add Cardbuilder image resources

ShawnieBoy 2015-12-19 18:01:03 +00:00
parent 95a3c00c58
commit a84859e9e5
187 changed files with 789 additions and 0 deletions

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,789 @@
mse version: 2.0.0
game: magic
short name: M15 Double-faced
full name: M15 Style Double-faced
icon: card-sample.png
position hint: 004
installer group: magic/m15 style/double faced
version: 2014-07-15
depends on:
package: magic.mse-game
version: 2014-06-25
depends on:
package: magic-default-image.mse-include
version: 2007-09-23
depends on:
package: magic-watermarks.mse-include
version: 2007-09-23
depends on:
package: magic-identity-new.mse-include
version: 2012-01-22
depends on:
package: magic-mana-large.mse-symbol-font
version: 2007-09-23
depends on:
package: magic-mana-small.mse-symbol-font
version: 2007-09-23
card width: 752
card height: 523
card dpi: 150
############################################################## Extra scripts
init script:
# Load scripts for image box
include file: /magic-default-image.mse-include/scripts
# Should hybrids have a grey name?
mask_hybrid_with_land := { styling.grey_hybrid_name }
#Should multicolor lands with basic land types have a colored name?
mask_multi_land_with_color := { styling.colored_multicolor_land_name }
template_prefix := [card: "" card2: "" pt: "" pt2: "" stamp: "" stamp2: "" identity: "/magic-identity-new.mse-include/"]
template_suffix := [card: "card.jpg" card2: "card2.jpg" pt: "pt.png", pt2: "pt2.png" stamp: "stamp.jpg" stamp2: "stamp2.jpg" identity: "identity.png"]
template := { template_prefix[type] + input + template_suffix[type] }
land_template := { template_prefix[type] + (if input == "a" then "c" else input) + "l" + template_suffix[type] }
# Use land templates for previews because they show more contrast
hybrid_previews := "land,hybrid"
# This will create two seperate card faces
card_background2 := { color_background(type:"card2", base_hybrid:card_hybrid) }
card_ptbox2 := { color_background(type:"pt2", base_hybrid:pt_hybrid) }
card_stamp2 := { color_background(type:"stamp2", base_hybrid:stamp_hybrid) }
# Use the normal tap symbol
mana_t := {
if styling.tap_symbol == "old" then "old"
else if styling.tap_symbol == "diagonal T" then "older"
else "new"
# Use guild mana symbols?
guild_mana := { styling.use_guild_mana_symbols }
typesymbol_for := { "none" }
# Is the card a promo card?
is_promo := { }
############################################################## Set info fields
set info style:
name: invertedcommon
border radius: 0.10
fill type: solid
fill color: rgb(255,255,255)
border color: rgb(0,0,0)
############################################################## Extra style options
styling field:
type: boolean
name: grey hybrid name
description: Use a grey background for the name and type line on hybrid cards. This is done on real cards.
styling field:
type: boolean
name: colored multicolor land name
description: Use a colored background for the name and type on multicolor land cards with a basic land type. This is done on real cards.
styling field:
type: boolean
name: use guild mana symbols
description: Use the Ravnica guild symbols instead of the official half/half circles for hybrid mana.
initial: no
styling field:
type: choice
name: tap symbol
description: What tap and untap symbols should be used on cards?
initial: modern
choice: modern
choice: old
choice: diagonal T
styling field:
type: package choice
name: text box mana symbols
match: magic-mana-*.mse-symbol-font
initial: magic-mana-small.mse-symbol-font
styling field:
type: choice
name: center text
description: When to center text (short text only means only on one-line cards with no flavor text)
choice: always
choice: short text only
choice: never
initial: never
styling field:
type: boolean
name: promo
description: Is this card a promo card, with the "P" rarity?
initial: no
styling field:
type: boolean
name: inverted common symbol
description: Should the common rarity symbol be inverted, like in Coldsnap?
initial: no
styling field:
type: choice
name: image size
description: Should the art extend into a transparent textbox?
initial: standard
choice: standard
choice: extended
styling field:
type: package choice
name: overlay
description: Should there be an overlay applied, such as foil?
