updated rule for cards/mtg-data

melvin 2012-07-26 16:42:56 +08:00
parent 8b0dbf66a8
commit 8878d2aa77
1 changed files with 12 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -194,8 +194,15 @@ test: $(MAG)
%.d: $(MAG)
$(JAVAEA) -DrndSeed=$* -jar $^ |& tee $*.log
%.speed: $(MAG) release/Magarena/decks/LSK_B.dec release/Magarena/decks/LSK_G.dec
$(JAVA) magic.DeckStrCal --deck1 $(word 2,$^) --deck2 $(word 3,$^) --ai1 $* --ai2 $* --games 1000
# Z = 4.4172 (99.999%)
# E = 0.01
# best estimator for r is p = h / (h + t)
# this estimator has a maring of error E, |p - r| < E at a particular Z, p - E < r < p + E
# n = Z^2 / 4E^2
# = 48780
# ~ 50000
%.str: $(MAG) release/Magarena/decks/JustRelentlessRats.dec release/Magarena/decks/LSK_G.dec
$(JAVA) magic.DeckStrCal --deck1 $(word 2,$^) --deck2 $(word 3,$^) --ai1 $* --ai2 $* --games 50000 > $@
exp/%.log: $(MAG)
scripts/evaluate_ai.sh $* > $@
@ -327,10 +334,9 @@ code_clones:
--files src/magic/card > $@
wget `curl "http://www.slightlymagic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=1347&sid=965fac256e7153d8af4da259b57d0a7b" |\
grep -o http://dl[^\"]*mtg-data[^\"]*.zip | head -1` -O mtg-data.zip
unzip -j mtg-data.zip -d cards
rm mtg-data.zip
curl https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2771470/index.html | grep -o 'href="mtg.*.zip' | head -1 | sed 's/href="//' | xargs -I'{}' wget https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2771470/'{}'
unzip -j mtg-data*.zip -d cards
rm mtg-data*.zip
hg gexport