
267 lines
9.8 KiB

* This is a Gradle build file:
* - Gradle Homepage: http://gradle.org/
* - Gradle Documentation: http://gradle.org/documentation
* - View tasks for this project: $ gradlew tasks
// Separate build file for structure heavy stuff like using Git to fetch other repos to embed within the project
apply from: 'config/gradle/utility.gradle'
apply from: 'config/gradle/ide.gradle'
// Needed for extending the "clean" task to also delete custom stuff defined here like natives
apply plugin: 'base'
// For generating IntelliJ project files
apply plugin: 'idea'
// The root project should not be an eclipse project. It keeps eclipse (4.2) from finding the sub-projects.
//apply plugin: 'eclipse'
// Git plugin details at https://github.com/ajoberstar/gradle-git
import org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.tasks.*
// Dependencies needed for what our Gradle scripts themselves use. It cannot be included via an external Gradle file :-(
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
// Artifactory plugin
classpath(group: 'org.jfrog.buildinfo', name: 'build-info-extractor-gradle', version: '4.0.0')
// Git plugin for Gradle
classpath 'org.ajoberstar:gradle-git:0.6.3'
// Needed for caching reflected data during builds
classpath 'org.reflections:reflections:0.9.10'
classpath 'dom4j:dom4j:1.6.1'
* To Update Gradle Wrapper:
* 1. Uncomment 'wrapper' task
* 2. Change 'gradleVersion'
* 3. Run "gradlew wrapper" TWICE (first upgrades the prop file, second the jar if needed)
* 4. Comment 'wrapper' task
//task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
// gradleVersion = '2.10'
import org.apache.tools.ant.filters.FixCrLfFilter;
// Test for right version of Java in use for running this script
assert org.gradle.api.JavaVersion.current().isJava8Compatible()
// Declare "extra properties" (variables) for the project (and subs) - a Gradle thing that makes them special.
ext {
dirNatives = 'natives'
dirConfigMetrics = 'config/metrics'
templatesDir = 'templates'
// Lib dir for use in manifest entries etc (like in :engine). A separate "libsDir" exists, auto-created by Gradle
subDirLibs = 'libs'
LwjglVersion = '2.9.3'
// Declare remote repositories we're interested in - library files will be fetched from here
repositories {
// Main Maven repo
// MovingBlocks Artifactory instance for libs not readily available elsewhere plus our own libs
maven {
url "http://artifactory.terasology.org/artifactory/virtual-repo-live"
// Natives - Handles pulling in and extracting native libraries for LWJGL //
// Define configurations for natives and config
configurations {
dependencies {
// For the "natives" configuration make it depend on the native files from LWJGL
natives group: 'org.lwjgl.lwjgl', name: 'lwjgl', version: LwjglVersion
// Config for our code analytics lives in a centralized repo: https://github.com/MovingBlocks/TeraConfig
codeMetrics group: 'org.terasology.config', name: 'codemetrics', version: '1.1.0', ext: 'zip'
task extractWindowsNatives(type:Sync) {
description = "Extracts the Windows natives from the downloaded zip"
from {
configurations.natives.collect { it.getName().contains('-natives-window') ? zipTree(it) : [] }
into ("$dirNatives/windows")
exclude ('META-INF/**')
task extractMacOSXNatives(type:Sync) {
description = "Extracts the OSX natives from the downloaded zip"
from {
configurations.natives.collect { it.getName().contains('-natives-osx') ? zipTree(it) : [] }
into ("$dirNatives/macosx")
exclude ('META-INF/**')
task extractLinuxNatives(type:Sync) {
description = "Extracts the Linux natives from the downloaded zip"
from {
configurations.natives.collect { it.getName().contains('-natives-linux') ? zipTree(it) : [] }
into ("$dirNatives/linux")
exclude ('META-INF/**')
task extractNatives {
description = "Extracts all the native lwjgl libraries from the downloaded zip"
dependsOn extractWindowsNatives
dependsOn extractLinuxNatives
dependsOn extractMacOSXNatives