match: magic-overlay-*.mse-include
required: false
styling style:
use guild mana symbols:
choice images:
yes: /magic-mana-small.mse-symbol-font/mana_guild_rg.png
no: /magic-mana-small.mse-symbol-font/mana_rg.png
tap symbol:
render style: both
choice images:
modern: /magic-mana-large.mse-symbol-font/mana_t.png
old: /magic-mana-large.mse-symbol-font/mana_t_old.png
diagonal T: /magic-mana-large.mse-symbol-font/mana_t_older.png
center text:
render style: both
choice images:
always: /magic.mse-game/icons/center-all-text.png
short text only: /magic.mse-game/icons/center-short-text.png
never: /magic.mse-game/icons/center-no-text.png
inverted common symbol:
choice images:
no: { symbol_variation(symbol: set.symbol, variation: "common") }
yes: { symbol_variation(symbol: set.symbol, variation: "invertedcommon") }
image size:
render style: both
choice images:
standard: /magic.mse-game/icons/small-image.png
extended: /magic.mse-game/icons/large-image.png
############################################################## Card fields
card style:
############################# Background stuff
card color:
left: 0
top: 0
width: 375
height: 523
z index: 0
render style: image
popup style: in place
image: { card_background() }
card color 2:
left: 377
top: 0
width: 375
height: 523
z index: 0
render style: image
popup style: in place
image: { card_background2() }
############################# Name line
left: { if card.card_symbol != "none" then 76 else 56}
top: 30
right: { 341 - card_style.casting_cost.content_width }
height: 23
alignment: bottom shrink-overflow
padding bottom: 0
z index: 1
name: Beleren Bold
size: 16
color: black
name 2:
left: 437
top: 30
right: { 714 - card_style.casting_cost_2.content_width }
height: 23
alignment: bottom shrink-overflow
padding bottom: 0
z index: 1
name: Beleren Bold
size: 16
color: white
casting cost:
right: 346
top: 29
width: { max(30, card_style.casting_cost.content_width) + 5 }
height: 23
alignment: middle right
name: MPlantin
size: 15
symbol font:
name: magic-mana-large
size: 15
alignment: middle right
always symbol: true
z index: 2
padding top: 0
casting cost 2:
right: 722
top: 29
width: { max(30, card_style.casting_cost_2.content_width) + 5 }
height: 23
alignment: middle right
symbol font:
name: magic-mana-large
size: 15
alignment: middle right
always symbol: true
z index: 2
padding top: 0
card symbol:
left: {if card.card_symbol=="none" then 45 else 55}
top: 30
height: 20
width: 14
z index: 2
render style: image
choice images:
tombstone: tombstone.png
left: 19
top: 25
height: 31
width: 31
render style: image
choice images:
day: sun_circle.png
night: night_circle.png
type symbol:
left: 19
top: 25
height: { if card.type_symbol == "none" then 16 else 31 }
width: {if card.type_symbol == "none" then 16 else 31 }
z index: 1
render style: image
choice images:
artifact: artifact.png
creature: creature.png
enchantment: enchantment.png
instant: instant.png
land: land.png
multitype: multitype.png
sorcery: sorcery.png
planeswalker: planeswalker.png
structure: structure.png
transformation 2:
left: 396
top: 25
height: 31
width: 31
render style: image
choice images:
day: sun_circle.png
night: night_circle.png
type symbol 2:
left: 396
top: 25
height: { if card.type_symbol_2 == "none" then 16 else 31 }
width: {if card.type_symbol_2 == "none" then 16 else 31 }
z index: 1
render style: image
choice images:
artifact: artifact.png
creature: creature.png
enchantment: enchantment.png
instant: instant.png
land: land.png
multitype: multitype.png
sorcery: sorcery.png
planeswalker: planeswalker.png
structure: structure.png
############################# Image
left: 29
top: 60
width: 316
height: { if styling.image_size == "extended" then 422 else 231 }
z index: 1
script: if styling.image_size == "extended" then "imagemask_extended.png" else "imagemask_standard.png"
default: {default_image(card.card_color)}
image 2:
left: 406
top: 60
width: 316
height: { if styling.image_size == "extended" then 422 else 231 }
z index: 1
script: if styling.image_size == "extended" then "imagemask_extended.png" else "imagemask_standard.png"
default: {default_image(card.card_color)}
############################# Card type
left: { if has_identity() then "52" else "32" }
top: 296
width: { (if has_identity() then "290" else "310") - max(22,card_style.rarity.content_width) }
height: 20
alignment: top shrink-overflow
z index: 1
padding top: 2
name: Beleren Bold
size: 13
color: black
separator color: red
type 2:
left: { if has_identity_2() then "427" else "411" }
top: 296
width: { (if has_identity_2() then "290" else "304") - max(22,card_style.rarity.content_width) }
height: 20
alignment: top shrink-overflow
z index: 2
padding top: 2
name: Beleren Bold
size: 13
color: white
separator color: red
right: 344
top: 297
width: 44
height: 22
z index: 2
render style: image
alignment: middle right
choice images:
# Images based on the set symbol
basic land:
if styling.inverted_common_symbol then symbol_variation(symbol: set.symbol, variation: "invertedcommon")
else symbol_variation(symbol: set.symbol, variation: "common")
if styling.inverted_common_symbol then symbol_variation(symbol: set.symbol, variation: "invertedcommon")
else symbol_variation(symbol: set.symbol, variation: "common")
uncommon: script: symbol_variation(symbol: set.symbol, variation: "uncommon")
rare: script: symbol_variation(symbol: set.symbol, variation: "rare")
mythic rare: script: symbol_variation(symbol: set.symbol, variation: "mythic rare")
special: script: symbol_variation(symbol: set.symbol, variation: "special")
rarity 2:
right: 719
top: 297
width: 44
height: 22
z index: 2
render style: image
alignment: middle right
choice images:
# Images based on the set symbol
basic land:
if styling.inverted_common_symbol then symbol_variation(symbol: set.symbol, variation: "invertedcommon")
else symbol_variation(symbol: set.symbol, variation: "common")
if styling.inverted_common_symbol then symbol_variation(symbol: set.symbol, variation: "invertedcommon")
else symbol_variation(symbol: set.symbol, variation: "common")
uncommon: script: symbol_variation(symbol: set.symbol, variation: "uncommon")
rare: script: symbol_variation(symbol: set.symbol, variation: "rare")
mythic rare: script: symbol_variation(symbol: set.symbol, variation: "mythic rare")
special: script: symbol_variation(symbol: set.symbol, variation: "special")
left: 31
top: 300
width: 17
height: 17
z index: 2
render style: image
visible: { has_identity() }
image: { card_identity() }
indicator 2:
left: 406
top: 300
width: 17
height: 17
z index: 2
render style: image
visible: { has_identity_2() }
image: { card_identity() }
############################# Text box
left: 29
top: 327
width: 314
height: 154
name: MPlantin
italic name: MPlantin-Italic
size: 14
scale down to: 6
color: black
symbol font:
name: { styling.text_box_mana_symbols }
size: 14
if (styling.center_text == "short text only" and
not contains(match:"\n", card.rule_text) and
card.flavor_text == "<i-flavor></i-flavor>" and
card_style.text.content_lines <= 2) or
styling.center_text == "always"
then "middle center"
else "middle left"
z index: 2
padding left: 6
padding right: 4
line height hard: 1.2
line height line: 1.5
line height soft: 0.9
line height hard max: 1.3
line height line max: 1.6
text 2:
left: 408
top: 327
width: 314
height: 154
name: MPlantin
italic name: MPlantin-Italic
size: 14
scale down to: 6
color: black
symbol font:
name: { styling.text_box_mana_symbols }
size: 14
if (styling.center_text == "short text only" and
not contains(match:"\n", card.rule_text) and
card.flavor_text == "<i-flavor></i-flavor>" and
card_style.text.content_lines <= 2) or
styling.center_text == "always"
then "middle center"
else "middle left"
z index: 2
padding left: 6
padding right: 4
line height hard: 1.2
line height line: 1.5
line height soft: 0.9
line height hard max: 1.3
line height line max: 1.6
left: 117
top: 321
width: 138
height: 166
z index: 1
render style: image
popup style: in place
alignment: middle center
include file: /magic-watermarks.mse-include/watermarks
watermark 2:
left: 492
top: 321
width: 138
height: 166
z index: 1
render style: image
popup style: in place
alignment: middle center
include file: /magic-watermarks.mse-include/watermarks
############################# PT
z index: 2
left: 286
top: 469
width: 60
height: 28
alignment: center middle shrink-overflow
name: Beleren Bold
size: 16
color: black
separator color: red
pt 2:
z index: 2
left: 661
top: 469
width: 60
height: 28
alignment: center middle shrink-overflow
name: Beleren Bold
size: 16
color: white
separator color: red
############################# Card sorting / numbering
set code:
left: 24
top: 498
width: 40
height: 10
z index: 1
name: Relay-Medium
size: 7
color: white
weight: bold
set code 2:
left: 399
top: 498
width: 40
height: 10
z index: 1
name: Relay-Medium
size: 7
color: white
weight: bold
############################# Copyright stuff
left: { 44 + card_style.set_code.content_width }
top: 497.5
width: 200
height: 10
z index: 1
name: Beleren Small Caps Bold
size: 7.25
color: white
right: 350
top: { if != "" then 500 else 488 }
width: 140
height: 10
z index: 2
alignment: middle right shrink-overflow
name: Matrix
size: 7
color: white
weight: bold
illustrator 2:
left: { 419 + card_style.set_code_2.content_width }
top: 497.5
width: 200
height: 10
z index: 1
name: Beleren Small Caps Bold
size: 7.25
color: white
copyright 2:
right: 728
top: { if card.pt_2 != "" then 500 else 488 }
width: 140
height: 10
z index: 2
alignment: middle right shrink-overflow
name: Matrix
size: 7
color: white
weight: bold
############################################################## Extra card fields
extra card field:
type: text
name: card code
editable: false
save value: false
script: forward_editor(prefix: card_number_m15() + "a/" + card_count_m15() + " " + rarity_code() + " ", field: card.card_code_text)
