
713 lines
30 KiB

using System;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
using Lidgren.Network;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class AreaProtection : FortressCraftMod
private bool showGUI = true;
private bool allowInteractionAtSpawn;
private bool allowInteractionEverywhere;
private Coroutine serverCoroutine;
private Vector3 playerPosition;
private Vector3 clientAreaPosition;
private static bool ableToClaim;
private static GameObject protectionCylinder;
private static List<string> savedPlayers;
private static List<Player> allowedPlayers;
private static Texture2D protectionCylinderTexture;
private static List<Area> areas = new List<Area>();
private static readonly string assemblyFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
private static readonly string protectionCylinderTexurePath = Path.Combine(assemblyFolder, "Images/ProtectionCylinder.png");
private UriBuilder protectionCylinderUriBuilder = new UriBuilder(protectionCylinderTexurePath);
private static readonly string settingsFilePath = Path.Combine(assemblyFolder, "settings.txt");
private static readonly string areasFilePath = Path.Combine(assemblyFolder, "areas.txt");
private static readonly string playersFilePath = Path.Combine(assemblyFolder, "players.txt");
private enum AreaPermission
// Registers the mod.
public override ModRegistrationData Register()
ModRegistrationData modRegistrationData = new ModRegistrationData();
modRegistrationData.RegisterServerComms("Maverick.AreaProtection", ServerWrite, ClientRead);
modRegistrationData.RegisterClientComms("Maverick.AreaProtection", ClientWrite, ServerRead);
return modRegistrationData;
// Called by unity engine on start up to initialize variables.
public IEnumerator Start()
savedPlayers = new List<string>();
allowedPlayers = new List<Player>();
protectionCylinderUriBuilder.Scheme = "file";
protectionCylinderTexture = new Texture2D(1024, 1024, TextureFormat.DXT5, false);
using (WWW www = new WWW(protectionCylinderUriBuilder.ToString()))
yield return www;
if (WorldScript.mbIsServer || NetworkManager.mbHostingServer)
// Loads settings from disk.
private void LoadSettings()
string fileContents = File.ReadAllText(settingsFilePath);
string[] allSettings = fileContents.Split('\n');
foreach (string entry in allSettings)
string[] splitEntry = entry.Split(':');
if (splitEntry.Length > 1)
string entryName = splitEntry[0];
if (entryName == "allowInteractionAtSpawn")
allowInteractionAtSpawn = bool.Parse(splitEntry[1]);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Log("Area Protection Mod: Error loading settings file: " + e.Message);
if (entryName == "allowInteractionEverywhere")
allowInteractionEverywhere = bool.Parse(splitEntry[1]);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Log("Area Protection Mod: Error loading settings file: " + e.Message);
// Loads protected areas from disk.
private void LoadAreas()
string fileContents = File.ReadAllText(areasFilePath);
string[] allAreas = fileContents.Split('}');
foreach (string entry in allAreas)
string[] splitEntry = entry.Split(':');
if (splitEntry.Length > 1)
string entryName = splitEntry[0];
float x = float.Parse(splitEntry[1].Split(',')[0]);
float y = float.Parse(splitEntry[1].Split(',')[1]);
float z = float.Parse(splitEntry[1].Split(',')[2]);
Vector3 entryLocation = new Vector3(x, y, z);
Area loadArea;
loadArea.areaID = entryName;
loadArea.areaLocation = entryLocation;
// Save area information to disk.
private static void SaveAreas()
string allAreas = "";
foreach (Area area in areas)
allAreas += area.areaID + ":" + area.areaLocation.x + "," + area.areaLocation.y + "," + area.areaLocation.z + "}";
File.WriteAllText(areasFilePath, allAreas);
// Loads player information from disk.
private void LoadPlayers()
string fileContents = File.ReadAllText(playersFilePath);
string[] allPlayers = fileContents.Split('}');
foreach (string player in allPlayers)
// Saves player information to disk.
