Risk levels for passenger contracts

This commit is contained in:
cim 2013-09-17 21:24:23 +01:00
parent f155222ee2
commit eb7c006230
6 changed files with 470 additions and 356 deletions

View File

@ -1370,6 +1370,42 @@
"passenger-delivered-late-@-@-@" = "%@ pays you %@ for eventually delivering them to %@.\n";
"passenger-failed-@" = "%@ leaves your ship, annoyed that you have wasted so much of their time.\n";
"passenger-description-safe" =
"passenger-description-cautious" =
"passenger-description-dangerous" =
// 9:2:1
"passenger-description-risk0" = ("[passenger-description-safe]","[passenger-description-safe]","[passenger-description-safe]","[passenger-description-safe]","[passenger-description-safe]","[passenger-description-safe]","[passenger-description-safe]","[passenger-description-safe]","[passenger-description-safe]","[passenger-description-cautious]","[passenger-description-cautious]","[passenger-description-dangerous]");
// 2:5:2
"passenger-description-risk1" = ("[passenger-description-safe]","[passenger-description-safe]","[passenger-description-cautious]","[passenger-description-cautious]","[passenger-description-cautious]","[passenger-description-cautious]","[passenger-description-cautious]","[passenger-description-dangerous]","[passenger-description-dangerous]");
// 1:2:9
"passenger-description-risk2" = ("[passenger-description-dangerous]","[passenger-description-dangerous]","[passenger-description-dangerous]","[passenger-description-dangerous]","[passenger-description-dangerous]","[passenger-description-dangerous]","[passenger-description-dangerous]","[passenger-description-dangerous]","[passenger-description-dangerous]","[passenger-description-cautious]","[passenger-description-cautious]","[passenger-description-safe]");
"parcel-delivered-okay-@-@" = "You deliver %@, and are paid %@.\n";
"parcel-delivered-late-@-@" = "You have arrived late to deliver %@, and are only paid %@.\n";
"parcel-failed-@" = "You have failed to deliver %@ on time, and will not be paid.\n";

View File

@ -120,6 +120,10 @@
"oolite-contracts-passengers-command-list" = "List all contracts";
"oolite-contracts-passengers-command-accept" = "Accept transport contract";
"oolite-contracts-passengers-command-unavailable" = "(no free passenger cabins)";
"oolite-contracts-passengers-command-unavailable-both" = "(looking for more experienced carrier)";
"oolite-contracts-passengers-command-unavailable-rep" = "(looking for more reliable carrier)";
"oolite-contracts-passengers-command-unavailable-kills" = "(looking for carrier with more combat experience)";
"oolite-contracts-passengers-command-quit" = "Exit passenger transport contracts";
// Cargo delivery contracts (oolite-contracts-cargo.js)

View File

@ -340,14 +340,14 @@ this._initialiseParcelContractsForSystem = function()
prudence = (2*Math.random())-1;
var desperation = (Math.random()*(0.5+parcel.risk)) * (1+1/(Math.max(0.5,dtime-(routeToDestination.time * 3600))));
var competency = (routeToDestination.route.length-1)*(1+(parcel.risk*2));
var competency = Math.max(50,(routeToDestination.route.length-1)*(1+(parcel.risk*2)));
if(parcel.risk == 0)
competency -= 10;
parcel.payment = Math.floor(parcel.payment * (1+(0.2*prudence)));
parcel.payment = Math.floor(parcel.payment * (1+(0.4*prudence)));
parcel.payment += (parcel.risk * 200);
parcel.skill = competency + 10*(prudence-desperation);
parcel.skill = competency + 20*(prudence-desperation);
