
752 lines
27 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
import java.util.Properties;
import magic.ui.CardTextLanguage;
2016-12-14 13:48:12 -08:00
import magic.ui.dialog.prefs.ImageSizePresets;
import magic.ui.widget.duel.animation.AnimationFx;
import magic.ui.widget.message.MessageStyle;
2016-12-14 13:48:12 -08:00
import magic.utility.FileIO;
2014-08-17 01:21:23 -07:00
import magic.utility.MagicFileSystem;
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
public class GeneralConfig {
private static final GeneralConfig INSTANCE = new GeneralConfig();
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
public static final String CONFIG_FILENAME="general.cfg";
private Properties settings;
private boolean isMissingFiles = false;
private static final String FRAME_LEFT = "left";
private int frameLeft = -1;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String FRAME_TOP = "top";
private int frameTop = -1;
private static final String FRAME_WIDTH = "width";
public static final int DEFAULT_FRAME_WIDTH = 1024;
private int frameWidth = DEFAULT_FRAME_WIDTH;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String FRAME_HEIGHT = "height";
public static final int DEFAULT_FRAME_HEIGHT = 600;
private int frameHeight = DEFAULT_FRAME_HEIGHT;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
private static final String MAXIMIZED="maximized";
private boolean maximized=false;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
private static final String THEME="theme";
private String theme="felt";
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
private static final String AVATAR="avatar";
private String avatar="legend";
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
private static final String HIGHLIGHT = "highlight";
private String highlight = "theme";
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
private static final String SKIP_SINGLE="single";
private boolean skipSingle = true;
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
private static final String ALWAYS_PASS="pass";
private boolean alwaysPass = true;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
private static final String SMART_TARGET="target";
private boolean smartTarget = false;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
private static final String POPUP_DELAY="popup";
private int popupDelay = 300;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
private static final String MESSAGE_DELAY = "message";
private int messageDelay = 2000;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
private static final String TOUCHSCREEN = "touchscreen";
private boolean touchscreen = false;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String MOUSEWHEEL_POPUP = "mousewheel";
private boolean mouseWheelPopup = false;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String FULLSCREEN = "fullScreen";
private boolean fullScreen = false;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String PREVIEW_CARD_ON_SELECT = "previewCardOnSelect";
private boolean previewCardOnSelect = true;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String SHOW_LOG_MESSAGES = "showLogMessages";
private boolean showLogMessages = true;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String MULLIGAN_SCREEN = "mulliganScreen";
private boolean isMulliganScreenActive = true;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String RECENT_DECK = "MostRecentDeckFilename";
private String mostRecentDeckFilename = "";
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String CUSTOM_BACKGROUND = "customBackground";
private boolean isCustomBackground = false;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String CARD_IMAGES_PATH = "cardImagesPath";
private String cardImagesPath = "";
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String ANIMATE_GAMEPLAY = "animateGameplay";
private boolean animateGameplay = true;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String ANIMATION_FLAGS = "animationFlags";
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String DECK_FILE_MAX_LINES = "deckFileMaxLines";
private int deckFileMaxLines = 500;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String PROXY_SETTINGS = "proxySettings";
private String proxySettings = "";
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String FIREMIND_ACCESS_TOKEN = "firemindAccessToken";
private String firemindAccessToken = "";
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String NEWTURN_ALERT_DURATION = "newTurnAlertDuration";
private int newTurnAlertDuration = 3000; // msecs
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String LAND_PREVIEW_DURATION = "landPreviewDuration";
private int landPreviewDuration = 5000; // msecs
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String NONLAND_PREVIEW_DURATION = "nonLandPreviewDuration";
