"A Tyley-Feynman GW-99 astro-navigation compass with user-selectable target modes.",
"available_to_all" = true;
6, 22500, "Advanced Navigational Array",
"Navigation Computer software upgrade, improving the functionality of the Galactic Chart and enabling efficient route planning.",
"available_to_all" = true;
8, 12500, "Target System Memory Expansion",
"A sixteen core target memory matrix. Allows selection of previous target locks.",
"available_to_all" = true;
99, 150000, "Thargoid Laser",
"Captured Thargoid weapon, self-aiming."
6, 25000, "Quirium Cascade Mine",
"Tyley-Feynman Quirium cascade mine. Mounts in place of a missile, but deploys to the rear of your craft. Capable of massive destruction and triggering chain reactions in the witchdrives of ships caught in its blast range.",
"available_to_all" = true;
/* NOTE: for reasons of backwards compatibility, this defaults to true for equipment whose key ends with MISSILE or MINE. */
"requires_empty_pylon" = true;
10, 147500, "Shield Boosters",
"Shield boosting technology dramatically increases the capability of standard defensive shields."
13, 475500, "Military Shield Enhancement",
"Military technology, used in conjunction with ordinary shields and shield boosting technology, further increases the capability of standard defensive shields."
/* next item was a test item */
2, 2000, "Twin Plasma Cannon",
"Basic cannon delivering charged plasma bursts at sublight speed."
/* new items */
4, 15000, "External Heat Shielding",
"Additional ceramid-fibre blanketing and tiles, no armour value but provides extra solar insulation.",
"available_to_all" = true;
9, 23950, "Wormhole Scanner",
"The Mössbauer-Krantz Works wormhole scanner integrates into your existing targeting system. It analyzes the residual energy of a wormhole and, in combination with your Galactic Map software, calculates the most likely target system.",
"available_to_all" = true;
/* renovation price is a dummy value, actually 10% of the ship's value which will vary by ship */
6, 1000, "Maintenance Overhaul",
"Covers dry docking fees, cleaning and replating of damaged hull sections, shield and scoop system de-ionization, systems tune-up, repainting and detailed valeting.",
"available_to_all" = true;
/* next item has a TL too high to be available at all */