Updated changelog file with changes between 1.72.2 and 1.73, as written by Eric.

git-svn-id: http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/oolite-linux/trunk@2322 127b21dd-08f5-0310-b4b7-95ae10353056
This commit is contained in:
Nikos Barkas 2009-08-29 17:38:29 +00:00
parent efca253270
commit 1cfb23f45b

View File

@ -1,3 +1,173 @@
Changes between Oolite 1.72.2 and Oolite 1.73:
* Made procedurally textured planets a game option. Can be switched on/off in
settings. (This feature is not available on the mac environment)
* Added splash screen and application icon to windows & linux versions.
* Added normal mapping for use in shaders. (This adds optical depth to smooth
* Game over screen now displays ranking as well as credit.
* Make passenger carrier market a bit more interesting by rewarding long taxi
runs. Credits paid increase exponentially with number of hops required.
* Reputation of player is also taken into account.
* Implemented the key cloak_indicator_on_status_light in hud.plist (Off by
* Interface change: While in flight, pressing h from the local galaxy map will
initiate hyperspace jumps - before, the player had to exit the map to do so.
* Added new equipment: Wormhole Scanner.
* Added example of drawing a yaw indicator bar (disabled by default).
* Implemented targetting of nearest incoming missile. This is activated using
* Shift+t or an assigned joystick button.
* Sell/buy as much as possible on the F8 screen via Shift+left/right. Prefer
to buy with Shift+Return.
* Time Acceleration Factor. Activated while in pause mode with left and right
* arrow keys. Can be from 1/16 to 16 times the normal time. TAF is visible in
the FPS display.
* Bump the limit on gold, platinum & gemstones to 10000 units.
* Various AI changes. Most noticeable is that docking ships are now more
likely to react on attacks and less crashes in the final docking stage with
bigger ships.
* Find systems on the F6/F6 screen: all possible matches now highlighted while
* Last save directory is now saved in prefs; oolite-saves is only created when
defaulting to it.
* Repositioned message row. Messages now fully readable in standard Oolite.
* Much equipment on the status screen no longer overwrite text below it but
becomes divided into multiple screens.
* If a message is repeated after 6 seconds, it will now show again, otherwise
it's ignored as before.
* Game settings screen: mac fullscreen resolution changes are now immediate,
if no external views are defined for player ships, the cobra3 ones are used
* Work towards securing legacy scripts, AIs and shader uniform bindings by
whitelisting methods. Game will now print an error message in the log if
non-whitelisted methods are used in legacy scripts or AIs.
* Added class ShipGroup. Groups are now defined in a different way than
previously. ShipGroups are exposed to JS as a property of ship
* Subentity definitions in shipData can now be dictionaries.
* Added Darren's patch for enabling icons/symbols on advanced compass.
* Customsounds will now accept arrays, in a similar way to descriptions.
* Added new system settings to planetinfo.plist:"sun_radius" (float),
"sun_color" = (any Color string), "corona_shimmer"= (float: 0-1),
"corona_hues"= (float: 0-1), "corona_flare"= (float: 0-1),
"texture_hsb_color" = (any Color string)
* Plural handling for languages with more than one plural form.
* Made TAF controllable by JavaScript using the read/write
timeAccelerationFactor global property for bullet-time-like effects.
* Added throw_sparks key to shipData (off by default )
* PlayerShip.removeEquipment() now works for missiles. Also,
awardEquipment()ing a missile when the player has none now causes the new
missile to be selected.
* requires_equipment, requires_any_equipment and incompatible_with_equipment
restrictions now work for weapons.
* Reworked Aegis messages. sun aegis is recognised, approaching planet event
is restored, all handlers have a planet or station as argument.
* Renamed planets: %H & %I now use scripted planet names, including inside
planet descriptions.
* New %J token for string expansion: expands %J000 to %J255 to its
corresponding system name.
* Made the left and right square bracket keys recognizable by Oolite.
* Added the JavaScript read/write player ship property scriptedMisjump.
Boolean value, scripted misjumps have a lifespan of one jump only. After
that, auto reset occurs and subsequent jumps become normal ones again.
