number() / 256.0;
amb_polar_land[1] = gen_rnd_number() / 256.0;
amb_polar_land[2] = gen_rnd_number() / 256.0;
amb_polar_land[3] = 0.25; // 25% gray clouds
amb_polar_sea[0] = 0.9 + gen_rnd_number() / 2560.0;
amb_polar_sea[1] = 0.9 + gen_rnd_number() / 2560.0;
amb_polar_sea[2] = 0.9 + gen_rnd_number() / 2560.0;
amb_polar_sea[3] = 0.75; // 75% clouds
atmosphere = nil;
// NSLog(@"DEBUG atmosphere testing [PlanetEntity initialiseBaseVertexArray]");
[self initialiseBaseVertexArray];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG atmosphere testing [PlanetEntity initialiseBaseTerrainArray:%d]", percent_land);
[self initialiseBaseTerrainArray:percent_land];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG atmosphere painting %d vertices", next_free_vertex);
for (i = 0; i < next_free_vertex; i++)
[self paintVertex:i :planet_seed];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG atmosphere scaling %d vertices", next_free_vertex);
[self scaleVertices];
// set speed of rotation
rotational_velocity = 0.01 + 0.02 * randf(); // 0.01 .. 0.03 avr 0.02;
usingVAR = [self OGL_InitVAR];
if (usingVAR)
[self OGL_AssignVARMemory:sizeof(VertexData) :(void *)&vertexdata :0];
isPlanet = YES;
return self;
- (id) initAsCoronaForPlanet:(PlanetEntity *) planet
self = [super init];
if (!planet)
NSLog(@"ERROR Planetentity initAsCoronaForPlanet:NULL");
return self;
position = planet->position;
collision_radius = planet->collision_radius + ATMOSPHERE_DEPTH * 2; // atmosphere is 5000m deep only
shuttles_on_ground = 0;
last_launch_time = 0.0;
shuttle_launch_interval = 60 * 60;
scan_class = CLASS_NO_DRAW;
planet_type = PLANET_TYPE_CORONA;
amb_land[0] = 0.85;
amb_land[1] = 0.85;
amb_land[2] = 1.0;
amb_land[3] = 1.0; // blue color
atmosphere = nil;
[self setOwner:planet];
isPlanet = YES;
return self;
- (id) initWithSeed:(Random_Seed) p_seed fromUniverse:(Universe *) uni
int i;
int percent_land;
double aleph = 1.0 / sqrt(2.0);
self = [super init];
NSDictionary* planetinfo = [uni generateSystemData:p_seed];
int radius_km = [(NSNumber *)[planetinfo objectForKey:KEY_RADIUS] intValue];
int techlevel = [(NSNumber *)[planetinfo objectForKey:KEY_TECHLEVEL] intValue];
//NSLog(@"Generating planet %@ with radius %dkm",[planetinfo objectForKey:KEY_NAME],radius_km);
shuttles_on_ground = 1 + floor(techlevel * 0.5);
last_launch_time = 0.0;
shuttle_launch_interval = 3600.0 / shuttles_on_ground; // all are launched in an hour
last_launch_time = -(ranrot_rand() % 60) * shuttle_launch_interval/60.0;
last_launch_time = 30.0 - shuttle_launch_interval; // debug - launch 30s after player enters universe
//NSLog(@"shuttles on ground:%d launch_interval:%.1f minutes", shuttles_on_ground, shuttle_launch_interval/60);
//collision_radius = 25000.0; // 25km across
collision_radius = radius_km * 10.0; // scale down by a factor of 100 !
scan_class = CLASS_NO_DRAW;
q_rotation.w = aleph; // represents a 90 degree rotation around x axis
q_rotation.x = aleph; // (I hope!)
q_rotation.y = 0.0;
q_rotation.z = 0.0;
planet_type = PLANET_TYPE_GREEN; // generic planet type
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
displayListNames[i] = 0; // empty for now!
