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include config.make
# Build version string, taking into account that 'VER_REV' may not be set
VERSION := $(strip $(shell cat src/Cocoa/oolite-version.xcconfig | cut -d '=' -f 2))
VER_MAJ := $(shell echo "${VERSION}" | cut -d '.' -f 1)
VER_MIN := $(shell echo "${VERSION}" | cut -d '.' -f 2)
VER_REV := $(shell echo "${VERSION}" | cut -d '.' -f 3)
VER_REV := $(if ${VER_REV},${VER_REV},0)
VER_DATE := $(shell date +%y%m%d)
# VER_GITREV: Make sure git is in the command path
# VER_GITREV is the count of commits since the establishment of the repository on github. Used
# as replacement for SVN incremental revision number, since we require the version number to be
# of format X.X.X.X.
# VER_GITHASH are the first seven digits of the actual hash of the commit being built.
VER_GITREV := $(shell git rev-list --count HEAD)
VER_GITHASH := $(shell git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD)
VER := $(shell echo "${VER_MAJ}.${VER_MIN}.${VER_REV}.${VER_GITREV}-${VER_DATE}-${VER_GITHASH}")
BUILDTIME := $(shell date "+%Y.%m.%d %H:%M")
DEB_BUILDTIME := $(shell date "+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")
ifeq (${VER_REV},0)
DEB_VER := $(shell echo "${VER_MAJ}.${VER_MIN}")
DEB_VER := $(shell echo "${VER_MAJ}.${VER_MIN}.${VER_REV}")
DEB_REV := $(shell cat debian/revision)
# Ubuntu versions are: <upstream version>-<deb ver>ubuntu<build ver>
# eg: oolite1.74.4-130706-0ubuntu1
# Oolite versions are: MAJ.min.rev-date (yymmdd)
# eg. 1.74.0-130706
# Our .deb versions are: MAJ.min.rev-datestring-<pkg rev>[~<type>]
# eg., 1.74.0-130706-0~test
pkg-debtest: DEB_REV := $(shell echo "0~test${DEB_REV}")
pkg-debsnapshot: DEB_REV := $(shell echo "0~trunk${DEB_REV}")
ifneq ($(GNUSTEP_HOST_OS),mingw32)
HOST_ARCH := $(shell echo $(GNUSTEP_HOST_CPU) | sed -e s/i.86/x86/ -e s/amd64/x86_64/ )
APSPEC_FILE = installers/autopackage/default.$(HOST_ARCH).apspec
# Uncomment the following two variables, if you want to build JS from source. Ensure the relevant changes are performed in GNUmakefile too
# ifeq ($(GNUSTEP_HOST_OS),mingw32)
# # ifeq ($(GNUSTEP_HOST_CPU),x86_64)
# # LIBJS = deps/Windows-deps/x86_64/DLLs/js32ECMAv5.dll
# # LIBJS_DBG = deps/Windows-deps/x86_64/DLLs/js32ECMAv5.dll
# # else
# # LIBJS = deps/Windows-deps/x86/DLLs/js32ECMAv5.dll
# # LIBJS_DBG = deps/Windows-deps/x86/DLLs/js32ECMAv5.dll
# # endif
# # LIBJS = deps/Windows-deps/$(GNUSTEP_HOST_CPU)/DLLs/js32ECMAv5.dll
# # LIBJS_DBG = deps/Windows-deps/$(GNUSTEP_HOST_CPU)/DLLs/js32ECMAv5.dll
# # DEPS = $(LIBJS)
# DEPS =
# else
# HOST_ARCH := $(shell echo $(GNUSTEP_HOST_CPU) | sed -e s/i.86/x86/ -e s/amd64/x86_64/ )
# APSPEC_FILE = installers/autopackage/default.$(HOST_ARCH).apspec
# DEPS =
# endif
.PHONY: help
@echo "This is a helper-Makefile to make compiling Oolite easier."
@echo "Below you will find a list of available build targets."
@echo "Syntax: make -f Makefile [build target]"
@echo "Usage example: make -f Makefile release"
@echo "NOTE (Linux only!): To build linking to the precompiled dependency libraries,"
@echo " delivered with Oolite source, use 'deps-' prefix with debug,"
@echo " release, release-snapshot and release-deployment build targets."