private int nonLandPreviewDuration = 10000; // msecs
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String SPLITVIEW_DECKEDITOR = "splitViewDeckEditor";
private boolean isSplitViewDeckEditor = false;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String OVERLAY_PERMANENT_MIN_HEIGHT = "overlayPermanentMinHeight";
private int overlayPermanentMinHeight = 30; // pixels
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String IGNORED_VERSION_ALERT = "ignoredVersionAlert";
private String ignoredVersionAlert = "";
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String PAUSE_GAME_POPUP = "pauseGamePopup";
private boolean isGamePausedOnPopup = false;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String MISSING_DOWNLOAD_DATE = "missingImagesDownloadDate";
private String unimplementedImagesDownloadDate = "1970-01-01";
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String PLAYABLE_DOWNLOAD_DATE = "imageDownloaderRunDate";
private String playableImagesDownloadDate = "1970-01-01";
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String DUEL_SIDEBAR_LAYOUT ="duelSidebarLayout";
private String duelSidebarLayout = "LOGSTACK,PLAYER2,TURNINFO,PLAYER1";
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String HIDE_AI_ACTION_PROMPT ="hideAiActionPrompt";
private boolean hideAiActionPrompt = false;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String ROLLOVER_COLOR ="rolloverColor";
private Color rolloverColor = Color.YELLOW;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String UI_VOLUME = "uiSoundVolume";
private int uiVolume = 80;
private static final String GAME_VOLUME = "gameVolume";
private int gameVolume = 80;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String TRANSLATION = "translation";
public static final String DEFAULT_TRANSLATION = "";
private String translation = DEFAULT_TRANSLATION;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String LOG_MESSAGE_STYLE = "logMessageStyle";
2015-09-24 13:39:06 -07:00
private MessageStyle logMessageStyle = MessageStyle.PLAIN;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String PREF_IMAGE_SIZE = "prefImageSize";
private ImageSizePresets preferredImageSize = ImageSizePresets.SIZE_ORIGINAL;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String CARD_TEXT_LANG = "cardTextLanguage";
private CardTextLanguage cardTextLanguage = CardTextLanguage.ENGLISH;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
private static final String IMAGES_ON_DEMAND = "imagesOnDemand";
private boolean imagesOnDemand = false;
private static final String CUSTOM_SCROLLBAR = "customScrollBar";
private boolean isCustomScrollBar = true;
private static final String KEYWORDS_SCREEN = "keywordsScreen";
private String keywordsScreen;
private static final String CARD_DISPLAY_MODE = "cardImageDisplayMode";
private CardImageDisplayMode cardDisplayMode = CardImageDisplayMode.PRINTED;
private boolean isStatsVisible = true;
private GeneralConfig() { }
public Proxy getProxy() {
final String DELIM = "\\|";
final String proxyString = proxySettings.trim();
if (proxyString.isEmpty() || proxyString.split(DELIM).length != 3) {
return Proxy.NO_PROXY;
} else {
final Proxy.Type proxyType = Proxy.Type.valueOf(proxyString.split(DELIM)[0]);
final int port = Integer.parseInt(proxyString.split(DELIM)[1]);
final String urlAddress = proxyString.split(DELIM)[2];
return new Proxy(proxyType, new InetSocketAddress(urlAddress, port));
public void setProxy(final Proxy proxy) {
final String DELIM = "|";
if (proxy != Proxy.NO_PROXY && proxy.type() != Proxy.Type.DIRECT) {
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
proxySettings = sb.toString();
} else {
proxySettings = "";
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
public int getDeckFileMaxLines() {
return deckFileMaxLines;
public boolean showGameplayAnimations() {
return animateGameplay;
public boolean getAnimateGameplay() {
return animateGameplay;
public void setAnimateGameplay(boolean b) {
animateGameplay = b;
public Path getCardImagesPath() {
if (cardImagesPath.isEmpty()) {
return MagicFileSystem.getDataPath(MagicFileSystem.DataPath.IMAGES);
} else {
return Paths.get(cardImagesPath);
public void setCardImagesPath(final Path p) {
if (MagicFileSystem.directoryContains(MagicFileSystem.INSTALL_PATH, p)) {
this.cardImagesPath = "";
} else {
this.cardImagesPath = p.toAbsolutePath().toString();
public boolean isCustomBackground() {
return isCustomBackground;
public void setCustomBackground(boolean isCustomBackground) {
this.isCustomBackground = isCustomBackground;
public boolean isMissingFiles() {
return isMissingFiles;
public void setIsMissingFiles(final boolean b) {
isMissingFiles = b;
* Gets fully qualified path of last deck file to be opened in the deck editor.