[self setModel:@"icosahedron.dat"];
[self rescaleTo:1.0];
percent_land = (gen_rnd_number() % 48);
//// possibly get percent_land from planetinfo.plist entry
if ([planetinfo objectForKey:@"percent_land"])
percent_land = [(NSNumber *)[planetinfo objectForKey:@"percent_land"] intValue];
// save the current random number generator seed
RNG_Seed saved_seed = currentRandomSeed();
//NSLog(@"Planet surface is %d percent land.",percent_land);
for (i = 0; i < n_vertices; i++)
if (gen_rnd_number() < 256 * percent_land / 100)
r_seed[i] = 0; // land
r_seed[i] = 100; // sea
polar_color_factor = 1.0;
Vector land_hsb, sea_hsb, land_polar_hsb, sea_polar_hsb;
land_hsb.x = gen_rnd_number() / 256.0; land_hsb.y = gen_rnd_number() / 256.0; land_hsb.z = 0.5 + gen_rnd_number() / 512.0;
sea_hsb.x = gen_rnd_number() / 256.0; sea_hsb.y = gen_rnd_number() / 256.0; sea_hsb.z = 0.5 + gen_rnd_number() / 512.0;
while (dot_product(land_hsb,sea_hsb) > .80) // make sure land and sea colors differ significantly
sea_hsb.x = gen_rnd_number() / 256.0; sea_hsb.y = gen_rnd_number() / 256.0; sea_hsb.z = 0.5 + gen_rnd_number() / 512.0;
//// possibly get land_hsb and sea_hsb from planetinfo.plist entry
if ([planetinfo objectForKey:@"land_hsb_color"])
NSString* value = (NSString *)[planetinfo objectForKey:@"land_hsb_color"];
NSArray* tokens = [value componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
if ([tokens count] == 3)
land_hsb.x = [(NSString *)[tokens objectAtIndex:0] floatValue];
land_hsb.y = [(NSString *)[tokens objectAtIndex:1] floatValue];
land_hsb.z = [(NSString *)[tokens objectAtIndex:2] floatValue];
if ([planetinfo objectForKey:@"sea_hsb_color"])
NSString* value = (NSString *)[planetinfo objectForKey:@"sea_hsb_color"];
NSArray* tokens = [value componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
if ([tokens count] == 3)
sea_hsb.x = [(NSString *)[tokens objectAtIndex:0] floatValue];
sea_hsb.y = [(NSString *)[tokens objectAtIndex:1] floatValue];
sea_hsb.z = [(NSString *)[tokens objectAtIndex:2] floatValue];
// polar areas are brighter but have less color (closer to white)
land_polar_hsb.x = land_hsb.x; land_polar_hsb.y = (land_hsb.y / 5.0); land_polar_hsb.z = 1.0 - (land_hsb.z / 10.0);
sea_polar_hsb.x = sea_hsb.x; sea_polar_hsb.y = (sea_hsb.y / 5.0); sea_polar_hsb.z = 1.0 - (sea_hsb.z / 10.0);
amb_land[0] = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue:land_hsb.x saturation:land_hsb.y brightness:land_hsb.z alpha:1.0] redComponent];
amb_land[1] = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue:land_hsb.x saturation:land_hsb.y brightness:land_hsb.z alpha:1.0] blueComponent];
amb_land[2] = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue:land_hsb.x saturation:land_hsb.y brightness:land_hsb.z alpha:1.0] greenComponent];
amb_land[3] = 1.0;
amb_sea[0] = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue:sea_hsb.x saturation:sea_hsb.y brightness:sea_hsb.z alpha:1.0] redComponent];
amb_sea[1] = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue:sea_hsb.x saturation:sea_hsb.y brightness:sea_hsb.z alpha:1.0] blueComponent];
amb_sea[2] = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue:sea_hsb.x saturation:sea_hsb.y brightness:sea_hsb.z alpha:1.0] greenComponent];
amb_sea[3] = 1.0;
amb_polar_land[0] = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue:land_polar_hsb.x saturation:land_polar_hsb.y brightness:land_polar_hsb.z alpha:1.0] redComponent];
amb_polar_land[1] = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue:land_polar_hsb.x saturation:land_polar_hsb.y brightness:land_polar_hsb.z alpha:1.0] blueComponent];
amb_polar_land[2] = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue:land_polar_hsb.x saturation:land_polar_hsb.y brightness:land_polar_hsb.z alpha:1.0] greenComponent];
amb_polar_land[3] = 1.0;
amb_polar_sea[0] = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue:sea_polar_hsb.x saturation:sea_polar_hsb.y brightness:sea_polar_hsb.z alpha:1.0] redComponent];
