Papalstateslogs/Papal states (right before .../The Papal States - 『👋』Welco...

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Guild: The Papal States
Channel: 『👋』Welcome『👋』 / 🚂╠﹝train-station
[20-May-20 04:18 AM] Pope Benedict XV#0904
[21-May-20 05:18 AM] Laika#5681
• #📜╔﹝papal-laws - Laws of the Papal States, straight forward.
• #🌹╠﹝respect - How to address high ranks, and generally how to act.
• #🛂╠﹝how-to-verify - How to enter the country.
• #🔶╚﹝verification - Verify yourself here!
• #📢╔﹝main-announcements - Rome calling! This is your hub for most important/noteworthy announcements for the Papal States.
• #📢╠﹝military-announcements - A-ten-hut! This is your hub for military announcements, soldier!
• #📰╠﹝vatican-news - Extra, extra! Read all about it! This is your hub for all things related to the news.
• #📊╠﹝polls - This is where you will be polled for various "important" things, such as what kind of underwear the Pope should wear tomorrow for a ceremony.
• #❓╠﹝qotd - Question of the Day. You will be asked a question here and will be able to answer it in a channel that will be listed further down.
• #🧧╚﹝vote-confirmation - Confirm your vote here! Let's hope you voted for the right party!
• #👤╔﹝auto-roles - Add roles to yourself to your hearts content.
• #🚂╠﹝train-station - You're already here! Here will be the place where you can find your way around the server and figure out where you actually are in the maze of channels!
• #👌╠﹝disboard-bump - Bump the server here. You may have a chance of getting new people in the server! *You never know.*
• #deleted-channel - Figure out how a person managed to come into the server and who invited them here.
• #🛬╠﹝arrivals-and-departures - Find out who joined and who left. Best not be you who leaves. :dogegun:
• #😄╠﹝suggestions - Suggest, well, suggestions for the betterment of the Papal States!
• #❓╠﹝q-and-a-channel - Send your response to the QotD here!
• #🔢╚﹝count-to-infinity - Very self-explanatory, just count down to 2020!
[21-May-20 05:23 AM] Laika#5681
• #⛪╔﹝list-of-popes - Find out which old fart is in power and which old fart was previously in power here!
• #🔊╠﹝anthem-of-the-papal-states - Rise for the anthem!
• #👑╠﹝coronation-of-the-pope - Find out what a Pope gets/uses when getting coronated!
• #🌍╠﹝map-of-the-papal-states - The map of territories owned by the Papal States.
• #🇻🇦╠﹝papal-flags - Flags of the Papal States.
• #🛡╠﹝papal-coat-of-arms - Coat of Arms of the Papal States, not much to say.
• #⏫╠﹝the-rank-system - Here is where you find out how to weasel your way up the ranks!
• #📍╠﹝advertisement - Advertisement of the Papal States. Let's see what our fishing net managed to bring in!
• #🎆╠﹝holidays - Find out which days you have off from your boring office job.
• #🥇╚﹝medals - The list of medals you are able to obtain in the server.
[29-May-20 03:54 AM] Laika#5681
• #🏰╔﹝palazzo-apostolico - Where our current Pope lives!
• #⭐╠﹝roma - Basically the general chat for the server.
• #🌹╠﹝tomb-of-the-unknown-soldier - In a less light-hearted note, this channel is a memorial to those who have been lost to or have gone missing during war.
• #🍷╠﹝college-of-cardinals-conference-hall - As the name literally states, it's a conference hall for the College of Cardinals. (No, not the bird!)
• #📖╠﹝museum-📖 - The museum. You can find artifacts probably older than your Grandpa here!
• #🤺╠﹝the-colloseum - Fight to the death here! Recreate the movie, Gladiator!
• #👦╠﹝papal-families - Looking to weasel your way into a family? Look no further than this channel!
• #🏭╚﹝papal-industries - Work til ya' drop here!