// add parcel to contract list
@ -501,11 +501,12 @@ this._parcelContractSummaryPage = function()
// needs to be aligned left to line up with the heading
options["01_CONTRACT_"+i] = { text: optionText, alignment: "LEFT" };
// if there doesn't appear to be sufficient time remaining
// if the player isn't good enough
if (parcel.skill > playerrep)
options["01_CONTRACT_"+i].color = "darkGrayColor";
// if there doesn't appear to be sufficient time remaining
else if (this.$helper._timeRemainingSeconds(parcel) < this.$helper._timeEstimateSeconds(parcel))
options["01_CONTRACT_"+i].color = "orangeColor";

View File

@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ this.$passengerPageOverlay = "";
* and optionally, the following parameters:
* skill: the skill level required by the client (default 0)
* risk: the risk level of the contract (0-2, default 0)
* advance: the payment for taking the passenger onboard (default 0)
* route: a route object generated with system.info.routeToSystem
* describing the route between the source and destination
@ -74,49 +76,57 @@ this.$passengerPageOverlay = "";
this._addPassengerToSystem = function(passenger)
if (!system.mainStation)
log(this.name,"Contracts require a main station");
return false;
if (!passenger.name || passenger.name.length > 40)
log(this.name,"Rejected passenger: name missing or too long");
return false;
if (passenger.destination < 0 || passenger.destination > 255)
log(this.name,"Rejected passenger: destination missing or invalid");
return false;
if (passenger.deadline <= clock.adjustedSeconds)
log(this.name,"Rejected passenger: deadline invalid");
return false;
if (passenger.payment < 0)
log(this.name,"Rejected passenger: payment invalid");
return false;
if (!system.mainStation)
log(this.name,"Contracts require a main station");
return false;
if (!passenger.name || passenger.name.length > 40)
log(this.name,"Rejected passenger: name missing or too long");
return false;
if (passenger.destination < 0 || passenger.destination > 255)
log(this.name,"Rejected passenger: destination missing or invalid");
return false;
if (passenger.deadline <= clock.adjustedSeconds)
log(this.name,"Rejected passenger: deadline invalid");
return false;
if (passenger.payment < 0)
log(this.name,"Rejected passenger: payment invalid");
return false;
if (!passenger.route)
var destinationInfo = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber,passenger.destination);
passenger.route = system.info.routeToSystem(destinationInfo);
if (!passenger.route)
var destinationInfo = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber,passenger.destination);
passenger.route = system.info.routeToSystem(destinationInfo);
if (!passenger.route)
log(this.name,"Rejected passenger: route invalid");
return false;
if (!passenger.advance)
passenger.advance = 0;
log(this.name,"Rejected passenger: route invalid");
return false;
if (!passenger.advance)
passenger.advance = 0;
if (!passenger.risk)
passenger.risk = 0;
if (!passenger.skill)
passenger.skill = 0;
return true;
return true;
@ -209,114 +219,130 @@ this._resetViews = function()
// initialise a new passenger contract list for the current system
this._initialisePassengerContractsForSystem = function()
// clear list
this.$passengers = [];
// clear list
this.$passengers = [];
// this is not the same algorithm as in 1.76, but should give
// similar results more efficiently.