amb_polar_sea[1] = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue:sea_polar_hsb.x saturation:sea_polar_hsb.y brightness:sea_polar_hsb.z alpha:1.0] blueComponent];
amb_polar_sea[2] = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedHue:sea_polar_hsb.x saturation:sea_polar_hsb.y brightness:sea_polar_hsb.z alpha:1.0] greenComponent];
amb_polar_sea[3] = 1.0;
// NSLog(@"DEBUG testing [PlanetEntity initialiseBaseVertexArray]");
[self initialiseBaseVertexArray];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG testing [PlanetEntity initialiseBaseTerrainArray:%d]", percent_land);
[self initialiseBaseTerrainArray:percent_land];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG painting %d vertices", next_free_vertex);
for (i = 0; i < next_free_vertex; i++)
[self paintVertex:i :planet_seed];
// NSLog(@"DEBUG scaling %d vertices", next_free_vertex);
[self scaleVertices];
// set speed of rotation
rotational_velocity = 0.01 * randf(); // 0.0 .. 0.01 avr 0.005;
// do atmosphere
atmosphere = [[PlanetEntity alloc] initAsAtmosphereForPlanet:self];
[atmosphere setUniverse:universe];
usingVAR = [self OGL_InitVAR];
if (usingVAR)
[self OGL_AssignVARMemory:sizeof(VertexData) :(void *)&vertexdata :0];
isPlanet = YES;
return self;
- (void) setUniverse:(Universe *)univ
if (univ)
if (universe) [universe release];
universe = [univ retain];
if (atmosphere)
[atmosphere setUniverse:univ];
- (void) dealloc
if (atmosphere)
[atmosphere dealloc];
[super dealloc];
- (BOOL) canCollide
switch (planet_type)
return NO;
return YES;
return YES;
- (BOOL) checkCloseCollisionWith:(Entity *)other
//NSLog(@"PLANET Collision!");
if (!other)
return NO;
if (other->isShip)
if ([(ShipEntity *)other reportAImessages])
ShipEntity *ship = (ShipEntity *)other;
Vector p1 = ship->position;
NSLog(@"%@ %d collided with planet at (%.1f,%.1f,%.1f)",[ship name], [ship universal_id], p1.x,p1.y,p1.z);
return YES;
- (void) update:(double) delta_t
if (usingVAR)
[self OGL_UpdateVAR];
[super update:delta_t];
sqrt_zero_distance = sqrt(zero_distance);
switch (planet_type)
double ugt = [universe getTime];
if ((shuttles_on_ground > 0)&&(ugt > last_launch_time + shuttle_launch_interval))
[self launchShuttle];
last_launch_time = ugt;
// normal planetary rotation
quaternion_rotate_about_y( &q_rotation, rotational_velocity * delta_t);
quaternion_into_gl_matrix(q_rotation, rotMatrix);
if (atmosphere)
[atmosphere update:delta_t];
double alt = sqrt_zero_distance - collision_radius;
double atmo = 10.0 * (atmosphere->collision_radius - collision_radius); // effect starts at 10x the height of the clouds
if ((alt > 0)&&(alt <= atmo))
double aleph = (atmo - alt) / atmo;
if (aleph < 0.0) aleph = 0.0;
if (aleph > 1.0) aleph = 1.0;
[universe setSky_clear_color:0.8 * aleph * aleph :0.8 * aleph * aleph :0.9 * aleph :aleph]; // test - blue
[universe setSky_clear_color:0 :0 :0 :0]; // back to black
// atmospheric rotation
quaternion_rotate_about_y( &q_rotation, rotational_velocity * delta_t);
quaternion_into_gl_matrix(q_rotation, rotMatrix);
// new billboard routine (working at last!)
PlayerEntity* player = (PlayerEntity*)[universe entityZero];
Vector v0 = position;
Vector p0 = (player)? player->position: make_vector(0,0,0);
v0.x -= p0.x; v0.y -= p0.y; v0.z -= p0.z; // vector from player to position
v0 = unit_vector(&v0);
//equivalent of v_forward
Vector arb1;
if ((v0.x == 0.0)&&(v0.y == 0.0))
arb1.x = 1.0; arb1.y = 0.0; arb1.z = 0.0; // arbitrary axis - not aligned with v0
arb1.x = 0.0; arb1.y = 0.0; arb1.z = 1.0;
Vector v1 = cross_product( v0, arb1 ); // 90 degrees to (v0 x arb1)
//equivalent of v_right
Vector v2 = cross_product( v0, v1 ); // 90 degrees to (v0 x v1)
//equivalent of v_up
vectors_into_gl_matrix( v0, v1, v2, rotMatrix);
if (planet_type == PLANET_TYPE_CORONA)
Vector v_sun = [universe sun]->position;
Vector v_p = (player)? player->position: make_vector(0,0,0);
v_sun.x -= v_p.x; v_sun.y -= v_p.y; v_sun.z -= v_p.z;
v_sun = unit_vector(&v_sun);
polar_color_factor = dot_product( v_sun, v0);
if (throw_sparks&&(planet_type == PLANET_TYPE_SUN)&&(velocity.z > 0)) // going NOVA!
