
109 lines
2.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import urllib
import urlparse
import re
# this script will read in cards from a text file, search the site, and
# add urls for card images and info if they don't exist
# variables to be changed
path = "../resources/magic/data/"
# input card files
ifile1 = open(path + "cards - Copy.txt", "r");
ifile2 = open(path + "cards2 - Copy.txt", "r");
# output card files (these should be different from input files)
ofile1 = open(path + "cards.txt", "w");
ofile2 = open(path + "cards2.txt", "w");
def url_fix(s, charset='utf-8'):
if isinstance(s, unicode):
s = s.encode(charset, 'ignore')
scheme, netloc, path, qs, anchor = urlparse.urlsplit(s)
path = urllib.quote(path, '/%')
qs = urllib.quote_plus(qs, ':&=')
return urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, qs, anchor))
def write_out_card(ofile, name, prevCardStr, foundImageUrl, foundInfoUrl):
# write out info for previous card
ofile.write(">" + name + "\n") # name
# generate urls
if((not foundImageUrl) or (not foundInfoUrl)):
queryUrl = url_fix("" + name + "&v=card&s=cname")
html = urllib.urlopen(queryUrl).read()
# card info url
if (not foundInfoUrl):
print "generating info url for " + name
pattern = "<a href=\"([^\"]*)\">" + name + "</a>"
m = re.findall(pattern, html, re.IGNORECASE)
if (len(m) > 0):
ofile.write("url=" + m[0] + "\n")
print "Unable to get info url for " + name
# card image url
if (not foundImageUrl):
print "generating image url for " + name
pattern = "img src=\"([^\"]*jpg)\""
m = re.findall(pattern, html, re.IGNORECASE)
if (len(m) > 0):
ofile.write("image=" + m[0] + "\n")
print "Unable to get image url for " + name
# write out rest of info to file
def generateURLs(ifile, ofile):
prevCardStr = ""
foundImageUrl = False
foundInfoUrl = False
name = ""
while ifile:
line = ifile.readline();
if(len(line) == 0):
if(len(name) > 0):
write_out_card(ofile, name, prevCardStr, foundImageUrl, foundInfoUrl)
# ofile.write(line);
i = line.find(">");
if(i > -1):
# new card
if(len(name) > 0):
write_out_card(ofile, name, prevCardStr, foundImageUrl, foundInfoUrl)
# reset variables
name = line[1:-1] # set name to new card name
prevCardStr = ""
foundImageUrl = False
foundInfoUrl = False
# card property
prevCardStr += line
if(line.find("url=") > -1):
foundInfoUrl = True
if(line.find("image=") > -1):
foundImageUrl = True
generateURLs(ifile1, ofile1);
generateURLs(ifile2, ofile2);