* @return path object or null if setting is missing.
public Path getMostRecentDeckFilePath() {
return !mostRecentDeckFilename.isEmpty() ? Paths.get(mostRecentDeckFilename) : null;
public void setMostRecentDeckFilename(final String filename) {
mostRecentDeckFilename = filename.trim();
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
public boolean isMaximized() {
return maximized;
public void setMaximized(final boolean maximized) {
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
public String getTheme() {
return theme;
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
public void setTheme(final String theme) {
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
public String getAvatar() {
return avatar;
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
public boolean isHighlightNone() {
return "none".equals(highlight);
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
public boolean isHighlightOverlay() {
return "overlay".equals(highlight);
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
public boolean isHighlightTheme() {
return "theme".equals(highlight);
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
public String getHighlight() {
return highlight;
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
public void setHighlight(final String highlight) {
this.highlight = highlight;
2015-12-31 02:54:52 -08:00
public String getFiremindAccessToken() {
return firemindAccessToken;
public void setFiremindAccessToken(final String firemindAccessToken) {
this.firemindAccessToken = firemindAccessToken;
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
public boolean getSkipSingle() {
return skipSingle;
public void setSkipSingle(final boolean skipSingle) {
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
public boolean getAlwaysPass() {
return alwaysPass;
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
public void setAlwaysPass(final boolean alwaysPass) {
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
public boolean getSmartTarget() {
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
return smartTarget;
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
public void setSmartTarget(final boolean smartTarget) {
public int getPopupDelay() {
return popupDelay;
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
public void setPopupDelay(final int popupDelay) {
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
public int getMessageDelay() {
return messageDelay;
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
public void setMessageDelay(final int messageDelay) {
this.messageDelay = messageDelay;
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
public boolean isTouchscreen() {
return touchscreen;
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
public void setTouchscreen(final boolean touchscreen) {
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
this.touchscreen = touchscreen;
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
public boolean isMouseWheelPopup() {
return mouseWheelPopup;
public void setMouseWheelPopup(final boolean mouseWheelPopup) {
this.mouseWheelPopup = mouseWheelPopup;
public boolean isFullScreen() {
return fullScreen;
public void setFullScreen(final boolean b) {
this.fullScreen = b;
public boolean isPreviewCardOnSelect() {
return previewCardOnSelect;
public void setPreviewCardOnSelect(final boolean b) {
this.previewCardOnSelect = b;
public boolean isLogMessagesVisible() {
return showLogMessages;
public void setLogMessagesVisible(final boolean b) {
showLogMessages = b;
public boolean showMulliganScreen() {
return isMulliganScreenActive;
public void setShowMulliganScreen(final boolean b) {
isMulliganScreenActive = b;
public int getNewTurnAlertDuration() {
return newTurnAlertDuration;
2014-09-03 10:04:53 -07:00
public void setNewTurnAlertDuration(final int value) {
newTurnAlertDuration = value;
2014-09-03 10:04:53 -07:00
public int getLandPreviewDuration() {
return landPreviewDuration;
public void setLandPreviewDuration(final int value) {
landPreviewDuration = value;
public int getNonLandPreviewDuration() {
return nonLandPreviewDuration;
public void setNonLandPreviewDuration(final int value) {
nonLandPreviewDuration = value;
public boolean isSplitViewDeckEditor() {
return isSplitViewDeckEditor;
public void setIsSplitViewDeckEditor(boolean b) {
isSplitViewDeckEditor = b;
public String getIgnoredVersionAlert() {
return ignoredVersionAlert;
public void setIgnoredVersionAlert(final String version) {
ignoredVersionAlert = version;
* Minimum height of card image on which overlays such as P/T,
* ability icons, etc should be shown.