private static void SavePlayer(string playerName)
string playerData = "";
foreach (string player in savedPlayers)
playerData += player + "}";
playerData += playerName + "}";
File.WriteAllText(playersFilePath, playerData);
// Returns true when the player is trying to chat in a claimed area.
private bool ChatOverrideRequired()
bool b1 = UIManager.HudShown;
bool b2 = !UIManager.AllowInteracting;
bool b3 = !UIManager.mbEditingTextField;
bool b4 = UIManager.instance.mChatPanel.ShouldShow();
bool b5 = !UIManager.instance.WorkshopDetailPanel.activeSelf;
return b1 && b2 && b3 && b4 && b5;
// Called once per frame by unity engine.
public void Update()
if (WorldScript.mbIsServer || NetworkManager.mbHostingServer)
serverCoroutine = StartCoroutine(CheckAreas());
else if (!WorldScript.mbIsServer && GameState.PlayerSpawned)
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Home))
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift))
else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl))
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.End))
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift))
showGUI = !showGUI;
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Return))
if (ChatOverrideRequired())
// Loads info about client's protected area and updates player position.
private void UpdateClient()
if (NetworkManager.instance.mClientThread != null)
if (NetworkManager.instance.mClientThread.mPlayer != null)
ulong userID = NetworkManager.instance.mClientThread.mPlayer.mUserID;
System.Net.IPAddress serverIP = NetworkManager.instance.mClientThread.serverIP;
if (serverIP != null)
if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt(userID + ":" + serverIP + "createdCylinder") == 1)
if (protectionCylinder == null)
float cylinderX = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(userID + ":" + serverIP + "cylinderX");
float cylinderY = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(userID + ":" + serverIP + "cylinderY");
float cylinderZ = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(userID + ":" + serverIP + "cylinderZ");
Vector3 cylinderPosition = new Vector3(cylinderX, cylinderY, cylinderZ);
float areaX = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(userID + ":" + serverIP + "areaX");
float areaY = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(userID + ":" + serverIP + "areaY");
float areaZ = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(userID + ":" + serverIP + "areaZ");
clientAreaPosition = new Vector3(areaX, areaY, areaZ);
Player player = NetworkManager.instance.mClientThread.mPlayer;
float x = player.mnWorldX - 4611686017890516992L;
float y = player.mnWorldY - 4611686017890516992L;
float z = player.mnWorldZ - 4611686017890516992L;
playerPosition = new Vector3(x, y, z);
private void TeleportHome()
if (protectionCylinder != null)
if (NetworkManager.instance.mClientThread != null)
Player player = NetworkManager.instance.mClientThread.mPlayer;
if (player != null)
if (SurvivalPowerPanel.mrSuitPower >= 100)
SurvivalPowerPanel.mrSuitPower -= 100;
float x = clientAreaPosition.x;
float y = clientAreaPosition.y + 5;
float z = clientAreaPosition.z;
WorldScript.Teleport(x + " " + y + " " + z);
// Holds information about a single area.
private struct Area
public string areaID;
public Vector3 areaLocation;
// Holds information for server to client comms.
private struct ServerMessage
public int newPlayer;
public int allowedToClaim;
public int permissions;
// Networking.
private static void ClientRead(NetIncomingMessage netIncomingMessage)
int readInt1 = netIncomingMessage.ReadInt32();
Player player = NetworkManager.instance.mClientThread.mPlayer;
if (readInt1 == (int)player.mUserID)
int readInt2 = netIncomingMessage.ReadInt32();
if (readInt2 == 1)
int readInt3 = netIncomingMessage.ReadInt32();
ableToClaim = readInt3 == 1;
int readInt4 = netIncomingMessage.ReadInt32();
AreaPermission permission = (AreaPermission)readInt4;
UIManager.AllowInteracting = permission != AreaPermission.None;
UIManager.AllowBuilding = permission == AreaPermission.Building && UIManager.CursorShown == false;
// Networking.