if (velocity.x >= 0.0) // countdown
velocity.x -= delta_t;
if (corona_speed_factor < 5.0)
corona_speed_factor += 0.75 * delta_t;
if (velocity.y <= 60.0) // expand for a minute
double sky_bri = 1.0 - 1.5 * velocity.y;
if (sky_bri < 0)
[universe setSky_clear_color:0 :0 :0 :0]; // back to black
[universe setSky_clear_color:sky_bri :sky_bri :sky_bri : 1]; // whiteout
if (sky_bri == 1.0)
NSLog(@"DEBUG NOVA original radius %.1f", collision_radius);
amb_land[0] = 1.0; amb_land[1] = 1.0; amb_land[2] = 1.0; amb_land[3] = 1.0;
velocity.y += delta_t;
[self setRadius: collision_radius + delta_t * velocity.z];
NSLog(@"DEBUG NOVA final radius %.1f", collision_radius);
// reset at the new size
velocity = make_vector( 0, 0, 0);
// throw_sparks = NO;
throw_sparks = YES; // keep throw_sparks at YES to indicate the higher temperature
// update corona
if (![universe reducedDetail])
corona_stage += corona_speed_factor * delta_t;
if (corona_stage > 1.0)
int i;
corona_stage -= 1.0;
for (i = 0; i < 369; i++)
rvalue[i] = rvalue[360 + i];
rvalue[360 + i] = randf();
- (void) setPosition:(Vector) posn
position = posn;
if (atmosphere)
[atmosphere setPosition:posn];
- (void) setPosition:(GLfloat) x:(GLfloat) y:(GLfloat) z
position.x = x;
position.y = y;
position.z = z;
if (atmosphere)
[atmosphere setPosition:position];
- (void) setModel:(NSString *) modelName
double old_collision_radius = collision_radius;
[super setModel:modelName];
collision_radius = old_collision_radius; // preserve the radius
//NSLog(@"Planet collision radius preserved!");
- (void) drawEntity:(BOOL) immediate :(BOOL) translucent;
int subdivideLevel = 2; // 4 is probably the maximum!
//double drawRatio = no_draw_distance / zero_distance;
double drawFactor = [(MyOpenGLView *)[universe gameView] viewSize].width / 100.0;
double drawRatio2 = drawFactor * collision_radius / sqrt_zero_distance; // equivalent to size on screen in pixels
if ([universe breakPatternHide]) return; // DON'T DRAW
if (zero_distance > 0.0)
subdivideLevel = 2 + floor(drawRatio2);
if (subdivideLevel > 4)
subdivideLevel = 4;
glFrontFace(GL_CW); // face culling - front faces are AntiClockwise!
The depth test gets disabled in parts of this and instead
we rely on the painters algorithm instead.
The depth buffer isn't granular enough to cope with huge objects at vast
switch (planet_type)
glMultMatrixf(rotMatrix); // rotate the clouds!
if (!translucent)
GLfloat amb_1[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, amb_1);
if (displayListNames[subdivideLevel] != 0)
displayListNames[subdivideLevel] = glGenLists(1);
if (displayListNames[subdivideLevel] != 0)
//NSLog(@"Generating planet data for subdivide %d",subdivideLevel);
glNewList(displayListNames[subdivideLevel], GL_COMPILE);
[self drawModelWithVertexArraysAndSubdivision:subdivideLevel];
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, amb_1);
if (atmosphere)
glPopMatrix(); // get old draw matrix back
glPushMatrix(); // and store it again
glTranslatef(position.x,position.y,position.z); // centre on the planet
// rotate
glMultMatrixf([atmosphere rotationMatrix]);
// draw atmosphere entity
[atmosphere drawEntity:immediate :translucent];
if (!translucent)
GLfloat amb_1[4] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
int steps = 2 * (MAX_SUBDIVIDE - subdivideLevel);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, amb_1);
glColor4fv( amb_land);
drawBall( collision_radius, steps, sqrt_zero_distance);
if (![universe reducedDetail])
if (zero_distance < lim4k)
GLfloat col1[4] = { amb_polar_land[0], amb_polar_land[1], amb_polar_land[2], 0.75};
drawActiveCorona( collision_radius, collision_radius + cor4k, steps, sqrt_zero_distance, col1, 6);
if (zero_distance < lim8k)
GLfloat col1[4] = { amb_sea[0], amb_sea[1], amb_sea[2], 0.625};
drawActiveCorona( collision_radius, collision_radius + cor8k, steps, sqrt_zero_distance, col1, 3);
if (zero_distance < lim16k)
GLfloat col1[4] = { amb_polar_sea[0], amb_polar_sea[1], amb_polar_sea[2], 0.5};
drawActiveCorona( collision_radius, collision_radius + cor16k, steps, sqrt_zero_distance, col1, 0);
if (!translucent)
Entity* my_owner = [universe entityForUniversalID:owner];
GLfloat bri = 1.0 + polar_color_factor;
GLfloat r = 0.42 * bri;
GLfloat g = 0.42 * bri;
GLfloat b = 0.5 * bri;
GLfloat amb_1[4] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
double r0 = (my_owner)? my_owner->collision_radius: 5000;
// GLfloat col1[4] = { amb_land[0], amb_land[1], amb_land[2], 1.0};
// GLfloat col2[4] = { amb_land[0], amb_land[1], amb_land[2], 0.0};
GLfloat col1[4] = { r, g, b, 1.0};
GLfloat col2[4] = { r, g, b, 0.0};
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, amb_1);
drawCorona( r0, collision_radius, 6 - subdivideLevel, sqrt_zero_distance, col1, col2);
glFrontFace(GL_CCW); // face culling - front faces are AntiClockwise!
