
353 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import magic.model.MagicGame;
import magic.model.phase.MagicPhase;
import magic.model.MagicPlayer;
import magic.model.event.MagicEvent;
UCT algorithm from Kocsis and Sezepesvari 2006
function playOneSeq(root)
nodes = [root]
while (nodes.last is not leaf) do
nodes append descendByUCB1(node.last)
//assume value of leaf nodes are known
//node.init is all elements except the last one
updateValue(nodes.init, -nodes.last.value)
function descendByUCB1(node)
nb = sum of nb in node's children
for each node n in node's children
if n.nb = 0
v[n] = infinity
v[n] = 1 - n.value/n.nb + sqrt(2 * log(nb) / n.nb)
return n that maximizes v[n]
function updateValue(nodes, value)
for each node n in nodes
n.value += value
n.nb += 1
value = 1 - value
Modified UCT for MoGO in Wang and Gelly 2007
function playOneGame(state)
create node root from current game state
init tree to empty tree
while there is time and memory
//build the game tree one node at a time
playOneSeqMC(root, tree)
return descendByUCB1(root)
function playOneSeqMC(root, tree)
nodes = [root]
while (nodes.last is not in the tree)
nodes append descendByUCB1(node.last)
tree add nodes.last
nodes.last.value = getValueByMC(nodes.last)
updateValue(nodes.init, -nodes.last.value)
function getValueByMC(node)
play one random game starting from node
return 1 if player 1 (max) wins, 0 if player 2 wins (min)
//AI using Monte Carlo Tree Search
public class MCTSAI implements MagicAI {
private static final int MAXSIM = 1000;
private static final int MAXTIME = 10000;
private static final boolean LOGGING = false;
private final Random RNG = new Random(123);
private static void log(final String message) {
if (LOGGING) {
private static void logc(final char message) {
if (LOGGING) {
public synchronized Object[] findNextEventChoiceResults(
final MagicGame game,
final MagicPlayer scorePlayer) {
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
final String pinfo = "MCTS " + scorePlayer.getIndex() + "(" + scorePlayer.getLife() + ")";
final List<Object[]> choices = getCR(game, scorePlayer);
final int size = choices.size();
// No choice results
if (size == 0) {
log(pinfo + " NO CHOICE");
return null;
// Single choice result
if (size == 1) {
final ArtificialChoiceResults selected = getACR(choices).get(0);
log(pinfo + " " + selected);
// repeat a number of simulations
// each simulation does the following
// selects a path down the game tree and create a new leaf
// score the leaf by doing a random play to the end of the game
// update the score of all the ancestors of the leaf
// return the "best" choice
//root represents the start state
final MCTSGameTree root = new MCTSGameTree(-1, -1);
for (int i = 1; i <= MAXSIM && System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime < MAXTIME; i++) {
//create a new MagicGame for simulation
final MagicGame start = new MagicGame(game, scorePlayer, true);
//pass in a clone of the state, genNewTreeNode grows the tree by one node
//and returns the path from the root to the new node
final List<MCTSGameTree> path = genNewTreeNode(root, start);
// play a simulated game to get score
// update all nodes along the path from root to new node
final int score = randomPlay(start);
logc((score == 1) ? '.' : 'X');
for (MCTSGameTree node : path) {
//select the best choice (child that has the largest visit count)
int maxV = -1;
int maxS = 0;
int idx = -1;
final List<ArtificialChoiceResults> achoices = getACR(choices);
for (MCTSGameTree node : root) {
achoices.get(node.getChoice()).worker = node.getScore();
achoices.get(node.getChoice()).gameCount = node.getNumSim();
if (node.getNumSim() > maxV) {
maxV = node.getNumSim();
maxS = node.getEvalScore();
idx = node.getChoice();
final long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
log("MCTS took " + duration);
final ArtificialChoiceResults selected = achoices.get(idx);
for (final ArtificialChoiceResults achoice : achoices) {
log((achoice == selected ? "* ":" ") + achoice);
private List<Object[]> getCR(final MagicGame game, final MagicPlayer player) {
final MagicGame choiceGame = new MagicGame(game, player);
final MagicEvent event = choiceGame.getNextEvent();
return event.getArtificialChoiceResults(choiceGame);
private List<ArtificialChoiceResults> getACR(final List<Object[]> choices) {