private static void ClientWrite(BinaryWriter writer, object data)
// Networking.
private static void ServerRead(NetIncomingMessage message, Player player)
// Networking.
private static void ServerWrite(BinaryWriter writer, Player player, object data)
ServerMessage message = (ServerMessage)data;
// Sends chat messages from the server.
private static void Announce(string msg)
ChatLine chatLine = new ChatLine();
chatLine.mPlayer = -1;
chatLine.mPlayerName = "[SERVER]";
chatLine.mText = msg;
chatLine.mType = ChatLine.Type.Normal;
// Sends area claim command to server.
private void ClientClaimArea()
if (ableToClaim == true)
ModManager.ModSendClientCommToServer("Maverick.AreaProtection", 0);
if (protectionCylinder == null)
Player player = NetworkManager.instance.mClientThread.mPlayer;
System.Net.IPAddress serverIP = NetworkManager.instance.mClientThread.serverIP;
float x = player.mnWorldX - 4611686017890516992L;
float y = player.mnWorldY - 4611686017890516992L;
float z = player.mnWorldZ - 4611686017890516992L;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(player.mUserID + ":" + serverIP + "createdCylinder", 1);
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(player.mUserID + ":" + serverIP + "cylinderX", Camera.main.transform.position.x);
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(player.mUserID + ":" + serverIP + "cylinderY", Camera.main.transform.position.y);
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(player.mUserID + ":" + serverIP + "cylinderZ", Camera.main.transform.position.z);
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(player.mUserID + ":" + serverIP + "areaX", x);
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(player.mUserID + ":" + serverIP + "areaY", y);
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(player.mUserID + ":" + serverIP + "areaZ", z);
clientAreaPosition = playerPosition;
// Attempts to claim an area.
private static void ServerClaimArea(Player player)
if (allowedPlayers.Contains(player))
Area newArea;
bool foundArea = false;
foreach (Area area in areas)
if (area.areaID == player.mUserName + player.mUserID)
newArea = area;
foundArea = true;
if (foundArea == true)
newArea.areaLocation.x = player.mnWorldX - 4611686017890516992L;
newArea.areaLocation.y = player.mnWorldY - 4611686017890516992L;
newArea.areaLocation.z = player.mnWorldZ - 4611686017890516992L;
Announce(player.mUserName + "'s claimed area moved to " + newArea.areaLocation);
newArea.areaID = player.mUserName + player.mUserID;
newArea.areaLocation.x = player.mnWorldX - 4611686017890516992L;
newArea.areaLocation.y = player.mnWorldY - 4611686017890516992L;
newArea.areaLocation.z = player.mnWorldZ - 4611686017890516992L;
Announce(player.mUserName + " claimed area at " + newArea.areaLocation);
Announce("Unable to claim area for " + player.mUserName + ". Too close to another claim.");
// Checks player positions relative to protected areas and sets permissions.