void drawBall (double radius, int step, double z_distance)
if ((radius <= 0)||(step < 1))
if (radius >= z_distance) // inside the sphere
int i;
double s, c;
double r = radius * z_distance / sqrt( z_distance * z_distance - radius * radius);
glVertex3i( 0, 0, 0);
for ( i = 0; i < 360; i += step )
s = r * sin_value[i];
c = r * sin_value[(i + 90) % 360];
glVertex3f( 0.0, r, 0.0); //repeat the zero value to close
void drawCorona (double inner_radius, double outer_radius, int step, double z_distance, GLfloat* col4v1, GLfloat* col4v2)
if (inner_radius >= z_distance) // inside the sphere
int i;
double s0, c0, s1, c1;
double r = inner_radius;
double c = outer_radius;
double z = z_distance;
double x = sqrt( z * z - r * r);
double r1 = r * x / z;
double z1 = r * r / z;
double r0 = c * x / z;
double z0 = c * r / z;
// NSLog(@"DEBUG r1 = %.4f z1 = %.4f r0 = %.4f z0 = %.4f", r1, z1, r0, z0);
for ( i = 0; i < 360; i += step )
s1 = r1 * sin_value[i];
c1 = r1 * sin_value[(i + 90) % 360];
glVertex3f( s1, c1, -z1);
s0 = r0 * sin_value[i];
c0 = r0 * sin_value[(i + 90) % 360];
glVertex3f( s0, c0, -z0);
glVertex3f( 0.0, r1, -z1); //repeat the zero value to close
glVertex3f( 0.0, r0, -z0); //repeat the zero value to close
void drawActiveCorona (double inner_radius, double outer_radius, int step, double z_distance, GLfloat* col4v1, int rv)
if (inner_radius >= z_distance) // inside the sphere
int i;
NSRange activity = NSMakeRange(0.25, 1.0);
double s0, c0, s1, c1;
double r = inner_radius;
double c = outer_radius;
double z = z_distance;
double x = sqrt( z * z - r * r);
double r1 = r * x / z;
double z1 = r * r / z;
double r0 = c * x / z;
double z0 = c * r / z;
// NSLog(@"DEBUG r1 = %.4f z1 = %.4f r0 = %.4f z0 = %.4f", r1, z1, r0, z0);
GLfloat rv0, rv1, rv2;
for ( i = 0; i < 360; i += step )
rv0 = (1.0 - corona_stage) * rvalue[i + rv] + corona_stage * rvalue[i + rv + 360];
rv1 = (1.0 - corona_stage) * rvalue[i + rv + 1] + corona_stage * rvalue[i + rv + 361];
rv2 = (1.0 - corona_stage) * rvalue[i + rv + 2] + corona_stage * rvalue[i + rv + 362];
s1 = r1 * sin_value[i];
c1 = r1 * sin_value[(i + 90) % 360];
glColor4f( col4v1[0] * (activity.location + rv0*activity.length), col4v1[1] * (activity.location + rv1*activity.length), col4v1[2] * (activity.location + rv2*activity.length), col4v1[3]);
glVertex3f( s1, c1, -z1);
s0 = r0 * sin_value[i];
c0 = r0 * sin_value[(i + 90) % 360];
glColor4f( col4v1[0], col4v1[1], col4v1[2], 0);
glVertex3f( s0, c0, -z0);
rv0 = (1.0 - corona_stage) * rvalue[rv] + corona_stage * rvalue[360 + rv];
rv1 = (1.0 - corona_stage) * rvalue[1 + rv] + corona_stage * rvalue[361 + rv];
rv2 = (1.0 - corona_stage) * rvalue[2 + rv] + corona_stage * rvalue[362 + rv];
glColor4f( col4v1[0] * (activity.location + rv0*activity.length), col4v1[1] * (activity.location + rv1*activity.length), col4v1[2] * (activity.location + rv2*activity.length), col4v1[3]);