extra card field:
type: choice
name: artist arrow
editable: false
save value: false
choice: white
extra card field:
type: text
name: card code 2
editable: false
save value: false
script: forward_editor(prefix: card_number_m15() + "b/" + card_count_m15() + " " + rarity_code() + " ", field: card.card_code_text)
extra card field:
type: choice
name: artist arrow 2
editable: false
save value: false
choice: white
extra card field:
type: text
name: set code 2
editable: false
save value: false
script: card.set_code
extra card field:
type: choice
name: stamp
script: card.card_color
editable: false
save value: false
extra card field:
type: choice
name: stamp 2
script: card.card_color_2
editable: false
save value: false
extra card field:
type: choice
name: foil stamp
choice: stamp
save value: false
editable: false
extra card field:
type: choice
name: foil stamp 2
choice: stamp
save value: false
editable: false
extra card field:
type: choice
name: foil layer
choice: foil
save value: false
editable: false
extra card field:
type: choice
name: foil layer 2
choice: foil
save value: false
editable: false
extra card field:
type: text
name: pt 2 copy
script: card.pt_2
editable: false
save value: false
extra card field:
type: choice
name: pt box
script: card.card_color
editable: false
save value: false
extra card field:
type: choice
name: pt box 2
script: card.card_color_2
editable: false
save value: false
extra card style:
foil layer:
left: 0
top: 0
width: 375
height: 523
z index: 3
render style: image
image: {if styling.overlay == "" then nil else styling.overlay + "/overlay.png"}
foil layer 2:
left: 377
top: 0
width: 375
height: 523
z index: 3
render style: image
image: {if styling.overlay == "" then nil else styling.overlay + "/overlay.png"}
pt 2 copy:
z index: 4
top: 454
width: 30
height: 12
alignment: bottom right
name: ModMatrix
size: 12
weight: bold
color: black
separator color: rgb(200,0,0)
card code:
left: 24
top: 488
width: 120
height: 10
z index: 2
name: Relay-Medium
size: 7
color: white
weight: bold
artist arrow:
left: { 28 + card_style.set_code.content_width }
top: 500
width: 12
height: 7
z index: 2
render style: image
image: artist_arrow.png
artist arrow 2:
left: { 403 + card_style.set_code_2.content_width }
top: 500
width: 12
height: 7
z index: 2
render style: image
image: artist_arrow.png
card code 2:
left: 399
top: 488
width: 120
height: 10
z index: 2
name: Relay-Medium
size: 7
color: white
weight: bold
pt box:
left: 273
top: 466
width: 81
height: 42
z index: 1
visible: { != "" }
render style: image
image: { card_ptbox() }
pt box 2:
left: 648
top: 466
width: 81
height: 42
z index: 1
visible: { card.pt_2 != "" }
render style: image
image: { card_ptbox2() }
left: 165
top: 472
width: 46
height: 26
z index: 1
visible: { is_rare() }
render style: image
image: { card_stamp() }
stamp 2:
left: 540
top: 472
width: 46
height: 26
z index: 1
visible: { is_rare() }
render style: image
image: { card_stamp2() }
foil stamp:
left: 165
top: 472
width: 46
height: 26
z index: 1
visible: { is_rare() }
render style: image
image: foil_stamp.png
foil stamp 2:
left: 540
top: 472
width: 46
height: 26
z index: 1
visible: { is_rare() }
render style: image
image: foil_stamp.png

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 122 KiB

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 107 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 115 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 114 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 109 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 112 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 138 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 120 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 86 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 110 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 78 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 117 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 13 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 633 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 121 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 157 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 151 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 152 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 120 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 149 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 162 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 159 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.2 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.2 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 7.6 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 7.6 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 159 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 162 KiB

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More