private IEnumerator CheckAreas()
if (NetworkManager.instance != null)
if (NetworkManager.instance.mServerThread != null)
List<NetworkServerConnection> connections = NetworkManager.instance.mServerThread.connections;
for (int i = 0; i < connections.Count; i++)
if (connections[i] != null)
if (connections[i].mState == eNetworkConnectionState.Playing)
Player player = connections[i].mPlayer;
if (player != null)
float x = player.mnWorldX - 4611686017890516992L;
float y = player.mnWorldY - 4611686017890516992L;
float z = player.mnWorldZ - 4611686017890516992L;
Vector3 clientPosition = new Vector3(x, y, z);
bool cannotBuild = false;
bool cannotClaim = false;
bool interactionException = false;
for (int j = 0; j < areas.Count; j++)
if (areas[j].areaID != player.mUserName + player.mUserID)
Vector2 clientPos2D = new Vector2(clientPosition.x, clientPosition.z);
Vector2 areaPos2D = new Vector2(areas[j].areaLocation.x, areas[j].areaLocation.z);
int distance = (int)Vector2.Distance(clientPos2D, areaPos2D);
if (distance <= 500)
cannotClaim = true;
if (distance <= 250)
cannotBuild = true;
Vector2 spawn_pos = new Vector2(0, 0);
float spawnDistance = Vector2.Distance(clientPos2D, spawn_pos);
if (allowInteractionEverywhere || (spawnDistance <= 250 && allowInteractionAtSpawn))
interactionException = true;
ServerMessage message = new ServerMessage();
if (savedPlayers != null)
if (!savedPlayers.Contains(player.mUserID + player.mUserName))
Announce("Promoted " + player.mUserName + " to builder (you will need to rejoin the server");
Announce("Giving starting items to " + player.mUserName);
SavePlayer(player.mUserID + player.mUserName);
message.newPlayer = 1;
message.newPlayer = 0;
if (allowedPlayers != null)
if (cannotClaim == true)
if (allowedPlayers.Contains(player))
message.allowedToClaim = 0;
if (!allowedPlayers.Contains(player))
message.allowedToClaim = 1;
if (NetworkManager.instance.mAdminListManager != null)
if (NetworkManager.instance.mAdminListManager.CheckAdminList(player.mUserID, player.mUserName))
message.permissions = 2;
if (cannotBuild == true)
if (interactionException == true)
message.permissions = 1;
message.permissions = 0;
message.permissions = 2;
ModManager.ModSendServerCommToClient("Maverick.AreaProtection", player, message);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.25f);
// Gives starting items to a player.
private static void CollectStartingItems()
NetworkManager.instance.mClientThread.mPlayer.mInventory.CollectValue(507, 99, 7);
NetworkManager.instance.mClientThread.mPlayer.mInventory.CollectValue(eCubeTypes.OreSmelter, 1, 4);
NetworkManager.instance.mClientThread.mPlayer.mInventory.CollectValue(eCubeTypes.Conveyor, 11, 200);
NetworkManager.instance.mClientThread.mPlayer.mInventory.CollectValue(eCubeTypes.OreExtractor, 0, 3);
NetworkManager.instance.mClientThread.mPlayer.mInventory.CollectValue(eCubeTypes.StorageHopper, 0, 5);
NetworkManager.instance.mClientThread.mPlayer.mInventory.CollectValue(eCubeTypes.StorageHopper, 2, 5);
NetworkManager.instance.mClientThread.mPlayer.mInventory.CollectValue(eCubeTypes.PowerStorageBlock, 0, 6);
NetworkManager.instance.mClientThread.mPlayer.mInventory.CollectValue(eCubeTypes.ManufacturingPlant, 0, 1);
NetworkManager.instance.mClientThread.mPlayer.mInventory.CollectValue(eCubeTypes.PyrothermicGenerator, 0, 2);
// Creates the protection cylinder.
private static void CreateProtectionCylinder(Vector3 position)
protectionCylinder = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cylinder);
protectionCylinder.transform.position = position;
protectionCylinder.transform.localScale += new Vector3(372, 4000, 372);
protectionCylinder.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTexture = protectionCylinderTexture;
protectionCylinder.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTextureScale = new Vector2(1, 10);
protectionCylinder.GetComponent<Renderer>().receiveShadows = false;
protectionCylinder.GetComponent<Renderer>().shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off;
protectionCylinder.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.shader = Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse");
GameObject protectionCylinderInner = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cylinder);
protectionCylinderInner.transform.position = position;
protectionCylinderInner.transform.localScale += new Vector3(372, 4000, 372);
protectionCylinderInner.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTexture = protectionCylinderTexture;
protectionCylinderInner.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTextureScale = new Vector2(1, 10);
protectionCylinderInner.GetComponent<Renderer>().receiveShadows = false;
protectionCylinderInner.GetComponent<Renderer>().shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off;
protectionCylinderInner.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.shader = Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse");
// Moves the protection cylinder.