// no point in generating too many, but generally want 5 or more
// some of them will be discarded later
var numContracts = Math.floor(5*Math.random()+5*Math.random()+5*Math.random()+(player.passengerReputation*Math.random()));
if (player.passengerReputation >= 0 && numContracts < 5)
numContracts += 5;
if (numContracts > 16)
numContracts = 16;
else if (numContracts < 0)
numContracts = 0;
// no point in generating too many, but generally want 5 or more
// some of them will be discarded later
var numContracts = Math.floor(5*Math.random()+5*Math.random()+5*Math.random()+(player.passengerReputation*Math.random()));
if (player.passengerReputation >= 0 && numContracts < 5)
// some of these possible contracts may be discarded later on
for (var i = 0; i < numContracts; i++)
var passenger = new Object;
// pick a random system to take the passenger to
var destination = Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
// discard if chose the current system
if (destination === system.ID)
numContracts += 5;
if (numContracts > 16)
numContracts = 16;
else if (numContracts < 0)
numContracts = 0;
// some of these possible contracts may be discarded later on
// get the SystemInfo object for the destination
var destinationInfo = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber,destination);
for (var i = 0; i < numContracts; i++)
var daysUntilDeparture = 1+(Math.random()*(7+player.passengerReputation-destinationInfo.government));
if (daysUntilDeparture <= 0)
var passenger = new Object;
// pick a random system to take the passenger to
var destination = Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
// discard if chose the current system
if (destination === system.ID)
// get the SystemInfo object for the destination
var destinationInfo = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber,destination);
var daysUntilDeparture = 1+(Math.random()*(7+player.passengerReputation-destinationInfo.government));
if (daysUntilDeparture <= 0)
// loses some more contracts if reputation negative
// check that a route to the destination exists
var routeToDestination = system.info.routeToSystem(destinationInfo);
// if the system cannot be reached, ignore this contract
if (!routeToDestination)
// we now have a valid destination, so generate the rest of
// the parcel details
passenger.destination = destination;
// we'll need this again later, and route calculation is slow
passenger.route = routeToDestination;
if (Math.random() < 0.5) // 50% local inhabitant
passenger.species = system.info.inhabitant;
else // 50% random species (which will be 50%ish human)
passenger.species = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber,Math.floor(Math.random()*256)).inhabitant;
if (passenger.species.match(new RegExp(expandDescription("[human-word]"),"i")))
passenger.name = expandDescription("%R ")+expandDescription("[nom]");
passenger.name = randomName()+" "+randomName();
// time allowed for delivery is time taken by "fewest jumps"
// route, plus timer above. Higher reputation makes longer
// times available.
passenger.deadline = clock.adjustedSeconds + Math.floor(daysUntilDeparture*86400)+(passenger.route.time*3600);
// total payment is:
passenger.payment = Math.floor(
// payment per hop (higher at rep 6+)
5 * Math.pow(routeToDestination.route.length-1, player.passengerReputation > 5 ? 2.65 : 2.5) +
// payment by route length
routeToDestination.distance * (8+(Math.random()*8)) +
// premium for delivery to more dangerous systems
(5 * (7-destinationInfo.government) * (7-destinationInfo.government))
passenger.payment -= (passenger.payment % 20); // must be multiple of 20
passenger.advance = passenger.payment / 5; // 20% up front
passenger.payment -= passenger.advance;
// add parcel to contract list
// loses some more contracts if reputation negative
// check that a route to the destination exists
var routeToDestination = system.info.routeToSystem(destinationInfo);
// if the system cannot be reached, ignore this contract
if (!routeToDestination)
// we now have a valid destination, so generate the rest of
// the parcel details
passenger.destination = destination;
// we'll need this again later, and route calculation is slow
passenger.route = routeToDestination;
if (Math.random() < 0.5) // 50% local inhabitant
passenger.species = system.info.inhabitant;
else // 50% random species (which will be 50%ish human)
passenger.species = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber,Math.floor(Math.random()*256)).inhabitant;
if (passenger.species.match(new RegExp(expandDescription("[human-word]"),"i")))
passenger.name = expandDescription("%R ")+expandDescription("[nom]");
passenger.name = randomName()+" "+randomName();
passenger.risk = Math.floor(Math.random()*3);
passenger.species = expandDescription("[passenger-description-risk"+passenger.risk+"]")+" "+passenger.species;
// time allowed for delivery is time taken by "fewest jumps"
// route, plus timer above. Higher reputation makes longer
// times available.