glVertex3f( 0.0, r1, -z1); //repeat the zero value to close
glColor4f( col4v1[0], col4v1[1], col4v1[2], 0);
glVertex3f( 0.0, r0, -z0); //repeat the zero value to close
- (double) polar_color_factor
return polar_color_factor;
- (GLfloat *) amb_land
return amb_land;
- (GLfloat *) amb_polar_land
return amb_polar_land;
- (GLfloat *) amb_sea
return amb_sea;
- (GLfloat *) amb_polar_sea
return amb_polar_sea;
- (int) getPlanetType
return planet_type;
- (void) setPlanetType:(int) pt
planet_type = pt;
- (double) getRadius
return collision_radius;
- (void) setRadius:(double) rad
collision_radius = rad;
cor4k = rad * 4 / 100; lim4k = cor4k * cor4k * NO_DRAW_DISTANCE_FACTOR*NO_DRAW_DISTANCE_FACTOR;
cor8k = rad * 8 / 100; lim8k = cor8k * cor8k * NO_DRAW_DISTANCE_FACTOR*NO_DRAW_DISTANCE_FACTOR;
cor16k = rad * rad * 16/ 10000000; lim16k = cor16k * cor16k* NO_DRAW_DISTANCE_FACTOR*NO_DRAW_DISTANCE_FACTOR;
- (double) getSqrt_zero_distance
return sqrt_zero_distance;
- (void) rescaleTo:(double) rad
int i;
Vector vert;
for (i = 0; i < n_vertices; i++)
if ((vert.x == 0.0)&&(vert.y == 0.0)&&(vert.z == 0.0))
vert = unit_vector(&vertices[i]);
vert.x *= rad;
vert.y *= rad;
vert.z *= rad;
vertices[i] = vert;
- (void) drawModelWithVertexArraysAndSubdivision: (int) subdivide
#ifdef GNUSTEP
// TODO: Find a suitable replacement fn for APPLE
if (usingVAR)
// if (usingVAR)
// NSLog(@"DEBUG using accelerated memory technique to draw %@ (%@)", self, basefile);
glVertexPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertexdata.vertex_array);
// 3 coords per vertex
// of type GL_FLOAT
// 0 stride (tightly packed)
// pointer to first vertex
glColorPointer( 4, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertexdata.color_array);
// 4 values per vertex color
// of type GL_FLOAT
// 0 stride (tightly packed)
// pointer to quadruplet
glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, vertexdata.normal_array);
// of type GL_FLOAT
// 0 stride (tightly packed)
// pointer to vertex
glDrawElements( GL_TRIANGLES, 3 * n_triangles[subdivide], GL_UNSIGNED_INT, &vertexdata.index_array[triangle_start[subdivide]]);
- (void) launchShuttle
ShipEntity *shuttle_ship;
Quaternion q1;
Vector launch_pos = position;
double start_distance = collision_radius + 125.0;
Vector vf = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q1);
launch_pos.x += start_distance * vf.x;
launch_pos.y += start_distance * vf.y;
launch_pos.z += start_distance * vf.z;
shuttle_ship = [universe getShipWithRole:@"shuttle"]; // retain count = 1
[shuttle_ship setPosition:launch_pos];
[shuttle_ship setQRotation:q1];
[shuttle_ship setScanClass: CLASS_NEUTRAL];
[shuttle_ship setCargoFlag:CARGO_FLAG_FULL_PLENTIFUL];
[shuttle_ship setStatus:STATUS_IN_FLIGHT];
//[shuttle_ship setReportAImessages:YES]; // debug
[universe addEntity:shuttle_ship];
[[shuttle_ship getAI] setStateMachine:@"risingShuttleAI.plist"]; // must happen after adding to the universe!