private static void MoveProtectionCylinder(Vector3 position)
protectionCylinder.transform.position = position;
// Recalculates mesh normals so textures are visible inside the cylinder.
private static void ConvertNormals(GameObject obj)
MeshFilter filter = obj.GetComponent(typeof(MeshFilter)) as MeshFilter;
if (filter != null)
Mesh mesh = filter.mesh;
Vector3[] normals = mesh.normals;
for (int i = 0; i < normals.Length; i++)
normals[i] = -normals[i];
mesh.normals = normals;
for (int m = 0; m < mesh.subMeshCount; m++)
int[] triangles = mesh.GetTriangles(m);
for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i += 3)
int temp = triangles[i + 0];
triangles[i + 0] = triangles[i + 1];
triangles[i + 1] = temp;
mesh.SetTriangles(triangles, m);
// Returns true if messages should be displayed.
private bool DisplayMessage()
bool b1 = !WorldScript.mbIsServer;
bool b2 = GameState.PlayerSpawned;
bool b3 = showGUI == true;
bool b4 = !UIManager.CursorShown;
return b1 && b2 && b3 && b4;
// Displays build permission info.
public void OnGUI()
if (DisplayMessage())
string message = "";
Rect infoRect = new Rect(Screen.width * 0.6f, Screen.height * 0.4f, 500, 250);
eBuildPermission permission = NetworkManager.instance.mClientThread.mPlayer.mBuildPermission;
if (permission == eBuildPermission.Admin)
message = "[Area Protection Mod]" +
"\nAdministrative rights enabled." +
"\nPress Left Control + Home key to claim this area." +
"\nPress Left Shift + Home key to teleport home (100 suit power)." +
"\nPress Left Shift + End key to toggle messages.";
else if (UIManager.AllowBuilding == false)
message = "[Area Protection Mod]" +
"\nThis area is protected." +
"\nYou cannot build here." +
"\nPress Left Shift + Home key to teleport home (100 suit power)." +
"\nPress Left Shift + End key to toggle messages.";
else if (ableToClaim == true && protectionCylinder == null)
message = "[Area Protection Mod]" +
"\nPress Left Control + Home key to claim this area." +
"\nPress Left Shift + End key to toggle messages.";
else if (ableToClaim == true && protectionCylinder != null)
message = "[Area Protection Mod]" +
"\nThe coordinates of your protected area are " + clientAreaPosition +
"\nYour current coordinates are " + playerPosition +
"\nPress Left Control + Home key to relocate your claimed area." +
"\nPress Left Shift + Home key to teleport home (100 suit power)." +
"\nPress Left Shift + End key to toggle messages.";
else if (ableToClaim == false && protectionCylinder != null)
message = "[Area Protection Mod]" +
"\nYou cannot claim this area." +
"\nYou are too close to another protected area." +
"\nThe coordinates of your protected area are " + clientAreaPosition +
"\nYour current coordinates are " + playerPosition +
"\nPress Left Shift + Home key to teleport home (100 suit power)." +
"\nPress Left Shift + End key to toggle messages.";
else if (ableToClaim == false && protectionCylinder == null)
message = "[Area Protection Mod]" +
"\nYou cannot claim this area." +
"\nYou are too close to another protected area." +
"\nPress Left Shift + Home key to teleport home (100 suit power)." +
"\nPress Left Shift + End key to toggle messages.";
int fontSize = GUI.skin.label.fontSize;
FontStyle fontStyle = GUI.skin.label.fontStyle;
GUI.skin.label.fontSize = 12;
GUI.skin.label.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
GUI.Label(infoRect, message);
GUI.skin.label.fontSize = fontSize;
GUI.skin.label.fontStyle = fontStyle;
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Log("Area Protection Mod: GUI Error: " + e.Message);