add rule to generate list of cards with groovy code

melvin 2014-04-30 13:08:48 +08:00
parent 1942f9fc7a
commit 6afa42427d
1 changed files with 4 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -105,10 +105,13 @@ cards/existing_scripts_%.txt: $(wildcard release/Magarena/scripts/*.txt)
cards/existing_tokens_%.txt: $(wildcard release/Magarena/scripts/*.txt)
hg cat -r $* release/Magarena/scripts | awk -f scripts/extract_token_name.awk | sort > $@
cards/existing_code.txt: cards/groovy.txt
cp cards/groovy.txt $@
cards/existing_%.txt: cards/existing_scripts_%.txt cards/existing_tokens_%.txt
join -v1 -t"|" <(sort $(word 1,$^)) <(sort $(word 2,$^)) > $@
cards/groovy.txt: $(wildcard release/Magarena/scripts/*.txt)
grep -ho "name=.*" `grep requires_groovy_code -lr release/Magarena/scripts` | sed 's/name=//' | sort > $@
%_full.txt: scripts/extract_candidates.awk %.txt cards/groovy.txt cards/mtg-data.txt