* <p>
* Non-user: requires manual update of config file to change.
public int getOverlayMinimumHeight() {
return overlayPermanentMinHeight;
public boolean isGamePausedOnPopup() {
return isGamePausedOnPopup;
public void setIsGamePausedOnPopup(final boolean b) {
isGamePausedOnPopup = b;
public String getDuelSidebarLayout() {
return duelSidebarLayout;
public void setDuelSidebarLayout(final String layout) {
duelSidebarLayout = layout;
2015-03-22 20:18:01 -07:00
2015-11-16 05:40:12 -08:00
* Gets the last date playable images were downloaded.
* <p>
* If missing then date is set to "1970-01-01".
public Date getPlayableImagesDownloadDate() {
try {
final SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(CardProperty.IMAGE_UPDATED_FORMAT);
2015-11-16 05:40:12 -08:00
return df.parse(playableImagesDownloadDate);
} catch (ParseException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
2015-11-16 05:40:12 -08:00
public void setPlayableImagesDownloadDate(final Date runDate) {
final SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(CardProperty.IMAGE_UPDATED_FORMAT);
2015-11-16 05:40:12 -08:00
playableImagesDownloadDate = df.format(runDate);
* Gets the last date unimplemented images were downloaded.
* <p>
* If missing then date is set to "1970-01-01".
public Date getUnimplementedImagesDownloadDate() {
try {
final SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(CardProperty.IMAGE_UPDATED_FORMAT);
return df.parse(unimplementedImagesDownloadDate);
} catch (ParseException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
public void setUnimplementedImagesDownloadDate(final Date runDate) {
final SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(CardProperty.IMAGE_UPDATED_FORMAT);
unimplementedImagesDownloadDate = df.format(runDate);
public boolean getHideAiActionPrompt() {
return hideAiActionPrompt;
public void setHideAiActionPrompt(final boolean b) {
hideAiActionPrompt = b;
public Color getRolloverColor() {
return rolloverColor;
public void setRolloverColor(final Color aColor) {
rolloverColor = aColor;
public int getUiVolume() {
return uiVolume;
public void setUiVolume(final int aInt) {
uiVolume = aInt;
public String getTranslation() {
return translation;
public void setTranslation(final String aString) {
translation = aString;
2015-09-24 13:39:06 -07:00
public MessageStyle getLogMessageStyle() {
return logMessageStyle;
public void setLogMessageStyle(MessageStyle aStyle) {
logMessageStyle = aStyle;
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
private void load(final Properties properties) {
this.settings = properties;
highlight = properties.getProperty(HIGHLIGHT, highlight);
messageDelay = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(MESSAGE_DELAY,"" + messageDelay));
touchscreen = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(TOUCHSCREEN,""+touchscreen));
mouseWheelPopup = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(MOUSEWHEEL_POPUP, "" + mouseWheelPopup));
fullScreen = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(FULLSCREEN, "" + fullScreen));
previewCardOnSelect = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(PREVIEW_CARD_ON_SELECT, "" + previewCardOnSelect));
showLogMessages = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(SHOW_LOG_MESSAGES, "" + showLogMessages));
isMulliganScreenActive = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(MULLIGAN_SCREEN, "" + isMulliganScreenActive));
mostRecentDeckFilename = properties.getProperty(RECENT_DECK, mostRecentDeckFilename).trim();
isCustomBackground = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(CUSTOM_BACKGROUND, "" + isCustomBackground));
cardImagesPath = properties.getProperty(CARD_IMAGES_PATH, cardImagesPath);
2015-12-15 23:53:26 -08:00
animateGameplay = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(ANIMATE_GAMEPLAY, "" + animateGameplay));