var dtime = Math.floor(daysUntilDeparture*86400)+(passenger.route.time*3600);
passenger.deadline = clock.adjustedSeconds + dtime;
if (passenger.risk < 2 && destinationInfo.government <= 1 && Math.random() < 0.5)
// total payment is:
passenger.payment = Math.floor(
// payment per hop (higher at rep > 5)
5 * Math.pow(routeToDestination.route.length-1, (passenger.risk*0.2) + (player.passengerReputation > 5 ? 2.45 : 2.3)) +
// payment by route length
routeToDestination.distance * (8+(Math.random()*8)) +
// premium for delivery to more dangerous systems
(5 * (7-destinationInfo.government) * (7-destinationInfo.government))
passenger.payment *= (Math.random()+Math.random()+Math.random()+Math.random())/2;
var prudence = (2*Math.random())-1;
var desperation = (Math.random()*(0.5+passenger.risk)) * (1+1/(Math.max(0.5,dtime-(routeToDestination.time * 3600))));
var competency = Math.max(50,(routeToDestination.route.length-1)*(1+(passenger.risk*2)));
if(passenger.risk == 0)
competency -= 10;
passenger.payment = Math.floor(passenger.payment * (1+(0.4*prudence)));
passenger.payment += (passenger.risk * 200);
passenger.skill = competency + 20*(prudence-desperation);
passenger.advance = Math.min(passenger.payment*0.9,Math.max(0,Math.floor(passenger.payment * (0.05 + (0.1*desperation) + (0.02*player.passengerReputation))))); // some% up front
passenger.payment -= passenger.advance;
// add passenger to contract list
// this should be called every time the contents of this.$parcels
// this should be called every time the contents of this.$passengers
// changes, as it updates the summary of the interface entry.
this._updateMainStationInterfacesList = function()
@ -420,117 +446,119 @@ this._passengerContractsDisplay = function(summary) {
// display the mission screen for the summary page
this._passengerContractSummaryPage = function()
// column 'tab stops'
var columns = [12,18,23,28];
var playerrep = worldScripts["oolite-contracts-helpers"]._playerSkill(player.passengerReputation);
// column header line
var headline = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-column-name");
// pad to correct length to give a table-like layout
headline += this.$helper._paddingText(headline,columns[0]);
headline += expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-column-destination");
headline += this.$helper._paddingText(headline,columns[1]);
headline += expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-column-within");
headline += this.$helper._paddingText(headline,columns[2]);
headline += expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-column-advance");
headline += this.$helper._paddingText(headline,columns[3]);
headline += expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-column-fee");
// required because of way choices are displayed.
headline = " "+headline;
// column 'tab stops'
var columns = [12,18,23,28];
// setting options dynamically; one contract per line
var options = new Object;
var i;
for (i=0; i<this.$passengers.length; i++)
// column header line
var headline = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-column-name");
// pad to correct length to give a table-like layout
headline += this.$helper._paddingText(headline,columns[0]);
headline += expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-column-destination");
headline += this.$helper._paddingText(headline,columns[1]);
headline += expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-column-within");
headline += this.$helper._paddingText(headline,columns[2]);
headline += expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-column-advance");
headline += this.$helper._paddingText(headline,columns[3]);
headline += expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-column-fee");
// required because of way choices are displayed.