@echo " Usage example: make -f Makefile deps-release"
@echo "Development Targets:"
@echo " release - builds a test release executable in oolite.app/oolite"
@echo " release-deployment - builds a release executable in oolite.app/oolite"
@echo " release-snapshot - builds a snapshot release in oolite.app/oolite"
@echo " debug - builds a debug executable in oolite.app/oolite.dbg"
@echo " all - builds the above targets"
@echo " clean - removes all generated files"
@echo "Packaging Targets:"
@echo " Linux (debian):"
@echo " pkg-deb - builds a release Debian package"
@echo " pkg-debtest - builds a test release Debian package"
@echo " pkg-debsnapshot - builds a snapshot release Debian package"
@echo " pkg-debclean - cleans up after a Debian package build"
@echo " POSIX Installer (e.g. Linux, FreeBSD etc.):"
@echo " pkg-autopackage - builds an autopackage (http://autopackage.org) package"
@echo " pkg-posix - builds a release self-extracting package"
@echo " pkg-posix-test - builds a test release self-extracting package"
@echo " pkg-posix-snapshot - builds a snapshot release self-extracting package"
@echo " pkg-posix-nightly - builds a snapshot release self-extracting package for "
@echo " the nightly build"
@echo " Windows Installer:"
@echo " pkg-win - builds a test-release version"
@echo " pkg-win-deployment - builds a release version"
@echo " pkg-win-snapshot - builds a snapshot version"
# Here are our default targets
.PHONY: release
release: $(DEPS)
$(MAKE) -f GNUmakefile debug=no strip=yes
mkdir -p AddOns && rm -rf AddOns/Basic-debug.oxp && cp -rf DebugOXP/Debug.oxp AddOns/Basic-debug.oxp
.PHONY: release-deployment
release-deployment: $(DEPS)
$(MAKE) -f GNUmakefile DEPLOYMENT_RELEASE_CONFIGURATION=yes debug=no strip=yes
.PHONY: release-snapshot
release-snapshot: $(DEPS)
$(MAKE) -f GNUmakefile SNAPSHOT_BUILD=yes VERSION_STRING=$(VER) debug=no strip=yes
mkdir -p AddOns && rm -rf AddOns/Basic-debug.oxp && cp -rf DebugOXP/Debug.oxp AddOns/Basic-debug.oxp
.PHONY: debug
debug: $(DEPS_DBG)
$(MAKE) -f GNUmakefile debug=yes strip=no
mkdir -p AddOns && rm -rf AddOns/Basic-debug.oxp && cp -rf DebugOXP/Debug.oxp AddOns/Basic-debug.oxp
# Here are targets using the provided dependencies
.PHONY: deps-release
deps-release: $(DEPS)
cd deps/Linux-deps/$(HOST_ARCH)/lib_linker && ./make_so_links.sh && cd ../../../..
$(MAKE) -f GNUmakefile debug=no use_deps=yes strip=yes
mkdir -p AddOns && rm -rf AddOns/Basic-debug.oxp && cp -rf DebugOXP/Debug.oxp AddOns/Basic-debug.oxp
.PHONY: deps-release-deployment
deps-release-deployment: $(DEPS)
cd deps/Linux-deps/$(HOST_ARCH)/lib_linker && ./make_so_links.sh && cd ../../../..
$(MAKE) -f GNUmakefile DEPLOYMENT_RELEASE_CONFIGURATION=yes debug=no use_deps=yes strip=yes
.PHONY: deps-release-snapshot
deps-release-snapshot: $(DEPS)
cd deps/Linux-deps/$(HOST_ARCH)/lib_linker && ./make_so_links.sh && cd ../../../..
$(MAKE) -f GNUmakefile SNAPSHOT_BUILD=yes VERSION_STRING=$(VER) debug=no use_deps=yes strip=yes
mkdir -p AddOns && rm -rf AddOns/Basic-debug.oxp && cp -rf DebugOXP/Debug.oxp AddOns/Basic-debug.oxp
.PHONY: deps-debug
deps-debug: $(DEPS_DBG)
cd deps/Linux-deps/$(HOST_ARCH)/lib_linker && ./make_so_links.sh && cd ../../../..
$(MAKE) -f GNUmakefile debug=yes use_deps=yes strip=no
mkdir -p AddOns && rm -rf AddOns/Basic-debug.oxp && cp -rf DebugOXP/Debug.oxp AddOns/Basic-debug.oxp
ifeq ($(GNUSTEP_HOST_OS),mingw32)
@echo "ERROR - this Makefile can't (yet) build the Javascript DLL"
@echo " Please build it yourself and copy it to $(LIBJS_DBG)."