deckFileMaxLines = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(DECK_FILE_MAX_LINES, ""+ deckFileMaxLines));
proxySettings = properties.getProperty(PROXY_SETTINGS, proxySettings);
firemindAccessToken = properties.getProperty(FIREMIND_ACCESS_TOKEN, firemindAccessToken);
newTurnAlertDuration = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(NEWTURN_ALERT_DURATION,"" + newTurnAlertDuration));
landPreviewDuration = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(LAND_PREVIEW_DURATION,"" + landPreviewDuration));
nonLandPreviewDuration = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(NONLAND_PREVIEW_DURATION,"" + nonLandPreviewDuration));
2015-12-15 23:53:26 -08:00
isSplitViewDeckEditor = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(SPLITVIEW_DECKEDITOR, "" + isSplitViewDeckEditor));
overlayPermanentMinHeight = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(OVERLAY_PERMANENT_MIN_HEIGHT, "" + overlayPermanentMinHeight));
ignoredVersionAlert = properties.getProperty(IGNORED_VERSION_ALERT, ignoredVersionAlert);
isGamePausedOnPopup = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(PAUSE_GAME_POPUP, "" + isGamePausedOnPopup));
unimplementedImagesDownloadDate = properties.getProperty(MISSING_DOWNLOAD_DATE, unimplementedImagesDownloadDate);
playableImagesDownloadDate = properties.getProperty(PLAYABLE_DOWNLOAD_DATE, playableImagesDownloadDate);
duelSidebarLayout = properties.getProperty(DUEL_SIDEBAR_LAYOUT, duelSidebarLayout);
hideAiActionPrompt = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(HIDE_AI_ACTION_PROMPT, "" + hideAiActionPrompt));
rolloverColor = new Color(Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(ROLLOVER_COLOR, "" + rolloverColor.getRGB())));
uiVolume = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(UI_VOLUME, "" + uiVolume));
translation = properties.getProperty(TRANSLATION, translation);
logMessageStyle = MessageStyle.valueOf(properties.getProperty(LOG_MESSAGE_STYLE,;
AnimationFx.setFlags(Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(ANIMATION_FLAGS, "" + AnimationFx.getFlags())));
preferredImageSize = ImageSizePresets.valueOf(properties.getProperty(PREF_IMAGE_SIZE,;
cardTextLanguage = CardTextLanguage.valueOf(properties.getProperty(CARD_TEXT_LANG,;
gameVolume = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(GAME_VOLUME, "" + gameVolume));
imagesOnDemand = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(IMAGES_ON_DEMAND, "" + imagesOnDemand));
isCustomScrollBar = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(CUSTOM_SCROLLBAR, "" + isCustomScrollBar));
keywordsScreen = properties.getProperty(KEYWORDS_SCREEN, "");
cardDisplayMode = CardImageDisplayMode.valueOf(properties.getProperty(CARD_DISPLAY_MODE,;
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
public void load() {
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
private void save(final Properties properties) {
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
properties.setProperty(MOUSEWHEEL_POPUP, String.valueOf(mouseWheelPopup));
properties.setProperty(FULLSCREEN, String.valueOf(fullScreen));
properties.setProperty(PREVIEW_CARD_ON_SELECT, String.valueOf(previewCardOnSelect));
properties.setProperty(SHOW_LOG_MESSAGES, String.valueOf(showLogMessages));
properties.setProperty(MULLIGAN_SCREEN, String.valueOf(isMulliganScreenActive));
properties.setProperty(RECENT_DECK, mostRecentDeckFilename);
properties.setProperty(CUSTOM_BACKGROUND, String.valueOf(isCustomBackground));
properties.setProperty(CARD_IMAGES_PATH, cardImagesPath);
properties.setProperty(ANIMATE_GAMEPLAY, String.valueOf(animateGameplay));
properties.setProperty(PROXY_SETTINGS, proxySettings);
properties.setProperty(FIREMIND_ACCESS_TOKEN, firemindAccessToken);
properties.setProperty(NEWTURN_ALERT_DURATION, String.valueOf(newTurnAlertDuration));