headline = " "+headline;
// setting options dynamically; one contract per line
var options = new Object;
var i;
for (i=0; i<this.$passengers.length; i++)
// temp variable to simplify following code
var passenger = this.$passengers[i];
// write the passenger description, padded to line up with the headers
var optionText = passenger.name;
optionText += this.$helper._paddingText(optionText, columns[0]);
optionText += System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber, passenger.destination).name;
optionText += this.$helper._paddingText(optionText, columns[1]);
optionText += this.$helper._timeRemaining(passenger);
optionText += this.$helper._paddingText(optionText, columns[2]);
// right-align the fee so that the credits signs line up
var priceText = formatCredits(passenger.advance,false,true);
priceText = this.$helper._paddingText(priceText, 3)+priceText;
optionText += priceText
optionText += this.$helper._paddingText(optionText, columns[3]);
// right-align the fee so that the credits signs line up
priceText = formatCredits(passenger.payment,false,true);
priceText = this.$helper._paddingText(priceText, 3)+priceText;
optionText += priceText
// need to pad the number in the key to maintain alphabetical order
var istr = i;
if (i < 10)
// temp variable to simplify following code
var passenger = this.$passengers[i];
// write the passenger description, padded to line up with the headers
var optionText = passenger.name;
optionText += this.$helper._paddingText(optionText, columns[0]);
optionText += System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber, passenger.destination).name;
optionText += this.$helper._paddingText(optionText, columns[1]);
optionText += this.$helper._timeRemaining(passenger);
optionText += this.$helper._paddingText(optionText, columns[2]);
// right-align the fee so that the credits signs line up
var priceText = formatCredits(passenger.advance,false,true);
priceText = this.$helper._paddingText(priceText, 3)+priceText;
optionText += priceText
optionText += this.$helper._paddingText(optionText, columns[3]);
// right-align the fee so that the credits signs line up
priceText = formatCredits(passenger.payment,false,true);
priceText = this.$helper._paddingText(priceText, 3)+priceText;
optionText += priceText
// need to pad the number in the key to maintain alphabetical order
var istr = i;
if (i < 10)
istr = "0"+i;
// needs to be aligned left to line up with the heading
options["01_CONTRACT_"+istr] = { text: optionText, alignment: "LEFT" };
// if there's no space for extra passengers
if (player.ship.passengerCapacity <= player.ship.passengerCount)
options["01_CONTRACT_"+istr].color = "darkGrayColor";
// if there doesn't appear to be sufficient time remaining
else if (this.$helper._timeRemainingSeconds(passenger) < this.$helper._timeEstimateSeconds(passenger))
options["01_CONTRACT_"+istr].color = "orangeColor";
istr = "0"+i;
// if we've come from the detail screen, make sure the last
// contract shown there is selected here
var icstr = this.$contractIndex;
if (icstr < 10)
// needs to be aligned left to line up with the heading
options["01_CONTRACT_"+istr] = { text: optionText, alignment: "LEFT" };
// if there's no space for extra passengers or the player isn't good enough
if (passenger.skill > playerrep || player.ship.passengerCapacity <= player.ship.passengerCount)
icstr = "0"+this.$contractIndex;
options["01_CONTRACT_"+istr].color = "darkGrayColor";
var initialChoice = "01_CONTRACT_"+icstr;
// unless we don't have any space left
if (player.ship.passengerCapacity <= player.ship.passengerCount)
// if there doesn't appear to be sufficient time remaining
else if (this.$helper._timeRemainingSeconds(passenger) < this.$helper._timeEstimateSeconds(passenger))
initialChoice = "06_EXIT";
options["01_CONTRACT_"+istr].color = "orangeColor";
// if we've come from the detail screen, make sure the last
// contract shown there is selected here
var icstr = this.$contractIndex;
if (icstr < 10)
icstr = "0"+this.$contractIndex;
var initialChoice = "01_CONTRACT_"+icstr;
// unless we don't have any space left
if (player.ship.passengerCapacity <= player.ship.passengerCount)
initialChoice = "06_EXIT";
// next, an empty string gives an unselectable row
options["02_SPACER"] = "";
// next, an empty string gives an unselectable row
options["02_SPACER"] = "";
// numbered 06 to match the option of the same function in the other branch
options["06_EXIT"] = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-quit");
// numbered 06 to match the option of the same function in the other branch
options["06_EXIT"] = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-quit");
// now need to add further spacing to fill the remaining rows, or
// the options will end up at the bottom of the screen.
var rowsToFill = 21;
if (player.ship.hudHidden)
rowsToFill = 27;
// now need to add further spacing to fill the remaining rows, or
// the options will end up at the bottom of the screen.
var rowsToFill = 21;
if (player.ship.hudHidden)
rowsToFill = 27;
for (i = 4 + this.$passengers.length; i < rowsToFill ; i++)
// each key needs to be unique at this stage.
options["07_SPACER_"+i] = "";
for (i = 4 + this.$passengers.length; i < rowsToFill ; i++)
// each key needs to be unique at this stage.