//NSLog(@"Planet %@ in universe %@ Launching shuttle: %@ %d", self, universe, [shuttle_ship name], [shuttle_ship universal_id]);
[shuttle_ship release];
- (void) welcomeShuttle:(ShipEntity *) shuttle
+ (void) resetBaseVertexArray
if (edge_to_vertex)
[edge_to_vertex release];
edge_to_vertex = nil;
- (void) initialiseBaseVertexArray
if (edge_to_vertex == nil)
edge_to_vertex = [[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:7680] retain];
int vi,fi;
next_free_vertex = 0;
// set first 12 vertices
for (vi = 0; vi < 12; vi++)
base_vertex_array[next_free_vertex++] = vertices[vi];
// NSLog(@"%d (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) = (%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)", vi, vertices[vi].x, vertices[vi].y, vertices[vi].z, base_vertex_array[vi].x, base_vertex_array[vi].y, base_vertex_array[vi].z);
// set first 20 triangles
triangle_start[0] = 0;
n_triangles[0] = n_faces;
for (fi = 0; fi < n_faces; fi++)
vertex_index_array[fi * 3 + 0] = faces[fi].vertex[0];
vertex_index_array[fi * 3 + 1] = faces[fi].vertex[1];
vertex_index_array[fi * 3 + 2] = faces[fi].vertex[2];
// NSLog(@"%d %d %d", faces[fi].vertex[0], faces[fi].vertex[1], faces[fi].vertex[2]);
// for the next levels of subdivision simply build up from the level below!...
int sublevel;
for (sublevel = 0; sublevel < MAX_SUBDIVIDE - 1; sublevel++)
int newlevel = sublevel + 1;
triangle_start[newlevel] = triangle_start[sublevel] + n_triangles[sublevel] * 3;
n_triangles[newlevel] = n_triangles[sublevel] * 4;
// NSLog(@"Building new level of subdivision - level %d.", newlevel);
int tri;
for (tri = 0; tri < n_triangles[sublevel]; tri++)
// get the six vertices for this group of four triangles
int v0 = vertex_index_array[triangle_start[sublevel] + tri * 3 + 0];
int v1 = vertex_index_array[triangle_start[sublevel] + tri * 3 + 1];
int v2 = vertex_index_array[triangle_start[sublevel] + tri * 3 + 2];
int v01 = baseVertexIndexForEdge(v0,v1); // sets it up if required
int v12 = baseVertexIndexForEdge(v1,v2); // ..
int v20 = baseVertexIndexForEdge(v2,v0); // ..
// v0 v01 v20
vertex_index_array[triangle_start[newlevel] + tri * 12 + 0] = v0;
vertex_index_array[triangle_start[newlevel] + tri * 12 + 1] = v01;
vertex_index_array[triangle_start[newlevel] + tri * 12 + 2] = v20;
// v01 v1 v12
vertex_index_array[triangle_start[newlevel] + tri * 12 + 3] = v01;
vertex_index_array[triangle_start[newlevel] + tri * 12 + 4] = v1;
vertex_index_array[triangle_start[newlevel] + tri * 12 + 5] = v12;
// v20 v12 v2
vertex_index_array[triangle_start[newlevel] + tri * 12 + 6] = v20;
vertex_index_array[triangle_start[newlevel] + tri * 12 + 7] = v12;
vertex_index_array[triangle_start[newlevel] + tri * 12 + 8] = v2;
// v01 v12 v20
vertex_index_array[triangle_start[newlevel] + tri * 12 + 9] = v01;
vertex_index_array[triangle_start[newlevel] + tri * 12 +10] = v12;
vertex_index_array[triangle_start[newlevel] + tri * 12 +11] = v20;
// NSLog(@"Current total number of vertices %d.", next_free_vertex);
// all done - copy the indices to the instance
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_TRI_INDICES; i++)
vertexdata.index_array[i] = vertex_index_array[i];
int baseVertexIndexForEdge(int va, int vb)
NSString* key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d:%d", (va < vb)? va:vb, (va < vb)? vb:va];
if ([edge_to_vertex objectForKey:key])
return [(NSNumber*)[edge_to_vertex objectForKey:key] intValue];
int vindex = next_free_vertex++;
// calculate position of new vertex
base_vertex_array[vindex] = base_vertex_array[va];
base_vertex_array[vindex].x += base_vertex_array[vb].x;
base_vertex_array[vindex].y += base_vertex_array[vb].y;
base_vertex_array[vindex].z += base_vertex_array[vb].z;
base_vertex_array[vindex] = unit_vector(&base_vertex_array[vindex]);
// add new edge to the look-up
[edge_to_vertex setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:vindex] forKey:key];
return vindex;
- (void) initialiseBaseTerrainArray:(int) percent_land
int vi;
// set first 12 vertices
for (vi = 0; vi < n_vertices; vi++)
if (gen_rnd_number() < percent_land)
base_terrain_array[vi] = 0; // land
base_terrain_array[vi] = 100; // sea
// for the next levels of subdivision simply build up from the level below!...
int sublevel;
for (sublevel = 0; sublevel < MAX_SUBDIVIDE - 1; sublevel++)
int tri;
for (tri = 0; tri < n_triangles[sublevel]; tri++)
// get the six vertices for this group of four triangles
int v0 = vertex_index_array[triangle_start[sublevel] + tri * 3 + 0];
int v1 = vertex_index_array[triangle_start[sublevel] + tri * 3 + 1];
int v2 = vertex_index_array[triangle_start[sublevel] + tri * 3 + 2];
int v01 = baseVertexIndexForEdge(v0,v1); // sets it up if required
int v12 = baseVertexIndexForEdge(v1,v2); // ..
int v20 = baseVertexIndexForEdge(v2,v0); // ..