* Introduced the cloak_passive ship dictionary key. When set to true (or yes),
it will cause the cloaking device to be deactivated whenever a main weapon
or missile is fired, making the cloak somewhat less of a superweapon.
Default is NO.
* Bounty for script added pirates and traders follow now populator rules when
auto_ai is true.
* CLASS_NO_DRAW can be used inside plists for specific (ghost?) ships again,
as in 1.65 & before. However, system populator still overrides CLASS_NO_DRAW
for incoming ships.
* JS system.info.xx & system.infoForSystem([present galaxy],[system
number]).xx are readable, as originally intended. infoForSystem now returns
null - and a warning - if trying to access any info outside the present
Naw event handlers:
* stationLaunchedShip(ship)
* playerWillEnterWitchspace()
* playerTargettedMissile(missile)
* playerBoughtNewShip(ship)
* arrivalReportScreenEnded()
New JS methods:
* ship.setAIState()
* ship.fireECM()
* player.ship.galaxyCoordinates()
* player.ship.cursorCoordinates()
* station.dockPlayer()
* player.addMessageToArrivalReport(message)
New AI commands:
* opMessages
* debugDumpPendingMessages
* exitAIWithMessage:
* messageSelf:
* abortAllDockings
* throwSparks
* randomPauseAI:
* launchIndependentShipWithRole:
* checkOwnLegalStatus
* setSpeedToCruiseSpeed
Changed commands:
* Added delay parameter to playerStartedJumpCountdown event.
* Made Entity.position and Entity.orienation read/write and deprecated
* Entity.setPosition() and Entity.setOrientation()
* Ship.exitAI() now can transfer a parameter. Default is RESTARTED
* Deprecated system.goingNova and system.goneNova in favour of existing Sun
Bug fixes
* Fixed far away docking of ships. Ships that start the dockingAI further away
than 2.5 times scanner distance from a station are sent back to their
* All SDL & windows fixes: reworked windows port to resize game view without
texture loss. Splash screen for both linux & windows. When switching
fullscreen resolutions using F11 oolite now saves the new fullscreen
* Fixed negative cargo bug shown in shipyard for ships with cargo capacity
less than 5t that had EQ_PASSENGER_BERTH as optional equipment.
* Now Oolite takes into account incompatible equipment when generating ships
for sale.
* Fixed weapon position. Now it follows the defined position in shipData
instead of always the default one.
* Fixed an inconsistency in oolite-font.plist.
* Prevent ships from escorting things with different scan classes.
* Returning pirates of a piratecove now are added correctly to the station
defence ships.
* Cloak no longer works as an energy generator when not cloaked.
* Fixed memory overflow that was happening when a ship dictionary contained an
escort-ship key of the same name as the dictionary key of the mother ship
(e.g. boa-mk2 attempting to generate 4 boa-mk2 escorts).
* Better fix for escort ship circular references. The fix is that escorts
cannot have escorts of their own anymore. This avoids memory overflows in
cases of recursive escort-ship, escort-role and mutual escort ship
references between two or more ships.
* Clean mothers can now only accept clean escorts.
* Fixed hasShipyard.
* Fixed crash when max_missiles is set to higher than maximum allowed (16).
* Fixed bug with hanging still in performFaceDestination.
* launchTrader now launches traders with correct escorts for that ship type.
* sun_radius loop bug: should now cope with all sun_radius values.
* Limited checkcourseToDestination to scanner range so it only changes course
when it actually "sees" something.
* scanForOffenders no longer finds group members
* Minimum distance player-bouy on system entering raised from 500 to 750
* Resolved bug that caused ships with subentities exploding inside closed
structures and other sudden collisions near bigger ships.
* More systemInfo changes for the current system are now validated and are
effective immediately, including most sun settings, main planet texture, and
derivative ones (ie commodity market / economy, ships & equipment markets /
techlevel). Properties not yet effective immediately produce a warning.
* AI command setCourseToPlanet no longer sets course to moons, only to the
closest planet.
Changes between Oolite 1.72.1 and Oolite 1.72.2:
* Fixed bug in selecting ships after a spawn condition blocked the initial
selection. This was causing disappearing buoys and police ships with some