options["07_SPACER_"+i] = "";
var missionConfig = {titleKey: "oolite-contracts-passengers-title-summary",
message: headline,
allowInterrupt: true,
screenID: "oolite-contracts-passengers-summary",
choices: options,
initialChoicesKey: initialChoice};
if (this.$passengerSummaryPageBackground != "") {
missionConfig.background = this.$passengerSummaryPageBackground;
if (this.$passengerPageOverlay != "") {
missionConfig.overlay = this.$passengerPageOverlay;
var missionConfig = {titleKey: "oolite-contracts-passengers-title-summary",
message: headline,
allowInterrupt: true,
screenID: "oolite-contracts-passengers-summary",
choices: options,
initialChoicesKey: initialChoice};
if (this.$passengerSummaryPageBackground != "") {
missionConfig.background = this.$passengerSummaryPageBackground;
if (this.$passengerPageOverlay != "") {
missionConfig.overlay = this.$passengerPageOverlay;
// now run the mission screen
mission.runScreen(missionConfig, this._processPassengerChoice, this);
// now run the mission screen
mission.runScreen(missionConfig, this._processPassengerChoice, this);
@ -538,128 +566,147 @@ this._passengerContractSummaryPage = function()
// display the mission screen for the contract detail page
this._passengerContractSinglePage = function()
// temp variable to simplify code
var passenger = this.$passengers[this.$contractIndex];
var playerrep = worldScripts["oolite-contracts-helpers"]._playerSkill(player.passengerReputation);
// This mission screen uses the long range chart as a backdrop.
// This means that the first 18 lines are taken up by the chart,
// and we can't put text there without overwriting the chart.
// We therefore need to hide the player's HUD, to get the full 27
// lines.
// temp variable to simplify code
var passenger = this.$passengers[this.$contractIndex];
if (!player.ship.hudHidden)
this.$suspendedHUD = true; // note that we hid it, for later
player.ship.hudHidden = true;
// This mission screen uses the long range chart as a backdrop.
// This means that the first 18 lines are taken up by the chart,
// and we can't put text there without overwriting the chart.
// We therefore need to hide the player's HUD, to get the full 27
// lines.
// We also set the player's witchspace destination temporarily
// so we need to store the old one in a variable to reset it later
this.$suspendedDestination = player.ship.targetSystem;
if (!player.ship.hudHidden)
this.$suspendedHUD = true; // note that we hid it, for later
player.ship.hudHidden = true;
// That done, we can set the player's destination so the map looks
// right.
player.ship.targetSystem = passenger.destination;
// We also set the player's witchspace destination temporarily
// so we need to store the old one in a variable to reset it later
this.$suspendedDestination = player.ship.targetSystem;
// start with 18 blank lines, since we don't want to overlap the chart
var message = new Array(18).join("\n");
// That done, we can set the player's destination so the map looks
// right.
player.ship.targetSystem = passenger.destination;
message += expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-long-description",{
"oolite-contracts-passengers-longdesc-name": passenger.name,
"oolite-contracts-passengers-longdesc-species": passenger.species,
"oolite-contracts-passengers-longdesc-destination": this.$helper._systemName(passenger.destination),
"oolite-contracts-passengers-longdesc-deadline": this.$helper._timeRemaining(passenger),
"oolite-contracts-passengers-longdesc-time": this.$helper._timeEstimate(passenger),
"oolite-contracts-passengers-longdesc-payment": formatCredits(passenger.payment,false,true),
"oolite-contracts-passengers-longdesc-advance": formatCredits(passenger.advance,false,true)
// start with 18 blank lines, since we don't want to overlap the chart
var message = new Array(18).join("\n");
// use a special background
var backgroundSpecial = "LONG_RANGE_CHART";
message += expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-long-description",{
"oolite-contracts-passengers-longdesc-name": passenger.name,
"oolite-contracts-passengers-longdesc-species": passenger.species,
"oolite-contracts-passengers-longdesc-destination": this.$helper._systemName(passenger.destination),
"oolite-contracts-passengers-longdesc-deadline": this.$helper._timeRemaining(passenger),
"oolite-contracts-passengers-longdesc-time": this.$helper._timeEstimate(passenger),
"oolite-contracts-passengers-longdesc-payment": formatCredits(passenger.payment,false,true),
"oolite-contracts-passengers-longdesc-advance": formatCredits(passenger.advance,false,true)
// the available options will vary quite a bit, so this rather
// than a choicesKey in missiontext.plist
var options = new Object;
// this is the only option which is always available
options["06_EXIT"] = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-quit");
// use a special background
var backgroundSpecial = "LONG_RANGE_CHART";
// if the player has a spare cabin
if (player.ship.passengerCapacity > player.ship.passengerCount)
options["05_ACCEPT"] = {
text: expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-accept")
// the available options will vary quite a bit, so this rather
// than a choicesKey in missiontext.plist
var options = new Object;
// this is the only option which is always available
options["06_EXIT"] = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-quit");
// if there's not much time left, change the option colour as a warning!