$(MAKE) -f libjs.make debug=yes
# ifeq ($(GNUSTEP_HOST_OS),mingw32)
# @echo "ERROR - this Makefile can't (yet) build the Javascript DLL"
# @echo " Please build it yourself and copy it to $(LIBJS)."
# false
# endif
# $(MAKE) -f libjs.make debug=no
.PHONY: clean
$(MAKE) -f GNUmakefile clean
$(RM) -rf oolite.app
$(RM) -rf AddOns
.PHONY: distclean
distclean: clean
ifneq ($(GNUSTEP_HOST_OS),mingw32)
$(MAKE) -f libjs.make distclean debug=yes
$(MAKE) -f libjs.make distclean debug=no
.PHONY: all
all: release release-deployment release-snapshot debug
.PHONY: remake
remake: clean all
.PHONY: deps-all
deps-all: deps-release deps-release-deployment deps-release-snapshot deps-debug
.PHONY: deps-remake
deps-remake: clean deps-all
# Here are our linux autopackager targets
makepackage -c -m $(APSPEC_FILE)
# Here are our POSIX (e.g. FreeBSD, Linux etc.) self-extracted packager targets
# TODO: For debug package the "oolite" startup script should point to "oolite.app/oolite.dbg" binary,
# the "uninstall" script should remove the "oolite.dbg" binary and
# either not distribute the "oolite-update" scripts or create an Oolite debug repository and
# update the "oolite.app/oolite-update" script to synchronize accordingly
# pkg-posix-debug:
# installers/posix/make_installer.sh $(HOST_ARCH) $(VER) "debug"
installers/posix/make_installer.sh $(HOST_ARCH) $(VER) "release-deployment" ""
installers/posix/make_installer.sh $(HOST_ARCH) $(VER) "release" ""
installers/posix/make_installer.sh $(HOST_ARCH) $(VER) "release-snapshot" ""
installers/posix/make_installer.sh $(HOST_ARCH) $(VER) "release-snapshot" "nightly"
# Here are our Debian packager targets
.PHONY: debian/changelog
cat debian/changelog.in | sed -e "s/@@VERSION@@/${VER}/g" -e "s/@@REVISION@@/${DEB_REV}/g" -e "s/@@TIMESTAMP@@/${DEB_BUILDTIME}/g" > debian/changelog
.PHONY: pkg-deb pkg-debtest pkg-debsnapshot
pkg-deb: debian/changelog
debuild binary
pkg-debtest: debian/changelog
debuild binary
pkg-debsnapshot: debian/changelog
debuild -e SNAPSHOT_BUILD=yes -e VERSION_STRING=$(VER) binary
.PHONY: pkg-debclean
debuild clean
# And here are our Windows packager targets
# Passing arguments cause problems with some versions of NSIS.
# Because of this, we generate them into a separate file and include them.
@echo "; Version Definitions for Oolite" > $@
@echo "; NOTE - This file is auto-generated by the Makefile, any manual edits will be overwritten" >> $@
@echo "!define VER_MAJ ${VER_MAJ}" >> $@
@echo "!define VER_MIN ${VER_MIN}" >> $@
@echo "!define VER_REV ${VER_REV}" >> $@
@echo "!define VER_GITREV ${VER_GITREV}" >> $@
@echo "!define VER_GITHASH ${VER_GITHASH}" >> $@
@echo "!define VERSION ${VER}" >> $@
@echo "!define BUILDTIME \"${BUILDTIME}\"" >> $@
ifeq ($(GNUSTEP_HOST_CPU),x86_64)
@echo "!define BUILDHOST_IS64BIT 1" >> $@
@echo "!define BUILDHOST_IS64BIT 0" >> $@
.PHONY: pkg-win
pkg-win: release ${NSISVERSIONS}
$(NSIS) installers/win32/OOlite.nsi
.PHONY: pkg-win-deployment
pkg-win-deployment: release-deployment ${NSISVERSIONS}
@echo "!define DEPLOYMENT 1" >> ${NSISVERSIONS}
$(NSIS) installers/win32/OOlite.nsi
.PHONY: pkg-win-snapshot
pkg-win-snapshot: release-snapshot ${NSISVERSIONS}
@echo "!define SNAPSHOT 1" >> ${NSISVERSIONS}
$(NSIS) installers/win32/OOlite.nsi