feat(build): treat libs/ as "included builds"

instead of subprojects. This is _mostly_ the same as what we've been doing, but gradle treats it more as a self-sufficient build on its own and provides less opportunity to mess with the configuration of other things in the multi-project.
Kevin Turner 2020-06-12 18:00:05 -07:00
parent 7bd8d11b9c
commit bda3fa10c7
1 changed files with 17 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
// This magically allows subdirs in this subproject to themselves become sub-subprojects in a proper tree structure
new File(rootDir, 'libs').eachDir { possibleSubprojectDir ->
def subprojectName = 'libs:' + possibleSubprojectDir.name
println "Gradle is reviewing library $subprojectName for possible inclusion in the Gradle project tree"
File buildFile = new File(possibleSubprojectDir, "build.gradle")
if (buildFile.exists()) {
println "Library $subprojectName has a build file so counting it as integratable code and sub-projecting it"
include subprojectName
def subprojectPath = ':' + subprojectName
def subproject = project(subprojectPath)
subproject.projectDir = possibleSubprojectDir
// Copyright 2020 The Terasology Foundation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Also look for a nested settings.gradle file in case of embedded libraries with their own sub projects
File settingsFile = new File(possibleSubprojectDir, "settings.gradle")
if (settingsFile.exists()) {
println "Library $subprojectName has a settings file so applying it expecting nested sub projects"
apply from: settingsFile
// This magically allows subdirs to become included builds
// https://docs.gradle.org/6.4.1/userguide/composite_builds.html
file(".").eachDir { possibleIncludedBuildDirectory ->
File buildFile = new File(possibleIncludedBuildDirectory, "build.gradle")
File settingsFile = new File(possibleIncludedBuildDirectory, "settings.gradle")
if (buildFile.exists() && settingsFile.exists()) {
logger.info("{} will be included in the composite build.",
} else {
println "Library dir found without a build.gradle, not including $subprojectName in the Gradle project tree"
logger.warn("{} REJECTED as an included build. build.gradle: {}, settings.gradle: {}",
buildFile.exists() ? "present" : "MISSING",
settingsFile.exists() ? "present" : "MISSING"