if (this.$helper._timeRemainingSeconds(passenger) < this.$helper._timeEstimateSeconds(passenger))
options["05_ACCEPT"].color = "orangeColor";
options["05_UNAVAILABLE"] = {
text: expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-unavailable"),
color: "darkGrayColor",
unselectable: true
// if the ship has a working advanced nav array, can switch
// between 'quickest' and 'shortest' routes
// (and also upgrade the special background)
if (player.ship.equipmentStatus("EQ_ADVANCED_NAVIGATIONAL_ARRAY") === "EQUIPMENT_OK")
backgroundSpecial = this.$routeMode;
if (this.$routeMode === "LONG_RANGE_CHART_SHORTEST")
options["01_MODE"] = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-ana-quickest");
options["01_MODE"] = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-ana-shortest");
// if there's more than one, need options for forward, back, and listing
if (this.$passengers.length > 1)
options["02_BACK"] = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-back");
options["03_NEXT"] = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-next");
options["04_LIST"] = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-list");
// if not, we may need to set a different choice
// we never want 05_ACCEPT to end up selected initially
if (this.$lastChoice === "02_BACK" || this.$lastChoice === "03_NEXT" || this.$lastChoice === "04_LIST")
this.$lastChoice = "06_EXIT";
var title = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-title-detail",{
"oolite-contracts-passengers-title-detail-number": this.$contractIndex+1,
"oolite-contracts-passengers-title-detail-total": this.$passengers.length
// finally, after all that setup, actually create the mission screen
var missionConfig = {
title: title,
message: message,
allowInterrupt: true,
screenID: "oolite-contracts-passengers-details",
backgroundSpecial: backgroundSpecial,
choices: options,
initialChoicesKey: this.$lastChoice
// if the player has a spare cabin
if (player.ship.passengerCapacity <= player.ship.passengerCount)
options["05_UNAVAILABLE"] = {
text: expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-unavailable"),
color: "darkGrayColor",
unselectable: true
else if (playerrep >= passenger.skill)
options["05_ACCEPT"] = {
text: expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-accept")
if (this.$passengerPageOverlay != "") {
missionConfig.overlay = this.$passengerPageOverlay;
// if there's not much time left, change the option colour as a warning!
