Papalstateslogs/Papal states (right before .../The Papal States - 『🏛』debat...

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<div class="preamble__entries-container">
<div class="preamble__entry">The Papal States</div>
<div class="preamble__entry">&#127963;』debates『&#128173;』 / &#128172;╚﹝other-topics</div>
<div class="chatlog">
<div class="chatlog__message-group">
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<div class="chatlog__messages">
<span class="chatlog__author-name" title="O Corvo#8407" data-user-id="650342426778796043" style="color: rgb(214,104,14)">O Corvo</span>
<span class="chatlog__timestamp">30-May-20 10:57 AM</span>
<div class="chatlog__message " data-message-id="716319391389843507" id="message-716319391389843507">
<div class="chatlog__content">
<div class="markdown">does ✠<img class="emoji " alt="♰" title="♰" src="">✠the-holy-league✠<img class="emoji " alt="♰" title="♰" src="">✠ exitst already? </div>
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<div class="chatlog__messages">
<span class="chatlog__author-name" title="Pope Benedict XV#0904" data-user-id="609236869711921162" style="color: rgb(228,180,0)">Dank Server Owner Benedict XV</span>
<span class="chatlog__timestamp">31-May-20 12:20 AM</span>
<div class="chatlog__message " data-message-id="716521356266831878" id="message-716521356266831878">
<div class="chatlog__content">
<div class="markdown"><span class="mention" title="O Corvo#8407">@O Corvo</span> sorte of </div>
<div class="chatlog__message-group">
<div class="chatlog__author-avatar-container">
<img class="chatlog__author-avatar" src="" alt="Avatar">
<div class="chatlog__messages">
<span class="chatlog__author-name" title="Pope Benedict XV#0904" data-user-id="609236869711921162" style="color: rgb(228,180,0)">Dank Server Owner Benedict XV</span>
<span class="chatlog__timestamp">28-Jul-20 10:52 AM</span>
<div class="chatlog__message " data-message-id="737698903696080938" id="message-737698903696080938">
<div class="chatlog__content">
<div class="markdown">Nope </div>
<div class="chatlog__message " data-message-id="737698914983215216" id="message-737698914983215216">
<div class="chatlog__content">
<div class="markdown">It&#39;s dead now </div>
<div class="chatlog__message " data-message-id="737698954023796775" id="message-737698954023796775">
<div class="chatlog__content">
<div class="markdown">I personally stabbed it </div>
<div class="chatlog__message-group">
<div class="chatlog__author-avatar-container">
<img class="chatlog__author-avatar" src="" alt="Avatar">
<div class="chatlog__messages">
<span class="chatlog__author-name" title="superiorob#1422" data-user-id="408069694445322262" style="color: rgb(215,52,42)">Roberto I of Roma</span>
<span class="chatlog__timestamp">29-Jul-20 07:47 PM</span>
<div class="chatlog__message " data-message-id="738196008906784808" id="message-738196008906784808">
<div class="chatlog__content">
<div class="markdown">Oof </div>
<div class="chatlog__message-group">
<div class="chatlog__author-avatar-container">
<img class="chatlog__author-avatar" src="" alt="Avatar">
<div class="chatlog__messages">
<span class="chatlog__author-name" title="superiorob#1422" data-user-id="408069694445322262" style="color: rgb(215,52,42)">Roberto I of Roma</span>
<span class="chatlog__timestamp">30-Jul-20 10:01 AM</span>
<div class="chatlog__message " data-message-id="738411005322854500" id="message-738411005322854500">
<div class="chatlog__content">
<div class="markdown">Mega oof </div>
<div class="chatlog__message-group">
<div class="chatlog__author-avatar-container">
<img class="chatlog__author-avatar" src="" alt="Avatar">
<div class="chatlog__messages">
<span class="chatlog__author-name" title="Pope Benedict XV#0904" data-user-id="609236869711921162" style="color: rgb(228,180,0)">Dank Server Owner Benedict XV</span>
<span class="chatlog__timestamp">31-Jul-20 08:10 AM</span>
<div class="chatlog__message " data-message-id="738745281809612800" id="message-738745281809612800">
<div class="chatlog__content">
<div class="markdown">Y </div>
<div class="postamble">
<div class="postamble__entry">Exported 8 message(s)</div>