final List<ArtificialChoiceResults> aiChoiceResultsList =
new ArrayList<ArtificialChoiceResults>();
for (final Object choiceResults[] : choices) {
aiChoiceResultsList.add(new ArtificialChoiceResults(choiceResults));
return aiChoiceResultsList;
// p is parent of n
// n.nb is how many times the node n is simulated
// sum of nb in all children of parent of n (same as p.nb)
// select node n (child of node) that maximize v[n]
// where v[n] = 1 - n.value/n.nb + sqrt(2 * log(nb) / n.nb)
// find a path from root to an unexplored node
2011-04-06 21:31:41 -07:00
private List<MCTSGameTree> genNewTreeNode(final MCTSGameTree root, final MagicGame game) {
final List<MCTSGameTree> path = new LinkedList<MCTSGameTree>();
MCTSGameTree curr = root;
for (MagicEvent event = getNextMultiChoiceEvent(game, curr != root);
event != null;
event = getNextMultiChoiceEvent(game, curr != root)) {
final List<Object[]> choices = event.getArtificialChoiceResults(game);
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assert choices.size() > 1 : "number of choices is " + choices.size();
if (curr.size() < choices.size()) {
//there are unexplored children of node
//assume we explore children of a node in increasing order of the choices
final MCTSGameTree child = new MCTSGameTree(curr.size(), game.getScore());
return path;
} else {
final int totalSim = curr.getNumSim();
double bestV = -1e10;
MCTSGameTree child = curr.first();
for (MCTSGameTree node : curr) {
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final double v =
((game.getScorePlayer() == event.getPlayer()) ? 1.0 : -1.0) * node.getV() +
Math.sqrt(2.0 * Math.log(totalSim) / node.getNumSim());
if (v > bestV) {
bestV = v;
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child = node;
2011-04-06 21:31:41 -07:00
//move down the tree
curr = child;
assert curr != null;
//QQQ: choices.get crashed with out of bounds exception (index 4, size 4)
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//game is finished
assert game.isFinished() : "game is not finished";
return path;
private int randomPlay(final MagicGame game) {
// play game until it is finished
for (MagicEvent event = getNextMultiChoiceEvent(game, true);
event != null;
event = getNextMultiChoiceEvent(game, true)) {
final List<Object[]> choices = event.getArtificialChoiceResults(game);
final int idx = RNG.nextInt(choices.size());
final Object[] selected = choices.get(idx);
2011-04-06 21:31:41 -07:00
// game is finished, check who lost
assert game.isFinished() : "game is not finished";
assert (game.getLosingPlayer() != null) : "losing player is null";
assert (game.getMainPhaseCount() > 0) : "main phase count is zero";
if (game.getLosingPlayer() == game.getScorePlayer()) {
return -1;
} else {
return 1;
private MagicEvent getNextMultiChoiceEvent(MagicGame game, boolean fastChoices) {
while (!game.isFinished()) {
if (!game.hasNextEvent()) {
//game has next event
final MagicEvent event = game.getNextEvent();
if (!event.hasChoice()) {
//event has choice
final List<Object[]> choices = event.getArtificialChoiceResults(game);
final int size = choices.size();
if (size == 0) {
//QQQ: when does this occur?
assert false : "size of choices is 0" ;
} else if (size == 1) {
} else {
//multiple choice
return event;
//game is finished
return null;
//only store one copy of MagicGame
//each tree node stores the choice from the parent that leads to this node
//so we only need one copy of MagicGame for MCTSAI
class MCTSGameTree implements Iterable<MCTSGameTree> {
private final int choice;
private final List<MCTSGameTree> children = new LinkedList<MCTSGameTree>();
private int numSim = 0;
private int score = 0;
private int evalScore = 0;
public MCTSGameTree(int choice, int evalScore) {
this.evalScore = evalScore;
this.choice = choice;
public MCTSGameTree first() {
return children.get(0);
public Iterator<MCTSGameTree> iterator() {
return children.iterator();
public int getChoice() {
return choice;
public int getEvalScore() {
return evalScore;
public int getScore() {
return score;
public void updateScore(final int score) {
this.score += score;
numSim += 1;
public int getNumSim() {
return numSim;
public double getV() {
return (double)score / numSim;
public void addChild(MCTSGameTree child) {
public int size() {
return children.size();