// TODO: Test meta modules and other libs - not that there's really much to test other than being able to Git via Gradle
// Helper tasks //
task extractConfig (type: Copy) {
description = "Extracts our configuration files from the zip we fetched as a dependency"
from {
configurations.codeMetrics.collect {
into "$rootDir/$dirConfigMetrics"
// Helper that returns a list of all local Terasology module projects
def terasologyModules() {
subprojects.findAll {it.parent.name == 'modules'}
// Helper that replaces the build.gradle under every module with a fresh copy from the Core module
// TODO: Fix, not working well if at all :(
task refreshModuleGradle << {
File replacementGradle = new File(rootDir, 'modules/Core/build.gradle')
terasologyModules().each {
if (it.name != 'Core') {
File targetFile = new File(rootDir, "modules/" + it.name + "/build.gradle")
targetFile << replacementGradle.text
// Helpers that do magic things after having dependencies attached below
task moduleClasses
task moduleJars
// This magically makes everything work - without this the desired module projects returned have no tasks :-(
gradle.projectsEvaluated {
// Note how "classes" may indirectly trigger "jar" for module dependencies of modules (module compile dependency)
// This makes it work for a full jar task
// This is a TEMPORARY tweak to make "changing" dependencies always ('0') check for newer snapshots available
// TODO: Remove this when versioning and promotion works fully, then we shouldn't care about snapshots normally anyway
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy.cacheChangingModulesFor 0, 'seconds'
// Include deletion of extracted natives in the global clean task. Without the doLast it runs on *every* execution ...
clean.doLast {
new File(dirNatives).deleteDir()
new File(dirConfigMetrics).deleteDir()
println "Cleaned root - don't forget to re-extract stuff! 'gradlew extractNatives extractConfig' will do so, or 'gradlew idea' (or eclipse)"
task protobufCompileWindows(type:Exec) {
description = "Run 'Protobuf Compiler' (Windows)"
commandLine 'protobuf\\compiler\\protoc.exe', '--proto_path=engine\\src\\main\\protobuf', '--java_out', 'engine\\src\\main\\java', 'engine\\src\\main\\protobuf\\*'
task protobufCompileLinux(type:Exec) {
description = "Run 'Protobuf Compiler' (Linux)"
commandLine 'protobuf/compiler/protoc', '--proto_path=engine/src/main/protobuf', '--java_out', 'engine/src/main/java', "engine/src/main/protobuf/EntityData.proto", "engine/src/main/protobuf/NetMessage.proto"
// General IDE customization //
// Make sure the IDE prep includes extraction of natives
ideaModule.dependsOn extractNatives
// For IntelliJ add a bunch of excluded directories
idea {
// Exclude Eclipse dirs
// TODO: Update this as Eclipse bin dirs now generate in several deeper spots rather than at top-level
module.excludeDirs += file('bin')
module.excludeDirs += file('.settings')
// TODO: Add a single file exclude for facades/PC/Terasology.launch ?
// Exclude special dirs
module.excludeDirs += file('natives')
module.excludeDirs += file('protobuf')
// Exclude output dirs
module.excludeDirs += file('logs')
module.excludeDirs += file('saves')
module.excludeDirs += file('screenshots')
module.excludeDirs += file('terasology-server')
module.excludeDirs += file('terasology-2ndclient')
module.downloadSources = true
project {
// Set JDK
jdkName = '1.8'
wildcards -= '!?*.groovy'
ipr {
withXml { xmlProvider ->
// Apply a bunch of tweaks to IntelliJ config - all defined in ide.gradle
// Part reason for separate file was in case a module needs to define something it cannot do so in a project block
def iprNode = xmlProvider.asNode()
// Sets sourceCompatibility within IntelliJ (without this root build having the Java plugin applied)
whenMerged {project ->
project.jdk.languageLevel = 'JDK_1_8'
// Tweaks to the .iws
workspace.iws.withXml { xmlProvider ->
def iwsNode = xmlProvider.asNode()
cleanIdea.doLast {
new File('Terasology.iws').delete()