// v01
if (base_terrain_array[v0] == base_terrain_array[v1])
base_terrain_array[v01] = base_terrain_array[v0];
int s1 = 0xffff0000 * base_vertex_array[v01].x;
int s2 = 0x00ffff00 * base_vertex_array[v01].y;
int s3 = 0x0000ffff * base_vertex_array[v01].z;
base_terrain_array[v01] = (ranrot_rand() & 4) *25;
// v12
if (base_terrain_array[v1] == base_terrain_array[v2])
base_terrain_array[v12] = base_terrain_array[v1];
int s1 = 0xffff0000 * base_vertex_array[v12].x;
int s2 = 0x00ffff00 * base_vertex_array[v12].y;
int s3 = 0x0000ffff * base_vertex_array[v12].z;
base_terrain_array[v12] = (ranrot_rand() & 4) *25;
// v20
if (base_terrain_array[v2] == base_terrain_array[v0])
base_terrain_array[v20] = base_terrain_array[v2];
int s1 = 0xffff0000 * base_vertex_array[v20].x;
int s2 = 0x00ffff00 * base_vertex_array[v20].y;
int s3 = 0x0000ffff * base_vertex_array[v20].z;
base_terrain_array[v20] = (ranrot_rand() & 4) *25;
- (void) paintVertex:(int) vi :(int) seed
GLfloat paint_land[4] = { 0.2, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0};
GLfloat paint_sea[4] = { 0.0, 0.2, 0.9, 1.0};
GLfloat paint_color[4];
Vector v = base_vertex_array[vi];
int r = base_terrain_array[vi];
int i;
double pole_blend = v.z * v.z * polar_color_factor;
paint_land[0] = (1.0 - pole_blend)*amb_land[0] + pole_blend*amb_polar_land[0];
paint_land[1] = (1.0 - pole_blend)*amb_land[1] + pole_blend*amb_polar_land[1];
paint_land[2] = (1.0 - pole_blend)*amb_land[2] + pole_blend*amb_polar_land[2];
paint_sea[0] = (1.0 - pole_blend)*amb_sea[0] + pole_blend*amb_polar_sea[0];
paint_sea[1] = (1.0 - pole_blend)*amb_sea[1] + pole_blend*amb_polar_sea[1];
paint_sea[2] = (1.0 - pole_blend)*amb_sea[2] + pole_blend*amb_polar_sea[2];
if (planet_type == PLANET_TYPE_ATMOSPHERE) // do alphas
paint_land[3] = (1.0 - pole_blend)*amb_land[3] + pole_blend*amb_polar_land[3];
paint_sea[3] = (1.0 - pole_blend)*amb_sea[3] + pole_blend*amb_polar_sea[3];
// for some reason this preceding line has been messing up the armosphere/ planet drawing!
// ranrot_srand(seed * vi);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
double cv = (ranrot_rand() % 100)*0.01; // 0..1 ***** DON'T CHANGE THIS LINE, '% 100' MAY NOT BE EFFICIENT BUT THE PATTERNING IS GOOD.
paint_land[i] += (cv - 0.5)*0.1;
paint_sea[i] += (cv - 0.5)*0.1;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
paint_color[i] = (r * paint_sea[i])*0.01 + ((100 - r) * paint_land[i])*0.01;
// finally initialise the color array entry
// color_array[vi*4 + i] = paint_color[i];
vertexdata.color_array[vi*4 + i] = paint_color[i];
- (void) scaleVertices
int vi;
for (vi = 0; vi < next_free_vertex; vi++)
Vector v = base_vertex_array[vi];
vertexdata.normal_array[vi] = v;
vertexdata.vertex_array[vi] = make_vector( v.x * collision_radius, v.y * collision_radius, v.z * collision_radius);
- (BOOL) willGoNova
return throw_sparks;
- (BOOL) goneNova
return throw_sparks&&(velocity.x <= 0);
- (void) setGoingNova:(BOOL) yesno inTime:(double)interval
throw_sparks = yesno;
if ((throw_sparks)&&(interval >= 0.0))
velocity.x = interval;
velocity.y = 0;
velocity.z = 10000;