if (this.$helper._timeRemainingSeconds(passenger) < this.$helper._timeEstimateSeconds(passenger))
options["05_ACCEPT"].color = "orangeColor";
var utype = "both";
if (player.passengerReputation*10 >= passenger.skill)
utype = "kills";
else if (Math.sqrt(player.score) >= passenger.skill)
utype = "rep";
options["05_UNAVAILABLE"] = {
text: expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-unavailable-"+utype),
color: "darkGrayColor",
unselectable: true
mission.runScreen(missionConfig,this._processPassengerChoice, this);
// if the ship has a working advanced nav array, can switch
// between 'quickest' and 'shortest' routes
// (and also upgrade the special background)
if (player.ship.equipmentStatus("EQ_ADVANCED_NAVIGATIONAL_ARRAY") === "EQUIPMENT_OK")
backgroundSpecial = this.$routeMode;
if (this.$routeMode === "LONG_RANGE_CHART_SHORTEST")
options["01_MODE"] = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-ana-quickest");
options["01_MODE"] = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-ana-shortest");
// if there's more than one, need options for forward, back, and listing
if (this.$passengers.length > 1)
options["02_BACK"] = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-back");
options["03_NEXT"] = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-next");
options["04_LIST"] = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-command-list");
// if not, we may need to set a different choice
// we never want 05_ACCEPT to end up selected initially
if (this.$lastChoice === "02_BACK" || this.$lastChoice === "03_NEXT" || this.$lastChoice === "04_LIST")
this.$lastChoice = "06_EXIT";
var title = expandMissionText("oolite-contracts-passengers-title-detail",{
"oolite-contracts-passengers-title-detail-number": this.$contractIndex+1,
"oolite-contracts-passengers-title-detail-total": this.$passengers.length
// finally, after all that setup, actually create the mission screen
var missionConfig = {
title: title,
message: message,
allowInterrupt: true,
screenID: "oolite-contracts-passengers-details",
backgroundSpecial: backgroundSpecial,
choices: options,
initialChoicesKey: this.$lastChoice
if (this.$passengerPageOverlay != "") {
missionConfig.overlay = this.$passengerPageOverlay;
mission.runScreen(missionConfig,this._processPassengerChoice, this);

View File

@ -412,6 +412,15 @@ this.PriorityAIController = function(ship)
this.reconsiderIn = function(delta)
if (delta >= 0.1)
this.setCommunicationsRole = function(role)
commsRole = role;
@ -549,6 +558,11 @@ PriorityAIController.prototype.checkScannerWithPredicate = function(predicate)
return true;
// something's coming out; reconsider sooner
return false;

View File

@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ static unsigned RepForRisk(unsigned risk);
int unknown = [reputation oo_intForKey:PASSAGE_UNKNOWN_KEY];
if (unknown > 0)
unknown = MAX_CONTRACT_REP - (market_rnd % unknown);
unknown = MAX_CONTRACT_REP - (((2*unknown)+(market_rnd % unknown))/3);
@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ for (unsigned i=0;i<amount;i++)
int unknown = [reputation oo_intForKey:CONTRACTS_UNKNOWN_KEY];
if (unknown > 0)
unknown = MAX_CONTRACT_REP - (market_rnd % unknown);
unknown = MAX_CONTRACT_REP - (((2*unknown)+(market_rnd % unknown))/3);
@ -787,7 +787,11 @@ for (unsigned i=0;i<amount;i++)
int pl_unknown = [reputation oo_intForKey:PARCEL_UNKNOWN_KEY];
int c = c_good + c_bad + c_unknown;
if (c == 0)
c_unknown = MAX_CONTRACT_REP;
else if (c != MAX_CONTRACT_REP)
c_good = c_good * MAX_CONTRACT_REP / c;
c_bad = c_bad * MAX_CONTRACT_REP / c;
@ -795,7 +799,11 @@ for (unsigned i=0;i<amount;i++)
int p = p_good + p_bad + p_unknown;
if (p == 0)
p_unknown = MAX_CONTRACT_REP;
else if (p != MAX_CONTRACT_REP)
p_good = p_good * MAX_CONTRACT_REP / p;
p_bad = p_bad * MAX_CONTRACT_REP / p;
@ -803,7 +811,11 @@ for (unsigned i=0;i<amount;i++)
int pl = pl_good + pl_bad + pl_unknown;
if (pl == 0)
pl_unknown = MAX_CONTRACT_REP;
else if (pl != MAX_CONTRACT_REP)
pl_good = pl_good * MAX_CONTRACT_REP / pl;
pl_bad = pl_bad * MAX_CONTRACT_REP / pl;