• #🏦╔﹝vatican-bank - Looking for a loan for an upgrade to your car that's about as old as the Pope himself or trying to work even more? Then look no further (again), than this channel!
• #🏪╠﹝the-market - Buy a Holy Bible get another free! Buy all your needs here.
• #deleted-channel - Ready for a meal to satisfy yourself? Then this is the right place for you!
• #deleted-channel - Imagine the restaurant, *but like Starbucks!*
• #🍿╠﹝papal-theatre - Ready to watch your 32nd viewing of the entirety of Friends? If so, then head on over to the theatre!
• #🎬╠﹝roleplay - Roleplay to your heart's content here!
• #🤣╠﹝memes-and-art - Send your best laugh out loud and laugh til you cry memes here, as well as your (probably) great works of art you either made or stole off the internet!
• #deleted-channel - ***yeah just a singular image. I don't know what more to say. I'm just the girl who does the descriptions for the channels, so don't ask me***
• #🔰-╠﹝levels - Let's find out how much of your life you've dumped into the server via messages here!
[29-May-20 04:05 AM] Laika#5681
• #⛪╔﹝the-main-hall - blah blah blah, church stuff, holy bible, something about jesus. Let's move onto the more interesting stuff!
• #🥗╠﹝food-stall - Imagine the restaurant, *but it's a food stall.*
• #🗿-╚﹝funerals - Funerals for those who have passed away.
• #deleted-channel - The League of Holiness, obviously! This channel is used to describe and inform others about the Holy League and it's purposes and intents.
• #deleted-channel - See which other countries have entered and are in the Holy League here.
• #deleted-channel - Another alliance! What more to say.
• #🌐╠﹝world-concord - *yet another alliance*
• #🤝╔﹝papal-partners - Partners of the Papal States.
• #🤝╚﹝meeting-hall - Meetings between partners of the Papal States.
• #🌍╔﹝custom-maps - Maps of whatever alt-history scenario you can think of.
• #🌎╚﹝mappers-lounge Lounge around and talk about maps and the likes!
• #🔨╔﹝the-imperial-court - Pick up the can! This channel is the main court room for the Papal States.
• #🔨╠﹝jury-room - A room for the Jury of the Papal States. Let's see if they find you innocent or guilty.
• #💼╠﹝the-roman-curia *"I am the Senate!"* This is the senate room for the Papal States.
[03-Jun-20 02:14 AM] Laika#5681
• #🏫╔﹝play-ground - Imagine 4th grade and going to recess. (*How fun.*)
• #🏫╠﹝class-room - It's the thing everyone dreads. Actually learning!
• #🏫╚﹝staff-room - Staff lounge. I wonder if they have a sofa and a soda machine there!
• #🤔╠﹝how-to-make-a-party - If you're looking to start a new party or are simply interested in a hypothetical party you could make, look here! (for the format that is!) There are also plenty of references to base your party off of. Be the change you seek for!
• #🏛-╠﹝make-a-party - Send your party info here in order to have it processed and accepted/declined! Only *you* can make a difference.
• #📑╔﹝list-of-parties - Looking to find a party that tickles your fancy? Go here and find one and its info. (You can join one via the auto roles)
• #⛪╔﹝crusader-knights-barracks - Time for a crusade, boys! Train here if you are a Crusader.
• #💂╠﹝field-forces-barracks - Atttttention! Train here if you are a part of the Armed Forces, maggot!
• #🏇╠﹝military-stables - CHARGE! Train here if you are a part of the cavalry! *Trust me, you'll die a hero.*
• #👑╠﹝swiss-guard-barracks - Looks like the Swiss are here! Train here if you are a part of the Swiss Guard. Now, get protecting!
• #🚢╚﹝military-ports - ***What will we do with a drunken sailor?*** Train here if you are a part of the Navy.
• #🤖╔﹝bot-commands - Use the bots to your heart's content!
• #🤖╚﹝music-commands - Wanna listen to what ever K-Pop song you like? Then look no further than here!
Exported 6 message(s)