properties.setProperty(LAND_PREVIEW_DURATION, String.valueOf(landPreviewDuration));
properties.setProperty(NONLAND_PREVIEW_DURATION, String.valueOf(nonLandPreviewDuration));
properties.setProperty(SPLITVIEW_DECKEDITOR, String.valueOf(isSplitViewDeckEditor));
properties.setProperty(IGNORED_VERSION_ALERT, ignoredVersionAlert);
properties.setProperty(PAUSE_GAME_POPUP, String.valueOf(isGamePausedOnPopup));
properties.setProperty(MISSING_DOWNLOAD_DATE, unimplementedImagesDownloadDate);
2015-11-16 05:40:12 -08:00
properties.setProperty(PLAYABLE_DOWNLOAD_DATE, playableImagesDownloadDate);
properties.setProperty(DUEL_SIDEBAR_LAYOUT, duelSidebarLayout);
properties.setProperty(HIDE_AI_ACTION_PROMPT, String.valueOf(hideAiActionPrompt));
properties.setProperty(ROLLOVER_COLOR, String.valueOf(rolloverColor.getRGB()));
properties.setProperty(UI_VOLUME, String.valueOf(uiVolume));
properties.setProperty(TRANSLATION, translation);
2015-09-24 13:39:06 -07:00
properties.setProperty(ANIMATION_FLAGS, String.valueOf(AnimationFx.getFlags()));
properties.setProperty(GAME_VOLUME, String.valueOf(gameVolume));
properties.setProperty(IMAGES_ON_DEMAND, String.valueOf(imagesOnDemand));
properties.setProperty(CUSTOM_SCROLLBAR, String.valueOf(isCustomScrollBar));
properties.setProperty(KEYWORDS_SCREEN, keywordsScreen);
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
2013-06-23 18:33:35 -07:00
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
public void save() {
try {
FileIO.toFile(getConfigFile(), settings, "Magarena settings");
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
} catch (final IOException ex) {
System.err.println("ERROR! Unable to save general config");
private static File getConfigFile() {
2014-08-17 01:21:23 -07:00
return MagicFileSystem.getDataPath().resolve(CONFIG_FILENAME).toFile();
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00
public static GeneralConfig getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
public boolean isCustomCardImagesPath() {
return cardImagesPath.isEmpty() == false;
public ImageSizePresets getPreferredImageSize() {
return preferredImageSize;
public void setPreferredImageSize(ImageSizePresets preset) {
this.preferredImageSize = preset;
public CardTextLanguage getCardTextLanguage() {
return cardTextLanguage;
public void setCardTextLanguage(CardTextLanguage aLang) {
this.cardTextLanguage = aLang;
public int getGameVolume() {
return gameVolume;
public void setGameVolume(int value) {
gameVolume = value;
public boolean isStatsVisible() {
return isStatsVisible;
public void setStatsVisible(boolean b) {
isStatsVisible = b;
public boolean getImagesOnDemand() {
return imagesOnDemand;
public void setImagesOnDemand(boolean b) {
imagesOnDemand = b;
public Rectangle getSizableFrameBounds() {
return new Rectangle(frameLeft, frameTop, frameWidth, frameHeight);
public void setSizableFrameBounds(Rectangle aRect) {
frameLeft = aRect.x;
frameTop = aRect.y;
frameWidth = aRect.width;
frameHeight = aRect.height;
public void setSizableFrameBounds(Point aPoint, Dimension aSize) {
frameLeft = aPoint.x;
frameTop = aPoint.y;
frameWidth = aSize.width;
frameHeight = aSize.height;
2016-06-17 19:12:34 -07:00
public void setCustomScrollBar(boolean b) {
isCustomScrollBar = b;
public boolean isCustomScrollBar() {
return isCustomScrollBar;
public void setKeywordsSettings(String text) {
keywordsScreen = text;
public String getKeywordsSettings() {
return keywordsScreen;
public void set(String name, int value) {
settings.setProperty(name, Integer.toString(value));
public int getInt(String name, int value) {
return Integer.parseInt(settings.getProperty(name, Integer.toString(value)));
public CardImageDisplayMode getCardImageDisplayMode() {
return cardDisplayMode;
public void setCardImageDisplayMode(CardImageDisplayMode newMode) {
cardDisplayMode = newMode;
2013-04-12 19:32:25 -07:00