'replace_what' group if items to replace e.g. {"farming:wheat_8", "farming:carrot_8"}
'replace_with' replace with what e.g. "air" or in chickens case "mobs:egg"
'replace_rate' how random should the replace rate be (typically 10)
'replace_offset' +/- value to check specific node to replace
The mob api also has some preset variables and functions that it will remember for each mob
'self.gotten' this is used for obtaining milk from cow and wool from sheep
'self.horny' when animal fed enough it is set to true and animal can breed with same animal
'self.child' used for when breeding animals have child, will use child_texture and be half size
'self.owner' string used to set owner of npc mobs, typically used for dogs
'self.order' set to "follow" or "stand" so that npc will follow owner or stand it's ground
'on_die' a function that is called when mob is killed
'do_custom' a custom function that is called while mob is active and which has access to all of the self.* variables e.g. (self.health for health or self.standing_in for node status), return with 'false' to skip remainder of mob API.
These functions register a spawn algorithm for the mob. Without this function the call the mobs won't spawn.
'name' is the name of the animal/monster
'nodes' is a list of nodenames on that the animal/monster can spawn on top of
'neighbors' is a list of nodenames on that the animal/monster will spawn beside (default is {"air"} for mobs:register_spawn)
'max_light' is the maximum of light
'min_light' is the minimum of light
'interval' is same as in register_abm() (default is 30 for mobs:register_spawn)
'chance' is same as in register_abm()
'active_object_count' mob is only spawned if active_object_count_wider of ABM is <= this
'min_height' is the maximum height the mob can spawn
'max_height' is the maximum height the mob can spawn
'day_toggle' true for day spawning, false for night or nil for anytime
'on_spawn' is a custom function which runs after mob has spawned and gives self and pos values.
... also a simpler way to handle mob spawns has been added with the mobs:spawn(def) command which uses above names to make settings clearer:
mobs:spawn({name = "mobs_monster:tree_monster",
nodes = {"group:leaves"},
max_light = 7,
Players can override the spawn chance for each mob registered by adding a line to their minetest.conf file with a new value, the lower the value the more each mob will spawn e.g.
mobs_animal:sheep_chance 11000 or mobs_monster:sand_monster_chance 100
For each mob that spawns with this function is a field in mobs.spawning_mobs. It tells if the mob should spawn or not. Default is true. So other mods can only use the API of this mod by disabling the spawning of the default mobs in this mod.
mobs:register_arrow(name, definition)
This function registers a arrow for mobs with the attack type shoot.
'name' is the name of the arrow
-definition' is a table with the following values:
'visual' same is in minetest.register_entity()
'visual_size' same is in minetest.register_entity()
'textures' same is in minetest.register_entity()
'velocity' the velocity of the arrow
'drop' if set to true any arrows hitting a node will drop as item
'hit_player' a function that is called when the arrow hits a player; this function should hurt the player
the parameters are (self, player)
'hit_mob' a function that is called when the arrow hits a mob; this function should hurt the mob
the parameters are (self, player)
'hit_node' a function that is called when the arrow hits a node
the parameters are (self, pos, node)
'tail' when set to 1 adds a trail or tail to mob arrows
'tail_texture' texture string used for above effect
'tail_size' has size for above texture (defaults to between 5 and 10)
This function registers a spawn egg which can be used by admin to properly spawn in a mob.
'name' this is the name of your new mob to spawn e.g. "mob:sheep"
'description' the name of the new egg you are creating e.g. "Spawn Sheep"
'background' the texture displayed for the egg in inventory
'addegg' would you like an egg image in front of your texture (1=yes, 0=no)
'no_creative' when set to true this stops spawn egg appearing in creative mode for destructive mobs like Dungeon Masters
mobs:explosion(pos, radius, fire, smoke)
This function generates an explosion which removes nodes in a specific radius and replace them with fire or air. Protection nodes, obsidian and locked chests will not be destroyed although a normal chest will drop it's contents.
'pos' centre position of explosion
'radius' radius of explosion (typically set to 3)
'fire' should fire appear in explosion (1=yes, 0=no)
'smoke' should smoke appear in explosion (1=yes, 0=no)
This function is generally called inside the on_rightclick section of the mob api code, it provides a chance of capturing the mob by hand, using the net or magic lasso items, and can also have the player take the mob by force if tamed and replace with another item entirely.
'self' mob information
'clicker' player information
'chance_hand' chance of capturing mob by hand (1 to 100) 0 to disable
'chance_net' chance of capturing mob using net (1 to 100) 0 to disable
'chance_lasso' chance of capturing mob using magic lasso (1 to 100) 0 to disable
'force_take' take mob by force, even if tamed (true or false)
'replacewith' once captured replace mob with this item instead
mobs:feed_tame(self, clicker, feed_count, breed)
This function allows the mob to be fed the item inside self.follow be it apple, wheat or whatever a set number of times and be tamed or bred as a result.
'self' mob information
'clicker' player information
'feed_count' number of times mob must be fed to tame or breed
'breed' true or false stating if mob can be bred and a child created afterwards
'tame' true or false stating if mob can be tamed so player can pick them up
mobs:protect(self, clicker)
This function can be used to right-click any tamed mob with mobs:protector item, this will protect the mob from harm inside of a protected area from other players.
'self' mob information
'clicker' player information
Useful Internal Variables
'self.health' contains current health of mob
'self.texture_list' contains list of all mob textures
'self.child_texture' contains mob child texture when growing up
'self.base_texture' contains current skin texture which was randomly selected from textures list
'self.gotten' true when sheep have been sheared or cows have been milked, a toggle switch which can be used for many functions
'self.child' true when mob is currently a child (when two mobs have bred and current mob is the outcome)
'self.hornytimer' background timer that controls breeding functions and mob childhood timings
Mobs can now be ridden by players and the following shows the functions and usage:
mobs:attach(self, player)
This function attaches a player to the mob so it can be ridden.
'self' mob information
'player' player information
mobs:detach(player, offset)
This function will detach the player currently riding a mob to an offset position.